field division, per fess

Azure, a wall with a door issuant from base argent masoned sable and in chief a sunburst Or. Cassandra Attewoode (6/2011 Aten)

Barry of four azure, argent, vert, and Or, a pale gules and in canton a mullet Or. Central African Republic (9/1995 Laur)

Party of six argent and azure, three arrows inverted azure. Chauncey Longbow (2/2011 AEth)

Party of six argent and gules, three crosses patonce gules. John de Rokyngham (10/2010 AnTi)

Party of six pieces purpure and Or, three fleurs-de-lys Or. Brilliana de Montreau (4/1994 Outl)

Per bend and per fess vert and argent, a wolf's head couped and an oak leaf bendwise argent. Genefe Wizsilberlin (12/2007 Caid)

Per bend sinister wavy and per fess azure and argent, on a roundel counterchanged a mullet Or. Sarasi Candrah (3/1984 Aten)

Per fess abased gules and vert, a fess abased wavy argent. Seychelles (9/1995 Laur)

Per fess and per bend sinister argent and vert, two pellets in bend. Duncan of Blackrock (5/1987 Midd)

Per fess and per chevron throughout gules and argent, three alphyns passant argent. Dunstan Godricson (10/1994 Calo)

Per fess and per chevron throughout Or and sable, two angels and a unicorn rampant sable. Ursula of York (10/1994 Calo)

Per fess and per chevron throughout vert and argent, two fleurs-de-lys and a castle argent. Cornelia of Hamilton Hall (9/1992 Aten)

Per fess and per pale embattled erminois and gules, in bend sinister two talbots passant Or. Katherine Goodpasture (1/1990 West)

Per fess and per pale indented sable and Or, in bend two swords inverted Or and in bend sinister two fisted gauntlets aversed sable. Thorbrandr Olafsson (8/1989 Atla)

Per fess arched argent and azure, a fox's head sable, erased gules, gorged of a collar Or. William Blackfox (11/1981 Anst)

Per fess arched azure mulletty argent and gules semé of apples, in fess a sun in splendor Or between the horns of an increscent moon argent. Joscelyn Fitzharry of Gillyflower (4/1984 Caid)

Per fess arched debased azure and argent, in chief a decrescent and an increscent argent, and in base a closed book proper. Cynthia FitzColline von Schlüssel (5/1980 West)

Per fess arched gules and Or, a lion rampant contourné grasping in its sinister forepaw a caduceus counterchanged. Russell Red Lion (10/1979 West)

Per fess argent and argent masoned sable, on a fess gules a boar passant to sinister argent. Cormacc Mac Artúir (3/2010 Loch)

Per fess argent and azure, a bear rampant counterchanged. Taion Orbanus (3/2006n)

Per fess argent and azure, a bear statant sable and four pawprints two and two argent. Isabetta Orsini (9/2010 AEth)

Per fess argent and azure, a bear's paw print sable and a compass star elongated to base argent. Bjólfr Hróðgeirsson (3/2006 West)

Per fess argent and azure, a bird volant and a cutlass fesswise reversed within a bordure counterchanged. Ko'uchi Hideko (3/2009 AEth)

Per fess argent and azure, a boar's head cabossed per fess sable and argent within a torc formed of two serpents embowed, tails nowed in base, counterchanged. Serric der Grimmige (10/1988 East)

Per fess argent and azure, a butterfly and a snowflake counterchanged. Louise LaMotte (1/1991 East)

Per fess argent and azure, a clarion counterchanged. Thomas Longshanks (10/1984 Atla)

Per fess argent and azure, a covered well argent with wooden supports proper roofed vert. Anna de Wombwell (5/2005 Aten)

Per fess argent and azure, a cross formy gules and a lymphad sail set Or. Dyryke Hastings (12/2010 Atla)

Per fess argent and azure, a demi-eagle issuant from the line of division and three crosses formy counterchanged. Wolfgang von der Eifel (3/2007 Anst)

Per fess argent and azure, a dexter gauntlet clenched fesswise and a sinister gauntlet clenched fesswise reversed, index fingers pointing, counterchanged. Duncan Forbes (2/1991 East)

Per fess argent and azure, a domestic cat passant sable and a domestic cat sejant ermine. Miriel Gard Yale (9/2009 Caid)

Per fess argent and azure, a domestic cat sejant purpure winged vert and a quadrant Or. al-Yasamin bint Malik (6/2010 Aten)

Per fess argent and azure, a dragon segreant between three suns, each charged with a cluster of grapes, all counterchanged. Leoric de Tanet (5/1994 East)

Per fess argent and azure, a drakkar hulk, bendwise counterchanged. Michael Yang (8/1979 East)

Per fess argent and azure, a fess counterchanged and in chief three alder leaves bendwise vert. Charles le Verdier (5/2005 AnTi)

Per fess argent and azure, a fess vert and in chief three hearts gules. Una Logan (5/2004 East)

Per fess argent and azure, a garden rose slipped and leaved within a bordure counterchanged. Adrianna MacAverr (1/1993 AnTi)

Per fess argent and azure, a hammer inverted gules and a castle Or. Alfred Brekewall (5/2003 Midd)

Per fess argent and azure, a hand balance sable and an open book argent bound sable clasped Or. Atlantia, Kingdom of (7/2001 Atla)

Per fess argent and azure, a linden tree eradicated and a bordure embattled counterchanged. Ursel Lindenhayn (6/2011 AnTi)

Per fess argent and azure, a lion passant and a tower conjoined to sinister with a wall, all within a bordure counterchanged. Joella of Blue Lion's Keep (7/1988 Outl)

Per fess argent and azure, a longbow fesswise and a bear passant counterchanged. Morgan Nightbear (7/1992 East)

Per fess argent and azure, a phoenix azure issuant from flames proper and a sun argent eclipsed sable. Rüdeger Günther Marenholtz (9/1992 Outl)

Per fess argent and azure, a pile inverted counterchanged. Argacil of the Blue Range (12/1971)

Per fess argent and azure, a quill pen fesswise and a tilting lance fesswise reversed counterchanged. East, Kingdom of the (2/1984 East)

Per fess argent and azure, a rainbow gules, argent, azure, Or and purpure, clouded argent. Sundragon, Barony of (10/1983 Aten)

Per fess argent and azure, a rainbow gules, argent, azure, Or and purpure, clouded azure, and an acorn Or. Sundragon, Barony of (1/2006 Aten)

Per fess argent and azure, a raven rising, wings addorsed sable, maintaining an escallop Or within a laurel wreath counterchanged. Ravenshore, Shire of (6/1983 West)

Per fess argent and azure, a raven volant wings addorsed sable sustaining an escallop Or. Ravenshore, Shire of (11/1999 West)

Per fess argent and azure, a roundel between two dolphins naiant and counter-naiant counterchanged. Fiorindo de San Benedetto del Tronto (11/1992 East)

Per fess argent and azure, a saltire engrailed counterchanged. Michael of Lancaster (1/2010 AnTi)

Per fess argent and azure, a sea-boar sejant per fess gules and argent. Jaimes the Fair (2/1975 East)

Per fess argent and azure, a sea-boar sejant per fess gules and argent. Jaimes the Fair (2/1975 East)

Per fess argent and azure, a sheaf of spears and a crane in its vigilance counterchanged and a base embattled argent. Lídia dAlgarve (5/2002 AEth)

Per fess argent and azure, a sprig of harebells azure slipped and leaved vert and a compass star argent. Jacintha of Highland Foorde (2/2011 Atla)

Per fess argent and azure, a tower gules and an arrow inverted and a sword crossed in saltire argent. Caer Mear, Barony of (6/1992 Atla)

Per fess argent and azure, a tree Or leaved vert. Loran Goldwood (6/2000 Caid)

Per fess argent and azure, a wyvern tail nowed gules winged and bellied within a laurel wreath Or. Sedracas, Canton of (3/2011 Meri)

Per fess argent and azure, a yale rampant counterchanged within a bordure compony argent and azure. Dragonship Haven, Barony of (10/1985 East)

Per fess argent and azure all goutty counterchanged, a swan naiant sable. Cicilia la Seria (3/2011 Caid)

Per fess argent and azure all semy of triskeles counterchanged, a griffin and a sea-griffin addorsed Or. Melisande Aubrey d'Anjou (10/2010 Trim)

Per fess argent and azure, an armoured arm palewise embowed and maintaining a sword bendwise inverted sable, naissant from a fess barry wavy azure and argent. Culann Mac Cruimein (8/1989 Midd)

Per fess argent and azure, an orca naiant embowed counterembowed proper in chief a laurel wreath vert. Seagirt, Barony of (10/1995 AnTi)

Per fess argent and azure, in canton a fireball proper. Sun, Principality of the (6/1975)

Per fess argent and azure, in canton a saguaro cactus in bloom proper. Rio Salado, Province of (1/1973)

Per fess argent and azure, in chief a lion couchant queue-fourché maintaining a sword palewise azure, and in base a menorah argent. Gideon ben Levi (4/1986 Caid)

Per fess argent and azure, in chief a lozenge gules. Cecily of Whitehaven (2/2002 AEth)

Per fess argent and azure, in chief the Arabic phrase "al-batal yejama kithir suhum" sable. William of the Osprey (8/2001 Meri)

Per fess argent and azure, in chief two unicorns couchant respectant, horns crossed in saltire, azure and in base a decrescent and an increscent in fess argent. Brig Kieran (11/1988 Atla)

Per fess argent and azure, in fess two mascles interlaced counterchanged. Edmund Morley (12/1999 West)

Per fess argent and azure, in pale an oak leaf bendwise and a goblet counterchanged. Valmai Arcalien of Dernhealde (8/1982 Midd)

Per fess argent and azure, in pale an oak tree eradicated vert and a crescent argent. Margaret Penitone of Ravenglass (11/1983 Meri)

Per fess argent and azure, issuant from the line of division a demi-ship contourny bendwise sinister sable. François Dupuis (2/2012 AEth)

Per fess argent and azure, scaly argent, a harbor seal sejant sable. Muadh the Mad of the Uplands (8/1981 Aten)

Per fess argent and azure, three fleurs-de-lys, one and two, and a mountain couped counterchanged. Elisabeth MacAlester of Kintyre (12/1986 Atla)

Per fess argent and azure, three gouttes azure. Trelac, Shire of (10/2009 Anst)

Per fess argent and azure, three lit candles gules and an open book argent. Aell de Wilde (2/2011 Anst)

Per fess argent and azure, two birds respectant and a crescent counterchanged. Rosalynd of Thornabe on Tees (4/1994 Midd)

Per fess argent and azure, two double roses and a dove volant to sinister chief counterchanged. Cristine Elspeth Ross (8/2002 Meri)

Per fess argent and azure, two hands purpure and a domestic cat sejant erect argent. Brighid Gwynedd (11/2011 Loch)

Per fess argent and azure, two Maltese crosses sable and a dove argent. Hugh Prescott (4/1994 Midd)

Per fess argent and azure, two oak trees fructed eradicated proper and a dragon displayed Or winged and gorged of a collar argent. Emrys Coedwig (8/2008 West)

Per fess argent and azure, two ravens addorsed sable and an open book argent bound proper. Alexandra Raven (5/2009 Caid)

Per fess argent and azure, two stags rampant addorsed sable and a fir tree argent. John Motley (1/2010n)

Per fess argent and azure, two swords in saltire counterchanged. Caid, Kingdom of (9/1996 Caid)

Per fess argent and azure, two weasels statant counterchanged. Donatien Delaborde (10/2000 Anst)

Per fess argent and barry wavy azure and argent, in pale a swan naiant sable and a laurel wreath vert. Afon Araf, Canton of (5/1982 Midd)

Per fess argent and barry wavy gules and argent, a dragon couchant gules. Gwenllian verch Gruffydd (12/2001 Atla)

Per fess argent and bendy sinister azure and argent, on a demi-eagle issuant from the line of division sable a mullet Or. Sebastian Wolfgang von Bayern (1/2008 AEth)

Per fess argent and bleu-celeste. San Marino (12/1994 Laur)

Per fess argent and gules, a bear passant to sinister sable and on a plate a valknut sable. Þorgeirr Valbjarnarson (9/2003 Anst)

Per fess argent and gules, a bird displayed wings inverted sable and a Thor's hammer argent. Thorfinn of Deodar (2/2002 Calo)

Per fess argent and gules, a brown bear's head cabossed proper and a cross couped argent. Konrad Mailander (6/1994 Midd)

Per fess argent and gules, a chimera passant vert. Maximilian Gartenheit of Heatherwyne (4/2002 Caid)

Per fess argent and gules, a cross crosslet counterchanged and in chief two mullets of eight points azure. Falcon de la Costa (5/2007 Atla)

Per fess argent and gules, a dexter tierce triangular azure. Czech Republic (9/1995 West)

Per fess argent and gules, a falcon's leg sable erased à la quise belled and jessed Or maintaining a lucy embowed contourny argent and in chief two roses gules. Lucy Rose Falconer (12/2002 Atla)

Per fess argent and gules, a fess and in dexter chief on an escutcheon azure fimbriated gules on a mountain of three peaks argent two bars wavy azure and in chief three mullets two and one Or. Slovenia (9/1995 West)

Per fess argent and gules, a fess azure overall on an inescutcheon gules a patriarchal cross argent issuant from a trimount azure. Slovakia (12/1994 Laur)

Per fess argent and gules, a fess azure. Russian Federation (12/1994 Laur)

Per fess argent and gules, a fess embattled counter-embattled counterchanged, in chief a reremouse sable. Vladimir Zhaba (12/1995 Trim)

Per fess argent and gules, a fess engrailed sable between four roses three and one counterchanged barbed vert seeded argent. Eilina in ákafa (11/2004 Aten)

Per fess argent and gules, a fess vert. Bulgaria (12/1994 Laur)

Per fess argent and gules, a fleur-de-lys and a frog counterchanged. Jaspar de Dunkerque (2/2006 Aten)

Per fess argent and gules, a fox passant sable and an increscent argent. Saraqan Unegen (1/2011 Meri)

Per fess argent and gules, a griffin segreant azure. Brendan McEwen (12/1996 Anst)

Per fess argent and gules, a Latin cross sable and a gorgon's head cabossed argent. Ötwin Glantz (6/2004 Midd)

Per fess argent and gules, a raven sable and a skull Or. Erich of Raven's Fort (3/2006 Anst)

Per fess argent and gules, a raven sable and a toad argent within a bordure counterchanged. Hrafnhildr Frostadottir (10/2004 Arte)

Per fess argent and gules a reindeer lodged sable. Kára Báreksdóttir (3/1997 AnTi)

Per fess argent and gules, a saltire and a swan's head couped at the shoulder counterchanged. Ihon Edmideston (2/2003 AEth)

Per fess argent and gules, a serpent nowed and a stag trippant reguardant counterchanged. Gálmr refskegg (6/2007 East)

Per fess argent and gules, a sinister hand counterchanged. Eoin MacCumhail (9/1991 Caid)

Per fess argent and gules, a sword counterchanged between two swords inverted parted per fess sable and argent. Braghta the Sybean (9/1973)

Per fess argent and gules, a thistle proper and six triquetrae argent. Catelin the Wanderer (8/2008 Drac)

Per fess argent and gules, a thistle slipped and leaved sable and a Catherine wheel Or. Areanna Litelpage of Redore (11/1985 Anst)

Per fess argent and gules, in fess a rose sable between two scimitars inverted addorsed Or and in chief a goutte gules. Seth Starr (11/2002 AnTi)

Per fess argent and gules, in pale a lion contourny maintaining an Irish harp and two Mosaic tablets conjoined in fess counterchanged. Collawyn Lughaidh O Cearbhaill (1/2010 Caid)

Per fess argent and gules, in pale a roundel counterchanged sable and argent between two eagles counterchanged. Casimir Sarkastyczny (8/1995 East)

Per fess argent and gules, on a canton azure a mullet argent. Chile (9/1995 Laur)

Per fess argent and gules, on a double-headed eagle sable nimbed maintaining a sword and a Latin cross elongated to base, a cross formy Or. Beatrix von Köln (4/2003 Caid)

Per fess argent and gules. Poland (12/1994 Laur)

Per fess argent and gules, three cinquefoils counterchanged. Odillia Marguerite du Parc (11/2003n)

Per fess argent and gules, three goats passant to sinister counterchanged. Theodore of Isenfir (2/1995 Atla)

Per fess argent and gules, three keys bendwise, wards in chief, counterchanged. Claus Wernher von Bremen (1/1986 West)

Per fess argent and gules, two boots gules and an open book argent. Aaron Exile (3/2012 Atla)

Per fess argent and gules, two ram's heads erased respectant and a bell counterchanged. Algar MacBlane (1/2011 AnTi)

Per fess argent and gules, two swans naiant sable and a swan naiant argent within a bordure counterchanged. Avelina Clarice (4/2007 Midd)

Per fess argent and gules, two wolf's heads erased sable and a castle argent. Mael Coluim mac Gilla Epscoip (2/2007 Arte)

Per fess argent and lozengy azure and Or, in chief a rat passant sable. Nicodemus Radomirow (1/2005 West)

Per fess argent and Or, a brown demi-bear erect issuant from the line of division proper and on an open book azure a garden rose, slipped and leaved, fesswise Or. Loveday Lancaster (7/1991 Calo)

Per fess argent and Or, a dragon passant gules and a thistle proper. Juliana Red MacLachlan (7/2005 Caid)

Per fess argent and Or, a fess wavy azure between a seagull migrant to chief and a mullet sable. Martha the Well-Loved (11/1986 Atla)

Per fess argent and Or, a fox's head erased and in chief four mullets gules. Lawrie of Orkney (12/1990 Midd)

Per fess argent and Or, a reremouse sable and a bunch of grapes purpure slipped vert, a bordure sable. Arriel of Andros (8/1992 Caid)

Per fess argent and Or, a wooden wagon wheel proper within an orle sable. Philp Ingerame (12/2010 Atla)

Per fess argent and Or, an elephant passant between three seeblatter azure. Sigridh Bryniulfsdotter (11/2002 Drac)

Per fess argent and Or, an ogress between two dogs courant in annulo gules. Dougal of Icolmkill (4/2000 Midd)

Per fess argent and Or, in fess three spruce trees proper and in chief a laurel wreath vert. Coill Mhór, Shire of (10/2001 AnTi)

Per fess argent and paly argent and sable, in canton a rose, a bordure sable. Sarah Wydville (3/2008 West)

Per fess argent and paly argent and vert, in pale an eagle vert and a rose gules. Ännlin Ulrich (1/2011 East)

Per fess argent and paly gules and argent, a fess and in chief an estoile between two fleurs-de-lys gules. Sighni Ivarsdotter (8/2002 West)

Per fess argent and per pale gules and sable, in pale a dragon statant to sinister vert and a sword fesswise reversed argent. Alaric of Dragon's Tor (2/1990 Caid)

Per fess argent and plummetty gules and Or, two foxes sejant respectant and reguardant, gules. Caitrin Maura Gordon (4/1989 East)

Per fess argent and purpure, a cross formy within a bordure counterchanged. Cynewulf Guthfloga (3/1994 East)

Per fess argent and purpure, a demi-badger rampant sable marked argent issuant from the line of division and three marguerites argent seeded Or. Mairghread Plonced (9/2006 Eald)

Per fess argent and purpure, a fret counterchanged. Anne Lockwood (7/1991 Calo)

Per fess argent and purpure, a thistle slipped and leaved and a swallow migrant within a bordure counterchanged. Rowen of Staffin (10/1991 Aten)

Per fess argent and purpure, a thunderbolt counterchanged. Caris Maniske (7/1985 West)

Per fess argent and purpure masoned argent, in chief a raven close sable. Dafydd Wallraven (6/1998 Loch)

Per fess argent and purpure, three fleurs-de-lys vert and a heart argent. Elisée de Calais (12/2010 Outl)

Per fess argent and purpure, two bunches of grapes slipped and leaved proper, and a trillium argent. Juliana Marie d'Orléans (1/1998 Caid)

Per fess argent and sable, a bear rampant counterchanged maintaining a key azure. Andreas Björn (2/1998 Drac)

Per fess argent and sable, a billet fesswise and a base enarched counterchanged. Goswin Sterrenkijker van Sint Gillis Waas (3/1992 Midd)

Per fess argent and sable, a boar passant and an armoured fist palewise and appaumy counterchanged, all within a bordure gules. Mordred Boarslayer (12/1989 West)

Per fess argent and sable, a boar passant contourny gules and a cubit arm argent. Rurik Varyag Velmudov (12/2011 West)

Per fess argent and sable, a chevron gules between three tau crosses counterchanged. Teresa Alentejana (2/1991 West)

Per fess argent and sable, a crescent and a wolf rampant counterchanged. Morgan Kildarby (9/1991 Caid)

Per fess argent and sable, a cross patonce throughout between four mullets counterchanged. Máel Muire mac Néill hui Cholmáin (8/2002 Midd)

Per fess argent and sable, a demi-horse rampant contourny issuant from the line of division sable. Caitlin nan Cnoc Airgead (5/2000 Anst)

Per fess argent and sable, a domestic cat passant contourny and a fish naiant contourny counterchanged. Fiska-Silvester Lotharssohn (4/1995 Trim)

Per fess argent and sable, a dragon couchant gules and a Lacy knot argent. Katherin verch Rhys (10/2003 Midd)

Per fess argent and sable, a dragon passant contourny gules and a katana bendwise sinister argent. Ivan Leicester (10/2002 Arte)

Per fess argent and sable, a feather bendwise counterchanged gules and Or. Hinach ben Josef (2/1992 Midd)

Per fess argent and sable, a fess between a wolf statant and a stag's head, all counterchanged. Morgan MacDowell (10/1989 West)

Per fess argent and sable, a fess embattled gules, masoned argent, between a Maltese cross gules and a dragon passant argent. Rodrigo Diego Ramos (6/1988 Trim)

Per fess argent and sable, a fool's cap per pale gules and vert, and a sun Or. Alaric the Fool (4/1995 Outl)

Per fess argent and sable, a hawk striking to sinister gules and a leopard's head erased affronty argent. Cassandra la Sable (10/1991 Outl)

Per fess argent and sable, a horse passant counterchanged. Arnóra Gormsdóttir (11/2011 Meri)

Per fess argent and sable, a lion rampant counterchanged. Tadhg mac Briain Uí Ghradaigh (7/2007 Aten)

Per fess argent and sable, a Maltese cross vert and a Chinese dragon's head couped close and sinister facing, Or. Raymond de Caen (5/1989 East)

Per fess argent and sable, a moon in her plenitude azure and a wolf sejant ululant contourny argent, a bordure counterchanged. Arik of Delftwood (11/2004 AEth)

Per fess argent and sable, a natural leopard dormant coward sable, gorged of a collar, and three cinquefoils Or. Adelicia of Cumbria (8/1983 Atla)

Per fess argent and sable, a nude demi-man affronty gules issuant from a tower issuant from base argent. Lughaid Cnuachd Dharaich mac Aonghuis Dhuibh (6/1992 Caid)

Per fess argent and sable, a pale counterchanged, three chess pawns sable. Knut Gunnarson of Småland (3/1986 West)

Per fess argent and sable, a pale, the chief part wavy and the base part rayonny, counterchanged gules and Or. Durlome Rakesh d'Mithnan (10/2007 East)

Per fess argent and sable, a phoenix azure and two annulets interlaced in fess argent. Anastasia Amalasuintha of Hyrnkeepe (5/1995 Meri)

Per fess argent and sable, a phoenix vert rising from flames Or. Jesse of Blackoak (4/2007 Anst)

Per fess argent and sable, a raven rising, wings displayed, and a quill pen bendwise sinister counterchanged. Szilágy Margit (6/1999 Atla)

Per fess argent and sable, a sapling blasted bendwise sinister throughout counterchanged. Elysendé Leville (2/1981 East)

Per fess argent and sable, a snake erect and nowed sable and an edelweiss slipped and leaved proper. Caterina Lucrezia da Bergamo (8/1999 Atla)

Per fess argent and sable, a spiderweb within a bordure counterchanged. Dougal MacFinlay (10/1992 Midd)

Per fess argent and sable, a sprig of three holly leaves vert fructed gules and a daisy Or seeded sable. Siwan ferch Rhys ap Hywel (11/1999 Caid)

Per fess argent and sable, a wolf's head erased contourny and a clenched gauntlet counterchanged. Wulfhere of Stonemarche (8/2000 East)

Per fess argent and sable, an eagle between two bars wavy counterchanged. Viviane d'Agincourt (8/2004 Anst)

Per fess argent and sable, an eagle displayed and a bear passant counterchanged. Arnbjorn Karlsson (11/2000 Midd)

Per fess argent and sable, an ounce rampant guardant gules incensed proper between three ermine spots counterchanged. Azelina of Exanceaster (2/2007 Atla)

Per fess argent and sable, in base a wyvern passant, wings displayed and tail nowed erect, argent. Gabhan mac Aedain (7/1988 Calo)

Per fess argent and sable, in chief a clenched gauntlet and in base three octagons two and one counterchanged. Georg Eisenfaust (4/2002 AEth)

Per fess argent and sable, in chief a heart gules charged with a maunch and in base two daggers in saltire argent, all within a bordure counterchanged. Katryna Robyn (3/1990 East)

Per fess argent and sable, in chief a massacre sable within a bordure counterchanged. Rolf Longbow (5/1989 AnTi)

Per fess argent and sable, in pale a bicorporate lion rampant and another inverted counterchanged. Ian of Silver Keep (12/1986 Aten)

Per fess argent and sable, in pale a phoenix sable rising from flames gules issuant from the line of division and a demi-sun issuant from base Or. Einar Myrunarson (11/1989 Meri)

Per fess argent and sable, issuant from the line of division a demi-mullet of three full points azure. Heðinn inn rauði (10/2004 East)

Per fess argent and sable masoned argent, a ram's head cabossed sable, a bordure embattled vert. Kenrick Dryden (1/2009 Calo)

Per fess argent and sable, on a fess gules a lion couchant, in base a decrescent argent. Aziza al-Labu'a bint Ibrahim ibn Rashid al-Rahhala (2/2007 Aten)

Per fess argent and sable, on a fess gules a scimitar blade to chief and in base a snake involved argent. Chaninai al-Zarqa' bint Ibrahim ibn Rashid (8/2002 Aten)

Per fess argent and sable, on a fess gules between an eagle displayed sable and a castle argent, a hawk's bell with jesses Or. Wilhelm von Freiburg (6/1984 East)

Per fess argent and sable, three mullets of four points gules, azure, and Or. Deroch Negotiatrix Vini (2/2007 East)

Per fess argent and sable, three two-tined eating forks in pile counterchanged. Hungar Hungere (3/1996 Atla)

Per fess argent and sable, two crosses formy gules and a bear passant guardant to sinister argent. Quentin Sprecher (2/2007 Trim)

Per fess argent and sable, two ferrets statant counter-statant counterchanged. Fulk of Shrewsbury (12/1992 East)

Per fess argent and sable, two fireballs proper and two towers, between them a pair of swinging doors, argent. Rian MacFinn (8/1993 East)

Per fess argent and sable, two legless wyverns volant to sinister wings addorsed counterchanged. Ragnar Grimson (5/1991 West)

Per fess argent and sable, two lutes bendwise sinister vert and a thunderbolt Or. Johannes the Minstrel (1/1980 West)

Per fess argent and sable, two reremice counterchanged. Diana the Dismal (7/1994 West)

Per fess argent and sable, two roses gules and a rose argent all barbed and seeded proper. Katerina de Glen (9/2004 Calo)

Per fess argent and vair, a seahorse erect and sinister facing maintaining an axe gules. Georg of Glacier's Edge (6/1988 West)

Per fess argent and vair in pale, in chief three barbless roses, two and one, gules. Katarzina Porajski (10/1987 West)

Per fess argent and vert, a brown weasel passant proper and a dexter hand argent. Isabel Silver (7/1996 Caid)

Per fess argent and vert, a catamount couchant sinister proper. [Felis concolor] Mairi Rhianna nam Beanntan (8/1979 East)

Per fess argent and vert, a Celtic cross and a wolf passant counterchanged. Geoffrey Lucas (6/2008 Calo)

Per fess argent and vert, a coney sejant erect affronty proper. [Lepus timidus] Marian of Hampshire (6/1986 West)

Per fess argent and vert, a domestic cat sejant erect guardant gules, a bordure wavy azure. Ieuan ap Gwilym (3/2008 East)

Per fess argent and vert, a dragon passant gules. Wales (12/1994 Laur)

Per fess argent and vert, a fess and on a dexter tierce gules in chief two sheathed sabres inverted in saltire surmounted by a sheathed jambiya and belt with fastenings argent. Oman (9/1995 Laur)

Per fess argent and vert, a fess nebuly between a rose sable seeded and a rose argent seeded sable. Róis ni Brian (10/2008 Caid)

Per fess argent and vert, a horse statant sable and a die argent, a chief enarched purpure. Karsten Pferdenarr (12/2000 Atla)

Per fess argent and vert, a hurst of pine trees vert trunks Or issuant from the line of division, and on a chief sable a roundel between an increscent and a decrescent argent. Linet Grímólfsdóttir (7/2005 AnTi)

Per fess argent and vert, a leek counterchanged. Dewi Balch (11/1977)

Per fess argent and vert, a lighthouse counterchanged, flamed gules, within a bordure counterchanged. Jacqueline de Condé (1/2007 Atla)

Per fess argent and vert, a lion-dragon erect gules and three Celtic crosses Or. Llywelyn Gwehydd Pentrelasleygercaerdydd ap Gwilym (11/1991 Caid)

Per fess argent and vert, a Mongolian yurt azure. Ah Kum of the Ger-Igren (2/1987 East)

Per fess argent and vert, a mullet of six points counterchanged. Avraham ben David haKuzari (1/2003 Calo)

Per fess argent and vert, a musimon statant guardant sable and three hearts argent. Deborah bat Yosef (9/1992 Anst)

Per fess argent and vert, a raven volant sable and a cup Or, a bordure counterchanged. Donald Harefoot (3/1998 AEth)

Per fess argent and vert, a red-haired Caucasian Greek sphinx sejant affronty proper, furred Or, wings displayed azure. Elizabeth Curry (2/2012 Meri)

Per fess argent and vert, a rose gules between three fleurs-de-lys counterchanged. Genevieve d'Aquitaine (4/2000 Atla)

Per fess argent and vert, a rose vert barbed and seeded and a sun in splendor Or. Verederosa Dal Sol (5/2007 AEth)

Per fess argent and vert, a stag trippant proper between three trefoils counterchanged. Diarmaid McConnell (2/2003 Atla)

Per fess argent and vert, a sword fesswise and a wolf passant counterchanged. Óláfr silfrtonn (2/2007 Anst)

Per fess argent and vert, a sword fesswise sable and a mullet of eight points argent, all within a bordure embattled Or. Rowena Serenarianaidd (5/1989 Aten)

Per fess argent and vert, a tower bendwise counterchanged sable and argent, in sinister chief a laurel wreath vert. Settmour Swamp, Barony of (2/1981 East)

Per fess argent and vert, a weeping willow tree couped and a stag lodged counterchanged. Gwyneth Greentree (11/1990 Meri)

Per fess argent and vert, an Eskimo curlew close affronty, head to sinister, proper perched upon two rocks issuant from base Or. Curlew Drogheala (10/2011 Aten)

