musical instrument, harp:1

Argent, a bend sinister between a harp azure and a rose slipped and leaved gules. Morgan ap Madwyn (2/2011 East)

Argent, a brown wooden cross patonce proper, between in bend sinister a martlet rising gules, and an Irish harp reversed vert. Di Ana, called the Devoted (8/1979)

Argent, a Byzantine harp azure, a bordure compony azure and Or. Theodosius Athanasius (12/1985 Trim)

Argent, a chevron azure between two hammers bendwise sable and a harp gules. James Morrison the Harper (6/1999 Outl)

Argent, a cross vert and in dexter chief a harp sable. Stephen Bridewell (6/2005 Atla)

Argent, a Greek lyre sable. Boadicea Artemisia (9/1980 Meri)

Argent, a harp and a base vert. Forgotten Sea, Barony of (2/2002 Calo)

Argent, a harp and on a chief azure three fleurs-de-lys argent. Genevieve la Minstrelle (1/2011 Caid)

Argent, a harp between three dolphins naiant one and two in annulo azure. Màiri ni Raghallaigh (8/1990 East)

Argent, a harp gules and a bordure sable. Ruaidhrí Clàrsair (5/2004 Eald)

Argent, a harp gules on a chief indented sable three crosses bottony argent. Signy Dimmridaela (1/1995 Atla)

Argent, a harp proper, stringed sable, entwined about the pillar three thistles slipped and leaved proper. Ann Etheridge of Somerset (8/1979 East)

Argent, a harp reversed sable and a chief indented vert. Tadhg O'Murchadha the Wanderer (9/1991 Caid)

Argent, a harp reversed sable and on a chief vert three crosses couped argent. Taran MacAngus (12/2010 AnTi)

Argent, a harp reversed sable within a laurel wreath vert, on a chief sable three goblets argent. Yarnvid, College of (6/1995 Atla)

Argent, a harp sable and on a chief gules a sword argent. Raymund of Tadecastre (5/1994 East)

Argent, a harp sable within a bordure invected azure. Daibhidh mac a'Ghobhainn (7/1989 Aten)

Argent, a harp vert between three foxes courant gules within a bordure dovetailed vert. Sorcha Chathasach (9/1991 East)

Argent, a harp vert within a bordure embattled azure. Gwynnin ap Rhys (3/1995 AnTi)

Argent, a harp vert within an orle of golpes. Seosamh Ó Chóda (2/1986 East)

Argent, a Jew's harp purpure. Zoe Doukaina (7/2004 Midd)

Argent, a lyre gules between three torteaux, a chief gules semy-de-lys argent. Adon Gerhardt de Languedoc (6/1992 Trim)

Argent, a lyre purpure within a bordure purpure, semy of roses argent. Miranda de Pinillos (1/1989 West)

Argent, a pale vert surmounted in base by a lion dormant Or and on a chief wavy vert an Irish harp Or. Siobhán ní hEodhusa (11/1982 West)

Argent, a sprig of three oak leaves fructed proper, upon the center leaf a Celtic harp Or. Fionn MacGoilla Padraig (8/1979)

Argent goutty de sang, two rapiers crossed in saltire sable surmounted by a harp reversed proper. Diego de Marulanda (4/2000 Aten)

Argent, on a pale vert a mermaid affronty maintaining to dexter in both hands a harp argent, within overall a laurel wreath counterchanged. Lagerdamm, Shire of (6/1984 Meri)

Argent, on a pile between two trefoils vert an Irish harp argent. Séigíne of Northwoods (10/1991 Midd)

Argent, on a pile inverted azure, a lyre argent. Raim y Hynnddyl (8/1979 East)

Argent, on a roundel between in pale two swords fesswise, that in chief reversed sable, a lyre Or. Brian Mac Finn the Grey (10/1992 Midd)

Argent, on a tree eradicated proper a harp Or, a bordure wavy vert. Glynis Gwynedd (2/2005 Atla)

Argent, on an tree eradicated gules a harp Or. Cian Mac Dara (12/1994 AnTi)

Argent, semé of leaves vert, a Madrone tree eradicated, its trunk forming the column of a harp, gules, leaved vert. Madrone, Barony of (3/1983 AnTi)

Argent, semy of shamrocks vert, a mouse rampant sable maintaining an Irish harp Or stringed vert. Ommadan an Luch (4/2002 East)

Argent semy-de-lys sable, a harp contourny gules. Isolde de la Vielle-à-Roue (11/1997 AnTi)

Argent, two chevronels between two shamrocks and a harp vert. Elinora inghean ui Ruairc (9/2003 Anst)

Argent, two unicorns combattant and on a point pointed sable, a harp Or. Fiachra ni Ciardhubháin (4/1988 Outl)

Azure, a bend ermine between a harp and in fess a quill palewise and an inkwell Or. Michael of Hawkwood (7/1980 East)

Azure, a bend sinister argent between a martlet and a lyre Or. Francesca Serena Talenti (6/2005G)

Azure, a chevron between a harp, an axe reversed and a sabre-toothed tiger statant argent. Beorn Collenferth (10/1982 Meri)

Azure, a cross raguly argent between a harp Or and three geese rising wings addorsed argent. Ælfgyfu hearpestre (3/2005 AEth)

