flower, bouquet

Argent, a gauntlet fesswise reversed aversant sable grasping three gillyflowers gules, slipped and leaved vert within a bordure gules. Elzasif O'Donnell (1/1996 Anst)

Argent, on a roundel engrailed sable between three posies of three purple violet blossoms slipped and leaved proper [Viola odorata] a cat passant guardant argent. Kathryn Courtney (1/1981 Atla)

Argent, three bendlets wavy enhanced azure and in dexter base a slip of hawthorn bendwise fructed proper. Eldith of Umberthorn (7/1983 Midd)

Azure, a snowy owl affronty proper grasping in its dexter talon three roses Or, slipped and leaved vert, and in its sinister talon two of the same, within an orle Or. Ayslynn MacGuraran (8/1978)

Azure, eight petals in annulo, bases to center, within a bordure argent. Bianca Rosamund (1/1989 Midd)

Azure, in pale a linnet volant bendwise and a sprig of lilies of the valley argent, a bordure embattled Or. Linotte Lemaître (10/1998 Aten)

(Fieldless) A spray of five daisy flowers slipped and leaved, proper enfiled of a mullet voided purpure. Wanda von Halsstern (7/1985 East)

(Fieldless) A spray of three campion flowers gules, slipped and leaved vert. Signy Dimmridaela (12/1991 Atla)

Gules, a bottle-nosed dolphin embowed and in chief a sprig of three orange blossoms slipped and leaved, fesswise proper. [Tursiops truncatus] [Citrus simensis] Angelina Nicollette de Beaumont (6/1981 Caid)

Or, a heart gules surmounted by a spray of five daisy flowers, stalked and leaved, proper within a bordure engrailed gules. Wanda von Halsstern (7/1981 East)

Or, two striped skunks sejant erect respectant proper maintaining between them a nosegay gules, slipped vert. Isabel la Noire (4/1992 Aten)

Per chevron purpure and argent, issuant from the line of division a demi-sun Or, in base a spray of lilac purpure, slipped and leaved vert, within a bordure counterchanged. Kaatje Sebastiane von Lübeck (5/1986 AnTi)

Vert, a pale Or, overall a domestic cat passant gardant sable, grasping in its dexter forepaw a nosegay of scarlet pimpernels slipped and leaved proper. [Anagallis arvensis] Rhonwen y Llysieuyddes (8/1979 Aten)

Vert, a wyvern erect regardant close, tail cowed and knotted about its neck, argent, in base a sprig of lilies-of-the-valley Or. Carol of Stargate (7/1986 Aten)

Vert, on a bend sinister argent between a white rose spray and another inverted both bendwise sinister proper, a frog springing to sinister vert. Katrina of Dresden (6/1986 West)