
Argent, a dolphin naiant purpure within a bordure vert estencely argent. Antonia da Troina (10/2005 Midd)

Argent, a horse's head cabossed sable, flaunches sable estencely Or. Dálkr Hálftroll Snjolfsson (12/1998 Atla)

Argent, a pomegranate slipped and leaved vert seeded gules within a bordure purpure estencelly argent. Sabina of Ruantallan (3/2012 East)

Argent estencelé purpure, a winged unicorn segreant within a bordure embattled purpure. Bertha of Montevale (3/1994 East)

Argent estencelly, a crescent azure. Ailis Linne (6/2002 AEth)

Argent estencelly, a wolf's head erased gules within a Coptic cross throughout sable. Margaret Raedwulf (7/1999 Aten)

Argent estencelly sable, a dance gules. Malcolmus Willelmi (2/2011 AEth)

Argent estencely, a cat couchant sable. Phoebe Saint Michael (9/1992 Anst)

Argent estencely, an anvil between three eagles sable. Ísleifr Arnórs son (4/2006 Midd)

Argent estencely gules, a keythong's head erased and on a chief azure three fleurs-de-lys argent. Dougal Duncanson (4/1997 Calo)

Argent estencely gules, an anvil reversed and on a chief sable three keys bendwise sinister, wards to sinister chief, Or. Thjothrikr inn harthi (6/2011 Calo)

Argent estencely, on a bend sinister engrailed azure three decrescents palewise argent. Morwenna of Morwenstow (1/2000 Drac)

Argent estencely purpure, a fox passant to sinister reguardant sable. Ristard mac Íomhair (4/2009 Trim)

Argent estencely sable, a boar passant gules and in chief three sprigs of holly vert fructed gules. Alia atte Holye (5/1996 East)

Argent estencely sable, a cartouche gules. Axel Bohm (9/2004 Meri)

Argent estencely, two slow matches in pale sable lit proper. Cainder ingen hui Chatharnaig (5/2007 Eald)

Argent, on a fess between three martlets vert an elephant statant argent a bordure vert estencely argent. Riona Gillian McAllister (8/1997 Calo)

Azure, a bend sinister argent estencely sable, between two domestic cats rampant contourny argent. Elfwyn of Osprey (5/1996 Meri)

Azure, a rose slipped and leaved Or between flaunches argent estencely sable. Astrid of the Yellow Rose (1/1995 Midd)

Azure estencelé Or, an ounce passant argent incensed proper gorged with a ducal coronet Or. Heather of Tyson (3/2007 Midd)

Azure estencelly and a chief embattled argent. Alys Durivau (7/1999 Anst)

Azure estencelly argent, a tower Or atop a base argent charged with a laurel wreath azure. Norcastel, Shire of (1/2008 East)

Azure estencelly Or, an ewe rampant contourny argent. Angharad Bach (3/2010 AnTi)

Azure estencelly Or, in pale a smith's hammer bendwise sinister inverted and a single-horned anvil argent. Tycho Julsø (8/2001 Caid)

Azure estencely, a caltrop argent. Kolr refskegg (8/2001 Meri)

Azure estencely argent, a cross flory Or. Edmund de Port (1/2003 Arte)

Azure estencely argent, a sun in splendor between three increscents Or. Alesia la Sabia de Murcia (9/1994 Atla)

Azure estencely argent, a wolf rampant Or. Alexander Kirkpatrick (3/2004 AnTi)

Azure estencely, in canton a quatrefoil saltirewise Or. Mari Alexander (1/2002 West)

Azure estencely, on a bend sinister Or four rabbits palewise couchant purpure. Rebecca de Tatecastre (2/2008 East)

Azure estencely, on a chevron argent two roses azure. Meliora of Snowshill (9/1992 Atla)

Azure estencely Or, on a pile throughout argent a fig leaf vert. Roxana Greenlefe (5/2007 Loch)

Bendy sinister Or and sable estencely Or, a winged lion rampant argent. Deanna della Penna (2/2007 Anst)

