arrangement, in saltire:2

Argent, a bear rampant sable armed and langued gules beneath a pen and sword crossed saltirewise sable, all within a bordure per bend vert and gules. Peter von Emker (12/1971)

Argent, a bear rampant sable armed and langued gules beneath a pen and sword crossed saltirewise sable, all within a bordure per bend vert and gules. Peter von Emker (12/1971)

Argent, a bend azure between two double-bitted axes in saltire sable and a stag's head couped contourny proper. Gyna Brusadotther (8/2011 Anst)

Argent, a cat couchant to sinister sable and on a chief indented azure three pairs of needles in saltire argent. Karawin Mantell (8/1983 West)

Argent, a chevron inverted azure, overall in chief a cherry tree eradicated fructed proper, in base two arrows inverted crossed in saltire near the fletching sable. Elaine of the Woods (12/1982 Anst)

Argent, a chevron sable between a bat and two lit candles in saltire gules. Blaise Makkynnay (12/2002 Aten)

Argent, a dagger and an axe in saltire sable, a bordure sable semy of lightning bolts argent. Sean Edward de Marksberry (6/2005 Midd)

Argent, a horse salient and in base two tilting-lances in saltire azure. Katharyn Clatworthy (1/1996 East)

Argent, a mascle sable fretted with two quill pens gules, in in chief a thistle purpure, slipped and leaved vert. Talan Gwynek (8/1992 Midd)

Argent, a pair of wooden stick hobby horses in saltire proper. Eduard das Kind (7/1990 Caid)

Argent, a quill pen and a trumpet in saltire sable between four trefoils in cross and a bordure nebuly vert. Ailionora inghean Ronain (5/2007 East)

Argent, a raven contourny sable, on a chief vert two swords in saltire argent. John O'Gara (8/1993 Midd)

Argent, a rose branch and a sword inverted in saltire sable, on a chief purpure two lions passant argent. Kinborough Lyons (8/1995 East)

Argent, a rose gules, overall two swords in saltire and on a chief sable three roses argent. Alessandra di Teodoro (7/2000 AEth)

Argent, a scimitar gules and a scimitar sable crossed in saltire. Robert Blade (12/2000 Arte)

Argent, a tree blasted and eradicated gules, in chief two pairs of hammers in saltire azure hafted proper, a bordure vert. Armand le Charpentier (5/1992 Atla)

Argent, a tree eradicated sable, its roots entwining two swords inverted in saltire, a bordure vert. Rúadhán of Shadowwood (7/1993 Trim)

Argent, a winged stag's head affronty erased at the shoulder wings displayed azure and in base two swords in saltire sable. Wynterset, Stronghold of (2/2004 AEth)

Argent, an Angora goat's head cabossed and in base two arrows inverted in saltire, within a bordure sable. Thorgunna denn Haskasamligr (8/1979)

Argent chapé ployé purpure, in pale a raven displayed conjoined to a pair of axes in saltire sable. Sorcha inghean mhic Dhubhghaill (11/2007 Atla)

Argent, chapé sable, a dragon segreant to sinister, two swords inverted in saltire Or, and an old scholar statant affronté proper, vested azure. Gregor of Camton (7/1982 Caid)

Argent, chappe azure, in saltire two pilgrims' staves within a laurel wreath vert, between in fess a sun in his splendour and an escarbuncle argent. Shasta, Province of (1/1973)

Argent goutty de sang, a greyhound statant coward, on a chief sable two spears in saltire Or. Jonathan ap Morgan (9/1993 Anst)

Argent goutty de sang, two rapiers crossed in saltire sable surmounted by a harp reversed proper. Diego de Marulanda (4/2000 Aten)

Argent, in chief two swords in saltire sable and in base two griffins combattant gules each brandishing two swords sable. Karl der Gaukler von Zähringen (5/1996 Midd)

Argent, in pale a demi-maiden proper crined gules and vested purpure and two cutlasses in saltire sable. Jose Leodefrediz (3/2008 Meri)

Argent, in pale a falcon [Falco peregrinus anatum] rising reguardant, wings displayed, and in saltire a garden rose and a thistle, both slipped and leaved, all proper. Peregrynne Wyndrider (4/2006 East)

Argent, in pale a grenade gules and two battleaxes in saltire sable, a chief dovetailed gules. Liam MacIan of the Bloody Foreland (11/1989 Atla)

Argent, in pale a leather camel saddle proper, two scimitars in saltire sable, and a pavilion, all within a bordure vert. Fatima al Mendizayya (7/1983 Meri)

Argent, in pale a raven displayed and two swords in saltire, a bordure embattled sable. Mavrikii Andronikov (1/1993 Outl)

Argent, in pale a sun in his splendor gules and two arrows inverted in saltire sable flighted all between two pallets vert. William Fletcher (12/2002 AnTi)

Argent, in pale a tree and in saltire a Viking bearded axe and a smithing hammer gules, and for augmentation, on a chief checky gules and argent three roundels Or. Thorfinn Greybeard (4/2010 Outl)

Argent, in pale a tree and in saltire a Viking bearded axe and a smithing hammer gules. Thorfinn Greybeard (4/2010 Outl)

Argent, in pale a two-man cross-cut saw and two hammers in saltire sable all within a bordure sable semy of maple leaves argent. Tancred of Tangewood (12/2002 Eald)

Argent, in pale the map of Cyprus Or and two olive branches stems crossed in saltire vert. Cyprus (9/1995 Laur)

Argent, in pale two arrows in saltire sable and a bottle gules. Els Singer (6/2010 Aten)

Argent, in pale two axes in saltire and a wolf's head caboshed, a bordure embattled sable. Víga-Þorfinnr inn svarti (8/1997 Meri)

Argent, in pale two quill pens in saltire gules and a bird sable maintaining in its beak a sprig of cherries proper. Sadhbh ní Dhonnabhain (2/1999 Outl)

Argent, in pale two spears in saltire and a phoenix's claw inverted vert, issuant from flames of fire proper. Sacred Stone, Barony of the (12/1987 Atla)

Argent, in saltire a chain bendwise throughout azure broken by a sword inverted bendwise sinister sable, overall a laurel wreath vert. Carlsby, Shire of (5/1984 Calo)

Argent, in saltire a drinking horn and a feather all within an orle gules. Alfred of Greyvale (7/2002 West)

Argent, in saltire a drinking horn and a sword inverted per pale sable and gules, all within a bordure gules and sable. Keira Gunnvorsdottir (7/1989 Anst)

Argent, in saltire a lute proper and a quill pen sable. Aislinn of Ashgrove (6/1992 Caid)

Argent, in saltire a rose branch vert with a rose gules, and a double-bitted axe sable, in base three gouts one and two gules. Lynette of Loch Soillier (6/1993 Anst)

Argent, in saltire a rose purpure, slipped and leaved vert, and a sword inverted purpure, a base wavy barry wavy vert and argent. William Atherbridge (8/2007 Midd)

Argent, in saltire a rose, slipped and leaved, and a rapier inverted sable, a tierce gules. Galen de More (10/2006G)

Argent, in saltire a rosebud gules, slipped and leaved vert, and a sword sable, in base a crescent azure. Francis de Grâce (1/1984 AnTi)

Argent, in saltire a sewing needle and a shepherd's crook sable within a bordure invected gules. Inga Calle (10/1992 AnTi)

Argent, in saltire a single-bitted axe and a hammer inverted hafted of a lightning flash gules, a chief embattled azure. Rena Thorbjornsdottir (7/1992 Midd)

Argent, in saltire a single-bitted axe and a hammer inverted hafted of a lightning flash gules, within a bordure sable. Thorbjorn the Graysides (5/1986 Midd)

Argent, in saltire a smith's hammer and a pair of tongs, in base a square anvil sable. Gerbert Faber de Rouen (4/1988 Trim)

Argent, in saltire a sword sable and a rose branch flowered of a single rose proper. Gwendolyn Bonnivet (7/2004 AEth)

Argent, in saltire a trident and a sword inverted sable, overall a flame of fire proper, all within a bordure sable, fretty argent. Marcos Ironworker (5/1988 Atla)

Argent, in saltire a wand slipped proper and a sword gules quilloned sable, between in fess a bezant charged with a pentacle sable and a cup azure, and in chief an eye argent, fimbriated, irised pupilled, and radiant sable. Middle, Kingdom of the (12/1975 Midd)

Argent, in saltire an arrow inverted and a sword between four apples gules. Wilhelm Ketterman (1/1983 East)

Argent, in saltire an arrow inverted and a sword between four apples gules. Wilhelm Ketterman (1/1983 East)

Argent, in saltire an arrow inverted sable, barbed and fletched, and a fleam gules, hafted sable. Hacmin ben Yosef (11/1982 Midd)

Argent, in saltire two arrow fletchings within an annulet sable. Katayama Tarou Hiromoto (5/2010 Caid)

Argent, in saltire two arrows inverted, on a chief urdy sable three annulets argent. Sander Tauernier (5/1997 Aten)

Argent, in saltire two arrows inverted sable, overall a sea-lion erect vert. Mario l'Arciere (4/1982 West)

Argent, in saltire two gillyflowers gules, slipped and leaved vert, in base a closed book palewise gules, clasped Or. Alicia Langland (6/1988 East)

Argent, in saltire two jester's baubles proper capped and surmounted by a bear's head couped all within a bordure azure. Dmitri Ivanovich Vladimirov Skomorochov (6/2003 Trim)

Argent, in saltire two lightning bolts issuant from chief Or, fimbriated and overall a natural panther's head cabossed sable, orbed Or and langued gules. David of Cath Mawr (8/1980 Midd)

Argent, in saltire two pussy willow branches proper within a bordure counter-ermine. Gabrielle nicChlurain (11/2011 Caid)

Argent, in saltire two rapiers sable between four roses gules barbed vert. Caroline of Burgundy (7/2000 AEth)

Argent, in saltire two roses gules slipped and leaved vert and on a chief sable three otters statant Or. Abigail O Brogan (2/2002 Anst)

Argent, in saltire two roses, slipped and leaved, azure and a chief purpure. Elizabeth of the Blue Rose (2/1989 West)

Argent, in saltire two swords enflamed proper. Timothy Montgomery (6/1976)

Argent mullety azure, a recorder and a staff in saltire sable. Æthelwine the Minstrel (1/1993 Outl)

Argent, on a chevron enhanced azure three goats' heads erased argent, and in base in saltire a garb of wheat and a scythe proper. Samuel of Mossy Dell Fief (1/1976)

Argent, on a chevron sable between two gryphons combattant and two swords in saltire azure, three compass-stars Or. Duncan Angus MacDonald (12/1985 Trim)

Argent, on a chevron wavy between three pairs of quills in saltire sable, a wolf passant guardant argent. David Keth of Ercildoun (7/1987 Midd)

Argent, on a fess wavy azure between two pairs of swords inverted in saltire sable, a Bengal tiger's head cabossed Or, marked sable, between two compass stars argent. Wolfram van Westervelt (7/1989 Caid)

Argent, on a pale between four pairs of arrows inverted crossed in saltire sable, a wolf's head cabossed between two pairs of arrows inverted crossed in saltire argent. Rhys ap Trahaearn (11/1992 Atla)

Argent, on a pale between four pairs of arrows inverted crossed in saltire sable, a wolf's head cabossed between two pairs of arrows inverted crossed in saltire argent. Rhys ap Trahaearn (11/1992 Atla)

Argent, on a pile sable an anvil and in chief in saltire a sledge-hammer and a dagger argent. David Gallowglass (5/1980 Anst)

Argent, on a saltire gules between four boar's heads couped close sable, two swords in saltire argent. Geoffrey Charles Bertrand Scrymger (5/1992 Anst)

Argent, on a saltire sable between four crosses crosslet fitchy gules two swords inverted in saltire enflamed at the blades proper. Stephen of Westmarch (1/1980 West)

Argent, on a tree proper two swords inverted in saltire argent, a bordure azure. Talmon Wilbanks (5/2000 Anst)

Argent semy of compass stars vert, two axes in saltire sable and overall a boar's head cabossed gules. Galen ap Rhys (12/2011 West)

Argent, semy-de-lis gules, two lightning bolts in saltire sable. Etienne Harcourt de Lyon (2/1994 Drac)

Argent, two anchors in saltire and on a chief wavy azure in sinister a mullet Or. Edmund Brewer of Diveles (5/2010 Caid)

Argent, two arrows in saltire gules overall a seeblatt on a chief sable a bow argent. Bruno Jäger (1/1995 Atla)

Argent, two arrows in saltire inverted gules and overall a daffodil [Narcissus pseudo-narcissus] seeded proper. Mary Berceau du Chat (12/1980 Midd)

Argent, two arrows in saltire inverted gules between four card piques sable. Ilaria Allegri Carreto (1/1998 Aten)

Argent, two arrows in saltire sable surmounted by a periwinkle all between in pale two periwinkles azure. Daniel of Shadowed Stars (3/2011 Midd)

Argent, two arrows in saltire surmounted by a feather vert, a bordure embattled purpure. Cecelia Wrenne (2/2005 Outl)

Argent, two arrows inverted in saltire sable, fletched gules, entwined with an ivy vine proper. Hillary Stormrider (2/1980 Aten)

Argent, two arrows inverted in saltire sable, fletched, on a chief gules, a tyger dormant Or. Kane Redfeather (10/1989 Meri)

Argent, two arrows inverted in saltire vert between four gouttes de larmes. Rayne Archer of Annan (10/2008 Caid)

Argent, two arrows inverted in saltire vert between in pale two boar's heads erased sable. Geoffrey of Emerald Glen (2/1984 Calo)

Argent, two axes in saltire and in base a rose, all within a bordure indented sable. Uther Blackthorne (8/1989 Anst)

Argent, two axes in saltire surmounted by a staff of Aesculapius azure all within a bordure rayonny gules. Frederick Tinamou the Untamed (12/2003 Aten)

Argent, two billhooks addorsed in saltire sable, a chief doubly enarched vert. Andrew Mariner (3/2005 East)

Argent, two bucks counter-salient in saltire proper within a laurel wreath vert, a bordure embattled sable. Buckland Cross, Shire of (7/1996 East)

Argent, two crampons crossed in saltire within a bordure dovetailed azure. Alistair Ian McGregor (4/2000 Aten)

Argent, two cross-peen hammers in saltire sable and a mountain of three peaks vert. Markus von Brixlegg (11/1996 Drac)

Argent, two daggers inverted in saltire sable between four thistles proper, a bordure counter-ermine. Anne Gryffyth (3/2011 East)

Argent, two feathers in saltire between four crescents azure. Brianna of Locksley (11/1985 West)

Argent, two garden rosebuds slipped and leaved in saltire between two flaunches sable each charged with a leaf argent. Gwyneth Blackrose (9/1990 Anst)

Argent, two halberds in saltire gules, between four gillyflowers sable, barbed and seeded gules. Louisa LochSkye (9/1988 Caid)

Argent, two hammers in saltire between in pale an estoile and on a point pointed engrailed gules an estoile argent. Louis Martel (4/1988 Meri)

Argent, two hammers in saltire sable overall a pair of shears gules. Catherine Harwell (1/1996 Anst)

Argent, two hammers in saltire vert. Sandor Hackbrett (1/1987 West)

Argent, two herons respectant necks entwined and on a chief invected azure two swords inverted in saltire argent. Elizabet MacKenzie de Ross (2/2002 Meri)

Argent, two jester's staffs in saltire and in base two chevronels, all within on a bordure azure, a laurel wreath argent. Novus Matisco, Shire of (1/1989 Meri)

Argent, two keys in saltire wards in base sable between four roses proper. Muirenn ingen Donndubáin (2/2003 Caid)

Argent, two ladders in saltire sable between in fess two torteaux. Beinean Colm of Caer Draigwyrdd (3/1984 Atla)

Argent, two ladles in saltire between four crabs and a bordure azure. Lochmere, Barony of (3/2002 Atla)

Argent, two lightning bolts in saltire gules, overall a wolf's head couped sable. Titus Claudius Silvanus (4/2010 East)

Argent, two mallets in saltire, on a chief sable three quills palewise argent. Emrys Llewellyn (1/1989 West)

Argent, two oarlocks in saltire and on a chief azure three garbs Or. Edward the Tall (8/2008n)

Argent, two palm trees couped, trunks crossed in saltire, and in chief a flame proper. Atenveldt, Barony of (12/1988 Aten)

Argent, two palm trees in saltire, a dexter tierce vert, in chief three crescents inverted counterchanged. Isma'il ibn Ihsaan ibn Hassan (9/1990 Anst)

Argent, two palm trees, trunks crossed in saltire, proper and in chief a chalice azure. Atenveldt, Barony of (1/1991 Aten)

Argent, two palm trees, trunks crossed in saltire, proper and in chief a clarion purpure. Atenveldt, Barony of (1/1991 Aten)

Argent, two palm trees, trunks crossed in saltire, proper and in chief a Lochaber ax sable. Atenveldt, Barony of (1/1991 Aten)

Argent, two palm trees, trunks crossed in saltire, proper and in chief a sinister glove appaumy vert. Atenveldt, Barony of (1/1991 Aten)

Argent, two palm trees, trunks in saltire and in chief a pole axe gules. Atenveldt, Barony of (2/2010 Aten)

Argent, two rapiers crossed in saltire sable surmounted by a ram's head cabossed gules, on a chief sable a sheaf of three arrows argent. Edward of Westmark (4/2000 Aten)

