
Argent, a thunderbolt and a chief embattled azure. Ambrosius Torris (5/1992 East)

Argent, a thunderbolt gules. Endless Hills, Barony of (8/1999 AEth)

Argent, a thunderbolt sable and a tierce vert. Mons Tonitrus, Barony of (1/1992 Aten)

Argent, in bend a thunderbolt inverted gules and a tower sable. Richard the Steadfast (8/1985 West)

Argent, on a pale between two serpents glissant palewise sable a thunderbolt argent. Adelheid Wynther (11/2003 Meri)

Azure, a thunderbolt and a bordure Or. Josué Ezequiel Xavier de Navarra (3/1995 West)

Azure, a thunderbolt between flaunches Or each flaunch charged with a dolphin haurient gules. Brandr Wybourn (9/2003 Meri)

Azure, an eagle displayed contourny grasping in both claws a thunderbolt Or. Napoleon I (12/1994 Laur)

Barry vert and Or, on a pile sable a thunderbolt Or. Roiberd Mor Barra (11/2000 Drac)

(Fieldless) A thunderbolt sable. Gallant O'Driscole (3/2008 Aten)

Gules, a bend dancetty between a thunderbolt and a wolf rampant Or. Wilihelm Roderick FitzLovel of Kerr (2/1986 Caid)

Gules, a thunderbolt and a chief embattled Or. Marcus Marius Leontius Britannicus (12/2006 Aten)

Gules, a thunderbolt within on a bordure embattled argent a tressure sable. Wilihelm Roderick FitzLovel of Kerr (4/1982 Caid)

Or, a thunderbolt and on a chief gules three squirrels each holding in its forepaws a nut, Or. Thorkel berserkr Gormsson (12/1991 Midd)

Or, on a cross nowy quadrate between in chief two shamrocks vert, a thunderbolt Or. Aislinn Chaomhanach (4/1999 Meri)

Or, on a pale bretassy sable between two roses, slipped and leaved, proper, a thunderbolt palewise Or. Tess of the Crossings (8/1990 Outl)

Or, on a pile purpure a thunderbolt argent. Damon Annaeus Licinius (7/2000 Meri)

Per bend azure and sable, a sunburst, clouded argent and rayed Or, and a thunderbolt argent. Karsten von Meissen (4/1994 Midd)

Per chevron argent and sable, two dragons combatant vert and a thunderbolt argent. Dagobert de Gallia (2/2006 Atla)

Per chevron embattled argent and vert, two walnut abaci with ebony beads proper and a thunderbolt Or. Walter Faversham (8/1980 West)

Per fess argent and purpure, a thunderbolt counterchanged. Caris Maniske (7/1985 West)

Per fess argent and sable, two lutes bendwise sinister vert and a thunderbolt Or. Johannes the Minstrel (1/1980 West)

Per pale azure and argent, a thunderbolt counterchanged and a chief embattled gules. Michel von Grüningen (2/2007 Meri)

Per pale sable and gules, a thunderbolt and on a chief embattled Or a cat statant contourny reguardant sable. Katherine Maniske a' Nynetails (5/1997 Aten)

Purpure, a thunderbolt between in fess a lion's head erased close and an eagle's head erased close respectant, within a bordure argent. Morgan Eochaid Gillebruide of Clan Dubh (12/1983 East)

Quarterly argent and purpure, a bend counter-compony Or and sable between a thunderbolt and a roundel argent. Aldgytha of Ashwood (8/1986 Caid)

Quarterly argent and sable, a thunderbolt counterchanged within a bordure vert. Mons Tonitrus, Barony of (1/1992 Aten)

Quarterly vert and argent, a thunderbolt counterchanged and a bordure sable. Mons Tonitrus, Barony of (6/1992 Aten)

Quarterly vert and argent, a thunderbolt counterchanged argent and sable and a bordure counterchanged. Mons Tonitrus, Barony of (6/1992 Aten)

Sable, a thunderbolt argent with lightning bolts Or, a double tressure Or. Æthric Daladier (8/1995 East)

Sable, a thunderbolt between flaunches argent all within a bordure counterchanged. Mons Tonitrus, Barony of (1/1992 Aten)

Sable, a thunderbolt between three crescents argent. Breac MacFinnéin (5/1993 Midd)