Per fess argent and vert, an oak tree eradicated counterchanged. Arthur Watson (6/2000 East)

Per fess argent and vert, an orca haurient embowed proper, a bordure wavy per fess azure and argent. Christian Barnabas Anderson (1/1994 AnTi)

Per fess argent and vert ermined argent, a sea-serpent ondoyant and issuant from the line of division azure. Isabel de la Hay (1/2004 West)

Per fess argent and vert ermined argent, in chief three Lacy knots gules. Rónán Meade (7/2011 Calo)

Per fess argent and vert, four crosses of Cerdaña in cross counterchanged. Catherine Aimée LeMoyne (1/1985 Midd)

Per fess argent and vert, in chief a natural tiger passant guardant vert striped Or, maintaining a closed book sable, and in base a crescent argent. Kim of Loch Salann (8/1993 Aten)

Per fess argent and vert, in chief three lace bobbins in fess sable and in base a plate charged with a drop spindle threaded sable. Ive Annor M'Quhairr of Sighty Crag (10/2007 East)

Per fess argent and vert, in pale three arrows fesswise reversed vert barbed sable and three annulets one and two interlaced argent. Einarr mac Dhòmhnuill (4/2004 Calo)

Per fess argent and vert, in pale three bars gules and two foxes passant in pale argent. Pierre de Noves (5/1980 Aten)

Per fess argent and vert, three billets fesswise counterchanged. Aeddan ap Trahaearn (7/1999 Anst)

Per fess argent and vert, three falcons rising, wings elevated and addorsed counterchanged. Alan of Gravesend (3/1998 Atla)

Per fess argent and vert, three gryphons counterchanged. Owen ap Aeddan ap Trahaearne (6/2003 Anst)

Per fess argent and vert, two dragonflies sable and a griffin passant argent. Mor ingen Daire hui Neill (8/2010 Meri)

Per fess argent and vert, two horses salient respectant sable and in base two trefoils in fess Or. Eduard von der Kiebitzwiese (4/1984 Caid)

Per fess argent and vert, two horses statant counterchanged. Gwen Allyn (10/2004 AnTi)

Per fess argent and vert, two oak trees eradicated proper and a cat couchant guardant argent. Cerridwen Coedwig (8/2007 West)

Per fess argent and vert, two ravens volant sable and two dogs courant argent, two and two. Asgod Northman (6/2010 Aten)

Per fess argent ermined gules and gules, in base a maunch argent. Fettburg, Barony of (5/1984 West)

Per fess argent fretty and azure, in base a daisy proper. Marion le Red (5/2002 Atla)

Per fess argent goutty gules and gules, two griffins passant-counter-passant reguardant counterchanged sable and argent within a bordure embattled sable. Mikael harðraði (1/2007 Atla)

Per fess argent, semé-de-lys vert, and sable, in base three increscents argent. Catherine des Gorges du Tarn (3/1984 Caid)

Per fess: azure, a sun Or, and a landscape consisting of mountains vert, through which flows a river azure, on the river a lymphad and a sloop in full sail proper. New York, State of (5/1999 Laur)

Per fess azure and argent, a boar's head caboshed Or and a sheaf of arrows inverted sable. Vest Yorvik, Canton of (10/1983 Midd)

Per fess azure and argent, a bow fesswise Or and a domestic cat couchant azure. Catherine MacLaren (8/2008 Outl)

Per fess azure and argent, a carnation argent slipped and leaved vert, a bordure invected counterchanged. Deana Dodson of Swordcliff (2/1997 Midd)

Per fess azure and argent, a compass star throughout and a bordure counterchanged. Garrett O'Doherty (2/2002 Caid)

Per fess azure and argent, a cow statant argent marked sable and a feather fesswise reversed azure. Joshua MacDonald (3/2002 Caid)

Per fess azure and argent, a crescent pendant argent and an oak tree with a trunk proper, leaved gules. Paul the Red (5/1986 Meri)

Per fess azure and argent, a dandelion Or, slipped and leaved vert, within a bordure counterchanged. Margreta Oaksbane (10/1984 East)

Per fess azure and argent, a demi-sun issuant from chief argent and three compass-stars azure. Cassandra Mikael Deveroux (6/1993 West)

Per fess azure and argent, a demi-sun issuant from chief Or and a pine tree eradicated proper. Deborah Percehaie (9/2000 Eald)

Per fess azure and argent, a demi-sun issuant from the line of division Or and three cattails slipped and leaved conjoined at the base proper. Hroðny in harfagra (2/2008n)

Per fess azure and argent, a dove rising, wings displayed, and three lozenges all counterchanged. David of Bagulay (4/2006 West)

Per fess azure and argent, a dove rising wings displayed argent and a serpent palewise embowed counter-embowed gules. Clarice Roan (5/2007 AEth)

Per fess azure and argent, a dove volant argent and three fir trees couped proper. Gwladys Chittenden (5/1992 East)

Per fess azure and argent, a dragon counterchanged. Ascelina Alánn ingen Ailella (12/2008 Aten)

Per fess azure and argent, a European Brown Bear [Ursus horribulus Europus] statant erect proper, grasping in its dexter forepaw a sword argent, hilted sable. Mixial Medvedev iz Kieva (8/1980 West)

Per fess azure and argent, a fess fusilly counterchanged. Joshua the Pilgrim (3/1995 Caid)

Per fess azure and argent, a fess gules between a mastless drakkar argent and a castle triple-towered azure. Rhianna Kirsten of Dunwick (1/1985 Caid)

Per fess azure and argent, a fess sable. Estonia (12/1994 Laur)

Per fess azure and argent, a fess wavy vert between in chief three equal-armed Celtic crosses Or and in base a natural fountain azure. Caoimhghin O'Dalaigh (7/1986 AnTi)

Per fess azure and argent, a hawk displayed argent and a rose slipped and leaved fesswise proper. Gregory Whitehawk (7/1999 Aten)

Per fess azure and argent, a hen and a fleur-de-lys counterchanged. Jeneuer le Geliner (5/2007 Loch)

Per fess azure and argent, a lily of the valley slipped and leaved per fess argent and vert within a bordure urdy counterchanged. Lilias Moira an tSratha (1/1991 Midd)

Per fess azure and argent, a mermaid in her vanity proper crined gules and in chief three escallops argent. Ophelia Mulryan (4/2002 Outl)

Per fess azure and argent, a moon in her complement argent and three martlets volant wings addorsed sable. Rachel of Rochester (11/2009 East)

Per fess, azure and argent, a mullet of eight points throughout in fess Or, in base three chevronels braced vert. Dawyd z Gury (8/1979 East)

Per fess azure and argent, a pegasus passant argent and on an open book azure a quill pen bendwise sinister Or. Cassandra of Wyndhaven (10/1991 Midd)

Per fess azure and argent, a phoenix argent rising from flames proper. Ariel Ramsey of Skye (4/1997 Outl)

Per fess azure and argent, a plate charged with a water bouget gules and a natural panther rampant sable platy. Jonathan Christian Clare (12/1991 Anst)

Per fess azure and argent, a polar bear passant argent and a lymphad, sail furled, proper within a bordure wavy counterchanged. Cesare the Merchant (2/1988 AnTi)

Per fess azure and argent, a portative organ Or and a cross fleury gules. Rose Mary Fleury FitzHugh (11/1989 AnTi)

Per fess azure and argent, a quadrant Or and a turtle vert. Robert of Berwyk (12/2008 Midd)

Per fess azure and argent, a single-headed chess knight and a tower counterchanged. Adella de Tourlaville (12/1991 Outl)

Per fess azure and argent, a stag trippant to sinister proper attired Or between three crosses formy fitchy one and two counterchanged Or and azure. Peter Makintare (11/2006 Anst)

Per fess azure and argent, a sunburst inverted and a dragon displayed counterchanged. Þóra Hrónarsdóttir (11/2002 Outl)

Per fess azure and argent, a tyger rampant counterchanged. Riocárd Ó Donnghaile (2/1998 Atla)

Per fess azure and argent, a unicorn couchant and a threaded sewing needle counterchanged. Monika Elzbietka Poznanska (8/1991 Calo)

Per fess azure and argent, a unicorn's head couped to sinister argent and a wheel gules. Jobyna von dem Rotstuhl (9/1983 Midd)

Per fess azure and argent, a war-wagon counterchanged and enflamed to sinister chief proper. Alail Horsefriend (11/1982 West)

Per fess azure and argent, a wolf rampant within a bordure counterchanged. Berach de Winterbourne (9/1983 Midd)

Per fess azure and argent, a wolf sejant and a double-bitted axehead counterchanged. Marc of Skraeling Althing (5/1988 Midd)

Per fess azure and argent, a zephyr and a lymphad counterchanged. Richard MacFarland (6/1997 Calo)

Per fess azure and argent, an axe palewise inverted surmounted by two axes in saltire, all within a bordure embattled counterchanged. Coinneach Aindrias MacLeod (6/1989 Calo)

Per fess azure and argent, an ostrich plume fesswise reversed argent and a smith's hammer sable. Kateryn Lanark (6/1995 West)

Per fess azure and argent fretty vert, in chief a lion dormant Or. Pieter Zell (11/1995 Calo)

Per fess azure and argent, in canton a sun Or. Atenveldt, Kingdom of (1/1998 Aten)

Per fess azure and argent, in chief a goblet argent and in base three strawberries proper. Giovanna da Correggio (1/2004 Meri)

Per fess azure and argent, in pale an eagle striking, wings addorsed, bearing in its beak a heart Or, and a double-rose sable, barbed and seeded proper. Damhnat Bebhinn Nic Oisdealbhaigh (8/1986 East)

Per fess azure and argent, issuant from the line of division a tower proper and in base a laurel wreath vert. Dismal Fogs, Shire of (4/1987 West)

Per fess azure and argent, on a fess sable between a tree couped and a griffin segreant reguardant counterchanged, two mullets of four points argent. Arwyne of the Gilded Helm (7/1974)

Per fess azure and argent, on a pale engrailed between in chief two violins palewise, in base a violin palewise, all counterchanged. Cedric Fithelere (2/1989 Anst)

Per fess azure and argent, on a roundel throughout in pale two wolves statant to sinister, all counterchanged. Kelvin Anders (10/1982 Aten)

Per fess azure and argent, three bells counterchanged. Letta Donati (3/2007 East)

Per fess azure and argent, three bezants one and two and a jester's hood vert. Benedictus Lungespee (12/2011 Meri)

Per fess azure and argent, three dolphins counterchanged. Caniodricca verch Elidir (3/2011 AEth)

Per fess azure and argent, three swans naiant in fess and two claymores in saltire all within a bordure embattled, all counterchanged. Conor MacLean (7/1991 Atla)

Per fess azure and argent, three thistles argent and a tree stump proper. Christian Wolfe of Edinburgh (9/2004 East)

Per fess azure and argent two acorns argent and an oak leaf vert. Alewyn Adair (9/1991 Atla)

Per fess azure and argent, two estoiles and a griffin segreant all within a bordure invected, all counterchanged. Ulric Waveborne (2/1985 Caid)

Per fess azure and argent, two keys fesswise counterchanged. Katherine Stonehand (9/1995 Midd)

Per fess azure and argent, two pallets counterchanged, overall a dragon rampant gules between three compass stars sable. Conor Mac Cinneide (2/1987 Anst)

Per fess azure and barry argent and azure, in chief a thistle Or between a pair of clenched gauntlets argent. Graham MacRobert (4/1998 Atla)

Per fess azure and barry wavy argent and azure, in fess a hunter statant affronty maintaining a gunstock brown, atop a peninsula vert issuant from dexter, and a demi-sun issuant to chief from the line of division Or. Michigan, State of (5/1999 Laur)

Per fess azure and bendy sable and argent, a stag at gaze argent. Gianni Arcieri (5/1998 Anst)

Per fess azure and counter-ermine, a fess wavy argent between a sun in splendour Or and a decrescent moon argent. Morwynna Cryw (12/1989 East)

Per fess azure and gules, a bow fesswise and a handgun Or. Brian Logan the Bowyer (5/2007 Calo)

Per fess azure and gules, a cross and in canton a cross crosslet argent. Cajetan Fitzpatrick (2/1991 Midd)

Per fess azure and gules, a cross patonce argent within a bordure chequy sable and argent. Deirdre of Carlyle (4/1987 Midd)

Per fess azure and gules, a demi-sun issuant from the line of division Or and a pair of wings conjoined in lure argent. Matilda of Stirling (11/2008 Arte)

Per fess azure and gules, a dragon couchant and two demi-pallets issuant from the line of division Or. Alsinda de Rochabaron (10/2007G)

Per fess azure and gules, a fess argent, overall a mullet gules fimbriated Or. Yugoslavia, Socialist Republic of (12/2003 West)

Per fess azure and gules, a fess argent. Yugoslavia (12/1994 Laur)

Per fess azure and gules, a phoenix and issuant from base a flame Or. Thomas Peregrine (3/2010 Anst)

Per fess azure and gules, a pillar argent between two swords inverted proper. Bryan Williamson (4/1997 AnTi)

Per fess azure and gules, a quill pen bendwise inverted argent. Eoin Macrae (2/1991 Midd)

Per fess azure and gules, a spiral hunting horn Or between three compass stars argent. Richard of Sterling (6/1992 Atla)

Per fess azure and gules, a squirrel maintaining a walnut and in chief two open scrolls Or. Tatiana Seraya Mikhailovna (9/2004 Meri)

Per fess azure and gules, a triple-arched bridge and in chief a laurel wreath argent between two piles in point Or. Londinium ad Rubrum Flumen, Shire of (11/1981 Aten)

Per fess azure and gules, a wheel Or. László Rózsa (12/1997 Outl)

Per fess azure and gules all ermined argent, two billets in fess Or. Rhodri Longshanks (7/2002 Aten)

Per fess azure and gules all lozengy, an owl affronty argent. Sophia Eriksdotter (12/2004 Drac)

Per fess azure and gules, an open book and a cat sejant argent. Katrine of Rising Stone (9/2008 Meri)

Per fess azure and gules, in canton a crown Or. Liechtenstein (12/1994 Laur)

Per fess azure and gules, in chief two comets inverted bendwise sinister argent and in base two recorders in saltire Or. Donalbain MacPherson (3/1986 West)

Per fess azure and gules, in pale a demi-sun throughout issuant from the line of division and a unicorn contourny Or. Sarah Preston (5/2005 AnTi)

Per fess azure and gules, in pale a Paschal lamb passant guardant argent and a dragon segreant Or. Sean de Londres (2/1985 East)

Per fess azure and gules, on a billet fesswise argent the arms of Haiti (a Palmette surrounded by and under the palms a trophy with the legend: L'Union Fait la Force). Haiti (11/1999 Laur)

Per fess azure and gules, on a dexter tierce triangular argent a roundel issuing eight groups of three straight rays between three mullets points outward in the corners Or. Philippines (9/1995 Laur)

Per fess azure and gules, on a fess between three dolphins Or an arrow azure. Simon Fisc (11/2004 East)

Per fess azure and gules, on a fess wavy Or a sea-serpent ondoyant sable. Ormar Traherne (5/1993 Calo)

Per fess azure and gules, three estoiles argent and a dragon Or. Stephanus de Londres (2/2010 East)

Per fess azure and gules, three increscents and a martlet Or. Marie de Lancey (11/2001 Calo)

Per fess azure and gules, three wolves' teeth issuant from sinister argent, a bordure Or. Sundragon, Barony of (2/2005 Aten)

Per fess azure and gules, two chalices argent and a dragon segreant Or. Suzanne Neuber de Londres (1/1993 East)

Per fess azure and gules, two lions combatant and a wolf sejant ululant Or. Alana Falconer (11/2010 Caid)

Per fess azure and gules, two spears in saltire Or. Hubert le Webber (3/2010 AEth)

Per fess azure and Or, a bow fesswise, strung to base, surmounted by an arrow inverted argent, and a sword inverted sable. Wulfgar the Bowman (7/1987 West)

Per fess azure and Or, a catamount passant and a triple-peaked mountain issuant from base counterchanged. Mountain Confederation (3/2003 AEth)

Per fess azure and Or, a compass star Or and two arrows inverted in saltire sable. Ihon MacLucas (6/2003 Caid)

Per fess azure and Or, a coney rampant to sinister between in pale two suns in splendor counterchanged. Eileen Kathryn of Hareswood (3/1985 West)

Per fess azure and Or, a decrescent moon and an increscent moon Or and a natural panther rampant sable. Crescentia Hildegard (3/1994 Trim)

Per fess azure and Or, a demi-sun issuant from chief Or and a dragon dormant to sinister sable. Kilian Calwaye (6/2010 Arte)

Per fess azure and Or, a dolphin naiant Or and a palm frond sable. Naila di Salerno (12/1983 Midd)

Per fess azure and Or, a goutte de sang fimbriated argent and two frets couped fesswise, the dexter vert and the sinister purpure. Medithkgr the Diverse (8/1978)

Per fess azure and Or, a leaf and an escallop counterchanged. Ælfmæg McKuenn (9/1992 Anst)

Per fess azure and Or, a lightning flash bendwise sinister throughout counterchanged. Carolyne Amaris of Castle Thunder (4/1984 Anst)

Per fess azure and Or, a lozenge counterchanged. Tomasia da Collevento (11/2002 AEth)

Per fess azure and Or, a male sea-unicorn reversed, per fess argent and azure. Nicorlynn of Caer Wydyr (3/1971)

Per fess azure and Or, a mullet of eight points pierced counterchanged, in base an increscent azure, a chief embattled Or. Sybylle of al-Barran (10/1985 Aten)

Per fess azure and Or, a river running at the foot of mountains between in chief a demi-sun and in base a sheaf of arrows inverted and a garb, all proper. Ohio, State of (5/1999 Laur)

Per fess azure and Or, a scorpion tergiant counterchanged and in chief an axe Or. Rüdiger Lutz (3/2001 East)

Per fess azure and Or, a sun counterchanged. Atenveldt, Kingdom of (5/2008 Aten)

Per fess azure and Or, a sun Or and a dog courant sable. Aurora of Dragonship Haven (6/2008 East)

Per fess azure and Or, a sun Or and an arrow fesswise, point to sinister, sable, all within a bordure embattled counterchanged. Iana of Tallowcross (2/1986 Caid)

Per fess azure and Or, a trident head Or and an evergreen branch fructed proper. Anne of Devil's Wood (10/1991 Midd)

Per fess azure and Or, a zephyr contourny argent and three laurel wreaths in fess sable. Windegate, Shire of (7/2008 Arte)

Per fess azure and Or, a zule counterchanged. Marcelle de la Marche (2/2003 AnTi)

Per fess azure and Or fretty azure, a stirrup Or. Meadhbh inghean ui Bhaoighill (2/2011 AEth)

Per fess azure and Or, in base a dolphin proper. Aodhán Doilfín (1/1993 Atla)

Per fess azure and Or, in canton a bezant charged with a boar's head erased close reversed sable. Tir Ysgithr, Barony of (7/1980 Aten)

Per fess azure and Or, in chief a lion rampant argent and in base three Maltese crosses patonce azure. Edward d'Orleans (7/1988 Anst)

Per fess azure and Or, in chief three chalices in fess Or, and in base three mullets of six points azure. Cecily Chamberlaine (5/1985 Midd)

Per fess azure and Or, in fess three stalks of wheat per fess Or and vert. Estrid Henningsdotter (3/2002 Caid)

Per fess azure and Or masoned sable, in chief a snowflake argent. Thorbjorn Wulfgrimmssønn (5/1983 Meri)

Per fess azure and Or, on a fess gules between three fleurs-de-lys Or and a sprig of three maple leaves slipped vert a lion passant guardant Or. Quebec (2/2011 Laur)

Per fess azure and Or, three Catherine wheels one and two counterchanged. Katherine of Cate Hall (1/1973)

Per fess azure and Or, three hawk's lures Or and a hawk striking gules. Elnor Howard (11/2009 Aten)

Per fess azure and Or, three linden leaves counterchanged. Seved Ribbing (7/2010 Aten)

Per fess azure and Or, three suns counterchanged. Signy Halfdanardottir (10/2002 Drac)

Per fess azure and Or, two domestic cats passant addorsed with tails entwined Or and a rose azure barbed and seeded proper. Emma Compton (3/2012 AnTi)

Per fess azure and Or, two hands in birkat kohanim and a double-headed eagle counterchanged. Jethro Stille (8/2010 Outl)

Per fess azure and Or, two oak sprigs fructed and a talbot passant counterchanged. Estela du Frayse (10/2008 East)

Per fess azure and Or, two stags in full course counterchanged, gorged argent and Or. Alianora of Hightower (1/1973)

Per fess azure and Or. Ukraine (12/1994 Laur)

Per fess azure and per pale argent and gules, a demi-sun Or issuant from the line of division and a lion and a griffin combattant counterchanged. Latvia, Republic of (1/2000 West)

Per fess azure and per pale purpure and Or, a Janus head capped and belled as a jester argent and two crosses nowy couped counterchanged. Jack Ell of Boothaven (11/1993 Aten)

Per fess azure and purpure, a castle tripled towered argent, with a portcullis gules, between three compass stars Or. Victor Highgate (7/1996 Aten)

Per fess azure and purpure, a fess argent between a mullet and a cross crosslet Or. Astra Christiana Benedict (3/1983 Caid)

Per fess azure and purpure, a fish haurient sustaining in its mouth a hanging balance, in chief three mullets Or. Just John (11/2000 AnTi)

Per fess azure and purpure, a fret and in base a crescent Or. Brighid inghean Ioain (8/2006 Atla)

Per fess azure and purpure, on a fess flory counter-flory argent a lozenge vert. Elaine of Elswicke (4/1993 Caid)

Per fess azure and sable, a auburn-haired mermaid proper, tailed argent, maintaining in her dexter hand a plate and in her sinister a sword bendwise sinister proper. Morgan Alanna Morcheartaigh (2/1989 Trim)

Per fess azure and sable, a chevron between a decrescent and a compass star argent. Cyrene Valeria (7/2006 East)

Per fess azure and sable, a demi-sun issuant from line of division Or, and a decrescent argent, a base Or. Eyjolfr Falgeirsson (8/1991 AnTi)

Per fess azure and sable, a demi-sun issuant from line of division Or, in base a winged foot contourny argent. Daniel Lightfoot (7/2000 AEth)

Per fess azure and sable, a dolphin naiant and an artist's palette argent. Brenna Bisset (4/2007 Aten)

Per fess azure and sable, a dove statant, wings elevated and addorsed, between in pale two hawk's bells argent. Tangwen ferch Arial ap Tangwen Haakonarstadir (3/1988 AnTi)

Per fess azure and sable, a dove volant and a fleur-de-lis argent. Caterucia Bice da Ghiacceto (4/2005 Caid)

Per fess azure and sable, a fess between a lute fesswise reversed and a tulip leaved argent. Marguerite Lechanteur (11/2008n)

Per fess azure and sable, a fess dovetailed between a fox's mask argent and two fox's paw prints in fess Or. Arielle Tharsis of Foxlea (5/1986 Meri)

Per fess azure and sable, a fess wavy argent and in chief a sun Or. Sorcha nic Aedha (2/2010 East)

Per fess azure and sable, a fess wavy between an arrow fesswise and a hand argent. Timothy Barfoot (6/2011 Atla)

Per fess azure and sable, a harp Or strung argent and a lion dormant Or. Eleanor Cleavely (1/2005 Aten)

Per fess azure and sable, a key fesswise and a sunflower Or all within an orle of thorn vine argent. Madelina de la Gate (1/2012 Caid)

Per fess azure and sable, a laurel wreath Or sustained by a skeletal cubit arm palewise argent. Loch Báis, Shire of (1/1998 Meri)

Per fess azure and sable, a phoenix and in chief a heart sustained by a pair of hands fesswise aversant argent. Sorcha MacKenzie (1/2011 AEth)

Per fess azure and sable, a stag's head caboshed argent and a Nubian goat's head caboshed Or. Gwendolen Anne O'Cearbhaill (10/1987 Calo)

Per fess azure and sable, a talbot rampant to sinister and a mullet argent. Jussi Laplein (2/2011 AEth)

Per fess azure and sable, an hourglass fesswise per fess argent and Or and an annulet argent. Orin the Late (7/1986 Aten)

Per fess azure and sable, in chief three bezants, one and two, and in base a pair of hands couped apaumy inverted argent. Rhydderich Hael, Barony of the (3/1985 East)

Per fess azure and sable, in pale a snowy owl's head caboshed argent and in saltire a straight trumpet bell in chief Or and a quill argent. Seamus of Gallhaven (8/1985 Calo)

Per fess azure and sable, in pale a tower argent and a wingless dragon dormant Or. Paul le Seul (12/1988 Outl)

Per fess azure and sable, in pale an owl and in fess three fir trees couped argent. Aldric von Baden (7/1989 Meri)

Per fess azure and sable, in saltire an axe and a sword inverted within a stag's attire, all argent. John Shorthair (9/1989 Trim)

Per fess azure and sable, issuant from the line of division a triangle erect throughout argent, overall a sword inverted counterchanged. Dafydd Lyn O'Seachnasaigh (8/1979)

Per fess azure and sable, on a fess argent, a Viking longship sable. Eirik Grálokkr (3/1993 Midd)

Per fess azure and sable, on a fess between two wolves' heads couped argent a torch palewise sable enflamed proper. Rodrigo Hernandez de Toledo (12/1997 Atla)

Per fess azure and sable, on a fess Or a bridge double-arched and towered sable. Robin of Mightrinwood (1/1981 Aten)

Per fess azure and sable, on a mullet of eight points argent a roundel gules a bordure argent mullety of eight points gules. Hrothbeorht Matheus (4/1998 Caid)

Per fess azure and sable, on a plate a hawk's head erased azure. Caedmon Hawke (9/1992 Anst)

Per fess azure and sable semy of lozenges, a fess embattled argent and in chief a laurel wreath Or. Brakendelve, Canton of (10/1996 Midd)

Per fess azure and sable, three decrescents Or and a castle argent. Ian Cradoc (9/2002 Aten)

Per fess azure and vair ancient, three escallops in chief argent. Llywelyn ap Evan (3/1986 AnTi)

Per fess azure and vairy Or and azure, in chief a sun within a laurel wreath Or. Champclair, Shire of (12/1987 West)

Per fess azure and vert, a barrulet argent, overall on a plate voided sable a mullet of seven points argent. Elgil Mardil of Dor-Mallos (9/1981 Caid)

Per fess azure and vert, a barrulet between in bend sinister a tower and two towers joined by a single-arched bridge argent. David of Chancellorbridge (9/2007 West)

Per fess azure and vert, a barrulet engrailed counter-invected Or, overall a sea-horse erect argent, saddled and bridled gules, crined Or. Michael Searider (6/1980 Anst)

Per fess azure and vert, a bear sejant erect argent maintaining by the point a dagger inverted proper, an orle Or. Mikill Óláfr Bjarnarson (10/2000 AnTi)

Per fess azure and vert, a beaver sejant erect contourny Or. Elia Stefansdottir (1/2004 Outl)

Per fess azure and vert, a bezant and a roundel argent scaly sable. Rijckaert van Utrecht (2/2007 Midd)

Per fess azure and vert, a bison's head cabossed between flaunches argent. Douglas Cameron of Skye (10/1992 AnTi)

Per fess azure and vert, a boar statant to sinister argent within an orle of oak leaves stems outwards Or. Duncan Silverwolf McTyre (1/2004 Aten)

Per fess azure and vert, a butterfly and a bordure wavy argent. Lasairfhíona of Grimfells (7/2003 Calo)

Per fess azure and vert, a cartwheel fracted to sinister chief within an orle argent. Ilana Amante (9/1987 Outl)

Per fess azure and vert, a castle and in chief a roundel argent. Karl Klauezahn (1/2004 East)

Per fess azure and vert, a cat passant between three triangles Or. Diarmait Ó Meachair (3/2007 East)

Per fess azure and vert, a crane rising wings displayed within a bordure invected argent. Floyd Anthony Thomas Smith (9/1996 Aten)

Per fess azure and vert, a crescent pendant argent and an oak leaf fesswise Or. Aillenn Dílis ingen Néll (7/2006 Atla)

Per fess azure and vert, a cross embattled argent between in bend sinister a seagull volant wings elevated and addorsed proper and a natural sea-horse erect contourny argent. Jeanette du Bois (3/2005 Anst)

Per fess azure and vert, a crux ansata and in chief a scimitar fesswise edge to chief argent. Khalid of Dun Or (8/2003 Caid)

Per fess azure and vert, a dance and in chief a salmon naiant argent. Suzanne de l'Ouest (5/1994 East)

Per fess azure and vert, a demi-sun issuant from the line of division and a triquetra Or. Sorcha inghean Aodha Uí Néill (7/2011 Meri)

Per fess azure and vert, a double-bitted axe bendwise sinister imbedded in a sprouting oak tree stump snagged and eradicated proper between seven mullets of eight points in demi-annulo and in base a laurel wreath Or. Vanished Wood, Shire of (8/1980 Midd)

Per fess azure and vert, a dragon couchant to sinister argent. Laura Lye of Bowden (4/2004 Calo)

Per fess azure and vert, a fess argent between a sun in splendor and a portcullis Or. Atenveldt, Kingdom of (2/2005 Aten)

Per fess azure and vert, a fess bretessed between a lion couchant guardant grasping in its forepaws a quatrefoil slipped and leaved, and two hawk's lures conjoined by a Hungerford knot argent. Isabella de Boyce (6/2000 Meri)

Per fess azure and vert, a fess dancetty argent, overall a ram salient Or. Lothar vom Bergenwald (9/1988 Outl)

Per fess azure and vert, a fess dancetty to chief argent, in chief a melanistic gyrfalcon proper and in base a stag statant at gaze ermine, attired and unguled Or. Nonna Treheyl of Kernow (3/1978)

Per fess azure and vert, a fess embattled and in chief a drinking horn fesswise argent. Kolos Siklósi (2/2011 Aten)

Per fess azure and vert, a fess engrailed argent, overall a sea-lion erect Or. Rutker van Schiedam (11/1981 West)

Per fess azure and vert, a fess indented to chief Or, in chief a laurel wreath vert, fimbriated Or. Three Hills, Canton of the (1/1991 Midd)

Per fess azure and vert, a fess Or between three mullets in fess argent and a winged lion passant Or. Connor MacSeamus O'Neal (12/1988 East)

Per fess azure and vert, a fess potenty to chief and in chief two bird-headed pithons coiled gurgewise respectant, tails entwined, argent. Aescferth Wolfsonne (7/1984 Midd)

Per fess azure and vert, a fess wavy argent between a plate charged with a compass-star gules and an argonaut shell argent. Dimitri Mosheloff (11/1983 Caid)

Per fess azure and vert, a fess wavy between in chief three mullets of six points one and two and in base a cat couchant guardant argent. Nichole d'Audrieu (3/2004 Drac)

Per fess azure and vert, a fess wavy cotised wavy argent. Myfanwy Glanmorfa (1/2005 AnTi)

Per fess azure and vert, a fess wavy Or between a portative organ and a dogwood blossom argent, seeded vert. Cecily of Elfhollow (4/1989 East)

Per fess azure and vert, a fret argent within a bordure Or. Sorcha inghean Dhara mhic Seachnasaigh (8/2004 Aten)

Per fess azure and vert, a garb Or, embrued. Asdis Stefansdottir (12/1975)

