vert field

(Dark) A mountain of three peaks issuant from base, the peaks in bend, and in chief a barrulet beviled arrondi, all within an annulet. Takaguma Ishiyama no Sadomoni Bashi (2/1981 Aten)

Dark, a sixteen-petalled chrysanthemum light. Japan, Emperor of (12/1994 Laur)

Dark, three hollyhock leaves in pall inverted tips to centre within and stems conjoined to an annulet light. Tokugawa (12/1994 Laur)

Per chevron inverted and enhanced azure and vert, in chief a cross of fire rayonny proper, debruised by two lightning-flashes in saltire argent, in base a winged war-hammer Or. Ragnarr Thorwaldsson (8/1979)

Vert, a badger rampant Or maintaining a rose argent, barbed, slipped and leaved sable. Roesia de Grey (10/2007 Caid)

Vert, a badger statant argent marked sable between three mullets argent. Cecilia de Conway (5/2004 Drac)

Vert, a badger statant to sinister and on a chief Or a sun azure between two dolphins hauriant respectant gules. Jan van Haarlingen (7/1982 Atla)

Vert, a badger's head cabossed, argent, marked sable, on a chief nebuly Or, a cross urdy gules between two trefoils slipped vert. Catriona Sterling de Liston (11/1989 Outl)

Vert, a bagpipe sable, fimbriated Or, and on a chief Or a thistle fesswise slipped and leaved proper. Jeosigh Padraig MacCruimein (8/1979 Caid)

Vert, a bald eagle striking contourny proper fimbriated, in chief a sun in glory Or. Steven of Shadowkeep (9/2007 Aten)

Vert, a base of flames proper, overall a tiger salamander tergiant palewise Or [Ambystoma tigrinum], and a chief indented argent. Bernice of Brittany (10/1980 Aten)

Vert, a basilisk statant, wings addorsed, argent. Irene of Kensington (5/1970)

Vert, a basket and on a chief Or two ivy leaves bendwise inverted vert. Gwynneth wraig Rhys (3/1998 Meri)

Vert, a basket between in cross four roundels Or. Amicia Readyman (3/1998 Meri)

Vert, a bat displayed within an orle of caltrops, points to center, argent. Dolcia Bourdon (4/1997 Midd)

Vert, a bat-winged boar salient argent. Harold von Auerbach (3/1985 East)

Vert, a bat-winged mantyger sejant guardant within a bordure argent. Godfrey of Inwood (6/1991 Atla)

Vert, a bat-winged sea-horse naiant, wings elevated and addorsed, grasping its tail in its mouth argent. Emmaline Marie Chandelle (8/1985 Caid)

Vert, a bat-winged tyger maintaining a lance argent, a bordure compony purpure and argent. William Ringlancer of Locksley (6/1991 Caid)

Vert, a bay caucasian centaur salient proper, holding in his dexter hand a goblet flammant and in canton a decrescent argent. Tristram of Ravensgate (8/1979 Caid)

Vert, a bear and a lion combattant and a bordure embattled Or. Daniel Archer the Bear (11/2001 Outl)

Vert, a bear passant and on a point pointed argent a heart gules. Valentina de la Bere (1/2006 West)

Vert, a bear passant and on a point pointed argent two roundels in fess azure. Stephen de la Bere (3/2002 West)

Vert, a bear passant reguardant within a bordure embattled Or. Bjorn Jorsalfar of Bearhaven (6/2004 West)

Vert, a bear passant reguardant within a orle of chain Or. Bjorn Jorsalfar of Bearhaven (6/2004 West)

Vert, a bear rampant argent collared sable between three bezants. Kieran Ursel (2/2006 AEth)

Vert, a bear rampant between three mullets argent. Anna Katherine von Telgte (4/2007 Outl)

Vert, a bear rampant between two flaunches argent, each charged with a halberd, blade to center vert. Ostwald Konrad Riese Tod (9/2010 Calo)

Vert, a bear rampant contourny between three crosses moline disjointed argent. Niall mac Broin (7/2007 Calo)

Vert, a bear rampant maintaining a sword and on a chief Or a quill pen its nib to dexter vert. Alexander Petrovich (9/2005 AnTi)

Vert, a bear rampant Or between in cross four pine trees argent. Ursula of North Woods (2/1981 East)

Vert, a bear rampant sustaining a key within a laurel wreath Or and a chief Or grillage sable. Forestgate, Canton of (12/1999 East)

Vert, a bear rampant to sinister, on a chief Or a Celtic cross vert. Shauna MacLeod (2/1998 Trim)

Vert, a bear sejant erect argent and in base three plates one and two. Kean Gryffyth (2/2011 East)

Vert, a bear statant and on a chief argent three Latin crosses fleury azure. Everard Gein (4/1998 Midd)

Vert, a bear statant argent within a bordure Or. Marcus Vitellius Ursus (1/2006 Atla)

Vert, a bear statant contourny and issuant from base a demi-sun argent. Matheus de Bera (8/2001 Meri)

Vert, a bear statant contourny Or, a chief indented point in point gules and argent. Calogero Urso (8/1995 East)

Vert, a bear statant erect affronty dexter forepaw raised and sinister forepaw Or resting on a double-bitted axe between in chief two pairs of arrows inverted in saltire argent. Björn Kolbjörnsson (12/1998 AnTi)

Vert, a bearded collie passant to sinister and on a chief argent, three tri-bladed windmills azure. Konrad Tregetor der Taschenspieler (10/1988 West)

Vert, a bear's head cabossed and on a chief Or, a drawn bow, string to base, sable. Owain ap Morgan of Chaderton (8/1989 Midd)

Vert, a bear's head cabossed argent. Ursula Messerschmitt (5/1998 Caid)

Vert, a bear's head erased argent, on a chief embattled Or three St. Brigid's crosses vert. Giolla Bhríghde Gwaelyn (7/1994 Anst)

Vert, a bear's paw print argent and a chief counter-ermine. Andrey Mikhailovich Rostov (2/1987 Midd)

Vert, a bear's pawprint bendwise sinister Or within a bordure argent. Cormacc ua Rígáin (3/2012 Drac)

Vert, a Beaufort yale rampant argent spotted Or and a bordure embattled Or semy of roses azure. Rosalind Beaufort (12/2009 Loch)

Vert, a beaver sejant erect gnawing on a silver birch tree proper [Castor fiber, Betula alba]. Esteban Castore (8/1979)

Vert, a bee and on a chief embattled Or an acorn between two oak leaves fesswise stems to center vert. Elinor Strangewayes (9/2005 East)

Vert, a bee between four bees in cross, tails to center, all Or. Melissa of Winged Hills (8/1988 Midd)

Vert, a bee proper and a chief Or. Anne of Cloondara (12/2009 West)

Vert, a bee proper winged between three octofoils Or. Ivan Matfeevich Rezansky (8/1996 Midd)

