fruit, berry

Argent, a bend sinister cotised sable between a goutte de sang and a bunch of grapes purpure. Theodur of Bucharest (8/1988 East)

Argent, a bunch of grapes purpure slipped and leaved between three ermine spots vert, a bordure purpure. Dionysia of Nordskogen (5/1996 Midd)

Argent, a bunch of grapes, slipped and leaved proper, on a chief azure three decrescents Or. Eugenia of Baysham (8/1996 Midd)

Argent, a bunch of grapes, slipped and leaved proper, within an orle of crosses crosslet purpure. Hokumori Yoshiie (10/1989 Anst)

Argent, a cock's head erased sable, orbed and beaked Or, combed and wattled gules, grasping in its beak an earwig proper, and in chief three clusters of grapes proper. [Forficula auricularia] Elaine of Gad (3/1978)

Argent, a cross azure between four bunches of mulberries proper. Juan Rafael de Vuelazul (1/1973)

Argent, a hedgehog rampant sable its quills impaling grapes purpure maintaining a mortar and pestle Or, a bordure rayonny azure. Safiyah al-'Attarah bint 'Abd al-Rahman (1/2005 Atla)

Argent, a triangle inverted sable within a wreath of wild fox grapes proper [Vitis labrusca]. Taras Stefan Karanczay (10/1976)

Argent, on a bend between two bunches of grapes purpure, three hawk's bells palewise Or. Dyan O'Choda (10/1994 East)

Argent, on a pile vert between two bunches of grapes purpure, a star of David Or. Valeria bat Adama ha'Khazari (11/1992 AnTi)

Argent semy of grape clusters, on a bend sinister purpure three drinking horns fesswise Or. Giovanna di Piacensa (8/1992 Trim)

Azure, a screw press and on a chief embattled argent, three clusters of grapes azure. Mary Marguerite Wentworth (9/1992 Anst)

Azure, chapé argent, a grape cluster purpure, leaved vert, a chalice sable, and a sun Or. Theodoric the Forgetful (10/1982 Caid)

Barry wavy of eight vert and argent, counterchanged per pale, two towers and on a point pointed Or a cluster of grapes purpure, slipped and leaved vert. Evah Marguerita Palma de Yuste (11/1984 Caid)

(Fieldless) A cluster of grapes purpure leaved vert. Aliena Searover (1/1997 AnTi)

(Fieldless) In saltire an arrow inverted sable and a stalk of wheat Or, overall a bunch of grapes proper. Colette Olivier la fourniere (2/2012 Caid)

(Fieldless) On a Catherine's wheel sable, a bunch of grapes, leaved proper. Kathryn Goodwyn (7/1984 East)

(Fieldless) On a mortar and pestle argent, a bunch of grapes purpure slipped and leaved vert. Christiana of Sydeneia (10/1998 AEth)

(Fieldless) Two clusters of grapes purpure, slipped and leaved, the stems in saltire, argent. Sieglinde Syr (4/1984 Anst)

Gules, a goblet within a laurel wreath, in chief a bunch of grapes, slipped and leaved, all within a bordure Or. St. Golias, College of (9/1987 Outl)

Gules, in fess two peacocks statant regardant addorsed, in chief a mullet, all within on a bordure argent an orle of grape vines fructed proper. Ysabel del Norte (6/1980 West)

Or, a bunch of grapes purpure slipped and leaved vert and in base a sinister hand couped and cupped azure, between two flaunches azure. Phillippa of Herteforde (1/1986 Atla)

Or, a bunch of grapes purpure, slipped and leaved, vert, winged pean. Gwilym ab Eifion (4/1989 East)

Or, a bunch of grapes purpure, slipped and leaved vert, within a bordure embattled purpure. Evah Marguerita Palma de Yuste (4/1986 Caid)

Or, a bunch of grapes, slipped and leaved, vert, winged pean. Gwilym ab Eifion (4/1989 East)

Or, a grape vine vert, fructed of two bunches sable, within in orle five mullets azure. Fedora de Mara (3/1984 Atla)

Or, on a fess embattled vert between two clusters of grapes crossed in saltire at the stems [Vitis vinifera "caringnan"] and a sprig of heather [Calluna vulgaris] proper a laurel wreath Or. Heatherwyne, Shire of (1/1980 Caid)

Or, semy of grape bunches purpure slipped vert, on a chief triangular purpure a fox sejant, forepaw raised Or. Aubrey Anna Golden Fox (1/1993 Caid)

Or, three bunches of grapes sable, stemmed and leaved vert. Andrew of the Vine (6/1981 West)

Per bend Or and vert, in bend sinister two fructed grapevines bendwise counterchanged. Dietrich von den Weinbergen (12/1988 West)

Per bend sinister argent and gules, a grape bunch gules, slipped and leaved vert, and a goblet argent. Martiniana Vinokurova (3/1993 Midd)

Per bend sinister argent and purpure, a bunch of grapes slipped and leaved proper, and a goblet inverted bendwise sinister argent. Alain de la Vignerie (3/1999 Trim)

Per bend sinister azure and Or, a step-cut gemstone argent and a cluster of grapes purpure. Jacques d'Avignon (12/1990 Calo)

