
Argent, a bear rampant azure maintaining a broken spear, a base gules. Áskatla Ketilsdóttir (9/2009 Drac)

Argent, a lance between flaunches sable. Lawnslot of the Black Lance (9/1992 West)

Argent, a lion sejant erect grasping a spear and on a chief gules two laurel wreaths argent. Lyonsmarche, College of (2/1996 AnTi)

Argent, a massacre sable surmounted by a spear gules, in base a greyhound courant gules collared argent and chained sable. Curran O'Farrell (6/2004 Trim)

Argent, a raven displayed maintaining a spear fesswise sable within a bordure gules and overall on a chief sable three ermine spots argent. Ravenswar Brackæ (10/2007G)

Argent, a serpent erect embowed counter-embowed contourny gules, transfixed by a spear bendwise inverted sable, a bordure per pale gules and sable. Duncan de Moravia (10/1996 Midd)

Argent, a single-headed chess knight and on a chief sable a tilting lance reversed argent. Ariadne de Glevo (12/2004 Caid)

Argent, a spear gules winged sable. Cainnech Chille Dhara (3/2009 AEth)

Argent, a spear sable headed gules within a bordure per pale gules and sable. Gleann Abhann, Kingdom of (10/2007G)

Argent, a tilting lance bendwise sinister and in base a rosebud slipped and thorned azure. Launce of the Rose (8/1980 Anst)

Argent, a turtle barry vert and Or transfixed by a lance bendwise sinister inverted sable, the lance distilling three gouttes de sang. Meave Cunningham (9/2010 AnTi)

Argent, a winged spear displayed sable and on a chief azure three decrescents argent. Thomas of Kent (11/1982 West)

Argent, an angel argent winged and garbed gules crined and cuirassed sable, maintaining in its dexter hand a spear bendwise and in its sinister hand an open book argent, in chief a laurel wreath gules. Sankt Vladimir, College of (10/2001 Aten)

Argent, in fess a spear gules between two wolves combatant sable, a chief embattled azure. Mertyn Wolfger von Hillesheim (5/2010 Meri)

Argent, on a bend sinister between six triquetra gules a spear argent. Frederick von Innsbruck (11/1997 AnTi)

Argent, on a pale sable between two spears gules a spear argent. Richard Kelly (10/2000 Midd)

Argent, on a pile inverted between two mortars and pestles gules, a tilting spear Or. Durand FitzRobert (4/1989 Calo)

Argent, three piles palewise azure, overall a Caucasian bay centaur statant, maintaining in both hands a spear bendwise sinister, proper. Cainnech MacGregare (6/1982 AnTi)

Azure, a boar's head couped close contourny and on a chief embattled argent a boar spear reversed azure. Vilkin Jöfursbani (11/1993 Atla)

Azure, a crescent argent and overall a lance Or, a bordure embattled argent. Caid, Kingdom of (6/2009 Caid)

Azure, a donkey sejant maintaining a spear over its shoulder argent, a chief checky azure and argent. Trelac, Shire of (10/2009 Anst)

Azure, a mastiff statant erect reguardant sustaining in chief a spear fesswise reversed argent. Asgar Rolfes sune (2/2012 East)

Azure, a mermaid erect to dexter sustaining in her dexter hand a spear argent. Kriemhild Walther (2/1997 Midd)

Azure, a tilting lance bendwise sinister Or surmounted by a horse rampant argent, in canton a laurel wreath Or, a ford proper. Ritterwald, Canton of (4/2001 Atla)

Azure, on a bend gules fimbriated Or between two unicorns rampant argent armed and crined a spear Or. Wilfred of Byron (7/2001 Drac)

Azure, on a bend raguly Or between an eagle displayed and a thistle argent, a spear gules. Jan Oszczepnowski (2/1994 Drac)

Azure, on a pile inverted argent, between two ravens close Or, a spear sable. Gauss Magnússon (2/1997 Atla)

Azure semy of triskeles argent, a lance Or. Trimaris, Kingdom of (11/2006 Trim)

Azure, three tabors Or, on a chief argent a spear reversed sable. Duncan Iain MacAindreis (12/1992 Atla)

Azure, two chevronels inverted and in chief a lance, a chief embattled Or. Dougal MacEwan (11/1991 Atla)

Barry argent and sable, a boar's head erased impaled on a stick issuant from base all within a bordure gules. Snorri Haraldsson (10/2002 AEth)

Barry wavy of eight azure and argent, a perch haurient embowed Or pierced by a spear inverted bendwise sinister sable. Janez Perc (11/1981 Aten)