Vert, a beehive argent. Colyn MacRuairidh of Rathlin (1/2006 Aten)

Vert, a beehive beset by bees and on a chief wavy Or three boar's heads couped gules. Averil de Trafford (4/1987 Midd)

Vert, a beehive between three bees wings close Or. Roland of Skep Glen (2/1992 Caid)

Vert, a bell argent and on a chief indented Or, two birds azure. Gudrun of the Glen (7/1990 East)

Vert, a bend argent and overall a winged lion rampant to sinister sable fimbriated argent, wings erect argent fimbriated sable. Beryl of the Valley of the Moon (1/2003 West)

Vert, a bend argent, in pale three oak leaves counterchanged. Meraud des Belles Feuilles (10/1993 Aten)

Vert, a bend azure fimbriated, a bordure argent. Shane O Bryan Fitz-Patrick (5/1996 Meri)

Vert, a bend azure, fimbriated, between a castle argent and a tower Or. Riik of Flatrock (8/1983 Midd)

Vert, a bend azure fimbriated between a fleur-de-lys and a tower all within a bordure Or. Marc of the Valley Freehold (1/1991 East)

Vert, a bend azure fimbriated between a garb and a lamb passant argent. Mabry Gardiner (9/2011 Anst)

Vert, a bend azure fimbriated Or between a tower argent and a castle Or, and for augmentation, on a canton purpure a cross of Calatrava within a bordure Or. Valens of Flatrock (5/1993 Calo)

Vert, a bend azure, fimbriated Or between a tower argent and a castle Or. Valens of Flatrock (8/1983 Midd)

Vert, a bend between a Viking ship and a thistle Or. Hálfdan langleggr (1/2003 East)

Vert, a bend between six oak leaves Or. Ermina de Falaise (8/1999 East)

Vert, a bend between two billets argent. Aurelius Leander (12/1987 Calo)

Vert, a bend bevilled argent between a swan naiant and a quatrefoil knot Or. Katherine Alicia of Salisbury (8/1995 West)

Vert, a bend bretessé between a sun in splendour and a torch bendwise Or. Estrid Svensdottir (5/1983 East)

Vert, a bend cotised between a wolf and a horse courant argent. Catalina Carlos de Rio (3/2012 Meri)

Vert, a bend cotised between six crosses formy argent. Hywel ap Ieuan (9/1995 Meri)

Vert, a bend cotised Or and overall a unicorn rampant argent. Eadwynn æt Hræfneshyrste (10/2003 East)

Vert, a bend dancetty between a mullet of six points elongated in pale and a strung bow reversed Or. Caítlin ó Fhéar (5/1983 Meri)

Vert, a bend dancetty Or between a triquetra inverted and an open book argent. Victoria of Vig (10/2001 Trim)

Vert, a bend embattled between a horse's head erased and a mortar and pestle argent. Judith of Herefordshire (4/2000 Aten)

Vert, a bend embattled Or between a lion and two dolphins haurient argent. Seumas of Krakafjord (5/2005 AnTi)

Vert, a bend ermine between two domestic cats sejant erect guardant Or. Athena nic Raghnaill Sgitheanaich (12/1996 Aten)

Vert, a bend erminois and in chief a cross bottony fitchy argent. Brigit O' Néill (12/1991 Atla)

Vert, a bend gules, fimbriated argent, overall a mulberry leaf Or. Theodoric Tobin (11/1986 AnTi)

Vert, a bend invected argent between a sun in his splendor and a tir rune Or. Erik Erikson the Scout (5/1992 Midd)

Vert, a bend Or between a cloud and a dog sejant erect contourny argent. Rebekah Anna of Wynterbourne (7/2005 Aten)

Vert, a bend Or between two narwhals naiant in annulo argent, horned, all within a bordure Or. Thorarin Kodransson (3/1989 Atla)

Vert, a bend Or, overall a rose gules fimbriated Or surmounted by another argent, both barbed proper and seeded sable. Melisande de la Fleur Cachee (3/1973)

Vert, a bend purpure, fimbriated, overall an oak leaf inverted argent. Dedric of Gower (11/1986 Meri)

Vert, a bend sable fimbriated and in chief a ship under sail argent. Odd Biörnsson (11/2002 Drac)

Vert, a bend sable fimbriated between two crosses of Jerusalem Or. Anne Elizabeth (2/1995 Atla)

Vert, a bend sinister and in dexter chief a lyre argent. Jose de San Paciano (2/2008n)

Vert, a bend sinister argent between a hawk close and a lightning flash bendwise sinister Or. Tav-Alandil (5/2007 Aten)

Vert, a bend sinister argent between two female Holly Blue butterflies proper within a bordure argent. Denysa de las Mariposas (10/1981 Caid)

Vert, a bend sinister argent ermined vert between three ermine spots argent. Edmund Sharpe (2/2002 Atla)

Vert, a bend sinister argent, overall a cross bottony Or. Lachlan Mac an Toisich of Benchar (11/2004 East)

Vert, a bend sinister argent, overall a lion's head couped contourny within a bordure invected Or. Seamus O'Day (9/1990 Atla)

Vert, a bend sinister argent, semy of needles, eyes to chief, sable, between six decrescents argent. Mathila of Amersham (12/1989 Atla)

Vert, a bend sinister azure fimbriated argent, between in dexter chief three lozenges conjoined in fess and in sinister base a bell Or. Serena of Bagulay (3/1978)

Vert, a bend sinister between a dragon's head erased and a dog's head erased Or. Áedán de Brisco (7/2004 Caid)

Vert, a bend sinister between a ferret and a horse combattant argent. Kayle of the White Horse (3/2012 East)

Vert, a bend sinister between a harp and a wyvern erect maintaining a sword inverted, within a bordure Or. Robert the Scot of Argyll (2/1995 Meri)

Vert, a bend sinister between a squirrel contourny maintaining an acorn and an annulet of eight thimbles Or. Elspeth of Shepton Mallet (5/2011 East)

Vert, a bend sinister between an eagle rising and a sheaf of arrows Or. Muireann inghean uí Rodáin (4/2004 AnTi)

Vert, a bend sinister between six acorns argent. Conchobar de Nevell (10/2002 Midd)

Vert, a bend sinister between six fleurs-de-lis Or. Silence de Cherbourg (2/2003 AEth)

Vert, a bend sinister between two dragon's heads erased Or. Ailis inghean Mhairghrege (7/2004 Caid)

Vert, a bend sinister between two foxes heads erased argent. Wilhelm der Krieger (11/1993 AnTi)

Vert, a bend sinister bretessed argent between a Celtic cross Or and a moon in her plenitude argent. Caitrin Craig of Killarney (9/1997 Aten)

Vert, a bend sinister cotised and in dexter chief a duck naiant Or. Greid of the Wastes (4/1981 West)

