
Argent, a hurt surmounted by a quill pen inverted fesswise point to sinister gules. Rivka la Roja (4/2011 Midd)

Argent, a lotus blossom in profile and on a chief azure a quill pen argent. Hadya al-Katiba of Karnak (5/1996 Outl)

Argent, a quill pen and a trumpet in saltire sable between four trefoils in cross and a bordure nebuly vert. Ailionora inghean Ronain (5/2007 East)

Argent, a quill pen bendwise sinister gules, and on a chief potenty sable, three crescents argent. Bridgit Ruadh (8/1990 Atla)

Argent, ermined, a quill pen within a bordure azure. Serena Lascelles (11/1991 Anst)

Argent fretty gules, on a goutte de sang a quill pen palewise argent. Clarissa da Svizzera (2/1992 East)

Argent, in fess two annulets interlaced and on a chief gules a quill pen bendwise sinister argent. Lisette de Meyners (5/1999 Anst)

Argent, in pale a corbie migrant to base sable and a quill pen fesswise, sustained in the bird's beak, gules. Morgaine FitzStephen (10/1990 Caid)

Argent, in pale a quill pen bendwise sinister purpure issuant from an ink-bottle azure, a base purpure. Oriana de Stonham (2/2009 Calo)

Argent, on a bend sinister between two clarions azure, a quill pen argent. Atenveldt, Barony of (8/1992 Aten)

Argent, on a bend sinister between two closed books palewise gules a quill pen argent. Gareth Tremain (4/1994 Anst)

Argent, on a bend sinister between two ermine tails azure a pen inverted Or. Jason of Riverstone (7/1983 West)

Argent, on a bend sinister vert between an inkwell and a quill pen bendwise sinister sable, three gouttes palewise Or. Jeneuer de Trethewy (7/2006 Aten)

Argent, on a bend sinister vert between two roses sable, a quill pen argent. Rosamund Beauvisage (9/1992 Midd)

Argent, on an open book per pale gules and sable, a quill pen fesswise Or, a bordure per pale gules and sable. Gleann Abhann, Kingdom of (8/2008G)

Argent, semy of house wrens close to sinister proper, a cap of Mercury azure, winged argent, overall a quill pen palewise Or. Edmund Renfield Wanderscribe (8/1979)

Argent semy-de-lys, on a bend sinister sable a quill pen argent. Elsbeth Wells of Alderney (5/1992 Midd)

Argent, three crosses crosslet sable, on a chief gules a quill pen fesswise Or. Justin of Kent (8/1996 Trim)

Argent, upon an open book argent leathered between in cross four cinquefoils a quill bendwise purpure. Mary Courtenay de Womwell (6/1985 Aten)

Azure, a bend between a lion sejant and a quill pen bendwise Or. Elaine of the Lion's Tale (5/1980 Aten)

Azure, a blank parchment palewise proper, crossed by a pen reversed Or, quilled sable. Euphemia of the Willows (1/1973)

Azure, a chess rook ermine surmounted by a quill pen palewise Or. Astriel of Smael Nest (6/1981 Caid)

Azure, a chevron Or between two open books and a unicorn rampant reguardant maintaining a quill pen argent. Timotheos of Alexandria (2/1996 East)

Azure, a quill pen argent, in chief three estoilles Or. Genevieve de Belleval (2/1998 Midd)

Azure, a sword palewise surmounted by a needle and a quill pen in saltire argent, a bordure Or. Nina of the Lost Caverns (11/2000 Atla)

Azure, an open scroll Or surmounted by a quill pen bendwise sinister all between three martlets argent. Svala harðfari (12/2010 Loch)

Azure, in pale a lion-dragon passant Or and an open book argent charged with a flower gules slipped sable and a quill pen gules. Marija Kotok (2/2007 AEth)

Azure, in saltire a lightning flash Or and a quill pen vert, fimbriated argent, and in chief a spur inverted and winged Or. Rhianna ferch Gwynedd (1/1976)

Azure, on a bend sinister between two cinquefoils Or a quill pen gules. Eleyn Scrivener (2/2004 Caid)

Azure, on a pale wavy Or, a quill pen bendwise sinister sable between two natural seahorses vert. Yvette de Morlaix (3/1997 Anst)

Azure, on a scroll unrolled fesswise proper a candle and holder azure, enflamed proper, on a point pointed Or a quill pen azure. Fortunata Cercasapienza (5/1991 Outl)

Azure, on an open scroll Or a quill pen bendwise sinister azure, in chief three acorns Or. Mathilda Lucia (12/1998 Outl)