Ermine, a tilting spear palewise azure. Stephen of Coldjoust (12/1982 West)

(Fieldless) A bat-winged man displayed maintaining above his head a spear fesswise vert. Charlesbury Crossing, Canton of (2/1986 Atla)

(Fieldless) A decrescent argent and overall a spear sable. Alastar O'Rogan (11/2003 East)

(Fieldless) A griffin passant maintaining a spear sable. Flaming Gryphon, Barony of the (8/1997 Midd)

(Fieldless) A lance argent. Middle, Kingdom of the (5/2000 Midd)

(Fieldless) A maiden maintaining a crescent and sustaining a spear argent. Kolfinna kottr (8/2003 Caid)

(Fieldless) A penguin statant proper wearing a spangenhelm argent strapped Or maintaining a spear argent headed Or. Hróðný Rognvaldsdóttir (2/2012 Atla)

(Fieldless) A raven maintaining a spear bendwise sable. Ciothruadh Dubh (2/2012 Caid)

(Fieldless) A sea-horse sustaining a tilting lance argent. Atlantia, Kingdom of (2/2012 Atla)

(Fieldless) A spear and overall two axes in saltire gules. Rogualldr Dagsson (8/1993 Atla)

(Fieldless) A spear azure within and conjoined to a mascle argent. Tir Rígh, Principality of (1/2011 AnTi)

(Fieldless) A spear sable surmounted by an open book argent, winged gules, inscribed with the words "Ex obscuro, Lux; E studio Dementia" sable. Sankt Vladimir, College of (9/2009 Aten)

(Fieldless) A trout naiant Or impaled on a spear sable. Cragdon on the Water, Canton of (6/1998 Caid)

(Fieldless) A windmill vert maintaining through the sinister chief blade a tilting spear fesswise reversed Or. Aleksandr the Traveller (2/2008 East)

(Fieldless) A winged lion segreant maintaining a spear inverted gules. Edward the Red (4/2008 Eald)

(Fieldless) On a mullet of 4 greater and 8 lesser points Or, an axe and a spear in saltire vert. Enda of Inderwick (9/1996 Meri)

(Fieldless) On a stag trippant contourny sable attired maintaining a lance bendwise a cross formy argent. Manfred von Rothenburg (5/1996 Meri)

(Fieldless) On a sun Or a horned owl perched atop a spear azure. Barre FitzRobert of York (4/1996 Outl)

(Fieldless) Two swords in saltire surmounted by a spear Or. Gunther Garr (2/1994 Caid)

Gules, a castle Or surmounted by a lance argent, in chief four ermine spots Or. Daimhín Ó Ruaidh (1/2000 AnTi)

Gules, a horse salient and on a chief Or a lance reversed sable. Catelin Spenser of Newmarket (7/1996 AnTi)

Gules, a vol surmounted by a spear inverted argent. Gustav Minsinger (10/2005 Anst)

Gules, an owl atop a leaf-bladed spear fesswise and on a chief indented Or, three flames voided gules. Cædmon Mac Ahern (6/1994 Meri)

Gules, in fess a spear between two wingless wyverns combatant argent. Angus mac Padraig (2/2008 East)

Gules, two pallets Or, overall a spear and an oar in saltire argent. Gerolt ap Edward (6/2004 Aten)

Gyronny vert and sable, in saltire a spear Or, headed argent, surmounted by a claymore proper, in base a bezant charged with a Lacy knot sable. Colm Cormaic (5/1981 Aten)

Or, a boarspear within a bordure gules. Red Spears, Barony of (1/2011 Midd)

Or, a raven contourny sable maintaining a broken tilting spear banded sable and gules. Suzanne of Ravenhill (6/2000 West)

Or, a spear and a longbow interlaced in cross and a bordure azure. Dirk van Muiden (12/2001 Aten)

Or, a spear between flaunches sable each charged with a chalice Or. Oswulf the Grey (2/1996 Atla)

Or, a spear sable. Angus Kerr (6/2001 East)

Or, a winged spear and on a chief sable three lions couchant argent. Owen Sherard Trahern (4/2006 Atla)

Or, on a bend sable a tilting spear Or steeled proper. William Shakespeare (12/1994 Laur)

Or, on a bend sinister gules between two drawn bows with arrows nocked sable flighted gules, a spear Or. Brendan Strongbow (8/2010 AnTi)

Or, on a single-horned anvil sable a spear fesswise Or. Czcibor the Bearslayer (10/2000 Trim)