Argent, two rapiers in saltire sable between three escutcheons gules, a bordure sable. Brendan Hay (12/1992 Atla)

Argent, two rapiers in saltire sable, overall a griffin passant gules. Gwylym ab Owain Tatershal (12/1996 Aten)

Argent, two rapiers in saltire sable surmounted by a rose purpure and on a chief azure five mullets argent. Vincenzo Antonio Maria Paci (12/2008 Aten)

Argent, two rose branches in saltire vert, each with a rose gules, and on a chief sable three butterflies Or. Rosalia di Bellavita (9/1998 Anst)

Argent, two roses in saltire gules slipped and leaved sable, a chief triangular purpure goutty d'eau. Elizabeth Blackthorne (11/2006 Anst)

Argent, two roses in saltire gules slipped within a wreath of ivy vert. Adam Fairamay (10/2008 AnTi)

Argent, two scimitars in saltire and on a chief sable three decrescents argent. Rahmat al-Tayyibba (7/2004 Arte)

Argent, two shepherd's crooks in saltire sable and overall a boar passant azure. Seosamh Tadhg an Crúca O'Maille (9/1990 East)

Argent, two single-bitted axes in saltire and on a chief gules three recorders palewise argent. Gunnarr skáld Þorvaldsson (6/2002 Eald)

Argent, two spears in saltire and on a chief vert three harps argent. Robert Stonor (6/1991 East)

Argent, two spears in saltire gules surmounted by a bear's head erased affronty sable, a bordure sable platy. Bjorn Lochlannac (5/2001 Anst)

Argent, two spears inverted in saltire sable between four delfs saltirewise square pierced gules. Sato Jirö (4/1999 Calo)

Argent, two spiked maces in saltire and on a chief gules three snails argent. Mechthild Welandstochter (4/2010 East)

Argent, two spiked maces in saltire sable between four gouttes, a chief indented vert. Gunter der Ochse (2/2009 East)

Argent, two swords in saltire azure, overall a bull's head caboshed gules within a bordure indented azure. Lachlan MacLeod (10/2004 Anst)

Argent, two swords in saltire between four stags courant within a bordure potenty pointed sable. Thorgeirr Eikinskjold (8/1979)

Argent, two swords in saltire purpure surmounted by a lion's head couped gules, on a chief purpure three mice statant argent. Camillo Guinicelli (11/1998 AEth)

Argent, two swords in saltire sable, on a chief vert two wolf's heads couped respectant argent. Colin MacWilliams (4/2000 AEth)

Argent, two swords in saltire sable, overall a rose gules. Meridies, Kingdom of (12/1996 Meri)

Argent, two swords inverted in saltire between in cross four quill pens gules. Atenveldt, Kingdom of (5/1981 Aten)

Argent, two swords inverted in saltire sable fretted with a mascle and on a chief vert two escallops argent. Alicia le Wilfulle (11/2010 AnTi)

Argent, two swords inverted in saltire sable surmounted by a tortoise, a bordure azure. Christoff le Goth (3/2012 East)

Argent, two Thor's hammers in saltire gules. Halldórr bíldr (8/2007 AEth)

Argent, two tilting lances crossed in saltire, a chief indented sable. Rülich Sturmveder (2/2000 Aten)

Argent, two tridents in saltire sable, overall a natural seahorse erect vert. Tybalt de Moriton (5/1990 AnTi)

Argent, two tusks in saltire azure and a bordure denticulada sable. Ivory Keep, Shire of (2/2009 Calo)

Argent, two tusks tips crossed in saltire and on a chief gules three roses argent. Katherine Kyle (1/1994 East)

Argent, two wooden cooking spoons in saltire proper and in chief a cauldron azure. Thescorre, Barony of (8/1979 East)

Argent, upon a chevron enhanced azure, three goats' heads erased argent, and in base a shovel and hoe in saltire sable. Dorothy of Mossy Dell Fief (1/1976)

Azure, a column argent entwined of a snake sable, in chief two swords in saltire argent, a bordure argent semy-de-lys azure. Arianna de Navarre (6/1998 Trim)

Azure, a cross argent, overall in saltire an anchor Or and an arrow inverted Or. Beverly Hodghead (1/1973)

Azure, a cross argent, overall two crossed plumes in saltire Or. Ellen Cross Quills (1/1973)

Azure, a fess counter-vairy gules and Or between two plates, overall two swords in saltire argent. Felan of Edinburgh (8/1984 East)

Azure, a fess gules fimbriated argent between a drawn bow and arrow to sinister and two quill pens in saltire Or. William McNaughton (3/1997 Meri)

Azure, a hammer and a sword in saltire and on a chief argent three Clouded Leopard's heads cabossed proper. [Panthera nebulosa] Bjorn Isenkrammenhandler (4/1982 AnTi)

Azure, a lute and a sword in saltire, a bordure argent. Cerdic Alexandre d'Avignon (9/1994 East)

Azure, a pair of hounds counter-salient in saltire ermine within an orle argent. Isolde von Wittenberg (3/2004 Anst)

Azure, a pale checky gules and argent, overall two keys in saltire, wards to chief Or. Middle, Kingdom of the (4/1993 Midd)

Azure, a pall inverted between a chalice, a harp and two swords in saltire argent. Justin de Courteney (10/1983 Caid)

Azure, a pall wavy between three pairs of arrows inverted in saltire Or. Carolingia, Barony of (7/1990 East)

Azure, a recorder and an arrow inverted in saltire argent. Martin Whistler (3/1994 West)

Azure, a stag's head cabossed and in base two tridents in saltire argent. Atlantia, Kingdom of (6/1981 Atla)

Azure, a standing seraph proper, vested and nimbed Or, and in chief two swords in saltire proper. Rhiannon of Caerleon (5/1996 Midd)

Azure, a torii Or and in base two katanas in saltire argent hilted sable, a bordure Or. Adachi Masamori (11/2004 AEth)

Azure, a tower surmounted by two rapiers inverted in saltire argent. Alberic von Rostock (5/1996 East)

Azure, a wolf's head erased between in chief a goblet and two swords in saltire argent, within a bordure Or. Diana ni Charvell (12/1982 AnTi)

Azure chapé, a Celtic cross and in base two bay leaves stems crossed in saltire argent. Neassa inghean Ghiolla Chríost mhic Chathasaigh (1/1996 Caid)

Azure goutty d'eau, in saltire a recorder and a lute in profile Or. Johanna of Dendermonde (6/1985 Midd)

Azure, honeycombed argent, two halberds in saltire Or. Alastair Liam FitzAlan (7/1990 Atla)

Azure, in pale a duck's head erased and two rapiers in saltire, on a chief wavy argent three hearts gules. Desiderata Drake (5/2010 AEth)

Azure, in pale a horse's head erased Or and two swords inverted in saltire argent. Gillian Blackbow (12/1991 Anst)

Azure, in pale a pair of crampons in saltire and a falcon rising, wings displayed and inverted Or, a bordure erminois. Eirik Ising Steingrim (9/1994 Aten)

Azure, in pale a rose argent barbed and seeded proper and two grozing irons in saltire argent. Juliana Vertue (3/2002 Anst)

Azure, in pale an escallop and two tridents in saltire, all within a bordure argent. Tristan Alexander (5/1990 Atla)

Azure, in pale an open book and two feathers in saltire, on a chief invected Or two escallops azure. Cordelia Scriven (2/1992 Trim)

Azure, in pale an open book and two retorts, necks in saltire Or within a bordure potenty argent. Arthur FitzWilliam the Scholar (10/1992 Midd)

Azure, in pale two arrows inverted in saltire Or and an eagle striking to sinister argent. Darcy of Eagle's Crag (10/1983 AnTi)

Azure, in pale two double-bladed axes in saltire and a unicorn couchant argent, armed and crined Or. Ulrich von Dresden (2/2012 Aten)

Azure, in pale two spears in saltire and a stag's head erased, all within a bordure nebuly argent. Johannes Speiß von Hochwald (7/1984 Caid)

Azure, in pale two tridents in saltire argent and a majuscule blackletter "M" Or. Marinus, Barony of (3/2009 Atla)

Azure, in pale two wolf's heads erased addorsed and conjoined at the neck argent and two arrows in saltire Or. Borealis, Barony of (12/1999 AnTi)

Azure, in pale two wolf's heads erased addorsed and conjoined at the neck argent and two swords inverted in saltire Or. Borealis, Barony of (12/1999 AnTi)

Azure, in saltire a cartouche voided and a lion salient contourny queue-fourchy, the lion passing through the cartouche, all Or. Leonus de Rotund (9/2005 West)

Azure, in saltire a dagger inverted argent and another Or, overall a heart gules. Johann von Hohen Staffen (1/1981 Aten)

Azure, in saltire a hammer Or surmounted by a scroll argent, and on a chief Or a hand balance sable. Femalaya of Noergate (5/1983 Midd)

Azure, in saltire a ladle inverted and a recorder between four Jewish hats Or. Joshua ibn Eleazar ha-Shalib (5/1992 Caid)

Azure, in saltire a lightning flash Or and a quill pen vert, fimbriated argent, and in chief a spur inverted and winged Or. Rhianna ferch Gwynedd (1/1976)

Azure, in saltire a quill and a lute argent, stringed sable. Caid, Kingdom of (8/1979 Caid)

Azure, in saltire a recorder surmounting a dagger inverted proper. Alexander Mareschal (12/1981 Meri)

Azure, in saltire a spiked mace and a double-bitted axe, in chief five mullets and on a base embattled Or two mullets sable. Gorlan of the Red Lands (8/1979 Caid)

Azure, in saltire a sword and a hammer inverted argent, the sword hilted Or, in chief a compass star argent. Hans the Horrible (4/1985 West)

Azure, in saltire a sword argent and a sickle Or. Iurii Levchenich (9/2006 AnTi)

Azure, in saltire a sword inverted and a feather and in chief three mullets, all within an orle argent. Eilionora of Black Diamond (3/2011 Atla)

Azure, in saltire a sword inverted and a thistle, slipped and leaved, both surmounted by a single-horned anvil, all within a bordure argent. Charles Gladney (7/1987 Meri)

Azure, in saltire a sword proper and a rose inverted argent barbed, slipped and leaved Or. Tairdelbach Clannach (11/2006 Caid)

Azure, in saltire a trumpet inverted Or and a lute in profile proper. Yosef Alaric (10/1984 East)

Azure, in saltire an oaken staff and a sword inverted proper surmounted by a decrescent argent. Alicia Stillwater (6/1981 Atla)

Azure, in saltire two daffodils bells fesswise addorsed slipped and on a mount Or a laurel wreath vert. Blatha an Oir, Barony of (6/2002 AnTi)

Azure, in saltire two feathers argent, a bordure Or. Annette Rapaille (6/2005G)

Azure, in saltire two hammers, on a chief argent three chess rooks sable. Francesca Lorenza Caterina Marino (8/2007 Atla)

Azure, in saltire two roses, slipped and leaved, argent, barbed and seeded, proper, on a chief triangular argent, a compass star azure. Elwyn ferch Alwyn (12/1988 Midd)

Azure, masoned, two swords in saltire argent surmounted by a goblet Or. Citadel of the Southern Pass, Barony of the (5/1983 Aten)

Azure, on a bend sinister argent between two pairs of swords inverted in saltire proper a wolf's paw print gules. Wolfe Thoraldsson (2/1982 East)

Azure, on a cross quarter-pierced Or four acorns bendwise gules, overall two swords in saltire argent. Declan Mac Dockery (8/2004 Atla)

Azure, on a fess between two swords in saltire and two staves in saltire argent, a hurt. Benedict Alorak d'Elcar (8/1979 East)

Azure, on a fess between two swords in saltire and two staves in saltire argent, a hurt. Benedict Alorak d'Elcar (8/1979 East)

Azure, on a saltire argent two berdiches in saltire sable, in chief a ram's head cabossed argent. Magnus Rothach (10/1992 Outl)

Azure, on a saltire argent two swords in saltire azure, overall a pithon displayed guardant Or. Erik Dragonslayer the Clawhanded (8/1980 Anst)

Azure, two arrows in saltire between four crescents, horns outwards, all within a bordure embattled argent. Caid, Kingdom of (11/1989 Caid)

Azure, two arrows inverted in saltire and on a chief wavy Or a bee volant azure. Rowena Rodericksdohter (5/1983 Atla)

Azure, two arrows inverted in saltire Or barbed and on a chief embattled argent three wolf's paw prints azure. Mickel Biörnsson till Wargegården (3/2004 Drac)

Azure, two axes in saltire and on a chief argent two eagles displayed heads to sinister sable. Iohann filius Agustin (1/2008 AEth)

Azure, two axes in saltire between two lightning bolts palewise Or issuant from a chief nebuly argent. Maeloc of Wolfhaven (5/2007 Meri)

Azure, two axes in saltire within a bordure embattled argent. Caid, Kingdom of (10/2011 Caid)

Azure, two batons in saltire between four crosses crosslet argent. Elisabeth Borden of Kent (1/2011 East)

Azure, two batons in saltire between in pale two roundels argent, each charged with a cross humetty azure, and in fess two mullets of four points argent. Kireen Aelfwynn (5/1984 Caid)

Azure, two battleaxes in saltire Or between in pale a heart and a cup argent. Gunndiarfr Magnúsarson (1/2006 Outl)

Azure, two bones in saltire between three crosses raguly couped argent. Albin Oil de Larrun (3/2009 Anst)

Azure, two candles in saltire argent, enflamed proper, within a bordure embattled Or. Eileen Rahel do Pico (11/1984 Caid)

Azure, two cattails in saltire within a serpent involved in annulo Or. Viktor Stepanov Zabolotskoi (11/2010 AnTi)

Azure, two daggers inverted in saltire Or surmounted by a cup, a bordure embattled argent. Cullen O'Neill (4/1998 Outl)

Azure, two double-bitted battle axes in saltire and in chief three unicorn heads couped argent. Thorvald Greybeard (6/1997 Trim)

Azure, two keys crossed in saltire wards to base Or and a tierce argent. Katryn Brynsdotter (1/2000 Caid)

Azure, two keys in saltire wards to base and a chief embattled argent. Tessa da Rimini (8/2000 Anst)

Azure, two lace bobbins in saltire and on a chief triangular argent a spider inverted azure. Valdís Osborne (10/2003 AnTi)

Azure, two ladles in saltire and on a chief argent three mullets sable. Hugh Wallace (2/2002 Atla)

Azure, two lightning bolts crossed in saltire, overall a wolf's head palewise erased argent. Ian Úlfsson (3/1993 Atla)

Azure, two needles in saltire and in chief three annulets Or. Averial Thorhalla (2/1995 Anst)

Azure, two needles in saltire, points to chief, argent. Illiton, Barony of (2/1987 Midd)

Azure, two needles in saltire threaded with the same thread between three round buckles argent. Ana Linch de Yuebanc (3/2010 Midd)

Azure, two palmer's staves in saltire argent between four escallops Or. Brian of Asbar (1/1985 West)

Azure, two poleaxes in saltire Or and on a base argent a dragon dormant gules. Randvér brotamaðr (2/2006 Caid)

Azure, two poleaxes in saltire Or surmounted by a bull's skull argent, a bordure embattled Or. Francisco Delgadillo (7/1990 Calo)

Azure, two quill pens bases crossed in saltire, in chief a triskele, all within a bordure argent. Trimaris, Kingdom of (11/2006 Trim)

Azure, two rapiers in saltire and in chief a mullet of eight points Or, on a point pointed argent a ship in full sail sable. Geoffrey Clwyd (3/2006 Atla)

Azure, two rapiers in saltire and on a chief argent three roses proper. Alan of Rosley (5/2003 East)

Azure, two rapiers in saltire Or and overall a dogwood blossom argent seeded Or. Donnan the Solitary (3/2004 AEth)

Azure, two rapiers inverted crossed in saltire and in base a rose Or. Atenveldt, Kingdom of (12/2002 Aten)

Azure, two recorders in saltire within a stag's attire Or. Liusaidh MacLeoid (5/1983 Midd)

Azure, two roses slipped and leaved in saltire, a chief embattled and a point pointed ployé Or. Tristan Hervé (12/2000 Arte)

Azure, two sceptres in saltire Or. Holy Roman Empire, Arch-Chamberlain of the (12/1994 Laur)

Azure, two scimitars inverted in saltire Or, overall a wolf's head cabossed argent. Vitéz Tatiana (7/1994 West)

Azure, two scythes in saltire within an annulet of chain argent. Takamatsu Tadayoshi (4/2007 Trim)

Azure, two sitars affronty in saltire Or. Gandharva Candra (8/1978)

Azure, two spears in saltire and in chief a mullet Or. Hrorek Halfdane of Faulconwood (8/1979 Caid)

Azure, two spears in saltire and in chief three bells two and one Or. Abel Breme (5/2004 East)

Azure, two spears in saltire between four crescents inverted argent. Cassandra Brant (11/1990 Meri)

Azure, two spoons in saltire Or and in chief a bell argent. Isabel de Marmande (4/1988 East)

Azure, two spoons in saltire Or, overall a fleur-de-lys argent. Melisant de Montgomeri (7/2004 Midd)

Azure, two stalks of wheat in saltire Or and on a chief embattled argent two acorns proper. Jocosa d'Auxerre (8/2005 Meri)

Azure, two stick shuttles in saltire Or. Coille Stoirmeil, Canton of (8/1989 Midd)

Azure, two swords crossed at the hilts in saltire, on a chief triangular argent a star of David azure. Yehoshua ben Yisrael (4/1996 Midd)

