erminois field

Erminois, a bear rampant contourny gules within a bordure embattled sable. Od Barbarossa (8/2008 Calo)

Erminois, a bear rampant contourny gules within a laurel wreath sable. Westumbria, Shire of (6/1994 Calo)

Erminois, a bordure azure semy of cinquefoils argent. Marion of Preston (1/2004 East)

Erminois, a bordure sable charged with six annulets Or. Beatrice Lumini (2/1998 Aten)

Erminois, a cat rampant sable and in chief two crescents azure. Lijsbet vande Visschereye (1/1992 Calo)

Erminois, a cat's head cabossed sable, jessant-de-lis gules. Kate the Curious (5/1983 Meri)

Erminois, a Caucasian frauenadler displayed proper crined and feathered sable all within a bordure azure. Zhigmun' Czypsser (5/2003 Aten)

Erminois, a chevron azure between three roses proper. Jeanne-Marie Dubois (12/2002 Outl)

Erminois, a chevron gules between two demi-suns issuant from dexter and sinister chief and a tree sable. Kimberly Blackwood (8/2007 Outl)

Erminois, a chevron gules between two trees and a demi-sun issuant from base sable. Christopher Blackwood (3/1993 Outl)

Erminois, a chevron rompu and in base a griffin statant sable. Barbary Elspeth Ham (12/1987 Calo)

Erminois, a chief embattled azure in the dexter a roundel Or. William the Lucky (9/1987 West)

Erminois, a cinquefoil and on a chief gules three crescents argent. Tat'iana the Red (8/2006 East)

Erminois, a cock contourny within a bordure embattled gules. Rodrigo of Aston Tor (7/2001 Calo)

Erminois, a crab displayed tergiant bendwise gules maintaining in its chief claw a fern frond arched fesswise vert, on a chief sable an increscent and a sun Or. Verena von Farnberg (9/1980 Aten)

Erminois, a cross formy throughout purpure. Ciaran Gunn (5/1991 West)

Erminois, a daffodil blossom bell to sinister base purpure slipped vert. Victoria of the Vales of Barnsdale (6/2002 Aten)

Erminois, a Danish war axe and morningstar flail in saltire proper, overall a quatrefoil slipped gules. Conarc of Eyre (8/1979 Anst)

Erminois, a demi-lion gules. Mariyah al-Madiniyah (2/2010 Aten)

Erminois, a dexter hand couped apaumy fesswise reversed within a bordure azure. Dominic ap Morgan de Vega (2/1985 Anst)

Erminois, a dragon passant to sinister regardant gules, maintaining in dexter foreclaw a fountain. Myfanwy ferch Rhiannon (5/1985 East)

Erminois, a dragon sable within an orle azure. Katrijn van Delden (6/2005 Loch)

Erminois, a dragon segreant within a bordure azure, charged with three fleurs-de-lys argent. Justin Lymner (10/1986 East)

Erminois, a European badger rampant sable within an orle gules. Myfanwy ferch Gwenwynwyn (6/1984 Meri)

Erminois, a fess argent, overall a stag's head erased gules. Matthew of Deermore (1/1973)

Erminois, a fess gules between three boar's heads couped close sable. Thomas the Black (4/2002 Calo)

Erminois, a fleece sable. Gwendolyn Anne the Obscure (8/1994 West)

Erminois, a gore sinister rayonny gules. Kathrena von Wolkenstein (8/1991 AnTi)

Erminois, a greyhound salient gules within a bordure embattled sable. William MacGregor (1/2000 Atla)

Erminois, a griffin segreant to sinister and on a chief indented sable three estoiles Or. William of Shirwell (7/2004 Caid)

Erminois, a heart and a bordure sable. Caterina Angélique Coeur Noir (12/1993 Anst)

Erminois, a heart and on a chief sable a stag's attire Or. Alexander Adelbrecht (4/2011 Midd)

Erminois, a hippogriff rampant contournee, the aquiline half sable and the equine half argent, armed and orbed argent, unguled sable, grasping in its talons a decrescent argent, and on a chief sable a crescent argent. Phalaea an Caer Eirdalyn (8/1979 Caid)

Erminois, a hurst of three pine trees on a mount couped gules. Lawrence of Redforest (8/1985 West)

Erminois, a key fesswise, wards to sinister, vert. Stefan of Cambion (12/1986 Atla)

Erminois, a Latin cross flory gules surmounted by a rose azure. Annys Ruth O'Carney (12/1995 East)

Erminois, a lion couchant and on a chief sable three bezants. Idunn Felinnoir (4/1991 Outl)