Vert, a bend sinister cotised between a garb and a fleur-de-lys Or. Rondinella dal Tirolo (12/1996 Aten)

Vert, a bend sinister counter-ermine surmounted by a wingless dragon Or, incensed of flames proper. Cordelie du Fleuve (1/1982 East)

Vert, a bend sinister enhanced and a sinister gore Or. Christiana la Légière (1/1990 Outl)

Vert, a bend sinister ermine between three roses and a horse salient contourny guardant argent. Gisèle Percheron (2/1992 Midd)

Vert, a bend sinister ermine between two horses salient contourny Or. Delphine de la Forêt (6/2000 Calo)

Vert, a bend sinister ermine between two towers argent. Marie Latourette Beaudoin (12/2002 Midd)

Vert, a bend sinister flory counter-flory, between a cross fleuretty and a unicorn's head couped to sinister argent. Eleanor of Waldren (4/1984 East)

Vert, a bend sinister gros vairy of one trait bendwise Or and sable between a longbow with arrow fully drawn and in pale two swords bendwise sinister, the upper inverted, proper. Aonghas Galloglach Domnhnullach (7/1988 Anst)

Vert, a bend sinister gules fimbriated argent, between a glass drinking horn of red wine with a drop dependent therefrom, and a boot spurred and rowelled, all proper. Michael Rheodi (10/1976)

Vert, a bend sinister Or between a decrescent argent and a mullet pierced Or. Kennyth Landor of Skye (5/1983 Atla)

Vert, a bend sinister Or between a white oak and a lyre argent entwined of a vine Or. Rosamond Tindomielle (3/1978)

Vert, a bend sinister Or, in bend three acorns bendwise sinister counterchanged. Amber of Oakden (10/1980 West)

Vert, a bend sinister pean, surmounted by a pegasus salient, wings elevated, addorsed and inverted, argent, within on a bordure embattled pean an orle Or. Edward of Aristallion (8/1984 Meri)

Vert, a bend sinister purpure fimbriated and in canton an oak leaf Or. James of Seareach (10/2003 Atla)

Vert, a bend sinister raguly Or between an open book and an open scroll surmounted by a quill fesswise argent. Mikhail Dmitri Joel de Maison (11/1985 Caid)

Vert, a bend sinister rayonny between two roses argent, barbed and seeded Or. Anastacia of Warwick (6/1989 West)

Vert, a bend sinister sable fimbriated between a feather bendwise sinister and a hammer palewise Or. James Arthursson (5/1982 Aten)

Vert, a bend sinister sable, fimbriated, between two sets of three mullets of four points two and one argent. Daene Ferris (10/1990 East)

Vert, a bend sinister wavy between a hare rampant to sinister and three tufts of cattails argent. Eileen of the March (4/2011 Aten)

Vert, a bend sinister wavy between three mullets and three harps Or. Brighid Aileen O'Hagan (1/2005 Meri)

Vert, a bend sinister wavy between two beech trees argent. Ellen of Wyteley (1/2011 Loch)

Vert, a bend sinister wavy Or between a mullet and a fox sejant argent. Niamh inghean Bheoaodha uí Chriomhthainn (8/1997 Caid)

Vert, a bend vair. Eglentyne Merryweather (8/1998 AnTi)

Vert, a bend wavy argent overall a bottlenose dolphin naiant contourny Or. Rhonwen Glyn Conwy (12/2001 East)

Vert, a bend wavy azure, fimbriated, in sinister chief a dagger bendwise sinister inverted argent and in base a bezant. Aesc of Northumbria (5/1985 East)

Vert, a bend wavy azure fimbriated, overall a tower argent. Isobel des Tourelles de la Seine (8/1985 Anst)

Vert, a bend wavy between two quills of yarn Or. Katharina die Schneiderin (9/1985 Calo)

Vert, a bend wavy between two tree stumps eradicated argent. Ketiley hvit (4/2011 West)

Vert, a bend wavy Or between two open books argent. Ailéne ingen Aedáin (2/1997 Calo)

Vert, a bend wavy sinister between two stick shuttles bendwise sinister argent, threaded purpure. Brigit Comyn (6/2008 East)

Vert, a Bengal tiger sejant contourny argent marked sable. Alatheia Merryweather (11/2000 West)

Vert, a Bengal tiger's head erased close reversed argent marked sable, in sinister canton a lozenge concave argent. Gabrielle de l'Ambrosia (2/2010 West)

Vert, a bezant charged with a cross patee quadrate azure. Gunther von Hiller the Short (8/1979 East)

Vert, a bezant charged with a wivern statant vert. Tamar the Gypsy (3/1978)

Vert, a bezant eclipsed by a decrescent vert voided Or. Adayand Aniatai (7/1974 East)

Vert, a birch tree argent leaved Or, a bordure of knotwork argent. Betva a Bedwyn (1/2005 Aten)

Vert, a bison statant argent and on a chief doubly enarched Or a cranequin fesswise sable. Sylvia Schirenhoferin (7/2001 Calo)

Vert, a bison statant atop a mount issuant from base proper and on a chief Or a lion passant guardant gules. Manitoba (1/1998 Laur)

Vert, a bison's head cabossed Or. Draco von Wellen (6/2004 Aten)

Vert, a Blue Mountain butterfly [Papilio ulysses] bendwise displayed proper, within a bordure Or. Melisa Wordsmith (3/1975)

Vert, a boar rampant argent and on a chief embattled per pale sable and argent two suns counterchanged. Dalibor Krivoklátsky (5/2005 AnTi)

Vert, a boar spear fesswise argent between two hawks rising to sinister, wings addorsed and inverted, Or. Cormac of Caermont (12/1993 AnTi)

Vert, a boar statant contourny argent and a bordure gyronny sable and argent. Jóhann brotamaðr (11/2003 Meri)

Vert, a boar statant, in chief three snails argent. Celemon Gwynedd (5/2000 Drac)

Vert, a boar statant to sinister between three torques argent. Kilian Wyldebor (1/2007 Atla)

Vert, a boar's head couped close and on a chief Or three thistles proper. Aonghas of Clan Campbell (3/1997 East)

Vert, a boar's head erased close and on a chief argent three roundels vert. Eleanor la Maladroite (1/1998 AnTi)

Vert, a boot and a bordure embattled Or. Adelyn la Souteresse (7/2002 Aten)

Vert, a boot reversed and in chief three caltrops Or. Þorniútr Walker (10/2005 Trim)

Vert, a bow argent, strung Or. Erica Gealbogha (7/1997 Aten)

Vert, a bow between two acorns Or. Drei Eichen, Barony of (3/1995 Drac)

Vert, a Bowen knot argent within a bordure Or. Betva a Bedwyn (5/1981 Aten)

