
Argent, a brazier gules. Máel Brigte ingen Aimirgin (4/2011 AnTi)

Argent, a brazier sable enflamed azure within an orle of thorn vine wavy sable. Elias Blackthorne (3/2002 Caid)

Argent, a brazier sable enflamed proper between in cross four decrescents gules. Usama al-Rashid (5/2001 Trim)

Argent, a brazier sable enflamed proper within a laurel wreath on a chief indented gules three garbs Or. Ambergard, Shire of (9/1996 AnTi)

Argent, a brazier sable flamed proper, a bordure embattled per saltire gules and sable. Rhiannon ny Rory (6/1995 Outl)

Argent, a tower sable, issuing from its roof a beacon flame proper, the whole within a laurel wreath vert, a chief enarched azure, platy. Eastwatch, Shire of (2/1990 Midd)

Argent, on a bend sinister wavy azure, between a beacon sable, enflamed, and a mermaid in her vanity proper, three rock crabs Or. [Cancer irroratus] Alfred of Blackledge (6/1981 East)

Azure, a beacon between flaunches argent, each charged with two escallops inverted azure. Wir Coleshulle (1/2008 East)

Azure, a brazier Or enflamed proper, a tierce wavy paly wavy argent and azure. Marcaster, Barony of (2/2006 Trim)

Azure, a lighthouse argent enflamed proper within in base a laurel wreath Or. Inner Sea, Shire of the (2/1998 Midd)

Azure, issuant from the battlements of a demi-tower a beacon Or enflamed proper, a tierce wavy paly wavy argent and azure. Marcaster, Barony of (2/2006 Trim)

Azure, mullety of four points, on a pale raguly argent a beacon sable, enflamed gules. Henrik Edward Alredson (7/1985 Anst)

Checky vert and argent, on a pale argent a beacon sable flamed gules. John Trevor of Chinon (6/2000 Calo)

(Fieldless) In fess a beacon sable enflamed Or sustained by a natural tiger passant reguardant argent striped sable. Tatiana Nikonovna Besprozvannyja (12/2008 Calo)

Gules, atop a grey granite tower a copper brazier enflamed proper. Caer Mear, Barony of (12/2007 Atla)

Or, a beacon sable enflamed gules atop a mount sable, a bordure vert semy of oak leaves Or. Isabel of Biconyll (4/1995 Atla)

Or, a brazier suspended by a chain chevronwise gules, in base two bars wavy azure. Asther de Perpinya (11/2010 East)

Or, in fess a quilliq abased sable enflamed gules and an inuksuk and on a chief azure a mullet above five roundels enarched to base, the center roundel issuant from base Or. Nunavut, Territory of (9/2000 AnTi)

Per bend gules and Or, a calligrapher's knife and a brazier counterchanged. Siobhan a Burc (11/2009 AnTi)

Per chevron azure and gules, on a pall inverted engrailed between two natural dolphins haurient embowed and a lighthouse argent six escallops palewise gules. Anna Carye (1/2004 Aten)

Per chevron azure and vert, a chevron embattled between two laurel wreaths and a lighthouse argent enflamed gules. Dun an Chalaidh, Shire of (3/2004 AnTi)

Per chevron Or and vert, two chalices vert and a flaming brazier within a laurel wreath Or. Bryniaid, Shire of (10/1995 West)

Per fess argent and vert, a lighthouse counterchanged, flamed gules, within a bordure counterchanged. Jacqueline de Condé (1/2007 Atla)

Per fess gules and azure, a fess invected argent and overall a lighthouse Or. Caer Mear, Barony of (4/2009 Atla)

Per pale sable and gules, a beacon enflamed Or. Valdemar Wendel Bayard (12/2002 Atla)

Per pall inverted vert, azure, and argent, in pale a laurel wreath Or and an unlit fire-beacon sable. Distant Shore, Canton of (12/1994 East)

Per saltire argent and gules, in pale a dragon couchant contourny sable and a beacon sable flammant proper, a bordure counterermine. Sythe Blackwolfe (2/2007 Aten)

Purpure, a bend wavy argent between a brazier Or and a dove argent. Katharine Whytton (5/2007 East)

Sable, a brazier argent flaming Or. Seamus Gillemore (2/1998 Drac)

Sable, a brazier Or enflamed proper within a bordure Or masoned sable. Northshield, Kingdom of (7/2000 Midd)

Sable, a lighthouse Or, masoned sable, enflamed proper, between in chief two keys fesswise Or and a ford proper. Ysende Herberiour (1/2007 Atla)

Sable estencelly argent, on a lighthouse Or masoned sable enflamed proper, an anchor sable. Elvira Pedrosa (1/2008 Atla)

Sable, in cross three compass stars and a brazier enflamed to chief Or. Lucius Mandefort (7/1983 Atla)

Sable semy of dumbeks Or, two women statant respectant maintaining between them a brazier argent enflamed proper. Marceau de Valcourt (4/2010 Aten)

(Tinctureless) A beacon enflamed. Heralds' Seals: Beacon Principal Herald (3/1978)

Vert, a chevron rompu argent between two Celtic crosses and a brazier Or. Sile Linet O'Loughlin (1/1997 Meri)