head, beast, dog:2

Argent, a bend sinister between two talbot's heads couped, a chief embattled sable. Christofle Dubois (8/2008 Trim)

Argent, a chalice azure between in bend sinister two talbot's heads erased sable, all between two scarpes vert. Pedran Glamorgan (10/1987 Anst)

Argent, a sword inverted sable between flaunches embattled gules, each charged with a wolf's head erased argent. Einarr Dunwulf Björnsson (10/1992 Midd)

Argent, in bend a talbot's head erased contourny sable and a talbot's head erased gules, a bordure embattled per bend sinister gules and sable. Willehalm Greywolf (5/2008 Aten)

Argent, in pale two wolves' heads cabossed and on a chief embattled sable three plates. Alexander ap Talhaearn (10/1993 Atla)

Argent, on a bend gules cotised sable between two foxes masks gules three fleurs-de-lis argent. Mychael le Renard (5/1995 AnTi)

Argent, on a bend indented sable between two wolf's heads erased gules, three crescents palewise argent. Rioghnach Ninian uerch Rhys (8/1993 East)

Argent, on a bend sinister between two wolves' heads ululant azure a bottlenosed dolphin naiant contourny argent. Serena Ull (6/1996 West)

Argent, on a chevron sable between two wolf's heads cabossed and a triquetra azure, three cinquefoils Or. Nicole la fille Pierre (11/2011 Anst)

Argent, on a fess between a wolf's head erased and another erased, reversed and inverted azure, a snowflake argent. Donal Winterwolf (8/1985 West)

Argent, on a lozenge vert between in chief two fox's masks gules a Russian Orthodox cross argent. Giric mac Arcill mec Fhinguni (8/2008 Meri)

Argent, two dog's heads couped addorsed sable each collared and chained gules, a bordure azure. Magnus Hrafnsson (3/2000 Caid)

Argent, two greyhound's heads erased addorsed azure and purpure. Vika Vyborgskaia (10/2011 AEth)

Argent, two swords in saltire sable, on a chief vert two wolf's heads couped respectant argent. Colin MacWilliams (4/2000 AEth)

Argent, two wolf's heads erased respectant and on a tower sable a Latin cross bottony argent all within a bordure embattled sable. Hruodland of Starhaven (5/2008 Trim)

Azure, a bend raguly between two cur's heads erased and sinister facing argent. Agnese Canigiano (5/1988 East)

Azure, a chevron embattled argent between two wolf's heads couped contourny and a sun Or. Connor MacKenzie (10/1998 West)

Azure, a chevron rompu ermine between two wolves' heads couped respectant and a feather argent. Rivka bat Yehudah (8/2006 Aten)

Azure, a pile inverted throughout ermine between two fox's masks argent. Valentine Hawkwood (8/1991 Calo)

Azure, in pale two wolf's heads erased addorsed and conjoined at the neck argent and two arrows in saltire Or. Borealis, Barony of (12/1999 AnTi)

Azure, in pale two wolf's heads erased addorsed and conjoined at the neck argent and two calipers in chevron inverted the chiefmost prongs crossed Or. Borealis, Barony of (12/1999 AnTi)

Azure, in pale two wolf's heads erased addorsed and conjoined at the neck argent and two swords inverted in saltire Or. Borealis, Barony of (12/1999 AnTi)

Azure, on a bend between two wolf's heads bendwise couped argent, three decrescents palewise gules. Arawd MacPhillan (1/2011 Meri)

Azure, on a bend sinister between two foxes' masks Or, three estoiles gules. Richard ffaukes (1/1994 Atla)

Azure, two wolf's heads addorsed conjoined at the neck, on a chief argent, two roundels azure. Nikolai Petrovich iz Taimyra (11/1991 West)

Azure, two wolf's heads erased addorsed and conjoined at the neck argent within a laurel wreath Or. Borealis, Barony of (2/1983 AnTi)