Azure, a demi-lion erect Or maintaining a harp all within a bordure argent. Siobhán inghean uí Liatháin (10/2002 AEth)

Azure, a double rose argent and sable all within an unstrung harp argent. Melodia Shaw (5/2007 Outl)

Azure, a Greek lyre and on a chief Or three fleurs-de-lys azure. Roselynde d'Angleterre (10/1982 Anst)

Azure, a harp and on a chief embattled Or three crescents gules. Onnwuen Æthelhelmes dohtor (6/2008 AnTi)

Azure, a harp Or, on a chief argent three crosses bottony gules. Celia of Rosedale (9/1998 Atla)

Azure, a harp Or overall a branch bendwise sinister all within a bordure argent. Turlough M'Colline More (4/2002 Calo)

Azure, a harp Or stringed argent. Ireland (12/1994 Laur)

Azure, a harp reversed between two flaunches argent each charged with a quill azure. Janek Shiron (7/1986 Atla)

Azure, a harp reversed Or, on a chief invected argent, three roses sable. Rosalie Ashleigh (7/1991 West)

Azure, a harp within a bordure embattled argent. Caid, Kingdom of (12/1985 Caid)

Azure, a lyre argent and a chief embattled ermine. Kevin Eriôl (11/2011 Meri)

Azure, a lyre within a bordure argent. Raim y Hynnddyl (7/1985 East)

Azure, a pall inverted between a chalice, a harp and two swords in saltire argent. Justin de Courteney (10/1983 Caid)

Azure, a rabbit sejant erect proper playing a harp Or, between three mullets argent. Richard Blackbury (6/1980 West)

Azure, a seal erect contourny maintaining a harp Or, on a chief argent three increscents azure. Ceridwen Mordelyn Eryri (6/1995 Aten)

Azure, a sword fess-wise surmounted by a harp argent. Astrach yo Zhar-Ptitsa (7/1980 East)

Azure, a sword inverted proper surmounted by a lyre Or, stringed argent. Anne Dudley de Brandhard (9/1973)

Azure, in pale a falcon rising wings displayed argent perched on a harp Or, a bordure ermine. Martin le Harpur of Faulkbourne (2/2001 Caid)

Azure mullety argent, a harp Or strung argent and a ford proper. Éadaoin Chruitire (11/2010 Caid)

Azure, on a bend between a lyre Or and a fish naiant to sinister argent, three roses gules. Rose Marian of Edgewater (2/1986 East)

Azure, on a bend sinister gules fimbriated Or between two natural dolphins naiant in annulo argent a harp palewise Or. Sile ingen Chonchobhair (4/2000 AnTi)

Azure, on a lyre within a bordure urdy argent, a domestic cat couchant erminois. Katriana op den Dijk (11/1988 Calo)

Azure, on a pale argent a harp reversed sable and on a chief argent a bridge of one arch sable masoned argent. Craig Robert le Luthier de Pierrepont (8/2002 Meri)

Azure, on a pile invected ermine a harp Or. Baldwin of Erebor (3/1980 Aten)

Azure, perched upon a harp a hawk close guardant argent, a chief argent fretty azure. Ceole Seabhac (2/1992 East)

Azure, six harpstrings in bend throughout, and in sinister chief a harp argent. Kennyth of Rosewood (8/1979 Caid)

Checky azure and argent, a lyre and in chief three mullets one and two sable. Domingo de Valencia (1/2002 Meri)

Checky sable and argent, on a fess azure a lyre argent. Demetria degli Stasi (8/1999 Atla)

Chevronelly inverted azure and Or, a harp within a bordure gules. Edouard d'Aubigny (5/1991 Calo)

Counter-ermine, a harp between eight mullets in annulo Or. Odde ap Tam (12/2001 Atla)

Counter-ermine, a wolf statant gules, holding in his dexter paw a cloyshacke (Irish harp) Or, on a chief argent a lymphad sable. Emrys y Crwydryn (8/1979 East)

Counter-ermine, chaussé vert, in pale a harp and a garden rose Or, slipped and leaved vert. Dael Rois ni Bhreandain (8/1983 Midd)

Ermine, a stringless harp vert within a bordure sable. Ysabeau Chanteuse (10/1986 West)

(Fieldless) A cross flory sable, overall a pellet charged with a harp Or within a torse wreathed Or and gules. Gwyneth Maeve of Falconguard (1/1990 Outl)

(Fieldless) A crwth argent. Northshield, Kingdom of (7/2000 Midd)

(Fieldless) A demi-horse argent sustaining a harp proper. Brenna nic Adam (1/1996 East)

(Fieldless) A dragon passant atop two swords in saltire surmounted by a harp Or. Corin du Soleil (5/1985 Midd)

(Fieldless) A fireball sable, enflamed in cross proper, charged with a harp Or. Sun, Principality of the (9/1984 Aten)

(Fieldless) A Greek Lyre purpure. Laura della Francesca (3/1990 East)

(Fieldless) A harp argent charged on the soundboard with a feather azure. Padraig Ó Taidg (5/2005 East)

(Fieldless) A harp argent. Fionnbhárr Starfyr of the Isles (10/1997 AnTi)

(Fieldless) A harp argent winged Or. Cynagua, Principality of (7/1996 West)

