
Argent, a bowen knot between four roses in cross azure barbed and seeded proper. Gytha Karlsdotter (12/1998 Outl)

Argent, a chevron inverted engrailed on the lower edge, in chief a Hungerford knot all within a bordure azure. Julian Hungerford (4/1996 Midd)

Argent, two serpents nowed in a Bourchier knot palewise vert, a bordure counter-compony sable and argent. Duncan MacAdam (6/1994 Atla)

Argent, two snakes nowed in a weaver's knot azure. Ethelfleda Daviðsdottir (12/1996 Atla)

Azure, a lion couchant guardant contourny, on a mount argent a hank of cord azure. Caointiarn Comhthaistealaí (9/1993 West)

Azure, a valknut inverted Or between two lightning bolts in pile argent. Uther Lodbrok (4/1994 Anst)

Azure, on a mullet of four points within an orle of Wake knots argent a Viking longship sable. Bengta Rolfsdotter (9/1997 Aten)

Ermine, a Bohemian love knot azure within a bordure gules. Johannes von Narrenstein (4/1994 Midd)

(Fieldless) A Bohemian love knot azure. Johannes von Narrenstein (4/1994 Midd)

(Fieldless) A gunrest sable surmounted by a coiled match argent. Kazimir Petrovich Pomeshanov (1/1994 Anst)

(Fieldless) A pretzel interlaced with a sword fesswise reversed proper. Marian of Edwinstowe (7/1996 East)

(Fieldless) An annulet fretted with a Bowen knot gules. Ragnar Torbjörn (6/1990 Caid)

(Fieldless) On a portcullis argent a thistle flower slipped in the form of a Stafford knot proper. Torcail Gilleghaolain (2/1994 Outl)

(Fieldless) Two fool's baubles crossed in saltire argent, vested Or and vert, interlaced with a Heneage knot Or. Outlands, Kingdom of the (10/1990 Outl)

Gules, a bend argent voided humetty between a harp and a trefoil knot Or. Madailéin nic Sheachnasaigh (10/1995 AnTi)

Gules, a bend sinister between three roses argent and a knot of four loops and tassels Or. Clare de Kirkpatric (8/1997 Calo)

Gules, a knot of four loops and four tassels argent. Charles O'Connor (3/1982 Atla)

Gules, a Lacy knot and a chief triangular Or. Carina Lunetta de Lacy (9/1995 Outl)

Gules, a Lacy knot argent between three roses Or. Deirdre de Lacy of Meath (11/1998 Midd)

Gules, a quatrefoil knot, on a chief Or a catamount passant sable. Rufus Adycote of Mynheniot (10/1998 Loch)

Gules, a reindeer trippant argent within an orle of Wake knots in orle Or. Rignach filia Aniel Duib (2/2011 AEth)

Gyronny purpure and argent, a Bourchier knot throughout gules, a bordure sable. Eugenius Magnus ap Llwyd (9/1996 Drac)

Lozengy azure and argent, on a bend sable three Wake knots Or. Mikael McCue (8/1995 East)

Or, a chevron rompu azure between two Heneage knots sable and in saltire two ostrich plumes gules. Manfred Schütze aus Augsburg (5/1993 Atla)

Or, a Donnelly knot gules, on a chief vert three quills Or. Claire Marie Alderton (1/1998 Loch)

Or, a Donnelly knot sable. Edana O'Donnelly (9/1996 Midd)

Or, a fox sejant guardant sable and in chief a ducal coronet, all within an orle of Wake knots in orle gules. Marsle of Dunbarton (9/2007 Trim)

Or, on a pale purpure endorsed vert a shamrock environed of a Bourchier knot palewise Or. Tighearnait ní Chearnaigh (9/1995 East)

Per bend azure and Or, a range of three organ pipes and a Wake knot counterchanged. Elfrida Scholastica Eliensis (2/1994 Midd)

Per bend sinister argent and azure, a squirrel sejant erect contourny and a Lacy knot counterchanged. Elizabeth MacMurich (10/1998 West)

