
Argent, a bend azure between a triangle voided azure and a triangle inverted voided azure. Eliazar ben Dovid (1/1973)

Argent, a pile sable between two valknuts purpure. Dearbháil inghean Léoid (9/2009 Outl)

(Fieldless) In pale two triangles, points to center, conjoined gules. Thomas Blackkeep (3/1994 Caid)

Quarterly sable and gules, in bend sinister two triangles inverted Or. Hraði inn rakki (10/2010 AnTi)

Sable, a spider argent charged with two triangles in pale, points conjoined gules. Anastasia Pokusaeva (3/1993 West)

Sable, a wolf rampant, on a chief Or two triangles inverted sable. Cynwrig Wyn (12/2000 AEth)

Vert, a swan rousant to sinister and in chief two valknuts argent. Svana in kyrra Haraldsdóttir (3/2007 Atla)