(Fieldless) A harp azure. Saerlaith nic Uilliam O'Ceallaigh (6/1991 Calo)

(Fieldless) A harp crowned gules. Caitríona ní Bhriain (7/1996 Caid)

(Fieldless) A harp Or between eight roses in annulo, barbed and seeded proper. Rosamonde de l'Oiselet (3/1990 Caid)

(Fieldless) A harp Or stringed argent crowned proper. Ireland (12/1994 Laur)

(Fieldless) A harp reversed sable. Tadhg O'Murchadha the Wanderer (11/1999 Caid)

(Fieldless) A harp within a wingless dragon involved, head to chief, Or. Rosamonde de l'Oiselet (3/1990 Caid)

(Fieldless) A lion-posted harp fesswise reversed argent issuant from a bag erminois, lined vert. Renna of Battersea (4/1989 Outl)

(Fieldless) A lyre azure surmounted by a rabbit's head couped Or. Helga Goldhaarig von Zurich (6/1991 Aten)

(Fieldless) A lyre Or sustained by two hares salient respectant sable. Scraeling Althing, Barony of the (9/1994 Midd)

(Fieldless) A musimon rampant contourny argent armed Or maintaining a lyre sable. Pendar the Bard (7/1998 Outl)

(Fieldless) A ram's horn argent, within and conjoined to an unstrung harp Or. Ailín nic an Bháird (1/2010G)

(Fieldless) A winged harp wings addorsed Or. Alatheia the Harper (2/2003 Calo)

(Fieldless) A wolf sejant ululant contourny argent, sustaining a harp reversed vert. Morgan Wolfsinger (10/1994 Atla)

(Fieldless) An annulet Or, overall a harp gules. Teague ap Cynan (12/1991 Meri)

(Fieldless) An urchin sejant erect proper maintaining a harp argent stringed Or. Mairghread of Ryvel (8/1992 East)

(Fieldless) In fess a harp sustained by an urchin rampant sable. Catriona Fionnaghal nic Elphinstone (3/2010 Midd)

(Fieldless) In pale a falcon rising sustaining a harp Or. Calontir, Kingdom of (4/2011 Calo)

(Fieldless) In pale an eagle rising contourny wings displayed sustaining a harp Or. Robert Spenser of Bristol (4/2011 Outl)

(Fieldless) On a cauldron azure a harp Or. Caer Galen, Barony of (2/2005 Outl)

(Fieldless) On a jack reversed sable a harp between three compass stars one and two Or. Tadhg mac Aodháin uí Chonchobhair (5/1995 Atla)

(Fieldless) On a pine tree gules, a harp Or. Wolf Dietrich von Hohenwald (5/1986 East)

(Fieldless) On a tree eradicated proper a harp Or. Glynis Gwynedd (3/2007 Atla)

(Fieldless) Two cup-hilted rapiers inverted in saltire, overall a harp argent. Ericus the Silverhand (9/1992 Anst)

Gules, a bend argent voided humetty between a harp and a trefoil knot Or. Madailéin nic Sheachnasaigh (10/1995 AnTi)

Gules, a bend sinister raguly between a winged hedgehog rampant, wings elevated and addorsed, and a lyre Or. Svetlana Gunnarsdottir (4/1991 Aten)

Gules, a griffin segreant maintaining a harp Or, a chief urdy erminois. Kiera Loch Beldragon (7/1997 East)

Gules, a harp and in chief three doves volant argent. Tadhg Ó Cuileannáin (7/2003 Arte)

Gules, a harp and on a chief Or, three Celtic crosses formy gules. Connor O'Donnghaile (8/1987 West)

Gules, a harp Or pierced by a quill bendwise sinister argent, a chief argent fretty gules. Marthen of Kells (5/1986 Caid)

Gules, a harp within a chaplet of oak leaves argent fructed Or. Middle, Kingdom of the (7/1985 Midd)

Gules, a lion's head caboshed and on a base indented Or a harp vert. Konnor MacAlpine (6/1994 AnTi)

Gules, a lyre Or within two wings conjoined argent. Angels, Barony of the (10/1985 Caid)

Gules, a staff bendwise sinister between a Celtic cross and an Irish harp, all Or. Thaddeus the Wandering Friar (5/1985 Aten)

Gules, on a bezant a harp sable and in chief a scimitar fesswise blade to chief all within a bordure Or. Hossein Ali Qomi (9/1990 Anst)

Gules, on a fess between two open books and a harp Or, three equal armed Celtic crosses sable. Dafydd ap Rhys (12/1986 Anst)

Gules, on a pale embattled between in chief an Irish harp and a Scottish thistle argent, in base a horse's head couped gules. Roslynn McLarren of Scot's-Eyre (6/1982 Caid)

Gules, on a saltire engrailed argent a Maltese cross gules and in base a lyre argent. Geoffroi de la Marche (1/1991 Anst)

Gules, two gyrons issuing from dexter chief and sinister base ermine between a seven-stringed harp and a scimitar argent. Melisande of Hali (3/1973)

Lozengy Or and gules, two lions combattant argent, on a chief rayonny sable, a harp Or. Alaric of Phoenix Fens (1/1990 AnTi)

Lozengy sable and argent, a harp within an orle Or. Katherine Stanhope (5/1988 East)