Azure semy of pine trees couped, a wolf rampant contourny maintaining in its dexter forepaw a billet and in its sinister forepaw a pen argent. Elisabet Schöne (3/2010 Trim)

Bendy azure and argent, a cogwheel sable and overall a quill pen bendwise sinister Or. Robert the Skeptic (8/1987 Caid)

Counter-ermine, two Greek sphinxes rampant reguardant addorsed their tails entwined in a Bourchier knot with the dexter maintaining a sword and the sinister maintaining a quill pen all within a bordure embattled Or. Günther von Weißensee (5/2003 Meri)

(Fieldless) A domestic cat sejant affronty sable sustaining in its mouth a quill pen Or. Steffan the Scrivener (1/2006 Caid)

(Fieldless) A quill pen argent transfixing an open scroll fesswise Or. Middle, Kingdom of the (7/1998 Midd)

(Fieldless) A quill pen bendwise sinister argent maintained by a cubit arm fesswise proper, vested Or. Idonia Tait (1/1990 Anst)

(Fieldless) A quill pen bendwise sinister argent surmounted by a spider azure. Medb the Spinner (10/1990 Caid)

(Fieldless) A quill pen embattled argent. Caid, Kingdom of (10/1981 Caid)

(Fieldless) A quill pen sable, ribbed gules. Melissa Kendal of Westmoreland (10/1976 West)

(Fieldless) A stylus bendwise argent. St. Cassian of Imola, College of (11/1990 West)

(Fieldless) An otter's head cabossed azure sustaining in its mouth a reed pen argent. Catherine O'Herlihy (9/2008 AEth)

(Fieldless) On a flame azure a quill pen argent. Arontius of Bygelswade (5/1999 AnTi)

(Fieldless) On a quill pen bendwise sinister sable, a mullet argent. Meridies, Kingdom of (3/1997 Meri)

(Fieldless) Two annulets interlaced issuant from a barrulet arched couped, overall a quill pen palewise sable. Megara di Alessandra (11/1997 Atla)

Gules, a quill pen bendwise between three bees, one and two, Or. Sadb Constance (12/2005 Calo)

Gules, in saltire a quill pen argent and a sword proper, surmounted by an open book and in base a laurel wreath argent. St. Boniface, College of (3/1982 West)

Gules, on a bend invected voided between two goblets, a quill pen Or. Catharine Wyndsford (2/1990 Caid)

Gules, on a fess indented to chief between a mullet and a decrescent argent, a quill pen its nib to dexter gules. Vildan el-Taalebatun (9/2005 Caid)

Gyronny argent and sable, a quill pen fesswise dependent on a strap conjoined to its center, a fleece Or, and on a chief azure two rapiers crossed in saltire argent. Aonghus Camshròn Mac a'Chléirich (1/1994 Atla)

Or, a chalice sable, on a chief purpure a pair of shears and a quill pen fesswise argent. Cainder ingen hui Chatharnaig (5/2007 Eald)

Or, a phoenix, on a chief purpure a quill pen bendwise sinister Or. Milesenda de Bourges (5/2004 East)

Or, a quill pen bendwise sinister sable and on a chief counter-ermine an Egyptian sphinx couchant Or. Mary Cats the Minikin (10/1990 Aten)

Or, a quill pen bendwise sinister sable ribbed and enfiled of a coronet gules between two Kendal flowers proper. Melissa Kendal of Westmoreland (7/1996 AnTi)

Or, a quill pen palewise purpure, a chief purpure, mailly Or. Melinda Dobyns of Suffolk (4/1989 West)

Or, a seal sejant gules, maintaining in its mouth a quill pen fesswise argent, fimbriated, veined, and dripping three gouts sable, all within a bordure embattled ermine. [Zalophus californianus] Caid, Kingdom of (11/1984 Caid)

Or, a tyger's head erased azure, engorged with an Eastern Crown argent; on a chief azure a quill pen fesswise Or. East, Kingdom of the (8/1979 East)

Or goutty, on a bend cotised purpure a quill pen Or. Marcus Caiaphas of York (6/1994 Midd)

Or, in pale a raven maintaining a reed pen inverted perched atop an anvil sable. Alexsander von Mausheim (10/2005 AnTi)

Or, in saltire a quill pen and a sword sable, the quill's nib distilling a goutte de sang. Cuilén the Bald (10/2007G)

Or, on a bend engrailed azure between two penguins affronty proper a quill pen Or. Brigh of Writer's Keep (2/1987 Midd)