Paly gules and Or, in saltire a spear proper headed sable and an oar proper. Gerolt ap Edward (6/2004 Aten)

Per bend argent and sable, three hawk's bells in bend and a spear bendwise counterchanged. Ananda of the Bells (9/1994 East)

Per bend sinister argent and vert, a bend sinister azure, in dexter chief a spear and a round-headed mace in saltire surmounted by a plant pod, all surmounted by a Basotho shield brown. Lesotho (9/1995 Laur)

Per bend sinister azure and sable, on a bend sinister embattled counter-embattled argent, a spear surmounted by an axe palewise reversed sable. Togrul Guiscard (5/1992 AnTi)

Per bend sinister gules and argent, a spear bendwise sinister Or and a brown ape passant proper. Fergal MacCome (4/2005 Caid)

Per bend sinister gules and sable, on a bend sinister argent a spear sable. Ambrose Fitzwilliam (2/2000 AEth)

Per bend sinister raguly sable and Or, a sun of six greater and six lesser points and a naginata bendwise sinister counterchanged. Shandon Yar Mohamed Gehazi Memo Hazara Khan-ad-Din (9/1983 Caid)

Per bend sinister sable and azure, on a bend sinister argent between two compass stars Or, a tilting spear sable. Gwydion Caithnes of Wyk (8/1992 East)

Per chevron azure and gules, a chevron argent between a lion's head cabossed and a lance palewise Or. Sigmund Svertingsson (3/2000 Caid)

Per chevron azure and vert, an armoured arm embowed sustaining a spear fesswise argent. Sion ap Rhainallt (1/2008 AEth)

Per chevron chevronelly Or and azure, and azure, two swords in saltire surmounted by a spear Or. Gunther Garr (6/1993 Caid)

Per chevron gules and argent, in base a female centaur passant maintaining a spear and shield sable. Helena de Orduuelle (9/2002 Outl)

Per chevron gules and argent two otters combattant and another rampant to sinister, all maintaining glaives counterchanged, for augmentation, a unicornate natural seahorse erect contourny maintaining in its tail a lance and pennon Or between the otters in chief. Vladimir Ivanovich Aleksandrov (9/1999 Atla)

Per chevron gules and Or, a sword and a spear in saltire Or and a drakkar, sails furled, gules, all within a bordure counterchanged. Eric Etheridge (11/1984 Caid)

Per chevron gules and sable, a spear issuant from base winged argent. Nioclás an Tuir (1/2008 Anst)

Per chevron sable and Or, a spear counterchanged between in chief two mullets of eight points Or. Wilhelm Gelbart (7/2006 Outl)

Per chevron sable and vert, a coney sejant guardant maintaining a spear argent and in chief two fleurs-de-lys Or. Tristan de Ver (8/2005 AnTi)

Per chevron vert and sable, a chevron rompu between two wolves heads respectant erased and a sheaf of spears Or. Jehane Wulfeken (1/1998 Arte)

Per fess argent and azure, a quill pen fesswise and a tilting lance fesswise reversed counterchanged. East, Kingdom of the (2/1984 East)

Per fess gules and vert, a spear and in canton an eagle Or. Ragngeirr assabana (2/2006 Meri)

Per fess indented counter-ermine and argent, a female centaur rampant preparing to throw from her sinister hand a javelin bendwise gules. Cassandra of Blæchowe (5/1984 AnTi)

Per pale azure and argent, on an escallop inverted counterchanged a boar spear fesswise reversed argent hafted proper, a base embattled counterchanged. Elfsea, Barony of (10/1995 Anst)

Per pale azure and gules, a gauntlet argent sustaining the dexter half of a spear fracted in chevron point to sinister Or. Adam Carmychel (1/2003 Outl)

Per pale azure and purpure, an annulet fracted to sinister base Or and overall a spear bendwise inverted argent. Drífa in rauða (7/2009 AnTi)

Per pale gules and azure, a partizan spear Or, overall a Pierrot mask argent, orbed and capped sable, with lips gules. Edwyn the Player (11/1979 West)

Per pale gules and sable, a lance throughout argent between two horse's heads couped respectant Or. Dragon's Laire, Barony of (9/1996 AnTi)

Per pale gules and vert, on a chevron between two gouttes and a horse's head couped argent, a lance fracted in chevron, point to sinister sable. Rannveig Katrin Bjarnardottir (6/2011 Calo)

Per pale Or and azure, a bear rampant sustaining a spear counterchanged. Bjorn Ulfreksson (3/2009 AEth)