Vert, a Bowen knot fretted with an annulet argent. Liadan ingen hui Chellaig (1/2010 Atla)

Vert, a brock passant and in chief three dogwood blossoms argent. Fortune verch Thomas (5/2011 AnTi)

Vert, a broken snaffle-bit chevronwise argent and in base a sun Or. Elizabeth de la Vigne (1/1984 Atla)

Vert, a brown raccoon rampant proper. Thorvald Gundaarsson (10/2007 Atla)

Vert, a brown water buffalo passant proper. Fenwick of Gloster (3/2011 Aten)

Vert, a buck's head caboshed, on a chief embattled argent a spear vert. Graelant Forester (6/2000 Meri)

Vert, a bull dormant and on a chief Or three roses proper. Arianwen verch Kynwraidd ap Aeddan (9/1994 AnTi)

Vert, a bull passant argent, pied gules, armed and unguled sable, horns tipped argent. Willow Herbert (8/1979 Anst)

Vert, a bull passant contourny on a chief enarched argent three decrescents gules. Rhys Tristan Ednowain (6/1995 Aten)

Vert, a bull rampant Or. Leiðólfr Kvígsson (3/2011 AnTi)

Vert, a bull rampant to sinister argent armed Or within a bordure quarterly gules and argent. Dilan mac in tsaeir (8/1995 Midd)

Vert, a bull statant contourny argent between three pomegranates argent seeded gules. Götz Ochsenhorn (12/2008 Midd)

Vert, a bull's head caboshed Or. Anna z Pernstejna (10/2004n)

Vert, a bull's head caboshed Or, for augmentation, in chief a lance argent dependent therefrom a banner argent charged with a pale gules surmounted by a dragon passant vert. Anna z Pernstejna (10/2004n)

Vert, a bull's head cabossed and a gore sinister argent. Cedric Myles Madoc (2/2002 Caid)

Vert, a bull's head cabossed argent armed Or and on a chief argent three crosses patonce fitchy vert. Uther the Small (9/2004 Caid)

Vert, a bull's head cabossed between three flames argent. Brigid Talon (8/1994 AnTi)

Vert, a butterfly bendwise sinister Or. Evelyn Merry (2/2002 Atla)

Vert, a butterfly Or, marked gules, in base a double thistle argent. Karlanna of Applecross Woods (8/1984 Anst)

Vert, a butterfly sable winged argent and on a chief Or three roses proper. Edana the Red (12/2000 AEth)

Vert, a calla lily blossom proper within a bordure Or. Minowara Kiritsubo (12/1982 Atla)

Vert, a calligrapher's knife and a reed pen in saltire argent, tied with a ribbon Or. Ansteorra, Kingdom of (11/1977)

Vert, a caltrap argent within a bordure compony argent and sable. Brian MacBrand (12/1989 Meri)

Vert, a camel statant and on a chief Or three fleurs-de-lys vert. Bianca the Inquisitive (1/2006 Atla)

Vert, a cameleopard statant guardant Or marked sable maintaining in its mouth a sexfoil slipped and leaved argent all within a bordure embattled Or. Elsa Snakenborgh (5/2003 Drac)

Vert, a cameleopard statant Or marked sable a bordure invected ermine. Isabella de Beaujeu (10/2001 Meri)

Vert, a camelopard statant contourny Or spotted sable, a bordure Or and for augmentation, on a canton overall azure a sun in his glory issuant from base Or within a bordure argent. Deborah Inis Glas (6/2007 Aten)

Vert, a camelopard statant contourny Or spotted sable a bordure Or. Deborah Inis Glas (7/1997 Aten)

Vert, a candle and candlestick flamant Or. Gilraen of Regen (1/1974)

Vert, a candle argent lit proper, on a chief argent an ivy vine vert. Luciana of the Ivy (9/1992 Aten)

Vert, a castle argent portalled and masoned sable, on a chief argent three oak leaves vert. Hjalmar von Aachen (1/1987 East)

Vert, a castle Or above a castle inverted sable, conjoined at their bases. Steven of Shadowkeep (6/1973)

Vert, a castle triple-towered and on a chief indented Or, two hearts gules. Keriwyn of Shadow's Dance (10/1984 East)

Vert, a castle triple-towered within an orle flory counter-flory Or. Brigitte von Eisenburg (1/1985 East)

Vert, a cat passant and a chief triangular argent. Aeschine O'Donley (10/2000 Anst)

Vert, a cat passant and on a chief Or a needle azure. Étain ingen uí Bróenáin (8/1999 East)

Vert, a cat sejant argent between in fess an increscent and a decrescent Or. Margaret of Nordskogen (9/1995 Midd)

Vert, a cat sejant guardant between eight lilies in annulo bases to center argent. Anne Cathryn of Wicken Bonhunt (8/2006 Caid)

Vert, a cat sejant guardant Or and a chief invected ermine. Ysabeau de Nantes (10/2007 East)

Vert, a cat statant guardant between three dogs statant Or. Cera caillech ingen Tuathail (11/2003 Meri)

Vert, a catamount rampant argent on a point pointed Or a cat's pawprint sable. Melangell ferch Rhys ap Owain (8/1995 Aten)

Vert, a catamount rampant guardant contourny and a chief wavy ermine. Edelinne de Bayonne (11/2004 AnTi)

Vert, a catamount statant guardant between in pale two crescents and in fess two scimitars inverted and addorsed argent. Scheherazade al-Zahira (9/2006 East)

Vert, a cat-a-mountain sejant guardant Or and on a chief argent a crescent gules. Alasdair Morgan Gunn (2/1985 Meri)

Vert, a cat-a-mountain sejant guardant Or, on a chief indented of three points argent two mullets of eight points sable. Alasdair Morgan Gunn (6/1984 Meri)

Vert, a catfish naiant between six arrows in annulo Or. Jararvellir, Barony of (3/1997 Midd)

Vert, a Catherine wheel argent and a chief rayonny Or. Katharynne Reede (9/1991 East)

Vert, a Catherine's wheel Or and a ford proper. Caterina di Guglielmo (4/2005 West)

Vert, a cat's pawprint Or between three mullets argent. Antonietta Zampa del Gatto (1/1991 West)

Vert, a cauldron Or, on a chief argent, three penannular brooches inverted gules. Angharad Glas (5/1998 Midd)

Vert, a celtic cross and on a chief argent three quatrefoils vert. Adam of Erin (12/1991 Atla)

Vert, a Celtic cross and on a chief dovetailed argent a harp azure. Muirgel Camshron (6/1995 East)

Vert, a Celtic cross and on a chief embattled Or three trefoils vert. Áine of Three Towers (11/2005 Midd)

Vert, a celtic cross argent, between flaunches ermine. Catraoine ni Risteaird (11/1991 West)

Vert, a Celtic cross argent between four crescents in cross, horns outward, Or. Dawn Marie O'Toole (9/1989 Caid)