Azure, two swords crossed in saltire proper, on a chief wavy argent a fleur-de-lys azure. Geneviève de Lyon (12/2000 Atla)

Azure, two swords in saltire and in chief an acorn Or. Drei Eichen, Barony of (3/1995 Drac)

Azure, two swords in saltire argent, quilloned Or, between in pale a cat couchant ermine and a chalice argent. Randal Dinadin (6/1986 Atla)

Azure, two swords in saltire between four mullets of four points argent. Duncan Rose (8/2005 Caid)

Azure, two swords in saltire inverted proper, overall a swan naiant, on a chief argent a thistle proper. Ealasaid nic Chlurain (2/1984 Caid)

Azure, two swords in saltire, overall a dragon passant contourny argent. Rhodri ap Ieuan ap Hywel (3/2005 Calo)

Azure, two swords in saltire surmounted by an open book Or. Sidonia Zaridina (5/2004 East)

Azure, two swords inverted in saltire proper between three mullets of four points, overall a mullet of four greater and eight lesser points Or. Eric von Steinhaus (1/1980 West)

Azure, two tilting lances in saltire and on a chief embattled argent, a lion passant sable. Keilyn FitzWarin (3/1986 East)

Azure, two torches in saltire Or and on a chief triangular argent a natural sea turtle vert. Gabriel Delacroix (3/1995 West)

Azure, two trident heads shafts crossed in saltire Or. Monford Allheisen (3/2000 Meri)

Azure, two tridents in saltire Or and overall a sea-wolf argent tailed vert, a bordure argent. Argos Spartiates (10/2010 Anst)

Azure, two tridents in saltire, overall a fleur-de-lys, a bordure Or. Leopold Draco (4/2010 East)

Azure, two tusks tips crossed in saltire between three coneys rampant each holding a spear argent. Fiona Kyle (1/1994 East)

Azure, two tusks, tips crossed in saltire, Or. Cahan Kyle (10/1989 East)

Azure, two tusks, tips crossed in saltire, within a bordure Or charged with equal armed Celtic crosses azure. Sean MacCahan (10/1993 East)

Azure, two wolves countersalient in saltire argent. Katla feilan Stefansdottir (1/2007 Atla)

Barry wavy argent and azure, two sea-horses respectant crossed in saltire vert. Elspeth Islay of Glen Meara (8/1996 Trim)

Barry wavy sable and gules, in saltire a belaying pin and a sword argent. Dianna Wyndalan of Kidwelly (7/1980 East)

Bendy dovetailed gules and Or, two wings, conjoined in lure, argent, overall two axes inverted in saltire sable. Daniel Blackaxe (1/1987 Anst)

Bendy sinister and per bend azure and argent, two narwhals hauriant respectant horns crossed in saltire gules. Godwine of Sherborne (7/1997 Meri)

Checky argent and gules, an eating fork and spoon in saltire sable and in chief a cauldron Or. Cordeilla uxor Alexander (9/2008 Calo)

Checky gules and argent, on a roundel azure two spoons in saltire argent. Leticia Troischesnes (3/2002 AnTi)

Checky sable and argent, in base in pale a death's head and two bones in saltire gules. Edward the Chaste (5/1995 East)

Counter-ermine, in saltire a sword inverted proper and an axe argent cleaving a Viking Spangenhelm Or. Hagar Helmsplitter (7/1986 Aten)

Counter-ermine, two reed pens in saltire and issuant from base a demi-sun Or. Adnar Dionadair (10/1992 Midd)

Ermine, in pale a dragon rampant sable, bellied and winged gules, and two lances in saltire sable. William of Glymmerholde (10/1987 Trim)

Ermine, in saltire a human femur gules and a sword inverted Or hilted azure. Avar the Boneless (9/1971)

Ermine, in saltire a short sword and a cittern proper, overall a rosebud Or, stalked and leaved vert. Margaret Kathryn Cameron (2/1981 Anst)

Ermine, issuant from a base embattled sable a dexter arm embowed, vested azure, cuffed argent, grasping a sword Or, crossed in saltire with a sinister arm embowed vested argent and cuffed azure, grasping a wine cup Or. Guillaume de Vinvert (9/1973)

Ermine, two quill pens in saltire gules and on a chief sable three escallops argent. Genevieve de Bohun (3/2003 AnTi)

Ermine, two spears crossed in saltire sable, between in pale an elk's head erased vert and a boar's head erased gules. Robert of Ruda (5/1988 Calo)

Erminois, a Danish war axe and morningstar flail in saltire proper, overall a quatrefoil slipped gules. Conarc of Eyre (8/1979 Anst)

Erminois, in saltire two swords inverted gules surmounted by a mullet of eight points argent. Louis de Marja (8/1981 Anst)

Erminois, two swords in saltire, points in base argent, hilted gules, in chief a slipper palewise point in base azure ribanded gules, in base a thistle proper. Eilidh na Caitich (7/1971)

Erminois, two tygers counter-salient in saltire, both reguardant azure incensed gules. Heinrich Alois von Speyer (12/2006 AnTi)

(Fieldless) A calla lily [Zantedescia aethiopicum] proper, stemmed and debruised by two calla lily leaves in saltire Or. Rowena d'Anjou (5/1980 West)

(Fieldless) A cat rampant surmounted in saltire by a shepherd's crook bendwise sinister azure. Rhiannon verch Tegan Glascoed (1/2004 East)

(Fieldless) A daisy flower proper surmounted by two needles in saltire sable. Elspeth Keyf of Neddingham (1/1994 East)

(Fieldless) A dragon passant atop two swords in saltire surmounted by a harp Or. Corin du Soleil (5/1985 Midd)

(Fieldless) A fish urinant, overall two spears in saltire gules. Cassius of Bath (11/1992 Atla)

(Fieldless) A heart Or pierced in saltire by two needles vert. Elizabeth Talbot of Meath (8/1994 East)

(Fieldless) A Latin cross formy Or, overall two swords in saltire argent. Wolfgang von dem Schwartzwald (5/2004 AEth)

(Fieldless) A lion's jambe fesswise erased purpure sustaining two keys in saltire wards to sinister Or. Rowena del Baylly (12/1995 East)

(Fieldless) A maple leaf gules and another vert, stems crossed in saltire. Artemisia, Kingdom of (5/1993 Aten)

(Fieldless) A mullet of four points azure surmounted by two unicorns horns in saltire Or. Gianetta de Ròsa (6/1992 Atla)

(Fieldless) A pair of rapiers crossed in saltire Or surmounted by a fleur-de-lys purpure. Marceau de Valcourt (6/2002 Aten)

(Fieldless) A spear and overall two axes in saltire gules. Rogualldr Dagsson (8/1993 Atla)

(Fieldless) A unicornate natural seahorse Or charged with two rapiers crossed in saltire sable. Atlantia, Kingdom of (3/1997 Atla)

(Fieldless) A weaver's shuttle and an empty drop spindle in saltire argent. Rose Elizabeth Weaver (1/2002 Aten)

(Fieldless) An anchor sable surmounted by two Kris knives inverted in saltire argent hilted sable. Süleyman Khayám (4/1994 Anst)

(Fieldless) An arrow palewise surmounted by two swords in saltire inverted and overall a helmet argent. Edward Ian Anderson (7/1986 AnTi)

(Fieldless) An oak leaf Or, overall two arrows in saltire azure. Gyldenholt, Barony of (9/1991 Caid)

(Fieldless) In pale a stag at gaze conjoined to two roses slipped and leaved in saltire argent. William Wescot of Welewen (2/2004 Anst)

(Fieldless) In saltire a battle axe and a sword inverted proper, and overall a tower gules, portaled argent. Middle Marches, Barony of the (12/1980 Midd)

(Fieldless) In saltire a daffodil bell to dexter chief slipped Or and a daffodil bell to sinister chief slipped gules. Katerina Affodil (6/2002 AEth)

(Fieldless) In saltire a double-bitted axe gules and an arrow argent. Lira of Ascalon (11/2002 AnTi)

(Fieldless) In saltire a garden rose slipped and leaved gules and a hammer sable. Otho d'Auvergne (12/1990 Atla)

(Fieldless) In saltire a goblet and an arrow inverted sable, barbed argent, fletched gules. Simón de la Palma de Mallorca (8/1989 Outl)

(Fieldless) In saltire a holly leaf vert and a sewing needle argent. Maredudd Browderer (8/2008 Aten)

(Fieldless) In saltire a key inverted azure and a peacock feather Or marked azure. One Thousand Eyes, Barony of (2/1999 Arte)

(Fieldless) In saltire a key inverted azure and a peacock feather Or marked azure. One Thousand Eyes, Barony of (2/1999 Arte)

(Fieldless) In saltire, a key, wards to chief, and a spoon, bowl to chief, azure. Stephen de Raymond (3/1990 East)

(Fieldless) In saltire a lion rampant argent surmounted by another rampant contourny purpure. Tanglwyst de Holloway (9/1995 AnTi)

(Fieldless) In saltire a quill pen argent and a sword inverted proper surmounted by a recorder Or. Middle Marches, Barony of the (11/1983 Midd)

(Fieldless) In saltire a quill pen argent and a sword inverted proper surmounted by a recorder Or. Middle Marches, Barony of the (11/1983 Midd)

(Fieldless) In saltire a recorder surmounting a dagger inverted proper. Alexander Mareschal (2/1983 Meri)

(Fieldless) In saltire a spear Or hafted argent and a scimitar inverted proper, overall a scorpion bendwise Or. al-Barran, Barony of (2/1991 Outl)

(Fieldless) In saltire an arrow inverted sable and a stalk of wheat Or, overall a bunch of grapes proper. Colette Olivier la fourniere (2/2012 Caid)

(Fieldless) In saltire an ermine spot sable and a sword inverted argent. Richard of Alder Tree (1/2004 West)

(Fieldless) In saltire two keys wards to chief azure. Krÿstÿna Mihaly (1/2005n)

(Fieldless) In saltire two roses slipped and leaved purpure. Nicolette Caramelle Avelaine (4/1996 Caid)

(Fieldless) In saltire two stalks of wheat vert between four gillyflower blossoms azure. Theodelinda of Wenlock (9/1989 Meri)

(Fieldless) On a compass star gules a calla lily proper, stemmed and crossed in saltire by two calla lily leaves Or. Rowena d'Anjou (1/1981 West)

(Fieldless) On a mullet of 4 greater and 8 lesser points Or, an axe and a spear in saltire vert. Enda of Inderwick (9/1996 Meri)

(Fieldless) On a tower argent two claymores in saltire sable. Seosaidh MacFaoilchéire (9/2001 Caid)

(Fieldless) On an open scroll Or two rapiers in saltire between four gouttes gules. Baile na Scolaíri, Shire of (5/1996 Midd)

(Fieldless) Two arrows crossed in saltire within and conjoined to an annulet gules. Chinua Temur (1/2005 AnTi)

(Fieldless) Two arrows in saltire argent. Eilidh nin Choinnich (1/1998 Meri)

(Fieldless) Two arrows in saltire argent surmounted by a rose sable. Federico Arcière dal Fióre (2/1994 Caid)

(Fieldless) Two arrows in saltire argent surmounted by a wolf's head couped sable. Edward Harbinger (7/2008 AEth)

(Fieldless) Two arrows inverted in saltire Or surmounted by a spired tower argent roofed of wooden shingles proper. Nikolai of Trakai (1/2005n)

(Fieldless) Two arrows inverted in saltire sable, overall a snail Or. Alana O'Keeve (11/2011 East)

(Fieldless) Two arrows inverted in saltire vert surmounted by a stag's head erased affronty Or. Cian mac Cellacháin hUí Dublaich (11/2011 Atla)

(Fieldless) Two arum lilies slipped in saltire argent. Muirgen of the Mists (8/2002 Meri)

(Fieldless) Two axes in saltire and overall a cinquedea dagger inverted all per pale argent and sable. Marcus Artorius Metellus (5/2009 Caid)

(Fieldless) Two axes in saltire sable. Agravaine Rhiwallon (3/1999 East)

(Fieldless) Two besoms in saltire Or. Solange of Vinhold (8/2008 West)

(Fieldless) Two claymores in saltire vert. Alasdair MacArthur (3/2002 Outl)

(Fieldless) Two columns in saltire argent. Robert of Deerbourne (3/2002 Outl)

(Fieldless) Two cup-hilted rapiers inverted in saltire, overall a harp argent. Ericus the Silverhand (9/1992 Anst)

(Fieldless) Two daffodils in saltire bells fesswise addorsed Or slipped and leaved vert. Blatha an Oir, Barony of (6/2002 AnTi)

(Fieldless) Two dragon's jambs erased inverted in saltire argent. Randwulf Widefarer (1/1996 Midd)

(Fieldless) Two feathers crossed in saltire argent. Solveig Throndardottir (4/2002 AEth)

(Fieldless) Two fool's baubles crossed in saltire argent, vested Or and vert, interlaced with a Heneage knot Or. Outlands, Kingdom of the (10/1990 Outl)

(Fieldless) Two gillyflowers gules slipped and leaved vert the slips crossed in saltire. Alicia Langland (12/1995 East)

(Fieldless) Two gladii inverted in saltire sable and overall a lion contourny argent. Marcus Artorius Metellus (5/2009 Caid)

(Fieldless) Two glaives in saltire gules. Sárán mac Ímair (9/2007 West)

(Fieldless) Two halberds in saltire sable surmounted by a flame gules. Elana Blakefenn (7/1998 Caid)

(Fieldless) Two jester's baubles in saltire Or each vested azure and gules. Henry Best (5/2003 Midd)

(Fieldless) Two lightning bolts in saltire, overall an elephant's head cabossed argent. Randal Guillaume (10/2007G)

(Fieldless) Two lightning bolts in saltire vert, overall an hourglass Or. Jago Redbeard (1/1990 Outl)

(Fieldless) Two logs couped in saltire proper enflamed gules. Eleanor Woodbringer (12/1981 Meri)

(Fieldless) Two mallets in saltire Or. Edward le Kervere (4/1995 West)

(Fieldless) Two needles in saltire Or. Averial Thorhalla (12/1998 Anst)

(Fieldless) Two palm trees trunks in saltire argent. Atenveldt, Barony of (1/1991 Aten)

(Fieldless) Two quill pens in saltire azure surmounted by a tabby cat sejant guardant Or. Bronwyn ferch Gwyn ap Rhys (7/1992 Midd)

(Fieldless) Two ragged staves in saltire azure. Alewijn van Zeebrouck (10/1999 AnTi)

(Fieldless) Two rapiers inverted in saltire argent and overall a crow sable. Alesone Gray of Cranlegh (10/2009 East)

(Fieldless) Two rapiers inverted in saltire sable, overall a hawk vert. Facon du Pray (9/2009 Anst)

(Fieldless) Two rapiers inverted in saltire surmounted by a scorpion Or. al-Barran, Barony of (2/1999 Outl)

(Fieldless) Two scythes in saltire gules surmounted by a death's head argent. Annora O Shanan (6/2010 Aten)

(Fieldless) Two shofars in saltire, bells to base and mouths conjoined argent. John Skinner of Rivenstar (9/1995 Midd)

(Fieldless) Two spears in saltire Or, overall a spider azure. Daniello de Verde (11/2009 Anst)

(Fieldless) Two spears in saltire Or surmounted by a serpent in annulo with a head at either end argent. Christof Gately (3/1996 Outl)

(Fieldless) Two spears in saltire, overall a wolf's head erased argent. Lachlann Graheme (6/2001 East)

(Fieldless) Two spears in saltire proper headed Or pennanted vert overall a rose argent barbed and seeded proper. Morgana Elisabetta Rosatti (9/2000 Caid)

(Fieldless) Two spears in saltire purpure surmounted by an equal-armed Celtic cross flory Or. Eoin MacLaren (1/1995 West)

(Fieldless) Two spears in saltire sable surmounted by a European brown bear's head erased facing to sinister proper. [Ursus arctos] Berengaria Rossi (10/1990 Anst)

(Fieldless) Two stalks of barley in saltire within and conjoined to an annulet Or. Edric Longfellow (8/2003 Aten)

(Fieldless) Two swords crossed in saltire gules surmounted by a lion's head erased sable. Caerthe, Barony of (8/1991 Outl)

(Fieldless) Two swords crossed in saltire sable surmounted by a domestic cat sejant affronty argent. Alasdair MacIain of Elderslie (3/1996 Atla)

(Fieldless) Two swords in saltire per pale sable and Or surmounted by a fleur-de-lys per pale Or and sable. Yseult de Cherbourg (9/1992 Midd)

(Fieldless) Two swords in saltire surmounted by a bear passant argent. Jean de Clermont (5/1992 East)

(Fieldless) Two swords in saltire surmounted by a spear Or. Gunther Garr (2/1994 Caid)

(Fieldless) Two swords inverted in saltire proper, overall a fleur-de-lys Or. William de Vallier (7/1988 Outl)

(Fieldless) Two swords inverted in saltire sable fretted with a mascle vert. Alicia le Wilfulle (3/2002 AnTi)

(Fieldless) Two swords inverted in saltire surmounted by a daffodil bell to dexter Or slipped and leaved vert. Middle Marches, Barony of the (4/2006 Midd)

(Fieldless) Two tilting lances in saltire surmounted by a rose slipped and leaved argent. Volker von dem Walde (5/2008 West)

(Fieldless) Two torches in saltire Or. Cormac Mór (1/2008 Caid)