Per pale Or and gules, a raven displayed sable between three roundels counterchanged, as an augmentation on the breast of the raven a unicornate natural seahorse contourny maintaining a banner Or. Patrick Ravensclaw (7/2001 Atla)

Per pale Or and sable, a dragon sejant gules sustaining a tilting spear sable within a bordure embattled counterchanged. Juliana Red MacLachlan (7/2005 Caid)

Per pale vert and argent, a compass star counterchanged, on a chief sable a spear argent. Danyel Vendredi de Lyon (2/2001 Aten)

Per pale vert and Or, on a talbot passant sable a spear fesswise Or. Alric the Mad (1/2010 Atla)

Per pale vert and purpure, an armored female angel displayed maintaining overhead a spear fesswise reversed, a chief Or. Valeria Àngeli (5/1998 Midd)

Per pale vert and sable, Saint George mounted and passant contourny, spear piercing a dragon in base within a bordure Or. Sofia Staritskaia (4/1994 East)

Per pall inverted azure, sable, and argent, a spear throughout per chevron argent and sable. Aengus mac Bruide (7/2010 Caid)

Per saltire argent and vert, a wolf rampant azure sustaining a spear gules. Padraig Mactyre (8/2008 West)

Purpure, on a chief triangular argent a raven maintaining a spear sable. Ciothruadh Dubh (11/2009 Caid)

Quarterly sable and vert, a hawk rising wings addorsed and inverted, in chief a boar spear Or. Cormac of Caermont (3/1992 AnTi)

Quarterly sable and vert, a lion Or sustaining a tilting lance argent and maintaining in its sinister forepaw a heart gules. Beatrice von Staufen (2/2012 Atla)

Sable, a chevron throughout Or mullety sable and in base a spear entwined by a serpent Or. Ulrich von Baden (12/2009 AEth)

Sable, a chevron throughout Or mullety sable and in base a spear entwined by a serpent Or. Ulrich von Baden (2/2007 AEth)

Sable, a hawthorn blossom argent and on a chief Or a spear sable. Gerstan Heah Leah (3/1982 West)

Sable, a lion rampant argent transfixed by a spear bendwise sinister inverted, in chief two swords fesswise points to center Or. Alexandria Sophie Kessler (10/2008 AnTi)

Sable, a sharpened wooden stake bendwise sinister proper, overall a mushroom gules. William MacBruithein the Wilde (9/2007 Midd)

Sable, a spear bendwise sinister argent enflamed proper. Philip Bell (2/2008 Atla)

Sable, a spear Or, on a chief argent three boar's heads couped gules. Aelfric se Droflic (9/1992 Anst)

Sable, four bars Or, overall on a bend argent a bumblebee statant close proper bestriding a spear sable. Christopher of Hoghton (5/1982 Aten)

Sable, in pale an eagle's head erased and an arm couped maintaining a spear fesswise Or between flaunches vairy in pale gules and Or. Hurlan O'Corra (6/2001 East)

Sable, in pale an uncial M and a tilting lance argent. Meridies, Kingdom of (6/1994 Meri)

Sable, in saltire an axe and spear, in chief a mullet of four points elongated to base Or. Rorik Kelleward (8/1991 Trim)

Sable mullety argent, a horse courant contourny Or crined and tailed, in chief a tilting lance fesswise reversed argent. Donwenna la Mareschale (7/2001 AnTi)

Sable, on a bend sinister argent between two cogwheels Or a spear inverted sable. Katharine McClung (4/2010 AEth)

Sable, on a pale Or between four bezants, a boar spear gules. Dunstan of the Red Spear (5/1992 Outl)

Sable, on a pale Or between in chief two decrescents argent a spear sable. Alastar O'Rogan (11/2003 East)

Vert, a buck's head caboshed, on a chief embattled argent a spear vert. Graelant Forester (6/2000 Meri)

Vert, a bull's head caboshed Or, for augmentation, in chief a lance argent dependent therefrom a banner argent charged with a pale gules surmounted by a dragon passant vert. Anna z Pernstejna (10/2004n)

Vert, a dance and in chief a centaur statant guardant, maintaining a spear argent. Ruppert Horn (2/1997 Aten)

Vert, a flame proper, on a chief enarched Or, a spear reversed, fracted in chevron, sable, hafted proper. Donn son of Fergus (2/1989 Caid)

Vert, a winged man displayed maintaining above his head a spear fesswise argent. Charlesbury Crossing, Canton of (11/1993 Atla)

Vert, two stags combatant sustaining between them a tilting lance argent, a bordure engrailed Or. Outlands, Kingdom of the (2/2012 Outl)