Per bend sinister gules and argent, a heart argent and a cluster of grapes purpure slipped and leaved vert. Brychan o' Kipp (1/1992 Meri)

Per bend sinister Or and purpure, two bunches of grapes, slipped and leaved, within a bordure, all counterchanged. Dillon Griffith a'Bheithir (3/1986 East)

Per bend sinister rayonny vert and argent semy of bunches of grapes purpure, a fox sejant contourny argent. Temair ingen Muiredaich (10/2003 East)

Per bend sinister vert and sable, a bunch of grapes argent. Thomas Lyon of Braemar (1/1995 Atla)

Per bend vert and argent, a martlet and a cluster of grapes counterchanged. Martelle von Baecker (8/1979 Aten)

Per bend vert and Or, a cup Or and a bunch of grapes purpure slipped vert. Marta Bon (1/1997 Meri)

Per chevron azure and argent, two chalices argent and a cluster of grapes, slipped and leaved, proper. Laurenz aus Waldum (8/1987 Midd)

Per chevron azure and vert, a pall inverted erminois between two goblets and a bunch of grapes slipped and leaved Or. Maricela the Vintner (3/1993 Midd)

Per chevron inverted Or and ermine, in chief three bunches of grapes purpure, slipped and leaved vert, and in base a goblet purpure. Meriel de Blackwoode (7/1984 Midd)

Per chevron purpure and Or, two double-bitted axes and a bunch of grapes slipped counterchanged. Etienne le Forgeron (7/1986 Atla)

Per chevron raguly Or and purpure, two bunches of grapes, slipped and leaved, proper and a lion dormant Or. Jeanne Cheronnet de Champagne (7/1990 Anst)

Per chevron vert and Or, in base a grape cluster slipped and doubly leaved, and a chief dovetailed counterchanged. Monika von Zell (4/1983 Aten)

Per fess argent and azure, a dragon segreant between three suns, each charged with a cluster of grapes, all counterchanged. Leoric de Tanet (5/1994 East)

Per fess argent and Or, a reremouse sable and a bunch of grapes purpure slipped vert, a bordure sable. Arriel of Andros (8/1992 Caid)

Per fess wavy argent and sable, two wreaths of grape vine vert fructed proper and a laurel wreath Or. Vinhold, Barony of (1/1985 West)

Per pale argent and azure, a chevron rompu and in base a bunch of grapes counterchanged. Johann von Traubenberg (11/1990 East)

Per pale gules and argent, a bunch of grapes counterchanged. Robin Argyll du Coeur Ailé (1/1986 East)

Per pale purpure and argent, in pale a bunch of grapes and two swords in saltire, all counterchanged. Severin Visconti (1/1986 East)

Per pale vert and argent, two scarpes counterchanged between a garb Or and a bunch of grapes purpure, slipped and leaved vert. Kieran MacCrimmin (5/1994 East)

Per pall inverted gules, purpure, and Or, two bunches of grapes Or and a chalice sable. Owain ap Madog of Neath (2/1999 Meri)

Per saltire argent and vert, in pale two bunches of grapes, slipped and leaved, proper and in fess two fox's heads erased affronty argent. Christopher FitzArthur of Walland Marsh (7/1988 Midd)

Per saltire argent, semé of clusters of three raspberries gules and three raspberry leaves vert, and azure, in fess two oak leaves Or. Sioneada ua Curran (7/1984 Midd)

Purpure, a bunch of grapes Or slipped and leaved argent. Inga Agnadottir (1/1996 Midd)

Purpure, a unicorn doubly queued rampant regardant argent armed and gorged of a collar Or within a bordure Or semy of bunches of grapes purpure slipped and leaved vert. Genevieve Gabrielle Plubel d'Avon (7/2002 Aten)

Purpure, on a chevron between two bunches of grapes and a goblet argent, a grapevine fructed proper. Lasairfhíona Muireann of Amberwynne (10/1988 West)

Purpure, semy of bunches of grapes Or, a retort reversed argent. Drachenwald, Kingdom of (2/1994 Drac)

Purpure, two chevronels braced, on a chief argent three bunches of grapes purpure leaved vert. Wolfgang Heinrich von Weinberg (9/1997 Arte)

Sable, a rowan branch argent, fructed gules, within an orle argent, charged with six clusters of three rowan berries gules. Angharad verch Rhuawn (1/1989 Atla)

Sable, a wyvern passant between six roses in annulo, and on a chief argent a crescent between two bunches of grapes sable. Khalid Abd al-Rashid ibn Nasr ibn al-Husayn (11/1996 Meri)

Tierced per pall Or, vert, and azure, two hounds rampant addorsed argent, spotted sable, and in chief a grape cluster slipped and leaved proper. Gregory Falconheart (10/1982 West)

Vert, an eagle rising and on a chief indented argent three bunches of grapes purpure, slipped, leaved, and tendriled vert. Rhiannon of Eaglesflight (8/1983 West)

Vert, two bunches of grapes in bend Or slipped and leaved argent. Therasia Agnetis (2/1997 Midd)