(Fieldless) Two tridents crossed in saltire argent surmounted by an escallop erminois. Atlantia, Kingdom of (2/1985 Atla)

(Fieldless) Two tridents in saltire and overall a tower sable. Illiton, Barony of (4/2006 Midd)

(Fieldless) Two tridents in saltire argent, overall an anvil reversed sable. Padruig an Mhuilinn Gordan (4/1996 Midd)

(Fieldless) Two tridents in saltire sable. Illiton, Barony of (9/2005 Midd)

(Fieldless) Two tridents in saltire surmounted by a unicornate natural seahorse erect argent. Atlantia, Kingdom of (9/1992 Atla)

(Fieldless) Two wooden staves in saltire proper surmounted by a palmer's scrip Or. Seán ua Néill the Staffmaker (10/2007 Outl)

Gules, a base Or, overall a sword inverted counterchanged and in chief two arrows in saltire Or. Hugh the Undecided (8/1979 Caid)

Gules, a bend Or surmounted by a sword bendwise sinister proper and in chief a tern volant, all within a bordure argent. Fiacha of Glencar (10/1984 East)

Gules, a bend sinister engrailed erminois between two arrows inverted in saltire and three horseshoes interlaced in pall inverted Or. Margaret Elizabeth Aison of Devon (3/1994 Trim)

Gules, a cross debruised by two claymores in saltire, all voided Or. Duncan MacGregor (2/1975 Midd)

Gules, a rose slipped and leaved and a battleaxe in saltire Or. Aureliana Avita (10/2006G)

Gules, a viol and a viol bow in saltire and on a chief argent a quill fesswise reversed gules. Adelicia Marie di Rienzi (11/1984 Caid)

Gules, an arrow and a needle in saltire, on a chief Or a boar statant gules. Æsa bogsveigir (8/2010 Trim)

Gules, an eagle striking argent, on a chief Or two spears in saltire sable. Judwiga Czarna Pika ze Smocza Jamy (8/1999 Caid)

Gules ermined argent, two arrows in saltire inverted Or, overall a wolf's head bendwise couped at the shoulders sable. Wulfric FitzDugald (7/1985 AnTi)

Gules, in canton a hammer and sickle in saltire and to chief a mullet voided Or. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (12/1994 Laur)

Gules, in pale a caravel reversed and two rapiers in saltire Or. Diego de Valor (10/1998 Anst)

Gules, in saltire a double-bitted axe and a sword and in chief two skulls argent. Rolann Ó Ceallaigh the Gentle (8/1992 Aten)

Gules, in saltire a quill pen argent and a sword proper, surmounted by an open book and in base a laurel wreath argent. St. Boniface, College of (3/1982 West)

Gules, in saltire a quill pen argent and a sword proper, surmounted by an open book and in base a laurel wreath argent. St. Boniface, College of (3/1982 West)

Gules, in saltire a rowan sprig and a thistle slipped and leaved argent and a chief embattled Or. Daibhid Ruadh MacLachlan (12/1992 Midd)

Gules, in saltire a scimitar inverted argent and an arrow sable, fimbriated argent. Alexei Miramovich (8/1979)

Gules, in saltire a scimitar inverted argent and an arrow sable, fimbriated argent. Alexei Miramovich (8/1979)

Gules, in saltire a sword curtana inverted and a pilgrim's staff argent, between flaunches Or. Sion ap Emrys (5/1992 East)

Gules, in saltire a sword inverted Or and a garden rose argent, slipped proper, within a bordure gyronny sable and argent. Toline Rosalinde of Arundel (9/1981 Caid)

Gules, in saltire an axe reversed argent and a sword inverted Or, overall a raven close proper. Manfred Gustsson (11/1977)

Gules, in saltire two cup-hilted rapiers inverted Or, overall a mullet of six points fesswise argent, all within a bordure embattled Or. Luigi di Donate (9/1984 Anst)

Gules, in saltire two keys argent and Or handles bound with a cord gules wards enwrapped by the infibulae of a Papal tiara in chief argent garnished Or. Vatican (12/1994 Laur)

Gules, in saltire two krumhorns argent. Eochaid the Musical (8/1972)

Gules, on a cross patée nowy throughout between in bend a mullet of eight points and a hammer and a sword crossed in saltire argent, a trefoil vert. James O'Neill (12/1980 East)

Gules, on a saltire azure fimbriated, in saltire a sword inverted Or surmounted by a scimitar inverted argent, in base a war-hammer Or. Abdul the Half-Crazed (7/1981 West)

Gules, semy of decrescents argent, in pale an Arabic oil lamp and two scimitars inverted in saltire with edges to base Or. Raschid Abd'ullah ibn Iacoob al Baghdadi (12/1985 Trim)

Gules, two arrows inverted throughout in saltire surmounted by a monster with the front half of a lion and the back half of a dragon couchant regardant to sinister and in chief a pear slipped and leaved, all Or. Dévora Risée de Apors (3/1984 Aten)

Gules, two axes addorsed in saltire within an orle argent. Boris Dragons Bane (11/2004 AEth)

Gules, two axes crossed in saltire argent, in chief a chalice Or. Jakys Chesemonger (1/2000 AEth)

Gules, two battle axes in saltire Or, a chief wavy checky azure and Or. Ragnsteinn frá Andréssmýri (9/2005 West)

Gules, two battle axes in saltire surmounted by a claymore inverted between two pallets Or. Athelstan of Bainbridge (9/1994 Outl)

Gules, two boar spears in saltire argent between in pale two swords inverted Or. Steven of Hunter's Rest (8/1992 Aten)

Gules, two bones in saltire argent between in pale two wyverns passant to sinister Or and in fess two skulls affronty argent. Black Jack of Orney (8/1986 Aten)

Gules, two chains in saltire Or surmounted by an eye argent irised gules. Gorge Mau of the Damn'd Alani Race (11/2007 East)

Gules, two claymores in saltire and in chief a roundel, an orle argent. Coenred æt Rauenesdale (6/2009 Anst)

Gules, two crutches in saltire between in pale two doves displayed argent. Aran Darkhelm (6/1992 Caid)

Gules, two dragon's jambes erased in saltire argent. Wolfgang Neuschel der Grau (11/2001 Caid)

Gules, two flanged maces in saltire argent. Middle, Kingdom of the (9/1995 Midd)

Gules, two flanged maces in saltire Or surmounted by a sword inverted proper. Magnus Ragnarsson (7/2003 Aten)

Gules, two flanged maces in saltire within a bordure Or. Middle, Kingdom of the (9/2005 Midd)

Gules, two halberds in saltire argent, on a chief triangular Or, a retort vert. Wilhelm von Stromberg (5/1994 East)

Gules, two keys in saltire argent and in chief a crown Or. York, Archbishopric of (12/1994 Laur)

Gules, two keys inverted in saltire Or, overall a fess checky argent and sable. Cathal MacEdan na Faeled (3/1983 Meri)

Gules, two lightning bolts in saltire between four eagles tails to center Or. Caius Gargonius Crassus (3/2005 Caid)

Gules, two lightning bolts in saltire overall a wolf's head caboshed Or. Settimio d'Olivio (10/2006G)

Gules, two needles in saltire Or between in pale two daisies argent, eyed, and in fess two cooking pots Or. Elspeth Keyf of Neddingham (6/1986 East)

Gules, two needles in saltire Or, threaded, between two bars wavy argent, each bar charged with an alewife naiant sable. Eowyn Eilonwy of Alewife Brook (8/1984 East)

Gules, two needles inverted in saltire argent threaded and on a chief Or a domestic cat couchant sable. Morgaine Essex (9/1998 AnTi)

Gules, two pallets Or, overall a spear and an oar in saltire argent. Gerolt ap Edward (6/2004 Aten)

Gules, two palm trees couped crossed in saltire in chief a roundel argent. Atenveldt, Barony of (8/1995 Aten)

Gules, two rapiers in saltire argent within an annulet Or. Middle, Kingdom of the (5/2000 Midd)

Gules, two recorders in saltire and on a chief wavy Or, three crosses couped gules. Cecilia di Firenze (6/1988 Aten)

Gules, two scimitars in saltire, within an orle Or charged with eight crescents gules. Abdul Qasim ibn al Muqaffa (2/1975 West)

Gules, two spears in saltire argent, in chief a crescent Or. Walter of Minstead (8/1995 Meri)

Gules, two spears in saltire argent surmounted by a lion's head cabossed within a bordure potenty Or. Marcus Flavius Sylvanus (10/1990 Outl)

Gules, two staves in saltire between four trillium blossoms argent, barbed vert, a bordure embattled argent. Brand the Black (3/1993 Midd)

Gules, two swords crossed in saltire argent, on a chief ermine two roses proper. Philipe du Lac (6/2001 Loch)

Gules, two swords in saltire and on a chief argent three dragon's heads couped gules. Dietrich Nibelung (2/2002 Aten)

Gules, two swords in saltire between four helms facing to sinister, all within a bordure Or. Alexander Brighthelmston (1/1990 Meri)

Gules, two swords in saltire sable fimbriated rayonny Or and in chief a tern volant to sinister proper, all within a bordure sable. Petr Aleksivich of Novgorod (8/1977 East)

Gyronny argent and sable, a quill pen fesswise dependent on a strap conjoined to its center, a fleece Or, and on a chief azure two rapiers crossed in saltire argent. Aonghus Camshròn Mac a'Chléirich (1/1994 Atla)

Gyronny arrondy of six sable and argent a mallet and an ax in saltire gules. Thorfinnr Sleggja (5/1998 Midd)

Gyronny azure and argent, a smith's tongs and a hammer in saltire sable between in pale two flames gules. Guy de Montferrat de la Meslaye (12/1981 West)

Gyronny ermine and gules, a battle-axe and a seax in saltire sable within a bordure counterchanged. Dirk Addisson (10/1987 Caid)

Gyronny of twelve argent and azure, a quill vert and a scroll in saltire within a bordure Or. Vorlin o'r Gwig (7/1985 Midd)

Gyronny sable and argent, on a pellet two shamshirs in saltire argent, hilted Or. Haerraich the Cossack (1/1973)

Gyronny sable and Or, on a sun argent two swords in saltire sable and a bordure argent. Guy Rand Gallandon (3/2004 Caid)

Gyronny vert and sable, in saltire a spear Or, headed argent, surmounted by a claymore proper, in base a bezant charged with a Lacy knot sable. Colm Cormaic (5/1981 Aten)

Lozengy argent and purpure, two feathers in saltire Or. Eduard von Schönberg (9/1992 Midd)

Or, a base engrailed azure, overall a sun in his splendour gules and in chief two pens in saltire sable. Irina Karandasha (8/1979)

Or, a chevron rompu azure between two Heneage knots sable and in saltire two ostrich plumes gules. Manfred Schütze aus Augsburg (5/1993 Atla)

Or, a cross formy fitchy sable and two quill pens in saltire gules. Sarra Elisabeth Graeham of Birnham (5/1988 Midd)

Or, a cross quarterly gules and sable and in dexter chief two rapiers in saltire sable. Drachenwald, Kingdom of (3/2004 Drac)

Or, a falcon displayed guardant, wings elevated, sable, maintaining two swords inverted in saltire argent, all within a bordure invected gules. Veikr of Wales (8/1985 East)

Or, a fess embattled counter-embattled gules between two arrows inverted in saltire sable and a pine tree vert. Robert de Fletcher the Duelist (3/1983 Aten)

Or, a heart vert pierced by two needles in saltire gules, a gore rayonny vert. Elizabeth Talbot of Meath (8/1994 East)

Or, a pale vert, overall two arrows inverted in saltire sable. Magnus of Falkirk (2/1998 Midd)

Or, a pall inverted sable between three pairs each of an arrow inverted and a sword crossed in saltire gules. Andras Truemark (2/2000 AnTi)

Or, a pall inverted sable between three pairs each of an arrow inverted and a sword crossed in saltire gules. Andras Truemark (2/2000 AnTi)

Or, a phoenix sable rising from flames gules and on a chief rayonny sable a bow fesswise surmounted by two arrows inverted in saltire Or. Mor Loft (1/2000 Anst)

Or, in pale a bear's head cabossed and two ragged staves in saltire, all within a bordure sable. Gad Waldbär (9/1989 West)

Or, in pale a dragon passant coward sable and two arrows in saltire gules. Drachenwald, Kingdom of (4/1998 Drac)

Or, in pale a thistle proper and a mace and a sword in saltire sable. Keara Caitlin MacLeod (9/1991 East)

Or, in pale two claymores in saltire gules and a tower, all within a bordure sable. Ian of Shadowlands (6/1988 Anst)

Or, in pale two keys in saltire wards to chief and a falcon striking vert. Andrew of Locking (11/1995 Calo)

Or, in pale two swords in saltire and a catamount sejant guardant to sinister, all within a bordure sable. Marria Theresa LeCalm (3/1987 East)

Or, in saltire a bow reversed and an arrow inverted purpure, a bordure gules. Antoinette Leblanc (4/2001 AnTi)

Or, in saltire a flax slip vert flowered azure and a sword sable. Alaric of Owef (7/2004 East)

Or, in saltire a paintbrush inverted and a sword sable within six lozenges in annulo, points to center, gules. Samuel Carrillo (11/1990 Anst)

Or, in saltire a quill pen and a sword sable, the quill's nib distilling a goutte de sang. Cuilén the Bald (10/2007G)

Or, in saltire a quill pen and a sword sable, the quill's nib distilling a goutte de sang. Cuilén the Bald (10/2007G)

Or, in saltire a rapier inverted sable and a rose gules slipped and leaved vert, a bordure purpure. Isabella of Sylvan Glen (7/2009 AEth)

Or, in saltire a stag's attire gules and a sword sable. Outlands, Kingdom of the (9/2009 Outl)

Or, in saltire an arrow inverted and a dagger sable, on a chief azure three gillyflowers argent, seeded Or. Katherine Gilliesfleur (12/1983 East)

Or, in saltire an arrow inverted and a dagger sable, on a chief azure three gillyflowers argent, seeded Or. Katherine Gilliesfleur (12/1983 East)

Or, in saltire issuant from base a dexter cubit arm debruising a sinister cubit arm sable. Hillary Stormrider (5/1980 Aten)

Or, in saltire two garden roses gules, slipped and leaved, vert, on a chief embattled gules, three escallops inverted Or. Elisia Castel of Dragonmoor (3/1988 West)

Or, in saltire two pikestaffs proper joined by a sprig of ivy vert between in pale two Irish harps vert. Torquil MacLuthais na Killoran (1/1973)

Or, in saltire two pussy willow branches proper within a bordure sable. Gabrielle nicChlurain (11/2011 Caid)

Or, in saltire two thistles proper, overall a cross crossletted of the upper three gules. Richard of Thistleshire (1/1973)

Or, in saltire two tournament lances vert, overall an ash tree eradicated sable, within a bordure gules. Eleanor of Ashley (8/1984 Meri)

Or, on a bend between an oak leaf and two battle axes crossed in saltire sable, five bezants. Shamus Mac Ewen (1/1998 Calo)

Or, on a chevron between two swords in saltire and a tower sable, three escallops palewise inverted Or. Michael of Bedford (12/1980 East)

Or, on a fess between a lion rampant and in saltire two thistles gules a horse passant to sinister argent, crined Or. Marcail Steuert (5/1982 Meri)

Or, on a saltire sable between four lions rampant gules two swords inverted in saltire enflamed at the blades proper. Stephen of Westmarch (10/1981 West)

Or, on a wooden tub, between two peacock feathers crossed in base proper a laurel wreath Or. Caldarium, Province of (3/1982 West)

Or, two arrows in saltire and on a chief azure three anchors Or. Séamus Ó Grádaigh (9/2005n)

Or, two arrows in saltire gules surmounted by a bow fesswise and in chief a boar courant sable. Gerhardt der Jäger (11/1990 West)

Or, two arrows in saltire, points to sinister, surmounted by another fesswise, point to dexter sable flighted azure, a chief embattled sable. Craig of the White Cliffs (9/1992 Aten)

Or, two artist's brushes in saltire sable between flaunches azure each charged with a tower Or. Kayleigh von Brückenheim (10/2001 Aten)

Or, two axes in saltire within an orle of ravens sable. Harold the Grim (4/1976)

Or, two bearded axes in saltire and in base a broad arrow vert, all within a bordure embattled gules. Karl Thorirsson (2/1988 AnTi)

Or, two bones in saltire gules surmounted by a frog sejant affronty vert. Dionysus of Grantham (11/2007 Aten)

Or, two feathers in saltire and on a chief gules, a Manx cat passant Or. Mwynwen ferch Dingarth (5/1993 East)

Or, two foxes counter-salient in saltire purpure. Alfred of Warwick (10/2003 Midd)

Or, two halberds in saltire sable, on a chief gules a mullet of five greater and five lesser points argent. Bryn Gwlad, Barony of (1/1987 Anst)

Or, two lances in saltire sable flying pennons and on a chief triangular gules a vol argent. Janus Paszkewicz (6/1995 East)

Or, two lightning bolts in saltire sable. Andelcrag, Barony of (2/1997 Midd)

Or, two needles in saltire, eyes to chief, sable between in pale two crabs and in fess two closed books palewise gules. Matilde des Isles Froides (8/1989 East)

Or, two pallets sable, overall a pair of cubit arms in saltire gules. Janos the Surly (6/1998 Midd)

Or, two ragged staves in saltire sable. Bertrade Deslapins (4/1998 Drac)