Erminois, a lion couchant azure. Constanza Maria Colonna (10/2011 East)

Erminois, a lion gules and a chief dovetailed azure. Katherine Brandon (12/2002 Anst)

Erminois, a lion rampant argent, maned gules. Charles Redmane (1/1973)

Erminois, a lion salient gules, on a chief potenty sable a chain fesswise throughout Or. Philip d'Ypres (11/1991 Atla)

Erminois, a mouse supplicant affronty sable. Mychalene de Topo (1/1976)

Erminois, a pair of flaunches purpure. Karen de Wyvern (1/1973)

Erminois, a peacock proper within a bordure wavy azure. Eleanor de la Mare (4/2007 Meri)

Erminois, a popinjay displayed gardant and in chief a sword fesswise reversed vert. Lann an Glasean (7/1986 Midd)

Erminois, a quintain gules and a base nebuly vert. Philip Rufus Kennard (1/1991 Anst)

Erminois, a reremouse displayed head facing sinister, sable and a chief embattled gules. Edmund of Rhuddlan (5/1999 Outl)

Erminois, a saltire parted and fretted sable, overall a shamrock vert. Arthur O'Flaherty (2/2004 Aten)

Erminois, a saltire triple-parted and fretted vert, overall a chalice sable. Andreana de Montfort (8/1984 Meri)

Erminois, a sealion naiant vert a bordure purpure. Morgaine Gavin (8/1997 Meri)

Erminois, a sinister mailed fist from dexter argent grasping a francisque sable. Robert the Blind (1/1973)

Erminois, a stag's head erased sable and in chief an estoile of eight rays gules. Marina Esmeralda de Murcia (1/1997 Midd)

Erminois, a swift migrant to dexter azure between three mullets gules. Damien the Swift (5/1986 Meri)

Erminois, a sword inverted between two single-headed chess knights respectant sable. Quhinten de Rath (8/1999 Atla)

Erminois, a sword inverted purpure surmounted by a heart gules. Magdalen Galbraith of Blackmoor (7/1999 Aten)

Erminois, a sword Or, hilted and enflamed, and a chief enarched sable. Donal Artair MacRorie (9/1987 Calo)

Erminois, a tower vert and a bordure per saltire sable and gules. Bernard d'Acre (9/2009 Aten)

Erminois, a tree eradicated and blasted, between two towers in fess sable. Peter Raventree (5/1986 East)

Erminois, a winged stag salient to sinister vert. Alan MacMillan (6/1988 Aten)

Erminois, a wingless dragon in annulo, vorant of its tail, gules, within a bordure per pale vert and azure. James Lawless (9/1989 West)

Erminois, a wolf rampant reguardant gules, on a base embattled sable a cinquefoil argent pierced Or. Deenys Fitz Alan (11/2006 Midd)

Erminois, a wyvern erect contourny holding a dagger and a goblet, a bordure gules. Niall Mac a'Ghobhainn (8/1994 Calo)

Erminois, an eagle displayed gules within a bordure rayonny sable. Klaufi Hafsson (9/2002 AnTi)

Erminois, an eagle displayed sable, on a chief triangular gules, three roses argent. Patrick Logan (1/1991 West)

Erminois, an eagle displayed within a bordure sable. Friedrich Eric Helmut von Rheinhausen (11/1994 Midd)

Erminois, an Emperor penguin statant to sinister proper and on a chief gules three roses Or. Jessica Attenborough (12/1985 Caid)

Erminois, an ox's head caboshed gules with a laurel wreath vert. Iron Ox, Canton of (8/1981 Meri)

Erminois, four mullets of four points azure, each surmounted by four lozenges in saltire argent. John Finar of the Salt Bluff (2/1987 Midd)

Erminois, fretty gules, a chief gules, semy of cinquefoils Or. Thibault MacDonald Elliot de Valenciennes (11/1988 East)

Erminois, in fess a fox's mask between two spears all within a bordure embattled sable. Silvestro lo Nero (6/2004 Aten)

Erminois, in pale a wolf courant sable and a heart, a bordure embattled gules. Chinua Qadanjin (3/2012 Meri)

Erminois, in saltire two swords inverted gules surmounted by a mullet of eight points argent. Louis de Marja (8/1981 Anst)

Erminois, on a bend between a boar's head erased contourny and a boar's head erased gules, three boar spears palewise Or. Dirik Reverson (8/1991 Outl)

Erminois, on a bend sinister sable, a garden rose slipped and leaved Or. Ceridwen ferch Rhys (6/1987 Aten)