Vert, a Celtic cross between in base two trefoils slipped argent within a bordure Or. Brian FitzPatrick (1/1987 AnTi)

Vert, a Celtic cross between two flaunches argent, each charged with a shamrock vert. Brien Corwin Kilpadraig (12/1983 Meri)

Vert, a Celtic cross Or and on a chief argent a dragon couchant gules. Owain ap Hugh of Merioneth (2/1994 Meri)

Vert, a Celtic cross Or between three arrows in pall nocks to center argent. Eadric of Grenfeld (6/2010 Midd)

Vert, a Celtic cross within a bordure Or. Aithbric an Ardain Dhuibh (3/1989 Caid)

Vert, a Celtic hound statant coward proper. Beagle de la Souris Folle (3/1978)

Vert, a centaur passant Or blowing a horn argent and on a chief Or three acorns proper. Cassandra Pendorayl (3/2003 AEth)

Vert, a chalice argent and on a chief engrailed Or three gouttes purpure. Katheryn Täntzel (2/2011 AEth)

Vert, a chalice argent containing flames Or. Kathleen Erin-go-burne-the-Bragh (1/1974)

Vert, a chalice within a laurel wreath and on a chief embattled Or a mullet of five greater and five lesser points sable. Turris Animarum, Collegium (7/1994 Anst)

Vert, a chalice within a laurel wreath between three suns Or. Roaring Wastes, Canton of the (10/1983 Midd)

Vert, a chalice within an annulet between three crescents argent. Etain ingen an Aba (10/2004 West)

Vert, a chamfron and on a chief argent three triquetras sable. Gwyneth Hir (8/2011 Caid)

Vert, a chess king between three broad arrowheads, on a chief embattled Or, three laurel wreaths vert. Königstadt, Canton of (12/1988 West)

Vert, a chess rook ermine surmounted by a sword inverted Or. Herrel of Smael Nest (9/1981 Caid)

Vert, a chevron abased and in chief a bird volant wings addorsed argent. Rowan Leah (5/1998 West)

Vert, a chevron and in base a battleaxe, on a chief Or two pairs of battleaxes crossed in saltire sable. Thorgrim Otrigson (10/1993 Midd)

Vert, a chevron and in base a fleur-de-lys, all within a bordure Or. Caitlin Ó hAodha (10/1992 East)

Vert, a chevron and in chief an arrow fesswise reversed Or. Aylwin de Claromonte (8/2006 Anst)

Vert, a chevron and on a chief embattled Or, three pommes. Rhys of Harlech (6/1990 East)

Vert, a chevron argent between three dogs rampant Or. Iohne Mac Dabhídh (10/2003 East)

Vert, a chevron argent, overall a fleur-de-lys Or. Ailleann inghen Proinnsias (9/2000 AEth)

Vert, a chevron barry dovetailed sable and Or between three sunflowers proper. [Helianthus anuus] Margala of Dovedale (10/1979 Meri)

Vert, a chevron between a mullet of eight points, an Arabic oil lamp enflamed and a sword between two swords in chevron Or. Guy d'Aigles (5/1984 Atla)

Vert, a chevron between three apples in chevron and a lion sejant, queue-forchy argent. Julienne Thorne (12/1996 Aten)

Vert, a chevron between three cushions argent, a bordure Or. Màiri M'Donnyle (11/1999 Anst)

Vert, a chevron between three decrescents erminois. Berengaria von Grossenberg (1/1995 Midd)

Vert, a chevron between three falcons argent. Tangwystyl verch Morgant Glasvryn (7/2001 West)

Vert, a chevron between three pairs of lace bobbins, a chief urdy Or. Nancy of Woodstock (1/1994 East)

Vert, a chevron between three peacocks pavonated to base argent. Caitlyn Emrys (8/1995 AnTi)

Vert, a chevron between three roses argent barbed and seeded Or, a chief embattled argent. Katheryn Bedford (8/2001 Caid)

Vert, a chevron between three stag's heads cabossed and on a chief Or, three crosses formy sable. Wolfger von Wolkenheim (1/1992 East)

Vert, a chevron between three trident heads all within a bordure Or. Zac of Middleford (1/1991 Anst)

Vert, a chevron between three winged spurs argent. Harrys Rob of Wamphray (2/1996 AnTi)

Vert, a chevron between two flutes chevronwise and a dragon segreant argent, all within a bordure ermine. Branwen Gwenyth Anrias (3/1992 Calo)

Vert, a chevron between two hawk's bells and a quill pen Or. Penelopee of the Quill (9/1995 East)

Vert, a chevron between two mullets of four points elongated to base and a pavilion, a chief embattled argent. Anselm Mareschal (10/2006 Midd)

Vert, a chevron cotised between three bees volant en arrière Or. Emrys Shaunnon (6/1985 Anst)

Vert, a chevron cotised between two suns in splendor and an open book argent. Siobhán ní Bhreoghain (9/1997 Anst)

Vert, a chevron cotised Or between two crosses fleury argent and a horse rampant Or. Serena Nickolei (10/2008 Caid)

Vert, a chevron counter-compony Or and sable between a cross flory Or and a leopard passant guardant Or spotted sable. Isabella Marjorie D'Arques (8/1997 Meri)

Vert, a chevron embattled argent between three hearts Or. Johanna von Hasenmühle (2/2005 West)

Vert, a chevron embattled argent between two Hungerford knots Or and a dogwood blossom argent slipped proper. Cassandra O'Connor (4/1992 Anst)

Vert, a chevron embattled between three goblets Or. Rodrigo de Navarra (1/2000 Caid)

Vert, a chevron embattled between three lynx's heads cabossed in fess and a primrose Or. Brialen Ulfsdottir Vikings (5/1990 Calo)

Vert, a chevron embattled counter-embattled and on a chief Or an arrow vert. Geraint FitzStephen (10/1995 Midd)

Vert, a chevron embattled counter-embattled argent between three wolf's heads erased Or, all within a bordure embattled argent. Ulfric Halvdansk (11/1989 Caid)

Vert, a chevron embattled erminois between three griffin's heads erased Or. Tonwen ferch Gruffudd Aur (7/1992 Caid)

Vert, a chevron embattled to base between two trefoils slipped argent and a sword palewise inverted Or. Shawn Taliesin (6/1988 Meri)

Vert, a chevron enarched within and conjoined at the point to a chevron argent between two fleurs-de-lys and a Thor's hammer Or. Lori of Mons Tonitrus (2/2003 Aten)

Vert, a chevron engrailed between three beehives beset with bees volant, Or. Luke Knowlton (11/2000 East)

Vert, a chevron engrailed ermine between two crescents and a leopard's head caboshed argent. Alix d'Amiens (10/1985 East)

