
Argent, on a chevron vert between two bows in chevron and a quiver holding three arrows purpure four horseshoes inverted argent. Ayla Bogenschützin (9/2006 Loch)

Argent, on a quiver with three arrows azure a triskele argent. Trimaris, Kingdom of (5/1996 Trim)

Azure, a bend sinister Or, overall a quiver ermine containing three arrows argent. Sara Rebecca Archer (9/1995 East)

Per bend sinister argent and vert, a quiver of three arrows and a ram's head cabossed counterchanged. Tiberius Acilius Brutus (12/2010 Outl)

Per pale sable and argent, a quiver holding two arrows overall two swords in saltire all per pale argent and sable. Eleanor of Caithness (8/2005 Loch)

Sable, on a bend sinister between a bow bendwise sinister Or and a sword bendwise sinister inverted proper, a quiver with three arrows sable. Corin y Cynydd (1/1995 Outl)