
Argent, a basilisk displayed, tail wrapped around its legs, vert, winged and bellied, within an orle of lozenges gules. Hrothgar se AEthel (7/1986 Outl)

Argent, a chevron embattled purpure between three crosses of four lozenges vert. Joan Sutton (8/1997 Loch)

Argent, a fleur-de-lys purpure within an annulet of lozenges vert. Elaine of Elswicke (2/1994 Caid)

Argent, a lamb rampant within a bordure purpure charged with lozenges argent. Agnes Margaret de Grinstead (10/1992 Midd)

Argent, a sea-dragon azure within a bordure wavy azure semy of lozenges argent. Emmelina Lutz (12/2009 Calo)

Argent, a singly arched bridge, its span fracted, gules, masoned argent, within an orle of lozenges sable. Bertrand d'Avignon (12/1987 Outl)

Argent, on a cross cotised gules between four crosses of four lozenges purpure a sword inverted proper. Gerald of York (11/2001 Loch)

Argent, seme of lozenges gules, a wyvern passant, wings displayed, within a bordure engrailed sable. AEthelhere the Unsteady (1/1987 AnTi)

Argent semy of lozenges, a bordure sable. Cathal Finn Ó Briain (1/2010 Anst)

Argent semy of lozenges azure. Atlantia, Kingdom of (6/2005 Atla)

Argent semy of lozenges gules, an eagle displayed head to sinister maintaining three annulets braced two and one all within a bordure sable. Stanislav Norovich (7/2003 Caid)

Argent semy of lozenges sable, a sea horse azure and a chief engrailed sable. Kateryn of Kensington (7/1998 Caid)

Argent semy of lozenges vert, a fox rampant within a bordure embattled sable. Iohannes ap Gwylim Pengrych (7/2003 Caid)

Azure, a bend lozengy argent between a heart gules fimbriated and an annulet argent. Eideann de Blenkinsopp (3/1983 Caid)

Azure, a boar rampant argent and a bordure argent semy of lozenges azure. Mærwynn uxor Floriani (9/2008G)

Azure, a chevron Or between three lion's heads erased argent each gorged of four lozenges conjoined in fess gules and a chief embattled Or. Iain Jameson of Kilronan (6/1995 Trim)

Azure, a dog sejant guardant argent spotted sable within a bordure argent lozengy sable. Lyn the Inquisitive (12/2002 Anst)

Azure, a lion rampant Or within a bordure engrailed argent semy of lozenges azure. Paul of Somerton (8/1991 AnTi)

Azure, a maiden argent crined Or within a bordure argent lozengy sable. Lyn the Inquisitive (12/2002 Anst)

Azure, a wolf's head cabossed within an orle of lozenges argent. Antoinette Saint Clair (7/1991 West)

Gules, a stag's head, couped and sinister facing, Or within a bordure Or, semy of lozenges azure. Michel de Montrevel (12/1987 Atla)

Gules, a wolf's head erased ululant to sinister argent within an orle of lozenges Or. Lyulf de Flandry (9/1992 AnTi)

Or, a cross lozenged within a bordure sable. Alexander Barkov (1/1974)

Or, a cross of Calatrava gules within an orle of lozenges bases to center sable. Jebe of Sugdak (3/2004 AnTi)

Or, a fret azure within a bordure azure semy of lozenges Or. Leah Raedaelf of Pagham (3/1991 West)

Or, a lion maintaining a sword sable a bordure sable semy of lozenges Or. Brian of Quin (8/1997 East)

Or, a sexfoil pierced gules, a bordure sable semy of lozenges Or. Takeda Ujimasa (10/1992 Aten)

Or, a stag's head couped contourny gules, a bordure sable semy of lozenges Or. Gaston de Montrevel (1/1996 Atla)

Or, on a pile between two crosses of five lozenges vert a sun in his splendor Or. Clare Michaels (8/1994 Caid)

Or, semy of lozenges azure, a brown bear rampant to sinister proper. Anne FitzAlan of Castle Combe (12/2001 Caid)

Or, semy of lozenges gules, a domino mask sable. Caryl de Trecesson (12/1984 East)

Per bend sinister gules and Or, a bend sinister fusily between two roundels each charged with a wolf's head erased contourny all counterchanged. Bjorn Torvaldsson (10/1999 Calo)