Per fess azure and vert, a gull volant and in dexter chief an estoile argent. Roïne Dentillière de la Voile Rouge (3/1978 East)

Per fess azure and vert, a lamb statant to sinister argent within a bordure Or. Marielle de Rivage du Corbeau (11/1982 West)

Per fess azure and vert, a lion rampant Or and in canton a cross crosslet argent. Leolin Gofar (8/2009n)

Per fess azure and vert, a lozenge ployé within and conjoined to the horns of an increscent a bordure argent. Sorcha inghean Dhara mhic Seachnasaigh (8/2001 Aten)

Per fess azure and vert, a pansy Or marked sable within a bordure Or. Catherine Elizabeth Anne Somerton (6/1995 Trim)

Per fess azure and vert, a sea-dog rampant Or. Brighid ní Shirideáin (6/1991 Trim)

Per fess azure and vert, a seal naiant to sinister within an orle of candles argent, enflamed proper. Sharon of the Roses (8/1990 Outl)

Per fess azure and vert, a sea-serpent ondoyant and a point pointed argent, in sinister chief a mullet Or. Galen O'Loingsigh (5/1993 Trim)

Per fess azure and vert, a single-arched bridge throughout argent masoned sable between three mullets of four points elongated to base and a goblet Or. Gregory of Sherwood (7/2009 Aten)

Per fess azure and vert, a stork statant argent and a Latin cross fleury Or. Erika Segenlein (2/1983 Anst)

Per fess azure and vert, a sun in his splendor and a swallow volant Or. Aurora Kaspar (3/1999 AnTi)

Per fess azure and vert, a sun Or between three daisies proper. Susanne de Darby (6/2001 Atla)

Per fess azure and vert, a swept-hilt rapier argent impaling a heart Or. Cristin Ayre (7/2000 Aten)

Per fess azure and vert, a tortoise-shell cat couchant guardant proper, winged Or. Gwenhwyfar ferch Llewllyn ap Morganwyn (1/1984 Midd)

Per fess azure and vert, a tournament saddle argent. Trimaris, Kingdom of (5/2004 Trim)

Per fess azure and vert, a tree blasted and eradicated Or, a bordure Or semy of lozenges sable. Seraphina Raleigh (11/2009 AnTi)

Per fess azure and vert, a unicorn passant argent charged on the shoulder with a mullet gules. Isabeau of Kaldor Ness (9/2011 AnTi)

Per fess azure and vert, a wall with a portal argent between a sun and a laurel wreath Or. Juneborg, Shire of (3/1999 Drac)

Per fess azure and vert, a winged stag salient, wings elevated and addorsed, within a bordure Or. Katherine Vespucci (6/1991 West)

Per fess azure and vert, a wolf passant argent and in chief three bezants. Charles Ó Floinn (10/2006 Anst)

Per fess azure and vert, a wolf passant contourny Or. Berthold Wolfer (2/1999 Drac)

Per fess azure and vert, a wolf's head cabossed argent within an orle of oak leaves stems outwards Or. Duncan Silverwolf McTyre (6/2010 Aten)

Per fess azure and vert, an axe fesswise and a rooster rising to sinister, wings elevated and addorsed argent. Ben the butcher of Skye (7/2004 Midd)

Per fess azure and vert, in base a tower argent couped at the line of division. Headless House (9/1973 West)

Per fess azure and vert, in base a tower argent couped at the line of division, on a canton vert, a crown Or. Headless House (9/1973 West)

Per fess azure and vert, in canton a bezant. Beyond the Mountain, Barony (6/2007 East)

Per fess azure and vert, in chief a bull dormant to sinister argent. James Graham of Gartmór (11/1989 AnTi)

Per fess azure and vert, in chief an open book argent and in base three fleurs-de-lys all within a bordure engrailed Or. Megan Laine (1/1991 East)

Per fess azure and vert, in chief three daffodil blossoms bells to chief and in base a beehive Or. Angharad verch Dafydd (9/2004 Meri)

Per fess azure and vert, in chief two rapiers inverted crossed in saltire argent and in base a dragon rampant to sinister Or maintaining a tower argent. Taliesin d'Argonne (3/1996 Atla)

Per fess azure and vert, in fess three sinister wings displayed Or. Terence Kirkpatrick (1/1991 Midd)

Per fess azure and vert, in fess two pheons conjoined at the points, a bordure Or. Dafydd Ó Nuallain (6/1999 East)

Per fess azure and vert, in pale a castle and a sheep statant Or. Juan Diego de León (7/1998 Caid)

Per fess azure and vert, in pale a demi-sun issuant from fess Or and a laurel wreath argent. Dawnfield, Shire of (2/1982 East)

Per fess azure and vert, in pale a roundel between two natural dolphins naiant in annulo argent. Aliannsa inghean uí Ríoghbhardáin (12/2003 Aten)

Per fess azure and vert, in saltire a sword inverted argent and a galley oar inverted proper. Achrena Rowyn of Caer Dathyl (1/1976)

Per fess azure and vert, on a bend cotised between a bear passant and a heart Or four gouttes de sang. Orion Storm Bruin (10/2005 Aten)

Per fess azure and vert, on a cross Or a Catherine's wheel sable. Catherine Carnimirie von Westphalia (10/1976)

Per fess azure and vert, on a dexter tierce triangular argent a mullet gules. Djibouti (9/1995 Laur)

Per fess azure and vert, on a fess argent a brown bear statant proper, in chief three estoiles argent. Eibhilín O Mulcahy (2/2012 West)

Per fess azure and vert, on a fess argent a conical hat sable. Lesotho (3/2007 Laur)

Per fess azure and vert, on a fess argent between two single-arched bridges argent masoned sable and a badge rampant argent marked sable, a laurel wreath vert.. Skerjastrond, Shire of (9/2007n)

Per fess azure and vert, on a fess argent three hunting horns sable a canton Or. Rolland of Hunter's Home (9/2001 AEth)

Per fess azure and vert, on a fess gules a mullet of eight points between the horns of a decrescent argent. Azerbaijan (12/1994 Laur)

Per fess azure and vert, on a fess wavy argent a cat sejant contourny guardant sable, in chief a plate. Simonis Karatas (7/2000 Outl)

Per fess azure and vert, on a fess wavy argent, a feather reversed sable. Caitríona inghean ui Chionaodha (9/2004 West)

Per fess azure and vert, on a plate a raspberry fesswise gules slipped vert. Edane van Tiel (12/2003 Aten)

Per fess azure and vert, on a roundel Or, a bull statant gules. Raibeart MacMhathain (7/1991 Atla)

Per fess azure and vert, on a tree between three ravens argent a mullet of four points gules. Deryk Legard (12/2011 Atla)

Per fess azure and vert, on an open book argent an acorn proper. Adelwyn Atewattere (4/2002 Caid)

Per fess azure and vert, perched upon a buff fairy-ring mushroom [Marasmius oreades] a monarch butterfly [Danaus plexippus] wings addorsed proper. Mathilde Hélène Caitlin MacCraobh (5/1980 Aten)

Per fess azure and vert, six falcons, three, two, and one, argent. Aaron Peregrine (10/2007 East)

Per fess azure and vert, three arrows inverted Or. Samuel Lewis of Fenton (3/2007 East)

Per fess azure and vert, three towers argent and an acorn slipped and leaved Or. Emma Grey of Warwickshire (6/2001 East)

Per fess azure and vert, two boars passant counter-passant Or. Otuell Gowe (2/2003 Caid)

Per fess azure and vert, two crescents and in saltire two grozing irons argent. Moll Sotherden (4/2011 Midd)

Per fess azure and vert, two dolphins naiant in annulo and a bordure engrailed argent. Celestria Ashwood (12/2010 Loch)

Per fess azure and vert, two hearts Or and a tower argent. Caitlin Dhuin na n-ean (1/1991 West)

Per fess azure and vert, two martlets voided argent. Lyrel-Phillipa of Eden's Hall (8/1978 Caid)

Per fess azure and vert, upon a dance argent a salmon naiant gules, finned sable, and in base a laurel wreath Or. Frozen Mountain, Shire of (11/1991 AnTi)

Per fess azure goutty d'eau and vert, a fess indented to chief in base an annulet Or. Endless Hills, Barony of (8/1999 AEth)

Per fess azure, mulletty Or, and purpure, crusilly Or. Astra Christiana Benedict (10/2011 Caid)

Per fess azure mullety of eight points Or and purpure crusilly Or. Astra Christiana Benedict (10/2011 Caid)

Per fess azure mullety of seven points argent and vert, a fess sable fimbriated argent. Desiderata of the Osprey (7/2009 Aten)

Per fess azure mullety Or and vert, a cross between in base two dolphins haurient respectant argent. Michela Delfino (5/2001 Aten)

Per fess barry azure and argent and azure, in base three triquetras Or. Christophe of Grey (3/2001 Trim)

Per fess barry wavy argent and sable and gules, in base a tower Or. Eleonora Vittoria Alberti di Calabria (6/2004 Calo)

Per fess bendy argent and azure and vert, in base a branch bendwise sinister Or. Juliana Mowere (12/1999 Atla)

Per fess, bendy sinister azure and Or, and sable, in pale an eagle displayed, wings inverted sable and a lion rampant Or. Emory von Stuttgart (1/1991 West)

Per fess bleu-celeste and vert, a fess argent fimbriated gules, in chief 12 mullets 3, 4, and 5, and in dexter chief a decrescent argent. Uzbekistan (12/1994 Laur)

Per fess checky azure and argent, and azure, in chief two tridents in saltire Or, in base a dolphin naiant argent. Ian MacKynnes (9/1984 AnTi)

Per fess checky gules and argent and argent, a dance purpure and in base a pheon gules. Angelina Crispiana d'Avignon (7/1995 Outl)

Per fess chequy sable and argent and gules, in pale a demi-eagle displayed, wings inverted, head to sinister gules and three bezants, two and one. Caroline Morfran Sile O Griobhtha (10/1988 Aten)

Per fess counter-embowed and embowed sable and argent, to dexter a mullet trailing three comets fesswise embowed, in base a rose proper slipped and leaved fesswise counter-embowed, all counterchanged. Athanasius Biørnovic (11/1977 Aten)

Per fess counter-ermine and azure, two sea-lions respectant Or and a conch argent. Daimhín Mac Leóid (6/1995 Trim)

Per fess counter-ermine and ermine, two cats couchant guardant, that in base contourny, within a bordure counterchanged argent and sable. Alexandra Vasilievna (10/1991 East)

Per fess counter-ermine and gules, a cross argent, overall an enfield passant Or. Sten Birgersson Elg (3/1995 Drac)

Per fess counter-ermine and gules, in base an ermine dormant regardant argent. Isobel le Bretoun (9/2007 Loch)

Per fess counter-ermine and gules, three chevronels rompu braced throughout argent. Michael of Kendal (8/1984 Anst)

Per fess counterermine and sable, on a fess embattled counterembattled argent, a wolf courant sable, in base a crescent argent. Monte Blackwolf (11/1988 Calo)

Per fess counter-ermine and vert, a crescent inverted and a drawn bow fesswise nocked of an arrow Or. Ormr bogsveigir (3/2004 Outl)

Per fess dancetty counter-ermine and sable, a bar dancetty argent and in base a bat displayed Or. Faustina von Schwarzwald (8/1981 Aten)

Per fess double arched azure and Or, in chief four crescents three and one argent. Maeve ni Siurtain (10/1991 East)

Per fess dovetailed argent and azure crusily plain Or, in chief a bay horse courant proper. Ruth de Lorient (5/1986 West)

Per fess dovetailed azure and argent, a lion passant argent and a tyger passant contourny sable. Charmayne d'Aix la Chapelle (6/2008 Meri)

Per fess dovetailed azure and argent, in chief three lilies, one and two argent, in base a clarion vert. Freydis Tollefsdottír (8/1978)

Per fess dovetailed azure and argent, in pale two greyhounds courant argent collared Or and a portcullis sable. Connor M'Eleam (4/2007 AEth)

Per fess dovetailed azure and argent, three escutcheons counterchanged. Guillaume le Canard (3/1987 West)

Per fess dovetailed azure and argent, three mullets argent and a wolf's head erased sable. Cassandra Wolf of Rok (1/2003 Calo)

Per fess dovetailed azure and gules, two wolf's heads erased and a lion couchant argent. Elizabeth Seale (9/2009 Anst)

Per fess dovetailed gules and argent, a winged natural panther passant and two cat's pawprints fesswise contourny, one and two, counterchanged. Elana of Coran (11/2006 West)

Per fess dovetailed gules and argent, two seahorses naiant respectant argent and three roses gules, barbed vert, seeded sable. Curnán Wesley MacLeod (4/1996 Midd)

Per fess dovetailed gules and sable, a castle and three Maltese crosses argent. Morgant Capellanus (8/2007 Atla)

Per fess dovetailed gules and sable, a griffin passant and a crescent argent. Gaston de Clermont (6/1995 East)

Per fess dovetailed gules and sable, an axe fesswise and a bull's head cabossed Or. Eiríkr Ívarsson hoggvandi (11/2002 Midd)

Per fess dovetailed gules and vert, in base a cat's pawprint Or. Lerben of Cambion (1/1994 Atla)

Per fess dovetailed Or and azure, two trees and a wood chisel, blade to chief, counterchanged. Charles Joiner (4/1991 Caid)

Per fess dovetailed sable and gules, in pale two lances fesswise Or. Farin of Ravberg (1/1984 West)

Per fess dovetailed vert and Or, in chief a fox passant and in base three trefoils counterchanged. Muireann ní Fhaircheallaigh (3/1991 Midd)

Per fess embattled abased sable and argent, masoned sable, a sword inverted counterchanged proper and sable, in chief three compass stars, one and two, argent. Robert de Tyr (11/1986 Midd)

Per fess embattled argent, a domestic cat passant sable, and azure, three mullets in pale argent. Catherine Morgan Dudley (8/1979)

Per fess embattled argent and azure, a demi-dragon rampant issuant from the line of division vert, in base a tower argent enflamed at the battlements gules within a laurel wreath argent. Fire Mountain Keep, Shire of (2/1994 AnTi)

Per fess embattled argent and azure, a dragon's head issuant from the line of division vert and an open book argent. Lorcan Dracontius (12/1993 East)

Per fess embattled argent and azure, a griffin segreant sable and a cross moline argent. Gryffri de Newmarch (8/1999 Meri)

Per fess embattled argent and azure, a griffin sejant erect and a chalice counterchanged. Alda Hrolfsdottir (4/1987 Midd)

Per fess embattled argent and azure, a heron close contourné and a wyvern erect counterchanged. Gwenllian Rhiannon of Dragon Keep (2/1982 East)

Per fess embattled argent and azure, a side counterchanged. Laeriel Fayrhale (4/1988 Outl)

Per fess embattled argent and azure, an orca naiant embowed proper and in base three horseshoes Or. Melissa of Loch Salann (1/1996 Aten)

Per fess embattled argent and azure, in chief three smith's hammers proper. Aonghas MacLachlainn (1/1997 West)

Per fess embattled argent and azure, in chief two moose's heads couped respectant sable. Dafydd Whitacre (9/2002 Anst)

Per fess embattled argent and azure, masoned argent, in chief an aster purpure, seeded Or, slipped and leaved vert. Madelaine von Rubens (5/1981 Anst)

Per fess embattled argent and azure, two bunches of grapes and a Latin cross counterchanged. Angelo d'Amico (2/2008 West)

Per fess embattled argent and azure, two irises, slipped and leaved, and a butterfly displayed, all counterchanged. Milada von Felsenhoff (6/1990 Calo)

Per fess embattled argent and azure, two thistles, slipped and leaved, azure and a grouse's leg erased argent. Seumas MacHale (4/1989 East)

Per fess embattled argent and gules, a bow fesswise azure and an open book argent. Einar Gormsson (2/1998 Midd)

Per fess embattled argent and gules, a bull's head erased sable collared argent. Stierbach, Barony of (4/2000 Atla)

Per fess embattled argent and gules, a cross formy and a winged bull passant counterchanged. Lukas von Pressburg (5/2010 Eald)

Per fess embattled argent and gules, a raven close to sinister sable and a plate within a laurel wreath Or. Raven's Fort, Barony of (6/1984 Anst)

Per fess embattled argent and gules, a tankard gules and a battering ram Or. Maximilian Trolle (3/2004 Caid)

Per fess embattled argent and gules, an eagle displayed and a swiss vouge head bendwise sinister reversed counterchanged. Johannes Kaspar Zurfluh (1/1994 Midd)

Per fess embattled argent and gules, in pale a raven, close and sinister facing, sable and a plate. Raven's Fort, Barony of (3/1990 Anst)

Per fess embattled argent and gules, in pale a raven, close and sinister facing, sable and an anchor bendwise Or. Raven's Fort, Barony of (3/1990 Anst)

Per fess embattled argent and gules, three bulls courant counterchanged, that in base within a laurel wreath argent. Stierbach, Barony of (7/1997 Atla)

Per fess embattled argent and Or, three bows reversed, drawn with arrows nocked, and a hawk striking contourny sable. Johan of Hawksley (7/2006 Aten)

Per fess embattled argent and purpure, a crescent and a Catherine wheel counterchanged. Felicia of Lynwood (6/1993 Caid)

Per fess embattled argent and purpure, four dog's heads erased and a laurel wreath counterchanged. Fjathrundaland, Canton of (12/1992 East)

Per fess embattled argent and sable, a dragon segreant counterchanged gules and Or. James de Montjoy (3/1998 Aten)

Per fess embattled argent and sable, a pennant flying to sinister vert and a fox's head erased argent. Valda Ranulfsdottir (4/1985 Meri)

Per fess embattled argent and sable, a sprig bendwise sinister proper and a greyhound dormant Or. Bran atte Rountre (2/1996 Midd)

Per fess embattled argent and sable, a torteau and a plate. Craig MacDonald (5/2002 Caid)

Per fess embattled argent and sable, a trillium and three cups counterchanged. Joleicia of Litchfield (1/1998 Midd)

Per fess embattled argent and sable, in chief a label couped sable and a two-towered castle argent. Johann von Balduinseck (12/1987 Outl)

Per fess embattled argent and sable, in chief a ruined tower sable within a laurel wreath vert and in base a barbless rose gules, fimbriated Or, between three thistle heads argent. Nithgaard, Shire of (1/1982 East)

Per fess embattled argent and sable, in chief a wolf sejant ululant and in base two more respectant counterchanged. Fáelán Caomhánach (8/1994 East)

Per fess embattled argent and sable, in chief two hearts sable a bordure per fess azure and Or. Raven Blackheart (8/1996 AnTi)

Per fess embattled argent and sable, in pale a hurst of three trees proper, issuant from the line of division, and an open book Or. Seumas Colla MacEoghainn (12/1988 Trim)

Per fess embattled argent and sable, masoned argent, in base a plate, within a bordure gules. Sebastian Blackwood (7/1983 Caid)

Per fess embattled argent and sable masoned argent, three raven's heads erased sable and a mullet argent. Damiana of Rookshead (3/1993 Midd)

Per fess embattled argent and vert, a bee sable and a rose argent. Ciar ingen Eógain (6/2007 Aten)

Per fess embattled argent and vert, in chief a demi-horse rampant sable. No Mountain, Shire of (5/1988 Calo)

Per fess embattled argent and vert, in chief a lion passant guardant gules holding a Latin cross sable. Douglass Gerard (10/1985 West)

Per fess embattled argent and vert, in pale a compass star and a fir tree couped counterchanged. Graywood, Shire of (2/1990 Anst)

Per fess embattled argent and vert, in pale a fir tree couped and a compass star counterchanged. Graywood, Shire of (2/1990 Anst)

Per fess embattled argent and vert, three bees passant guardant counterchanged. Bryony Beehyrd (6/1985 West)

Per fess embattled azure and argent, a heart gules, in chief a strawberry leaf argent. Malinda Angelanne Hohen van Kester (12/2008 Aten)

Per fess embattled azure and argent, a heart gules. Malinda Angelanne Hohen van Kester (8/1979 Aten)

Per fess embattled azure and argent, a peregrine falcon displayed guardant argent and a laurel wreath vert. Falcon's Keep, Shire of (8/1992 Midd)

Per fess embattled azure and argent, four arrows in fess bendwise inverted argent and a lion rampant sable. Mikel of Perth (3/2006 Aten)

Per fess embattled azure and argent, in chief three fleurs-de-lys argent. Jean Baptiste Ravenel (7/2003 Atla)

Per fess embattled azure and argent, in pale a sun Or and two maple leaves, stems crossed in saltire, vert and gules. Adriana Holloway (8/1983 Aten)

Per fess embattled azure and argent, masoned azure. Grey Gargoyles, College of the (2/1990 Midd)

Per fess embattled azure and argent, masoned sable, in dexter chief on a mullet of eight points Or an eagle's head erased to sinister gules. Stefan von Lübbeke (11/1991 AnTi)

Per fess embattled azure and argent semy of roses proper, in chief a dragon couchant Or. Annora le Spindlere (1/2009n)

Per fess embattled azure and argent, three falcons migrant counterchanged. Henry of Exeter (2/1992 Midd)

Per fess embattled azure and argent, two crosses bottony argent and a raven sable. Eanswyth de Burthoswald (8/2001 Caid)

Per fess embattled azure and argent, two mullets of four points and a comet fesswise, head to sinister, counterchanged. Caid, Kingdom of (4/1990 Caid)

Per fess embattled azure and argent, two suns in splendor Or and a castle vert. Geoffrey de Wygan (8/1999 East)

Per fess embattled azure and argent, two triquetras Or and a shamrock bendwise sinister vert. Marcán Riney (10/2003 Calo)

Per fess embattled azure and ermine, two stags combatant argent and a longship sailed sable. Thorfinn Eriksson (3/2011 Anst)

Per fess embattled azure and gules, a demi-swan rising from the line of the division, wings displayed, and a cross formy argent. Svanhildr Karlsdottir (3/2012 East)

Per fess embattled azure and gules, a sheaf of arrows within a bordure argent. Aodhan Longarrow (6/2003 Eald)

Per fess embattled azure and gules, two otters passant Or. Predslava Vydrina (4/1998 Anst)

Per fess embattled azure and Or, a lightning flash bendwise sinister throughout counterchanged. Carolyne Amaris of Castle Thunder (10/1982 Anst)

Per fess embattled azure and Or masoned sable, a chief arched Or. Thorbjorn Wulfgrimmssønn (11/1983 Meri)

Per fess embattled azure and Or, masoned sable, in chief a dragon passant to sinister Or. Steffan of the Dragon's Lair (10/1990 Outl)

Per fess embattled azure and Or, three compass stars Or and a drakkar reversed proper sailed azure. Sigrid Finnsdottir (1/2005 Aten)

Per fess embattled azure and per pale, argent and sable, a demi-sun issuant from fess Or and in base a cauldron counterchanged. Alan Redbeard of the Cauldron (7/1981 East)

Per fess embattled azure and sable, an Aeolus Or. Taran of Windy Hill (5/1981 East)

Per fess embattled azure and sable, in chief a sea mew volant argent, and issuant from base a portcullis Or, voided gules. Sigelgaita the Silvertongued (8/1979)

Per fess embattled azure and sable, in pale a decrescent and a double-bitted axe Or. Hans von Hammer (8/1979 Caid)

Per fess embattled azure and sable, issuant from the line of division a demi-bezant. Jonathan Silverthorn (9/1988 Caid)

Per fess embattled azure and vert, a tower Or. Brusten de Bearsul (12/1975)

Per fess embattled azure and vert, an increscent Or and a domestic cat sejant argent. Branwen Madyn Wallis (3/1994 Atla)

Per fess embattled counter-ermine and argent, in base a laurel wreath gules. Marwick, Canton of (2/1989 East)

Per fess embattled ermine and gules, a three-peaked mountain couped gules and a wyvern erect contourny argent. Luther Stahlkrieger (11/1992 Calo)

Per fess embattled ermine and sable, two theatrical masks conjoined gules and a sun Or eclipsed sable. Loch Salann, Barony of (1/1993 Aten)

Per fess embattled grady azure and argent, a tun and a portcullis counterchanged. Pierre de Montereau (7/2006 Midd)

Per fess embattled grady azure and chequy Or and sable, a goblet argent issuing three ears of barley Or. Ealdred of Gwyntarian (1/1985 Midd)

Per fess embattled grady purpure and Or, a wolf sejant affronty and two wolves sejant respectant counterchanged. Hervod of Vatnaskvadstadir (3/1984 East)

Per fess embattled gules and argent, a lion passant to sinister argent, maintaining a sword Or, and a rose proper. Robert the Ironwolf (10/1993 Outl)

Per fess embattled gules and argent, a sun in splendor Or and a fleur-de-lys gules. Amata Amati d'Arezzo (11/2008 Anst)

Per fess embattled gules and argent ermined azure, in chief a coney courant argent. Matilda Bosville de Bella Aqua (12/1991 East)

Per fess embattled gules and argent, in pale an eagle's head erased to sinister and an eagle's head erased inverted counterchanged. Marcus de Clermont (8/1984 Anst)

Per fess embattled gules, and argent masoned sable, in chief a castle triple-towered argent. Thomas of Dinbych (5/1986 Atla)

Per fess embattled gules and argent, three crescents, each within an annulet, all counterchanged. Elizabeth Wigglesworth of Kirton (1/1988 Outl)

Per fess embattled gules and argent, two bees Or and an ash leaf vert. Róis inghean uí Fhlaithbheartaigh (5/2010 Caid)

Per fess embattled gules and argent, two crosses moline Or and a laurel wreath azure. Attilium, Canton of (9/2002 Atla)

Per fess embattled gules and argent, two demi-rams respectant argent and a laurel wreath vert. Ramshaven, Barony of (11/1993 Midd)

Per fess embattled gules and azure, a demi-horse issuant from the line of division argent. Maximilian Petsch (5/2005 AEth)

Per fess embattled gules and azure, three hawks' heads erased to sinister argent. Falan Silverhawk (6/1983 West)

Per fess embattled gules and azure, three plates and a compass rose argent. Ailletha de la Mere (2/2012 AEth)

Per fess embattled gules and azure, two Thor's hammers and a drakkar Or sail set paly gules and argent. Harekr Haraldsson (8/1995 East)

Per fess embattled gules and erminois, in base a candle argent, in a flat candlestick sable, enflamed proper. Louise of Woodsholme (6/1973 Aten)

Per fess embattled gules and erminois, in base two thistles in saltire proper. Louise of Woodsholme (1/1976 Aten)

Per fess embattled gules and Or, a single-arched bridge argent and a double-horned anvil sable. William of Stonebridge (2/2007 Calo)

Per fess embattled gules and Or, in chief a crescent inverted argent. Balin Ulfstein (11/1990 Meri)

Per fess embattled gules and Or, masoned sable, in saltire a double-bitted axe and a spade surmounted by a sword, all blades to base, within a bordure sable. Gunnar Redbeard (2/1986 Caid)

Per fess embattled gules and Or, two bulls combattant sable. Adrian Alonzo De Cadiz (10/2004 East)

Per fess embattled gules and Or, two decrescents and a raven contourny counterchanged. Wulfgar Hrafnfoedir (3/1991 Calo)

Per fess embattled gules and Or, two fleams and a hawk's head erased counterchanged. Briana O Dúnadhaigh (11/1987 Caid)

Per fess embattled gules and sable, in chief four birds displayed in cross Or and in base an armored fist palewise argent. Duncan Falconer (4/2006 Caid)

Per fess embattled gules and sable, in pale three acorns in fess Or and a winged fish hauriant embowed argent. Roswitha Magdalene von Bannenberg (3/1985 East)

Per fess embattled gules and sable masoned argent, in pale a demi-swan rousant issuant from the line of division and a sun Or. Timo Schuzzilwenst (7/2006 AnTi)

Per fess embattled gules and sable, three lion's heads erased argent. Madyn Hir ap Wilim (9/2004 Midd)

Per fess embattled gules and sable, two squirrels sejant erect respectant maintaining acorns and a greyhound couchant argent. Jacquette d'Anjou (11/2011 Meri)

Per fess embattled gules and vert, a cat passant guardant and a wheel Or. Walderik Birghersson Gröne (8/1994 Drac)

Per fess embattled of three battles sevenfold grady, Or and sable. Kirstin of Hoschar (1/1974)

Per fess embattled Or and azure, in pale two eagle's legs, each couped and perched on a sword fesswise, all counterchanged. Leopold der Erforscher (11/1986 Caid)

Per fess embattled Or and azure, two spears in saltire gules and a stag at gaze argent. Hallgeirr Óláfsson (10/2010 Anst)

Per fess embattled Or and gules, a dragonfly sable and two lightning bolts in saltire Or. Rutilia Fausta (4/2006 Caid)

Per fess embattled Or and gules, in chief a longbow fesswise and arrow inverted nocked and issuant from base a battle axe reversed counterchanged. Haakon Oaktall (6/1982 Caid)

Per fess embattled Or and gules, three fountains and a bee sable marked Or winged argent. Guy de Dinan (10/2011 Drac)

Per fess embattled Or and gules, two cocks counterchanged. Merwenna Maycock (11/2008 Atla)

Per fess embattled Or and gules, two harps and a raven contourny counterchanged. Wulfgar Hrafnfoedir (3/1991 Calo)

Per fess embattled Or and purpure, a sun in splendour gules and a moon increscent, a mullet between its horns, Or. Gisela von Edgemund (8/1984 Meri)

Per fess embattled Or and purpure, two hedgehogs statant counterchanged. Urso de Mercia (5/1998 Midd)

Per fess embattled Or and sable, a chevron gules between two ravens' heads erased addorsed and a sun counterchanged. Wulfgar of Northumbria (12/1983 East)

Per fess embattled Or and sable, a lion passant guardant and a fleur-de-lys counterchanged. William Lyons of Portland (11/2006 Drac)

Per fess embattled Or and sable, a raven volant, wings addorsed, and a laurel wreath counterchanged. Hrafnafjorðr, Shire of (10/2005 West)

Per fess embattled Or and sable, a unicorn passant Or within a bordure indented counterchanged. Yrmegard of Hawkwood (7/2005 Atla)

Per fess embattled Or and sable, in chief three crosses potent sable. Jean Charles d'Avignon (1/1986 Atla)

Per fess embattled Or and sable, masoned Or, in pale a laurel wreath vert and a mullet Or. Seren Castell, Shire of (1/1989 Midd)

Per fess embattled Or and sable, three axes, blades to sinister, and a mullet of six points counterchanged. Cian Mac Fhearghuis (4/2008 East)

Per fess embattled Or and sable, three stick shuttles bendwise and a mullet of six points counterchanged. Afraig bean mhic Fhearghuis (4/2008 East)

Per fess embattled Or and vert, a pavilion vert and a dragon segreant Or. Dafydd MacNab (3/2004 AEth)

Per fess embattled Or and vert, a swan naiant grasping in its beak a garden rose slipped sable and issuant from base a demi-sun Or. Gwendolyn Gurney of Hastings (1/1991 Midd)

Per fess embattled Or and vert, in chief a demi-dragon erect and in base four mullets in cross counterchanged. Morgunn Sheridan (7/1984 East)

Per fess embattled purpure and argent, three hearts argent and three spiders sable. Serena de la Tour d'Yvoire (8/1992 Caid)

Per fess embattled purpure and Or, a decrescent and a laurel wreath counterchanged. Hadchester, Shire of (8/2011 East)

