arrangement, in bend sinister:3

Argent, a bend sinister lozengy between a lion rampant and in bend sinister three swords inverted sable. Ian MacDougall of Skye (6/1983 Midd)

Argent, in bend sinister three roundels vert between two scarpes gemel sable. Catherine Hunter (8/2007 Caid)

Argent, three eagles in bend sinister between two scarpes azure. Vladimir of Wroclaw (12/1992 East)

Argent, three hearts in bend sinister sable within a bordure wavy gules. Juliana da Mestre (10/1991 East)

Argent, three lozenges sable in bend sinister between two scarpes gules between two cats sejant respectant each lifting a forepaw sable. Loinseach Mac an Leisdeir (2/1996 Caid)

Azure, a bend argent, in bend sinister three domestic cats salient counterchanged. Eleanor of Almedan (6/1984 Caid)

Azure, in bend sinister three fish naiant to sinister base, a bordure Or. Olafr Melrakki (9/1992 Caid)

Azure, in bend sinister three lightning bolts bendwise Or. Donnchad MacGadfraidh (9/2001 AEth)

Azure, in bend sinister three paw prints bendwise sinister argent, the centermost within a bow bendwise string to base Or. Catherine MacLaren (8/2008 Outl)

Azure, in bend sinister three swans naiant within an orle wavy, all argent. Otfrid Ammerthaler (2/1986 East)

Azure, three lozenges palewise in bend sinister within a double tressure argent. Ian Dragonfang (6/1986 East)

Ermine, in bend sinister three hearts azure. Christina O Ryan (12/1992 Meri)

Ermine, in bend sinister three popinjays proper. Çinara Baraceco (12/2009 Loch)

(Fieldless) In bend sinister three mullets of four points conjoined argent. Alysandir Hunter (4/2003 Atla)

Gules, in bend sinister three oak leaves bendwise within a bordure Or. Aurddeilen ap Robet (2/1986 East)

Gules, in bend sinister three pomegranates Or seeded gules. Amaryllis Alexandrea de Lacey (11/2008 West)

Or, in bend sinister three trees blasted and eradicated and embowed to dexter, within on a bordure sable a laurel wreath Or. Borderwinds, Canton of (10/1985 West)

Pean, three annulets in bend sinister Or. Asha of the Outlands (12/1991 Outl)

Per bend azure and argent, three torches palewise in bend sinister counterchanged. Karen Stevenson (6/1985 West)

Per bend azure and vert, in bend sinister three bees bendwise sinister Or winged argent. Elsa Olavintytär (7/2010 Aten)

Per bend checky gules and argent and checky argent and sable, in bend sinister a tankard Or between an ant sable and an ant gules, heads to center. Erika Rothals (4/2010 East)

Per bend gules and Or, in bend sinister three crosses crosslet fitchy counterchanged. Magdalen Ainslee MacNeil (5/1988 Meri)

Per bend Or and azure, in bend sinister an axe and an axe inverted addorsed bendwise, and a fleur-de-lys Or. Typhenon Felyse de Valois (11/2011 Atla)

Per bend raguly gules and argent, three bones bendwise in bend sinister and a fleam counterchanged. Lawrence Taillefer the Leech (4/1985 Calo)

Per bend sable and vert, in bend sinister three crosses formy Or. Eric von Wald (10/1990 Caid)

Per bend sinister argent and azure, in bend sinister three butterflies bendwise sinister azure. Ailleann inghean Fhiodhbhuidhe (7/2006 Outl)

Per bend sinister argent and Or, three dexter hands in bend sinister and a lion rampant gules, a bordure sable. Éamonn mac Alaxandair (1/2008 AEth)

Per bend sinister argent and sable, in bend sinister three lozenges bendwise sinister conjoined throughout counterchanged. Gwyneth Banfhidhleir (8/1984 Midd)

Per bend sinister argent and vert, three annulets in bend sinister counterchanged. Giana Gabriella da Milano (1/2003 East)

Per bend sinister azure and argent, a horse salient argent and three horseshoes in bend sinister azure. Ponce Rodrigo de Loronha (9/1999 Outl)