Lozengy vert and Or, on a pale vert, in pale a harp Or and a sword argent. Armand Baird (9/1988 Midd)

Or, a brunette mermaid contourny playing a harp proper, a bordure gules. Pamela Hewitt the Harper (3/1995 Anst)

Or, a chevron azure between two magpies respectant and a lyre with broken strings sable, a bordure azure. Sentinels' Keep, Barony of (1/1991 Aten)

Or, a dragon rampant purpure maintaining a wooden harp proper, on a bordure vert three Celtic crosses Or. Dana Chathair Saibhin (6/1999 AnTi)

Or, a fess bretessed between a harp vert and a lion couchant pean. Briana Morgan of the Valley (6/1999 Atla)

Or, a fleur-de-lis purpure, on a chief vert a lion passant guardant maintaining a harp Or. Catalina Maria di Michele Baroncelli (10/2006G)

Or, a harp gules, a bordure rayonny sable. Gwyneth ferch Morien (6/1992 Anst)

Or, a harp proper between four trefoils in cross vert. Coletta Briant (4/2002 AEth)

Or, a harp purpure. Gwen Telynores (3/2011 AEth)

Or, a harp within an orle of goutes of flame gules. Phelim Liam MacIlhatton (12/1990 Midd)

Or, a lion maintaining a harp gules and on a chief azure three castles argent. Cecilia Lightfoot (5/2009 Caid)

Or, a lyre vert and a bordure embattled sable. Caerthe, Barony of (8/2003 Outl)

Or, a mullet of five greater and five lesser points within the frame of an Irish harp sable. Ansteorra, Kingdom of (8/1988 Anst)

Or a rose sable barbed vert charged with a rose Or barbed vert seeded sable within the frame of an Irish harp sable. Ansteorra, Kingdom of (12/1990 Anst)

Or, a single-arched bridge and on a chief sable three harps Or. Ponte Alto, Barony of (9/2007 Atla)

Or, an unstrung harp reversed sable a bordure embattled vert. Allan Blackharp (5/1998 Caid)

Or, in pale a crescent and a harp vert. Abu Isma'il Ibrahim ibn 'Abdu'llah al Gharnatawayyi (9/1997 Anst)

Or, on a falcon displayed facing sinister perched upon a Celtic harp azure a Celtic cross argent. Jean Fiona MacDonnel (9/1995 AnTi)

Or, on a pale between four harps vert a harp Or. Maire of Cúm an Iolair (10/1999 Calo)

Or, two pegasi combattant sable, maintaining between them a lyre gules. Richenda Lenoir (11/1986 Midd)

Pean, a bend wavy between a harp Or and a boar's head erased gules. Sean the Mad (8/1982 East)

Per bend argent and azure, a compass-star azure and in bend a feather argent and a fretted zither Or. Miriel d'Estoile (10/1985 Aten)

Per bend argent and sable, a bat-winged lion rampant sable, and a lyre Or. Charles de Joscelynne (11/1994 Meri)

Per bend argent and vert, a Celtic harp proper and a sword bendwise Or. Maighread ni'Chairtheigh (11/1982 Midd)

Per bend argent and vert, a harp reversed and an ivy leaf inverted counterchanged. Wentlian Harper (5/2004 East)

Per bend azure and argent, a harp Or and three roses proper. Theresia diu Harpfærîn (8/1999 Caid)

Per bend azure and argent, a pair of calipers and an harp counterchanged. Delftwood, Barony of (9/1993 East)

Per bend azure and argent, a sword vert, hilted sable, debruised by a harp and in chief an Eastern crown Or. East, Kingdom of the (1/1980 East)

Per bend azure and vert, an Irish harp between three triskeles Or. Eithne ni Cheallaigh Thir Chonaill (7/1992 Midd)

Per bend embattled purpure and vert, a lyre argent and three triangles voided interlaced in bend Or. Elspeth Sinclaire the Rogue (1/2007 Arte)

Per bend engrailed Or and azure, an open book purpure and a harp Or. Constance Sayer (3/2007 Anst)

Per bend gules and argent, a lion dormant Or and a harp sable. Cerdic Charles (7/2007 Aten)

Per bend purpure and Or, a harp counterchanged and in sinister chief a mullet Or. Sichelgaita von Halstern (9/2004 East)

Per bend purpure and vert, a harp reversed Or, the forepillar charged with three thistles proper. Debra MacKenzie (3/1999 AEth)

Per bend purpure and vert, an aeolus argent and a harp Or. Aurelia von Grein (3/2004 Eald)

Per bend raguly argent and azure, a three-headed thistle proper and an Irish harp gules stringed and fimbriated Or. Eideard Slaighter Feusagach (11/2011 West)

Per bend rayonny azure and Or, a harp and a laurel wreath counterchanged. Caer Galen, Barony of (7/1981 Aten)

Per bend sable and azure, a bend between a harp and a eagle rising to sinister, wings elevated and addorsed Or. Robert Spenser of Bristol (11/1993 Outl)

Per bend sable and barry bendy argent and azure, a bendlet gules fimbriated between a wolf passant argent and an Irish harp sable. Caedmon Gordon (6/1982 Caid)

Per bend sinister argent and gules, a lyre sable and a seahorse sejant Or. Robert Herring (1/1991 Caid)

