beast, cat:3

Argent, a bend vert between a horse courant and three cats sejant guardant sable. Brigit ingen Taidc (7/2003 Meri)

Argent, a chevron purpure between three lions rampant gules within a bordure purpure. Isabeau Gagnon (6/2002 Aten)

Argent, a hurst of pine trees couped vert, on a chief gules three lions passant guardant Or. Sion ap Arthur (6/1998 AEth)

Argent, a hurt between three domestic cats courant in annulo sable. Sorcha O'Rian (8/2009 Calo)

Argent, a phoenix sable rising from flames proper, on a chief rayonny sable three domestic cats courant contourny argent. Arianwen Beau Chat (12/2011 Atla)

Argent, in chief a cat couchant to sinister and in base two cats rampant regardant addorsed sable. Elizabeth Ruthven Carmichael (7/1981 East)

Argent, in pale three domestic cats sejant gules between flaunches azure. Katheryn Redmayne (12/2004 East)

Argent, in pale three natural leopards passant contourny sable each charged on the shoulder with a ducal coronet Or. Randal of the Dark (4/1996 East)

Argent, on a fess between two domestic cats sejant and another couchant sable, three fleurs-de-lys argent. Gavin of Brockton (12/2007 East)

Argent, three domestic cats sejant affronty, faces to dexter, and a bordure sable. Christina Mary Lowe (3/2012 AEth)

Argent, three lions passant contourny within a bordure embattled vert. Gilligan of Eire (6/1992 Calo)

Argent, three lions passant guardant gules and on a bordure sable three lozenges argent. Glyn ap Rhodri (2/1986 Caid)

Argent, three lions passant guardant in pale gules. Wales, Principality of (3/1999 Laur)

Argent, three lions rampant in fess gules and on a chief vert in pale a bow and an arrow fesswise Or. Gerald of Northumberland (10/1988 East)

Argent, three natural panthers passant reguardant sable and a chief purpure. Zacharias Flamebeard of Eastmark (6/1996 East)

Azure, a bend argent, in bend sinister three domestic cats salient counterchanged. Eleanor of Almedan (6/1984 Caid)

Azure, a chevron throughout Or between three cats rampant Or ermined azure. Sabina Barclay (6/2004 Calo)

Azure, a lozenge between three cats passant guardant argent. Fia Scalandroni (10/2002 AEth)

Azure, in pale three lions passant argent marked sable a bordure argent. Samuil Glukhoi (11/1997 West)

Azure, in pale three natural tigers passant to sinister argent, marked sable, on a chief argent three crosses moline azure. David of Aragon (9/1987 West)

Azure, three catamounts rampant argent, in chief an increscent Or. Aelesia Marschal (6/2008 West)

Azure, three catamounts sejant guardant argent and a bordure argent semy of stars of David azure. Katja Davidova Orlova Khazarina (2/1992 East)

Azure, three domestic cats statant guardant in annulo argent, each biting the tail of the previous. Elspet NicDhubhghlaise bean Iain MhicThomaidh (1/2011 Midd)

Barry of ten argent and azure, six escutcheons sable each charged with a lion rampant argent. Cecil, Baron of Burghley, counsellor to Elizabeth (12/1994 Laur)

Checky azure and Or, three lions rampant, one and two, Or, fimbriated sable. Lev Trizoob (11/1973)

Checky sable and gules, a fleur-de-lys between three African lions rampant Or. Ronald Wilmot (3/1983 West)

Checky vert and argent, on a bend sinister sable three lions passant reguardant palewise argent. Siobhan Ruadh ni Mhathghamhna (1/1999 AnTi)

Counter-ermine, three lions Or. Cyrus Aurelius (4/2007 West)

Ermine, on a bend sable three lions passant fesswise Or, a bordure gules. Gavin Hewlett (5/1994 Midd)

Ermine, three domestic cats sejant azure. Caitríona Irruis inghean Uí Bhraonáin (3/2010 AEth)

Gules, a chevron inverted between a winged cougar sejant to sinister and two more sejant respectant argent. Morwenna Trevethan (3/2000 Atla)