Per fess embattled purpure and Or, in chief three whelks one and two, points to center, and in base a butterfly counterchanged. Treinel McCabe von dem Schwartzwald (10/1993 Meri)

Per fess embattled purpure and Or, two winged lions passant counter-passant, counterchanged. Thorvaldr Blóðøx Eiriksson (7/1996 Aten)

Per fess embattled purpure and vert, a spinning wheel reversed and a rabbit sejant erect argent. Deirdre the Warrener (2/1994 Caid)

Per fess embattled purpure and vert, three goblets and a wolf statant argent. Odo de Payens (2/1998 Aten)

Per fess embattled sable and argent, a ram's head couped affronty Or and a double-bitted axe palewise inverted sable. Jacques du Bois Noir (9/1984 AnTi)

Per fess embattled sable and argent, a sword bendwise sinister inverted and a dragon sejant erect contourny counterchanged. Kára inghean Dhuibhsith (12/2008 Aten)

Per fess embattled sable and argent, in chief a chalice Or between two daggers inverted proper and in base a paw print sable. Robert of Middleford (3/1987 Anst)

Per fess embattled sable and argent, in chief three crescents in fess argent and in base a thistle proper. Tangwystl ferch Morgan (1/1994 Atla)

Per fess embattled sable and argent, three cogwheels counterchanged. Anlaf Thurketilsson (3/1997 Atla)

Per fess embattled sable and argent, three hawks counterchanged. Joseph Hawk (7/2003 Calo)

Per fess embattled sable and gules, a roundel and three fleurs-de-lys Or. Élise de Lorraine (10/2004 East)

Per fess embattled sable and Or, a bear's head erased and three bars wavy couped counterchanged. Bernard ben Moshe ha-Kohane (2/2008 Anst)

Per fess embattled sable and Or masoned sable, a sword gules between in chief two goblets Or. Igrayne Gwynedd (8/2005 Outl)

Per fess embattled sable and Or, masoned sable. Kane Greymane (8/1989 West)

Per fess embattled sable and Or, three compass roses counterchanged. Garrick Mapmaker (11/2004 East)

Per fess embattled sable and Or, three crosses avellane counterchanged. Fiadhnait ó Ghlinne Alainn (9/1984 Midd)

Per fess embattled sable and Or, two sunbursts Or, clouded argent, and a bull's head cabossed sable, between its horns a decrescent gules. Seamus MacLeoid (1/1998 Aten)

Per fess embattled sable and Or, two sunbursts Or, clouded argent, and a bull's head cabossed sable, between its horns a label gules. Raibeart MacLeoid the Younger (1/1998 Aten)

Per fess embattled sable and Or, two sunbursts Or, clouded argent, and a bull's head cabossed sable. Raibeart MacLeoid (1/1998 Aten)

Per fess embattled sable and vert, a demi-sun issuant from the line of division Or and an open book argent. Justina Elizabeth Vigilant (6/2004 East)

Per fess embattled sable and vert, a sword and an arrow in saltire Or and a dragon passant to sinister argent. Eric the Wanderer of the Flying Dragon's Cave (4/1984 Midd)

Per fess embattled sable and vert, a wolf passant and an acorn inverted slipped and leaved argent. Iuliana de la Sara (12/2007 AnTi)

Per fess embattled sable and vert, three mullets of eight points and a wolf's head cabossed, a bordure argent. Oswin de Wulferton (2/2007 Meri)

Per fess embattled sable and vert, three mullets Or and a horse courant argent. Anton Ivan Stanislavich (2/2002 AEth)

Per fess embattled sable mullety argent and gules, in base a crescent argent. Margery Garret (12/2003 West)

Per fess embattled vert and argent, a bar bretessed argent and a tower within a laurel wreath between in fess two towers vert. Torvald, Canton of (10/1990 Caid)

Per fess embattled vert and argent, a torch argent and three towers in fess vert. Torvald, Canton of (10/1990 Caid)

Per fess embattled vert and argent, in pale two bears rampant addorsed Or and three roses gules. Jason of Rosaria (10/1982 AnTi)

Per fess embattled vert and argent, in pale two swords in saltire and a compass star counterchanged. Graywood, Shire of (2/1990 Anst)

Per fess embattled vert and argent, in pale two wyverns statant counterchanged argent and sable. Edward of Crescent Moon (6/2000 Calo)

Per fess embattled vert and argent, three arrows bendwise inverted argent flighted Or and a tree eradicated proper. Antony Martin of Sheffeld (10/2002 East)

Per fess embattled vert and argent, three bunches of grapes and a willow tree eradicated counterchanged. Jean-Jacques Lavigne (5/2002 AnTi)

Per fess embattled vert and Or, a delf argent, charged with a fox's mask gules, and a chevron abased sable. Richard de Hargrave (10/1982 AnTi)

Per fess embattled vert and Or, in chief a torque, opening to chief, Or. Weyland O'Faoláin (1/1990 West)

Per fess embattled vert and Or, two Jerusalem crosses and a turtle tergiant palewise counterchanged. Hierusalem Chrysostoma (2/1988 Midd)

Per fess embattled vert and sable, a celtic cross and a stag courant to sinister Or. Brian mac Rannall of Graig na Manach (1/1992 Caid)

Per fess embattled vert and sable, a demi-sun issuant from the line of division and a laurel wreath argent. Stowe on the Wowld, Canton of (10/2002 Loch)

Per fess embattled vert semy of bees Or, and Or, a beehive vert. Klara Tschudi (6/1997 Calo)

Per fess embowed and counter-embowed azure and Or, two valley oak leaves [Quercus lobata], stems to widdershins, counterchanged. William the Lucky (10/1976)

Per fess embowed and counter-embowed sable and Or, a roundel counterchanged. Percival l'Eauduce (1/1990 East)

Per fess embowed counterembowed sable and argent, two stars of David in bend sinister argent and azure. Sha'ul of Joppa (11/2007 Aten)

Per fess embowed counter-embowed sable and purpure, a fess embowed counter-embowed between a mullet of four points and a crab tergiant inverted argent. Patrick Shannon of Newhall (10/1988 Aten)

Per fess embowed sable and gules, two spears in saltire argent and a wolf rampant Or. Alusdar Ciotach (11/2010 Caid)

Per fess embowed sable and vert, in pale a horse courant and an orchid argent. Kelly Piers (2/1988 Midd)

Per fess embowed to base argent and sable, issuant from base a tree blasted within a bordure counterchanged. Aurelius Forgan (7/1986 Midd)

Per fess embowed-counter-embowed azure and argent, in sinister chief a dove's head erased argent. James Addison of Woolpit (10/1981 West)

Per fess enarched argent and vert, in pale an acorn, slipped and leaved, proper and a coronet argent. Meagan ferch Meredydd (5/1990 AnTi)

Per fess enarched azure and Or, in base a butterfly displayed purpure, a bordure vert. Gyera della Farfalla (9/1985 Aten)

Per fess enarched azure and Or, in pale a ship Or, sailed argent, and an oak tree eradicated proper. Marvin the Terrible of Leighlin (3/1990 Aten)

Per fess enarched azure and vert, a stag trippant Or. Declan de Burgo (6/1996 West)

Per fess enarched gules and argent, two owls respectant argent and a monkey statant collared and chained vert. Luciano Foscari (5/2000 AnTi)

Per fess enarched gules and vert, a San Damiano crucifix argent charged with a figure of Christ sable. Francesco Gaetano Greco d'Edessa (11/2006 East)

Per fess enarched gules and vert, on a dexter hand apaumy argent issuant from the line of division, a lozenge sable. Cole the Miner (4/1997 West)

Per fess enarched, per pale gules and Or and azure, a garb Or, a sheaf of weapons proper surmounted by two banners in saltire per fess Or and gules, a fess azure, and a horse courant argent. Venezuela (3/2007 Laur)

Per fess enarched, per pale gules and Or and azure, a garb Or, a sheaf of weapons proper surmounted by two banners in saltire per fess Or and gules, a fess azure, and a horse courant regardant contourny argent atop a base vert. Venezuela (3/2007 Laur)

Per fess enarched rayonny azure and argent, three suns counterchanged. Madeleine de l'Este (5/1988 Midd)

Per fess enarched sable and azure, two cinquefoils argent pierced azure and an owl rising guardant wings elevated and addorsed argent. Belin bat Kedar (4/2004 Aten)

Per fess enarched sable and Or, a dragon dormant and a cat sejant erect counterchanged, a base sable. Erica Poitevin (2/1995 Atla)

Per fess enarched sable and vert, two flames and a harp Or. Conchobar Clarsair (11/2002 AnTi)

Per fess enarched vair and vert, a ball of flame proper and a griffin statant supporting in its upraised dexter forepaw a harp reversed Or. Kristin of Spinning Winds (12/1983 Calo)

Per fess enarched wavy argent and vert, in pale a crescent inverted and a catamount couchant gardant argent. Verena of the White Panther (9/1986 Aten)

Per fess engrailed argent and azure, a bottle-nosed dolphin counter-erect embowed [Tursiops truncatus] proper. Geneviève de Vendome (8/1980 West)

Per fess engrailed argent and azure, a chevronel gules and another Or. Connor de Morgan (11/1991 Midd)

Per fess engrailed argent and azure, a compass rose and an open book counterchanged. An Tir, Kingdom of (1/2010 AnTi)

Per fess engrailed argent and azure, a crab tergiant and a laurel wreath counterchanged. Lochmere, Barony of (5/1989 Atla)

Per fess engrailed argent and azure, a lymphad proper, sailed Or, pennanted vert and a sea-lion erect proper. Elinore Windemere of the Moors (10/1981 Caid)

Per fess engrailed argent and azure, a natural catfish haurient embowed and a bordure counterchanged. Matteo Pesci (2/2005 AEth)

Per fess engrailed argent and azure, a padlock argent. Saethryth Seolforlocc (5/2006 Atla)

Per fess engrailed argent and azure, a raven rising to sinister wings addorsed sable and a mullet of eight points argent. Thorvald Hrafnsson (8/1991 Atla)

Per fess engrailed argent and azure, a reed pen fesswise sable and an escallop argent. Isemay of Whytby (3/2010 Aten)

Per fess engrailed argent and azure, a sea-wolf counterchanged sable and argent maintaining a rose sable slipped and leaved vert, in canton a grenade sable flamed gules. Dwynwen of Padstow (6/2006 East)

Per fess engrailed argent and azure all goutty counterchanged, a bordure vert. Syele Weimarin (7/2008 Calo)

Per fess engrailed argent and azure, in chief a barrel proper. Catalina dell'Acqua (12/2010 Atla)

Per fess engrailed argent and azure, in chief an orca naiant to sinister proper. Marcus Ceti (11/1991 Outl)

Per fess engrailed argent and azure, on a pale between two sea-horses combattant, in chief a cup counterchanged. Rhys Morwaywffon (5/1988 Midd)

Per fess engrailed argent and azure, two tulip blossoms and a sea-horse erect counterchanged. Willemyn van Brabant (9/1984 AnTi)

Per fess engrailed argent and gules, two retorts, necks crossed in saltire, and an open book counterchanged. James of the Lake (1/1993 Caid)

Per fess engrailed argent and purpure, a demi-unicorn sable issuant from the line of division. Kendrick de Fraser (12/1986 Anst)

Per fess engrailed argent and sable, a bottle-nosed dolphin sable and in fess two torii gates argent. Ayabe Ichiro (2/1990 West)

Per fess engrailed argent and sable, in chief three cherries gules slipped, conjoined at the slips and leaved vert. Elena inghean Rónáin (5/2003 Midd)

Per fess engrailed argent and sable, three crescents gules and a natural dolphin naiant argent. Cassandra the Forlorn (12/2001 Atla)

Per fess engrailed argent and vert, all semy of ferns counterchanged, two bottlenosed dolphins naiant in annulo azure and argent. Gareth Lynn Crestwick (1/1993 Midd)

Per fess engrailed argent and vert. False Isle, Shire of (1/2005 AnTi)

Per fess engrailed argent and vert, in chief a drakkar reversed proper with shields Or and on the sail gules a laurel wreath, in base a sea serpent erect Or. Krakafjord, Shire of (4/2003 AnTi)

Per fess engrailed argent and vert, in chief a heart between two roundels gules and in base a roundel argent. Marion Bradford of Yorkshire (11/2004 Aten)

Per fess engrailed azure and argent, a decrescent and an increscent counterchanged. Llyn Penllyn (8/1993 Outl)

Per fess engrailed azure and argent, a galley reversed argent and three octofoils purpure seeded Or. Ana Braganza la Viajera (7/2001 Calo)

Per fess engrailed azure and argent, a mermaid in her vanity proper within a bordure embattled counterchanged. Barbara of Bonei (4/1991 Atla)

Per fess engrailed azure and argent, a mermaid tergiant in her vanity counterchanged argent and vert, crined Or, between a decrescent, a mullet argent, and a firewheel blossom gules. Alima Kalil (2/1983 Anst)

Per fess engrailed azure and argent, a roundel counterchanged. Duncan Arthur Standish (9/1995 Midd)

Per fess engrailed azure and argent, a sword counterchanged, hilted sable, between two dragon's heads respectant issuant from the line of division Or. Stephen de Huyn (4/1984 Caid)

Per fess engrailed azure and barruly-wavy argent and azure. Britta Atlantica (10/1973)

Per fess engrailed azure and sable, a sea-lion erect guardant to sinister argent. Stephen de Huyn (10/1981 West)

Per fess engrailed azure and vert, a sea-unicorn with bat's wings erect to sinister Or. John of Sternfeld ()

Per fess engrailed enhanced azure and Or, at the honour point an egg counterchanged. Carolingia, Barony of (7/1990 East)

Per fess engrailed gules and argent, a boar passant argent and a cross crosslet fitchy sable. Máel Coluim of the Osprey (1/2009 Meri)

Per fess engrailed gules and azure, a demi-sun issuant from the line of division Or, surmounted by a sword bendwise sinister inverted proper, in dexter chief an estoile of eight rays argent. Aldric of the Northmark (7/1986 Midd)

Per fess engrailed gules and sable, in chief a bottlenosed dolphin embowed to sinister argent. Angelina Nicollette de Beaumont (10/1990 Caid)

Per fess engrailed Or and azure, a dolphin embowed and a compass rose counterchanged. Mark Mac Kill (1/2007 Midd)

Per fess engrailed Or and azure, a lymphad under full sail and a dolphin naiant within a bordure all counterchanged. Angus Malcolm MacDonald (11/1994 Outl)

Per fess engrailed Or and azure, a pine tree eradicated proper and three bezants in fess. John of Thame (3/1996 AnTi)

Per fess engrailed Or and azure, an orca embowed proper and a griffin sejant within an annulet argent. [Orcinus orca] Jehanne l'Enragee (4/1982 East)

Per fess engrailed Or and azure, in chief a tortoise tergiant vert. Geoffrey Maynard of York (12/1985 Trim)

Per fess engrailed Or and azure, three gouttes azure and three crosses flory Or all within a bordure embattled gules. Agnes of the Whispering Willows (9/1991 Meri)

Per fess engrailed Or and azure, three thistles vert and an otter's head erased close argent. Margaret Bettoun of Sconyn (3/2005 Meri)

Per fess engrailed Or and gules, a narwhal haurient embowed contourny between in bend a compass star and an increscent all counterchanged. Miguel Garcia de Santa Ana (3/2010 Midd)

Per fess engrailed purpure and Or. Jack of Land's End (9/1992 West)

Per fess engrailed sable and argent, a roundel between a decrescent and an increscent argent. Katherine Nox (6/2001 Drac)

Per fess engrailed sable and argent goutty de larmes, a fox's mask argent. Urrich Nürnberger (4/2011 Midd)

Per fess engrailed sable and barry engrailed argent and azure, an astrolabe argent and a pair of compasses inverted Or. Daoud al-Bodmani (2/1992 Atla)

Per fess engrailed sable and vert, a swallow volant and a castle argent. Callum of Greycastell (3/2008 Meri)

Per fess engrailed vert and azure, on a chief Or three turtles azure. Muirenn ingen Donngaile (8/2007 Meri)

Per fess ermine and purpure, a griffin sejant erect, in canton a decrescent Or. Svidrir Einarrsson (8/1979)

Per fess ermine and purpure, a turnip proper leaved vert. Mary Ostler (2/2009 AnTi)

Per fess ermine and sable, a stallion salient gules within a bordure engrailed counterchanged. Josep le Capeller (1/2005 Atla)

Per fess ermine and sable. Alys de Wilton (4/2004 Loch)

Per fess ermine and vert, a winged cat statant to sinister sable. Tristan Halsson fra Ravnsborg (5/1992 West)

Per fess ermine and vert, on a pile counterchanged, a lily argent. Nicolette Dufay (11/1994 West)

Per fess fleury counter-fleury gules and sable, three towers, one and two, argent. Isabel la Fouchiere (12/2005 Calo)

Per fess fleury counter-fleury vert and Or. Seonaid a Lochbuie (8/1990 East)

Per fess gules and argent, a boar rampant sable, in chief two roses argent. Barak de Noirville (5/1993 AnTi)

Per fess gules and argent, a fess azure. Serbia (12/2003 West)

Per fess gules and argent, a fess embattled sable between a demi-sun Or issuant from the line of division and a laurel wreath gules. Llyn Arian, Shire of (11/1988 West)

Per fess gules and argent, a fess Or between five fleurs-de-lys three and two counterchanged. Jean Xavier Devereaux (3/1993 Midd)

Per fess gules and argent, a jester's hood argent, semy of lozenges sable, and a round brazier sable, filled with flames gules. Tamar of Highmoor (5/1989 Aten)

Per fess gules and argent, a lion passant contourny Or and in pale three lances fesswise azure. Conall Gillysaght (7/1993 Caid)

Per fess gules and argent, a pair of hands and a double-headed eagle counterchanged. Ermenrich von Duisburg (1/2003 Calo)

Per fess gules and argent, a pegasus passant contourny argent and a Latin cross fleury fitchy azure. Lucien de Lorraine (5/2000 Anst)

Per fess gules and argent, a phoenix, head to sinister, issuant from the line of division, Or, and a Siberian tiger salient to sinister proper. [Pantera altica] Yaroslav the Persistent (1/1985 Caid)

Per fess gules and argent, a rose argent and a swan naiant sable. Sciath ingen meic Con (1/2005 Atla)

Per fess gules and argent, a sinister gauntlet bendwise vert grasping a double-bitted battleaxe bendwise sinister Or, hafted sable. Robert the Dragonslayer (7/1983 Meri)

Per fess gules and argent, a unicorn's head couped and a Jerusalem Cross within a bordure counterchanged. Allison Maysie Gunn (10/1990 Midd)

Per fess gules and argent, an open book argent and a domestic cat statant sable. Ambrosius Caliensis (3/1995 Aten)

Per fess gules and argent, an owl volant guardant and a laurel tree eradicated counterchanged. Janette de Laurier (10/1983 West)

Per fess gules and argent, in canton within the horns of a decrescent five mullets in annulo argent. Singapore (9/1995 Laur)

Per fess gules and argent, in saltire a sword and an arum lily slipped counterchanged. Serena Gethin (4/2003 Anst)

Per fess gules and argent. Indonesia (9/1995 Laur)

Per fess gules and argent. Monaco (12/1994 Laur)

Per fess gules and argent, on a fess sable between three roses Or seeded gules, barbed sable and a pomegranate slipped and leaved gules seeded a crocodile statant Or. Isabella of York (10/2002 East)

Per fess gules and argent, scaly sable, in chief a winged bull, statant to sinister and guardant, argent. Bors of Blackheath (9/1989 Caid)

Per fess gules and argent, three bees Or and a rose proper. Laurena Mouchot (9/2011 East)

Per fess gules and argent, three estoiles Or and a horse's head couped contourny sable. Tangwystel de Tretower (9/2010 Outl)

Per fess gules and argent, three Latin crosses in chevron and a lion passant counterchanged. Christian Thierry (12/2008 Midd)

Per fess gules and argent, three piles in point counterchanged, overall a bear statant guardant sable. David le Cassé (5/1990 East)

Per fess gules and argent, three plates one and two and a butterfly gules. Thora Redhair (3/1995 Outl)

Per fess gules and argent, three tankards reversed in fess and a rose counterchanged. Sebastian LeFleur (3/1996 Meri)

Per fess gules and azure, a catamount passant and a kestrel maintaining a garb Or. Gunnvör silfrahárr (12/2001 Anst)

Per fess gules and azure, a dance and in base three roundels Or. Umm Jibril Munisa bint al-Nadr (2/2006 West)

Per fess gules and azure, a dance flory Or. Konstanza von Brunnenburg (5/1996 West)

Per fess gules and azure, a fess argent. Luxemburg (12/1994 Laur)

Per fess gules and azure, a fess argent. Netherlands (12/1994 Laur)

Per fess gules and azure, a fess argent overall an inescutcheon checky gules and argent. Croatia (12/1994 Laur)

Per fess gules and azure, a fess embattled between three roses and a cross crosslet fitchy argent. Damiana McDade (2/1998 Aten)

Per fess gules and azure, a fess invected argent and overall a lighthouse Or. Caer Mear, Barony of (4/2009 Atla)

Per fess gules and azure, a fess wavy between a baker's peel fesswise Or charged with three manchets gules and a wagon wheel Or. Hans Van Hoorn (2/2005 Atla)

Per fess gules and azure, a natural tiger courant argent marked sable and an escarbuncle argent. Virgil da Monte (6/2011 Meri)

Per fess gules and azure, a Russian firebird displayed Or, crested azure, its six tail-feathers each charged with a heart gules. Bogdan Borodets (12/1980 Midd)

Per fess gules and azure, a tower within a mascle argent. Caer Mear, Barony of (3/1982 Atla)

Per fess gules and azure, a trident bendwise sinister Or transfixing a closed scroll bendwise argent. Brighid Chaomhanach (3/2006n)

Per fess gules and azure, a winged stag rampant argent, unguled and attired Or, within a bordure nebuly ermine. Alfred Larcher (8/1984 East)

Per fess gules and azure, all semy of roses argent, barbed and seeded proper, a griffin statant argent. Edouard d'Ath (5/1988 East)

Per fess gules and azure, an auroch's head cabossed, between its horns a mullet of eight points, in base a rose and a decrescent bendwise sinister Or. Moldova (12/2003 West)

Per fess gules and azure fretty, in chief in fess three popinjays Or. Gianetta Andreini da Vicenza (10/1997 Midd)

Per fess gules and azure, in base a demi-sun issuant from the line of division Or. Ceolwynn of Galtris (6/2009 Caid)

Per fess gules and azure, in base a yale passant to sinister argent, spotted gules, maintaining in its mouth a daisy, slipped and leaved, proper, and in chief three daisy flowers proper. Marguerite des Baux (8/1988 Aten)

Per fess gules and azure, in chief a rose Or and in base three daggers argent. Ella of Clan Fergus (1/1987 West)

Per fess gules and azure, in chief three fleurs-de-lys, and a sun issuant from base Or. Angela de la Torricella Peliga (5/1985 West)

Per fess gules and azure, in pale a sword fesswise reversed and another fesswise argent perched atop each point an eagle displayed facing to sinister Or. Einar Fjörnisson (2/1997 Trim)

Per fess gules and azure, in pale a triple-towered castle argent, portaled and lighted Or, and a bezant charged with a laurel wreath and surmounted by a sword proper. Caer Mear, Barony of (11/1979 East)

Per fess gules and azure, on a fess argent a mullet irradiated straight Or within a wreath vert within the words REPUBLICA DEL PARAGUAY in annulo sable within an annulet azure within an annulet gules. Paraguay (9/1995 Laur)

Per fess gules and azure, on a fess engrailed argent an arrow sable. James the Archer (4/2010 East)

Per fess gules and azure, on a mullet Or a laurel wreath vert, a bordure Or. Riversmor, Shire of (11/2006 Trim)

Per fess gules and azure, on a pale argent two wooden spoons in saltire and a sprouting yellow onion proper. [Liliacae Alium cepa] Caer Mear, Barony of (12/1982 Atla)

Per fess gules and azure, three bees and a cup Or. Katla in mikla (3/2001 West)

Per fess gules and azure, three pomegranates slipped and leaved argent seeded gules and a horse statant argent. Albert Villon (3/2012 East)

Per fess gules and azure, three seadogs rampant Or. Humfrey Matthew Lovett (1/2009 Atla)

Per fess gules and azure, two bezants each charged with a cross formy fitchy sable. Philip of Newkirk (5/2006 Meri)

Per fess gules and barry wavy argent and azure, in pale a lion sejant and a dolphin hauriant Or. Hannah of Montengarde (8/1980 West)

Per fess gules and checky sable and argent, in chief two arrows inverted in saltire surmounted by a goat's head cabossed argent. Ivar Volosatoi (11/1996 East)

Per fess gules and counter-ermine, a bog beast rampant argent. Nikolai Andreeov (8/1979 West)

Per fess gules and ermine, a dexter gauntlet fesswise reversed maintaining a bird close argent and a tree vert. Kasimir of Stargard (1/1997 Midd)

Per fess gules and ermine, an Egyptian sphinx couchant argent and an scarab gules. Victor von dem Stürme (3/1992 Midd)

Per fess gules and Or, a crane argent and a saltorel sable. Colin McCrandall (2/2000 Anst)

Per fess gules and Or, a fess azure. Armenia (12/1994 Laur)

Per fess gules and Or, a lion dormant and an eagle head to sinister counterchanged. Stephania von Graz (11/2001 Caid)

Per fess gules and Or, a pheon and a pheon inverted conjoined at their tips counterchanged. Conrad Barbarossa (11/2003 Atla)

Per fess gules and Or, a phoenix displayed and a sailless drakkar contourny oars in action counterchanged. Anastasia Germain (8/1998 Trim)

Per fess gules and Or, a sheep passant argent, maintaining under its sinister foreleg a tub sable. Chlurain, Clan (11/2010 Aten)

Per fess gules and Or, a skull vested of a fool's hood and three bear's paw prints in fess counterchanged. Roberto Carlos Dominguez (1/2003 Calo)

Per fess gules and Or, a wolf passant ululant argent and a tankard inverted bendwise sinister distilling a goutte gules. Eirik Asvaldsson (2/1995 Calo)

Per fess gules and Or crusilly Russian Orthodox counterchanged. Vladimir Krasnoboroda (10/2005 Calo)

Per fess gules and Or, in pale a horse passant and a Catherine wheel counterchanged. Daniel del Cavallo (5/2002 AEth)

Per fess gules and Or, in pale a horse passant and a sun counterchanged. Daniel del Cavallo (11/1989 East)

Per fess gules and Or, in pale an owl argent and a tree eradicated vert. Sophia von Thüringen (3/1989 Meri)

Per fess gules and Or, issuant from the line of division a demi-sun argent, overall a tower sable. Gaillard, Brotherhood of Chateau (8/1981 Midd)

Per fess gules and Or, on a cross fleury a rose counterchanged. Michelle Chantal de Charente (11/1993 Anst)

Per fess gules and Or, six gouts three and three, those in base inverted, counterchanged. Owen le Maillier (11/2011 Aten)

Per fess gules and Or, three catamounts rampant guardant counterchanged. Stephen Katzenberger (12/1995 Midd)

Per fess gules and Or, three cinquefoils Or seeded gules, slips issuant from the line of division sable, and a seeblatt gules. Katheryn Hebenstreitz (1/2007 Drac)

Per fess gules and Or, three lion's heads caboshed counterchanged. Vivienne of the Sunlit Grove (7/1984 West)

Per fess gules and Or, three Stafford knots counterchanged. Uilliam Twit of Witlow (10/1991 East)

Per fess gules and Or, three trumpets issuant from base counterchanged. Jarek the Trumpeter (12/1998 Loch)

Per fess gules and Or, two cinquefoils Or and a valknut sable. Aðísla stjarna (9/2011 Caid)

Per fess gules and Or, two snow leopards rampant addorsed argent and three chevronels braced gules. Roberta Tyrell (5/1996 East)

Per fess gules and purpure, a dance argent. Alexandria O'Fogarty (2/2004 Atla)

Per fess gules and purpure, a fess engrailed on the upper edge and invected on the lower edge between three fleurs-de-lys and a dolphin haurient argent. Mægwynn Attewode (3/2008 Meri)

Per fess gules and purpure, a lion's head caboshed and on a bordure argent an orle of holly sprigs fructed proper. Ian Anndra of Loch Sheelin (3/1994 AnTi)

Per fess gules and purpure, a natural sea turtle between two sharks naiant in annulo argent. Rowena of the Thornes (5/1996 AnTi)

Per fess gules and purpure all semy of natural sea turtles argent. Eoin Mac Leòid (6/1996 AnTi)

Per fess gules and purpure, on a mullet of eight points argent two drinking horns addorsed sable. Eoin Mac Leòid (9/1995 AnTi)

Per fess gules and sable, a caltrap argent. Timothy Royar (9/1991 Caid)

Per fess gules and sable, a Continental panther rampant argent incensed atop a demi-wheel issuant from base Or. Gysela von Diffinbach (2/2006 Meri)

Per fess gules and sable, a dance between a laurel wreath and on a flame Or a rock gules. Loch Ruadh, Canton of (11/1993 Anst)

Per fess gules and sable, a demi-sun issuant from the line of division Or and two needles in saltire argent. Catrina Makcrie of Berwick (1/2002 AnTi)

Per fess gules and sable, a double-headed eagle Or and in chief three bezants. Karll von Zollern (7/2008G)

Per fess gules and sable, a fess argent between two griffins passant and an aspen leaf inverted Or. Ranthulfr Asparlundr (10/1990 Midd)

Per fess gules and sable, a fess argent, overall a dexter tierce triangular vert. Sudan (9/1995 Laur)

Per fess gules and sable, a fess argent. Yemen (9/1995 West)

Per fess gules and sable, a fess cotised between two griffins passant argent and a ring Or jeweled argent. Gevehard von Baden (7/2005n)

Per fess gules and sable, a fess embattled argent between a hound courant argent, spotted sable, and a compass star Or. Kathryn Donnerstag (8/1989 Midd)

Per fess gules and sable, a fess embattled between three open padlocks and a dragon's head erased contourny Or. Tostig Locksbane (9/1991 Caid)

Per fess gules and sable, a fess embattled-counterembattled and in base an eagle's head erased argent. Gerold the Bald (2/2003 Aten)

Per fess gules and sable, a fess of three lozenges ermine. Walter de Clare (11/2001 Arte)

Per fess gules and sable, a fess wavy between three dolphins haurient Or. William M'Killroy (1/2007 Caid)

Per fess gules and sable, a hart lodged contourny argent. Gisla Rodumna (11/2000 AnTi)

Per fess gules and sable, a lion rampant maintaining an arrow inverted Or between three pairs of rapiers in saltire argent. Eleazar Ben Judah (9/1995 Midd)

Per fess gules and sable, a lion's head erased between three lion's jambes erased Or. Laura Lynn of Lonsdale (1/2002 Caid)

Per fess gules and sable, a mullet of six points argent and two lit candles ensconced Or. Hadassah bat Josef (4/1991 Trim)

Per fess gules and sable, a polypus and two demi-skeletons respectant arms extended and crossed in saltire argent. Johnny Rooke (3/2012 Aten)

Per fess gules and sable, a saltire argent, and for augmentation, an escutcheon overall Or charged with a pair of stag's attires sable. Mark Lasie of Westminster (3/1993 Outl)