Vert, a chevron ermine between three crosses flory Or. Faolán na Cairrce mac Odhráin (8/2004 Midd)

Vert, a chevron ermine, cotised, between two roses argent and an opinicus sejant erect to sinister Or. Ealasaid Ramsey of Skye (5/1988 Atla)

Vert, a chevron erminois between two crosses of Jerusalem and a rose argent. Uilliam of Flaming Gryphon (1/2011 Midd)

Vert, a chevron fracted and in chief three crosses flory Or. José Felipe Sastre de Madrid (3/2002 Aten)

Vert, a chevron fracted, in base a paw print Or. Lyon Havekin (9/2000 Midd)

Vert, a chevron inverted and in chief a roundel Or. Friðælv Olvesdottir (4/2001 Drac)

Vert, a chevron inverted and in chief two lions combatant Or. Kenneth of Hellsgate (12/2010 Anst)

Vert, a chevron inverted and in chief two roundels argent. Lochlainn mac Muiredaigh (6/2010 Aten)

Vert, a chevron inverted argent between a Celtic cross and a tree eradicated Or. Robert Robertson (10/2003 Anst)

Vert, a chevron inverted argent between a lyre and three mullets Or. Alane O'Maoilriain (8/1992 Aten)

Vert, a chevron inverted argent, between three bezants one and two. Patrick Connor O'Donnell McPhelan (11/1997 Midd)

Vert, a chevron inverted between a Celtic cross and two wolves salient addorsed argent. Patrick Connor O'Donnell McPhelan (8/1991 Midd)

Vert, a chevron inverted between a phoenix and three cinquefoils argent. Brigit Chaimbeul (7/2006 Atla)

Vert, a chevron inverted between three triquetrae one and two Or. Tristram von Schleswig (5/2009 Midd)

Vert, a chevron inverted cotised and in chief a dragonfly Or. Ellyn of Tanwayour (7/2008 Caid)

Vert, a chevron inverted engrailed and in chief a beehive Or. Ívarr bjarnherðar (8/2004 Aten)

Vert, a chevron inverted ermine, in chief a lynx passant contourny guardant argent maintaining an annulet Or. Philippa la Blanche (7/1993 Aten)

Vert, a chevron inverted Or between a unicorn's head couped and two recorders in saltire argent. Margoton Laflèche du Bois (2/1992 Midd)

Vert, a chevron inverted wavy and in chief a laurel wreath, both Or. Golden Rivers, Province of (8/1977)

Vert, a chevron nebuly between two natural tigers combattant and a cross crosslet fitchy, all within a bordure argent. Linnet of Heart's Rest (11/1991 West)

Vert, a chevron, on a chief Or, a baton and a kris in saltire sable. Shane Fitzedward (5/1989 Caid)

Vert, a chevron Or between two crescents and a tree argent. Derdriu ingen Raghnaill Gráig na Manach (11/1996 Caid)

Vert, a chevron Or cotised between three Celtic crosses argent. Cairistiona inghean Sheamuis (12/2009 Anst)

Vert, a chevron Or, masoned vert, between two horse's heads, couped and respectant, and a thistle, slipped and leaved, Or. Gawain McHenry (10/1989 Calo)

Vert, a chevron plain, cotised, the cotises embattled on their outer edges, between three sprigs of three holly leaves Or, fruited gules. Elspeth Livingston (12/1987 East)

Vert, a chevron rompu and on a chief argent two turtles fesswise vert. Jennen the Cooper (12/2001 Aten)

Vert, a chevron rompu argent between two Celtic crosses and a brazier Or. Sile Linet O'Loughlin (1/1997 Meri)

Vert, a chevron rompu argent, ermined vert, between two stags salient respectant and two deer antlers argent. Kristyan Elsabet von Gutberg (2/1989 Calo)

Vert, a chevron rompu between three crosses formy in fess and a bicorporate lion Or. Richard Gilchrest (5/1986 East)

Vert, a chevron rompu between three Russian Orthodox crosses argent. Anastasiia Sviatoslavova vdova Aleksandrova (1/2008 Calo)

Vert, a chevron rompu between two gillyflowers and a trowel Or. Ealasaid Catriona nyn Uilleim (2/1994 Caid)

Vert, a chevron rompu ermine. Colin MacDhaibhidh of Southkeep (10/1995 Aten)

Vert, a chevron rompu Or between three wolves' heads cabossed argent. Nels Ulfger i Jaren (9/1991 Aten)

Vert, a chevron rompu Or between two edelweisses argent and a lion rampant Or. Klaus Wilhelm von Salzburg (5/1993 Trim)

Vert, a chevron sable fimbriated and cotised argent. Alicia le Wilfulle (11/2010 AnTi)

Vert, a chevron sable fimbriated between three estoiles Or. Fiona O'Morain (9/1973)

Vert, a chevron throughout and in base a mullet of eight points argent. Megan Silverstar (11/1981 West)

Vert, a chevron throughout argent between five mullets of six points, two, one and two Or, a bordure argent. Anjelina Isabella De Marisco (2/1994 Aten)

Vert, a chevron throughout checky sable and argent between two Maltese crosses and a lion argent. Werner der Fromme (8/2006 Atla)

Vert, a chevron throughout sable fimbriated in base a wolf couchant argent. Cesaire O'Cahill (6/1995 Aten)

Vert, a chevron vairy Or and sable between two griffin's heads erased and a sword argent. Corwin Alexander Templeton (1/1994 East)

Vert, a chevron wavy between two acorns and an oak leaf inverted Or. Diane de Winchester (3/2000 West)

Vert, a chevron wavy Or between two crosses potent and an alembic flask argent. Annora Deorling (2/1984 Calo)

Vert, a chevronel between in pale three bezants two and one and a cross formy, all within a bordure Or. Eofric of Soest (12/1981 Midd)

Vert, a chevronel Or between in chief two bulldogs statant respectant argent, each gorged of a collar sable, studded argent, and in base a squirrel sejant erect Or holding in its forepaws an acorn argent, capped Or. Sterling of Toad Hall (8/1979)

Vert, a chief-pale ermine. Reynier de Vriere (5/2008 Aten)

Vert, a chimera passant with a lion's body, a dragon's tail, a lion's head, a goat's head, and a dragon's head regardant, Or. Kathryn the Innocent (5/1984 AnTi)

Vert, a chimney swift migrant palewise argent. [Chaetura pelagica] John of Ean Airgead, called the Mad Celt (10/1979 Meri)

Vert, a chimney swift migrant palewise holding in its beak a holly leaf fesswise argent. John of Ean Airgead, called the Mad Celt (9/1980 Meri)

Vert, a chinese dragon statant regardant to sinister, tail coward, between in pale two Jack in the Pulpit flowers affronty, Or. Gisela Kientzheim von Drachenwald (6/1988 Meri)