Or, on a pale gules between an open scroll vert and a quill pen sable, three lozenges Or. Trystan of Anglesey (2/1998 Midd)

Or, on a pile gules, a quill pen Or, all within a bordure sable charged with three annulets Or. Astrid av Attsidenfjord (5/1985 East)

Pean, a scroll fesswise pierced by a quill pen palewise argent within a bordure rayonny gules. Thea Lohsa (2/1984 Midd)

Per bend azure and gules, a bend Or between a quill pen bendwise argent and a money bag Or. Eduard Ostländer (1/1998 Midd)

Per bend gules and azure, a bend sable, fimbriated, between a sword palewise inverted surmounted by a quill pen bendwise sinister and a unicorn's head erased argent. Sean Lewis O'Connor (4/1990 Meri)

Per bend sinister argent and azure, a spider tergiant and a quill pen bendwise sinister counterchanged. Medb the Spinner (12/1988 Caid)

Per bend sinister argent and gules, a quill pen bendwise and a billet fesswise, counterchanged. Edward of Guildford (1/1993 West)

Per bend sinister argent and Or, a quill pen bendwise vert distilling a goutte de sang. Damaris MacRobb (7/2006 East)

Per bend sinister azure and argent, a quill pen bendwise sinister Or and a recorder bendwise sinister sable. Theodore Digenes Ducas (6/1984 East)

Per bend sinister gules and argent, a bow bendwise sinister Or and a quill pen bendwise sinister sable. Aodh Ó Mórdha (3/1994 Aten)

Per bend sinister gules and argent, a sword inverted bendwise sinister and a quill pen issuant from an ink pot counterchanged. Lore MacKay (3/1996 Outl)

Per bend sinister gules and sable, a bend sinister cotised between a quill pen bendwise sinister and a wolf's head erased contourny argent. Juan Carlos Santiago de Benevidez (10/2001 Meri)

Per bend sinister gules and sable, on a bend sinister argent, three hourglasses palewise sable, in dexter chief a quill pen and a rapier in saltire argent. Christopher Kirk Dragomani (7/1990 Anst)

Per bend sinister Or and argent, a jester's cap per pale gules and vert, and a quill pen bendwise sinister purpure. Etienne Brillant (9/1994 Aten)

Per bend sinister sable and Or, a bend sinister between a cross clechy and a quill pen bendwise sinister counterchanged. Jemila del Lirio (11/1991 Midd)

Per bend sinister sable and Or, a quill pen bendwise sinister and a hound's head erased, counterchanged. Gwynethe of Glastonbury (4/1997 Midd)

Per bend vert and azure, a bend Or between a recorder bendwise and a quill pen bendwise argent. Alana Caernarfon (11/2003 East)

Per bend wavy gules and Or, a torch Or and a quill pen bendwise sable. Mary Rachel de Marmoutier (4/1994 Meri)

Per chevron Azure and vert, a boreas blowing in bend surmounted by a quill pen in bend sinister Or. Windmasters' Hill, Barony of (10/1979 East)

Per chevron azure and vert semy of sheep statant guardant, in chief a thistle and a quill pen argent. Iduna Snorradottir (2/2010 Arte)

Per chevron azure and vert semy of sheep statant guardant, in chief a thistle and a quill pen argent. Iduna Snorradottir (2/2010 Arte)

Per chevron inverted sable and azure, a chevron inverted and in chief a wolf rampant maintaining in the raised dexter paw a quill pen fesswise and in the lowered sinister paw a sword argent. Ulfr bonde (8/2005 Arte)

Per chevron purpure mullety of eight points argent and argent, a pegasus courant argent and a hawk rising, wings elevated and addorsed, maintaining in its dexter claw a quill pen and in its sinister claw a closed scroll purpure. Hawke Rivenoak (12/2005 Arte)

Per chevron sable and gules, a quill pen argent. Saive nic Andreis (3/1982 West)

Per fess argent and azure, a quill pen fesswise and a tilting lance fesswise reversed counterchanged. East, Kingdom of the (2/1984 East)

Per fess argent and sable, a raven rising, wings displayed, and a quill pen bendwise sinister counterchanged. Szilágy Margit (6/1999 Atla)

Per fess azure and argent, a pegasus passant argent and on an open book azure a quill pen bendwise sinister Or. Cassandra of Wyndhaven (10/1991 Midd)

Per fess azure and gules, a quill pen bendwise inverted argent. Eoin Macrae (2/1991 Midd)

Per fess engrailed argent and azure, a reed pen fesswise sable and an escallop argent. Isemay of Whytby (3/2010 Aten)