Azure, two wolf's heads erased addorsed and conjoined at the neck issuant from the battlements of a demi-tower argent. Borealis, Barony of (2/1983 AnTi)

Azure, two wolf's heads erased addorsed conjoined at the neck argent and a chief dovetailed ermine. Seanach Mac Lochlainn (5/2008 Trim)

Bendy sinister argent and azure, in bend sinister two wolf's heads erased contourny gules. Wolfram Brant (11/2011 Atla)

Ermine, on a bend sinister between two foxes' heads erased azure, four mullets pierced argent. Victor Hildebrand von Koln (12/1986 Trim)

Gules, a chevron Or between two wolves' heads erased respectant argent and a hammer Or. Sigurd Stormrider of Wolves' Haven (4/1987 Caid)

Gules, a saltire Or, overall in base two grey wolf's heads erased addorsed conjoined at the necks proper. [Canis lupus] Bartholomew of Wolfetwain (5/1980 Aten)

Gules, on a bend bretessed between two foxes masks argent a hurst palewise proper. Waldemar of Livonia (8/1994 West)

Gules, on a pile ployé between two wolf's heads erased addorsed argent a rabbit's head cabossed sable. Fenice d'Aix (11/1996 East)

Gules, two wolves' heads cabossed in bend within a bordure argent. Wulf Fairhair (9/1990 Anst)

Or, a cross formy fitchy and on a chief sable, two wolves heads erased Or. Michael Robertson (5/1999 Meri)

Or, a fess between two wolf's heads couped addorsed and a pawprint sable. Titus Cornelius Lupinus (8/2011G)

Or, a saltire purpure between in pale two garden rosebuds gules, slipped and leaved vert, and in fess two wolf's heads erased respectant sable. Adria of the Crosswinds (3/1994 Outl)

Or, in bend two wolf's heads contourny erased sable, an orle vert. Seán Ó Fíodhabhra (11/2010 Aten)

Or, on a bend sinister between two wolf's heads contourny erased gules, four bells palewise Or. Wulfwen atte Belle (10/1994 Midd)

Or, semy of suns in splendour and on a chief indented of three points gules, two wolves' heads caboshed Or. Raymond Carder the Sea Rover (8/1988 Aten)

Or, two wolf's heads couped addorsed and conjoined at the neck and on a base vert a Maltese cross Or. Aonghus òg na Feusaige Ruaidhe (3/1992 Midd)

Per bend sable and argent, on a bend between two wolf's heads couped, three Celtic crosses, all counterchanged. Noírín O Donnabhaín (2/1989 East)

Per bend sinister argent and gules, a bend sinister embattled sable between two foxes' masks counterchanged. Derek Fairhair (7/1987 Aten)

Per bend sinister azure and argent, two fox's masks counterchanged. Conal MacClean (10/1993 AnTi)

Per bend sinister azure and ermine, two dog's heads couped counterchanged argent and sable. Aine of the Hounds (8/1993 West)

Per bend sinister gules and Or, a bend sinister fusily between two roundels each charged with a wolf's head erased contourny all counterchanged. Bjorn Torvaldsson (10/1999 Calo)

Per bend sinister Or and checky azure and argent, a mastiff head and a mastiff head contourny erased gules. Osanna von Signau (3/2001 AnTi)

Per bend sinister Or and sable, a greyhound's head and a greyhound's head inverted and reversed, both issuant from the line of division and counterchanged. Nicholas Simon deKane (7/2007 Aten)

Per bend sinister raguly argent and purpure, two fox's heads cabossed counterchanged. Alexis von Brake (4/1987 Atla)

Per bend sinister rayonny gules and sable, two wolves' heads erased contourny argent. Feoras de Marcy (4/1992 Trim)

Per bend sinister wavy sable and Or, two wolf's heads erased contourny counterchanged. Gavine Kerr (9/2009 Aten)