Erminois, on a chevron engrailed between three natural salamanders involved, heads to fess point, gules, a flame argent. Mark Feuergeist (7/1980 East)

Erminois, on a chevron sable between three roses gules three masks of tragedy palewise Or. Abelard die Elster (9/1995 Midd)

Erminois, on a chevron sable three mullets Or, in base a cross floretty gules. Baldwin the Wanderer (9/1992 West)

Erminois, on a chief azure two escallops Or. Giovanni di Cellini (9/1997 Anst)

Erminois, on a chief dove-tailed gules, three crosses bottony Or. Iago Benitez (5/1994 East)

Erminois, on a chief dovetailed sable, three fleur-de-lys Or. Brianna Laurina de Winton (7/1988 Caid)

Erminois, on a fess cotised sable three horse's heads couped Or. Juliana de Beaujeu (8/2002 AEth)

Erminois, on a fess sable three edelweiss argent within a bordure gules. Karl der Gänger (2/1994 Anst)

Erminois, on a fess wavy azure between three fish urinant gules, three annulets argent. Leonia of Midhurst (1/1993 Midd)

Erminois, on a gore sinister gules, a lion rampant Or. Cynthia de Wickersham (4/1990 Caid)

Erminois, on a heart purpure a bezant all within a bordure engrailed purpure. Elisabet Coeur d'Or (2/1986 Calo)

Erminois, on a long Celtic cross sable, a stag lodged reguardant argent vulned on the shoulder sable. Aethelthritha of Whitby (8/1985 Calo)

Erminois, on a mullet of eight points azure, a goblet Or, within a bordure embattled azure. Sebastien Mabille (10/1988 West)

Erminois, on a nesselblatt vert a rose slipped and leaved Or. Cassandra von Verden (10/1993 West)

Erminois, on a pale endorsed azure, a crescent argent. Adele of Moondragon (9/1987 Anst)

Erminois, on a pale gules in chief two bird blunts in saltire surmounted by an arrow inverted Or, a base counterchanged. Evan y Helfarch ap Llewellyn (3/1983 AnTi)

Erminois, on a pale sable a double-bitted axe argent. Friedrich Eric Helmut von Rheinhausen (11/1994 Midd)

Erminois, on a pale wavy azure a beehive between two bees Or. Giovanna Adimari (1/2011 Midd)

Erminois, on a pile azure a three-antlered reindeer's head erased contourny argent. Shawn Ketunpoika (2/1997 Midd)

Erminois, on a pile rayonny sable, a demi-griffin segreant Or. Katharina von Regensburg (2/1990 West)

Erminois, on a pile vert a crane in its vigilance argent beaked and legged gules. Risteárd Ruadh Mac Leóid (9/2002 Drac)

Erminois, on a saltire raguly sable, a wolf's head cabossed argent. Thorid Gnyrlik of Wolfstar (3/1990 Anst)

Erminois, on a wolf's head erased gules a cleaver palewise reversed argent. Robert de Bardoulf (6/2007 Atla)

Erminois, on two flaunches vert two pegasi combattant Or. Gilraen Derilyn (5/1983 Meri)

Erminois, three bendlets enhanced within a bordure sable. Dagmar Torsdottir (10/1987 Calo)

Erminois, three lion's heads erased to sinister gules. Jacob Seumas MacGregor (5/1984 West)

Erminois, three maple leaves, one and two, within an annulet gules. Denis of Maplewood (7/1986 West)

Erminois, three pallets gules and a trimount sable. Kenrick Robilard (8/1997 Loch)

Erminois, three ravens sable. Constance Glyn Dwr (4/2011 AEth)

Erminois, two domestic cats salient respectant sable and on a chief gules three mullets Or. Tamsyn Stanford (1/2010 Aten)

Erminois, two horses' heads erased respectant sable and a pair of wings conjoined gules. Sioned Esyllt Gwalhafed (4/1993 Aten)

Erminois, two lions' heads conjoined at the neck respectant and on a chief sable a heart Or. Kaleb McCabe (4/1992 Meri)

Erminois, two ravens close respectant a bordure dovetailed sable. Anthony Iron Skull (9/1996 Aten)

Erminois, two swords in saltire, points in base argent, hilted gules, in chief a slipper palewise point in base azure ribanded gules, in base a thistle proper. Eilidh na Caitich (7/1971)

Erminois, two tygers counter-salient in saltire, both reguardant azure incensed gules. Heinrich Alois von Speyer (12/2006 AnTi)

Erminois, within and maintained by an eagle's wing with a talon issuant sable, a goblet argent. Wulfhere Mannteufel (8/2005 Meri)