Or, two rapiers crossed in saltire sable between four roses azure. Nathaniel Sharpe (11/2000 Atla)

Or, two rapiers in saltire inverted sable, overall a hawk close and on a chief vert three cups Or. Facon du Pray (11/1993 Anst)

Or, two rapiers in saltire sable, a griffin passant gules overall, and on a chief sable a mouse statant Or. Gwylym ab Owain Tatershal (9/1994 Aten)

Or, two rapiers in saltire sable between three gouttes de sang. Elissa Dondain (8/1998 East)

Or, two rapiers in saltire sable overall a rose proper and a chief sable. Bell Phoebe de Givet (2/2002 Atla)

Or, two rapiers inverted in saltire sable surmounted by a lozenge purpure, on a chief vert three fleurs-de-lys Or. Nikodemus of Axemoor (9/1998 Outl)

Or, two spoons in saltire azure between in pale two money bags sable and in fess two gouttes de larmes. Norman the Norman (5/1983 East)

Or, two sprigs of rosemary in saltire vert between four violet blossoms purpure seeded Or, all within an annulet vert. Catherine de Babeuf (12/1984 Midd)

Or, two staves in saltire between in fess two four-leaved clovers, slips to center vert, on a chief indented azure two palmer's scrips Or. Seán ua Néill the Staffmaker (10/2007 Outl)

Or, two staves in saltire proper between four hearts, a bordure gules. Wil Stafford (8/1990 West)

Or, two swords in saltire, and on a chief engrailed gules, a griffin passant Or. Geoffrey of Carrick (8/1985 West)

Or, two swords in saltire gules between two piles inverted purpure, overall a laurel wreath counterchanged. Desert March, Canton of (4/1991 Caid)

Or, two swords inverted in saltire and on a chief triangular sable a Gorgon's head cabossed Or. Titus Antonius Thurinus (8/2007 AnTi)

Or, two trees in saltire proper issuant from a base urdy azure. Ellayne de Grenslade (9/2007 Meri)

Or, two woodsman's axes in saltire sable, hafted proper, surmounted by an arrow inverted proper flighted and within a bordure embattled vert. Thorald skegglauss (9/2005 Drac)

Paly gules and Or, in saltire a spear proper headed sable and an oar proper. Gerolt ap Edward (6/2004 Aten)

Paly sable and argent, on a chief vert two rapiers inverted in saltire Or. Jane Nora Carrik (1/1996 Atla)

Pean, two daggers inverted in saltire surmounted by a chess rook argent. Crispin of Dreywood (8/1983 Aten)

Per bend argent and vert, a cross paty sable and in saltire a lute affronty and a sword Or. Karl of Berg Rheinstein (4/1985 Caid)

Per bend azure and gules, a unicorn salient and in saltire a threaded needle point in chief and a quill Or. Caitlin MacGregor (3/1985 Caid)

Per bend azure and gules, in saltire a sword and an arrow inverted, in chief a compass star elongated to base argent. Ivor Grubb (5/1996 Midd)

Per bend azure and gules, in saltire a sword and an arrow inverted, in chief a compass star elongated to base argent. Ivor Grubb (5/1996 Midd)

Per bend embattled sable and gules, in bend sinister two swords crossed in saltire and a death's head argent. Thorvald of Dragonsfjord (6/1985 Aten)

Per bend gules and argent, two rapiers in saltire argent and a caravel proper sailed Or. Damian Blackthorne of the Sea (7/2002 Aten)

Per bend gules and azure, a bend Or between a cat sejant guardant dexter forepaw raised and two needles crossed in saltire argent. Margaret Catteshull of Meriden (11/2001 Atla)

Per bend gules and sable, two spears in saltire and a sword argent, hilted of leather proper. Edric the Forester (10/1981 Caid)

Per bend sinister argent and purpure, a bunch of grapes slipped and leaved proper and two needles in saltire argent. Cateline la broderesse (2/2000 East)

Per bend sinister argent and sable, two swords in saltire and a Celtic cross counterchanged. Dallán Ó Donnabháin (8/2002 East)

Per bend sinister argent and vert, a bend sinister azure, in dexter chief a spear and a round-headed mace in saltire surmounted by a plant pod, all surmounted by a Basotho shield brown. Lesotho (9/1995 Laur)

Per bend sinister azure and argent, two arrows inverted in saltire Or and an anvil sable. Connor Mac Cormaic (11/1992 Midd)

Per bend sinister azure and gules, a bend sinister Or between two needles in saltire threaded with a single thread argent and three apples Or. Zara the Quiet (5/1993 East)

Per bend sinister gules and azure, a rabbit courant and two swords in saltire argent. Richard Attekirck the Rabbit (1/2009 Aten)

Per bend sinister gules and sable, a rhinoceros passant contourney argent and two quill pens in saltire Or. Petar iz Beograda (3/1992 Anst)

Per bend sinister gules and sable, in pale two staves in saltire, a mullet of eight points pierced elongated to sinister chief, and a lightning flash bendwise argent. Erik Loren Elcara (8/1983 Aten)

Per bend sinister gules and sable, on a bend sinister argent, three hourglasses palewise sable, in dexter chief a quill pen and a rapier in saltire argent. Christopher Kirk Dragomani (7/1990 Anst)

Per bend sinister gules and sable, on a bend sinister argent, three hourglasses palewise sable, in dexter chief a quill pen and a rapier in saltire argent. Christopher Kirk Dragomani (7/1990 Anst)

Per bend sinister Or and gules, in bend a sword and a battle axe in saltire sable and two roses in bend sinister argent. Iain Gillcriosd mac Donnachaidh (11/1989 Aten)

Per bend sinister sable and gules, a bend sinister between a phoenix Or and two swords inverted in saltire proper. Alaric Greythorn of Glen Mor (5/1981 Anst)

Per bend sinister sable and Or, two cannon barrels in saltire and three Latin crosses counterchanged. Robert Lector of Reading (1/2008 Calo)

Per bend sinister vert and argent, two arrows inverted in saltire Or and a thistle proper. Donnchadh mac Céadaigh (2/2002 Outl)

Per bend sinister vert and purpure, two arrows inverted in saltire and a horseshoe inverted argent. Zippora Ledayle (8/2010 Midd)

Per bend sinister wavy argent and azure, two bearded axes in saltire sable and three Thor's hammers Or. Ævarr Brynjólfsson (2/2003 Aten)

Per bend sinister wavy purpure and argent, a swan naiant to sinister and in saltire two swords inverted counterchanged. Giovanni di Rienzi (5/1993 Trim)

Per bend vert and purpure, a tyger salient and two rapiers in saltire Or. Aude de la fontainne (2/2007 Trim)

Per chevron abased azure and argent, in pale in saltire an oaken staff and a sword inverted proper surmounted by a decrescent argent and a mastiff's head couped affrontée sable. Alicia Stillwater (6/1981 Atla)

Per chevron abased Or and vert, in chief two swords in saltire between three trefoils sable and in base a trefoil Or. Wolf O'Brian (2/1985 Meri)

Per chevron argent and azure, issuant from the line of division a phoenix azure rising from flames proper and two threaded needles inverted in saltire argent. Jehannette de Provins (6/2001 Atla)

Per chevron argent and azure, two bearded axes in saltire sable and a wolf sejant ululant contourny argent. Ævarr Brynjólfsson (10/2003 Aten)

Per chevron argent and azure, two rapiers in saltire and a cross of four passion nails counterchanged. Jamys de Godeleia (1/1991 West)

Per chevron argent and azure, two rapiers in saltire sable and a popinjay argent. Ruadhan Muir (11/2009 East)

Per chevron argent and vert, a pair of lace bobbins in saltire proper and a closed book palewise argent. Kassandra of Dragon's Laire (4/2006 AnTi)

Per chevron argent and vert, two axes in saltire and a rapier inverted counterchanged. Cáelinn ingen Chatháin (8/2011 Aten)

Per chevron azure and argent three pairs of arrows inverted in saltire within a bordure all counterchanged. Llewellen of Strathclyde (8/1995 West)

Per chevron azure and argent three pairs of arrows inverted in saltire within a bordure all counterchanged. Llewellen of Strathclyde (8/1995 West)

Per chevron azure and argent, two needles inverted in saltire argent and a cross flory sable. Mariella Jehannette de Lisieux (1/2010 Aten)

Per chevron azure and argent, two quills in saltire and a laurel wreath counterchanged. Saint Monica, College of (6/1989 West)

Per chevron azure and Or, a boar passant contourny argent and two arrows inverted in saltire gules. Thomas da Cordova (2/1997 Midd)

Per chevron azure and Or, two printers' balls in saltire azure inked sable each sustained by a hand azure. Leonhard Schuwert (4/2002 East)

Per chevron azure and Or, two swords in saltire Or and a lion rampant gules. Alasdair MacKenzie (7/2000 Atla)

Per chevron chevronelly Or and azure, and azure, two swords in saltire surmounted by a spear Or. Gunther Garr (6/1993 Caid)

Per chevron gules and azure, two maces in saltire and in base an escallop argent. Thorgrim the Bald (12/1992 Meri)

Per chevron gules and Or, a fork and knife in saltire argent, in base a flame proper within an arch stooped sable, a bordure indented counterchanged. Rhonwen of Chesleigh (2/1991 Atla)

Per chevron gules and Or, a sword and a spear in saltire Or and a drakkar, sails furled, gules, all within a bordure counterchanged. Eric Etheridge (11/1984 Caid)

Per chevron gules and sable, two single-bitted axes crossed in saltire argent and a cross couped parted and fretted Or. Rognvald Bloodaxe (6/1995 Aten)

Per chevron inverted argent and azure, a ship in full sail sable and two rapiers inverted in saltire argent. Juan Carlos Castillo de Coronado (3/2006 Atla)

Per chevron inverted azure and gules, three maple leaves two and one argent and two scimitars in saltire proper. Idon of Sheffeld (2/2009 East)

Per chevron inverted azure and vert, in saltire a quill argent and a krummhorn Or. Guillaume de Valgruen (11/1977)

Per chevron inverted embattled vert and ermine, a rose argent and two holly sprigs stems crossed in saltire vert. Eowyn d'Agincourt (11/1995 West)

Per chevron inverted Or and vert, in chief a hawk displayed and in base two swords in saltire counterchanged. Henry Forrester the Hawk (1/1976)

Per chevron inverted rayonny Or goutty de poix and vert, two single-bitted axes in saltire Or. Rogon Steingesicht (3/1994 Atla)

Per chevron inverted vert and argent, an angel argent and two stick hobbyhorses in saltire sable. Juliana de Ravenshagh (12/2002 AEth)

Per chevron Or and gules, three deer's hoof prints and in saltire two axes counterchanged. Helgi Gunnarsson (1/2009 Caid)

Per chevron sable and argent, two pens in saltire Or and a closed book palewise azure garnished Or. Johann Künster of the Sweord Ora (3/1993 AnTi)

Per chevron sable and azure, a chevron fracted between two wolves combatant argent and two falchions in saltire proper. Timur Borte (7/1996 Anst)

Per chevron sable and gules, a chevron between two mullets and two swords inverted in saltire surmounted by a double-bladed axe, within a bordure argent. Karl Wolfgerson (2/1992 Outl)

Per chevron sable and gules, in pale a falcon stooping and in saltire a double-bitted axe and a sword inverted argent. Wolfstern of Falkeburg (6/1981 Atla)

Per chevron sable and Or, two unicorns' heads couped at the shoulder respectant and in saltire two arrows inverted counterchanged. Juliana FitzWilliam (11/1983 Caid)

Per chevron throughout argent and azure, two griffins segreant gules and two quill pens in saltire argent. Malcolm Wallace of Moray (12/1994 Calo)

Per chevron vert and argent, two spoons in saltire argent and a brown mouse statant erect proper. Conchenn ingen Briain (4/2002 Outl)

Per chevron vert and gules, in saltire an arrow inverted and a sword Or and in chief a dovetailed keystone gules, fimbriated Or. Jon Trimara (5/1985 Caid)

Per chevron vert and gules, in saltire an arrow inverted and a sword Or and in chief a dovetailed keystone gules, fimbriated Or. Jon Trimara (5/1985 Caid)

Per fess argent and azure, a tower gules and an arrow inverted and a sword crossed in saltire argent. Caer Mear, Barony of (6/1992 Atla)

Per fess argent and azure, a tower gules and an arrow inverted and a sword crossed in saltire argent. Caer Mear, Barony of (6/1992 Atla)

Per fess argent and azure, two swords in saltire counterchanged. Caid, Kingdom of (9/1996 Caid)

Per fess argent and sable, in chief a heart gules charged with a maunch and in base two daggers in saltire argent, all within a bordure counterchanged. Katryna Robyn (3/1990 East)

Per fess argent and vert, a fess and on a dexter tierce gules in chief two sheathed sabres inverted in saltire surmounted by a sheathed jambiya and belt with fastenings argent. Oman (9/1995 Laur)

Per fess azure and argent, three swans naiant in fess and two claymores in saltire all within a bordure embattled, all counterchanged. Conor MacLean (7/1991 Atla)

Per fess azure and gules, in chief two comets inverted bendwise sinister argent and in base two recorders in saltire Or. Donalbain MacPherson (3/1986 West)

Per fess azure and gules, two spears in saltire Or. Hubert le Webber (3/2010 AEth)

Per fess azure and Or, a compass star Or and two arrows inverted in saltire sable. Ihon MacLucas (6/2003 Caid)

Per fess azure and sable, in pale a snowy owl's head caboshed argent and in saltire a straight trumpet bell in chief Or and a quill argent. Seamus of Gallhaven (8/1985 Calo)

Per fess azure and sable, in saltire an axe and a sword inverted within a stag's attire, all argent. John Shorthair (9/1989 Trim)

Per fess azure and vert, in chief two rapiers inverted crossed in saltire argent and in base a dragon rampant to sinister Or maintaining a tower argent. Taliesin d'Argonne (3/1996 Atla)

Per fess azure and vert, in saltire a sword inverted argent and a galley oar inverted proper. Achrena Rowyn of Caer Dathyl (1/1976)

Per fess azure and vert, two crescents and in saltire two grozing irons argent. Moll Sotherden (4/2011 Midd)

Per fess checky azure and argent, and azure, in chief two tridents in saltire Or, in base a dolphin naiant argent. Ian MacKynnes (9/1984 AnTi)

Per fess embattled gules and erminois, in base two thistles in saltire proper. Louise of Woodsholme (1/1976 Aten)

Per fess embattled Or and azure, two spears in saltire gules and a stag at gaze argent. Hallgeirr Óláfsson (10/2010 Anst)

Per fess embattled Or and gules, a dragonfly sable and two lightning bolts in saltire Or. Rutilia Fausta (4/2006 Caid)

Per fess embattled sable and vert, a sword and an arrow in saltire Or and a dragon passant to sinister argent. Eric the Wanderer of the Flying Dragon's Cave (4/1984 Midd)

Per fess embattled sable and vert, a sword and an arrow in saltire Or and a dragon passant to sinister argent. Eric the Wanderer of the Flying Dragon's Cave (4/1984 Midd)

Per fess embattled vert and argent, in pale two swords in saltire and a compass star counterchanged. Graywood, Shire of (2/1990 Anst)

Per fess embowed sable and gules, two spears in saltire argent and a wolf rampant Or. Alusdar Ciotach (11/2010 Caid)

Per fess gules and argent, in saltire a sword and an arum lily slipped counterchanged. Serena Gethin (4/2003 Anst)

Per fess gules and checky sable and argent, in chief two arrows inverted in saltire surmounted by a goat's head cabossed argent. Ivar Volosatoi (11/1996 East)

Per fess gules and sable, a demi-sun issuant from the line of division Or and two needles in saltire argent. Catrina Makcrie of Berwick (1/2002 AnTi)

Per fess gules and sable, a lion rampant maintaining an arrow inverted Or between three pairs of rapiers in saltire argent. Eleazar Ben Judah (9/1995 Midd)

Per fess gules and vair, in saltire two scimitars proper, in chief an anvil Or. Robert of the Woodlands (11/1988 Calo)

Per fess gules and vert, in chief in saltire a mace surmounted by a sword, both surmounted by a bow reversed palewise Or, and in base a brown bear statant proper. [Ursus arctos] Michael of Hammond (11/1979 East)

Per fess indented argent and azure, two ostrich feathers in saltire vert and an open scroll fesswise argent. Khalil ibn Yusuf al-Balansi (1/2005 Midd)

Per fess indented argent and vert, two rapiers in saltire sable and a hedgehog argent. Jocelyn della Spada (4/2008 East)

Per fess indented argent, goutty purpure, and vert, overall two short-stemmed Saracen smoking pipes in saltire argent. Dulcinea de Yerba Buena (8/1979)

Per fess indented azure and gules, in chief a sword and a hammer inverted in saltire argent, the sword hilted Or, in base a standing balance Or. Hans the Horrible (4/1985 West)

Per fess indented azure and Or, in chief two swords inverted in saltire surmounted by a helm argent, and in base a castle sable. Cormac MacCormac (8/1984 Meri)

Per fess indented of three points vert and argent, a pale counterchanged overall two arrows inverted in saltire gules. Quintavia, Shire of (1/1986 East)

Per fess indented Or and sable, two double-bladed axes in saltire and a dove migrant, all counterchanged. Alayne McGuyre (1/1990 Anst)

Per fess Or and purpure, in chief two pairs of arrows in saltire sable and in base eight lozenges in annulo, points to center, Or. Targan de Montfort of Crystal Caverns (9/1990 West)

