
Argent, a unicorn sable between two flaunches vert each charged with a tower argent. Aine ingen Chuimín (10/1999 Meri)

Argent, an eagle displayed per pale sable and azure, a sinister side indented azure. Kollack von Zweckel (1/1995 Atla)

Argent, an ermine spot and a dexter tierce embattled gules. Yrsa Gudrunardottir (12/1996 Aten)

Checky Or and argent, a dexter tierce sable. An Tir, Kingdom of (5/1998 AnTi)

Gules, a hand between flaunches Or. Ealdormere, Kingdom of (10/1999 Eald)

Or, a bottle surmounted by a sword, a sinister tierce vert. Morgan Kendrick (1/1997 East)

Sable, a lantern argent between flaunches barry wavy argent and gules. Adam Comyn (8/1997 Midd)