Per chevron argent and azure, in chief two fox's masks gules and a chief embattled azure. Kunrad Fuchs (6/1994 Midd)

Per chevron argent and azure, two wolf's heads couped respectant and a stag trippant counterchanged. Andre de Navarre (3/1987 Outl)

Per chevron argent and gules, two wolf's heads erased sable and a double-bitted axe bendwise sinister argent. Erwin Bloodaxe (8/1999 Caid)

Per chevron argent and sable, two wolf's heads erased close sable and on a cup argent a rose purpure. Robert Rose of Inverness (2/2011 AEth)

Per chevron argent and vert, two wolf's heads couped respectant sable and a massacre argent. Rónán Mór Ó Ríoghbhardáin (1/2010 Trim)

Per chevron azure and argent, two wolf's heads erased argent and a drakkar sable. Bleyddyn ap Rhys (3/1992 Caid)

Per chevron azure and Or, two foxes' heads erased and addorsed argent, in base a fleur-de-lis vert. Irene Murdoch Fockxworth (9/1984 Aten)

Per chevron embattled gules and azure, two curs' heads couped argent collared sable and a tower argent. Katherine Kerr of the Hermitage (1/2009 Loch)

Per chevron ploye Or and azure, two wolf's heads cabossed and an escallop inverted counterchanged. Redman Bryce of Gordon (4/1992 Caid)

Per chevron purpure and vert, a chevron between two dog's heads erased and an oak leaf argent. Oriel y Cwn (12/1995 Trim)

Per chevron purpure and vert, two dogs' heads erased respectant and a spiral hunting horn reversed Or. Maria de Cinisi (11/2001 Caid)

Per chevron sable and argent, two wolf's heads erased and a rose counterchanged. Batu Chinua (2/2003 AEth)

Per chevron sable and azure, a chevron Or between two wolf's heads couped and a ferret statant argent. Wulfric Ferreter (9/1995 East)

Per chevron sable and Or, two wolf's heads erased addorsed argent and a mullet azure, and on a chief Or three lozenges azure. Seamus MacOwen of Kirkhill (1/1984 Midd)

Per chevron throughout Or and argent, two Great Dane dogs' heads cabossed and a Great Dane dog passant to sinister sable. Phillip of Loch Shelldrake (6/1983 Aten)

Per chevron throughout sable and Or, two wolf's heads erased Or a winged wolf salient sable. Énán mac Fáeláin (3/1996 Meri)

Per chevron vert and sable, a chevron rompu between two wolves heads respectant erased and a sheaf of spears Or. Jehane Wulfeken (1/1998 Arte)

Per fess argent and gules, two wolf's heads erased sable and a castle argent. Mael Coluim mac Gilla Epscoip (2/2007 Arte)

Per fess azure and sable, on a fess between two wolves' heads couped argent a torch palewise sable enflamed proper. Rodrigo Hernandez de Toledo (12/1997 Atla)

Per fess dovetailed azure and gules, two wolf's heads erased and a lion couchant argent. Elizabeth Seale (9/2009 Anst)

Per fess Or and sable, two wolves' heads cabossed counterchanged. Ragnar Ulfgarsson (5/1992 Anst)

Per pale and per fess raguly argent and sable, two wolf's heads cabossed in pale counterchanged. Cáel Mactier (5/1994 Anst)

Per pale argent and Or, a pale bretessed purpure between in chief two wolf's heads erased respectant sable. Giovanna Lena Caronna (8/2000 Anst)

Per pale argent and sable, in fess two wolf's heads cabossed within a bordure counterchanged. Wulfric Grimbeald (4/1993 Caid)

Per pale argent and sable, two wolf's heads couped addorsed counterchanged. Alethea O'Phelan (2/1997 Midd)

Per pale azure and Or, a chevron between two wolf's heads cabossed and a caltrap, a bordure overall counterchanged. Uulfgar Uulfric (8/1985 East)