Per chevron Or and vert, a chevron between two pine trees couped and a Lacy knot all counterchanged. Faolan Beag (4/1994 Midd)

Per fess sable and gules, a Lacy knot between three stick shuttles argent. Brigit Katherine Stoneman (2/1995 Midd)

Per pale azure and argent a Lacy knot, on a chief three triskeles all counterchanged. Mór Dúin Ruaid (10/1997 Midd)

Per pale azure and argent, on a lozenge counterchanged, a Wake knot Or. Mikael McCue (9/1997 East)

Per pale azure and argent, two wyverns erect addorsed, tails nowed in a Wake knot, counterchanged. Daniel Stuart (7/1997 Aten)

Per pale gules and purpure, a weaver's knot and a bordure argent. Annabel Kincaid (9/1998 Anst)

Per pale Or and sable, a Bourchier knot counterchanged, on a chief gules, two bees Or. Anne McHenry (10/1989 Calo)

Per pale sable and argent, on a roundel a quatrefoil knot within a bordure all counterchanged. Arlindis o Gordon (10/1995 AnTi)

Per pale sable and purpure, an ounce's head cabossed argent, incensed Or, within a bordure argent semy of Cavendish knots purpure. Maeve Aislynn Ronan (2/2007 East)

Per pale vert and argent, a loop of rope, ends crossed in base, sable. Thomas the Green (11/1996 Midd)

Per pale vert and sable, a Bowen knot crosswise argent. Eilonwen verch Gryffyn (2/1996 Midd)

Per pale vert and sable, a lynx statant argent within a bordure argent semy of tassels vert. Ekkadi Maya (3/2012 Meri)

Per pall inverted azure Or and argent, in chief a Hungerford knot Or and a bunch of grapes azure slipped and leaved vert. Mieszko Stanislaus z Czestochowy (1/1998 Midd)

Per saltire vert and azure, in cross four bowen knots crosswise argent. Cecelia Corr Mháire (4/1994 Outl)

Purpure, a butterfly between three quill pens in pall, nibs to center argent, all within an orle of rope Or. Marycz Karola Pohlman (3/1998 AEth)

Purpure, a ship on a chief argent three quatrefoil knots purpure. Caitlin nic Aindreis of Dumbarton (7/1995 Anst)

Purpure, two stags springing addorsed reguardant argent, attired, in chief a Lacy knot Or. Berengaria Mordaunt (2/1994 Midd)

Sable, a Bowen knot crosswise fretted with a bendlet and a scarpe Or. Leila of the Meadows (10/1993 West)

Sable, a fess argent, overall a Heneage knot within an orle of rope counterchanged. Ericus the Silverhand (1/1992 Anst)

Sable semy of hangman's nooses argent, an annulet of chain Or. Finn Herjólfsson (10/1992 Midd)

Sable, two chevronels, that in chief ensigned with a castle Or and enfiled of a noose argent pendant from a chief Or. Richard of Locksley (4/1973)

(Tinctureless) Two trefoil knots braced. Bruce Draconarius of Mistholme (11/1985 Caid)

Vert, a bend bevilled argent between a swan naiant and a quatrefoil knot Or. Katherine Alicia of Salisbury (8/1995 West)

Vert, a Lacy knot and in chief two compass stars argent. Elspeth of Hawkesridge (7/1994 Midd)

Vert, a lion argent within a bordure argent semy of pretzels sable. Vassili Miroslavich (5/2004 East)

Vert, a stag rampant contourny argent attired and unguled within a orle of Ormonde knots Or. Brynjulv Ericson (9/1995 Trim)

Vert, in bend three mullets of four points palewise Or within a square knot bendwise throughout argent. Doyel Mor-Ser (8/1979 Anst)

Vert, on a bend sinister Or between a fox's mask and a Celtic cross argent three quatrefoil knots palewise vert. Cú gan mháthair MacMuircheartaigh (9/1995 Midd)