head, monster, other:1

Argent, a gurges purpure, overall a cat's head caboshed sable with ram's horns and jessant-de-lys Or. Alondra Orre (3/1981 Caid)

Argent, a winged stag's head affronty erased at the shoulder wings displayed azure and in base two swords in saltire sable. Wynterset, Stronghold of (2/2004 AEth)

Argent, a winged stag's head affronty erased at the shoulder wings displayed azure within a laurel wreath vert and on a chief sable three mullets of eight points argent. Wynterset, Stronghold of (2/2004 AEth)

Azure, a lion's head, winged, erased and affronty, argent. Siegfried der Unverzagt von Brandenburg (4/1989 Anst)

(Fieldless) A pantheon's head erased azure semy of compass stars argent gorged of a pearled coronet Or. Ghislaine d'Auxerre (6/2003 West)

(Fieldless) A unicornate boar's head erased Or. Harold von Auerbach (12/1995 East)

(Fieldless) A wolf's head erased sable attired of a ram's horns Or. Wolfram Faust (5/1996 Trim)

(Fieldless) A yale's head erased contourny gules. Danescombe, Shire of (4/2006 AnTi)

Gules, a Gorgon's head cabossed argent between in fess two swords inverted proper. Damianós Arrianus Alexius Nicosiaios (7/1986 Midd)

Gyronny of six sable and gules, a boar-faced goat's head erased to sinister Or, armed argent, within a bordure engrailed Or, semy of trefoils vert. Caprus ua'Seaghdhe (5/1982 Atla)

Lozengy azure and argent, a Continental panther's head erased vert, vomiting flames gules, armed Or. Deborah Hirczy (12/2006 East)

Or, a tyger's head erased azure, engorged with an Eastern Crown argent; on a chief azure a quill pen fesswise Or. East, Kingdom of the (8/1979 East)

Per bend embattled azure and gules, a unicornate lion's head Or and a garden rose bendwise argent slipped and leaved vert. Alessa Elrica Attenborough (1/1981 West)

Per bend purpure and vert, a yale's head couped argent. Cyneburh æt Suðhamtune (3/2000 Caid)

Purpure, a yale's head erased argent, armed Or, in base two rapiers in saltire argent. Melchior av Härö Sund (7/1996 Drac)

Sable, a Bengal tiger's head cabossed Or, marked sable, horned gules, between three roses, all within a bordure Or. Hreodbeorht Lumhaighs (9/1988 Atla)

Sable, a Bog Beast's head erased, argent. Akbar the Sot (3/1981 West)

Sable, a horned wolf's head erased argent. Talanque (1/1973)

Sable, a sea-serpent's head issuant from a bar abased, engrailed to chief, invected to base, Or. Grimarr of Nordheim (11/1983 Caid)

Sable, a unicornate lion's head erased Or between in fess two pink camellias, stalked and leaved, slips entwined in base, proper. [Camellia reticulata] Loren Leonie (9/1981 Caid)

Sable, a winged gorgon's head cabossed and in chief an artist's brush fesswise argent. Lucrezia Ana Callista Caracciola da Venezia (8/2011 West)

Sable, an alphyn's head erased Or and on a chief engrailed argent three crosses swallowtailed fitchy purpure. Phelan the Wight (11/1990 East)