Per bend sinister argent and purpure, a harp vert and a straight trumpet bendwise sinister Or. Michael Belanger (4/1993 Aten)

Per bend sinister argent and purpure, a serpent nowed sable and a harp argent. Anna of Skye (12/1988 Calo)

Per bend sinister argent and sable, a harp within a bordure counterchanged. Bryne Fletcher (8/1991 AnTi)

Per bend sinister azure and vert, a bend sinister bevilled between a cross crosslet and a harp Or. Sheelah Lockhart (8/1985 Anst)

Per bend sinister embattled argent and azure, a frog rampant to sinister and a trapezoidal psaltery bendwise sinister counterchanged. Alyce Renée of Montauban (8/1989 Caid)

Per bend sinister embattled grady gules and argent, a lyre and a dolphin urinant counterchanged, within a double-tressure sable. Beorn of the Northern Sea (2/1995 Meri)

Per bend sinister gules and sable, in dexter chief a harp argent, and in sinister base a calendula Or, eyed sable, between in bend sinister two daisies argent, eyed Or. Diana ferch Morfudd (10/1984 East)

Per bend sinister indented azure and vert, a harp bendwise sinister and an arrow bendwise sinister Or. Emma MacMen (5/2007 East)

Per bend sinister Or and azure, a brown bear statant erect proper and an Irish harp Or. [Ursus arctos] Siobhan Eibhlin ni Mhathghamhna (4/1983 Aten)

Per bend sinister Or and azure, a harp and a dragonfly inverted counterchanged. Vatavia, Barony of (5/2006 Calo)

Per bend sinister Or and azure, a scarpe ermine between a sword sable flammant gules and a Greek lyre Or. Geoffrey Dragonsynger (8/1981 Meri)

Per bend sinister Or and vert, ermined Or, in dexter chief a harp vert. Lavinia of the Tyrol (3/1989 West)

Per bend sinister sable and vert, a duck naiant argent and a harp Or. Christopher Harper (4/2001 AEth)

Per bend sinister vert and argent, a harp Or and a stag's head erased gules. Bran FitzRobert (6/2011 Aten)

Per bend sinister vert and argent, a harp reversed Or and a tree proper. Aislinn ingen uí Chaiside (11/1998 Caid)

Per bend sinister vert and argent, a sword bendwise sinister argent and a lyre sable. Ulrich Agihard (12/1983 Meri)

Per bend sinister vert and Or, a harp reversed and a trefoil, a bordure counterchanged. Siobhan of Cork (7/2005 Aten)

Per bend sinister vert and sable, a bend sinister argent between a harp Or and a horse courant argent. Sean-Patrick O'Donnell (9/2004 Meri)

Per bend vert and argent, a harp reversed argent and a Maltese cross gules. Daigh Boyd of Peregrine Springs (2/2011 Trim)

Per bend vert and argent, an Irish harp Or and a tulip blossom gules. Grania Moore (12/1994 East)

Per bend vert and azure, a bend between a thistle and a harp Or. Seónaid inghean Sheathain (5/1998 Caid)

Per bend vert and Or, a harp Or and a stag's attires sable. Seamus mag Uidhir (3/2007 East)

Per bend vert and sable a bend indented to chief and overall an unstringed harp Or. Steppes, Barony of the (12/1990 Anst)

Per bend vert and sable semy of pheons inverted, a bend embattled counter-embattled, in sinister chief a lyre Or. Arianna Morgan (4/1998 Atla)

Per bend wavy azure and vert, three bendlets wavy and in chief a harp argent. Thalia Woodhall (3/1996 AnTi)

Per chevron argent and azure, goutty counterchanged, two swans rousant respectant sable and a harp argent. Fionn Bán MacAoidh (1/1990 AnTi)

Per chevron argent and purpure, two roses gules slipped and leaved vert and a lyre Or. Çynara del Mar (1/2007 Aten)

Per chevron argent and vert, in chevron three mullets of eight points pierced sable and a harp argent. Corun MacAnndra (1/1989 Atla)

Per chevron argent and vert, two arrows palewise inverted, vert and a harp Or. Aelf of King's Crossing (5/1988 West)

Per chevron azure and argent, two horse's heads couped addorsed and a harp counterchanged. Brienna Llewellyn Lindsay (9/2002 Atla)

Per chevron azure and argent, two pegasi combattant and a harp counterchanged. Hélène Dupres de Bretagne (6/1985 West)

Per chevron azure and gules, three dolphins argent and a harp Or. Nadirah bint 'Abd al-Karim (5/2006 Atla)

Per chevron counter-ermine and gules, a dragon couchant, wings elevated and addorsed, tail coward and erect, in dexter chief an Irish harp Or. Galen the Harper (3/1983 Aten)

Per chevron inverted argent and sable, a dog couchant and a harp reversed counterchanged. Atli Karlsson (9/2011 Anst)

Per chevron Or and azure, in chief two thistles in chevron, slipped and leaved, gules and in base a harp Or. Fionnghuala of Hill Haven (10/1988 Midd)

Per chevron Or and sable, two roses and a harp counterchanged. Christina Butterman (3/2009 AEth)

Per chevron Or and vert, a wake knot vert issuing from the line of division and a harp Or. Nottinghill Coill, Barony of (6/1991 Atla)

