monster, tyger:2

Argent, mulletty sable, two gores azure, the dexter one charged with a tyger rampant, the sinister one with a tyger rampant to sinister, both Or, and in chief a mullet of twelve points sable. Roderich von Wolfach (9/1987 Anst)

Azure, in pale two tygers passant contourny queue-forchy argent. Ines Alfón (2/2007 Calo)

Erminois, two tygers counter-salient in saltire, both reguardant azure incensed gules. Heinrich Alois von Speyer (12/2006 AnTi)

(Fieldless) A bicorporate tyger sable. Baras Bayan (9/1999 Meri)

Gules, in pale two tygers passant argent. Alia la rousse (11/2006 Caid)

Or, a bend sinister embattled on the upper edge between two tygers passant contourny azure. Iago Gof (10/2000 Aten)

Pean, two tygers passant counterpassant argent, a chief embattled Or. Bianca da Ravenna (12/1998 Arte)

Per chevron barry wavy argent and azure and gules, two tygers rampant and a tower Or. Zachary Attwater (11/2010 Loch)

Per chevron inverted vert and ermine, a pall Or between a heart and two tygers combattant counterchanged. Amyfelyse Alexandra Ives de Mintestede (8/1984 Midd)

Per fess wavy argent and purpure, a dragon segreant counterchanged between two tygers passant sable and another argent. Seonaid inghean Ghriogair (7/2011 Midd)

Per pale argent and azure, two tygers sejant erect counterchanged and on a chief sable, three scrolls unrolled argent. Aell Aethelwita (5/1985 East)

Per pale Or and argent, two tygers rampant addorsed incensed, tails intertwined, sable. Domenic D'Aquila (3/1980 West)

Per pale Or and azure, two tygers combattant counterchanged. East, Kingdom of the (8/1979 East)

Vair, two bendlets and in bend sinister a laurel wreath between two tygers passant to sinister Or. Northpass, Canton of (1/1987 East)

Vert, on a bend sinister between two tygers passant to sinister Or, a length of chain throughout, fracted at the center, sable, all within a bordure Or. Deirdre the Celt (5/1990 Calo)