(Fieldless) A crescent argent estencelly azure. Ailis Linne (6/2002 AEth)

(Fieldless) A dragon sejant Or estencelé sable. Caitlin Angharad FitzHenry (7/1996 East)

(Fieldless) A mullet of eight points azure estencely and fimbriated argent. Tir Rígh, Principality of (12/2009 AnTi)

(Fieldless) A rose purpure barbed and seeded proper winged argent estencely sable. Victoria of Durham (9/1995 Meri)

(Fieldless) A rowan tree eradicated proper estencelly argent. Arnbiørn Bassi Dansson (10/1993 Atla)

(Fieldless) An alphyn passant argent estencelly sable. Malcolmus Willelmi (11/2011 AEth)

Gules estencelé, an tree eradicated argent. Petruccio Alfonso Maria Cuccieri de Cataluña (9/2004 Anst)

Gules estencelé argent. Dana Grochenydd (4/2005 Midd)

Gules estencelly Or, a rabbit's massacre argent within a bordure lozengy argent and sable. Zafira bint Zahira (9/2008 Aten)

Gules estencely, a doubly-arched bridge argent and a ford proper. John de Irwyne (10/1997 Anst)

Gules estencely, a sun in splendor and on a chief embattled Or three Norse sun crosses gules. Kaðall Ragason (2/2008 East)

Gules estencely, an annulet Or. Jehanne Chrestienne (5/2003 Aten)

Gules estencely, on a chevron Or three frets couped azure. Abram de Tatecastre (2/2008 East)

Gules estencely, three quatrefoils argent. Gerbrich of Polderslot (10/1998 Drac)

Gules, semy of sparks, on a bend rayonny Or, a dragon courant vert. Sabria de l'Ardennes (6/1989 Calo)

Gyronny argent and gules, a horse's head couped sable within a bordure sable estencely argent. Helga skjaldmær (7/2011 West)

Or estencelly gules, a natural sea-turtle bendwise sinister vert. Malucha Korotkova (9/2009 Caid)

Or estencelly vert, an opinicus salient gules and a dexter tierce vert. Berenguera Fineya (8/2005 Calo)

Or estencelly vert, on a bend cotised purpure a comet Or. Isabelle Prentiz (1/2009 Midd)

Or estencely, a mountain gules. Brigitta da Montanha do Fogo (1/1998 AnTi)

Or estencely, in pale two scimitars fesswise edge to chief and on a chief sable a scimitar fesswise edge to chief Or. Rhiannon verch Bryan (1/2008 Anst)

Per bend azure and sable all estencely, a tyger rampant argent. Bryson MacLachlan (7/2011 AnTi)

Per chevron azure estencely argent, and sable, a chevron, a bordure argent. Starkhafn, Barony of (5/1999 Caid)

Per chevron paly bendy sinister sable and argent, and azure estencely argent. Gerard de Lisieux (5/1998 Midd)

Per chevron ployé sable estencely and argent, two increscents argent and a wolf couchant azure. Myfanwy Afrwydd (6/2006 Meri)

Per fess indented sable and gules estencely, a dance Or. Isabeau Quiquandon (10/2000 Anst)

Per fess sable and gules, all estencely argent, a mullet of seven points within and conjoined to a decrescent argent. Celeste Creirwy verch Dafydd (3/1993 Midd)

Per fess sable estencelly argent and vert, a fess dancetty argent. Rosaline Hiver (8/2006 West)

Per fess sable, semy of sparks argent, and argent, a pale counterchanged, overall a martlet displayed gules. Thomas of Tenby (3/1988 Anst)

Per pale argent and azure all estencelly counterchanged, a fleur-de-lys per pale azure and argent. Philippe du Rouchard (3/2011 Calo)

Per pale azure and argent estencely azure, a seeblatt per pale argent estencely and azure. Annabella Debonnaire (6/2006 Loch)

Per pale azure and argent estencely azure, a seeblatt per pale argent estencely and azure. Annabella Debonnaire (6/2006 Loch)