Per fess gules and sable, a saltire argent. Mark Lasie of Westminster (6/1975)

Per fess gules and sable, a stag salient and in dexter chief a laurel wreath Or. Staggate, Shire of (7/2009 Meri)

Per fess gules and sable, a sword inverted between three mullets argent. Marcus Artorius Vindex (2/2004 Atla)

Per fess gules and sable, a tree blasted and eradicated within a bordure indented Or. Gertrude zu dem Walde (11/2008 Atla)

Per fess gules and sable, a wyvern erect and in chief a moon in its plenitude between two mullets Or. Pamela of Grey Niche (10/2007G)

Per fess gules and sable, atop the line of division a drakkar, mast stepped and oars in action, in base a laurel wreath Or. Selviergard, Shire of (1/1983 West)

Per fess gules and sable, between two killer whales naiant in annulo argent, a drakkar Or. Guthrum Ivarsson (1/1993 Aten)

Per fess gules and sable, in chief a badger statant argent. Geoffrey of Lorne (3/2005 Meri)

Per fess gules and sable, in chief a plate charged with a feather bendwise sinister sable, in base three swans naiant argent. Lydia Dianora Villani d'Este (3/1997 East)

Per fess gules and sable, in pale a bear couchant and a cross couped surmounted by a saltire couped, all Or. Tyrvar Hornblásari (8/1990 East)

Per fess gules and sable, in pale a cross of four fusils and a demi-wyvern Or. Morgana ferch Morgan (2/1983 Meri)

Per fess gules and sable, issuant from base a stalk of three sunflowers, one and two, throughout proper. [Helianthus annus] Caressa de Marchena (11/1979 West)

Per fess gules and sable, on a bezant between two bars gemel Or, a horse passant sable. Arik Alton (3/1985 Aten)

Per fess gules and sable, on a fess argent an eagle displayed contourny Or. Egypt (12/1994 Laur)

Per fess gules and sable, on a fess argent between three mullets in fess the words Allahu akbar in Arabic vert. Iraq (9/1995 West)

Per fess gules and sable, on a fess argent two mullets vert. Syria (12/1994 Laur)

Per fess gules and sable, on a fess between two alligators statant argent an alligator statant sable. Georg von Staufenberg (9/2004 Meri)

Per fess gules and sable, on a fess between two flanged maces fesswise argent, another gules. Percival Beaumont (7/1993 Calo)

Per fess gules and sable, on a fess embattled counterembattled Or between two cats passant argent, a cat passant to sinister sable. Alexander Tair Gwal Garreg (11/1987 Meri)

Per fess gules and sable, on a fess engrailed argent between two lozenges ployé Or, a crescent gules. Anthea of Isenfir (1/1995 Atla)

Per fess gules and sable, on a mountain of three peaks couped Or a sackbut fesswise bell to sinister sable. Evan da Collaureo (7/2001 Atla)

Per fess gules and sable, on a mountain of three peaks couped Or a sackbut fesswise, bell to sinister sable, for augmentation in canton a portcullis Or. Evan da Collaureo (2/2011 Atla)

Per fess gules and sable, on a roundel engrailed Or a dragon passant sable. Drake MacGregor (3/2012 East)

Per fess gules and sable, three acorns two and one and a stag's massacre argent. Celeste of Owl's Nest (9/2008 Meri)

Per fess gules and sable, three chalices and an elephant passant argent. Medb ingen ui Mael Anfaid (9/2008G)

Per fess gules and sable, three swords inverted in point Or, in chief three death's heads argent, and an orle Or. Ulfhedin Ragnarsson (1/1991 Trim)

Per fess gules and sable, two dragons combatant and a dragon dormant argent. Agnarr Gunnvaldsson (10/2010 Atla)

Per fess gules and sable, two griffins addorsed and a Maltese cross argent. Thomas Godefroy (8/2004 Aten)

Per fess gules and sable, within a sinister demi-cogwheel bendwise sinister surmounted in sinister base by a machete bendwise, a mullet Or. Angola (9/1995 Laur)

Per fess gules and vair, in pale a pegasus courant to sinister argent, crined and winged Or, and a natural fountain Or, watered azure. Sarah Minet (6/1990 Caid)

Per fess gules and vert, a demi-sun issuant from the line of division within a laurel wreath Or. Sunsetshire (4/1982 West)

Per fess gules and vert, a dexter tierce argent. Madagascar (9/1995 Laur)

Per fess gules and vert, a fess argent. Hungary, Republic of (12/1994 Laur)

Per fess gules and vert, a fess azure fimbriated argent. Gambia (9/1995 Laur)

Per fess gules and vert, a fess between three mullets Or. Henry de Bracy (3/2006 Anst)

Per fess gules and vert, a fess between three trees couped and a stag salient Or. Rowan of Galway (7/2003 Aten)

Per fess gules and vert, a fess dancetty argent between a mullet of seven points Or and a bezant. Canyons, Canton of the (1/1989 Caid)

Per fess gules and vert, a fess sable and overall a sun argent. Malawi (2/2011 Laur)

Per fess gules and vert, a mullet Or. Burkina Faso (9/1995 Laur)

Per fess gules and vert, a sea-unicorn and in chief two recorders in chevron Or. Tatiana of Varena (8/1994 Midd)

Per fess gules and vert, a spear and in canton an eagle Or. Ragngeirr assabana (2/2006 Meri)

Per fess gules and vert, a tower argent between three roosters Or. Alfric Alfricson (8/2003 Caid)

Per fess gules and vert, a tree sundered, between its halves a double-bitted axe Or. Kai Saerpren (8/1998 AEth)

Per fess gules and vert, five mullets in saltire argent. Robin Arwood (4/1989 East)

Per fess gules and vert, in chief a Latin cross and in base three arrows fesswise in pale Or. Cornelius Brangwyn (3/1996 Meri)

Per fess gules and vert, in chief in saltire a mace surmounted by a sword, both surmounted by a bow reversed palewise Or, and in base a brown bear statant proper. [Ursus arctos] Michael of Hammond (11/1979 East)

Per fess gules and vert, on a dexter tierce triangular conjoined to a bar sable, a pall fesswise and to dexter a boar's tusk environing two fern leaves in saltire Or. Vanuatu (9/1995 Laur)

Per fess gules and vert, on a fess argent a crown and to chief an arc of seven mullets all in annulo Or. Tajikistan (9/1995 West)

Per fess gules and vert, on a fess embattled Or three suns sable. Mathias Mendel (6/2002 AEth)

Per fess gules and vert, on a fess Or a mullet sable. Ghana (9/1995 Laur)

Per fess gules and vert, on a fess Or an achievement of BOLIVIA (Two rifles bayonets fixed crossed in saltire by two more proper surmounted by a sheaf of six banners per fess gules and vert, a fess Or, surmounted by two cannon barrels in saltire proper, surmounted by a cartouche charged with a landscape proper within a bordure per chevron Or and azure mullety Or charged in chief with the word BOLIVIA gules). Bolivia (9/1995 Laur)

Per fess gules and vert, on a fess rayonny Or two boar's heads erased respectant sable, in base a cross formy Or charged with a cross pointed vert. Kendrik Boise (6/1991 Caid)

Per fess gules and vert, on a fess sable fimbriated the Arabic character 'siin' argent. Lorraine of South Downs (10/1996 Meri)

Per fess gules and vert, on a pale Or a Star of David sable. Fatima bint Shabbah (8/1992 East)

Per fess gules fretty argent and sable. Volodar Ivanovic (4/1999 AnTi)

Per fess gules, mulletty of six points argent, and sable, a wolf rampant to sinister argent. Conn MacFaelad (3/1990 Outl)

Per fess gules mullety Or, and vert, a dance and in base a terrestrial sphere Or. Romas the Mapmaker (3/1993 Midd)

Per fess gyronny of sixteen in cross, azure and Or, and vert, on a roundel sable fimbriated in pale a horse's head couped and a coronet showing three Latin crosses Or. Henrik of Havn (10/1981 West)

Per fess indented argent and azure, a dance fleury at the points counterchanged and in base a fleur-de-lys argent. Rainulf Falconet (8/1996 West)

Per fess indented argent and azure, in chief three mullets of eight points and in base a mouse statant counterchanged. Irina Vassillissa Gregorovna (8/1979 East)

Per fess indented argent and azure, in pale a dolphin naiant and a dolphin inverted naiant to sinister counterchanged. William the Navigator (12/1988 Outl)

Per fess indented argent and azure, two ostrich feathers in saltire vert and an open scroll fesswise argent. Khalil ibn Yusuf al-Balansi (1/2005 Midd)

Per fess indented argent and gules, a broken sword bendwise sinister proper. Ivan Piotrovic Pevcov (1/1999 Meri)

Per fess indented argent and gules, a raven displayed counterchanged sable and argent. Gunnar Skullsplitter (3/2005 Aten)

Per fess indented argent and gules, two ravens rising respectant sable and in saltire two halberds argent. Steinharr Blóðøx Hrafnuson (5/1983 Meri)

Per fess indented argent and sable, a bear statant and a laurel wreath counterchanged. Tir Bannog, Shire of (10/2000 AnTi)

Per fess indented argent and sable, a lozenge and a rabbit couchant counterchanged. Cherish Otte (1/2010 Anst)

Per fess indented argent and sable, a lozenge sable and a natural tiger couchant contourny argent marked sable. Robert Otte (1/2010 Anst)

Per fess indented argent and sable, five crythau three and two counterchanged gules and argent. Rhonwen Y Clermont o'r Mwntduog (12/2006 East)

Per fess indented argent and sable, in chief a rose gules, barbed and seeded proper, environed of a serpent embowed guardant vert and in base three estoiles argent. Leyla bint Nakhla al-Ghawazi (12/1980 East)

Per fess indented argent and sable, issuant from the line of division, a demi-dragon gules. Irene Lenoir (4/1990 East)

Per fess indented argent and sable, three bees one and two sable and a duck Or. Svana ormstunga Vermundardottir (11/2003 Aten)

Per fess indented argent and vert, a fess dancetty between and conjoined to five quatrefoils barbed counterchanged. Anne St. Augustine de Rome (2/1983 Midd)

Per fess indented argent and vert, a griffin dormant maintaining a feather vert and a mullet of nine points argent. Ceridwen ferch Cadwaladr (5/1996 East)

Per fess indented argent and vert, in chief a fox's mask gules. Haakon Thorgilsson (6/1993 Outl)

Per fess indented argent and vert, three pheons counterchanged. Seaan McAy (4/1995 West)

Per fess indented argent and vert, three triskeles sable and a stag lodged argent. Catylyn verch Morgant ap Llewellyn (3/2005 Aten)

Per fess indented argent and vert, two rapiers in saltire sable and a hedgehog argent. Jocelyn della Spada (4/2008 East)

Per fess indented argent goutty de sang and vert. Haraldr hlátrmildr (9/2009 Caid)

Per fess indented argent, goutty purpure, and vert, overall two short-stemmed Saracen smoking pipes in saltire argent. Dulcinea de Yerba Buena (8/1979)

Per fess indented azure and argent, a bear passant guardant contourny and a rose counterchanged. Katya Feodorovna Medvednikova (11/1995 Calo)

Per fess indented azure and argent, a demi-sun issuant from the line of division Or and in chief two cinquefoils argent. Mariette Cantrell (1/1992 East)

Per fess indented azure and argent, a sword fesswise reversed argent and a double-headed eagle displayed sable. Dagr blóðøx (2/2004 Atla)

Per fess indented azure and argent, in chief four mullets of four points elongated palewise Or and in base a sun in splendor azure. Atenveldt, Kingdom of (8/2003 Aten)

Per fess indented azure and argent, in chief four mullets of four points elongated palewise Or. Atenveldt, Kingdom of (11/2002 Aten)

Per fess indented azure and argent, two slippers counterchanged. Juliana d'Antioche (8/1995 East)

Per fess indented azure and gules, a dance argent between a Latin cross fleury and a pilgrim's purse Or. Jarucha Delamare (10/2005 Caid)

Per fess indented azure and gules, a decrescent argent and a demi-sun Or. Celina Dawen (1/1987 Midd)

Per fess indented azure and gules, a wyvern passant Or. Percival de Toulouse (11/1982 Midd)

Per fess indented azure and gules, in chief a sword and a hammer inverted in saltire argent, the sword hilted Or, in base a standing balance Or. Hans the Horrible (4/1985 West)

Per fess indented azure and gules, in pale a shofar, bell to sinister, and an estoile of eight rays Or. Rivka bat Shmuel Alfasi (6/1987 Caid)

Per fess indented azure and gules, in pale a sinister wing and a pearled coronet argent. Temur of the Kerait (11/2003 Atla)

Per fess indented azure and Or, a goat passant argent and a yew tree proper. Goimir Goraysky (11/2002 AEth)

Per fess indented azure and Or, in chief a swallow volant to sinister argent. Taira den Fharraigi Thiar (2/1983 Midd)

Per fess indented azure and Or, in chief two edelweiss argent seeded Or. Alesia Anna von Altmul (1/2006G)

Per fess indented azure and Or, in chief two swords inverted in saltire surmounted by a helm argent, and in base a castle sable. Cormac MacCormac (8/1984 Meri)

Per fess indented azure and sable, a fess dancetty and in base a compass-star argent. Alfric Northwind (9/1983 Aten)

Per fess indented azure and sable, on a demi-bezant issuant from the line of division, a trefoil slipped vert. Laura of the Elmwood (10/1992 Aten)

Per fess indented azure and vert, a cat couchant guardant and on an open scroll argent three musical notes in bend sable. Christiana de Montford (10/2003 Outl)

Per fess indented azure and vert fretty Or, in chief a sun Or. Ælfred Greybeard (9/1993 Anst)

Per fess indented azure, goutté d'eau, and vert, in base a laurel wreath Or. Endless Hills, Barony of (7/1981 East)

Per fess indented azure goutty d'eau and vert, a battleaxe Or within a bordure embattled argent. Endless Hills, Barony of (8/1999 AEth)

Per fess indented azure goutty d'eau and vert, a rapier bendwise within a bordure wavy Or. Endless Hills, Barony of (8/1999 AEth)

Per fess indented azure semy of escarbuncles and argent, in base a Russian Orthodox cross gules. Taisha Markov (5/2007 Aten)

Per fess indented azure semy of lozenges argent, and argent, in base a laurel wreath azure. Ice Valley, Shire of (11/1991 East)

Per fess indented counter-ermine and argent, a female centaur rampant preparing to throw from her sinister hand a javelin bendwise gules. Cassandra of Blæchowe (5/1984 AnTi)

Per fess indented crusilly vert and argent. Cliodhna ni Bhriain (12/1986 Anst)

Per fess indented erminois and pean, a dance counterchanged sable and Or, in chief three frogs tergiant displayed vert. Mora Naturalist of Blackmarsh (7/1989 Caid)

Per fess indented floretty vert and azure, a stag at gaze Or and a rose argent. Aurore Nicole de Conte (11/1980 Meri)

Per fess indented flory at the points azure and ermine. Tamsyn Northover (2/2005 Loch)

Per fess indented flory at the points sable and argent. Gianna Vettori (11/2011 Midd)

Per fess indented gules and argent, a gazelle courant Or and a lotus blossom in profile gules. Jenna al-Ghazaliyyah (12/2005 Outl)

Per fess indented gules and argent, a laurel wreath and a castle counterchanged. Turmstadt, Shire of (7/2011 Drac)

Per fess indented gules and argent crusilly purpure, in chief a lion dormant queue forchee Or. Mathilde de Bretagne (2/1991 Calo)

Per fess indented gules and argent, three swords inverted counterchanged Or and gules. Chrétien de Mont Blanc (8/1993 East)

Per fess indented gules and checky sable and argent, in chief three Maltese crosses argent. Gabriella Francesca Qlejja de Warre (12/1991 Meri)

Per fess indented gules and counter-ermine, in chief a bear's head couped Or. Ulrich von Dunkelberg (9/2005 East)

Per fess indented gules and Or, in chief three mullets of four points, two and one, and in base a fox's head erased counterchanged. Ansitruda Helgasdottir (2/1984 East)

Per fess indented gules and purpure, a dance between two gouts Or. Meridies, Kingdom of (9/1992 Meri)

Per fess indented gules and sable, a dance argent and in base a tankard Or. Deirdre the Wench (11/1999 Outl)

Per fess indented gules and sable, in chief five mullets in chevron and in base a sphere argent. Lucie de Villebrayant Boniface (3/1983 Aten)

Per fess indented gules and sable, in pale a bezant and a laurel wreath Or. Darkstone, Shire of (7/2005n)

Per fess indented gules and sable, in pale a comet fesswise and a griffin passant Or. Berthold von Matsch (7/1988 AnTi)

Per fess indented gules and sable, three estoiles and three chevronels braced argent. Duncan Lamhearradh Campbell (9/1992 Atla)

Per fess indented gules and vert, three drop spindles inverted and a drakkar argent. Oddný knarrarbringa (6/2010 Atla)

Per fess indented of five points sable and Or, a decrescent Or and five chevronels braced gules. Iseulte of the Red Cliffs (10/2008 Atla)

Per fess indented of three azure and argent, in chief a rainbow proper. Three Mountains, Barony of (12/1986 AnTi)

Per fess indented of three indentations, sable and Or, a pale counterchanged, on each sable trait a lion's head cabossed Or. Nicholas Worthington (10/1976)

Per fess indented of three points azure and argent, in pale a laurel wreath Or and two arrows crossed in saltire inverted gules. Arrowreach, Canton of (6/2001 Loch)

Per fess indented of three points sable and azure, a dance between three crescents and a lion dormant Or. Ekaterina von Pferdberg (8/1990 West)

Per fess indented of three points vert and argent, a pale counterchanged overall two arrows inverted in saltire gules. Quintavia, Shire of (1/1986 East)

Per fess indented of three points vert and argent, a pale counterchanged. Quintavia, Shire of (1/1986 East)

Per fess indented of three points vert and argent, on a pale between in base two laurel wreaths, in chief a laurel wreath, all counterchanged. Quintavia, Shire of (10/1985 East)

Per fess indented of two points azure and argent, a Latin cross and a mullet of six points counterchanged. Galfridus de Gaillard (1/1992 East)

Per fess indented of two points azure and Or semy of fir trees vert, in chief a dragon courant, wings addorsed, Or. Karl von Alpenwald (8/1985 Caid)

Per fess indented of two points sable and argent, in chief an eagle rising argent. Llewellan Gwynn (6/1987 Aten)

Per fess indented Or and argent, two crosses potent gules. Ernst der Dunkelwolf (1/2001 Meri)

Per fess indented Or and azure, a dragon and a catamount both passant counterchanged. Zara the Quiet (5/2004 AEth)

Per fess indented Or and azure, a sea-lion gules and three mullets Or. Cathal na Seoltadh (9/2004 East)

Per fess indented Or and azure, five fleurs-de-lys three and two counterchanged. John Catharne (5/2003 AnTi)

Per fess indented Or and azure, masoned Or, in chief a fountain. Richard Tyler of Swiftwater (3/1990 East)

Per fess indented Or and gules, a catamount passant sable and three pheons inverted argent. Steitan Bogenschütz (12/1998 Outl)

Per fess indented Or and gules, in pale a stag trippant, its dexter foreleg couped, proper, and three plates, two and one. Caterine FitzWilliam of Shelby (9/1989 Anst)

Per fess indented Or and sable, a fess dancetty between a decrescent and a cross of Jerusalem counterchanged. Stephen Augustin of the South Downs (9/1992 Meri)

Per fess indented Or and sable, a wyvern erect and a mullet of four points counterchanged. Morgan Ironheart (11/1991 Anst)

Per fess indented Or and sable, in chief two hearts gules. Justin du Coeur (8/1993 East)

Per fess indented Or and sable, in pale a laurel wreath vert and a thistle slipped and leaved Or. Thistletorr, Shire of (6/1990 West)

Per fess indented Or and sable, two double-bladed axes in saltire and a dove migrant, all counterchanged. Alayne McGuyre (1/1990 Anst)

Per fess indented Or and vert, a wolf statant guardant contourny azure and a three-headed wingless dragon statant argent. Brendan McDonald (2/1995 Outl)

Per fess indented purpure and argent, a unicorn's head couped and three mullets, two and one, counterchanged. Maria Susana Andrés (9/1989 Caid)

Per fess indented purpure and argent, an owl striking, wings displayed, and a harp counterchanged. Thescorre, Barony of (11/1992 East)

Per fess indented purpure and argent, in pale a snowy owl in winter phase descending proper, and a bard's harp purpure. Thescorre, Barony of (2/1985 East)

Per fess indented purpure and Or, in chief three estoiles in fess and in base an escarbuncle counterchanged. Morgana di Sanpere (3/1978)

Per fess indented purpure and Or, two compass stars counterchanged. Tatiana de Foix (7/2003 Caid)

Per fess indented purpure mullety Or and Or, in base an oak tree eradicated proper fructed Or. Jannes van den Oudenbergen (7/2009 Atla)

Per fess indented sable and argent, a dance between a crescent and a wolf courant counterchanged. Taisiia Volchkova (10/2010 AnTi)

Per fess indented sable and argent, an estoile throughout counterchanged. Winter's Gate, Barony of (1/1981 West)

Per fess indented sable and azure, a dance between three crescents and a sun, Or. Ekaterina von Pferdberg (8/1990 West)

Per fess indented sable and azure, a dance Or between six roundels in annulo Or voided gules all within a bordure Or. Bo of Baile na Scolairi (3/1994 Midd)

Per fess indented sable and ermine, a cross crosslet fitchy azure fimbriated argent. Steffan yr Ysgolhaig (1/1983 Aten)

Per fess indented sable and gules, a dance between two mullets of four points Or. Branwyn Guilford (10/1984 West)

Per fess indented sable and gules estencely, a dance Or. Isabeau Quiquandon (10/2000 Anst)

Per fess indented sable and gules, in base in fess three scrolls fesswise, each pierced by a quill argent. Bridge, Barony of the (3/1984 East)

Per fess indented sable and gules, in chief three pheons and in base three catamounts passant guardant argent. Celynen Anwyl (2/1996 Midd)

Per fess indented sable and gules, three chevronels inverted braced and a mullet of nine points argent. Wulfstan Thorhallsson (12/1989 East)

Per fess indented sable and vert. Hugh Tauerner (2/2009 East)

Per fess indented sable, estoilly argent, and argent. Winter's Gate, Barony of (11/1980 West)

Per fess indented sable, estoily argent, and argent, in base a laurel wreath sable. Winter's Gate, Barony of (11/1979 West)

Per fess indented vert and argent, three snowflakes counter-changed. Jamesina O'Shanahan (4/1994 AnTi)

Per fess indented vert and azure, a dance and in base a laurel wreath Or. Trìòis, Shire of (9/1997 Trim)

Per fess indented vert and gules, a sword inverted Or and in chief three compass stars argent. Marcus mac Pharláin (10/2004 East)

Per fess indented vert and sable, a Latin cross formy enhanced Or between two swords argent. Wolfgang von dem Schwartzwald (5/2004 AEth)

Per fess indented vert and sable, in chief a laurel wreath Or, a bordure erminois. Granite Mountain, Shire of (1/1999 Aten)

Per fess invected, azure and argent, a snowflake and a laurel wreath counterchanged. Anrhyfeddôd, Canton of (1/1982 East)

Per fess invected ermine and sable. Josep le Capeller (1/2005 Atla)

Per fess invected vert and argent, a sun in splendor Or and a sheaf of arrows sable. Gavin MacAuley (11/2009 East)

Per fess lozengy argent and sable and argent, a bird's leg a-la-quise sable. Charles Ravenstone (8/1995 West)

Per fess lozengy gules and argent, and sable, in chief a lion sejant to sinister coward and in base three quill pens in fess Or. Jean-Pierre de Lyon (11/1993 Meri)

Per fess lozengy sable and argent, and argent, a lute fesswise reversed Or and a gunstone. Yonatan vom Schwartzfleck (8/2005 Aten)

Per fess nebuly argent and azure, a harp and a fret couped counterchanged. Marine Perle (1/2006 Atla)

Per fess nebuly argent and gules, a wolf's head erased and a hand counterchanged. Caleb Reynolds (1/1993 East)

Per fess nebuly argent and sable, in chief a sunburst purpure. Douglas Black (10/2008 Trim)

Per fess nebuly argent and sable, in pale two bottlenosed dolphins in annulo counterchanged. Jófrídr Thorbjarnardóttir of the Westfjord (8/1990 Midd)

Per fess nebuly azure and argent, a swan volant argent and an escarbuncle azure. Kamille Moffat of Annandale (6/1995 Aten)

Per fess nebuly azure and Or, a wingless wivern statant argent, armed and maintaining in its tail a stalk of wheat Or, and a laurel wreath vert. Glen Ora, Shire of (11/1989 Outl)

Per fess nebuly gules and argent, two lions passant guardant counterchanged. Elric Godwine (9/2011 Caid)

Per fess nebuly gules and vert, in pale two geese volant argent. Veronica of the Dragons (1/1990 Outl)

Per fess nebuly Or and azure, a sinister clenched gauntlet sable and a swan naiant argent. Sebastian Eisenfaust (9/1992 Anst)

Per fess nebuly purpure and argent, a cherub and three fleurs-de-lys counterchanged. Angelique la Noire (11/2006 Arte)

Per fess nebuly vert and argent, a chasing hammer fesswise Or and a thistle, slipped and leaved, purpure. Sabrina Goldbender (10/1989 West)

Per fess nebuly vert and sable, three fir trees eradicated and a wolf's head erased Or. Raffe Ó Donnabháin (1/2005 AnTi)

Per fess Or and argent, a dance azure between two escallops gules and a crescent azure. Gerald Saunders (4/1998 Atla)

Per fess Or and argent, a fess embattled sable between three reremice displayed gules and a tower sable. Aelfric of Dorcestre (11/1989 West)

Per fess Or and argent, a fess wavy between three war hammers bendwise sable and a bee sable banded Or. Anthoinette de Martel (12/2008 Midd)

Per fess Or and argent, a heart gules between three gouts azure. Ambrosius Postbane the Beloved (2/1992 Midd)

Per fess Or and argent, a lion rampant and a sinister tierce embattled sable. Conrad von Zollern (1/2012 Outl)

Per fess Or and argent, a lion rampant contourny and a tierce embattled sable. Conrad von Zollern (1/2012 Outl)

Per fess Or and argent, a sinister clenched gauntlet and a single horned anvil sable. Sebastian Eisenfaust (1/1992 Anst)

Per fess Or and argent, in chief a brown bear statant reguardant proper, maintaining in its mouth a fish embowed argent, and in base a bow bendwise sinister reversed surmounted by three arrows bendwise inverted sable. Knut Skytja Thorngundobald (1/1984 AnTi)

Per fess Or and argent, in pale three birds close in fess azure and three chevronels braced sable. Rebecca Chadderton (4/1988 East)

Per fess Or and argent, two catamounts rampant sable and a rose proper. Melangell de Bretagne (9/1995 West)

Per fess Or and azure, a badger statant sable and a round buckle Or. Brocgar Smylie (10/2005 AnTi)

Per fess Or and azure, a bear dormant to sinister gules and an hourglass Or. Caoimhín o Fiodhabhra (9/1984 West)

Per fess Or and azure, a bear's jambe couped fesswise and a pot counterchanged. Willehalm Bärenjäger (2/2011 AEth)

Per fess Or and azure, a catapult sable and three fish naiant Or. Riccardo Pugliesi (4/2001 Loch)

Per fess Or and azure, a chevron between three lozenges counterchanged. Kenneth Makdonenalde (4/2011 Midd)

Per fess Or and azure, a crow sable and a compass star elongated to base argent. Catherine Oiseau (2/2009 East)

Per fess Or and azure, a crow sable and three roses argent. Gregory Burrows (3/2004 Calo)

Per fess Or and azure, a fess embattled gules between two mullets and a lion's head jessant-de-lys counterchanged. Alfrik Thorvaldsson (10/1982 Midd)

Per fess Or and azure, a fess fusily between two roses counterchanged. Magdalena Angelica von Regensburg (4/2007 Midd)

Per fess Or and azure, a lozenge counterchanged. Kunetil Bogenschütz (11/2002 AEth)

Per fess Or and azure, a mace between four fleurs-de-lys two and two counterchanged. Ange Casseur de Masse (11/1991 East)

Per fess Or and azure, a sinister canton azure. Helena d'Évreux (8/1996 West)

Per fess Or and azure, a triple dragon-tongue in pale gules. Sarkanyi Gero (1/1973)

Per fess Or and azure, a water lily blossom affronty argent seeded Or. Oewyn nic Neill (3/1993 Midd)

Per fess Or and azure, a wyvern sejant gules and three chevronels braced Or. Siubhán inghean Fhearghusa (1/2008 Drac)

Per fess Or and azure, an equal-armed Celtic cross counterchanged. Gregory of Saint Albans (10/1996 Caid)

Per fess Or and azure, atop a thimble argent a frog sejant affronty gules. Kerry RanAurora (10/2007 West)

Per fess Or and azure, in chief a bicorporate lion gules, and in base a gurges argent. Migel Gneuyle de Normandie (8/1979 East)

Per fess Or and azure, in pale a peacock in his pride proper and a cartwheel Or. Pettronella of Caer Galen (9/2004 Outl)

Per fess Or and azure, issuant from the line of division five piles wavy inverted gules, in base a hawk displayed, head lowered, argent. Elspeth Jean of Lochmaree (10/1986 Meri)

Per fess Or and azure, three crosses crosslet gules and a heart Or. Tam Surwald (1/2003 East)

Per fess Or and azure, three ravens rising contourny sable and a tree blasted and eradicated Or. Aranwen Ridhelic (9/2011 Meri)

Per fess Or and azure, two birds displayed heads to sinister sable and a Thor's hammer Or. Freydis Svensdottir (2/2003 AnTi)

Per fess Or and azure, two lozenges inarched counterchanged; a bordure wavy argent. Annelise Dagfinsdottir (8/1979 East)

Per fess Or and barry wavy argent and azure, a goblet and in chief three oak leaves sable. Maria Theresa of San Georgio (4/1986 Caid)

Per fess Or and bendy sinister gules and argent, a bull's head caboshed and in chief two eagles sable. Konrad von Altorff (6/2010 East)

Per fess Or and chequy sable and Or, on a fess rayonny gules, a lion passant coward Or. Aislinn di Tanaleone (8/1988 Anst)

Per fess Or and ermine, a garden rose gules slipped vert issuant from base, a bordure azure. Castellana Roseia Diez y Rodriquez (12/1991 Trim)

Per fess Or and gules, a boar passant gules and three plates. Symon Cendré (12/2004 West)

Per fess Or and gules, a dexter tierce vert. Benin (9/1995 West)

Per fess Or and gules, a domestic cat passant guardant sable and a mullet of eight points voided and interlaced Or. Abu Shadi Da'ud ibn Zahir al-Bulurmi (3/2011 Midd)

Per fess Or and gules, a dragon counterchanged maintaining a sword sable, in chief three roses proper. Gwydion Grandcoer of Shadowed Stars (6/1996 Midd)

Per fess Or and gules, a fess vert. Lithuania (12/1994 Laur)

Per fess Or and gules, a greyhound dormant and a triquetra counterchanged. Dosso Bracchetto (5/1999 Atla)

Per fess Or and gules, a scimitar inverted bendwise sinister counterchanged. Schaibar of Lorien (1/1973)