Per pale embattled sable and argent, in fess a wolf's head erased Or and another reversed gules. Shona of Red Wolf (5/1980 Anst)

Per pale embattled sable and gules, a crooked staff bendwise sinister between two wolves' heads addorsed erased argent, all within a bordure ermine. Nikolai Dmitri Zhdanovich Dolgorukov (6/1987 Aten)

Per pale Or and gules, a chevron between two wolf's heads erased respectant and a pine tree, all counterchanged. Wolf Dietrich von Hohenwald (8/1986 Caid)

Per pale Or and purpure, two wolf's heads erased addorsed and conjoined and in base two axes addorsed all counterchanged sable and argent, a bordure embattled sable. Dafydd Balch de Cantref Blaidd (9/2005 Atla)

Per pale purpure and argent, two wolf's heads erased, addorsed, and conjoined counterchanged and a bordure embattled per pale argent and sable. Aron of Ealdormere (7/2006 Eald)

Per pale purpure and Or, a palm tree eradicated between two wolves' heads erased respectant counterchanged. Gunnarr Brunwulf (7/1985 AnTi)

Per pale sable and argent, a winged lion passant gules and in chief two wolves' heads caboshed counterchanged. Loric of Winteroak (8/1984 East)

Per pale sable and argent, an oak tree eradicated gules and in chief two wolf's heads cabossed counterchanged. Anton Winteroak (10/1984 East)

Per pale sable and argent, in saltire a quill and a sword inverted and on a chief two wolves' heads caboshed all counterchanged. Donato el Lobo (3/1985 Calo)

Per pale sable and argent, two axes in saltire between in fess two wolf's heads erased respectant counterchanged. Kjotví Þorgrimsson (3/2005 AEth)

Per pale sable and argent, two wolves heads respectant counterchanged. Killian Stewart (9/1995 Midd)

Per pale sable and azure, two wolf's heads erased respectant ululant within a bordure all counterchanged argent and Or. Lisette de Saint Trond (6/2000 Midd)

Per pale vert and argent, two wolf heads erased addorsed and in chief a roundel counterchanged. Ulf Sigmundarson (7/2009 Caid)

Per pale vert and purpure, a chevron dovetailed between two wolf's heads erased and a horse rampant argent. Jacquette Beamonte (9/2005 Atla)

Per pall azure, sable and argent, a compass star Or and two wolf's heads erased addorsed counterchanged. Wulfric Rennison (12/2010 Trim)

Per pall inverted purpure, sable, and Or, two wolf's heads erased addorsed argent and a tree blasted and couped vert. Galen Ó Seanacháin (5/2001 Aten)

Per saltire argent and vert, in pale two bunches of grapes, slipped and leaved, proper and in fess two fox's heads erased affronty argent. Christopher FitzArthur of Walland Marsh (7/1988 Midd)

Per saltire azure and argent, in pale two foxes' masks and in fess two roses counterchanged. Anne Kent (3/1985 Midd)

Per saltire azure and Or, in pale two drawn bows and arrows pointing to sinister Or, and in fess two fox's masks gules. Andreu Pedley (7/1992 Caid)

Per saltire gules and sable, in pale two foxes masks jessant-de-lys Or and in fess two fleams argent. Jean le Reynard des Pyrenees (6/1995 West)

Per saltire gules and vert, in pale two wolf's heads cabossed and in fess two paw prints argent. Aífe Fael ingen Brénainn (7/2001 Aten)

Per saltire Or and azure, in pale two thistles, slipped and leaved, and in fess two wolf's heads, erased and sinister facing, all counterchanged. Hector MacDougal (2/1989 West)

Per saltire sable and argent, two stag's heads erased argent and two wolf's heads erased sable. Jon Dai of the Lane (7/1994 West)

Per saltire vert and Or, in chief a hammer palewise argent and in fess two wolf's heads erased addorsed sable. Ljótr Einarsson (8/1998 AnTi)

