tree, rounded shape:2

Argent, a chevron sable between two oak trees eradicated and a thistle proper. Moire nic Greagair (8/1999 East)

Argent, a fess wavy between a tree couped and a tree couped and inverted gules, a bordure sable. Russell de Crauforde (8/1992 Trim)

Argent, a pale between in chief a decrescent and an increscent gules and in base two oak trees proper. Eric Thordsson (5/1986 Meri)

Argent, a ruined tower gules, in chief two oak trees proper. [Quercus lobata] John of Coillitorr (8/1979 East)

Argent, a saltire between two oak trees eradicated in pale sable. Sylvanus Andere (5/1973)

Argent, a tyger rampant gules between in fess two trees eradicated sable. Morcant ap Angharat (5/2011 Caid)

Argent, in fess two oak trees eradicated proper, on a chief vert an arrow reversed argent. Iulianiia Trieskova (2/2008 East)

Argent masoned sable, in fess two oak trees vert. James of Oakrock (2/1994 Caid)

Argent, on a chevron azure between two trees and a mullet of eight points gules a chain couped argent. Edwin ate Grove (11/2001 Meri)

Argent, on a pale azure between two apple trees eradicated fructed proper in chief a laurel wreath Or. Tree-Girt-Sea, Province of (1/1982 Midd)

Argent, on a pale between two trees eradicated azure three mullets of four points argent. Keneweard de Musgraue (6/2001 East)

Azure, a bend sinister cotised between two trees eradicated Or. Alix Alven (11/1988 Aten)

Azure, in fess two oak trees fructed and eradicated and in base three bars engrailed on the upper edges Or. Ella atte Okenrode (2/2010 AnTi)

Azure, in fess two trees couped within a bordure argent. Gregor of Dakerwald (6/1986 West)

Azure, on a bend between two trees blasted and eradicated argent three escarbuncles azure. Winefrid of North Lake (1/2000 Meri)

Azure, on a bend sable fimbriated Or between two white heath trees couped proper three trident heads palewise Or. [Erica arborea] William of Briardust (4/1981 West)

Azure, on a bend sinister between two trees eradicated argent, a pegasus statant fesswise to sinister sable, all within a bordure argent. Dubhán Treehill (11/1988 Caid)

Azure, on a fess invected in base Or, between in chief a sun in splendour Or between two clouds, and in base a dolphin naiant argent, two oak trees couped proper. Eric Earth-Friend (10/1980 Midd)

Erminois, a chevron gules between two trees and a demi-sun issuant from base sable. Christopher Blackwood (3/1993 Outl)

Gules, on a pale between two trees Or a tree sable. John Bayne (1/2000 Anst)

Or, a chevron azure platy between two trees eradicated and a castle gules. Holdred of Crystalbrook (8/1991 Calo)

Or, a dragon courant and in base two trees vert, on a chief sable three mullets Or. Luigi Santini da Sutera (11/1997 Atla)

Or, a pale gules surmounted by a boar's head erased sable armed argent, in chief two trees proper. Bothvar Ruriksson (5/1995 Meri)

Or, a serpent glissant in chevron sable, between two oak trees eradicated vert and a griffin segreant azure. Llawdden MacGryphon (10/1985 East)

Or, in fess a pavilion between two trees couped vert. Robert Arden (10/1996 AnTi)

Or, two oak trees eradicated and an acorn proper. Frank of the Dark Oak (2/1987 Midd)

Or, two trees in saltire proper issuant from a base urdy azure. Ellayne de Grenslade (9/2007 Meri)

Per bend Or and sable, a tournament lance vert between in fess two trees counterchanged. Eleanor of Ashley (9/1983 Meri)

Per bend sinister argent and azure, two trees counterchanged within a bordure gules. Bevin Kilbride (11/1995 Calo)

Per bend sinister sable and argent, in bend an annulet between two trees counterchanged. Cailean Bane McDougall (2/1996 Midd)

Per chevron argent and azure, two oak trees couped proper and a wolf sejant ululant argent. Ivan Borisovich of Volchevo Lesa (3/1992 Atla)

Per chevron argent and vert semy of cinquefoils argent, in chief two orange trees eradicated proper. Perin de la Serena (3/2005 Aten)

Per chevron argent and vert, two trees eradicated and a crane in its vigilance counterchanged. Joye Wölflinin (8/2010G)

Per chevron azure and Or, a tower counterchanged and in chief two trees eradicated Or. Ansgar Cristernsen (4/2002 Calo)

Per chevron azure and vert, a hawk's talon couped and two trees Or. Peter of Hawkwood (5/2005 East)

Per chevron dovetailed argent and vert, two rowan trees fructed and eradicated proper and a laurel wreath argent. Rowany, Barony of (12/1984 West)

Per chevron gules and argent, two oak trees and a step-cut gemstone counterchanged. Leofwin de Meslach (12/2003 Outl)

Per chevron Or and argent, two trees sable, leaved proper, and a falcon close sable, maintaining a rose gules, slipped and leaved proper. Patrice Clement (12/1989 Caid)