Per chevron ployé Or and sable, two griffins segreant addorsed gules and a harp reversed Or. Daedra McBeth a Gryphon (12/1993 East)

Per chevron purpure and gules, in chief a sword between two eagles rising respectant, in base a harp, all Or. Luisa of the Willows (8/1991 Aten)

Per chevron sable, semé of squirrels sejant erect argent, each maintaining in both forepaws an acorn Or, and vert, in base a harp argent. Branwyn FitzPayn de Grey (8/1984 Midd)

Per chevron sable, semy of compass stars Or, and purpure, a chevron and in base an Irish harp Or. Tadhg mac Aodháin uí Chonchobhair (12/1990 Atla)

Per chevron throughout sable and gules, a mask of comedy, a mask of tragedy argent and a lyre Or. Sesto Marco Vareccio (5/1980 Anst)

Per chevron throughout vert and sable, a chevron rayonny throughout and a harp Or. Barnabas of White Waters (4/1990 Atla)

Per chevron vert and purpure, a lyre Or. Richard the Strange (1/1973)

Per fess argent and gules, in pale a lion contourny maintaining an Irish harp and two Mosaic tablets conjoined in fess counterchanged. Collawyn Lughaidh O Cearbhaill (1/2010 Caid)

Per fess azure and sable, a harp Or strung argent and a lion dormant Or. Eleanor Cleavely (1/2005 Aten)

Per fess enarched sable and vert, two flames and a harp Or. Conchobar Clarsair (11/2002 AnTi)

Per fess indented purpure and argent, an owl striking, wings displayed, and a harp counterchanged. Thescorre, Barony of (11/1992 East)

Per fess indented purpure and argent, in pale a snowy owl in winter phase descending proper, and a bard's harp purpure. Thescorre, Barony of (2/1985 East)

Per fess nebuly argent and azure, a harp and a fret couped counterchanged. Marine Perle (1/2006 Atla)

Per fess rayonny argent and azure, in chief a dolphin embowed and in base a lyre counterchanged, the lyre bridged Or. Geneviéve de Water Wood (1/1980 Aten)

Per fess vert and argent, a lyre Or. Richard the Strange (1/1973)

Per fess vert and argent, a tree eradicated counterchanged, overall a Celtic harp gules. Ian Wallace of Llawhaden (7/1986 Aten)

Per fess vert and argent, entwined about the forepillar of an Irish harp Or, a rose argent, barbed gules, slipped, leaved and seeded proper. Ioseph of Locksley, the Rhymer (5/1980 Aten)

Per fess vert and Or, a sun in his splendor Or and a harp gules. Robert Ruadh of The Isles (8/1994 Caid)

Per fess wavy argent and purpure, a harp and an otter statant counterchanged. Rionach O'Melaghlin (10/1989 West)

Per pale and per fess wavy vert and argent, a harp and a lily argent. Elizabeth O'Brien (2/1995 Meri)

Per pale argent and sable, a harp and a cross of four lozenges counterchanged, a chief embattled gules. Æthelstan von Ransbergen (9/1992 Anst)

Per pale argent and sable, two bars wavy counterchanged between in bend a harp gules and a dagger argent. Randal the Malcontent (9/1997 Outl)

Per pale azure and argent, a Greek lyre counterchanged. Frederick von Sternwald (7/1985 Anst)

Per pale counter-ermine and vert, a chevron inverted argent between a harp and three fleurs-de-lys Or. Siubhan MacDuff (2/1985 Aten)

Per pale embattled azure and argent, a mullet and a lyre counterchanged. Frederick von Sternwald (1/1981 Anst)

Per pale embattled vert and gules, a harp Or and a wolf sejant ululant argent. Meadhbh ní Shiobhán (6/2000 Trim)

Per pale gules and azure, a lyre Or environed of snake involved argent. Linnet Gordon (11/1994 Atla)

Per pale gules and sable, a dragon segreant tail nowed maintaining a lyre Or, and on a chief argent three shamrocks vert. Ailín nic an Bháird (9/1997 Meri)

Per pale gules and sable, a hawk displayed alighting on a harp, a chief triangular argent. Chelidon o Gaerddrych (4/1988 East)

Per pale Or and azure, a harp counterchanged. Caer Galen, Barony of (1/2004 Outl)

Per pale Or and sable, a chess rook counterchanged, on a chief embattled gules a harp between two stringless hunting horns reversed Or. Otto Spilman (7/2010 West)

Per pale purpure and argent, a horse's head couped and a harp reversed and on a chief an arrow all counterchanged. Laurencia de Saint Germain (7/1997 AnTi)

Per pale sable and azure, a harp argent its forepillar entwined of a rose vine proper and an orle argent. Diarmaid de Rossa (8/2001 AnTi)

Per pale sable and azure, a jews-harp Or. Barak Raz (6/1975)

Per pale sable and vert, a harp and a bordure Or. James of Rutland (5/1993 Atla)

Per pale sable and vert a lyre and a bordure embattled argent. Isabeau du Lac Long (12/1994 Atla)

Per pale sable and vert, a mouse sejant erect playing an Irish harp argent. Aoife nic Ruairí (8/1982 Caid)