Purpure, a chevron throughout argent ermined purpure, in pale two wolf's heads erased respectant argent. Dafydd mac Canannán (9/1990 Anst)

Purpure, four swords fretted in mascle points to chief, on a chief enarched Or two wolf's heads erased purpure. Cecille de Baskervyl (5/2001 West)

Quarterly argent and azure, in bend two wolf's heads erased sable. Faolán Dubh mac Lochlainn (3/2010 AEth)

Quarterly azure and vert, a cross between in bend two wolves' heads erased argent. Áedán mac Tigernáin (5/2007 East)

Quarterly nebuly argent and azure, in bend two wolf's heads, erased and addorsed, sable, in bend sinister two roses argent, barbed and seeded proper. Eglantine deWolfe (6/1989 Trim)

Quarterly sable and vert, in bend sinister two wolf's heads cabossed argent. Wolfgrim Kolbrands son (11/2008 West)

Quarterly vert and argent, a flanged mace bendwise argent between two wolf's heads erased vert. Sifrid der Blint (8/2006 AEth)

Sable, a bend cotised argent between two wolf's heads erased ermine, langued gules. Juliana nicColin (8/1979)

Sable, a bend engouled of two wolf's heads Or. Illuminada Eugenia de Guadalupe y Godoy (8/2005 Caid)

Sable, a bend sinister ermine between two wolf's heads cabossed argent. Rorik Harcourt of the Axe (7/1974)

Sable, a bend sinister wavy between two fox's heads erased and respectant argent. Selima Dragonheart (4/1989 East)

Sable, a double-bitted axe bendwise sinister between two wolf's heads, erased and sinister facing, Or. Gerwyn y Teigr (12/1989 Outl)

Sable, a spoon Or between two wolf's heads cabossed argent. Aarnimetsä, Barony of (9/1997 Drac)

Sable, in fess two wolf's heads cabossed and in base a rose argent slipped and leaved fesswise Or, on a chief triangular argent a heart gules. Alicia Rose Wolf (4/2001 Atla)

Sable, on a bend sinister between two bulldog's heads caboshed argent, four quatrefoils slipped vert. Pátraic Ó Ceallaigh (5/2006 Caid)

Sable, on a bend sinister between two wolf's heads erased respectant argent an escarbuncle vert. Johan der Hund (5/2006 Calo)

Sable, on a bend sinister engrailed between two wolves heads caboshed argent, an arrow inverted sable. Ulf Lowis (6/1997 Loch)

Sable, on a chevron embattled between two wolves' heads erased contourny argent, two arrows inverted gules. Beorhtwulf of Greymere (8/1990 Midd)

Sable, on a chevron throughout gules fimbriated, three wolf's heads erased argent. Wolf of Wexford (7/2004 Caid)

Sable, three decrescents in bend between two wolf's heads erased ululant contourny argent. Wülfer Drachenhand (2/2002 AEth)

Sable, two wolf's heads erased respectant and in chief a mullet of four points elongated to base argent. Tyrvaldr berserkr (5/2007 East)

Vairy Or and azure, two talbots' heads erased respectant argent, orbed and langued gules. Elsa die Jungfrau (1/1973)

Vert, a bend sinister between two foxes heads erased argent. Wilhelm der Krieger (11/1993 AnTi)

Vert, four wolf pawprints bendwise sinister in bend sinister between two wolves' heads erased argent. Olwen verch Heilyn Blaidd (4/1999 Aten)

Vert, on a bend Or between two wolf's heads erased argent three oak leaves vert. Caitríona of the Middle (2/2001 Midd)

Vert, on a bend sinister between two wolves' heads erased argent three crosses formy palewise gules. Hilderich der Biterolf (1/1994 Midd)

Vert, two hound's heads couped respectant Or. Anna Eisenkopf (8/1996 East)

Vert, two talbot's heads erased argent and on a point pointed embattled argent an open book vert. Elianor la Bergiere (1/2003 AnTi)