Vert, a cinquedia inverted argent between two flaunches sable fimbriated and charged to dexter with an increscent and to sinister with a decrescent argent. Edana of the Grey Waters (6/1981 Atla)

Vert, a cinquefoil and on a chief Or, three leaves vert. Kathleen O'Donnelly (3/1986 West)

Vert, a cinquefoil Or seeded sable within a bordure argent charged with a vine vert. Sunniva Corinna Abercrombie (7/2006 Arte)

Vert, a cinquefoil within a bordure argent. Rowan Perigrynne (5/1983 West)

Vert, a cinquefoil within a laurel wreath Or, on a chief indented argent three hurts. Misty Highlands, Shire of (3/1990 East)

Vert, a cittern Or and on a chief argent three water bougets vert. Robert Redmoor (2/2001 Atla)

Vert, a clarion and on a chief Or three pheons vert. Camma an Daraich (2/1992 East)

Vert, a clarion argent. Ava Trudine of Tregoenning (5/1984 West)

Vert, a closed book palewise and in chief three needles bendwise sinister threaded Or. Cynthia de Greenfield (4/1998 West)

Vert, a cobra coiled erect affronty within an orle wavy Or. Gwenneth Bowynne of Glamorgan (4/1985 Aten)

Vert, a cockatrice erect maintaining in its upraised dexter claw a needle palewise, point to chief, within a bordure engrailed Or. Edric the Unsteady (6/1987 Aten)

Vert, a college argent, issuant from chief a demi-sun Or. William and Mary in Virginia, College of (5/1999 Laur)

Vert, a column between two swans rising and counter-rising, wings elevated and displayed argent, beaked, membered and gorged of chains Or involved bendwise sinister about the column. Persephone of Woodland (1/1980 Caid)

Vert, a column Or within a bordure embattled argent. Heoroweard of Lindcylene (4/1991 Midd)

Vert, a comet bendwise, head to chief, between six estoiles Or. Henri La Grave (8/1998 Atla)

Vert, a comet bendwise Or within an orle of trefoils argent. Kevin MacColin O'Gallagher (8/2000 Caid)

Vert, a comet palewise Or between two flaunches ermine. Esme Ffoulkes of Mercia (9/1986 Aten)

Vert, a compass rose and on a chief argent three hourglasses azure. Mícheál Mac Cogadháin (2/2011 AEth)

Vert, a compass rose bendwise between in cross four compass stars Or. Maureen Callaghan Dolan (1/1989 Anst)

Vert, a compass rose within a bordure argent. Ceara ingen Chonaill (2/2004 Caid)

Vert, a compass star of sixteen points and on a chief argent, three mullets of four points vert. Alisoun Fortescue of Maplehurst (4/1990 East)

Vert, a compass star within and conjoined to an annulet, and on a chief Or three shamrocks vert. Eógan Cú Chaille (2/1996 Caid)

Vert, a coney courant and on a chief wavy argent, three torteaux. Rowan de la Garnison (1/1985 East)

Vert, a coney courant guardant to sinister, on a chief argent five fusils conjoined in fess vert. Guillermo Berenguer de los Almogávares (10/1988 Meri)

Vert, a coney salient argent, on a chief Or, an arrow fesswise, point to dexter, vert. Johannes der Hase (7/1988 Midd)

Vert, a coney salient to sinister argent a bordure Or. Cicilia McRegan (7/1998 Meri)

Vert, a coney sejant erect and on a chief argent three turtles vert. Lora Leigh (12/1990 Atla)

Vert, a coney sejant erect contourny maintaining a sword a base embattled Or. Walter Raymond Sutton (12/1996 Aten)

Vert, a Continental panther rampant argent incensed proper. Styria (11/2006 Laur)

Vert, a Continental panther rampant to sinister argent incensed gules between two pallets engrailed argent. Stephen Locksley (11/2006 Caid)

Vert, a cow statant and in chief three annulets enfiled by an arrow fesswise reversed Or. Fiona inghean Mheg Uidhir (9/2009 Aten)

Vert, a crab and on a chief Or three mullets vert. Alexia di Napoli (10/2006G)

Vert, a crampon within a bordure argent. Alexander Makcristyne (2/2009 East)

Vert, a crane volant contourny, wings addorsed and on a chief argent three Japanese maple leaves gules. Gillian MacLachlan de Holrode (9/2009 East)

Vert, a crequier within a bordure embattled argent. Lilias de Cheryngton (6/2004 East)

Vert, a crescent an increscent and a decrescent one and two Or and on a chief argent three Cavendish knots azure. Constancia of Owl's Rest (10/2004 East)

Vert, a crescent and between its horns a mullet Or. Mauritania (9/1995 Laur)

Vert, a crescent and in chief a Kris inverted argent. Chandrabala (8/1985 West)

Vert, a crescent and on a chief Or three crescents vert. Vashti Brianna (12/1982 West)

Vert, a crescent between five mullets of eight points two two and one argent. Tahir al-Razi (10/2004 Outl)

Vert, a crescent within a bordure Or. Kendric de Morlaix (12/1985 Caid)

Vert, a crocus flower Or within an orle of garlic bulbs, heads to center, argent. Marinus, Barony of (8/1990 Atla)

Vert, a cross and on a chief Or, three hearts gules. William Chester of Ackfordshire (12/1990 West)

Vert, a cross argent and in canton the Virgin holding the Child Or. Arthur, King (12/1994 Laur)

Vert, a cross argent between in chief two fleurs-de-lys Or, overall in base a swan naiant to sinister, all within a bordure argent. Clarice deLay of Rowanholt (2/1982 Caid)

Vert, a cross argent voided, a smith's hammer bendwise sable overall. Gwydiaan am y'Gorlwyn (8/1977)

Vert, a cross barby Or and overall a rabbit sejant contourny argent. Alienor Lewelyne (12/2002 Anst)

Vert, a cross between four crosses formy argent. Tangwystl of Seagirt (5/2005 AnTi)

Vert, a cross between in bend a triskele and a tower Or. Robert James Buchanan (8/2003 Caid)

Vert, a cross bottony argent, overall a squirrel Or. Adriana Hambleton (12/2000 Anst)

Vert, a cross checky sable and argent between four cauldrons Or. Ann du Bosc (1/2005 Meri)

Vert, a cross clechy and on a chief argent two billets sable. Elayne MacDuncan (11/2002 Anst)

Vert, a cross clechy, on a bordure Or an orle vert. Michael Houlihan (5/1997 East)

Vert, a cross couped and in chief a sword fesswise reversed Or. Euron Myngdu (1/2012 Trim)

Vert, a cross crosslet argent quarter pierced gules and on a chief engrailed argent three hunting horns vert stringed gules. David of Moffat (8/1997 AnTi)

Vert, a cross crosslet saltirewise argent. Brian the Pious (7/2008 Aten)