Per chevron Or and azure, two trees and a dragon passant counterchanged and a chief dovetailed azure. Robert Wright (2/2004 Caid)

Per chevron Or and gules, two oak trees proper and a tower Or. Jan van Hees (4/1998 Outl)

Per chevron Or and gules, two trees eradicated azure and a unicorn argent. Onóra inghean Uí Ruairc (1/2011 East)

Per chevron throughout argent and purpure, two trees eradicated proper and a bat-winged cat sejant argent maintaining a rapier proper. Katryne Weir (5/2008 Aten)

Per chevron throughout Or and sable, an eagle displayed Or and in chief two trees eradicated proper. Brennus de Coille Siar (8/1990 Midd)

Per chevron vert and argent, two trees couped argent and a swan naiant sable. Bronwyn Montgomery of Ironwold (5/1988 Calo)

Per chevron vert and argent, two trees eradicated Or and a fox passant to sinister azure. Caterina di Cellini (4/2005 Caid)

Per fess argent and azure, two oak trees fructed eradicated proper and a dragon displayed Or winged and gorged of a collar argent. Emrys Coedwig (8/2008 West)

Per fess argent and vert, two oak trees eradicated proper and a cat couchant guardant argent. Cerridwen Coedwig (8/2007 West)

Per fess dovetailed Or and azure, two trees and a wood chisel, blade to chief, counterchanged. Charles Joiner (4/1991 Caid)

Per fess Or and vert, in fess two beech trees couped counterchanged. Cuthred son of Hygestan (5/1990 AnTi)

Per fess vert and argent, two trees eradicated counterchanged. Jocelyn of Rowenwood (8/2008 West)

Per pale argent and vert, two trees counterchanged issuant from a base embattled gules. Ælfwynn Holm (4/1994 East)

Per pale azure and Or, two trees eradicated counterchanged. Alix Alven (8/1986 Aten)

Per pale counter-ermine and Or, ermined vert, two trees blasted and eradicated counterchanged argent and sable. Llewen the Unruly (1/1988 West)

Per pale gules and Or, two trees eradicated counterchanged. Muirghein of Forest Keep (7/1999 Aten)

Per pale Or and vert, two trees eradicated, each charged with a mullet, within a bordure all counterchanged. Elspeth von Bremen (7/1997 Aten)

Per pale sable and Or, two oak trees eradicated conjoined in fess counterchanged, on a chief gules three acorns Or. Amber of Hallsflor (12/1984 East)

Per pale vert and sable, a praying mantis statant erect guardant, in chief two trees blasted and couped Or. Gabriel Baumer (3/2006 Midd)

Per saltire argent and vert, in pale two garden rosebuds slipped and leaved azure and in fess two trees blasted and eradicated argent. Marian O'Liam (9/1991 East)

Per saltire argent and vert, two oak trees argent, a demi-sun issuant from base vert. Dervin Norwood of Hedgeley Moor (2/1999 Midd)

Per saltire azure and Or, a sword palewise proper grasped by a dexter gauntlet argent between two trees azure. James Donell MacFhionghuin (1/1992 Midd)

Per saltire gules and argent, a tower counterchanged between in fess two trees eradicated gules. Duncan FitzAzor (2/1999 Atla)

Per saltire gules and vert, in saltire through the nombril point seven mulberry trees between in fess two of the same argent, issuant from chief a demi-sun Or. Rahlahn of Mulberry (6/1980 Aten)

Per saltire vert and Or, two trees blasted and eradicated Or and two bears statant respectant gules. Tairdelbach MacLachlainn (3/1999 Arte)

Purpure, a Celtic cross and in chief two trees eradicated Or. Rohesia Cléireach (9/1993 Meri)

Purpure, on a bend between two trees argent, leaved Or, a stag salient reguardant sable. Roselyn Coughlan (9/1986 Aten)

Purpure, two trees conjoined in fess argent. Blaine de Navarré (2/1982 Caid)

Quarterly argent and sable, two crequiers sable. Sibylla of Amasya (7/2011 Midd)

Quarterly sable and argent, two trees blasted argent. Miles of Whitewood Hall (11/1996 East)

Sable, in fess a tree eradicated argent and another Or. Wilhelm Michalik (10/2004 Midd)

Sable, in fess two trees couped and in chief five mullets in fess argent, all within a bordure vert, fimbriated argent. Arian Aurelia ferch Llewellyn (5/1983 Aten)

Sable, on a bend between two cherry trees Or three lyres palewise sable. Kateline of Lough Erne (9/1995 Midd)

Sable, on a pale between two trees eradicated Or, a tower sable, pennanted to sinister azure. Maelgwyn Dda (7/1985 Anst)

Vert, a bend sinister wavy between two beech trees argent. Ellen of Wyteley (1/2011 Loch)

Vert, a sun Or between two trees blasted and eradicated and a laurel wreath argent. Kahlland, Shire of (4/1999 Outl)

Vert, a unicorn rampant, on a chief argent two oak trees eradicated proper. Vincent of Wildwood (7/1999 East)