flower, cup shape:3

Argent, a dragonfly and in chief three lotus blossoms in profile purpure. Viviana Ammary Rowntree (4/2009 Anst)

Argent, on a bend between two serpents erect respectant tails nowed purpure three lotus blossoms in profile palewise argent. Shantala Amman (4/2005 West)

Argent, on a chevron ployé throughout between three lotus blossoms in profile azure three decrescents argent. Su'ad al-Raqqasah (1/2004 East)

Azure, a dragonfly and on a chief invected Or, three lotus blossoms in profile azure, slipped vert. Georgia the Pragmatic of Clyffmarsh (2/1988 Midd)

Azure, a lotus goblet argent and on a chief argent three lotus blossoms inverted throughout gules. Dierdriana of the Misty Isles (8/1979)

Azure fretty, on a chief wavy argent three tulips gules, slipped and leaved vert. Dorothea van der Zee (9/1992 West)

Azure, on a chevron between three tulips slipped and leaved argent, three tulips slipped and leaved azure. Isabella da Venezia (6/2004 Atla)

Azure, on a chevron between three tulips slipped and leaved argent, three tulips slipped and leaved azure. Isabella da Venezia (6/2004 Atla)

Gules, three lotus blossoms in profile and in chief an increscent Or. Ratanavati Bai (4/2006 East)

Or, on a pile inverted sable between two Egyptian lotus blossoms in profile purpure, a dragon passant Or. Johannes von Drachenberg (1/1990 Trim)

Per bend sinister wavy Or and azure, three tulip blossoms in bend sinister gules and three cushions in bend sinister Or. Cameron de Halby (9/1995 Midd)

Per fess sable and gules, an owl between three lotus blossoms in profile Or. Ælfwyn Wodende (10/1995 Caid)

Per fess wavy vert and barry wavy argent and azure, in chief three tulips Or. Beatrix van der See (9/2000 Trim)

Per pale azure and Or, a beaver rampant between three lotus blossoms in profile counterchanged. Saraswati Amman (1/2010 AnTi)

Per pale gules and sable, the Sanskrit word "Om" in Devangari script between three lotus blossoms in profile Or. Kali of Atenveldt (2/2010 Aten)

Purpure, a dragonfly between in base three lotus blossoms in profile argent. Katou Tatsuko (10/2007 Eald)

Purpure, in pale a sprig of three lotus blossoms and a crescent argent. Vivian of the Moon (3/1988 West)

Sable, three tulip blossoms in pale and a tierce wavy argent. Gabriel vander Strate (10/2006 Atla)

Vert, on a bend cotised Or, three tulips palewise gules, slipped and leaved vert, a bordure Or. Bromwynne an Harlick (4/1973)

Vert, on a bend sinister between two seahorses contourny Or three lotus blossoms in profile bendwise vert. Magge MacPherson (3/2010 Anst)

Vert, on a bend sinister cotised argent between a sheaf of tulips slipped and a sheaf of arrows inverted Or, a demi-bear affronty palewise, paws outstretched, sable. Bjorn Krom Hakenberg (11/2006 Aten)