Per fess Or and sable, a brown bear's head erased at the shoulders affronty proper and two tridents in saltire Or. Thaddeus of Champclair (4/1987 West)

Per fess raguly argent and vert, in saltire a wooden-handled spade and a two-pronged mowing fork sable, hafted proper. Andrew of the North Shore (5/1985 Aten)

Per fess rayonny gules and azure, in chief two oars in saltire argent. Finnvarðr mjoksiglandi Grísson (6/2005 Midd)

Per fess sable and argent, two swords in saltire gules. Holy Roman Empire, Reichsmarschal of the (12/1994 Laur)

Per fess sable and argent, two swords in saltire proper and a snake involved gules. Dugald Kerr (1/1995 Midd)

Per fess sable and azure, two axes in saltire and a sea lion argent. Ulf the Confused (11/1992 AnTi)

Per fess sable and gules, a rhinoceros statant Or and two arrows inverted in saltire argent. Ullrich Verloren (7/2008 Anst)

Per fess sable and gules, a tyger rampant and in chief a sword and a straight trumpet inverted in saltire argent. Robert of Caithness (2/1999 AnTi)

Per fess sable and gules, in chief two swords in saltire argent and in base in fess a sword inverted Or between two Latin doubled crosses crosslet argent. William Ulf (4/2010 Trim)

Per fess sable and gules, in saltire a sword inverted and an axe, all surmounted by an oar palewise, blade to chief, Or. Theoden the Oarsman (4/1988 East)

Per fess sable and Or, a griffin segreant contourny argent and two rapiers inverted in saltire sable. Sergii Boyanovich Samopalov (9/1993 Anst)

Per fess sable and vert, a fess gules fimbriated, overall two spears in saltire argent surmounted by an oval shield Gules, in pale a plate between two deer's hoofprints argent all between flaunches sable. Kenya (9/1995 Laur)

Per fess vert and argent, in saltire two pole-cannons Or, hafted sable, inflamed proper. Ioseph of Locksley, the Rhymer (1/1973)

Per fess wavy argent and azure, in saltire a trident and a sword Or, overall an orca naiant to sinister proper. Tir-y-Don, Barony of (2/1989 Atla)

Per fess wavy argent and barry wavy azure and argent, two arrows in saltire azure. Kusunoki Kinshige (1/2011 East)

Per fess wavy argent and sable, a dolphin naiant contourny and two swords in saltire counterchanged. Yves de Lyle (10/2011 Loch)

Per fess wavy azure and argent, in base a bar wavy azure and overall in saltire two scythes Or. Aidan Aileran O'Comhraidhe (6/1991 Anst)

Per pale argent and azure, in pale a sun in his splendor and two spears in saltire Or. Atenveldt, Kingdom of (9/2010 Aten)

Per pale argent and azure, in pale a sun in his splendor and two swords in saltire Or. Atenveldt, Kingdom of (1/1992 Aten)

Per pale argent and azure, two battle axes in saltire counterchanged. Conrad Sturmere (3/2008 Loch)

Per pale argent and azure, two battle-axes in saltire sable and in base a sun in glory Or, a bordure counterchanged. Atenveldt, Kingdom of (2/2005 Aten)

Per pale argent and azure, two swords inverted in saltire between four roses counterchanged. Ælfric of False Isle (2/2002 AnTi)

Per pale argent and sable, a besom and a scythe crossed in saltire counterchanged. Simona dell'Amore (8/2004 Atla)

Per pale argent and sable, in saltire a sword and an axe counterchanged. Dimarus of Atenveldt (7/2007 Aten)

Per pale argent and sable, in saltire an artist's brush, bristles to base, and a quill counterchanged. Antoinette Louise de la Forêt de Compiègne (10/1988 Anst)

Per pale argent and vert, a hammer and tongs in saltire counterchanged and on a chief sable a tuft of three cattails slipped and leaved argent. Roland Ganneth (8/1999 East)

Per pale argent and vert, a mountain, and in chief two arrows in saltire counterchanged. Eilidh nin Choinnich (11/1994 Meri)

Per pale argent and vert, in saltire a viol and its bow per pale vert and argent. Nonne Reerdan (3/2009 Caid)

Per pale argent and vert, in saltire two lances counterchanged and in base an anvil sable. Chadris d'Argent (2/1982 East)

Per pale azure and argent, a pickax and a spade inverted in saltire counterchanged. Alexander Kirkpatrick (7/1993 Calo)

Per pale azure and argent, between two lion-headed dragons combattant two crampons crossed in saltire all within a bordure dovetailed counterchanged. Alistair Ian McGregor (6/1995 Aten)

Per pale azure and argent, in saltire a slip of borage [Borage officianalis] surmounting a sage blossom [Salvia officianalis] slipped and leaved proper. Elizabeth Dameral Sage (11/1980 Meri)

Per pale azure and argent, two pens in saltire counterchanged and overall an open book Or leathered gules. Atenveldt, Kingdom of (2/1972)

Per pale azure and gules, in saltire a garden rose, slipped and leaved, and a needle, eye to base, argent. Alyse Lillias Stewart (4/1989 Caid)

Per pale azure and Or, a tower counterchanged surmounted by two axes in saltire gules. Dun Or, Barony of (4/1986 Caid)

Per pale azure and purpure, a rapier and overall in saltire two arrows inverted Or. Eadan of Tir-y-Don (1/2005 Atla)

Per pale azure and sable, a mallet and an axe in saltire argent. Iain MacConmhaoil (10/2007 Outl)

Per pale azure and sable, two bearded axes in saltire surmounted by an arrow inverted Or. Agnarr Þorvaldsson (7/2003 West)

Per pale azure and vert, two axes in saltire Or, fretted of a bowen knot, overall an annulet argent. Alasdair Francis MacDhomhnuill (8/1990 Trim)

Per pale azure and vert, two swords in saltire between in pale a helm argent and a flame proper. Ioan James de Marksberry (6/2005 Midd)

Per pale azure and vert, two tusks tips crossed in saltire Or. Cahan Kyle (11/1990 East)

Per pale embattled gules and vert, a sea-wolf argent and two arrows in saltire Or. Kathryn Bearward of Wolfenden (3/1995 Caid)

Per pale ermine and erminois, on a pale gules between two shamrocks vert a bow and an arrow inverted in saltire Or. Cormac of the Bow (4/1982 West)

Per pale gules and argent, two axes in saltire between three mullets one and two all counterchanged. Ragnar Karlson (4/2002 Midd)

Per pale gules and argent, two bones crossed in saltire surmounted by a skull, a bordure potenty all per pale argent and sable. Carlos Cervantes (4/2007 Aten)

Per pale gules and azure, two stalks of barley in saltire within a bordure Or. Edric Longfellow (2/2003 Aten)

Per pale gules and Or, in saltire two swords within an orle of mullets of six points between two tressures, all counterchanged. Jayne Gidle (4/1986 East)

Per pale gules and Or, two smoking pipes in saltire between in pale two broadarrows inverted counterchanged. Sean MacGarrow (10/2007 Meri)

Per pale gules and sable, a tower argent and on a chief Or two arrows inverted in saltire gules armed and flighted sable between two mullets of eight points vert. Richard Fergus Fitzalan (9/1992 AnTi)

Per pale gules and sable, a violin in bend sinister crossing its bow in bend Or. Feodor Khrisotelevich Gudoshnikov (8/1990 East)

Per pale gules and sable, in saltire a Lochaber axe and a handsaw both argent hafted Or, within an orle Or. Tomas y Saer (11/2007 Aten)

Per pale gules and sable, in saltire a rose slipped and leaved Or and a dagger inverted proper. Petru cel Rau (11/2002 Outl)

Per pale gules and sable, two flamberges in saltire Or surmounted by a skull argent. Max Erich von Baden (9/2003 Caid)

Per pale gules and sable, two halberds in saltire and in base a mullet argent. Wolfgang von Sachsenhausen (3/2011 Anst)

Per pale gules and sable, two rapiers in saltire Or, overall a ram's head couped argent. Gleann Abhann, Kingdom of (1/2012G)

Per pale gules and sable, two rapiers inverted crossed in saltire Or, overall a rose argent barbed and seeded proper. Elizabetta Maria de Calabria (5/1999 Meri)

Per pale gules and sable, two smith's hammers in saltire Or within a bordure embattled argent. Joseph Harcourt (12/2008 East)

Per pale gules and sable, two staves in saltire Or in chief a tankard argent. Erasmus the Traveller (9/1995 AnTi)

Per pale gules and vert, in saltire two arum lilies argent slipped and leaved Or within a bordure argent. Audrey Brant (12/2010 Atla)

Per pale Or and argent, in sinister two keys in saltire argent and Or handles bound with a cord gules wards enwrapped by the infibulae of a Papal tiara in chief argent garnished Or. Vatican (12/1994 Laur)

Per pale Or and gules, in saltire two double-bitted axes, in base a tankard counterchanged. Arii viligisl (3/2004 Caid)

Per pale Or and gules, two rapiers inverted in saltire argent and overall a fleur-de-lys per pale gules and Or. Jean Paul Ducasse (9/2009 East)

Per pale Or and vert, in saltire two quill pens and on a chief three shamrocks counterchanged. Brigit Carruthers (11/2008 Atla)

Per pale purpure and argent, in pale a bunch of grapes and two swords in saltire, all counterchanged. Severin Visconti (1/1986 East)

Per pale purpure and argent, two arum lilies counterchanged slips crossed in saltire vert. Nikolai Demonev (1/2003 Caid)

Per pale purpure and argent, two domestic cats counter-salient in saltire and in chief a fleur-de-lys counterchanged. Kiar of Auburn (4/1996 Midd)

Per pale purpure and argent, two halberds in saltire blades to dexter counterchanged. Karl Helweg (3/2004 Atla)

Per pale purpure and argent, two swords in saltire and in chief two roundels counterchanged. Bridget Lucia Mackenzie (4/2002 Caid)

Per pale purpure and sable, in saltire a bone argent surmounting a sword Or. Ysabel de Rouen (10/2006 Aten)

Per pale purpure and vert, two flutes in saltire within and fretted with a torse, all argent. Althea die fast Unschuldige (5/1990 East)

Per pale sable and argent, a quiver holding two arrows overall two swords in saltire all per pale argent and sable. Eleanor of Caithness (8/2005 Loch)

Per pale sable and argent, in saltire a quill and a sword inverted and on a chief two wolves' heads caboshed all counterchanged. Donato el Lobo (3/1985 Calo)

Per pale sable and argent, in saltire a quill and a sword inverted and on a chief two wolves' heads caboshed all counterchanged. Donato el Lobo (3/1985 Calo)

Per pale sable and argent, on a saltire cotised, two spears in saltire, all counterchanged. Asgeirr Gunnarsson (5/1984 Calo)

Per pale sable and argent, two axes in saltire between in fess two wolf's heads erased respectant counterchanged. Kjotví Þorgrimsson (3/2005 AEth)

Per pale sable and argent two double-bitted axes in saltire fretted with a mascle counterchanged. Valdis Raginheid (7/1990 Caid)

Per pale sable and argent, two poleaxes in saltire and in base a tankard within a bordure all counterchanged. Angus de Gordun (10/2007G)

Per pale sable and argent, two scimitars in saltire and in chief a Latin cross counterchanged. Kilian Bruce (6/1997 Caid)

Per pale sable and azure, in saltire a crutch Or and a sword inverted proper, in chief a pair of eyeglasses argent, stringed Or. Trimaris, Kingdom of (8/1984 Meri)

Per pale sable and azure, in saltire two tilting lances, a bordure argent. Genevieve d'Argent Chene (1/2012 Meri)

Per pale sable and azure, two double-bitted axes in saltire Or. Arthur Knox of Bannockburn (4/1998 Midd)

Per pale sable and gules, a chevron embattled between three pairs of arrows in saltire Or. Marsali Sorcha na Liosa Mòire (7/1992 Midd)

Per pale sable and gules, a musical bow and a viol in saltire argent. Dmitrii Nikolaevich Gudoshinikov (11/1996 Midd)

Per pale sable and gules, two axes in saltire and on a chief embattled Or three ravens sable. Lazarus von Kyrchberc (1/2002 Caid)

Per pale sable and Or, two double-bitted axes in saltire, in chief an executioner's hood affronty counterchanged. Axel the Executioner (6/1998 Outl)

Per pale sable and Or, two swords in saltire surmounted by another inverted counterchanged, a chief enarched counterchanged erminois and pean. Þorvaldr friðsamr (1/2008 AEth)

Per pale sable and purpure, in saltire a rapier inverted and a rose slipped and leaved argent. Danilo Danilovich (2/1998 Aten)

Per pale sable and purpure, in saltire two scythes argent. John Morgan of Caerleon (7/2004 Caid)

Per pale sable and vert, two battle-axes in saltire and in base a double-horned anvil argent. Svarðkell bíldr (2/2004 Caid)

Per pale sable and vert, two flanged maces in saltire, overall a hawk's head erased argent. Gwalchmai ap Meredith (12/2010G)

Per pale vert and argent, a bow and arrow in saltire counterchanged. Bridge, Barony of the (8/1979 East)

Per pale vert and argent, two spears in saltire and a chief embattled counterchanged. William of Brittany (3/1985 West)

Per pale vert and argent, two war-axes in saltire and in base two sperm whales respectant in chevron inverted all counterchanged. Marta Brün Hild (8/2005 Aten)

Per pale vert and azure, two unicorn horns crossed in saltire argent. Kerkira Anastasia Tamarina (4/1998 Midd)

Per pale vert and gules, a dragon's head couped Or, overall two rapiers in saltire argent. Megan the Mad (2/2005 AEth)

Per pale vert and gules, two swords inverted in saltire argent, overall a thistle Or. Dubghall Domnall MacNayre (6/1992 East)

Per pale vert and Or, two lions combattant counterchanged, on a chief gules, three pairs of needles in saltire Or. Brendan O'Farrell (6/1999 East)

Per pale vert and purpure, two arrows in saltire Or, overall a wolf's head cabossed argent. Heather O Fellaghy (4/1999 Atla)

Per pale vert and sable, in pale a sycamore leaf argent and two arrows in saltire Or. Ron of Sundragon (1/1988 Aten)

Per pale vert and sable, two axes in saltire within an annulet argent. Artúr mac Lochlainn (11/2001 Atla)

Per pale vert and sable, two single-bitted axes in saltire argent surmounted by a lion's head cabossed, a chief embattled Or. Artúr mac Lochlainn (4/1990 Atla)

Per pale vert and sable, two spoons in saltire argent. Duran al-Rumi (2/2010 Arte)

Per pale wavy sable and gules, in saltire a sword inverted proper and an axe Or, hafted argent, and in base a rose Or, barbed and seeded vert. Einar Leodherewudu (7/1987 Aten)

Per pall Or, gules, and vert, two arrows in saltire Or and in chief a claw couped contourny gules. Talon Ravenesclawe (9/1999 Midd)

Per pall vert, Or, and gules, in pale a spired tower argent and two arrows inverted in saltire counterchanged. Nikolai of Trakai (10/1993 Midd)

Per pall wavy argent, vert and azure, a wolf's head and an eagle's head both erased respectant argent, and in chief a wooden staff proper and a sword azure crossed in saltire. Alden Pharamond (12/1984 Anst)

Per saltire argent and azure, in pale a raven sable and two roses in saltire slipped and leaved proper. Feichín Mac Giolla Fhindéin (6/2002 Outl)

Per saltire argent and Or, a rose gules barbed vert, on a chief sable, three pairs of swords inverted in saltire argent. Conan Mac Arthur (7/1992 Atla)

Per saltire argent and sable, in chief two ravens respectant and in base two Danish axes in saltire azure. Halfdan Lynkehand (9/2008 Calo)

Per saltire azure and gules, two spears in saltire throughout Or, overall a pegasus salient to sinister, wings elevated and displayed, argent, all within a bordure ermine. William of Northumbria (3/1985 Caid)

Per saltire azure and vert, two swords in saltire within a bordure embattled argent. John von der Velde (4/2010 Atla)

Per saltire gules and azure, a pair of scissors in saltire throughout, points to base, between four fleur-de-lys Or. Emma of Essex (12/1997 Outl)

Per saltire gules and Or, two artist's brushes in saltire argent surmounted by a rose azure seeded Or. Sorcha inghean ui Aoilleacháin (7/1999 Outl)

Per saltire gules and sable, two lightning flashes throughout in saltire, barbed and flighted Or. Chepe l'Orageux (12/1980 Midd)

Per saltire gules and sable, two rapiers inverted in saltire and overall a ram's head caboshed argent. Alexander Blackram (2/1997 Midd)

Per saltire gules and sable, two swords in saltire between four Celtic crosses bases to center argent. Siobhán of Starkhafn (12/1999 Caid)

Per saltire Or and gules, two swords inverted in saltire argent between two unicorns rampant sable. Verginia Urdiales del Bosque (4/1998 Anst)

Per saltire sable and vert, two halberds in saltire Or and in base a compass star argent and on a chief Or a wolf courant vert. Fiacc MacDougal (10/2003 Anst)

Per saltire vert and sable, in pale two axes crossed in saltire argent and a lion rampant a bordure embattled Or. Alexander Eriksson Trevor (2/1997 Outl)

Per saltire vert and sable, two quill pens in saltire argent and in chief an ink bottle Or. Rhydderich Hael, Barony of the (12/1984 East)

Potent, two palmer's staves in saltire Or. Addison the Wanderer (3/1973)

