tool, textile:1

Argent, a dragon segreant vert and on a chief embattled gules a needle palewise argent conjoined by the thread to a quill of yarn palewise Or. Elena of Sunderoak (3/2005 AEth)

Argent, a fess azure fretty argent between a raven close azure and a weaver's shuttle fesswise proper, threaded gules. Ulrich der Blaurabe (8/1984 Anst)

Argent, a square weaver's tablet purpure. Ælfwyn Webbestre (2/2010 Anst)

Argent, a wooden drop spindle bendwise sinister proper, entwined with thread vert, within a bordure vert fretty argent. Findabhair ni Chonaill (11/2007 East)

Argent, in pale a butterfly and a quill of thread within a bordure engrailed sable. Christina McCarty (11/2004 Outl)

Argent, on a bend sinister purpure a weaver's shuttle argent, all within a bordure purpure, mulletty argent. Ariadne Athingana of Ravenglass (3/1989 Midd)

Argent semy of mascles azure, a boat shuttle bendwise sable threaded Or. Margherita la Tessitrice (10/1997 Atla)

Azure, a bend cotised Or between two alembic flasks, spouts crossed in saltire, and a thimble argent, all within a bordure Or. Aubry du Bolduc (8/1985 Aten)

Azure, a lace bobbin argent. Jeanna of Melton (7/2000 Meri)

Azure, a stick shuttle bendwise between two triskeles argent. Cassandra of Glastonbury (10/2000 Midd)

Azure, a threaded stick shuttle and on a chief argent three sheaves of arrows gules. Scott of Kent (7/1996 Aten)

Azure, an owl close, maintaining in its talons a tuft of wool pendant therefrom a drop spindle argent. Antonia d'Alessandria (12/2003 Aten)

Azure, fretty argent, a weaver's shuttle palewise Or, threaded vert. Annora Margery FitzJames (9/1989 Midd)

Azure fretty argent, a weaver's slea and a bordure Or. Medb ingen Dúngaile (7/2007 Eald)

Azure mullety Or, in chief a stick shuttle argent. Else Schemmer (5/2009 Anst)

Azure, on a bend between two dragons segreant addorsed Or a stick shuttle azure. Laure Anne the Plaidweaver (7/1995 Anst)

Azure, six bees in annulo tails inward proper on a chief embattled Or a weaver's slea proper. Emelyn Gunnarsdóttir (9/2001 Caid)

(Fieldless) A delf argent pierced two and two. Rowena of Jorvik (10/1990 Midd)

(Fieldless) A distaff Or. An Tir, Kingdom of (10/1982 AnTi)

(Fieldless) A distaff Or surmounted by a maunch vert. An Tir, Kingdom of (10/1982 AnTi)

(Fieldless) A drop spindle bendwise sinister argent threaded Or. Thea Gabrielle Northernridge (5/2009 Caid)

(Fieldless) A drop spindle sable, threaded ermine. Scolastica la souriete (10/2008 East)

(Fieldless) A full drop spindle vert. Ysmay of New Ros (3/2010 Midd)

(Fieldless) A gridiron sable. Domenico Barbiere da Mantova (4/2005 Atla)

(Fieldless) A loom weight pendant from a hank of yarn argent. Barbara atte Dragon (10/2001 Midd)

(Fieldless) A thimble argent. Julianna Peri de Novellara (2/1999 Midd)

(Fieldless) A thimble azure charged with a trillium flower Or. Margaret de Luce (6/1995 East)

(Fieldless) A thimble azure surmounted by a needle fesswise argent. Anastasie de Lamoure (7/2008 AEth)

(Fieldless) A thimble Or. Arianne Anastasia Balfour (1/1996 Anst)

(Fieldless) A thimble per pale sable and argent. Molly inghean ui Raighallaigh (1/2008 East)

(Fieldless) A wooden lace bobbin proper. Rondinella dal Tirolo (2/2007 Anst)

(Fieldless) A wool-comb bendwise reversed sable. Ose Silverhair (3/2012 East)