Per bend sinister azure and Or, in bend sinister three mullets of four points gules between in bend a narwhal naiant embowed bendwise sinister and an Emperor penguin statant affronty, head to sinister, proper. [Aptenodytes forsteri] Phelan of Penguinroost (9/1983 Caid)

Per bend sinister azure and Or, in bend sinister three spears bendwise counterchanged. Aaron Wolfe Gunnvarson (5/1991 Anst)

Per bend sinister azure and vert, in bend sinister three bezants. Jared le Tregettur (5/1992 West)

Per bend sinister Or and gules, three escallops in bend sinister and a sea-horse erect counterchanged. Angharad ferch Gareth (8/1986 Caid)

Per bend sinister purpure and argent, three fleurs-de-lys in bend sinister counterchanged. Maria ferch Emrys (12/1992 East)

Per bend sinister purpure and vert, three roses in bend sinister argent, barbed and seeded proper, and a catamount sejant Or. Genevieve Rose de Glendalough (9/2011 Midd)

Per bend sinister sable and Or, in bend sinister three roses between in bend a dagger fesswise reversed and a dagger fesswise counterchanged. Elisabetta Rosa (10/2002 East)

Per bend sinister vairy vert and Or and gules, a raven contourny sable and three cups in bend sinister Or. Wulstan of Ravenswood (4/1997 East)

Per bend sinister wavy Or and azure, three tulip blossoms in bend sinister gules and three cushions in bend sinister Or. Cameron de Halby (9/1995 Midd)

Per bend sinister wavy Or and azure, three tulip blossoms in bend sinister gules and three cushions in bend sinister Or. Cameron de Halby (9/1995 Midd)

Per bend vert and azure, in bend sinister three tulip-poplar leaves Or. Viviana Fiorentina (11/2003 Meri)

Per bend vert and purpure, in bend sinister three mullets argent. Ulrich von Landstuhl (11/2000 Midd)

Per bend wavy gules and sable, three lozenges in bend sinister within a bordure argent. Alisaundre of Greyhame (10/1992 Midd)

Per fess vert and sable, in bend sinister three bees Or. Sciath inghean Airt (11/2008 West)

Per pale gules and sable, three compass stars in bend sinister Or. Awilda Haeulfdan (4/1985 Midd)

Purpure, three delfs voided interlaced in bend sinister argent. Robert de Spenser of Wessex (5/1991 Calo)

Purpure, three roses in bend sinister argent between two scarpes Or, between a horse's head erased contourny and a horse's head erased argent. Jenny Lynn of Carlisle (1/1993 Atla)

Quarterly argent and sable, in bend sinister three roundels counterchanged. Dart Dumas (10/1995 AnTi)

Quarterly azure and sable, three Latin crosses bottony in bend sinister Or. Fíonnlaoch O'hAirt (6/1991 Caid)

Quarterly embattled azure and vert, in bend sinister two needles in saltire inverted and a peacock argent. Euginia in rauða (1/2012 Caid)

Quarterly pean and gules, in bend sinister three thistles Or. Pádraigín Ó hEachach (7/2001 Atla)

Sable, in bend sinister three mascles palewise between two scarpes argent. Ilia filia Symeon (7/1999 West)

Sable, in bend sinister three mullets of four points conjoined all within an orle argent. Alysandir Hunter (4/2003 Atla)

Sable, on a saltire cotised argent, in bend sinister three wolves courant to base sable. Ilissa the Nightwatcher (5/1992 Meri)

Sable, three mullets in bend sinister Or. Asad de Barcelona (10/2003 AEth)

Vert, in bend sinister three acorns inverted slipped and leaved Or. Conchobar mac Lochlainn (1/2005 Caid)

Vert, in bend sinister three mullets of six points within a bordure argent. Uilliam of Sundragon (10/2008 Aten)

Vert, in bend sinister three paw prints bendwise sinister and in dexter chief a cat sejant to sinister, forepaw raised, all within a bordure argent. Juliana Greyfern Kindlehurst of Clowderhome (3/1988 Caid)

Vert, three increscents in bend sinister between two scarpes argent. Lydia Brittanica (5/1992 West)

Vert, three quavers in bend sinister argent. Moire MacGraha (3/2012 East)