Per fess Or and gules, a sea-horse counterchanged. Rosalind Ryne (2/2003 Caid)

Per fess Or and gules, a sheaf of arrows and a Manx cat passant counterchanged. Nu'm bint Bâb (12/1993 East)

Per fess Or and gules, a winged rat couchant and a wagon wheel counterchanged. Andreu Recheles (9/2002 AnTi)

Per fess Or and gules, an arrow inverted bendwise between a heart and a roundel counterchanged. Guillaume de Copé (11/1982 Midd)

Per fess Or and gules, an enfield rampant counterchanged. Tavotai Koghunnoxaiyin (7/2001 Aten)

Per fess Or and gules, an estoile of eight rays within a bordure counterchanged. Milko Sanguineti (4/2000 Atla)

Per fess Or and gules, four lightning bolts in saltire, points to center, azure and a tower argent. Christoph von Lubbeke (9/1999 Arte)

Per fess Or and gules, in base a standing balance argent, a chief rayonny sable. Antonia della Scalla (7/2004 Loch)

Per fess Or and gules, in pale a lion's head erased and a ship in full sail counterchanged. Lewis Michael Patrick Blackmore (9/1988 Midd)

Per fess Or and gules, in pale three bulbs of garlic counterchanged purpure and argent. Esugenas maqqas Moridaci avvi Cremutanni (1/1998 AnTi)

Per fess Or and gules. Liechtenstein (12/1994 Laur)

Per fess Or and gules, on a fess azure an arch of seven mullets argent and in canton the state arms (An escutcheon per fess enarched, per pale gules and Or and azure, a garb Or, a sheaf of weapons proper surmounted by two banners in saltire per fess Or and gules, a fess azure, and a horse courant regardant contourny argent; the escutcheon ensigned with two cornucopias in saltire argent and environed of a wreath vert bound with a ribbon per fess Or and gules, a fess azure charged with the words 19 DE ABRIL DE 191810; INDEPENDENCIA; REPUBLICA BOLIVARIANA DE VENEZUELA; FEDERACIÓN; 20 DE FEBRERO DE 191859 Or). Venezuela (7/2006 Laur)

Per fess Or and gules on a fess azure an arch of seven mullets argent. Venezuela (11/1999 Laur)

Per fess Or and gules, three dice counterchanged. Bertrande Fresneau (7/2009 Midd)

Per fess Or and gules, three roses gules, barbed and seeded proper, and three annulets interlaced Or. Rosamir du Vale d'Amour (7/1974)

Per fess Or and gules, two dolphins respectant azure and a tree blasted and eradicated Or. Tobias Alan MacKenzie (6/1993 Midd)

Per fess Or and gules, two griffin's heads couped respectant gules, beaked sable, and a weaver's knot Or. Alys Slocombe (8/1989 Midd)

Per fess Or and gules, two ravens respectant sable and a drakkar Or. Asa Hrafnsdóttir (2/2003 West)

Per fess Or and lozengy vert and Or, in chief two towers vert. Sheri Lynn of Emerson Lake (5/1989 Atla)

Per fess Or and pean, a demi-sun sable charged with a demi-eagle Or. Dawen the Dark (6/2002 Aten)

Per fess Or and per chevron throughout purpure and Or, a rooster contourny sable and three suns counterchanged. Szöke Ersébet (5/2010 Loch)

Per fess Or and per fess azure and gules, an achievement of Ecuador (Four flags on flagpoles in saltire, each per fess Or and per fess azure and gules, overall on a cartouche blue-gray Mount Chimborazo issuant from fess argent, in base on a river estuary azure between banks of land vert a one-masted steamship proper, in chief a sun in its splendor Or, perched atop the cartouche a condor rising, wings displayed proper, dependent from the cartouche a fasces fesswise brown, bladed argent). Ecuador (9/1995 Laur)

Per fess Or and per fess azure and gules. Colombia (9/1995 Laur)

Per fess Or and per pale gules and azure, in chief a bull passant contourny maintaining in its mouth a pennanted staff sable. Bjorn Helgason (6/2007 West)

Per fess Or and per pale gules and azure, in pale a demi-sun sable and a sheaf of spoons Or. Sorcha inghean Mhic Eaghráin (7/2009 Atla)

Per fess Or and purpure, a cross bottony and a dolphin naiant counterchanged. Gerard le Bon d'Orleans (5/2007 AnTi)

Per fess Or and purpure, a sun within an orle counterchanged. Vytas Zemaiciu (2/1995 West)

Per fess Or and purpure, in chief two pairs of arrows in saltire sable and in base eight lozenges in annulo, points to center, Or. Targan de Montfort of Crystal Caverns (9/1990 West)

Per fess Or and sable, a bear rampant and a doumbek counterchanged. Achbar ibn Ali (7/2006 Atla)

Per fess Or and sable, a brown bear's head erased at the shoulders affronty proper and two tridents in saltire Or. Thaddeus of Champclair (4/1987 West)

Per fess Or and sable, a bull's head cabossed and a sun in its splendor counterchanged. Andrew MacLeod the Greybeard (8/2003 Meri)

Per fess Or and sable, a cat couchant and an acorn within a double tressure counterchanged. Ingrid Gerdesdottir (9/1997 Meri)

Per fess Or and sable, a fir tree eradicated and in chief three towers, all counterchanged. Karla of Sundragon (1/1987 Aten)

Per fess Or and sable, a fool's cap per pale gules and sable and a sheep's head cabossed Or within a bordure gules. Boddi bjarki Bjarnarson (11/2003 East)

Per fess Or and sable, a griffin segreant counterchanged, a chief counter-compony Or and sable. William of Westmarish (12/1992 Meri)

Per fess Or and sable, a lion rampant counterchanged on a chief sable three laurel wreaths Or. Mountain Edge, Shire of (8/1996 AnTi)

Per fess Or and sable, a pale counterchanged. Dafydd Chwith Nanheudwy (3/1999 Trim)

Per fess Or and sable, a phoenix counterchanged. Alan Culross (9/1983 Midd)

Per fess Or and sable, a sea-stag counterchanged. Assar merch Owen (8/1992 Atla)

Per fess Or and sable, a single-arched bridge and a sword inverted counterchanged. Ponte Alto, Barony of (7/2006 Atla)

Per fess Or and sable, a sun and a lion's head, erased and sinister facing, counterchanged. Vandra Lyonsmane (3/1990 West)

Per fess Or and sable, a wildcat passant guardant and a triskelion of armored legs counterchanged. Roger von Allenstein (5/1992 Aten)

Per fess Or and sable, in chief a griffin passant reguardant, grasping in its dexter talon a sheaf of arrows inverted gules, and in base a saltire gules, fimbriated Or. Gregory del Grifone Scarlàtto (8/1986 Caid)

Per fess Or and sable, in pale a rose and a footed balance counterchanged. Jeremy James Scurlock (10/1987 Anst)

Per fess Or and sable, in pall three swords conjoined at the pommels counterchanged. Robert Falford (7/1981 East)

Per fess Or and sable, three flames and a pagoda counterchanged. Ito Nori (11/1992 Atla)

Per fess Or and sable, three mullets counterchanged. Miles Warde (7/2003 Caid)

Per fess Or and sable, three pine trees couped vert and a griffin sejant contourny reguardant Or, all within a bordure counterchanged. Melisande of the Gryphon Wood (8/1994 East)

Per fess Or and sable, two bows nocked with arrows and drawn, strings to center, and a ram's head couped counterchanged. Þyri ingen Aedain ui Rigain (4/2007 Aten)

Per fess Or and sable, two wolves' heads cabossed counterchanged. Ragnar Ulfgarsson (5/1992 Anst)

Per fess Or and vert, a coney sejant erect counterchanged. Elspeth de Moravia (10/1996 Midd)

Per fess Or and vert, a dog courant sable marked argent, in chief three roundels vert. Emelyne Reisehund (3/2005 East)

Per fess Or and vert, a falcon's head erased to sinister sable and a triple-towered castle argent. Mikael auraprestr (6/2011 West)

Per fess Or and vert, a mountain range issuant from the line of division azure, overall a pine tree proper between in base three garbs in bend Or and a cow statant gules. Vermont, State of (5/1999 Laur)

Per fess Or and vert, a natural panther rampant sable breathing flames gules and a bordure counterchanged. Carolyn of An Dun Theine (11/2006 Meri)

Per fess Or and vert, in chief a pegasus volant to sinister, wings elevated and addorsed, gules. Deirdre Landfairre (7/1985 Aten)

Per fess Or and vert, in fess two beech trees couped counterchanged. Cuthred son of Hygestan (5/1990 AnTi)

Per fess Or and vert, in pale a lion dormant and another dormant to sinister counterchanged. Micheline du Follet (10/1997 Midd)

Per fess Or and vert, on a dexter tierce gules a mullet sable. Guinea-Bissau (9/1995 Laur)

Per fess Or and vert, on a pale counterchanged a mullet Or and a rose gules, barbed and seeded proper. Sarann of Rainsend (1/1984 Calo)

Per fess Or and vert, on a pale counterchanged, between in chief two martlets, in base a martlet vert. Anthony fitz Robert (9/1991 West)

Per fess Or and vert, three oak leaves counterchanged. Ceara Wyther (10/2005 Calo)

Per fess Or and vert, three trees eradicated and two lozenges counterchanged. Ulbrecht vom Walde (7/2006 Aten)

Per fess Or and vert, two griffins segreant and an annulet counterchanged, all within a bordure counter-ermine. Cipriano de Alvarez (3/1981 Meri)

Per fess Or and vert, two oak leaves and a full drop spindle inverted bendwise sinister counterchanged. Ceara Wyther (10/2005 Calo)

Per fess Or and vert, two ravens sable and a griffin Or. Sedania de Corwyn (2/2011 West)

Per fess Or and vert, two wyverns passant respectant gules within a bordure embattled counterchanged. William of Friedrichsburg (9/1993 Calo)

Per fess Or, masoned sable, and argent, in pale a lion passant guardant vert and a menorah sable, enflamed gules. Douglas of Sarkel (11/1989 Caid)

Per fess paly azure and argent, and argent, in base a wolf's head couped sable. Leidhrún Leidólfsdóttir (9/1992 Anst)

Per fess paly Or and azure and sable, in base three pawprints argent. Sewallus Siward de Shirley (4/2011 Anst)

Per fess pean and erminois, a boar statant contourny Or and a base rayonny gules. Stanislav von Neuland (4/1997 Atla)

Per fess pean and gules, a fess wavy argent and in base three grenades Or. Wolfgang Sebastian Kolhammer (1/2006 Outl)

Per fess per pale sable and gules, and argent, two dolphins haurient respectant argent and a pomegranate gules slipped and leaved vert. Jonet of Keyth (10/2010 Midd)

Per fess potenty argent and gules, in pale an otter counter-statant erect proper and a lion salient Or. Aleyn James Douglas (10/1980 Aten)

Per fess potenty argent and sable, a lion passant sable and two axes in saltire argent. Owen ap Dafydd (6/1990 West)

Per fess potenty azure and argent vêtu counterchanged, an hourglass argent and a key palewise wards to base sable. Abigail Fairechild of Maidstone (7/2008 Aten)

Per fess, potenty gules and Or, and azure a leopard's head cabossed Or. Catta of the Pyrfield (7/1974)

Per fess potenty Or and azure, in pale an increscent and a decrescent counterchanged. Bernadette du Barra (8/1979 Caid)

Per fess potenty sable and argent, in base a chevron gules, in dexter chief a cross fleury argent. Charles the Turbulent (2/1985 West)

Per fess purpure and argent, a comet fesswise argent and on a cauldron sable an escallop Or. Catalina Alvarez (1/1998 AEth)

Per fess purpure and argent, a decrescent counterchanged and in chief two mullets of eight points argent. Francisca de Montoya (6/2011 AnTi)

Per fess purpure and argent, a demi-crane displayed argent and a turtle inverted vert. Ise no Kusunoki Kametsuru (10/2003 Calo)

Per fess purpure and argent, a dove volant wings addorsed argent and a cluster of grapes purpure slipped and leaved vert. Serena Terranova (6/2001 East)

Per fess purpure and argent, a lion rampant reguardant counterchanged, its tail enflamed Or, maintaining in the sinister forepaw a sword argent enflamed Or. Kentiggerma the Rebellious (5/1981 Anst)

Per fess purpure and argent, a mullet argent and a mullet inverted sable. Y Blackhand (9/1971 West)

Per fess purpure and argent, a rabbit courant contourny ermine and a dandelion plant vert, blossomed Or. Viola verch Howell (9/2007 Aten)

Per fess purpure and argent, three roundels within a bordure embattled, all counterchanged. Jesse the Smith (10/1984 East)

Per fess purpure and argent, two horses passant respectant argent and a triple-headed thistle vert, flowered purpure, all within a bordure counter-compony purpure and argent. Meghan the Pitiful (5/1987 East)

Per fess purpure and azure, a fess wavy and in chief a Passion cross between a decrescent and an increscent argent. Celestria of Celtenhomme (1/2003 Calo)

Per fess purpure and azure, a fess wavy Or. Charles of Giggleswick (8/2002 East)

Per fess purpure and azure, a unicorn argent and a wingless dragon Or combattant. Anne of the Midlands (3/1993 Midd)

Per fess purpure and ermine, a catamount passant argent and a mullet of eight points purpure. Kiera Mörkstjärna (9/1986 Aten)

Per fess purpure and ermine, a fess counterchanged between a dragon passant argent and a dragon passant to sinister purpure. Georgii Kornilevich Neumyvakin (9/1989 Calo)

Per fess purpure and ermine, two wyverns statant counterchanged. Christiana Ivarsdóttir (12/1993 Anst)

Per fess purpure and gules, on a fess Or between three crosses couped argent and a bee Or a heart gules. Beatrix de Montecassino (9/2002 Meri)

Per fess purpure and Or, a bar counterchanged between a sword bendwise sinister proper enfiled of an annulet argent and a double-headed eagle displayed sable maintaining in its talons a serpent vert. Franz von Corgymonde (11/1981 Anst)

Per fess purpure and Or, a chevron ermine between three fleurs-de-lis counterchanged. Ysabeau Madeleine de Gascogne (4/1995 Atla)

Per fess purpure and Or, a cross counterchanged. Manus le Dragonier (5/1998 Caid)

Per fess purpure and Or, a fish haurient counterchanged. Ælfwynn Fiske (10/2003 AnTi)

Per fess purpure and Or, a hummingbird volant, wings addorsed, and three roses counterchanged barbed and seeded proper. Ealusaid inghean Mhaoil Choluim (5/2011 Outl)

Per fess purpure and Or, an acorn within a bordure counterchanged. Katharina Nüss (3/1993 Midd)

Per fess purpure and Or, an eagle rising wings elevated and addorsed Or and three chevronels braced purpure. Anna Caitlin MacFergus (12/1996 Anst)

Per fess purpure and Or, in pale a kettle Or atop a tree stump proper. Ian MacEwan (9/2007 Anst)

Per fess purpure and Or, on a pile inverted throughout dovetailed between in chief two bees volant en arriere, in base a rose all counterchanged. Lucia di Giardino (1/1998 Calo)

Per fess purpure and Or, two roses Or and a melusine proper crined sable, a bordure counterchanged. Marguerite Elisabeth of Sandwich (7/2001 Calo)

Per fess purpure and pean, in chief a phoenix, head facing to sinister, argent. Rose Chandler (1/2010 Drac)

Per fess purpure and sable, a boar-headed horse with lion's forelegs rampant Or. Siobhán Nic Bhloscaidh (4/1991 Midd)

Per fess purpure and sable, a jester's cap and a dragon's head couped argent. Amanda of Sankt Vladimir (6/2011 Aten)

Per fess purpure and sable, a skull and in base an hourglass fesswise argent. Soshka Gregor'evich Vilanov (7/2002 Trim)

Per fess purpure and sable, a stag trippant argent, attired Or and in chief a decrescent argent. Eleanore MacCarthaigh (12/1993 Aten)

Per fess purpure and sable, two wingless sea dragons respectant Or maintaining between them a laurel wreath argent. Loch Cairn, Shire of (12/2000 Meri)

Per fess purpure and vert, a Celtic cross and in chief a mullet of seven points Or. Mecia Raposa (10/2010 AnTi)

Per fess purpure and vert, a chevron Or between two roses and a lamb statant argent. Giovanna Lamberti (8/1996 East)

Per fess purpure and vert, a demi-sun issuant from the line of division and six fleurs-de-lys, a bordure Or. Adelyn la Souteresse (2/1998 Aten)

Per fess purpure and vert, a dove displayed, wings inverted within a bordure argent charged with a tressure per fess purpure and vert. Lisette de Ville (8/1993 Midd)

Per fess purpure and vert, a drinking horn palewise argent. Ófeigr Valgardsson (8/1995 Midd)

Per fess purpure and vert, a fess between in chief a decrescent between two mullets and in base a mullet argent. Anabella Makmyllane (4/2002 Midd)

Per fess purpure and vert, a fess embattled between a moon in her plenitude and a she-wolf passant contourny argent. Brianna Wulfbeald (5/2003 AnTi)

Per fess purpure and vert, a shooting star bendwise sinister argent. Chavah bat Mordechai (8/2002 Outl)

Per fess purpure and vert, a wyvern chequy argent and sable. Retepert the Barbarian (3/1987 East)

Per fess purpure and vert, in chief a pair of angles fesswise interlaced in pale Or and a base wavy barry wavy argent and vert. Viola de Verde (8/2005 Calo)

Per fess purpure and vert, issuant from the line of division a demi-mullet of twelve points Or and in base an ale keg proper. Andregor Starseeker von Morgenwind (11/1981 Caid)

Per fess purpure and vert, on a fess between a greyhound courant and a cat sejant argent a popinjay proper. Elspeth of Foxden (1/2002 Caid)

Per fess purpure and vert, on a heart argent in pale a triquetra vert and a triquetra inverted purpure conjoined. Yvette Coeur (6/2011 AnTi)

Per fess purpure and vert, two bendlets and two scarpes fretted, in pale three thistles in pale Or. Robert Crosar (1/2000 Caid)

Per fess purpure and vert, two peaches stemmed and leaved Or and a duck argent. Piçanina da Monte (8/2010 East)

Per fess purpure and vert, two stags trippant counter-trippant Or. Mora Gowe (8/2003 Caid)

Per fess purpure and vert. Willehalm Bärenjäger (2/2012 AEth)

Per fess raguly argent and vert, in saltire a wooden-handled spade and a two-pronged mowing fork sable, hafted proper. Andrew of the North Shore (5/1985 Aten)

Per fess raguly vert and argent, an eagle displayed perched on a bow and three trees counterchanged. Isabeau Eaglestone of Glinwood (8/1987 Caid)

Per fess rayonny and per pale purpure and Or, in dexter chief a star of David argent. Ellen of the Gleaming Star (1/1973)

Per fess rayonny argent and azure, a lion rampant between four fleurs-de-lys in saltire, all counterchanged. Thomas du Lac (1/1991 Trim)

Per fess rayonny argent and azure, an escallop inverted gules and a lucy naiant argent. Gerald de Rapalje (7/1982 Aten)

Per fess rayonny argent and azure, in chief a dolphin embowed and in base a lyre counterchanged, the lyre bridged Or. Geneviéve de Water Wood (1/1980 Aten)

Per fess rayonny argent and azure, in pale a butterfly volant en arriere and another inverted counterchanged. Gwyneth Banfhidhleir (11/1984 Midd)

Per fess rayonny argent and gules, a Maltese cross and an anvil reversed counterchanged. Galen MacLean (10/2006 AnTi)

Per fess rayonny argent and gules, a wolf's head cabossed sable and three crampons argent. Vladimir Zinonovich (10/1994 Calo)

Per fess rayonny argent and gules. Sapphira (8/1971)

Per fess rayonny argent and sable, in chief a heart gules. Julie of the Blackwater (10/1973)

Per fess rayonny argent and sable, in chief a horse courant sable. Melinda Cheval du Feu (7/1988 West)

Per fess rayonny argent and sable, in chief a vol gules. Symonne de Monte Acuto (4/1999 Midd)

Per fess rayonny argent and sable, three estoiles counterchanged gules and argent. Angus MacFee (8/1988 West)

Per fess rayonny argent and sable, three natural seahorses azure and a Catherine wheel Or. Katerina of Hamberg (4/2007 Aten)

Per fess rayonny argent, ermined gules, and gules, in chief a dragon rampant Or. Brian the Inquisitive (10/1982 Caid)

Per fess rayonny azure and argent, a heart between three crosses formy counterchanged. Harald Isenross (4/1989 Calo)

Per fess rayonny azure and argent, an open book argent and a roofless well gules. Alina Meraud Bryte (5/2007 Calo)

Per fess rayonny azure and gules, a winged lion counter-rampant within a bordure Or. Cinhil MacAran (7/1980 East)

Per fess rayonny azure and gules, in chief a bear passant argent. Isibel sviðanda (10/2005 AnTi)

Per fess rayonny azure and gules, three vanneaux Or. Emrys FitzRainold de Venoix (3/1998 Caid)

Per fess rayonny azure and Or, a plover volant to sinister argent and a mermaid vert. Genevieve Pelagia (1/1985 East)

Per fess rayonny gules and argent, an eagle's head erased proper and a two-towered castle sable, masoned argent. Egill von Stahl (1/1982 West)

Per fess rayonny gules and azure, a dragon sejant erect contourny and a mullet of eight points formed of two delfs voided interlaced Or. Khadir bar Yosef ha-Kuzari (4/1995 AnTi)

Per fess rayonny gules and azure, in chief a Oriental dragon passant Or. Tatsukawa Morihide (1/2007 Atla)

Per fess rayonny gules and azure, in chief two oars in saltire argent. Finnvarðr mjoksiglandi Grísson (6/2005 Midd)

Per fess rayonny gules and Or, a hawk striking counterchanged. Bran Firehawk (8/1982 Caid)

Per fess rayonny gules and Or, a heart counterchanged. Rowena MacDonald (1/1996 Calo)

Per fess rayonny gules and Or, a lizard tergiant counterchanged. Clemens Gascoigne (5/2008 Loch)

Per fess rayonny gules and sable, three decrescents argent. Sylvana Ballaster (9/2002 Atla)

Per fess rayonny gules semy of swords Or and Or, a phoenix facing sinister gules. Alexander Wardlye (1/2007 Caid)

Per fess rayonny Or and azure, in chief a narwhal embowed sable. Robert of Earthdelve (11/1980 West)

Per fess rayonny Or and gules, a boar passant and three oak leaves conjoined in pall fructed with three acorns in pall inverted, all counterchanged. Cuthbad a'Bheithir (11/1989 East)

Per fess rayonny Or and gules, a fire arrow fesswise reversed sable enflamed gules and a castle argent. Zekel Zofia (5/2007 Aten)

Per fess rayonny Or and gules, a laurel wreath counterchanged. Flaming Hall, Canton of the (1/1973)

Per fess rayonny Or and sable, in chief a lion rampant gules, maintaining a quill bendwise sinister, between in fess two fleurs-de-lys sable, in base a sun argent. Philippe Lyon de Marseilles (11/1987 Caid)

Per fess rayonny Or and vert, two ravens volant sable and a boar statant Or. Andrew Mac Corryn (9/2009G)

Per fess rayonny purpure and gules, in chief two continental panthers combattant Or. Aurora Howe (12/1994 Trim)

Per fess rayonny purpure and Or, in chief a hare courant argent. Aldyth Trefaldwyn (3/1996 Outl)

Per fess rayonny sable and argent, a phoenix rising contourny Or and a torch sable. Ceallach mac Gallchobhair (11/1993 Caid)

Per fess rayonny sable and azure, in base an owl rampant gardant, dexter wing erect, argent. Nadine Geneviève Bayeux du Nord (5/1980 Aten)

Per fess rayonny sable and gules, a triskelion of legs and a roundel argent. Gabriella Verde (6/1995 East)

Per fess rayonny sable and gules, an eagle displayed Or breathing flames proper. David Evan McKuenn (7/1984 Anst)

Per fess rayonny sable and gules, in base a horse courant contourny, a chief embattled argent. Marc MacLave (6/2002 AEth)

Per fess rayonny sable and gules, in chief a mullet of seven points between the horns of a crescent argent. Khalil al-Jili (2/1999 Loch)

Per fess rayonny sable and gules, in pale a wolf rampant argent and a sword inverted proper. Horic Grarvargr Caithnes (10/1983 East)

Per fess rayonny sable and gules, two talbots statant counterstatant argent. Alleyne Blackburn (5/2001 Atla)

Per fess rayonny sable and Or, a crescent pendant Or and a mullet of eight points gules. Mordain Blackcloak (12/1981 Midd)

Per fess rayonny sable and Or, a lion couchant argent and a rose sable. Duncan von Halstern (5/1996 East)

Per fess rayonny sable and Or, in pale three bezants one and two and a fox statant guardant to sinister sable, marked argent. Selene Colfox (9/1981 Caid)

Per fess rayonny sable and Or, three decrescents in fess Or and a boar's head erased vert. Thomas Gunn (12/1990 AnTi)

Per fess rayonny sable and Or, three dragonflies, two and one, and a raven counterchanged. Dúnlaith ingen Báethgalaig (3/2008 Atla)

Per fess rayonny vert and argent, in base a chevron vert. Jane Falconmoor (3/1987 West)

Per fess rayonny vert and argent, in chief a crescent inverted Or and in base three Latin crosses bottony gules. Matthew of Skraeling Althing (12/1995 Midd)

Per fess rayonny vert and argent, two ram's heads fesswise respectant couped and a four-leaf clover slipped counterchanged. Doireann of Danegeld Tor (1/2012 West)

Per fess rayonny vert and Or, a demi-dragon rampant reguardant, issuant from the line of division argent and a laurel wreath vert. Stan Wyrm, Shire of (11/1993 Aten)

Per fess sable and argent, a bear rampant between three sheaves of arrows counterchanged. Bjorn Styrkarsson (2/2009 AnTi)

Per fess sable and argent, a chevron throughout embattled counter-embattled between three columns counterchanged. Leximus Taurus (6/1997 Caid)

Per fess sable and argent, a compass star and a mountain counterchanged. James Killian (9/1992 Anst)

Per fess sable and argent, a crescent argent and a cinquefoil pierced azure. Gabriela Scarpuzzi (4/1994 Midd)

Per fess sable and argent, a crescent argent and three wolves statant contourny sable. Murdoch McArthur (8/2001 Meri)

Per fess sable and argent, a cross gules. Templars, Order of the Knights (12/1994 Laur)

Per fess sable and argent, a demi-sun issuant from the line of division argent and an Oriental dragon passant gules. Santiago of the Angels (9/2002 Caid)

Per fess sable and argent, a dragon passant and a cross formy counterchanged. Hans Wolfgang vom Drachen (10/1992 Midd)

Per fess sable and argent, a drakkar Or and a thistle proper. Tamlin Lochmaben (4/2004 Caid)

Per fess sable and argent, a fess between two crosses swallowtailed, each charged with a cross crosslet, counterchanged. Leothgar de Sithia (3/1982 West)

Per fess sable and argent, a garden rose slipped and leaved fesswise reversed and a cat sejant counterchanged. Krystyana of Dragon Run (10/1985 West)

Per fess sable and argent, a goat's head erased between three gates counterchanged. Angus Bull (10/2001 AEth)

Per fess sable and argent, a hammer and a hand counterchanged. Markus Hammerhand (1/1997 AnTi)

Per fess sable and argent, a keystone and a ferret rampant counterchanged. Steven Desjardins (7/2008 AnTi)

Per fess sable and argent, a keythong rampant contourny counterchanged. Boaz of Zarthan (8/1997 East)

Per fess sable and argent, a lion dormant Or, a sword inverted gules and a key fesswise sable, one and two. Heinrich Altmark (8/1981 Meri)

Per fess sable and argent, a mascle counterchanged. Jorundr haustmyrkr (4/2008 AnTi)

Per fess sable and argent, a melusine proper crined Or between three whelk shells counterchanged. Madeline Cartier (9/1994 East)

Per fess sable and argent, a pale counterchanged, overall a bagwyn rampant guardant gules. Crisiant ferch Eirian (11/1986 AnTi)

Per fess sable and argent, a pale counterchanged, overall a garden rose gules, slipped and leaved vert, between in chief two Thespian masks argent. Cassandra the Gypsy (11/1990 West)

Per fess sable and argent, a plate and a tree blasted and eradicated sable. Gwenllian of Yarnvid (4/2009 Atla)

Per fess sable and argent, a sea serpent ondoyant within a bordure wavy counterchanged. Ivan the Illustrated (9/1988 Caid)

Per fess sable and argent, a sperm whale naiant Or and a lymphad, sails furled, oars in action, gules. Cormac MacEamon na Connemara (3/1984 East)

Per fess sable and argent, a stag's head erased within a bordure dovetailed counterchanged. Heinrich von Auerbach aus Ulm (2/1991 East)

Per fess sable and argent, a tree, blasted and eradicated between in chief a decrescent and an increscent counterchanged. Mathieu Sylverwoode of Nyte Haven (6/1986 Caid)

Per fess sable and argent, a tyger rampant contourny queue-forchy counterchanged. Micheau de Sévigné (9/1993 Anst)

Per fess sable and argent, a wolf passant and a wolf sejant contourny ululant counterchanged. Helga gylðir (6/2006 Caid)

Per fess sable and argent, a wolf salient between in pale a crescent inverted and a crescent counterchanged. Aislinn Ard na Tine (12/1983 Meri)

Per fess sable and argent, a wolf statant contourny and a wolf statant, a bordure counterchanged. Michael of Blackhawk (2/2011 Midd)

Per fess sable and argent, an annulet between two bars dancetty counterchanged. Fionnghuala Leasa na Linne (4/1989 East)

Per fess sable and argent, an open book argent and a raven sable charged on the wing with a Tau cross Or. Tómas Tóstason (1/2005 Anst)

Per fess sable and argent, chaussé gules, issuant from a fess azure a demi-sun Or. Antigua and Barbuda (9/1995 Laur)

Per fess sable and argent, four wolf's teeth issuant from sinister counterchanged. Tanna-Kormákr Makansson (8/1993 East)

Per fess sable and argent, in bend nine wolf-paw prints counterchanged five and four, in sinister chief a plate. Esther of Darkhaven (1/1973)

Per fess sable and argent, in chief a house and in base three roundels in fess counterchanged. Brian of Leichester (3/2004 AEth)

Per fess sable and argent, in chief a needle bendwise sinister argent and in dexter base in bend three gouttes-de-sang. Elaina de Sinistre (12/1982 Atla)

Per fess sable and argent, in chief three towers Or, in base an eagle displayed gules. Wolfram von Windberg (2/1997 West)

Per fess sable and argent, in pale a bezant and a torteau. Peder Klingrode (12/1987 East)

Per fess sable and argent, in pale a moon in her complement argent and a raven sable perched atop and sustained by an oak branch fesswise proper. Ailléne Ravenstongue (1/2005 Midd)

Per fess sable and argent, in pale a plate and a sprig of cherries gules slipped and leaved vert all within a bordure counterchanged. Rachel Ravenlock (10/1995 Aten)

Per fess sable and argent, in pale a standing balance conjoined with another inverted counterchanged. Dikran Dikranian (1/2007 West)

Per fess sable and argent, in pale an annulet Or and an annulet gules, interlaced. Baldur Peregrinator (8/1995 Midd)