(Fieldless) An annulet azure surmounted by an empty drop spindle inverted argent. Atlantia, Kingdom of (11/2007 Atla)

(Fieldless) An owl displayed supported by a weaving tablet argent charged with a cross of Santiago gules. Ysabella Celestina Manrique de Palma (10/2002 Trim)

(Fieldless) In bend a wool-comb sustained by a cubit arm bendwise issuant from a cloud argent. Astra Christiana Benedict (10/2011 Caid)

(Fieldless) On a square weaver's tablet purpure a half-moon knife argent. Czina Angielczyka (5/2009 Anst)

(Fieldless) On the breech of a cannon barrel fesswise reversed sable a spool of thread Or. Alesone Gray of Cranlegh (1/2010 East)

Gules, a shuttle palewise Or and a bordure Or semy of pheons bendwise sinister inverted gules. Beatriz Tejedora (8/2005 AnTi)

Gules, a spinning wheel reversed, on a chief Or three wool packs gules. Joanna the Spinner (3/2011 Anst)

Gules, a spool of thread Or and overall a needle argent. Fionnbharr le Nedlere (11/2009 Anst)

Gules, on a bend rayonny between a drop spindle and a feather bendwise Or, two compass stars palewise sable. Rayah bint Yousef (11/2007 East)

Gules, two chevronels braced argent, in base an ivory lace bobbin and on a chief invected Or three shuttles bendwise sinister sable. Elene de Bruges (2/1984 East)

Or, a weaver's shuttle palewise vert winged sable. Bronwyn Schutelisworth (3/2011 Caid)

Or, a wooden square weaver's tablet proper. Beonne seo brune (7/2011 Anst)

Or, on a closed book palewise gules between three roses proper a spool of thread Or. Anna Tailor (2/2011 East)

Or, two thistles proper and a spinning wheel sable. Anne the Spinster (10/2003 Anst)

Per bend argent and vert, an embroider's quill and three acorns counterchanged. Joanna Dorcas de la Tuneshende (12/2000 Anst)

Per bend azure and gules, a goat argent and a spinning wheel reversed Or. Marian Elizabeth Wollenschläger (6/2005n)

Per bend embattled sable and argent, a thimble and a viol counterchanged. Síle inghean mhic Cárthaigh (4/2010 East)

Per bend sinister argent and azure, a ram's head couped contourny and a spinning wheel reversed counterchanged. Cristine Spinster (8/2011 East)

Per bend sinister azure and gules, a bend sinister Or and overall a spinning wheel argent. Magdalyn Tynkere (8/2011 Caid)

Per bend sinister Or and gules, a bow reversed and a spool of thread counterchanged. Gwen Makewin (10/2008 Anst)

Per bend sinister Or and vert, a wooden stick shuttle bendwise sinister proper and an awl bendwise sinister point to base argent. Kendrick MacBain (8/2011 Aten)

Per bend sinister raguly vert and Or, an eagle's head erased and a threaded drop spindle bendwise sinister counterchanged, for augmentation on the eagle's neck a roundel azure charged with four crescents conjoined in saltire, horns outward, argent. Felinah Tifarah Arnvella Memo Hazara Khan-ad-Din (2/2010 Caid)

Per bend sinister vert and argent, a bend sinister gules between a sheaf of arrows argent tied gules and a wooden weaver's shuttle palewise proper, threaded gules. John Read (7/2008 Aten)

Per bend sinister vert and sable, a spider and a drop spindle Or. Morgan Goch Bengrek (9/2006 Trim)

Per bend vert and azure, a quill of yarn and a loaf of bread Or. Emma Miner (3/2005 Calo)

Per bend vert and Or, a wooden drop spindle proper threaded argent and a brown dog sejant guardant proper. Vivian of Silverlake (11/2007 Caid)

Per chevron argent and vert, a weaver's shuttle argent. Unn Sigurdsdotter (10/2001 Drac)