Purpure, a boar's head erased argent between three pairs of drinking horns crossed in saltire Or within a bordure embattled argent. Somhairle Ó Laidhigh (8/1994 Trim)

Purpure, a cattail and crutch in saltire within a bordure wavy argent. Jane Lynn of Fenmere (4/1992 AnTi)

Purpure, a daisy slipped, in base two rapiers in saltire argent. Sara de Lindley (8/2002 AEth)

Purpure, a heart gules fimbriated, overall two rapiers inverted in saltire argent. Paul of Hameldone (8/1979)

Purpure, a phoenix facing sinister Or, rising from flames proper, issuant from two arrows inverted in saltire argent. Anne Redlocks (12/1992 Midd)

Purpure, a rapier and a musket in saltire and on a point pointed argent an open book sable. Malise of Sundragon (1/2004 Aten)

Purpure, a recorder Or and a quill pen argent in saltire, on a point pointed Or a compass star gules. Taddea di Vercelli (11/1992 AnTi)

Purpure, a rose slipped argent, overall two double-bitted axes in saltire Or. Sven Gunther Alcan (6/1990 Caid)

Purpure, a stick shuttle and a needle in saltire argent, both threaded with the same thread, in base a rose Or, barbed and seeded vert, all within a bordure invected Or. Catherine of Gordonhall (9/1987 Aten)

Purpure, a yale's head erased argent, armed Or, in base two rapiers in saltire argent. Melchior av Härö Sund (7/1996 Drac)

Purpure, an annulet argent fretted with two seaxes in saltire, all within an orle of eight frogs sejant affronty Or. Saethryth of Athelney (1/1987 Midd)

Purpure, in pale a mullet of four points elongated to base Or and two lilies crossed in saltire slipped argent. Anastasia Elgiva Orpett (12/1999 Aten)

Purpure, in pale two picks in saltire and a heart voided, a bordure embattled argent. Steinn holdr (7/2008 Aten)

Purpure, in pale two quills in saltire and a drinking horn fesswise reversed distilling three gouttes, one and two, all Or. Thoron Ravenoak (3/1984 Caid)

Purpure, in saltire a lightning flash argent crossed by a baton Or ermined sable. Isaac de la Decapole d'Alsace (1/1974)

Purpure, in saltire a lute proper crossed by a pen argent, veined sable, in chief a sun in his splendor Or. Ambre Aimee de Roux (8/1979 Aten)

Purpure, in saltire a sword and a unicorn's horn Or and in chief a bezant. Kathryn Lavendar of Lesbos (5/1983 Meri)

Purpure, in saltire a two-tined fork and a goblet, on a chief Or a dragon passant vert. Aleidis Lanen (3/2011 AEth)

Purpure mullety argent, two comets inverted in saltire and issuant from base a demi-sun Or, eclipsed of the field. Roscelin de Saint Rémy (12/1985 Caid)

Purpure, on a saltire argent two swords in saltire sable, in chief a bear's head cabossed Or. Gavin McKitrick (2/2000 Anst)

Purpure, two axes in saltire and on a chief triangular argent, a rose purpure barbed and seeded proper. Matthew of Nithgaard (12/1995 East)

Purpure, two besoms in saltire Or and on a chief argent a roundel between an increscent and a decrescent purpure. Solange of Vinhold (8/2008 West)

Purpure, two bones in saltire and a chief argent. Abigail MacLachlan (8/1998 AnTi)

Purpure, two cutlasses in saltire edges to chief and a base rayonny Or. Elena McKenzie (8/2005 Calo)

Purpure, two feathers in saltire argent, in chief a German flute fesswise affronty Or, all within a bordure argent. Duncan Brock of Greyfeather (4/1986 Caid)

Purpure, two fire arrows inverted crossed in saltire argent enflamed proper on a chief rayonny argent three pairs of knitting needles crossed in saltire purpure. Alis ni Malone (2/2000 Aten)

Purpure, two kettle drums in fess Or, in chief two drumsticks in saltire argent. Anna Kalita (1/1993 AnTi)

Purpure, two swords in saltire argent, in base a cauldron Or. Isaac of Damascus (9/1991 West)

Purpure, two swords in saltire proper, in chief a dexter hand couped argent charged with a mullet purpure. Matthew of Brierwood (1/1973)

Purpure, two threaded needles in saltire threaded with the same thread argent, a bordure argent semy of shamrocks vert. Ana Linch de Yuebanc (10/1997 Midd)

Quarterly azure and purpure, two recorders crossed in saltire, on a chief argent a bear statant contourny between two fleur-de-lys sable. Dafydd Arth (9/1995 Midd)

Quarterly azure and sable, two swords inverted in saltire Or, overall a Latin cross patty argent. Ian Alexander (5/1985 Anst)

Quarterly azure and vert, a sword bendwise Or surmounted by a quill pen bendwise sinister argent. Nicolas de Navarre (7/2005 Aten)

Quarterly azure and vert, a sword bendwise Or surmounted by a quill pen bendwise sinister argent. Nicolas de Navarre (7/2005 Aten)

Quarterly embattled azure and vert, in bend sinister two needles in saltire inverted and a peacock argent. Euginia in rauða (1/2012 Caid)

Quarterly gules and argent, a sword inverted and a single-bitted axe in saltire counterchanged. Armand de Force (1/1998 AnTi)

Quarterly gules and argent, in saltire a sword Or and a key wards to chief, on a chief embattled azure three Maltese crosses Or. Artur Chadwyk of Western Seas (12/2011 Atla)

Quarterly gules and argent, two double-bitted axes in saltire within a bordure, all counterchanged. Sutan Bloodaxe (1/1989 Anst)

Quarterly gules and azure, in pale two unicorn horns in saltire and an open book Or. Juliana Felicita Boccaccio (5/2005 AnTi)

Quarterly gules and Or, two torches in saltire sable enflamed counterchanged. Nicodemus Sewere (5/2007 East)

Quarterly gules and purpure, two lutes in saltire edge-on and a bordure Or. Rhiwallon the Wanderer (5/1986 Caid)

Quarterly gules and sable, two ragged staffs in saltire argent. Thomas Logan (8/1998 West)

Quarterly Or and argent, a cross azure, overall a pair of rapiers in saltire gules. Diana Wiatt (9/1993 East)

Quarterly Or and argent, in saltire two headsman's axes and dependent from the junction a hangman's noose sable, all within a bordure gules. Dynadan do Pico (9/1983 Caid)

Quarterly Or and azure, a spoon and a hammer in saltire counterchanged. Ása in svarta (7/2006 East)

Quarterly Or and azure, an awl, point to base, and a mallet in saltire counterchanged. Wystan Haldane (3/2007 East)

Quarterly Or and azure, in saltire a wooden spoon proper and a lute argent. Elashava bas Riva (5/1984 Midd)

Quarterly Or and gules, in saltire a rapier sable and a quill pen argent, a bordure embattled sable. Gomez de Santander (11/2006 Arte)

Quarterly Or and gules, in saltire a rapier sable and a quill pen argent, a bordure embattled sable. Gomez de Santander (11/2006 Arte)

Quarterly Or and sable, in saltire a crossbow quarrel inverted sable and a quill pen Or. Kurt von Arriksleva (9/1991 Caid)

Quarterly Or and sable, two double-bitted axes in saltire within a bordure, all counterchanged. Eldred Bloodaxe (8/1990 Anst)

Quarterly per pale dovetailed argent and azure, in bend two pairs of swords in saltire sable. Johann Caldron (10/1994 Atla)

Quarterly purpure and argent, in saltire a garden rose argent slipped Or, and a garden rose gules, slipped vert, all within a bordure embattled counterchanged. Deirdre ní Phádraig mac Griogair (2/1990 AnTi)

Quarterly purpure and vert, an annulet Or fretted with two swords inverted in saltire proper. Ferrante La Volpe (9/1997 Arte)

Quarterly sable and argent, a garden rose slipped and leaved and a sword in saltire counterchanged. Andrew MacAran (6/1992 East)

Quarterly sable and argent, two double-bitted axes in saltire counterchanged. Eldjarn bildr (3/2005 AEth)

Quarterly sable and argent, two rapiers inverted in saltire counterchanged, overall a bull's head cabossed gules. Mark le Gabler (9/2011 AEth)

Quarterly sable and azure, two arrows inverted in saltire argent, barbed and flighted Or, surmounted by a sword proper, between in cross four compass stars argent. Wulfhere Nordwulf (3/1993 Midd)

Quarterly sable and azure, two rapiers in saltire surmounted by an arrow inverted, all within a bordure embattled argent. Michael M'Quilline (5/2007 Outl)

Quarterly sable and gules, in saltire a sword inverted proper and a trumpet, in chief a lyre Or. Harbert de Guilbert (12/1980 East)

Quarterly sable and gules two lightning bolts in saltire Or, overall a ram's head erased affronty argent. Titus Antonius Archelaus (8/1991 AnTi)

Quarterly sable and vert, a mullet of eight points argent charged with two axes in saltire sable each distilling a goutte gules. Robert Bloodaxe (11/1996 AnTi)

Quarterly vert and azure, a weaver's shuttle and an empty drop spindle in saltire argent. Rose Elizabeth Weaver (1/2002 Aten)

Quarterly vert and azure, in saltire a flute Or and a quill pen argent. Geneviève the Gypsy (6/1997 Anst)

Quarterly vert and gules, in saltire a battle-axe Or and a shovel inverted argent. Dedrich Schweickhardt vom Schwartzwald (2/2012 AEth)

Quarterly vert and sable, a garden rosebud slipped and a kris in saltire argent. Jesca of the Flaming Hair (1/1992 Caid)

Quarterly vert and sable, two spears in saltire argent. Khristian Pykh (2/2010 AEth)

Sable, a dragon segreant argent maintaining a bow and a sword Or, on a chief embattled argent two pairs of arrows inverted in saltire sable. Mikael the Archer of Dragonwood (5/1992 AnTi)

Sable, a fess fusily Or between two swords in saltire and vol argent, a bordure Or. Angus Dugald MacLeod (8/1995 Caid)

Sable, a hammer and a sword inverted in saltire argent surmounted by a mullet of four points and in base an anvil reversed Or. Peter of the Golden Isles (6/1984 Caid)

Sable, a harp and in chief two garden roses in saltire slipped and leaved, a bordure argent. Rathfled du Noir (12/1992 Caid)

Sable, a hawk's head issuant from sinister Or, above two daggers reversed saltirewise argent, hilted Or. Robert Hawkknives (1/1973)

Sable, a horse rampant and in chief two swords inverted in saltire Or. Wulff Egilsson (1/1985 Caid)

Sable, a pall inverted in base two stalks of wheat crossed in saltire and a canton Or. Arthur de Pennebrygg (10/2001 Drac)

Sable, a phoenix, on a chief indented argent two arrows inverted and crossed in saltire sable. Rhodri ap Gruffudd (7/1999 Aten)

Sable, a smith's hammer Or and a rapier in saltire, a bordure dovetailed argent. Stephan MacAllester of Cork (2/2006 Aten)

Sable, a standing balance and on a chief enarched Or two rapiers, tips crossed in saltire, purpure. Valdis O'Davoren (9/1992 Anst)

Sable, a sword and a quill pen in saltire Or within a bordure Or mullety sable. Jürgen Danske (8/1994 Drac)

Sable, a triquetra between two narwhals haurient respectant horns crossed in saltire argent. Deonysia Crowell (11/1999 East)

Sable, a wolf's head cabossed argent, on a chief checky argent and sable two double-bitted axes crossed in saltire gules. Maximilian Utz von Wulfen (7/1999 Aten)

Sable, an artist's brush inverted and a quill pen in saltire argent between four crescents all within an orle Or. Rafi'a al-Zarqa' (3/2006 Outl)

Sable, an open scroll palewise Or charged with a crossbow palewise inverted azure surmounted by two arrows inverted in saltire gules. Gedkin the Studious (11/1980 Caid)

Sable, in chief two double-bitted axes in saltire Or surmounted by a death's head argent and in base an estoile Or. Ian MacDuff (8/1992 Outl)

Sable, in chief two wolves sejant respectant and in base two scimitars in saltire argent, two flaunches lozengy vert and argent. Hanko Kal (10/2010 Trim)

Sable, in pale a beardless man's head affronty and two pens in saltire Or. Calontir, Kingdom of (2/1986 Calo)

Sable, in pale a bow and a sword in saltire and a point pointed argent. Jonathan Ivey de la Montagne (3/1983 Aten)

Sable, in pale a compass star and two swords in saltire argent and a bordure embattled Or. Garivald van Dorestade (12/1994 AnTi)

Sable, in pale a hawk displayed and two sabers in saltire argent. Raedwulf Burke (8/1999 Anst)

Sable, in pale a moon in her plenitude and two arrows inverted in saltire all between two pallets argent. Jannet Fletcher (12/2002 AnTi)

Sable, in pale a skull and in saltire two thigh-bones argent. Jolly Roger, The (12/1994 Laur)

Sable, in pale a unicorn passant argent, armed Or, and two swords inverted in saltire proper surmounted by an open book argent, bound Or. Ogatie of Castle North (1/1985 Caid)

Sable, in pale a wolf's head cabossed and two swords in saltire, within an orle argent. Agelos Evienece (2/1982 Caid)

Sable, in pale a wolf's head cabossed and two swords in saltire within an orle argent overall a label Or. Giraldus Evienece (1/2002 AnTi)

Sable, in pale two spears in saltire and a ram's head contourny bendwise sinister erased Or. Thorvald Egilsson (6/2000 Anst)

Sable, in pale two swords in saltire argent and a standing balance Or. Gavin Skot of Stirling (8/2003 Aten)

Sable, in saltire a double-bitted axe and a Celtic cross Or. Richard of Mont Royal, the Short (1/1973)

Sable, in saltire a palmer's staff and a stick shuttle Or, a bordure Or goutty vert. Egill the Loomwright (11/2009 Caid)

Sable, in saltire a palmer's staff Or and a sword argent, on a chief triangular Or a tower sable. Donald Dalamare Storm (2/1998 Aten)

Sable, in saltire a pen Or, quilled argent, surmounted by a sword inverted proper, all within an annulet knotted in chief by a ligature knot argent. Gareth of Bloodwine Gorge (6/1980 Aten)

Sable, in saltire a pen Or, quilled argent, surmounted by a sword inverted proper, all within an annulet knotted in chief by a ligature knot argent. Gareth of Bloodwine Gorge (6/1980 Aten)

Sable, in saltire a sword inverted argent and a rowan branch Or. Coinneach mac Ciaráin (11/1988 Caid)

Sable, in saltire abased a long cross argent and a sword inverted proper, in chief a lion sejant coward Or. Alastair Ronal Kester Aeyalweard (6/1984 Anst)

Sable, in saltire an artist's paintbrush inverted and a quill pen argent and in chief a bell Or. Lucia Bellini (1/2007 Atla)

Sable, in saltire an axe and spear, in chief a mullet of four points elongated to base Or. Rorik Kelleward (8/1991 Trim)

Sable, in saltire two arrows inverted between in pale a crescent inverted, engrailed in chief, and a crescent, engrailed in base, argent. Alric Bowbreaker of the High March (11/1979 East)

Sable, in saltire two rapiers and in chief three fox's masks argent. Henry Fox (2/2007 Loch)

Sable, on a bend vert fimbriated between two pairs of hammers in saltire, a turtle shell tergiant fesswise Or. Conn Jamesson (6/1993 Calo)

Sable, on a saltire argent two swords Or hilted and enflamed sable. Edwin of Svart Elder (6/1976)

Sable, on a tankard Or two scourges in saltire sable, a bordure compony gules and Or. Elisabetta of Sicily (12/1997 Meri)

Sable, two arrows in saltire, in chief a crescent inverted, engrailed in chief, raguly in base, and in base a like crescent, all argent. Alric Bowbreaker of the High March (7/1974)

Sable, two arrows in saltire, in chief a tulip-tree slip fesswise Or. Don the Archer (10/1976)

Sable, two arrows in saltire, on a chief argent three roses sable. Federico Arcière dal Fióre (2/1994 Caid)

Sable, two arrows in saltire surmounted by a mug bendwise sinister inverted argent charged with an acorn sable. Mugmort, Shire of (6/1983 Midd)

Sable, two arrows inverted in saltire Or between in fess a decrescent and an increscent and overall a battle axe argent. Miles Oakeley (3/1984 Atla)

Sable, two arrows inverted in saltire surmounted by a wolf's head cabossed and a chief doubly enarched argent. Wilhelm Wulfhart (4/2011 Midd)

Sable, two claymores in saltire proper, on a chief pointed gules, fimbriated, a mullet Or. Edwyn de Forbes (2/1982 Caid)

Sable, two double-bitted axes in saltire argent. Katrine Keathe (8/1999 Arte)

Sable, two drinking horns in saltire argent and in chief upon a plate a stag's head cabossed sable. Lyanna of Kerneough (6/1986 East)

Sable, two fir branches fructed in saltire and in chief an ounce's head erased argent marked sable. Hallfrídr Throndardottir (11/2011 Midd)

Sable, two garden roses slipped and leaved in saltire and a chief embattled argent. Kunegunda Henschel von Schattenberg (1/1985 East)

Sable, two grozing irons in saltire within a bordure embattled argent. Kenneth of the Grove (12/1987 Caid)

Sable, two hammers in saltire argent within a bordure argent semy de lys purpure. Armand Martel (12/1995 East)

