
Argent, a bear's head couped sable, muzzled argent, between in saltire four holly leaves saltirewise vert, all within a bordure nebuly gules. Andrew Faunce of Sharsted (7/1984 Caid)

Argent, a pawprint sable between four leaves in cross, stems to center, vert. Taran Wulf (7/1999 Aten)

Argent, a strawberry flower slipped of four fruit in cross and four leaves in saltire proper. [Fragilia virginiana] Khadijah of House Hakim (8/1979 East)

Argent, four holly leaves conjoined in cross vert, within a bordure nebuly gules. Andrew Faunce of Sharsted (7/1984 Caid)

Argent, four oak leaves conjoined in cross within a laurel wreath vert, a ford. Oakford, Canton of (4/1998 Midd)

Argent, four oak leaves in saltire stems to center vert and in base an acorn proper, a bordure purpure. Alzhbet de Sighisoara (2/2005 Outl)

Argent, four walnut leaves conjoined in cross vert, between as many walnuts in saltire proper. Philip of Stryer (7/1981 East)

Azure, a saltire between four maple leaves Or. Quintinus Alexander (5/1998 Midd)

Azure, an acorn between four oak leaves in cross, stems to center, argent. Adalard Rheinholt (5/1983 Midd)

Azure, four holly leaves in saltire, stems to center, argent. Andreas of Green Village (3/1991 Calo)

Azure, four oak leaves conjoined in saltire argent within an orle Or charged in cross with four hurts. Talbot of Oakdale (5/1991 West)

Azure, on a cross between four leaves argent a rose gules. Avelyn MacGregor (11/2001 Atla)

Barry wavy argent and azure, on a pall gules, four linden leaves palewise argent. Kilde Jurgenstochter (12/1988 East)

Brown, a lion passant maintaining a sword between four bo leaves saltirewise in saltire Or and a dexter tierce per pale vert and tenné fimbriated all within a bordure Or. Sri Lanka (9/1995 Laur)

(Fieldless) Four holly leaves conjoined in cross vert, fructed gules. Tatjana vom Hülst (5/1992 East)

(Fieldless) Four oak leaves conjoined in saltire stems to center gules between four acorns conjoined in cross caps to center Or. Darkwater, Barony of (5/1999 Trim)

(Fieldless) Four oak leaves in cross, stems to center gules, and four acorns in saltire, caps to center Or all conjoined at the center point. Darkwater, Barony of (3/1999 Trim)

(Fieldless) Four swords in cross points to center proper and four oak leaves in saltire stems to center all conjoined at the center point gules. Brice Colquhoun (12/2003 Midd)

(Fieldless) Four tulips gules slipped in cross bases to center conjoined with four leaves in saltire bases to center vert. Diana of the Tulips (7/2002 Outl)

Gules, a dolphin haurient contourny between four seeblatter in cross Or. Adelicia de Clare (7/2006 Aten)

Gyronny gules and Or, four roses Or and four holly leaves slips to center gules. Elizabeth of Rivenstar (11/2003 East)

Or, a cross moline azure between four seeblatter, points to center, vert. Dietmar von Straubing (3/1998 Caid)

Or, a cross triply parted and fretted vert the center traits sable all between four aspen leaves stems outwards vert. Brigit Kelly (2/2003 Outl)

Or, a sprig of four mangrove leaves fructed vert and a chief azure. Stephen of Irongate (4/1987 West)

Or, a tyger statant to sinister reguardant, tail nowed azure between four leaves in cross stems to center vert. Elizabeth Reed (9/2004 East)

Or, four oak leaves conjoined in saltire stems to center vert. Catherine of Oakden (2/2003 AEth)

Per bend embattled vert and sable, a sprig of four holly leaves bendwise sinister within a bordure argent. Magdalen de Feo (9/1999 AnTi)

Per chevron inverted argent and vert, in chief three oak leaves two and one and in base another all counterchanged. Charles Robert Oakley of Rivendale (9/1995 Midd)

Per fess vert and sable, in fess four morning-glory leaves fesswise conjoined Or. Joshua the Mad (6/1991 Caid)

Per pale gules and vert, a lion's head between in cross four oak leaves argent. Rand Reynald (1/2012 Caid)

Per pale gules and vert, a lion's head erased between in cross four oak leaves argent. Rand Reynald (2/2012 Caid)

Per pale vert and azure, on a pale gules fimbriated between in pale two oak leaves bendwise and two of the same bendwise sinister a goblet Or. Gabriele die Gutige (10/1976)

Per saltire argent and Or, four oak leaves fructed vert. Gwenhwyfar Gunn (11/1992 Caid)

Per saltire argent and vert, four seeblätter with points to center counterchanged. Arina de Tränetorp (3/2011 Midd)

Per saltire sable and Or, four oak leaves, slips to center, fructed, counterchanged. Karl Moennich von Nord Mark (11/1991 Atla)

Purpure, four maple leaves in cross, stems fretted, argent. Abigail de Westminster (10/2008 Aten)

Quarterly Or and gules, four oak leaves in saltire stems to center counterchanged. Ann of Hamner (12/1985 Midd)

Quarterly sable and Or, four oak leaves stems to center counterchanged. Anna Durham (9/2010 Calo)

Sable, a hammer and on a chief argent four oak leaves fesswise stems to center vert. Aurelia Aurifaber (8/2000 Atla)

Sable, a hammer fesswise and on a bordure argent in cross four oak leaves in orle vert. Aurelia Aurifaber (8/2004 Atla)

Sable, a pair of pine needles palewise between two pairs of pine needles in annulo argent. Matsuyama Yoshitoshi (2/1990 Caid)

Sable, a sun between in cross four oak leaves, all within a bordurelet Or. Ciarrái MacBraonáin an taghdach (3/1981 Meri)

Sable, four oak leaves conjoined at the stems in cross Or. Karl Moennich von Nord Mark (11/1991 Atla)

Sable, on a pale bretessed between four oak leaves, the lower two inverted Or, a dagger inverted sable hilted vert. Comyn Hrothwyn of Goldum Aecum (1/1985 Calo)

Sable, on a saltire bretessed between four mullets of four points elongated to base argent, a thistle proper between four beech leaves palewise vert. Aline Kinneir (2/2009 East)

Vert, a saltire between four oak leaves, all within a bordure argent. Shena MacTavish (1/1989 Calo)

Vert, a wolf sejant ululant between four maple leaves in cross argent. Ketill Errickson (12/2004 East)

Vert, an acorn within a bordure Or charged with four oak leaves in cross vert. Aislinn inghean Mhaoilbhrighde (12/2010 Atla)

Vert, an oak tree within a bordure engrailed argent, charged with four oak leaves in cross vert. Anne Chavelle of Silver Oak (6/1991 West)

Vert, four oak leaves conjoined in cross and fructed within and conjoined to an annulet in chief three harps Or. Alill Mac Bard de Kermichel (4/1997 Calo)

Vert, on a bend sinister between two swans naiant respectant argent four oak leaves fructed gules. Tana à l'Esprit Fort (7/1996 Anst)

Vert, on a pall azure, fimbriated, four birch leaves argent. Nara of Fernwell (6/1983 Anst)