
Argent, a frog salient and on a chief vert a candle argent enflamed at both ends Or. Prisilka od Cerveny Kamen the Sensible (5/1986 Midd)

Argent, a rushlight bendwise proper, the dexter chief tip enflamed Or, supported by a three-legged iron stand sable. Richard Fenwick (12/1982 Meri)

Azure, a candle and candlestick argent enflamed proper, between a dexter point ploye, a sinister point ployé, and a base argent. Symond Bayard le Gris (9/1983 Aten)

Azure, a candle enflamed within an annulet Or. Cariadoc of the Bow (8/1989 Midd)

Azure, a candle enflamed within an arch stooped argent. Society for Creative Anachronism (3/1986 Laur)

Azure, a candle palewise argent, enflamed at both ends Or. Rurik the Axe-finder (5/1988 Aten)

Azure, a lute and on a chief argent two candles palewise vert. Keii Gerard de Courtenay (10/1991 Atla)

Azure semy of candles argent flammant Or, on a bend sinister argent three Latin crosses crosslet palewise vert. Margaret Fitzwilliam of Kent (10/1998 Midd)

(Fieldless) A portcullis vert debruised by a candle in its holder Or. Unser Hafen, Barony of (2/1991 Outl)

(Fieldless) On a Celtic cross argent, a candle vert, lit proper. Keii Gerard de Courtenay (8/1992 Atla)

Gules, a candle in a flat candlestick, a tied pouch, and a covered two-wheeled cart, all Or. Susan of the Red Tresses (7/1985 Aten)

Gules, a chevron between two pairs of candles in saltire argent, enflamed Or, and a squirrel sejant erect argent, maintaining in both forepaws an acorn Or. Merevyn Hanley of Myrkfaelinn (12/1983 East)

Gules, a lit candle between in chief two delfs Or. Peyre de Barat (10/1993 West)

Per bend sinister Or and gules, a scythe bendwise sinister and a candle ensconced counterchanged. Bruce O'Duinn of Leix (1/1992 Caid)

Per fess azure and vert, a seal naiant to sinister within an orle of candles argent, enflamed proper. Sharon of the Roses (8/1990 Outl)

Per fess gules and sable, a mullet of six points argent and two lit candles ensconced Or. Hadassah bat Josef (4/1991 Trim)

Per pale azure and Or, a candle argent, sconced sable, enflamed proper, fimbriated counterchanged. Lorelei of Lockehaven (7/1974)

Per pale azure and vert, a windmill between three candles argent lit proper. Caitriona Jenne (3/1993 Midd)

Per pale gules and vert all semy of lit candles Or. Bran the Dark (3/2004 Calo)

Per saltire azure and argent in pale a decrescent and a lit candle in a flat candlestick argent. Ariadne of Xanthus (2/1991 AnTi)

Quarterly gules and argent, a candle counterchanged, enflamed Or, overall a key fesswise within a bordure sable. Allaine de Beaumont of Glastonbury (3/1994 Caid)

Sable, a bend dovetailed between a candle and candlestick argent, enflamed Or, and two hearts voided interlaced Or. Dasiya Alexandrovna Rostova (1/1987 Aten)

Sable, a bend sinister vert fimbriated between a tree eradicated and a lit candle ensconced argent. Ciar of Connemara (10/1992 Midd)

Tierced per pale azure, gules, and vert, three lighted candles proper aureoled in flat candlesticks Or, two and one. Paul McDaniel (1/1974)

Vert, a candle and candlestick flamant Or. Gilraen of Regen (1/1974)

Vert, a candle argent lit proper, on a chief argent an ivy vine vert. Luciana of the Ivy (9/1992 Aten)

Vert, three candles conjoined at the bases in pall inverted Or, enflamed proper, between three crosses of ermine spots argent. Timothy Garraghan o Leitrim (8/1984 Midd)