Per bend sinister gules and sable, a lion rampant within an orle of lozenges argent. Edward Dymoke (4/2004 Loch)

Per chevron lozengy Or and sable, and gules, a chevron argent, in base a dragon sejant Or. Caitlin Angharad FitzHenry (12/1992 East)

Per chevron sable, semy of lozenges Or, and Or, in base a stag rampant sable. Dyfan ap Iago (4/1990 East)

Per chevron vert semy of lozenges and argent, in base a cross formy gules. Wystan Albryght (1/2009 Caid)

Per fess azure and gules all lozengy, an owl affronty argent. Sophia Eriksdotter (12/2004 Drac)

Per fess azure and sable semy of lozenges, a fess embattled argent and in chief a laurel wreath Or. Brakendelve, Canton of (10/1996 Midd)

Per fess azure and vert, a tree blasted and eradicated Or, a bordure Or semy of lozenges sable. Seraphina Raleigh (11/2009 AnTi)

Per fess indented azure semy of lozenges argent, and argent, in base a laurel wreath azure. Ice Valley, Shire of (11/1991 East)

Per pale argent and sable, a leopard salient counterchanged, on a bordure per pale azure and argent an orle of lozenges conjoined counterchanged argent and gules. Sterling Schawn Leopard (2/1991 Aten)

Per pale argent and vert, three bars lozengy counterchanged. Rhys Pwyll ap Maelgwyn (5/1987 East)

Per pale azure and vert all semy of lozenges, a pale Or. Mari the Far-Travelled (8/2007 Outl)

Per pale azure and vert, an increscent between three sets of four lozenges in cross argent. Aldric Smith of Exeter (9/2008 Atla)

Per pale gules and sable, a sheaf of rapiers inverted within an orle of lozenges argent. Eyrný Ormarsdóttir (5/1994 Midd)

Per pale Or and purpure, a fleur-de-lys counterchanged within a bordure sable semy of lozenges argent. Justina Marie of Burgundy (7/1991 Caid)

Per pale Or and purpure, ten lozenges conjoined four, four and two counterchanged vert and argent, overall a Jester's Bauble facing dexter gules, faced argent. Pepin Moroni (12/1996 Anst)

Per pale Or and sable a double headed eagle displayed, a bordure semy of lozenges counterchanged. Wulfbrand Weigand (3/1995 Atla)

Per pale vert and purpure, a dragonfly within an orle of lozenges argent. Isabetta del Verde (1/2012 Drac)

Per pall inverted gules, Or and argent, a cedar tree vert stocked sable and a bordure sable semy of lozenges Or. A. J. of Bonwicke (4/1994 Anst)

Purpure, a dragonfly argent within a snake involved in annulo argent lozengy purpure. Sabine Bryght of Ash (7/2000 Aten)

Quarterly gules and vairy Or and gules, a cross lozengy throughout, in the first quarter a stag courant above an oak leaf fesswise Or. Barbara-Katherine of Kenilworth (7/1974)

Quarterly purpure and sable, a seahorse contourny Or between in bend two crosses of four lozenges argent and in bend sinister two crosses of four lozenges Or. Zianna beguy urdina de Zabaleta (10/2007 AEth)

Sable, a bear's head erased argent muzzled gules between two swords in pile argent within a bordure argent semy of lozenges sable. Rorik Galbraith (3/1985 Calo)

Sable, semy of lozenges argent. Geneviève de Lironcourt (11/2002 Anst)

Sable semy of lozenges, on a bordure argent three lozenges sable. Magnus Stewart (3/2005 Atla)

Sable semy of lozenges ployé argent, a man vested argent kilted vert maintaining in his hands two flanged maces argent. Gamli tottr (3/2012 East)

Vert, a daisy proper, a bordure Or semy of lozenges purpure. Marguerite de Troyes (12/2000 AEth)

Vert, a demi-pegasus Or within a bordure Or, semy of lozenges vert. Oriana Winterborne (11/1986 Meri)

Vert, a natural sea otter, couchant on its back, tail erect and head erect and guardant, argent within a bordure argent, seme of lozenges purpure. Caristiona Bhan (10/1987 West)

Vert, a paw print bendwise sinister Or, a bordure Or semy of lozenges sable. Morgan of Osprey (8/2000 Meri)

Vert, semy of fusils Or, on a chief wavy azure a laurel wreath Or. Dumnonia, Barony of (12/1975 Midd)