
Argent, a scythe and on a chief azure a sword reversed argent. Halbert Lynton (3/2003 Calo)

Argent ermined azure, on a hurt a bear rampant Or maintaining a scythe argent, all within a bordure azure. Gytha Yale ní Comhraidhe (4/1994 Anst)

Azure, a scythe bendwise sinister inverted and on a chief invected argent, two roses azure. Li Kung Lo (12/1992 East)

Azure, in cross a sword fesswise reversed proper and a sickle inverted argent. Mederic de Chastelerault (11/2005 Aten)

Azure, in saltire a sword argent and a sickle Or. Iurii Levchenich (9/2006 AnTi)

(Fieldless) A scythe bendwise and overall a skull argent. Raphael de la Rosa (3/2005 Atla)

(Fieldless) A tuskless elephant's head couped close contourny purpure maintaining with its trunk a sickle Or. Marcella of Forgotten Sea (4/2008 Calo)

(Fieldless) In cross a sword fesswise reversed argent, hilted and quilloned sable, and a sickle inverted argent. Mederic de Chastelerault (8/2008 Aten)

Gules, in canton a hammer and sickle in saltire and to chief a mullet voided Or. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (12/1994 Laur)

Gules, on a pale engrailed Or between two tankards argent a sickle sable. Robert the Doubtfull (6/2010 East)

Per bend Or and vert, a scythe sable and a garb Or. Arnulf von Cilli (12/1999 AnTi)

Per pale argent and sable, a besom and a scythe crossed in saltire counterchanged. Simona dell'Amore (8/2004 Atla)

Per pale sable and argent all goutty counterchanged, a sickle gules. Måns Knutsson (3/2000 Drac)

Purpure, a scythe argent. Sylwein ferch Rhiwallon Blaidd (11/2004 Arte)

Quarterly gules and sable, a sickle within a bordure Or. Petr Kotok (8/2010 AEth)

Sable, a scythe Or. Alric of Couentreu (12/2002 Drac)

Sable, a sickle argent. Ian the Strange (9/2007 Arte)