Per fess wavy azure and vert, an otter passant and a reed pen bendwise sinister argent. Catherine O'Herlihy (6/2001 AEth)

Per pale and per fess wavy Or and azure, in bend a palm tree bendwise sinister couped proper and a quill pen bendwise sinister sable. Tamara Petrovna Tvoronova (5/1981 Anst)

Per pale argent and sable, a heart gules and a quill pen argent, a chief wavy barry wavy sable and argent, counterchanged per pale. Laurence the Imager (12/2011 Meri)

Per pale azure and sable, a black-faced lamb couchant guardant proper, charged with a pen bendwise sinister azure, quilled sable. Melusine Whitcroft the Petite (5/1981 Anst)

Per pale gules and sable, a compass star elongated to base surmounted by a sword and a quill pen in saltire, all within a bordure potenty argent. Loren of Blackthorn (9/1988 Meri)

Per pale purpure and argent, a quill pen bendwise sinister and a bordure counterchanged. Layla bat Mikhael (2/2012 AEth)

Per pale purpure and sable, a reed pen palewise Or surmounted by an anvil argent. Thomas Megatherium of Castle Leviathon (5/1980 Meri)

Per pale sable and argent, a heart impaled by a quill pen bendwise sinister distilling a goutte, all counterchanged. Bruce Cwilliam Alexander (12/1983 Meri)

Per pale vert and azure, an open scroll and on a chief argent a quill pen sable. Marinus, Barony of (7/2007 Atla)

Per pale vert and gules, a cubit arm Or maintaining a quill pen and an artist's brush in saltire argent, a bordure embattled Or. Duccio Alighieri (10/2007 Midd)

Per pale wavy sable and gules, a quill pen and a rose slipped and leaved within a bordure wavy argent. Margaret Anne Julia Penrose (7/1992 AnTi)

Per saltire gules and argent, a raven displayed proper, maintaining a quill pen sable a bordure embattled counterchanged. Thomas MacConnor of Ulster (10/1996 Trim)

Per saltire gules and Or, a domestic cat sejant reguardant, sinister forepaw maintaining an artist's brush and a quill pen in saltire sable, within a bordure pean. Kathleen Allen (10/2007 Midd)

Purpure, a bend sinister wavy argent between a quill of yarn and a quill pen bendwise sinister Or. Jehanne la Torta de Calais (11/2003 Aten)

Purpure, a recorder Or and a quill pen argent in saltire, on a point pointed Or a compass star gules. Taddea di Vercelli (11/1992 AnTi)

Purpure, in saltire a lute proper crossed by a pen argent, veined sable, in chief a sun in his splendor Or. Ambre Aimee de Roux (8/1979 Aten)

Purpure, on a bend between two harps Or a quill pen purpure. Deirdre O'Bardon (2/1992 East)

Purpure, on a chevron inverted Or three daisies vert seeded sable and in base an open scroll bendwise conjoined to a quill pen bendwise sinister Or. Kuji Akiko (11/1991 Midd)

Purpure semy of tambourines bendwise, on a pale Or a quill pen between two rapiers purpure. Maeve Egan (5/2002 AEth)

Quarterly argent and azure, in bend sinister a quill pen bendwise sinister and an open scroll bendwise argent within a bordure embattled counterchanged. Gillian Anna di Lando (3/1989 Meri)

Quarterly azure and vert, a sword bendwise Or surmounted by a quill pen bendwise sinister argent. Nicolas de Navarre (7/2005 Aten)

Quarterly gules and sable, a quill pen bendwise sinister Or between two pegasi segreant argent. Celestria de Laudre (10/1999 Meri)

Quarterly Or and gules, in saltire a rapier sable and a quill pen argent, a bordure embattled sable. Gomez de Santander (11/2006 Arte)

Quarterly Or and sable, in saltire a crossbow quarrel inverted sable and a quill pen Or. Kurt von Arriksleva (9/1991 Caid)

Quarterly per fess embattled argent and azure, a quill pen bendwise sable between two hares courant countercourant, each bearing in its mouth an open scroll, argent. Rose Stewart Cathan (12/1984 Anst)

Quarterly sable and azure, a quill pen, a bordure wavy argent. Christina of Riesling (3/1995 Caid)

Quarterly sable and vert, a quill pen bendwise sinister between two scrolls argent. Piers Lakewood (11/2010 AnTi)

Quarterly vert and azure, in saltire a flute Or and a quill pen argent. Geneviève the Gypsy (6/1997 Anst)

