
Argent, a columbine slipped and leaved, on a chief wavy purpure a cloud argent. Roana of Leigh (1/2000 AEth)

Argent, a deer's attires and on a chief purpure a cloud argent. Amalie von Prag (3/2007 Loch)

Argent, a natural beaver courant proper between a cloud and a base wavy azure. Isabel du Talus (2/1998 Drac)

Argent, a pegasus segreant contourny sable and in chief a cloud purpure. Elizabeth of Gyldenholt (4/2004 Caid)

Argent, a sunburst gules issuant from clouds sable, a bordure gules. Tigranes of Bezabde (10/1998 AEth)

Argent, an aeolus azure. Trimaris, Kingdom of (6/1995 Trim)

Argent, chaussé azure, in pale an aeolus azure and a laurel wreath vert. Windale, Shire of (9/2004 Aten)

Argent, in pale a cloud sable and a bridge of one span gules masoned argent and a base wavy azure. Balthazar van der Brugghe (8/2003 Caid)

Argent, in pale three shooting stars bendwise sinister gules between flaunches azure the dexter charged with an escarbuncle and the sinister charged with an aeolus argent. Serret of Falling Stars (10/2007 Trim)

Azure, a bendlet between a boreas and an ounce counter-rampant gardant Or, incensed gules. Taran of Windy Hill (2/2007 East)

Azure, a boreas between three roundels argent. Viljalempi Talventytär (7/1996 Drac)

Azure, a cloud bendwise sinister throughout between two pheons argent. Alessandra di Fiore (3/2010 Meri)

Azure, a lighting bolt bendwise Or between an aeolus and a raven rising contourny argent. Grimdore Hawksbane (10/2008 Trim)

Azure, a wood chisel, blade to base and on a chief argent a cloud azure. Angus Storm (10/2008 Caid)

Azure ermined, in pale a cloud argent and an eagle displayed head to sinister Or. Andreu Fayrfax (4/2002 Caid)

Azure goutty d'Or, in fess three cups and in chief a cloud argent. Frithuric Ulman (11/1999 Outl)

Azure in pale a Boreas and a laurel wreath argent. Windy Meads, Shire of (3/1998 West)

Azure, three chevronels braced and in chief a cloud, a bordure Or. Altani Khatagidai (1/2011 East)

(Fieldless) A mistral contourny argent. Delftwood, Barony of (3/2005 AEth)

(Fieldless) A sunburst Or issuant from clouds proper. Edward III of England (12/1994 Laur)

(Fieldless) In bend a wool-comb sustained by a cubit arm bendwise issuant from a cloud argent. Astra Christiana Benedict (10/2011 Caid)

(Fieldless) In pale a falcon striking to sinister argent conjoined with a cloud Or. Wulfhere Slående Falk (2/1996 Caid)

(Fieldless) Issuant palewise to base from a cloud argent, a lightning bolt Or. Richard Storm (1/2000 Atla)

(Fieldless) Seven trumpets in pile bells to chief Or issuant from a cloud sable. Madoc Kynith (7/2001 Arte)

(Fieldless) Two lightning bolts in saltire gules, overall a cloud argent. Basileios Philanthropenos Philomathes (7/2006 Meri)

Gules, a demi-sun in splendor Or issuant from a cloud argent. Cordelia FitzRobert of York (8/1996 Outl)

Or, a cloud azure between flaunches vert. Anne Liese Wolkenhaar (5/1996 East)

Or, a dragon passant on a cloud gules, above a castle three-towered azure. Charles of Dublin (3/1978)

Per bend purpure and vert, an aeolus argent and a harp Or. Aurelia von Grein (3/2004 Eald)

Per bend sinister argent and gules, a Boreas affronté sable and a rat couchant argent vested of a hood sable. Gwendolyn the Rat Keeper (4/1981 West)

Per bend sinister azure and vert, a bend sinister wavy between a mistral contourny and a horse passant contourny argent. Arabella of the Plains (4/2001 Anst)

Per bend sinister sable and azure, an Aeolus bendwise sinister contourny argent and overall two scarpes Or. Colm Kile of Lochalsh (7/2011 Aten)

Per bend sinister sable and azure, two scarpes Or, overall a cloud argent. Colm Kile of Lochalsh (1/1997 Caid)

Per fess azure and argent, a zephyr and a lymphad counterchanged. Richard MacFarland (6/1997 Calo)

Per fess azure and Or, a zephyr contourny argent and three laurel wreaths in fess sable. Windegate, Shire of (7/2008 Arte)

Per fess embattled azure and sable, an Aeolus Or. Taran of Windy Hill (5/1981 East)

Per pale sable and azure both estencely argent, a tree blasted and eradicated and in chief a cloud Or. Broinnfind Munro (10/1999 Outl)

Purpure, a cat sejant argent with a lightning bolt in its mouth Or in chief a cloud argent. Branwen ferch Rhodri Gwynedd (10/1995 Trim)

Purpure, a Celtic cross and in base a cloud, on a chief argent three thistles proper. Moire Ross of Haddirvyk (7/1997 Aten)

Purpure, an onion domed tower Or, issuant from a cloud argent, on a chief enarched Or, an amphisbaena statant gules. Thomas Speir (2/1989 Caid)

Purpure, two chevronels inverted and in chief a cloud argent, an orle counterchanged. Umm al-Mundhir 'Inan bint Sufian (5/2004 Meri)

Sable, a aeolus, on a chief argent a salamander azure enflamed sable. Ewen of Melmerby (1/1994 Midd)

Sable, a lightning bolt palewise Or and in chief a cloud argent. Richard Storm (5/2007 Atla)

Sable, a moon in her plenitude issuant from clouds argent and in chief three roses Or. Michelina della Rosa d'Oro (12/1996 Atla)

Sable, a pale endorsed argent and overall a zephyr Or. Alicia of Dunbar (10/2005 Meri)

Sable, a tower conjoined to sinister with a wall, all issuant from sinister base, in chief a cloud Or. Abelard Kif de Marseilles (5/2007 East)

Sable, an aeolus and on a chief wavy argent three sinister wings gules. Miramah bint Ibrahim (11/2007 Meri)

Sable, between the horns of a crescent pendant a cloud argent. Medb of Rusted Woodlands (5/2005 East)

Vert, a bend Or between a cloud and a dog sejant erect contourny argent. Rebekah Anna of Wynterbourne (7/2005 Aten)

Vert, a leg reversed proper issuant from a cloud in chief argent. Merwenna Stepesoft (3/2006 Aten)

Vert, in pale a cloud conjoined to a demi-lightning bolt issuant to base argent, a bordure rayonny Or. Trifona Anastasiia Dodovicha (5/2007 Caid)

Vert, in pale an anchor Or and a cloud argent. Nymandus vom Weidehügel (4/2007 Calo)