
Argent, a tree blasted and eradicated gules, in chief two pairs of hammers in saltire azure hafted proper, a bordure vert. Armand le Charpentier (5/1992 Atla)

Azure, a stork statant argent wearing a horned helm and maintaining in its sinister talon a spear bendwise, between in pale a warhammer fesswise and another fesswise reversed and in fess a warhammer palewise inverted and another palewise Or. Ellin Syerske (8/1987 AnTi)

Azure, a wolf's head erased contourny ululant between four Thor's hammers in cross argent. Dovaidu maqqas Baidagni (3/2010 Midd)

Azure, on a cross Or between four hammers argent five lozenges azure. Ingvar Erlingsson (12/2000 Atla)

Per chevron argent and sable, a chevron gules between two pairs of hammers in saltire sable and a lightning bolt bendwise sinister argent. Decius Claudius (9/2002 Caid)

Per saltire argent and azure, four ballpeen hammers in cross, handles to center, counterchanged. Amartine du Bon Coeur (6/1985 Caid)

Per saltire Or and sable, four Thor's hammers hafts to center counterchanged and in chief two fleurs-de-lys sable. Olaf Wulfbrandt (6/2004 Atla)

Per saltire sable and argent, four hammers counterchanged. Njal Virtanen (3/2007 East)

Per saltire sable and gules, four Thor's hammers in cross, conjoined at the hafts, Or. Asa Thorfinnsdottir (6/1983 Trim)

Quarterly Or and vert, four hammers palewise, faces to center, counterchanged. Sabine von Altheim (5/1988 Calo)

Sable, on a bend vert fimbriated between two pairs of hammers in saltire, a turtle shell tergiant fesswise Or. Conn Jamesson (6/1993 Calo)