Sable, two lightning bolts in saltire argent between four estoiles of eight points Or. Sean the Wayfarer (1/1985 West)

Sable, two lightning bolts in saltire between in fess two swords palewise and in chief a decrescent, all within a bordure Or. James Nightstriker (3/1989 West)

Sable, two lightning bolts in saltire surmounted by a pegasus segreant argent. Diana de Winchecumbe (5/2009 Aten)

Sable, two lightning bolts throughout in saltire argent, in pale two towers Or. Knut Storm le Carter (7/1997 Aten)

Sable, two mallets in saltire Or, on a chief argent three mullets of four points azure. Edward le Kervere (11/1993 West)

Sable, two needles in saltire between a spool of thread and three compass stars, all within a bordure Or. Fionna Ramsay of Bronwyn Vale (11/2007 Caid)

Sable, two needles in saltire Or between four double roses Or and gules. Catriona of Downpatrick (8/2002 East)

Sable, two needles inverted in saltire argent, threaded Or, and on a chief argent, three garbs sable. Isabeau Jehane (8/1991 Calo)

Sable, two rapiers in saltire argent between three Celtic crosses Or. Ælfwine se Pyttel (7/2004 Midd)

Sable, two rapiers in saltire between four swans naiant contourny argent. Edward of Chesterfield (5/2001 Anst)

Sable, two scimitars in saltire argent and in chief a sparrow contourny Or. Giacomo Passerini (6/2006 AnTi)

Sable, two scimitars in saltire between three decrescents within a bordure embattled argent. 'Abd-al-'Aziz al-Jazzar (3/1994 Calo)

Sable, two shin-bones in saltire argent. Isaac Newton, Sir (12/1994 Laur)

Sable, two spears in saltire and on a chief triangular argent, a wolf statant to sinister sable. Geirúlfr mac an Gallóglaigh (4/2010 Trim)

Sable, two spears in saltire argent and overall a crescent bendwise sinister Or. Emelye inghean Dubhghaill (1/2011 Caid)

Sable, two spears in saltire between two towers in fess argent. Stargate, Barony of (12/1989 Anst)

Sable, two spiked maces in saltire between in fess two skulls Or. Grimbald Deth (5/2002 AEth)

Sable, two stag's antlers bases crossed in saltire Or, in chief a moon in her plentitude argent. Roger of Blackmoore (9/1997 East)

Sable, two swords in saltire Or. Society for Creative Anachronism, Earl Marshal of (1/1973)

Sable, two swords in saltire proper, in chief three mullets in chevron argent. Meridies, Kingdom of (12/1996 Meri)

Sable, two swords in saltire proper surmounted by a barrel helm argent within a bordure embattled Or. Lawrence of Ashana (3/1983 Meri)

Sable, two swords inverted in saltire surmounted by a bear's head cabossed between two fleurs-de-lys in fess and another in base, all argent and in chief a label dovetailed Or. Gerardus Christopherus de Burgondia (7/2004 Aten)

Sable, two swords inverted in saltire surmounted by a bear's head cabossed between two fleurs-de-lys in fess and another in base, all argent. Bryon l'Ours d'Argent de Bourgogne (10/1986 Aten)

Sable, two tilting lances in saltire and in chief a chamfron Or. Society for Creative Anachronism (4/1996 Laur)

Sable, two torches in saltire argent enflamed Or and in chief a triple-towered castle argent. Thorgrim Olafsson (7/1991 Midd)

Sable, two torches in saltire argent enflamed proper and in chief three mullets argent. Thomas Brant of Salem (2/2012 Atla)

Sable, two tridents in saltire and overall an escallop Or. William Dunstan of York (1/1991 Aten)

Sable, upon a saltire cotised Or two seaxes in saltire sable. Theodric Pendar of Faulconwood (8/1979 Caid)

Tierced per pall argent, purpure and Or, on an open parchment scroll fesswise proper a brazier sable, enflamed proper, in chief two swords in saltire sable. Ari ben Eleazer (7/1980 East)

(Tinctureless) A pair of swan's wings, overall two straight trumpets in saltire, bells in chief. Heralds' Seals: Sable Swan Herald (7/1982 West)

(Tinctureless) A quarter-sun saltirewise illuminated in chief surmounted by a crowned scepter palewise between two bats displayed grasping a scroll folded nebulywise to base inscribed "SEMPER LITTERIS MANDATE", overall two straight trumpets in saltire. Heralds' Seals: Vesper Principal Herald (8/1979)

(Tinctureless) Four crescents conjoined in saltire, horns outward, surmounted by two trumpets in saltire, within a bordure embattled. Heralds' Seals: College of Heralds of Caid (3/1982 Caid)

(Tinctureless) In pale a mullet of five greater and five lesser points and in base a crown dancetty and a swallowtailed scroll crescentwise bearing the inscription "constare", overall in saltire two straight trumpets, bells in chief. Heralds' Seals: Star Principal Herald (6/1980 Anst)

(Tinctureless) On a fess wavy between in chief two straight trumpets in saltire and triskeles sans nombre a crown of four points. Heralds' Seals: Triskele Principal Herald (3/2003 Trim)

(Tinctureless) On a roundel a pale invected charged with a sea-wolf erect grasping in its dexter forepaw two straight trumpets in saltire. Heralds' Seals: Sea-Wolf Herald (8/1982 West)

(Tinctureless) Two crossed trumpets, bells to chief, surmounted by a scroll bendwise sinister bearing the words "SALTANDI SALTARE", overall a stag salient, the whole within a bordure embattled. Heralds' Seals: White Stag Principal Herald (12/1989 Outl)

(Tinctureless) Two straight trumpets in saltire, bells in chief, surmounted by a compass star enhanced and elongated to base. Heralds' Seals: Stellanordica Herald (10/1985 West)

(Tinctureless) Two straight trumpets in saltire, bells in chief, surmounted by an ibis close. Heralds' Seals: Ibis Herald (5/1986 Atla)

(Tinctureless) Two straight trumpets in saltire, bells to chief, between four acorns, stems to center, slipped and leaved. Heralds' Seals: Oaken Herald (12/1983 Midd)

(Tinctureless) Two straight trumpets in saltire, bells to chief, overall a cross of Calatrava. Heralds' Seals: Gold Falcon Principal Herald (5/1989 Calo)

(Tinctureless) Two straight trumpets in saltire between four trilliums each with a petal to center. Heralds' Seals: Trillium Principal Herald (1/2003 Eald)

(Tinctureless) Two straight trumpets in saltire surmounted by a dragon's head couped. Heralds' Seals: Schwartzdrachen Principal Herald (6/1994 Drac)

(Tinctureless) Two trumpets in saltire bells to chief, overall a lion's head caboshed. Heralds' Seals: Black Lion Principal Herald (8/1998 AnTi)

(Tinctureless) Two trumpets in saltire between four mill-rinds. Heralds' Seals: Brigantia Principal Herald (12/1975)

Vair, in saltire a rapier inverted Or and a quill pen gules. Antonia Soranzo (6/2005G)

Vairy Or and azure, in saltire a sword inverted wavy argent, hilted gules, and a quill pen argent. Durvyn Wildermuth von Wiesbaden (10/1998 Caid)

Vairy Or and azure, in saltire a sword inverted wavy argent, hilted gules, and a quill pen argent. Durvyn Wildermuth von Wiesbaden (10/1998 Caid)

Vert, a calligrapher's knife and a reed pen in saltire argent, tied with a ribbon Or. Ansteorra, Kingdom of (11/1977)

Vert, a double-headed phoenix rising and in chief two swords crossed in saltire argent. Sacred Stone, Barony of the (10/1996 Atla)

Vert, a fess rayonny Or, in chief two batons in saltire argent. Jean Étienne of the Barony of the Flame (9/1989 Midd)

Vert, a gauntlet aversant sable sustaining a rose slipped proper and an artist's brush sable crossed in saltire all fimbriated Or. Thomas for the Interim (3/2001 West)

Vert, a needle and an artist's brush in saltire within a sea-serpent in annulo, head to chief and vorant of its own tail argent. Loch Soilleir, Barony of (10/2007 Anst)

Vert, a pile inverted per pale argent and sable and overall two spears in saltire Or. Torvald Thorodsson (9/1990 East)

Vert, a rebec in bend sinister pegheads in chief crossed by a bow fesswise Or. Rebecca de Ravenstein (6/1995 East)

Vert, a stag trippant argent, on a chief Or three pairs of arrows in saltire sable. Eamon Deimne James Hennessy (1/1985 West)

Vert, a stag's head cabossed, between its antlers two arrows inverted in saltire argent, a bordure embattled Or. Outlands, Kingdom of the (3/1995 Outl)

Vert, a sword bendwise sinister surmounted by a bend wavy argent charged with a fox's head couped gules. Fiona Seonad Lachlan (8/1979 Aten)

Vert, a sword inverted and a quill pen crossed in saltire argent, a bordure embattled Or. Outlands, Kingdom of the (7/1997 Outl)

Vert, a turtle displayed, in chief two axes in saltire, all within a bordure argent. Gwynhavyr of River Haven (11/1994 West)

Vert, a turtle statant erect affronty sustaining in chief two double-bitted axes in saltire argent. Agro of River Haven (7/1995 West)

Vert, a wall argent between in chief two crossbows and in base two swords in saltire, all within a bordure Or. Zachariah of Westlake (12/1994 East)

Vert, a wolf's head cabossed, on a chief argent a pair of arrows inverted in saltire interlaced with a bow azure. Morwenna Llywelyn (1/1998 Aten)

Vert, an eye irradiated in base Or between in chief two swords in saltire argent and in base a horse statant Or. Martin Alorak d'Elcar (8/1979 East)

Vert, goutty d'Or, in saltire a goblet Or and a lily, slipped and leaved argent. Morguen na Locha Soluis (12/1988 Outl)

Vert, in fess two towers Or, each with an armored arm embowed issuant from the battlements argent, maintaining two swords inverted in saltire Or. Guillaume de Marris (10/1990 Aten)

Vert, in pale a pickaxe and a double-bitted axe in saltire and a crane in its vigilance Or. Roland Ironbeard (1/1993 West)

Vert, in pale two spoons in saltire, bowls to base, and a cauldron Or. Lilias Cruithnechán of Eilean a' Cheo (1/1988 Caid)

Vert, in pale two swords inverted in saltire and a wolf rampant all within a bordure argent. Kieran Wolfkin (11/1991 Midd)

Vert, in saltire a hammer and a quill pen, and on a chief argent three mullets of six points gules. Francis Burnell of Selkirk (10/1998 Caid)

Vert, in saltire a quillonless sword and a single-bitted axe, both argent, surmounted at the cross by an annulet Or. Bjarni de Eorlingas (7/1974)

Vert, in saltire a rapier and a sewing needle inverted, on a chief argent three trees proper. Ada Cormack (12/1999 AnTi)

Vert, in saltire a sickle argent and a garb Or, on a bordure argent two grapevines intertwined in orle, fructed and leaved, proper. Sieglinde Syr (4/1981 Anst)

Vert, in saltire a sword inverted proper and an axe argent, hafted Or, surmounted by a stag's head cabossed argent, armed, within a bordure embattled, Or. Outlands, Kingdom of the (4/1989 Outl)

Vert, in saltire a warhammer and a sword, in base a tower atop a mount, all argent. Lorin sur la Roche (4/1976)

Vert, in saltire two lilies slipped and leaved between four quill pens in annulo Or. Catríona of Black Isle (9/1992 Caid)

Vert, in saltire two shepherd's crooks and in chief three roses Or. Juliana Grene (1/2007 Atla)

Vert, in saltire two spears between four annulets Or. Aedan ó Kincora (5/1982 Midd)

Vert, in saltire two wooden spoons proper, on a chief embattled azure, fimbriated Or, a dinner plate Or. Siglinde aus Truso, called the Stupid Peasant (2/1980 Meri)

Vert, in saltire with bells in chief, two clarion trumpets Or above a tambour proper. Consortium Antiquum (2/1970)

Vert, on a bend embattled counter-embattled between two golf clubs inverted in saltire and an Irish harp Or, a greatsword sable. Murdoc MacKinnon (12/1996 Anst)

Vert, on a bend sinister between a lion counter-rampant Or and a mouse rampant argent, a sword and an arrow in saltire sable. Andreas Hak (12/1980 East)

Vert, on a bend sinister between two pairs of stick shuttles crossed in saltire argent, two dolphins urinant azure. Maria Marina (9/1990 Aten)

Vert, on a fess wavy argent a bar gemel wavy azure, overall in saltire two pilgrim's staves Or and in chief a flame proper. Tarver the Pole (4/1984 Midd)

Vert, on a pile between two bows addorsed Or two fire arrows inverted in saltire sable enflamed gules. Stefan O'Reilly (1/1998 Atla)

Vert, on a saltire engrailed argent between four shamrocks Or, two arrows inverted in saltire gules. Rolf Sampson (10/1992 Midd)

Vert, semé of tree stumps snagged eradicated proper, in saltire two axes Or. Selva of the Treeless Plain (8/1980 Anst)

Vert, three pairs of swords in saltire Or. Donnabhán Ó Rothláin (6/1995 West)

Vert, two arrows crossed in saltire surmounted by a double-bitted axe and on a chief indented Or two shamrocks sable. Conall mac Magnusa (2/2002 Aten)

Vert, two arrows in saltire between in fess two goblets, a bordure Or. Saint Artemas, College of (6/1996 Caid)

Vert, two arrows inverted in saltire within a sea-serpent in annulo head to chief and vorant of its own tail argent. Loch Soilleir, Barony of (1/2003 Anst)

Vert, two axes in saltire and a chief embattled Or. Biorn Vestarsson (11/2009 AEth)

Vert, two boat oars inverted in saltire argent and in base an escallop inverted Or. Gwilym ap Alun (12/1984 East)

Vert, two claymores in saltire surmounted by a third inverted proper, enfiling a ducal coronet Or. Deaton Claymore (9/1994 Aten)

Vert, two daggers in saltire Or, a base of flame proper. Aidan of Sicily (9/1991 West)

Vert, two drinking horns in saltire on a chief argent two ravens close respectant sable. Marion FitzWilliam (1/1997 Midd)

Vert, two feathers in saltire argent and issuant from base a demi-sun Or. Aurora Astore (12/1992 Atla)

Vert, two golf clubs crossed in saltire, on a chief rayonny argent three pellets. Torquil MacTaggart the Steadfast (12/1995 Atla)

Vert, two lances in saltire argent and in chief a cock's head erased reversed Or. Stefen Miluh (9/1973)

Vert, two lightning bolts in saltire argent, and in base a mole dormant Or. Snurri Pleieson (2/1985 Midd)

Vert, two maces in saltire between three thistles argent. Malcolum de Bruis (9/2002 East)

Vert, two mallets in saltire argent hafted Or surmounted by a sword proper. Bruide mac Bruidi (9/2002 Outl)

Vert, two needles in saltire, points to base, within a bordure nebuly argent, charged with three trefoils slipped vert. Elaina von Mannheim (1/1985 East)

Vert, two peacocks close pavonated to base addorsed reguardant tails crossed in saltire argent on a chief invected Or three elm leaves inverted vert. Muriel FitzLloyd (7/1997 Anst)

Vert, two poleaxes in saltire and on a chief argent three trefoils vert. Martan mac Alasdair (3/2011 Atla)

Vert, two quill pens in saltire argent, a chief indented ermine. Anneyse of Caernarvonshire (7/1998 Caid)

Vert, two quill pens in saltire argent between in fess two cups Or. Saint Artemas, College of (6/1992 Caid)

Vert, two quill pens in saltire argent within a laurel wreath, in chief three goblets Or. Saint Artemas, College of (4/1989 Caid)

Vert, two quills crossed in saltire within a orle argent. Elinor Annora ferch Llewelyn (8/1985 East)

Vert, two rapiers in saltire proper, on a chief argent a dragon passant vert. Alfred of Chester (1/1994 Midd)

Vert, two recorders in saltire proper, overall a goblet Or charged on the bowl with a laurel wreath vert. Rieslingshire (2/1975 West)

Vert, two spoons inverted in saltire argent. Coille Stoirmeil, Canton of (8/1989 Midd)

Vert, two straight trumpets in saltire, bells in chief, Or. Society for Creative Anachronism, Arms, College of (1/1973)

Vert, two swords in saltire and on a chief wavy argent a bow purpure. Gavin Kyncade (9/2009 Trim)

Vert, two swords in saltire between in fess two goblets within a bordure Or. Saint Artemas, College of (8/2001 Caid)

Vert, two swords in saltire, on a chief triangular embattled argent, a boar's head couped gules. Gwilym ap Gwilym (1/1989 Calo)

Vert, two swords in saltire Or surmounted by a stone tower, the top enflamed, proper. Border Vale Keep, Shire of (4/1985 Meri)

Vert, two swords in saltire surmounted by an arrow inverted Or all within and conjoined to a bordure Or. Nottinghill Coill, Barony of (2/2003 Atla)

Vert, two swords in saltire within a sea-serpent in annulo head to chief and vorant of its own tail argent. Loch Soilleir, Barony of (1/2003 Anst)

Vert, two swords inverted in saltire argent between four hearts Or. John Jameson (2/1992 Caid)

Vert, two tennis rackets in saltire a bordure embattled Or. Bertrand du Beaumanoir (11/2001 AEth)

Vert, two tusks, tips crossed in saltire, between in cross four cat's pawprints argent. Megan Kyle (10/1992 East)