Gules, a pall inverted between two lions rampant addorsed and reguardant and a lion couchant guardant Or. Rolland Kyle of Kincora (4/1992 Meri)

Gules fretty argent, a tricorporate lion Or. Payn Despenser of Warboys (3/2010 AnTi)

Gules, in chevron seven mullets all between three lions rampant Or. Roger le Brouillard (9/2002 East)

Gules, in pale three lions passant gardant Or. England (12/1994 Laur)

Gules, in pale three lions passant gardant per pale Or and argent. O'Brien (12/1994 Laur)

Gules, on a chevron between three lions rampant Or a cross patonce gules. Bran Olom (2/1997 AnTi)

Gules, on a chevron cotised argent between three Bengal tigers passant Or, marked sable, three roses sable, seeded Or. Birna Isleifsdottir (3/1997 Anst)

Gules, on a chevron Or five fleurs-de-lys gules between three lions rampant argent. Conall O'Rylan (5/2007 East)

Gules, on a chevron per pale argent and Or, cotised per pale Or and argent, between three lions passant guardant contourny Or, three hearts gules. John Bromere (7/1993 Calo)

Gules, on a pale Or three batwinged lions salient gules. Mary Margaret of Derby (10/1976)

Gules, on a pall inverted between three cats couchant guardant Or, a needle palewise inverted and threaded gules. Tovah Scofeld (12/1991 Atla)

Gules, three bat-winged cats sejant affronty wings displayed and a chief Or. Catrin von Berlin (11/2002 Outl)

Gyronny vert and argent, three cats herissony Or. Maria Gundesindo de Leon (8/2006 East)

Lozengy gules and Or, on a pale argent three lions rampant gules. Annen Swartzwalt (2/2002 Meri)

Or, a maunch and on a chief urdy azure three lions passant Or. Anabel Hastings (2/2009 AnTi)

Or, a thistle between three domestic cats courant in annulo, all with their paws to base, sable. Cadhla MacBean (4/1988 East)

Or, a winged spear and on a chief sable three lions couchant argent. Owen Sherard Trahern (4/2006 Atla)

Or, in pale three lions passant sable. Swabia (12/1994 Laur)

Or, in pale three lions passant sable, their dexter forelegs gules. Swabia (12/1994 Laur)

Or, on a pall between three cats sejant sable three keys, wards to center, Or. Paula des Chats (6/1983 West)

Or semy of hearts gules, in pale three lions passant (sometimes gardant) azure crowned Or. Denmark (12/1994 Laur)

Or, three cats sejant within a bordure sable. Bronwyn nic Gregor (7/1991 East)

Or, three lions passant guardant in pale azure. Estonia, Republic of (5/1999 Laur)

Per bend azure and gules, in pale three lions dormant Or. Rodrigo de Vargas (5/1998 Midd)

Per bend sinister gules and sable, in bend three lions argent. Angus Amhas (1/2001 Caid)

Per chevron argent and gules, three lions counterchanged. Serena Lyons (5/2005 AnTi)

Per chevron argent and Or, three lions passant guardant gules. Annabella M'Machan (4/2007 Midd)

Per chevron gules and argent, two lions sejant Or, each maintaining a sword argent, and a lion sejant gules, maintaining a sword sable. Garmon Woodworth (12/1987 Caid)

Per chevron gules and sable, three cats sejant guardant argent. Eleanor Flambard FitzWilliam of Winson (7/1999 Loch)

Per chevron throughout azure and ermine, three lions counterchanged. Kenneth Lyon of the Curr (10/1992 Calo)

Per chevron vert and argent, three domestic cats sejant one and two and an open scroll counterchanged. Katrine of Roscommon (7/1999 Anst)

Per chevron vert and gules, a chevron argent between three winged lions sejant guardant Or. Cynric of Mercia (9/1995 West)

Per fess gules and Or, three catamounts rampant guardant counterchanged. Stephen Katzenberger (12/1995 Midd)

Per fess indented sable and gules, in chief three pheons and in base three catamounts passant guardant argent. Celynen Anwyl (2/1996 Midd)