Per pale vert and azure, a harp argent between in pale two arrows fesswise reversed Or, a bordure argent. Finán mac Domnaill (6/2005 Calo)

Per pale vert and azure, a harp contourny argent between three seals naiant in annulo ermine. Rowen Brithwallt (8/1993 Outl)

Per pale vert and Or, a sword bendwise surmounted by an unstrung harp proper. Jonathan McGrath (7/1983 Meri)

Per pale wavy vert and purpure, a decrescent and a lyre Or. Diana of Viroconium (3/1998 Anst)

Per pall argent, sable, and azure, a lyre sable and two quavers argent. Saundra of Loch Raeburn (10/2000 Anst)

Per pall inverted embattled gules sable and Or, two winged lions passant respectant Or and a harp vert. Taliesin Flynn (7/2003 Aten)

Per saltire argent and azure semy of quatrefoils argent, in pale a lyre and a wolf's head cabossed sable. Matias Klaunpoika Diakon (8/1992 East)

Per saltire azure and gules, a catamount rampant guardant argent, semy of Maltese crosses sable, maintaining a harp Or, between three Maltese crosses argent. Tonis van Driele (1/1999 Aten)

Per saltire azure and sable, on a saltire embattled counter-embattled between in pale two suns Or and in fess a decrescent and an increscent argent, a harp azure. Thorkel Tryggvason (9/1989 Trim)

Purpure, a centaur rampant guardant holding a harp and on a chief argent, two recorders crossed in saltire sable. Caterina de Chantal (3/1992 Atla)

Purpure, a chevron between two roses and a harp argent. Marie of Clan Neil (11/1997 Aten)

Purpure, a lyre and a bordure invected Or. Wintermist, Shire of (4/1995 Caid)

Purpure, a lyre argent and a chief potenty argent, ermined purpure. Laura della Francesca (3/1988 East)

Purpure, an Irish harp, on a bordure Or five mullets purpure. Ealdormere, Kingdom of (10/1999 Eald)

Purpure, an Irish harp Or. Society for Creative Anachronism, Arts, Ministry of (1/1973)

Purpure, in pall a harp between three increscents argent. Gwenhwyvar Telynores (1/1999 East)

Purpure, on a bend sinister between a harp and an ostrich close Or, a decrescent palewise purpure. Vladislav the Purple (10/1983 East)

Purpure, two mermaids respectant, each playing a flageolet argent, and a lyre Or. Ximena Alhaja de Lorca (10/2007 Outl)

Quarterly purpure and gules, on a lozenge between four horseshoes argent a harp sable. Ceridwen verch Caradog (5/2011 Trim)

Quarterly sable and gules, in fess a sword inverted proper and a lyre Or. Harbert de Guilbert (11/1982 Caid)

Quarterly sable and gules, in saltire a sword inverted proper and a trumpet, in chief a lyre Or. Harbert de Guilbert (12/1980 East)

Sable, a bear and a griffin combatant Or maintaining between them a lyre argent. Max the Minstrel (1/1997 Atla)

Sable, a harp and in chief two garden roses in saltire slipped and leaved, a bordure argent. Rathfled du Noir (12/1992 Caid)

Sable, a harp argent, a bordure argent semy of shamrocks vert. Eadan ni Fhionn Leithe (9/1998 Atla)

Sable, a harp between in fess a drop spindle and a shuttle, joined by a thread entwined through the strings of the harp, all argent. Gwenneth ni Gallighir (2/1986 East)

Sable, a harp ensigned with a unicorn's head, on a chief argent, two estoiles sable. Genevieve LaRousse (4/1991 Trim)

Sable, a harp reversed between three crosses of four ermine spots argent. Failtigearna ingen uí Artáin (8/1998 East)

Sable, a harp reversed Or stringed argent and on a chief Or two swords inverted in saltire sable. Ólchobar Mac Óengusa (10/2006 Aten)

Sable, a jew's harp inverted Or within an orle of dice Or, marked sable. Rabah az-Zafir (10/1993 Atla)

Sable mullety of eight points, a harp within a bordure argent. Judith von Ankum (10/1992 Midd)

Sable, on a bend sinister argent, between an Irish harp Or and an owl statant gardant argent, beaked orbed, and armed Or, three dragonlets counterpassant gules. Sarah Telyn (8/1979 Caid)

Sable, on a saltire nowy quadrate Or cotised argent, a harp sable. Diele de Irlande (6/2004 Aten)

Sable, seme of roses argent, in pale a harp and a bat displayed Or. Micheal Fledermus (4/1987 Midd)

Tierced per pall inverted counter-embowed in base vert, azure, and Or, a drinking-horn bendwise sinister, a harp Or, and a wolf dormant proper [Canis lupus]. Nathan der Sänger (11/1980 West)

Vair, a harp Or. Meridies, Kingdom of (4/1980 Meri)

Vair, a harp within a bordure embattled gules. Kaitlyn O'Tuepin (12/1990 Atla)

Vairy argent and vert, a tyger couchant sable maintaining a harp Or. Meadhbh Amhránaídhe (3/2010 AEth)

Vert, a bend sinister and in dexter chief a lyre argent. Jose de San Paciano (2/2008n)

Vert, a bend sinister between a harp and a wyvern erect maintaining a sword inverted, within a bordure Or. Robert the Scot of Argyll (2/1995 Meri)