Per pale azure and vert all estencely Or, a cat sejant argent marked sable maintaining a needle inverted bendwise argent threaded Or. Aodhnait Máire Siobhán ní Nuanáin (10/2003 Arte)

Per pale gules and argent all estencelly counterchanged, a chief sable. Olivia MacKay (5/2010 Calo)

Per pale sable and argent all estencely counterchanged, a caltrap within a bordure per pale argent and sable. Cormac Ciúin (7/2011 West)

Per pale sable and azure both estencely argent, a tree blasted and eradicated and in chief a cloud Or. Broinnfind Munro (10/1999 Outl)

Purpure estencely, a candle flammant argent. Etienne de Saint Amaranth (10/2005 Anst)

Purpure estencely, a gore sinister argent. Marion of Sherebrooke (3/1993 West)

Purpure estencely, a winged stag springing breathing flames Or. Karl von Elfstein der Schmuckmacher (12/1996 East)

Purpure estencely Or, a fox's mask argent. Nika Liskova (7/2001 Arte)

Purpure estencely, three chevronels braced argent within a bordure ermine charged with four crosses patty in cross purpure. Mesia Montana Sainte Germaine (6/1995 Calo)

Quarterly sable and gules, a duck rising wings addorsed Or within a bordure Or estencelly gules. Davin Drakere (1/2006 Outl)

Sable estencele Or, a crane in its vigilance argent between three roses Or. Maren Kærling af Jørgensted (5/1994 West)

Sable estencelé Or, a cross formy fitchy throughout argent. Hauoc Bender (2/1994 West)

Sable estencele Or, on a pale gules fimbriated a dragon segreant argent. Muirne Ultach (6/1994 Midd)

Sable estencelly argent, on a lighthouse Or masoned sable enflamed proper, an anchor sable. Elvira Pedrosa (1/2008 Atla)

Sable estencely, a bat-winged domestic cat sejant contourny regardant wings elevated argent. Cateline Margoteau de Carcasonne (8/1998 West)

Sable estencely, a phoenix argent rising from flames issuant from base proper. Nostas'ia Stepanova Kievskaia (4/2000 Atla)

Sable estencely argent, a besom bendwise sinister inverted within a bordure Or. Líadan Winter (8/2009 Calo)

Sable estencely argent, a bordure countercompony vert and argent. Robert Bedingfield (5/2002 Atla)

Sable estencely argent, chapé vair, a mullet of eight interlocking mascles argent. Tullia de Lacy of Meath (11/1994 West)

Sable estencely argent, in pale a falcon contourny atop a portcullis Or. André Jean Faucon (5/2009 Trim)

Sable estencely argent, on a plate a wolf sejant ululant contourny gules. Solomon Malcane (10/1995 Aten)

Sable estencely, on a point pointed argent a cattail proper. Wilhelm von Düsseldorf (12/2003 West)

Sable estencely Or, a flamberge gules hilted and the blade enflamed Or. Flame, Barony of the (11/2002 Midd)

Sable estencely Or, six crescents in annulo argent. Signý Söngvari Svansdóttir (3/1993 Midd)

Sable estencely, three flames Or. Morgan Comyn (12/1996 AnTi)

Vert, a frog argent estencely vert. Robert Tristan (2/2009 East)

Vert estencelly argent, a Lacy knot, a bordure Or. Elspeth Glendonwyn of Kirkaldy (2/1998 Midd)

Vert estencely, a flame Or. François la Flamme (5/2000 Anst)

Vert estencely, a phoenix and on a chief argent three butterflies purpure. Fu Ching Lan (9/2002 Caid)

Vert estencely, a simurgh close and a chief nebuly argent. Pipa Sparkes (5/2006 Calo)

Vert estencely, an owl argent perched on and maintaining a sword fesswise reversed proper handled sable. Jade Redstone (8/2011 AnTi)

Vert estencely argent, a saltire Or surmounted by a lozenge ployé argent. Northshield, Kingdom of (1/1995 Midd)

Vert estencely Or. François la Flamme (5/2000 Anst)