Sable, a bend sinister Or between a sword inverted bendwise and a quill pen bendwise sinister argent. Harold of Gryphon Wald (10/1983 East)

Sable, a quill pen and an arrow, crossed at their points Or, in chief a candle argent, enflamed Or. Chidiock the Younger (10/1991 Calo)

Sable, a quill pen bendwise sinister distilling a goutte Or between in bend two bezants. Stephen Cassye the Melancholy (1/1984 Midd)

Sable, a quill pen bendwise sinister, on a chief Or three gouttes de poix. Dane of Lindisfarne (2/1991 West)

Sable, a sword and a quill pen in saltire Or within a bordure Or mullety sable. Jürgen Danske (8/1994 Drac)

Sable, a winged serpent embowed Or maintaining with its tail a quill pen bendwise sinister argent, on a base Or a winged cat sejant affronty sable. Arontius of Bygelswade (7/1997 AnTi)

Sable, an artist's brush inverted and a quill pen in saltire argent between four crescents all within an orle Or. Rafi'a al-Zarqa' (3/2006 Outl)

Sable, in saltire a pen Or, quilled argent, surmounted by a sword inverted proper, all within an annulet knotted in chief by a ligature knot argent. Gareth of Bloodwine Gorge (6/1980 Aten)

Sable, in saltire an artist's paintbrush inverted and a quill pen argent and in chief a bell Or. Lucia Bellini (1/2007 Atla)

Sable, on a bend sinister argent between two fleurs-de-lys Or a quill pen sable. Thérèse la marcheande d'ivoire (10/2011 Anst)

Sable, on a bend sinister cotised between two ink bottles argent, a quill pen sable. Catlin Ravenlock (10/1992 Calo)

Sable, on a cauldron argent a quill pen bendwise sinister azure. Eoin Mac Conmera (8/2008n)

Sable, on a roundel erminois, a cat sejant affronty sable, maintaining in its mouth a quill pen argent. Steffan the Scrivener (1/2006 Caid)

(Tinctureless) A quill pen surmounted by a unicornate natural sea-horse, the tail entwined about the nib, and in base the words "in nomine coronae." Atlantia, Kingdom of (1/1982 Atla)

(Tinctureless) The Uncial sans-serif letter "M" inverted interlaced with a quill pen fesswise. Walter de Witte (8/1981 Atla)

Vair, in saltire a rapier inverted Or and a quill pen gules. Antonia Soranzo (6/2005G)

Vairy Or and azure, in saltire a sword inverted wavy argent, hilted gules, and a quill pen argent. Durvyn Wildermuth von Wiesbaden (10/1998 Caid)

Vert, a bear rampant maintaining a sword and on a chief Or a quill pen its nib to dexter vert. Alexander Petrovich (9/2005 AnTi)

Vert, a calligrapher's knife and a reed pen in saltire argent, tied with a ribbon Or. Ansteorra, Kingdom of (11/1977)

Vert, a chevron between two hawk's bells and a quill pen Or. Penelopee of the Quill (9/1995 East)

Vert, a dragon and in base a quill pen fesswise reversed, a bordure Or. Anna Larie (8/2005 Caid)

Vert, a great horned owl rising wings displayed proper maintaining in its dexter claw a quill argent and in its sinister claw a ladle Or, in base a tree bough fesswise proper. Sita of Oudh (4/2006 East)

Vert, a quill pen bendwise sinister within a bordure argent. Elinor Annora ferch Llewelyn (9/1986 East)

Vert, a sword inverted and a quill pen crossed in saltire argent, a bordure embattled Or. Outlands, Kingdom of the (7/1997 Outl)

Vert, a winged wolf rampant contourny argent sustaining a quill pen Or. Wolfger von Sibenbürgen (10/1998 Anst)

Vert, an owl rising and sinister facing, wings displayed, maintaining a pen and scroll argent, a bordure Or. Aspasia Del Verrocchio (9/1992 Anst)

Vert, in saltire a hammer and a quill pen, and on a chief argent three mullets of six points gules. Francis Burnell of Selkirk (10/1998 Caid)

Vert, on a cinquefoil argent a pen fesswise sable. Rhys de Montfort (12/1983 Meri)

Vert, on an open scroll argent a quill pen bendwise sinister gules, a bordure fleuretty Or. Kasimira Kantorowska (2/1991 East)

Vert, on an open scroll argent in saltire an artist's brush and a quill pen sable, a bordure embattled Or. Outlands, Kingdom of the (10/2007 Outl)

Vert, three oak leaves and on a chief argent a quill pen vert. Douglas le Escriueyn (5/1992 Atla)