Per fess sable and argent, in pale two winged unicorns couchant, wings elevated and addorsed, counterchanged. Echri Dubh (10/1989 West)

Per fess sable and argent, on a delf an early Norwegian kauna rune, all counterchanged. Clef of Cividale (6/2004 Calo)

Per fess sable and argent semy-de-lys sable, a fess of three lozenges gules and in chief a lion dormant argent. Yseult de Montagu (11/2005 Meri)

Per fess sable and argent, three candles one and two argent flammant proper and three needles conjoined in pile sable. Gillian de la Luz (11/1995 Aten)

Per fess sable and argent, three chevronels braced counterchanged and on a chief argent a pellet. Mons Tonitrus, Barony of (6/1992 Aten)

Per fess sable and argent, three gyrons issuant from chief argent and three chevronels braced sable. Mons Tonitrus, Barony of (8/1992 Aten)

Per fess sable and argent, three increscents two and one argent and a sea-pithon erect vert. Vlkava Wandelber (3/2010 Trim)

Per fess sable and argent, two decrescents and a bear statant guardant within a bordure all counterchanged. Cwenthryth Wine (3/1991 Midd)

Per fess sable and argent, two estoiles and an eagle's head erased counterchanged, a bordure azure. Taran de Montfort (9/1997 West)

Per fess sable and argent, two lozenges gules fimbriated argent and a fox passant proper. Onóra Refsdóttir (8/2003 Midd)

Per fess sable and argent, two Maltese crosses and a compass star, all counterchanged. Genevieve Emrys (7/1987 West)

Per fess sable and argent, two swans naiant contourny counterchanged. Elric Dracwine (10/1999 Anst)

Per fess sable and argent, two swords in saltire gules. Holy Roman Empire, Reichsmarschal of the (12/1994 Laur)

Per fess sable and argent, two swords in saltire proper and a snake involved gules. Dugald Kerr (1/1995 Midd)

Per fess sable and azure, a comet bendwise sinister inverted and in chief three suns Or. Colm Kile of Lochalsh (4/1994 Caid)

Per fess sable and azure, a compass star within a sea-serpent involved head to base argent. Rørik Sverðmaðr (6/2003 Caid)

Per fess sable and azure, a demi-sun in splendor issuant from the line of division within a laurel wreath, in chief a crescent Or. Insula Draconis, Principality of (6/2004 Drac)

Per fess sable and azure a fess wavy argent between three crescents and a dolphin naiant Or. Dervilia O'Shannon (12/1993 Anst)

Per fess sable and azure, a fess wavy between two decrescents argent. Guy de Bealmont (2/2004 Anst)

Per fess sable and azure, a lymphad sails unfurled within a laurel wreath and a bordure Or. Storm, Shire of the (10/2001 Trim)

Per fess sable and azure, a mermaid per fess Or and argent, in chief two pitchers fesswise, their bases to center, each distilling a gout Or. Sechen Doghshin-Unegen (11/2007 Aten)

Per fess sable and azure, a pegasus salient argent, in base a trimount Or. Kenelm de la Dale (9/1989 West)

Per fess sable and azure, a plate and in base two bars wavy argent. Valdemar Sigurdson (1/2011 Loch)

Per fess sable and azure, a recorder bendwise sinister Or and three crescents argent. Ainder ingen Demmáin (7/2009 Aten)

Per fess sable and azure, a rosebud slipped and leaved fesswise reversed and three hawk's bells Or. Liala Alacrán de las Campañas (11/1982 West)

Per fess sable and azure, a swan naiant argent, beaked, in chief an increscent, decrescent, and increscent, one and two, Or. Ruth Baraskaya (2/1981 East)

Per fess sable and azure, a tower between in fess four mullets in chevron inverted, and in chief a gull volant to sinister argent. Merlynia of Rivenoak (10/1984 East)

Per fess sable and azure, a wolf sejant ululant and in dexter chief a roundel argent. Petronia Lupa (2/2012 Aten)

Per fess sable and azure, a wolf's head cabossed and a drakkar argent. Gísli Óttarsson (1/2009 Atla)

Per fess sable and azure, an increscent argent between four mullets of four points in cross Or. Anastasiya Dolgorukova (3/1994 Atla)

Per fess sable and azure, in bend a swan naiant contourny reguardant between two decrescents argent. Norbert of Iken (1/1994 West)

Per fess sable and azure, in chief a mask of comedy and a mask of tragedy argent and in base a glove puppet Or. Genevieve de Corbeil (1/2007 Arte)

Per fess sable and azure, in chief a scorpion passant and in base three hawk's bells Or. Liala Alacrán de las Campañas (10/1980 West)

Per fess sable and azure, on a fess argent a heart gules and in base an arm fesswise embowed vested Or. Anne Gyldensleve (3/2006 Midd)

Per fess sable and azure, three crosses flory argent and a lion's head jessant de lys Or. Gregory de Saville (2/2003 Caid)

Per fess sable and azure, two axes in saltire and a sea lion argent. Ulf the Confused (11/1992 AnTi)

Per fess sable and barry wavy azure and argent, on a fess wavy Or a demi-sea-serpent haurient issuant from base, gules. Raibeart Lachlaness MacGhille-Mhaolain (7/1981 West)

Per fess sable and checky argent and vert. Rowan Westwood (4/2006 East)

Per fess sable and checky azure and argent, in chief an hourglass fesswise per fess argent and Or framed argent. Æthelflæda Boscher (11/2006 Aten)

Per fess sable and checky sable and argent, in chief an owl close guardant maintaining a chess rook in its dexter upraised talon argent. Cormac Jacobo de Vega (7/1984 Anst)

Per fess sable and ermine, a Celtic cross per fess argent and vert. Colm Dubh (1/1990 Caid)

Per fess sable and ermine, in chief a lion dormant argent. James Winter of White Forest (4/1989 Calo)

Per fess sable and erminoise, in pale a open book argent, charged with a quill bendwise sinister, and a heart gules. Adela de Shea (7/1981 East)

Per fess sable and gules, a bar gemel argent. Brunissende Dragonette de Brocéliande (1/2007 East)

Per fess sable and gules, a castle triple-towered Or and a talbot's head couped argent. Leonard du Chien (9/1993 East)

Per fess sable and gules, a cat rampant guardant within an orle argent. Catte MacGuffee (3/2003 Meri)

Per fess sable and gules, a claymore proper transfixing a rose Or. Ided of Rising Waters (8/2009 Eald)

Per fess sable and gules, a dance Or and in chief two mullets argent. Eógan mac Áeda (10/2002 AnTi)

Per fess sable and gules, a dog statant reguardant argent and a bowen cross Or. Fiona Cattanach (2/1998 West)

Per fess sable and gules, a dragonfly Or. Maol Anna de Chassant (4/1994 East)

Per fess sable and gules a fess conjoined in chief with a demi-pale between two unicorn's heads couped respectant and a phoenix displayed head facing sinister argent. Jaric de l'Ile Longe Sault (2/1992 East)

Per fess sable and gules, a fess embattled counter-embattled between an eagle's head erased and a tower argent. Romanus Castelyn (11/2004 Aten)

Per fess sable and gules, a fess embattled counter-embattled between three fleurs-de-lys all within a bordure embattled Or. Friedrich der Halsabschneider (8/1991 Midd)

Per fess sable and gules, a fess embattled, in chief three crescents Or. Ciaran MacDarragh (2/1992 Caid)

Per fess sable and gules, a heart argent goutty de sang. Aurildis Peregrina (3/1993 Midd)

Per fess sable and gules, a hind at gaze argent and three roses argent barbed and seeded proper. Adelaide de Honfleur (7/2011 AnTi)

Per fess sable and gules, a Lacy knot between three stick shuttles argent. Brigit Katherine Stoneman (2/1995 Midd)

Per fess sable and gules, a lion passant guardant Or maintaining a heart, in chief three broad arrows inverted argent. Arthur Bromere (10/1993 Calo)

Per fess sable and gules, a lion's head erased between three crosses formy Or. Edward of Lyonsmoor (11/1994 Meri)

Per fess sable and gules, a male griffin's head erased within an orle argent. Griffin Rede (7/2003 Loch)

Per fess sable and gules, a mouse of India statant erect Or and in chief two scimitars addorsed argent. Davud of the Middle (12/2008 Midd)

Per fess sable and gules, a rhinoceros statant Or and two arrows inverted in saltire argent. Ullrich Verloren (7/2008 Anst)

Per fess sable and gules, a scimitar fesswise blade to base, fracted and a crescent inverted a bordure Or. Khadija bint Shuja (4/1998 Calo)

Per fess sable and gules, a sealion erect and in chief two roses Or. Terrick de Rijkaard (1/1994 AnTi)

Per fess sable and gules, a sealion within a bordure Or. Timas Propugnator Marcus (7/1991 West)

Per fess sable and gules, a skeletal hand fesswise argent and a mallet inverted Or. Cosmo Craven the Elder (9/1999 Aten)

Per fess sable and gules, a sword inverted and a tierce argent. Godwyn Stuart de Lacy (6/2005 Drac)

Per fess sable and gules, a tree blasted and in chief three mullets of eight points Or. Adam de Ansedleh (6/2011 West)

Per fess sable and gules, a tyger rampant and in chief a sword and a straight trumpet inverted in saltire argent. Robert of Caithness (2/1999 AnTi)

Per fess sable and gules, a winged boar passant contourny and an open book argent. Beatrice Celestine of Normandy (7/1994 Caid)

Per fess sable and gules, a winged stag segreant argent between in chief six mullets in chevron Or. Uther the Dark (6/2007 Aten)

Per fess sable and gules, a wolf's head couped contourny and a mortar and pestle argent. Ænwulf of Gyldenholt (2/2004 Caid)

Per fess sable and gules, a wolf's head erased argent between three swords, each fracted in chevron, proper. Domnall MacDaniell (8/1988 East)

Per fess sable and gules, all estencely argent, a mullet of seven points within and conjoined to a decrescent argent. Celeste Creirwy verch Dafydd (3/1993 Midd)

Per fess sable and gules, an elephant's head cabossed argent armed between three fleurs-de-lis Or. 'A'isha al-Zahra' (11/2006 AnTi)

Per fess sable and gules, an owl between three lotus blossoms in profile Or. Ælfwyn Wodende (10/1995 Caid)

Per fess sable and gules, in base two bezants. Genevieve Rose de Glendalough (9/2011 Midd)

Per fess sable and gules, in chief a compass star and in base three palets couped at the line of division argent. Edmund Newcastle (1/2005 Outl)

Per fess sable and gules, in chief two swords in saltire argent and in base in fess a sword inverted Or between two Latin doubled crosses crosslet argent. William Ulf (4/2010 Trim)

Per fess sable and gules, in fess an eagle displayed and a Celtic cross Or. Richard Stewart of Saint Andrews (2/2000 Meri)

Per fess sable and gules, in pale a griffin segreant maintaining two swords and a tree eradicated argent. Aretaeus Spartiatês (7/2008 Aten)

Per fess sable and gules, in saltire a sword inverted and an axe, all surmounted by an oar palewise, blade to chief, Or. Theoden the Oarsman (4/1988 East)

Per fess sable and gules, on a fess argent between a two-headed demi-eagle displayed issuant from the fess and a tower, both Or, three anchors gules. Kathleen O'Dubhghaill (7/1985 West)

Per fess sable and gules, three wolf's heads erased and a Maltese cross fitchy argent. Wolfgang von der Hafen (2/1999 Anst)

Per fess sable and gules, two gyrons issuant from dexter chief and from sinister, conjoined at the honor point and in sinister chief an increscent, all argent. Ilissa the Nightwatcher (9/1988 Meri)

Per fess sable and gules, two pairs of annulets conjoined in fess Or and a butterfly Or, marked sable. Judith de Bohun (1/1991 Meri)

Per fess sable and gules, two roses gules, barbed vert, seeded and fimbriated Or, and a hammer bendwise argent. Bearengaer hinn Raudi (7/1983 Midd)

Per fess sable and gules, two swords inverted in saltire surmounted by a sword inverted palewise, all proper, within a bordure dovetailed argent. Hagen Silverskull (5/1988 Midd)

Per fess sable and gyronny from the fess point argent and vert, a cross alisée fitchy Or. Fëamîr Bek (5/1996 Aten)

Per fess sable and lozengy argent and azure, in chief a lion dormant to sinister Or. Eoin Mac Cana (4/2002 Meri)

Per fess sable and lozengy gules and Or, in chief a sea-lion naiant, haloed Or. Lyell Leslie of Inian Isle (10/1987 West)

Per fess sable and lozengy vert and argent, in chief two demi-horses combattant argent. Morgaine Rhys ap Gruffydd (5/1996 Aten)

Per fess sable and Or, a demi-bear issuant from a cauldron counterchanged. Harald Cristianson (5/2000 Midd)

Per fess sable and Or, a fess gules. Germany (12/1994 Laur)

Per fess sable and Or, a fess wavy argent and in chief a bee Or. Wilthein Wisbram (6/2001 East)

Per fess sable and Or, a fleur-de-lys and a single-arched bridge counterchanged. Ponte Alto, Barony of (8/2006 Atla)

Per fess sable and Or, a griffin segreant contourny argent and two rapiers inverted in saltire sable. Sergii Boyanovich Samopalov (9/1993 Anst)

Per fess sable and Or, a lion rampant to sinister reguardant, maintaining a fasces Or, and a fern frond vert. Katharine Long (3/2008 East)

Per fess sable and Or, a lozenge counterchanged and in base an anvil sable. Michael of Black Diamond (1/2009 Atla)

Per fess sable and Or, a mermaid maintaining over her head two swords in saltire all within a laurel wreath counterchanged. Bentonshire (4/2003 Trim)

Per fess sable and Or, a mullet of eight points pierced counterchanged in base a garden rosebud fesswise reversed gules, slipped and leaved vert, a chief embattled Or. Elanor O'Halloraine (1/2007 Outl)

Per fess sable and Or, a mullet of six points and a fox's head cabossed counterchanged. Daffyd MacRory (4/1989 West)

Per fess sable and Or, a scimitar fesswise reversed, blade to base, and a rose counterchanged. Finlay Roisín (2/1988 Midd)

Per fess sable and Or, a sea-tyger erect maintaining a rapier inverted counterchanged. Anthony Hawke (11/2000 AnTi)

Per fess sable and Or, a sun and a sinister glove counterchanged. Alexander Craythorne (5/2002 Midd)

Per fess sable and Or, a sun between six mullets in annulo counterchanged. Eskalya, Barony of (8/2010 West)

Per fess sable and Or, a sun gules between in pale two towers counterchanged. Felena Sidra de la Croix (9/1984 Anst)

Per fess sable and Or, a two-headed vulture displayed Or and three roses sable barbed, slipped, leaved and seeded proper. Valdríkr inn Danski (5/2006 Calo)

Per fess sable and Or, an eagle rising displayed grasping in its dexter talon a sword, and an eagle's leg couped and embowed fesswise counterchanged. Casimer of Silesia (3/1982 Caid)

Per fess sable and Or, in chief a demi-dragon issuant from the line of division maintaining a mortar and pestle and in base a cross moline counterchanged. Goldweard of St. Golias (6/2009 Anst)

Per fess sable and Or, in chief five mullets of four straight and four wavy rays, three and two, argent and in base a dexter gauntlet bendwise sinister gules. Rhys of Septentria (4/1987 Midd)

Per fess sable and Or, on a narcissus blossom affronty argent a Celtic cross Or. Alianora Alexandra da Lyshåret (6/2002 West)

Per fess sable and Or, on a pale between four Celtic crosses, two Celtic crosses, all counterchanged. Sean MacAhrt uiBriain (6/1985 Aten)

Per fess sable and Or semy of shamrocks vert, on a sun Or a decrescent sable. Brenna inghean Fhionnlaoich (4/2001 Meri)

Per fess sable and Or, three crescents pendant and a natural panther passant counterchanged. Katla in Rauðhára (1/2007 Arte)

Per fess sable and Or, three goblets counterchanged. Ottavia Fortunati (7/2007 Caid)

Per fess sable and Or, three suns Or eclipsed and a fret gules. Engelbrecht Wandelber (8/2007 Meri)

Per fess sable and Or, two arrows inverted and a wolf's head cabossed within a bordure semy of musical notes, all counterchanged. Hamon MacPhersone (1/2008 Atla)

Per fess sable and Or, two catamounts counterstatant guardant counterchanged. Sieglinde von Eichstatt (9/1986 West)

Per fess sable and Or, two horseshoes and a single-headed chess knight counterchanged. Randgar Schmidt (12/1988 Calo)

Per fess sable and purpure, a hound couchant reguardant and a fret throughout issuant from the line of division argent. Aurelia of Whitebrook (11/1999 Arte)

Per fess sable and purpure all semy of double-bitted axes Or. Anton Vadim syn (8/2006 AEth)

Per fess sable and purpure, in chief three escallops and in base eight spears in annulo hafts to center Or. Radigost the Lame (2/2002 Aten)

Per fess sable and purpure, in pale a decrescent Or and a goutte d'eau. Joseph of Würm Wald (8/1988 Midd)

Per fess sable and vert, a fess and in chief a demi-sun gules. Malawi (9/1995 Laur)

Per fess sable and vert, a fess argent, overall on a dexter tierce triangular gules a mullet of seven points argent. Jordan (9/1995 Laur)

Per fess sable and vert, a fess argent, surmounted by a tower Or. Graça da Alataia (12/1983 Midd)

Per fess sable and vert, a fess gules fimbriated, overall two spears in saltire argent surmounted by an oval shield Gules, in pale a plate between two deer's hoofprints argent all between flaunches sable. Kenya (9/1995 Laur)

Per fess sable and vert, a fess, in canton a roundel argent. Mieszko Zielénski (4/1998 Atla)

Per fess sable and vert, a fess Or between three comets bendwise sinister inverted argent and a lion couchant Or. Leonides Abington (9/2011 Trim)

Per fess sable and vert, a fess wavy argent between three armored arms fesswise embowed, each brandishing a hammer Or. Tóth István (3/1993 Midd)

Per fess sable and vert, a fess wavy argent, in chief a mullet of eight points Or. Americ of Seashire (1/1992 East)

Per fess sable and vert, a pile inverted between in chief two triskeles argent. Yngvarr Feilan Rauðúlfsson (1/2000 Outl)

Per fess sable and vert, a swan naiant and in chief three lozenges argent. Finnguala ingen Néill meic Chuircc (7/2004 Atla)

Per fess sable and vert, a tower between in fess two bear's paw prints palewise Or. Morgan Arthur ap Llewellyn (3/1988 Caid)

Per fess sable and vert, a wolf passant and a dragon passant Or. Muirghein MacKiernan (9/2009 Anst)

Per fess sable and vert, a wolf passant between three triquetras argent. Cú Roí hua Duibidir (8/2006 Outl)

Per fess sable and vert, an eagle rising Or between seven mullets of six points in orle argent. Theophilus Balsamon (11/2011 Loch)

Per fess sable and vert, an increscent and a pawprint argent. Ysabella de Conventre (3/2012 East)

Per fess sable and vert, an osprey striking within a bordure engrailed argent. Jonathan Osprey of Wimbern (8/1989 Midd)

Per fess sable and vert, between the wingtips of a vol a roundel argent. Guido Dono da Bologna (12/2001 AnTi)

Per fess sable and vert, in bend three suns Or. Friða Sørkvisdóttir (8/2003 Meri)

Per fess sable and vert, in chief three mullets Or. Catherine of Ynys Fawr (9/2011 Loch)

Per fess sable and vert, issuant from the line of division a demi-compass-star Or. Mathias Sicco von Hagen (7/1982 West)

Per fess sable and vert, on a fess argent three ravens contourny regardant each perched atop a branch sable and in base a laurel wreath argent. Ravenwood, Shire of (10/2004 Meri)

Per fess sable and vert, on a fess wavy argent a greyhound courant sable. Willelmus Mann (9/2008 Meri)

Per fess sable and vert, two hares dormant argent. Giovanni Argento Coniglio (4/2003 Trim)

Per fess sable and vert, two plates and a wolf's head cabossed argent. Alexander de Graystanes (5/1988 Midd)

Per fess sable estencelly argent and vert, a fess dancetty argent. Rosaline Hiver (8/2006 West)

Per fess sable, estoily argent, and vert, in chief a sun in splendor Or and in base three bezants. Leonardo il Calamaro (9/1990 Calo)

Per fess sable, mulletty argent, and argent, in base a wolf statant guardant sable. Stanislas Blachuta (6/1989 Calo)

Per fess sable mulletty argent and vert, a pheon inverted argent. Rupert Fairchilde MacChlurain (5/1985 West)

Per fess sable mullety argent, and gules, a fess rayonny Or. Leborcham Cinncorad (7/1996 Aten)

Per fess sable, mullety argent, and vert, a fountain and in base a lion couchant guardant Or. Takya Mereleone (8/1979)

Per fess sable mullety Or and azure, a dance and in base a sun Or. Wolfgang Dracke (11/2001 Arte)

Per fess sable, semy of sparks argent, and argent, a pale counterchanged, overall a martlet displayed gules. Thomas of Tenby (3/1988 Anst)

Per fess sable, semy-de-lys argent, and azure, in base an oak tree eradicated argent. Rhiannon o'r Goeden Wen (3/1985 East)

Per fess tenné and vert, on a fess argent a roundel tenné. Niger (9/1995 Laur)

Per fess tenné and vert, on a fess argent a roundel tenné. Niger (9/1995 Laur)

Per fess tenné and vert, on a fess argent a wheel of Asoka azure. India (9/1995 Laur)

Per fess tenné and vert, on a fess argent a wheel of Asoka azure. India (9/1995 Laur)

Per fess urdy argent and azure, in base a laurel wreath argent. Crystalmist, Shire of (6/1984 West)

Per fess urdy azure and argent, in chief three quatrefoils argent. Hannah of Hanecnolle (11/1998 Drac)

Per fess urdy azure and argent, in pale a sea-dragon naiant contourny argent and a rose purpure. Elen Blade (5/1998 AnTi)

Per fess urdy azure and gules, a wingless dragon couchant reguardant and an Arabian lamp flammant Or. Guido de Canale (8/1994 Midd)

Per fess urdy erminois and vert, in base two needles in saltire Or. Celynen of Stow-on-the-Wold (5/1991 Atla)

Per fess urdy gules and Or, issuant from a maunche a hand maintaining a sun and a cross of Jerusalem counterchanged. Isabella Julietta Diego y Vega (6/2000 Trim)

Per fess urdy gules and sable, two winged unicorns combattant and a hounds head caboshed argent. Raedmund de Arden (6/1994 Midd)

Per fess urdy Or and vert, two sprigs of wormwood and a cat couchant counterchanged. Ennoguent filia Bronmael (11/2002 AEth)

Per fess urdy purpure and argent, three crosses fleury counterchanged argent and sable. Galfrid de Blakemere (12/2011 Outl)

Per fess urdy purpure and vert, three lions couchant to sinister Or. Gareth ap Llewelyn (2/1991 Aten)

Per fess vairy Or and purpure and vairy purpure and Or, on a fess Or a wingless dragon passant guardant purpure maintaining an equal-armed Celtic cross argent. Anne Rose Smythe (12/2010 Atla)

Per fess vert and argent, a bird displayed and a masthead knot counterchanged. Mór ingen Lonáin (5/2006 Calo)

Per fess vert and argent, a cock argent upon the back of a domestic cat herissonee proper upon the back of a dog statant howling gules upon the back of a domestic donkey braying proper. Ioseph of Locksley, the Rhymer (10/1976)

Per fess vert and argent, a cross potent surmounted by an annulet argent and a boar's head erased gules. Finn Einar Gilchrist (3/1990 Aten)

Per fess vert and argent, a demi-sun Or and a two-towered castle gules. Hamlin du Soleil Levant (12/1986 Anst)

Per fess vert and argent, a fox courant to sinister and a serpent erect to sinister tail nowed counterchanged. Ilse Schreckenfüchsin (3/2007 Caid)

Per fess vert and argent, a hand bell and a terrapin statant to sinister counterchanged. Isabella Flora Turpin (2/1982 Caid)

Per fess vert and argent, a horse passant argent and a greyhound statant sable. Sadhbh of Falcon's Keep (1/2001 Midd)

Per fess vert and argent, a lyre Or. Richard the Strange (1/1973)

Per fess vert and argent, a mullet between the horns of a decrescent gules. Algeria (12/1994 Laur)

Per fess vert and argent, a plate and an ax fesswise sable. Rúadhán Ó Ceallaigh (8/1992 East)

Per fess vert and argent, a sprig of oak bendwise fructed Or, and a hunting horn with bell to sinister sable, garnished Or and stringed gules. Landolf Witkowski (7/1986 East)

Per fess vert and argent, a tree eradicated counterchanged, overall a Celtic harp gules. Ian Wallace of Llawhaden (7/1986 Aten)

Per fess vert and argent, a winged horse's head, wings addorsed, issuing from the line of division argent, and a Venus-hair fern eradicated sable, leaved vert. Kateline MacFarlane (1/1993 AnTi)

Per fess vert and argent, an elephant statant argent and a tree blasted and eradicated proper. Isabela Damiana Diez de Medina y Sandoval (3/1999 Arte)

Per fess vert and argent, entwined about the forepillar of an Irish harp Or, a rose argent, barbed gules, slipped, leaved and seeded proper. Ioseph of Locksley, the Rhymer (5/1980 Aten)

Per fess vert and argent, in chief a mullet of four points and in base three oak leaves inverted in fess, all counterchanged. Aric Arundel of the Mist (8/1985 East)

Per fess vert and argent, in saltire two pole-cannons Or, hafted sable, inflamed proper. Ioseph of Locksley, the Rhymer (1/1973)

Per fess vert and argent, issuant from dexter chief a cubit arm gules grasping a Sauvage's head proper, crined sable, embrued gules. Denis of the Titans (6/1980 Aten)

Per fess vert and argent, issuant from dexter chief a lady's arm proper within a maunch gules, grasping a sauvage's head proper, crined sable, embrued gules. Denis of the Titans (6/1980 Aten)

Per fess vert and argent, on a pile inverted throughout counterchanged between in chief two cats sejant respectant, in base a sun in his splendor Or. Pierrine la Tapissière de la Fôret (1/1991 Aten)

Per fess vert and argent, pendant from a leather strap proper edged sable, an archer's tassel of ten hanks alternately vert and argent bound vert. Ioseph of Locksley, the Rhymer (4/1973)

Per fess vert and argent, three furisons counterchanged. Evangeline Bajolet (9/2002 Calo)

Per fess vert and argent, three triangles voided and interlaced to form a mullet of nine points sable. Ioseph of Locksley, the Rhymer (1/1973)

Per fess vert and argent, three urchins counterchanged. Egen Bräuer (6/1995 West)

Per fess vert and argent, two axes in pile crossed at the haft end and a turtle counterchanged. Michael Christian Longstryde (3/2011 East)

Per fess vert and argent, two foxes statant counterchanged. Elizabeth of Stonemarch (1/2004 East)

Per fess vert and argent, two trees eradicated counterchanged. Jocelyn of Rowenwood (8/2008 West)

Per fess vert and azure, a bear rampant maintaining a lightning bolt and a dolphin naiant Or. Asbjørn Pedersen (4/2003 Caid)

Per fess vert and azure, a bear statant erect contourny and a bordure embattled Or. Angelline la Petita (4/2002 Midd)

Per fess vert and azure, a bee proper and a tree eradicated argent. Andrew Baird (1/2003 Caid)

Per fess vert and azure, a demi-sun issuant from the line of division Or and five mullets in cross argent. Warren de Schrouebire (5/2010 Atla)

Per fess vert and azure, a fess argent. Sierra Leone (9/1995 Laur)

Per fess vert and azure, a fess Or. Gabon (9/1995 Laur)

Per fess vert and azure, a fess wavy argent and in chief a crescent Or. Miana ní Chonnagáin (9/1992 West)

Per fess vert and azure, a heron in its vigilance within a bordure rayonny Or. Ognyen Fenlander (9/1993 Calo)

Per fess vert and azure, a tree issuant from base and in chief two crescents argent. Meidhbhín Ní Thorain (6/1994 Atla)

Per fess vert and azure, atop a swan naiant to sinister reguardant a cygnet close to sinister argent. Tir-y-Don, Barony of (7/1982 Atla)

Per fess vert and azure, in pale a unicorn couchant upon the line of division argent, and a crack-willow upon a mount proper. Penelope of Barataria (12/1975)

Per fess vert and azure, three hearts Or and a hand fesswise reversed inverted argent. Elizabeth Tender Herte (2/2010 Atla)

Per fess vert and azure, two escallops argent and a sea-horse naiant reguardant argent tailed vert, a bordure embattled argent. Ristil ingen Cathail (2/1995 Caid)

Per fess vert and barry wavy argent and azure, in chief three laurel wreaths argent. Aquaterra, Barony of (5/1989 AnTi)

Per fess vert and bendy Or and purpure, in chief a crescent Or. Táriq ibn Jelal ibn Ziyadatallah al-Naysábúrí (6/1996 West)

Per fess vert and bleu-celeste, on a pile issuant from dexter throughout gules a sprig issuant from and within a laurel wreath Or. Eritrea (9/1995 West)

Per fess vert and bleu-celeste, on a pile issuant from dexter throughout gules a sprig issuant from and within a laurel wreath Or. Eritrea (9/1995 West)

Per fess vert and counter-ermine, a fess potenty, in chief a ferret statant argent masked sable. Aleksina Taisiya Rogvolodovna (8/1995 Meri)

Per fess vert and fusilly vert and argent, on a fess argent three roses gules, barbed and seeded proper, and in chief two cockatrices passant addorsed, tails entwined argent. Anne Embrey (3/1984 Meri)

Per fess vert and gules, a fess argent, overall a dexter trapezoid sable. Kuwait (9/1995 Laur)

Per fess vert and gules, a fess embattled between a mullet of seven points and four lozenges in cross argent. Sarah Fletcher (7/1981 West)

Per fess vert and gules, a fess Or. Ethiopia (9/1995 Laur)

Per fess vert and gules, a peacock in its pride, a bordure Or. Rosalinda Gertrude Kesselheim (12/1999 Aten)

Per fess vert and gules, a sword inverted winged argent, in base a lymphad Or in full sail argent. Uchtan mac Duib (4/2010G)

Per fess vert and gules, in chief three candles in fess flammant and in base a gate Or. Elena ate Weyhacche (1/1994 West)

Per fess vert and gules, on a fess argent, on an escutcheon between in chief six mullets of six points in arch Or and in base a ribbon argent delineated and charged with the words UNIDAD PAZ JUSTICIA sable a tree couped proper and overall a dexter tierce triangular azure. Equatorial Guinea (9/1995 Laur)

Per fess vert and gules, on a fess embattled counter-embattled Or, a raven displayed and sinister facing sable, in chief two mullets of four points Or. Bors of Lothian (2/1990 Anst)

Per fess vert and gules, on a fess fimbriated with the Arabic words ALLAHU AKBAR twenty-two times in Kufic script argent a sheaf of a decrescent, a sword blade, and an increscent crossed at the base between in fess a decrescent and an increscent and in chief a tashdid gules. Iran (9/1995 Laur)

Per fess vert and gules, three leaves and a moon in her complement argent. Geneviève de Bretagne (9/2002 AnTi)

