sun, demi:2

Azure, a narwhal argent between a demi-sun issuant from chief and another issuant from base Or. Patricia Whale (2/1997 Aten)

Ermine, a lymphad in full sail sable between two demi-suns issuant from chief and from base gules. Martha Armorel McDonald de Alvorada (1/1987 Anst)

Erminois, a chevron gules between two demi-suns issuant from dexter and sinister chief and a tree sable. Kimberly Blackwood (8/2007 Outl)

Per saltire gules and azure, in pale two demi-suns issuant from the line of division and in fess two spears issuant from the flanks, points conjoined Or. Society for Creative Anachronism, Chronicler's Office (1/2008 Laur)

Per saltire gules and vert, in saltire through the nombril point seven mulberry trees between in fess two of the same argent, issuant from chief a demi-sun Or. Rahlahn of Mulberry (6/1980 Aten)

Purpure, on a chevron argent between two bull's heads erased contourny and a demi-sun issuant from base Or three crosses flory sable. Deianeira Rodriguez y Aragonés (2/2006 AEth)

Sable, on a tree eradicated between two demi-suns issuant from the dexter and sinister chief corners argent, a crescent vert. Gabrielle Lux (12/1997 Outl)