Vert, a bend sinister Or between a white oak and a lyre argent entwined of a vine Or. Rosamond Tindomielle (3/1978)

Vert, a Celtic cross and on a chief dovetailed argent a harp azure. Muirgel Camshron (6/1995 East)

Vert, a chevron inverted argent between a lyre and three mullets Or. Alane O'Maoilriain (8/1992 Aten)

Vert, a falcon close contourny and a lion rampant Or maintaining between them a sword argent, on a chief Or a harp vert. Béibhinn Ní Dhonnamháin (1/1999 Meri)

Vert, a griffin passant argent maintaining a harp Or between three Celtic crosses argent. Kathleen Mahony of Cork (12/1999 Caid)

Vert, a griffin sejant erect maintaining in both talons a harp, and on a chief argent a rose sable, barbed vert, seeded argent. Elen o Ddynevwr (2/1984 Midd)

Vert, a harp and in base five barrulets within a bordure Or. Siglinde Harfnerstochter (1/1991 Midd)

Vert, a harp and on a chief Or a flanged mace fesswise sable. Rhys Ian Glenowen (9/1983 Caid)

Vert, a harp argent surmounted by a rose, all within a bordure embattled Or. Outlands, Kingdom of the (4/1989 Outl)

Vert, a harp argent, the front post entwined of a brown asp reguardant proper, a chief embattled Or. [Vipera aspis] Genevieve McCullum de Caen (5/1983 Meri)

Vert, a harp Or surmounted by a trefoil slipped argent, all within a bordure embattled Or. Outlands, Kingdom of the (11/1989 Outl)

Vert, a harp reversed Or, in base two quill pens in saltire and a chief argent. Quintavia, Shire of (9/2006 East)

Vert, a harp reversed within a bordure argent charged with four fleurs-de-lys in cross sable. Claudia de Montpellier (2/1983 Midd)

Vert, a helm affronty argent within a laurel wreath and on a chief triangular Or a harp azure. Glyn Dwfn, Shire of (10/1983 AnTi)

Vert, a lyre and in chief an increscent argent. Petra von Bremen (7/2009 Drac)

Vert, a sea-wolf erect maintaining a harp in its dexter paw and a bordure embattled argent. Celric of Marinus (6/1998 Atla)

Vert, a shamrock Or surmounted by a harp sable, in base a chevronel and a chief Or. Kyla Maire Reynolds of Galloway (8/1980 Anst)

Vert, a stag leaping between in bend sinister a harp and an olive branch bendwise, all argent. Outlands, Kingdom of the (1/1983 Aten)

Vert, a tower Or and in chief an Irish harp argent. Kaitlin Caslean an Bharraigh (2/1981 Aten)

Vert, a unicorn rampant to sinister argent gorged of a chaplet of roses gules, charged on the shoulder with a harp vert, a bordure counter-company vert and Or. Aria de Châtillon (2/1995 Atla)

Vert, a unicornate pegasus passant to sinister, and on a gore sinister argent, a harp sable. Aoibheann Caoilfhionn Aine O'Ceallaigh (5/1985 West)

Vert, an Irish harp argent, stringed Or, within a serpent in annulo, head to chief and vorant of its own tail, argent. Loch Soilleir, Barony of (11/1988 Anst)

Vert, crusily bottony, on a chief triangular Or a harp sable. Robert of Blackmoor (11/1993 West)

Vert ermined Or, on a pale Or a harp between two talbots rampant all contourny vert. Jeanne Francesca Fitzgerald (7/2002 Trim)

Vert, in pale a stringless lyre argent fretted with an arrow fesswise reversed and a stag's head cabossed Or. Lazarus Artifex (6/1991 Aten)

Vert, on a bend argent between a harp reversed Or and a wolf rampant reguardant argent three oak leaves palewise vert. Aelfwulf Skye Morgatha (1/1984 Calo)

Vert, on a bend embattled counter-embattled between two golf clubs inverted in saltire and an Irish harp Or, a greatsword sable. Murdoc MacKinnon (12/1996 Anst)

Vert, on a bend sinister purpure fimbriated between a dragon couchant contourny and a harp, three roses argent. Mærwynn de More (8/2007 Atla)

Vert, on a fess sable fimbriated between a natural tiger passant guardant and a harp three mullets of six points irradiated Or. Brendan O'Moran (2/1996 East)

Vert, on a tree blasted and eradicated argent between in fess two trefoils Or a harp sable. Brigit of Quintavia (9/2006 East)

Vert trefoily, a harp, the forepillar carved as a woman's body argent, a bordure counter-company argent and vert. Maihie, Heathen of Erin (5/1985 West)

Vert, two bars wavy argent between three crosses of St. Brigid and a harp Or. Kathleen MacCarthy (4/1998 Outl)

Vert, two doves rising respectant, wings elevated and addorsed, conjoined at the breast argent, in chief a harp reversed Or. Leandra of Atenveldt (7/1989 Aten)

Vert, two lions rampant addorsed and on a chief triangular Or, a harp vert. Patrick Thomas MacManus (5/1993 Atla)

Vert, two seahorses combattant argent, maintaining between them a staff topped by a harp Or. Caol of Bannockburn (6/1989 Anst)