Per fess vert and lozengy couped in fess Or and vert, a demi-elk salient contourny issuant from the line of division Or. Leopold von Elchenwald (3/1992 AnTi)

Per fess vert and lozengy vert and Or, a fess and in chief a woolsack argent. Kára sindri (12/2007 Caid)

Per fess vert and Or, a cock close and two bulls combatant counterchanged. Joel the Brewer (7/2010 West)

Per fess vert and Or, a demi-donkey rampant contourny issuant from the line of division Or. Yaakov HaMizrachi (5/1992 East)

Per fess vert and Or, a fess sable fimbriated argent, overall on a dexter tierce triangular gules a mullet Or surmounted by a book argent surmounted by a hoe and an automatic rifle in saltire sable. Mozambique (9/1995 Laur)

Per fess vert and Or, a garden rosebud, slipped and leaved, within a bordure counterchanged. Alexandra Claverleigh (10/1985 Caid)

Per fess vert and Or, a mermaid sejant to sinister argent, tailed vert, crined Or. Adam Elfchaser (11/1983 West)

Per fess vert and Or, a seahorse maintaining a harp reversed between three Celtic crosses counterchanged. Elizabeth FitzPatrick (8/1994 Trim)

Per fess vert and Or, a sea-lion within a bordure counterchanged. Elisée du Lyonnais (4/2000 Midd)

Per fess vert and Or, a sun and a fleur-de-lys counterchanged. Gabrielle du Chesne (8/2008 West)

Per fess vert and Or, a sun counterchanged within a bordure potenty sable. Charles of Greenfield (10/1991 Anst)

Per fess vert and Or, a sun in his splendor Or and a harp gules. Robert Ruadh of The Isles (8/1994 Caid)

Per fess vert and Or, a vixen's head erased Or orbed and a maunch vert. Meggan Mong Ruad (9/1971)

Per fess vert and Or, a wheelbarrow and an acorn counterchanged. Hannes zum Eichhorn (8/2010 Outl)

Per fess vert and Or, in chief a cross bottony, in base an ash tree issuant from a mount counterchanged. Ascelina le Bocher (8/1991 AnTi)

Per fess vert and Or, in fess three lozenges counterchanged. Johann von Salzbrunn (7/2005 Aten)

Per fess vert and Or, in pale three arrows fesswise Or and a turtle tergiant fesswise to sinister vert, a bordure counter-compony argent and sable. Aubrey Murray (2/1999 Outl)

Per fess vert and Or, in pale three crescents Or and a sprig of oak fructed proper. Gillian of the Green Woods (1/1974)

Per fess vert and Or, on a fess in pale a dragon passant and a dragon passant to sinister, all counterchanged. Barddán Baird MacRiordan (8/1988 Atla)

Per fess vert and Or, on a pale counterchanged between two hearts, a closed book Or. Tristram the Enigmatic (11/1991 West)

Per fess vert and Or, three compass stars elongated palewise and a demi-sun inverted counterchanged. Brand McClellan (8/2007 West)

Per fess vert and Or, two cats sejant respectant argent and a cat sejant affronty sable. Marjory Ayson de Dundee (2/2001 Midd)

Per fess vert and pean, in chief a lion dormant Or. Adriana Margherita di Betto (6/2000 Anst)

Per fess vert and pean, two billets and a loaf of bread argent. Donal O'Corcrane (4/2004 Calo)

Per fess vert and purpure, a fess ermine between a natural leopard passant Or and another sejant to sinister argent both marked sable. Giovanni Giuseppe Gherardo Monteverde (3/2002 Atla)

Per fess vert and purpure, in fess three ducks naiant Or. Maria Bianca Casini (9/2007 Loch)

Per fess vert and purpure, on a fess between two keys fesswise Or, two scorpions tergiant addorsed tails entwined sable. Battista de Lagos (3/2000 Caid)

Per fess vert and sable, a dance between three triquetras Or. Laurie of Terra Pomaria (11/2001 AnTi)

Per fess vert and sable, a demi-dragon erect maintaining in sinister claw a sword, in base a laurel wreath Or, all within a bordure embattled argent. Terra Draconis, Shire of (7/1984 Midd)

Per fess vert and sable, a demi-sun issuant from the line of division argent. Elizabeth le Grace (7/2008 Caid)

Per fess vert and sable, a fess argent, in chief a bezant. Aelfgar Redbeard (5/1983 Aten)

Per fess vert and sable, a fess argent, overall a dexter tierce gules. United Arab Emirates (9/1995 Laur)

Per fess vert and sable, a fess argent surmounted by an arch within a wreath environed of two scimitars crossed at the hilts tips in base gules. Afghanistan (9/1995 West)

Per fess vert and sable, a fess argent surmounted by an arch within a wreath environed of two shamshirs crossed at the hilts tips in chief Or. Afghanistan (11/1999 Laur)

Per fess vert and sable, a fess between two dragon's heads erased addorsed argent and an annulet Or. Christian MacLellan (4/2005 Arte)

Per fess vert and sable, a fess bretessed argent. Caradoc de Tisbury (9/2005 Drac)

Per fess vert and sable, a fess bretessed between a chalice and a laurel wreath Or. Threewalls, Canton of (11/2002 Midd)

Per fess vert and sable, a horse's head couped within a bordure embattled Or. Julitta des Chevaux (9/1983 Meri)

Per fess vert and sable, a sun Or between three dolmens argent. Domhnall Hadrianus Scipio MacLeod (2/1991 Midd)

Per fess vert and sable, a sun within a bordure nebuly Or. Luqman al-Maghrebi (12/2000 Atla)

Per fess vert and sable, a winged boar statant argent and a lymphad Or. Grania filia Briani (2/2006 AEth)

Per fess vert and sable, a wolf's head cabossed between three shovels argent. Morwith verch Willim Wyn (3/2010 Midd)

Per fess vert and sable, an eagle between three roses argent. Arthur Buchanan (11/2006 AnTi)

Per fess vert and sable, in bend sinister three bees Or. Sciath inghean Airt (11/2008 West)

Per fess vert and sable, in chief a greyhound couchant argent collared gules and in base two cartwheels Or. Caoilainn de Bhulbh (10/1991 East)

Per fess vert and sable, in fess four morning-glory leaves fesswise conjoined Or. Joshua the Mad (6/1991 Caid)

Per fess vert and sable, in fess three fleurs-de-lys argent. Johannet Renoux (4/2004 Arte)

Per fess vert and sable, in pale a cat passant and three lozenges in fess argent. Duarcán Ó Raghailligh (11/2000 AEth)

Per fess vert and sable, in pale a sinister hand issuant from a vol argent. Muirenn ingen meic Martain (10/2005 Caid)

Per fess vert and sable, in pale two staves in saltire and a sword reversed fracted chevronwise argent. Thomas Stewart (6/1989 Trim)

Per fess vert and sable, issuant from dexter chief a lightning flash and in sinister chief a sun, all within a bordure argent. Rhydderich Hael, Barony of the (5/1981 East)

Per fess vert and sable, on a fess rayonny Or, a mullet of eight points sable. Eric of the Misty Hills (7/1994 West)

Per fess vert and sable, on a fess wavy argent, a dragon dormant vert. Gwenhwyvar Lann ni Ruaidhri (2/1990 Anst)

Per fess vert and sable, on a plate an eagle rising, wings elevated and displayed, sable. Anders Knudsen (10/2004 Atla)

Per fess vert and sable, three swords in pile inverted, tips crossed, proper. Alysandir Velzian (6/2007 Aten)

Per fess vert and sable, two owl's heads cabossed argent. Gaston Trévoux (11/2002 Aten)

Per fess vert ermined argent and argent, in base three hedgehogs statant azure. Banbnat MacDermot (9/2001 Calo)

Per fess vert, fretty Or, and Or, in base an oak tree proper, fructed Or, issuant from a mount vert. Godwyn Penkerris o Wythial (3/1985 East)

Per fess wavy argent and azure, a decrescent and a crab tergiant counterchanged. Constance Morley (12/1999 West)

Per fess wavy argent and azure, a demi-lion issuant from the line of division sable and a demi-sun issuant from base Or. Astalla of Three Hills (5/1992 Midd)

Per fess wavy argent and azure, a drakkar sable, sail paly purpure and Or and a laurel wreath Or. Danegeld Tor, Shire of (2/1994 West)

Per fess wavy argent and azure, a drakkar sailing to sinister and four arrows fretted, counterchanged. Ceolgar of Amberglen (7/1990 West)

Per fess wavy argent and azure, a fox courant sable and three willow trees Or. Finnguala ingen Fhaelain Abann na Sailech (4/1996 Caid)

Per fess wavy argent and azure, a raven volant affronty proper and a bar gemel wavy argent. Gwydion of Lochlann (8/1979)

Per fess wavy argent and azure, a sea-dragon erect gules maintaining in both claws a laurel wreath vert. Seashire (3/1984 East)

Per fess wavy argent and azure, a sea-wolf erect counterchanged sable and argent, scaly vert. James Addison of Woolpit (7/1981 West)

Per fess wavy argent and azure, a tower counterchanged. Eleanora de Laval (12/2010 Trim)

Per fess wavy argent and azure, a tree blasted and eradicated azure and in saltire a lute and a recorder argent. Brighid Meara Dunmore (9/1985 Caid)

Per fess wavy argent and azure, a winged ounce passant reguardant sable incensed proper and a moon in her plenitude argent. Ayla Volquin (9/2009 Midd)

Per fess wavy argent and azure, an arrow bendwise sinister counterchanged. Thyrwi Stigsdottir (6/2008 Drac)

Per fess wavy argent and azure, an hourglass counterchanged in chief two laurel wreaths vert. Nea Nikopolis, Shire of (12/2001 Drac)

Per fess wavy argent and azure, five bottle-nosed dolphins embowed in annulo counterchanged. Theron de Chênay (12/1980 Midd)

Per fess wavy argent and azure, in chief a double rose gules, barbed and seeded proper, and a cockatrice passant gules, in base two bars wavy argent. Morgan of Clwyd (12/1983 East)

Per fess wavy argent and azure, in chief a saltire vert and in base a lymphad argent. Brénainn mac Pádraig (10/2002 AnTi)

Per fess wavy argent and azure, in saltire a trident and a sword Or, overall an orca naiant to sinister proper. Tir-y-Don, Barony of (2/1989 Atla)

Per fess wavy argent and azure, two bars wavy azure and an escallop inverted argent. Ingemar de la Watere (4/1992 Anst)

Per fess wavy argent and azure, two owls vert and a seahorse argent. Dubh Easa of Inishmore (1/2001 Caid)

Per fess wavy argent and barry wavy azure and argent, a galleon proper sails set sable. Otto the Confused (7/1996 Caid)

Per fess wavy argent and barry wavy azure and argent, a sword between in chief two hearts gules. Robert MacAlister of Leslie (7/2007 Aten)

Per fess wavy argent and barry wavy azure and argent, in chief a Norse sun-cross sable. Mary Taran of Glastonbury (10/2007 Caid)

Per fess wavy argent and barry wavy azure and argent, in chief a tower sable enflamed proper. Elaine Ladd (10/1984 Midd)

Per fess wavy argent and barry wavy azure and argent, in chief three wyverns sejant gules. Cecily of Whitehaven (8/1999 AEth)

Per fess wavy argent and barry wavy azure and argent, two arrows in saltire azure. Kusunoki Kinshige (1/2011 East)

Per fess wavy argent and barry wavy gules and argent, a crescent in chief and a bordure gules. Ivan Ulrickson (9/1993 East)

Per fess wavy argent and gules, an ass's head issuant from the line of division sable, and three alligators statant argent. Jack of Hawk's Bluff (7/1992 West)

Per fess wavy argent and gules, in canton a cross patty gules. Ivan the Astronomer (1/1973)

Per fess wavy argent and gules, three ravens volant sable and a mare courant argent. Macha ni Phadraiga (3/1987 East)

Per fess wavy argent and Or, a natural rainbow proper clouded azure and three fir trees couped vert. Phillida Parker (8/2008 Eald)

Per fess wavy argent and purpure, a dragon segreant counterchanged between two tygers passant sable and another argent. Seonaid inghean Ghriogair (7/2011 Midd)

Per fess wavy argent and purpure, a harp and an otter statant counterchanged. Rionach O'Melaghlin (10/1989 West)

Per fess wavy argent and purpure, two natural dolphins naiant in annulo counterchanged. Alisandra Bennett (3/1992 Atla)

Per fess wavy argent and sable, a dolphin naiant contourny and two swords in saltire counterchanged. Yves de Lyle (10/2011 Loch)

Per fess wavy argent and sable, a sealion counterchanged gules and argent. Conall MacLachlann (4/1990 East)

Per fess wavy argent and sable, a tree blasted and eradicated counterchanged. Azuolas Radmantaitis (7/2010 AnTi)

Per fess wavy argent and sable, in chief a decrescent and an increscent azure. Custance the Compassionate (10/2004 Midd)

Per fess wavy argent and sable, two barrulets wavy between in chief two swans naiant respectant and in base a dragonfly, all counterchanged. Sine Gillian nic Pharlain (8/1984 Meri)

Per fess wavy argent and sable, two feathers in chevron inverted, crossed at their tips, azure and a candlestick argent, the candle enflamed Or. Revekka Alexandrovna Dobriye Ruki (3/1988 Anst)

Per fess wavy argent and sable, two towers counterchanged. Muirgen of Caer Ddu (12/1990 Atla)

Per fess wavy argent and sable, two wreaths of grape vine vert fructed proper and a laurel wreath Or. Vinhold, Barony of (1/1985 West)

Per fess wavy argent and vert, a bull salient guardant sable and a laurel wreath argent. Cluain, Canton of (1/2005 Loch)

Per fess wavy argent and vert, a laurel wreath vert and a fountain. Thousand Hills, Shire of (1/1984 Calo)

Per fess wavy argent and vert, a lizard tergiant fesswise and a bow fesswise counterchanged. Simon of Cluain (8/2011 Loch)

Per fess wavy argent and vert, a sea-serpent in annulo, head in chief, counterchanged, in base a laurel wreath argent. Loch Soilleir, Barony of (2/1987 Anst)

Per fess wavy argent and vert, an otter embowed vert and a salmon embowed contourny and inverted argent. Loch Soilleir, Barony of (4/1992 Anst)

Per fess wavy argent goutty de sang and azure, a lemming salient contourny sable. Hierytha Storie (5/2002 AEth)

Per fess wavy azure and argent, a snake involved, head to sinister, counterchanged. Ina Caspe de La Pointe (7/1980 Midd)

Per fess wavy azure and argent, a swan naiant counterchanged. Caitlin of Naevehjem (1/1994 Atla)

Per fess wavy azure and argent, a tower within a bordure semy of crescents, all counterchanged. Hilary Mac Odhrain of Crystal Tower (11/1988 West)

Per fess wavy azure and argent, a wolf passant Or and a laurel wreath azure. Hukka, Canton of (3/1995 Drac)

Per fess wavy azure and argent, in base a bar wavy azure and overall in saltire two scythes Or. Aidan Aileran O'Comhraidhe (6/1991 Anst)

Per fess wavy azure and argent, in chief an armored arm fesswise embowed, maintaining a sword, and in base three fish haurient, counterchanged. Kurt der Laut (4/1996 Midd)

Per fess wavy azure and argent, in chief on a sun argent a phoenix azure and in base a griffin sejant, maintaining an estoile, azure. Megan Ramsey (9/1985 Caid)

Per fess wavy azure and argent, in dexter chief a triskele argent. Wander Riordan (1/1991 West)

Per fess wavy azure and argent, issuant from the line of division a lion rampant Or, in base three bars wavy azure. Ragna Dzintara of Amberhall (5/1982 Midd)

Per fess wavy azure and argent, two anchors counterchanged. Gwynfyr an Sheoladair (6/1983 Midd)

Per fess wavy azure and argent, two bars wavy counterchanged between a decrescent argent and a laurel wreath vert. Nahrun Kabirun, Shire of (11/1989 Outl)

Per fess wavy azure and argent, two roses and a seahorse contourny counterchanged. Marjorie Honor Rose (10/1999 Calo)

Per fess wavy azure and barry wavy argent and azure, a swan naiant upon the line of division and in chief three roses argent. Enid Aurelia of the Tin Isles (10/1983 Midd)

Per fess wavy azure and barry wavy argent and azure in chief a mullet of eight points and an increscent Or. Robyrt of Watersyde (7/1998 AnTi)

Per fess wavy azure and barry wavy argent and azure, in chief a rue flower Or, seeded vert, all within a bordure wavy argent. Mariana Silversea (10/1987 West)

Per fess wavy azure and barry wavy argent and azure, in chief a wolf couchant argent, maintaining in its dexter paw a sheaf of arrows, all within a bordure Or, semy of hammers vert. Sigurd Stormrider of Wolves' Haven (4/1987 Caid)

Per fess wavy azure and barry wavy argent and azure, in chief two daffodils blossoms, bells to chief Or. Gwenllian of Emlyn (8/2010G)

Per fess wavy azure and barry wavy argent and azure, in chief two doves volant respectant argent. Fiona Arthur (7/1997 East)

Per fess wavy azure and gules, a tyger passant Or. Alaña of Atenveldt (9/1971)

Per fess wavy azure and Or, a mug counterchanged. Juraj z Bratislavi (10/1988 East)

Per fess wavy azure and Or, an increscent Or and a crab gules. Alessandra Ruscello (8/2004 Atla)

Per fess wavy azure and Or, five gouttes two and three argent and an annulet vert. Elisabeth de Besançon (7/2000 AnTi)

Per fess wavy azure and Or, three mullets, two and one, and three forget-me-not flowers, two and one, counterchanged. Armel de Locmariaquer (12/1987 East)

Per fess wavy azure and sable, a demi-sun issuant from the line of division Or and an open book argent, a bordure Or. Dalla Óláfs kona (4/2010 East)

Per fess wavy azure and vert, a bottle-nosed dolphin embowed to sinister proper holding in its mouth a quill Or. Marina Ariadne ni Chlurain (10/1982 Caid)

Per fess wavy azure and vert, a cog wheel and a smith's hammer Or. Iago Gelligaer (1/2009 Midd)

Per fess wavy azure and vert, a hippopotamus rampant to sinister argent, in chief a trident fesswise Or. Aneirin ap Corwyn o'r Ynis Witrin (11/1984 Aten)

Per fess wavy azure and vert, a lymphad, sail furled, and a fleam Or. Joan the Just of Lismore Isle (11/1991 AnTi)

Per fess wavy azure and vert, a natural dolphin hauriant within a bordure argent. Ceara inghean Dhalbhaigh (2/1996 West)

Per fess wavy azure and vert, a sea-unicorn within a laurel wreath Or. Narval Dorado, Shire of (8/1984 Meri)

Per fess wavy azure and vert, an otter passant and a reed pen bendwise sinister argent. Catherine O'Herlihy (6/2001 AEth)

Per fess wavy azure and vert, in base on a bar wavy argent a barrulet wavy azure, and overall a bow palewise reversed Or. Diana of Meadowbrook (8/1979 Caid)

Per fess wavy azure and vert, in pale a seagull displayed guardant and a frog sejant affronty argent. Alisaundre Muir (6/1989 Calo)

Per fess wavy azure and vert, in pale two bows fesswise addorsed argent between two plates. Morgan Sea-Archer (12/1980 East)

Per fess wavy, barry wavy argent and azure, and Or, in base a hart rampant sable. Morgana le Coeur (8/1992 East)

Per fess wavy crested azure and vert, in pale a mullet Or and a roundel ermine. Thamzine of the North Sea (8/1992 AnTi)

Per fess wavy gules and argent, a recorder palewise in profile Or. Learen von Meissen (2/1981 Atla)

Per fess wavy gules and argent, in pale a stalk of wheat fesswise Or and three bars wavy vert. Trobere Oakseed (11/1988 Calo)

Per fess wavy gules and azure, in pale a demi-otter, issuant from the line of division and maintaining in both paws an escallop inverted, and a linden leaf Or. Audelinde Isabella von Metten (7/1989 Midd)

Per fess wavy gules and azure, issuant from a barrulet wavy a chevronel dancetty Or, and in base a crescent between the horns of another argent. Rahlina del Norte (10/1980 Aten)

Per fess wavy gules and barry wavy argent and azure, in chief a sun in his splendour Or. Niall Muineachan (9/1984 Midd)

Per fess wavy gules and barry wavy argent and azure, issuant from the line of division a demi-sun and in chief a frigate bird volant Or. Kiribati (9/1995 Laur)

Per fess wavy gules and Or, a caravel Or and three ravens sable. Gabrielle la Lyonnesa (2/2006 Atla)

Per fess wavy gules and Or, two Celtic crosses and a lion's head erased counterchanged. Kilian of Golden Sea (1/1993 Calo)

Per fess wavy gules and sable, three edelweiss argent seeded Or and an elephant's head cabossed proper. Margarete von Nürnberg (5/2004 Meri)

Per fess wavy gules and vert, three cups Or and a castle triple-towered argent. Eric Mulrooney (2/1998 Trim)

Per fess wavy gules semy of frogs Or and sable, in base a fleur-de-lys Or. Nataliia of the Flame (3/2010 Midd)

Per fess wavy Or and azure, a longship proper, sailed gules, and a tree eradicated argent. Ann Marie du Moineau Chantant (3/1989 Caid)

Per fess wavy Or and azure, a saltire pointed and a calamarie counterchanged. Pádraic Mac Dubhghaille (3/2012 Calo)

Per fess wavy Or and azure, an Orca haurient to sinister proper and in dexter chief a laurel wreath azure. Earngyld, Shire of (10/1983 West)

Per fess wavy Or and azure, in chief a fox courant proper, in base two bars wavy Or. Cadwallon Rudd (7/2001 Midd)

Per fess wavy Or and azure, in chief a fox courant proper, in base two bars wavy Or. Cadwallon Rudd (7/2001 Midd)

Per fess wavy Or and azure, in chief a pine bough leaved and fructed proper and in base two bars wavy argent. Cadwallon Rudd (7/2001 Midd)

Per fess wavy Or and azure, in chief a pine bough leaved and fructed proper and in base two bars wavy argent. Cadwallon Rudd (7/2001 Midd)

Per fess wavy Or and azure, in chief three pheons gules and in base an escallop Or, a bordure vert. Jael Grabow (8/1994 Atla)

Per fess wavy Or and azure, issuant from the line of division a trefoil azure within a demi-annulet flammant gules. Erinn of Lemati (8/1979)

Per fess wavy Or and azure, three boar's heads erased gules and a bar wavy Or. Robert Brockman (1/2003 Calo)

Per fess wavy Or and azure, two natural dolphins in annulo counterchanged. Egbert of Hastings (5/1992 Anst)

Per fess wavy Or and barry wavy azure and argent, a phoenix contourny gules rising from flames proper issuant from the line of division. Alexandre Christophe von der Klinge (9/1992 Caid)

Per fess wavy Or and barry wavy azure and argent, a sea lion, tail reflexed over its head, sable. Wealdsmere, Barony of (5/1997 AnTi)

Per fess wavy Or and barry wavy gules and Or, a laurel wreath vert and a bordure per pale vert and gules. Rudivale, Shire of (10/1993 Midd)

Per fess wavy Or and gules, two hearts counterchanged. Máire Ruadh (12/2004 Trim)

Per fess wavy Or and purpure, two dragons sejant counterchanged. Katrina of York (2/2006 AEth)

Per fess wavy Or and sable, a portcullis and another inverted conjoined by the chains within a laurel wreath all counterchanged. Schattentor, Shire of (5/1992 Midd)

Per fess wavy Or and sable, a sea-horse hauriant counterchanged. Jana Seasgair (8/1979)

Per fess wavy Or and vert, a seahorse counterchanged, on a chief vert, an acorn slipped and leaved inverted between two tortoises Or. Elspeth Radegund (10/1990 Trim)

Per fess wavy Or and vert, three natural seahorses counterchanged. Siobhán inghean Duinn Uí Néill (9/2002 Anst)

Per fess wavy, per pale Or and gules, and azure, two fleurs-de-lis gules and Or and a bar gemel wavy argent. Thomas of Aberfoyle (9/1973)

Per fess wavy purpure and argent, a peacock feather fesswise reversed and a butterfly counterchanged. Zanira of the North Woods (4/2011 Midd)

Per fess wavy purpure and argent, a seahorse erect maintaining a harp, and in dexter chief a mullet, all within an orle and all counterchanged. Kyla of Caladh (5/1986 West)

Per fess wavy purpure and argent, a tree blasted and couped and the lower half of a fish palewise, couped end to chief counterchanged. Kára in hárfagra (1/2008 Calo)

Per fess wavy purpure and azure, a sea-unicorn naiant, and in chief a decrescent and an estoile argent. Cairistiona MacRorie of Loch Sterness (11/1984 Midd)

Per fess wavy purpure and barry wavy argent and azure, in chief two pine trees argent. Suzanna di Bosco (10/1983 West)

Per fess wavy purpure and barry wavy azure and argent, a demi-horse salient, issuant from the line of division, between in chief a mask of comedy bendwise and a mask of tragedy bendwise sinister argent. Gillian Constance Brothwell of Durham (1/1984 Caid)

Per fess wavy purpure and vert, a plate and three oak leaves conjoined in pall argent. Alana of Tallaght (5/2000 Anst)

Per fess wavy purpure and vert, in chief three estoiles and in base a mermaid in her vanity argent. Melisenda d'Argent (3/1995 AnTi)

Per fess wavy sable and argent in chief two decrescents Or and in base two bars wavy azure. Maurice van Rijn (8/1997 Meri)

Per fess wavy sable and azure, a drakkar reversed sails furled argent and a moon in her complement Or. Birgir Bjarnarson (6/2004 Aten)

Per fess wavy sable and barry wavy argent and azure, a mermaid erect to dexter proper, armored and maintaining a crossbow argent. Morgan of Calafia (4/1999 Caid)

Per fess wavy sable and barry wavy argent and azure, in chief three increscents argent. Signý Jólinnardóttir (12/1995 West)

Per fess wavy sable and barry wavy argent and azure, in chief three mullets of six points, one and two, argent. Alyssa Dorianna (6/1983 West)

Per fess wavy sable and barry wavy Or and sable, in chief a decrescent Or. Bathory Anastasia (3/2001 Midd)

Per fess wavy sable and gules, in chief a goblet fesswise reversed Or. Margaret Anne of Somerset (1/1992 Anst)

Per fess wavy sable and gules papellony argent, in chief three increscents argent. Tegen Meanbh (9/1996 West)

Per fess wavy sable and Or, a decrescent double-arched and two cat's paw-prints counterchanged. Jessica of Quizzisath (2/1985 Aten)

Per fess wavy sable and Or, a swan naiant argent and a fleur-de-lys sable. Claire FitzEdwin of Crestwood (3/1985 West)

Per fess wavy sable and Or, in chief three swords inverted and in base a sword counterchanged. Morgan Leland (2/1987 Midd)

Per fess wavy sable and Or, in pale a plate and a hurt. Cadifor Cynan (2/2003 AEth)

Per fess wavy sable and vert, an axe fesswise reversed blade to base argent handled Or and a griffon segreant Or headed and winged argent. Anthoni Domingo de Saragoça (2/2012 Outl)

Per fess wavy sable and vert, in chief a decrescent, a bordure Or. Anke von Annewillere (8/1996 West)

Per fess wavy sable and vert, in chief three mullets in fess argent and in base three garbs Or. Snurri Pleieson (2/1985 Midd)

Per fess wavy sable, mulletty argent and barry wavy argent and azure, in base an annulet Or. Cristiaern Nichulasson (11/1989 Calo)

Per fess wavy vert and argent, a decrescent argent and a raven close sable. Elizabeth Greene (1/1998 Caid)

Per fess wavy vert and argent, a sun argent and a seahorse sable crined vert. Juliana Richenda Trevain (10/1991 East)

Per fess wavy vert and argent, in pale a millrind Or and two bars wavy azure. Antonio di Casa d'Aqua (8/1984 Midd)

Per fess wavy vert and argent, two mullets of four points and a shamrock counterchanged. Faílenn ingen Murchada (12/2004 Trim)

Per fess wavy vert and argent, two stags trippant respectant and a laurel wreath counterchanged. Abhainn Iarthair, Canton of (12/2005 Atla)

Per fess wavy vert and azure, four closed scrolls bendwise sinister two and two argent tied by ribbons sable. David de Cochrane (9/2001 Aten)

Per fess wavy vert and azure, issuant from chief a mistral and from base four piles wavy inverted conjoined at the fess point argent. Mistral de l'Isle sur Tarn (5/1985 Caid)

Per fess wavy vert and azure, three escallops inverted and an otter sejant erect argent. Ysabella Cacemoine (1/2009 Atla)

Per fess wavy vert and barry wavy argent and azure, in chief three tulips Or. Beatrix van der See (9/2000 Trim)

Per fess wavy vert and Or, a bell Or and an escallop inverted azure. Morgana Elena Tregarthen (3/1987 Outl)

Per fess wavy vert and Or, a unicorn salient and a sword in saltire argent and a wolf's head erased gules. Brennus Barbatus (12/1991 Atla)

Per fess wavy vert and purpure, in chief an ox yoke Or. Henricus Guotman (3/2008 Atla)

Per fess wavy vert and sable, a martlet argent and a tree eradicated Or. Áine ingen Choluimb (9/2006 Meri)

Per fess wavy vert and sable, in pale a dolmen and two unicorns combattant argent. Kathryn of Atenveldt (8/2001 Aten)

Per fess with a left step argent and azure ermined argent, in chief two bears passant respectant sable. Alexander von Stetten (12/2008 Midd)

Per fess with a left step gules and sable, two dragons combattant in bend argent within a bordure Or. Andreas Syndikus Drachenfreund (5/1986 East)

Per fess with a left step sable and Or, a griffin salient to sinister and a bat-winged wyvern-tailed demi-stag erect, counterchanged. Iric Iulian of Black Elk (5/2007 Outl)

Per fess with a left step sable and pily bendwise argent and azure. Jakob Stiufsun (6/1991 East)

Per fess with a right step gules and sable, in pale two bezants. Tryffin mac Ualraig (11/2006 Outl)

Per fess with a right step Or and argent. Cormac Mór (5/2004 Caid)

Per pale and per fess embattled Or and sable, in bend two swords vert and in bend sinister two estoiles of eight points argent. Cormac MacKenna (2/1989 East)

Per pale and per fess indented gules and sable, in chief two horses combattant argent and Or. Duncan Montgomery Culhane (5/1994 Anst)

Per pale and per fess indented purpure and vert, a fess dancetty, the points ending in shamrocks Or. Bridget Casey (9/1988 Midd)

Per pale and per fess raguly argent and sable, two wolf's heads cabossed in pale counterchanged. Cáel Mactier (5/1994 Anst)

Per pale and per fess wavy vert and argent, a harp and a lily argent. Elizabeth O'Brien (2/1995 Meri)

Quarterly per fess embattled argent and sable, in bend two oak leaves bendwise vert fructed proper. Teleri of Gwynedd (7/1994 Caid)

Quarterly per fess indented vert and argent, in bend two stags springing Or. alt Andreas von Sohren (5/2000 Caid)

Quarterly per pale dovetailed argent and azure, in bend two pairs of swords in saltire sable. Johann Caldron (10/1994 Atla)

Tierced per fess azure, Or and argent, in chief a scimitar fesswise reversed, edge to base, Or. Gayan the Nomad (10/1980 Aten)