Per chevron inverted sable and gules, a moon in its plenitude and a spinning wheel argent. Thea the Spinner (1/1999 Midd)

Per fess argent and vert, in chief three lace bobbins in fess sable and in base a plate charged with a drop spindle threaded sable. Ive Annor M'Quhairr of Sighty Crag (10/2007 East)

Per fess Or and azure, atop a thimble argent a frog sejant affronty gules. Kerry RanAurora (10/2007 West)

Per fess Or and vert, two oak leaves and a full drop spindle inverted bendwise sinister counterchanged. Ceara Wyther (10/2005 Calo)

Per pale argent and gules, a wooden drop spindle proper threaded Or between in fess two sheep passant to sinister counterchanged. Maya Reichenberg (11/2007 Meri)

Per pale azure and Or, an owl affronty counterchanged maintaining an embroider's broach fesswise gules, in chief a roundel between an increscent and a decrescent counterchanged argent and azure. Alessandra da Pavia (3/1997 AnTi)

Per pale Or and gules, a squirrel sejant erect guardant sable maintaining in dexter forepaw an empty wooden drop spindle proper, a chief semy-de-lys counterchanged. Sine ni Mharbhen (11/2007 West)

Per pale Or and vert, a square weaving tablet counterchanged. Severinus Erinaceus (8/2001 Drac)

Per pale sable and azure, a weaver's shuttle palewise argent. Nordmark, Principality of (4/2008 Drac)

Per pall argent, counter-ermine, and vert, in chief a spinning wheel gules. Martha at Gore (7/2004 AnTi)

Per saltire Or and gules, on a roundel counterchanged a wooden stick shuttle fesswise proper. Fíne ingen uí Scolaighe (11/2011 Loch)

Purpure, a bend sinister wavy argent between a quill of yarn and a quill pen bendwise sinister Or. Jehanne la Torta de Calais (11/2003 Aten)

Purpure, a fess enarched argent between two roses Or and a thimble argent. Julianna Peri de Novellara (1/1992 Midd)

Quarterly argent and gules, a wool-comb bendwise reversed sable. Ose Silverhair (3/2012 East)

Quarterly sable and argent, a square weaver's tablet lozengewise counterchanged. Ciorstan MacAmhlaidh (3/2007 Caid)

Sable, an empty drop spindle within a bordure Or. Madelaine de Bourgogne (11/2007 West)

Sable fretty, on a pale Or a bone lucet gules. Freydis in kyrra Alfarinsdottir (1/2005 Aten)

Sable, in saltire a palmer's staff and a stick shuttle Or, a bordure Or goutty vert. Egill the Loomwright (11/2009 Caid)

Sable, two fir trees and on a roundel argent a spinning wheel sable. Siana Alyna of Muirwood (3/1985 Caid)

Sable, two needles in saltire between a spool of thread and three compass stars, all within a bordure Or. Fionna Ramsay of Bronwyn Vale (11/2007 Caid)

Vert, a distaff between two flaunches Or. Gwennan nic Ailpein an Locha Seile (7/1992 Calo)

Vert, a hippopotamus rampant between in chief two roses argent, on a chief Or a stick shuttle sable. Sindra Gunhild Sigmundsdottir (9/1990 Anst)

Vert, a pale sable fimbriated argent, surmounted by a winged empty drop-spindle Or. Anne Barberry (11/2007 West)

Vert, a sheep passant argent maintaining with its forehoof a drop spindle Or, threaded argent, and a chief embattled Or. Helwynn Ivelchild (3/2007 Atla)

Vert, a spinning wheel reversed and on a chief Or a dragon passant breathing flames gules. Emengar la fileresse (4/2009 East)

Vert, on a saltire Or an arrow and a full drop spindle in saltire vert and in chief a chamomile flower argent seeded Or. Ysmay of New Ros (3/2010 Midd)

Vert, on a spider argent an empty drop spindle inverted sable. Siobhán NicDhuinnshléibhe (11/2007 Atla)