Per fess urdy purpure and vert, three lions couchant to sinister Or. Gareth ap Llewelyn (2/1991 Aten)

Per fess vert and Or, two cats sejant respectant argent and a cat sejant affronty sable. Marjory Ayson de Dundee (2/2001 Midd)

Per pale argent and lozengy argent and purpure, three domestic cats rampant contourny sable crowned Or. Ælfra Long (1/2008 AEth)

Per pale azure and gules, a chevron sable, fimbriated, between two lions combattant queue-forchee and a lion passant guardant Or. Tristan Keck (5/1986 Caid)

Per pale azure and vert, three lions couchant Or. Ephraim ben Shlomo (11/1992 Midd)

Per pale gules and azure, in pale three demi-lions passant guardant Or conjoined to three demi-hulks argent. Cinque Ports, Cities of the (6/1995 Caid)

Per pale gules and Or, in pale three lions couchant contourny sable, the middle one gorged of a coronet argent. Triduana Traherne (4/2011 AnTi)

Per pale gules and sable, three double-headed lions rampant within a bordure embattled argent. Cathal Ó Laighin (1/1998 Calo)

Per pale Or and argent, three lionesses rampant in annulo sable. Davina of Silverlake (12/1999 Aten)

Per pale sable and argent, in pale three lions passant counterchanged. Malesius O'Brien (3/2005 Outl)

Per pale sable and vert, a chevron between three lions argent. Aldwyn de Lancashire (2/2005 East)

Per pale vert and sable, three lions passant guardant in pale within an orle Or. Michael Saint Sever (5/1992 West)

Per saltire gules and Or, on a chief Or three cats sejant sable. Brianna Baccamoor (3/1997 East)

Per saltire Or and argent, three domestic cats courant in annulo gules. Leah inghean Phadraig (11/2008 Aten)

Per saltire vert and sable, a roundel between a cat passant contourny bendwise sinister, a cat passant contourny bendwise and a cat passant Or. Solveig Anderhalfholt (5/2005 East)

Purpure, a lion dormant and on a chief argent three lions dormant contourny purpure. Gwylym Penbras (2/1996 Midd)

Purpure, a mermaid in her vanity argent and on a chief Or three lions rampant guardant gules. Reatha Carminoui (8/1980 West)

Purpure, a trillium argent barbed vert seeded Or and on a chief argent three cats couchant sable. Jerusha Kilgour (7/2004 Meri)

Purpure, on a bend wavy between two compass stars elongated to base argent, three cats passant sable. Siobhan an Daraich Crom (10/1990 Midd)

Purpure, three cats passant and on a chief Or a sun purpure. Isabella Dragonetti (11/2003 Meri)

Purpure, three lions sejant erect ermine. Phillippe de Mortain (4/1989 Calo)

Sable, a chevron gules fimbriated between three lions rampant argent. 'Abd al-Mahdi Jamal ibn Hakim (5/1997 Anst)

Sable, a fess wavy between three lions passant, a bordure argent. Janos der Kleine (10/1992 Trim)

Sable, an oak leaf Or and on a chief argent three lions rampant sable. Gawyn O'Clery (11/2011 East)

Sable, three African leopards passant in annulo proper. Rand the Silversmith (12/1971)

Sable, three lions rampant to sinister, on a chief argent, three crosses bottony sable. Christian du Glaive (12/1985 West)

Sable, three rapiers in pall, hilts to center, between three lions rampant Or. Jeffrey Gareth (9/1990 Anst)

Vert, a feather between three domestic cats sejant argent. Bridgit Katherine Fitzgerald (3/2012 East)

Vert, on a bend argent between two plates three lions rampant palewise vert. Dearbhforgaill an Chomhaidh (11/2003 East)

Vert, on a chevron between three tankards Or three lions passant guardant gules. Conor O'Bryan (2/2002 Meri)

Vert, three arrows in pall, points outward, between a cat sejant affronty and two cats combattant Or. Shaw Shadowdweller (11/1983 West)

Vert, three domestic cats sejant argent. Margaret Elizabeth of Carlisle (8/1999 Caid)