head, reptile

Argent, a cobra's head erect affronty couped sable, bellied argent, between two swords inverted sable, and a chief checky sable and argent. Ryan von Gunterburg (8/1993 Meri)

Argent, in pale a serpent's head fesswise reversed and a serpent's head fesswise vert. Tryggvi Grabardr Olsen (4/1990 Atla)

Azure, a serpent's head, erect and striking, couped at the neck, in chief four mullets, all within a bordure Or. Ethelinda Orlogyr (6/1990 Meri)

Per chevron argent and sable, two hourglasses and a cobra's head affronty couped counterchanged. Fabian Falcon Ravoux (11/1993 Anst)

Per pale vert and gules, a cobra's head affronty erased argent. Terence of Weyrdhaven (1/1973)

Sable, a viper's head couped azure, orbed gules. Avar the Boneless (6/1972)