Vert, a cross engrailed argent overall a gurges Or. Gregory of Glencairn (5/2002 AEth)

Vert, a cross ermine between four castles, each within a laurel wreath Or. Twae Linnes, Shire of (5/1993 Aten)

Vert, a cross fleury Or within a bordure ermine. Faolán na Cairrce mac Odhráin (8/2004 Midd)

Vert, a cross fleury throughout between in bend a lymphad, sails furled, and a torque Or. Gwennan Caoilfhionn ní Chonnaill (12/1983 Meri)

Vert, a cross flory Or overall a swan naiant argent, a bordure engrailed Or. Odette de la Foi (8/1995 East)

Vert, a cross flory Or surmounted by a fox's mask, on a chief argent an arrow reversed vert. Monique le Basset (7/1999 Aten)

Vert, a cross formy Or within a stag's attires, a bordure raguly argent. Séamus Ó Cuileáin (9/2000 Atla)

Vert, a cross formy throughout argent, cotised Or. Wilhelm de Tournai (2/1990 AnTi)

Vert, a cross Jerusalem and on a chief wavy argent, three fleams gules. Hussein Stefan Halaby (7/1985 East)

Vert, a cross moline and on a chief argent three torteaux. Gideon Lydiard (3/2004 AEth)

Vert, a cross of four pheons within a bordure invected argent. Constance Waite (2/2002 AEth)

Vert, a cross of Jerusalem Or and a chief embattled argent. Gwilym ap Riccard (12/2005 Caid)

Vert, a cross parted and fretted interlaced with a mascle argent, in dexter chief a clarion Or. Marie d'Acre (1/1985 Aten)

Vert, a cross triple-parted and fretted argent. Druscilla Galbraith (11/2008n)

Vert, a cross triply parted and fretted and in sinister chief a mullet Or. Branwen Nimblefingers (5/1994 East)

Vert, a cross vert fretty and fimbriated Or. Geoffri of Wareine (3/1985 Calo)

Vert, a crossbow bent palewise and on a chief argent, three shamrocks slipped vert. Bryan mac Dhughaill an Boghadair (2/1985 East)

Vert, a crossbow palewise within a bordure argent. Bryan mac Dhughaill an Boghadair (4/1990 East)

Vert, a crux ansata Or overarched by a serpent argent. Bronwyn Chiron of Temple Dawn (9/1973)

Vert, a crux ansata within a bordure argent. Scandal nic Mháiréide (9/1991 West)

Vert, a cup between three mullets within an orle wavy argent. Alysoun Jeuneterre (8/1991 Trim)

Vert, a curragh sustained on the back of a sperm whale naiant Or. Maeve of Abbeydorney (9/2005 East)

Vert, a daffodil sprig argent with two flowers affronty, in chief three bendlets enhanced Or. Megwen ferch Rhys o Wynedd (6/2002 East)

Vert, a dagger bendwise sinister inverted within a bordure nebuly argent. Brendan of Adderskeep (6/1985 Anst)

Vert, a dagger inverted argent, hilted bendy sinister sable and argent, entwined with two stalks of catnip argent. Rebecca of Twywn, called the Demanding (2/1980 Meri)

Vert, a dagger proper between in chief two rocks, a bordure argent. Etienne le Couteau des Roches (7/1993 Atla)

Vert, a daisy [Chrysanthemum leucanthemum] slipped and leaved, a spray of buttercups [Paannunculus acris] slipped and leaved, a singing meadowlark [Sturnella magna] close all proper, overall a chevron Or charged with three strawberry plants [Fragaria virginiana] flowered and fructed proper. Megitha of the Green Meadows (8/1979 East)

Vert, a daisy proper, a bordure Or semy of lozenges purpure. Marguerite de Troyes (12/2000 AEth)

Vert, a dance and in chief a centaur statant guardant, maintaining a spear argent. Ruppert Horn (2/1997 Aten)

Vert, a dance and on a chief argent three oak leaves vert. Elizabeth Oakewood (9/1990 Caid)

Vert, a dance between three seeblätter, one and two argent. Tzipporah Ebrea da Pesaro (3/2010 Calo)

Vert, a dance ermine between a crescent pendant and a winged bear passant Or, and a bordure ermine. Fiona nic Ferrall O'Cahan (6/1993 West)

Vert, a dance Or between three daisies proper. Michaela della Isola (12/1995 Midd)

Vert, a dandelion slipped and leaved and a bordure argent. Emma Dandelion (11/2001 Anst)

Vert, a dapple gray unicorn statant. Selena of Dragon's Bay (7/1974)

Vert, a decrescent and in chief three mullets of eight points Or. Aelfric MacRancan (10/2002 AnTi)

Vert, a decrescent argent within a bordure gules. Maldives (9/1995 Laur)

Vert, a decrescent argent within an arch stooped Or, between three mullets argent. Luanmaise nic Ailithir (11/1992 Midd)

Vert, a decrescent between three lozenges Or. Wolfgang der Sucher (5/2002 East)

Vert, a decrescent within a bordure embattled Or. Griffin Ó Suaird (10/2007 Meri)

Vert, a decrescent within a bordure indented argent. Carl of Sutherland (11/1982 West)

Vert, a deer lodged contourny and a point pointed argent. Cathleen McCollum (11/1991 West)

Vert, a deer passant within a laurel wreath and a chief embattled Or. Hunter's Home, Shire of (8/2002 AEth)

Vert, a deer rampant contourny Or within a bordure per saltire sable and Or. Arthur Greene of Deerhurst (8/2001 AnTi)

Vert, a deer skull affronty and in chief three roses argent. Tadg in Sinnach (8/1995 East)

Vert, a deer's head erased argent, budded, within a bordure embattled Or. Outlands, Kingdom of the (4/1989 Outl)

Vert, a delf Or. Tibor of Rock Valley (1/1996 East)

Vert, a delf pierced within a bordure dovetailed Or. Greid of the Wastes (11/1981 West)

Vert, a demi-bear rampant Or maintaining a tankard argent, issuant of flames proper. Jason of Rosaria (3/1988 AnTi)

Vert, a demi-hart Or issuant from a base barry wavy Or and vert, within a bordure ermine. Hartmann von Murrhardt (12/1990 Trim)

Vert, a demi-key palewise, wards to sinister, and on a chief argent three acorns bendwise proper. Edward the Stuffy (10/1980 West)

Vert, a demi-lion passant regardant Or conjoined at the waist with a demi-unicorn passant to sinister reguardant argent, armed and unguled Or. Xena Baxter Wynthorpe (1/1998 Caid)

Vert, a demi-pegasus Or within a bordure Or, semy of lozenges vert. Oriana Winterborne (11/1986 Meri)

Vert, a demi-sun issuant from base within and conjoined to a torii gate Or. Asa Hito (10/1989 East)

Vert, a demi-unicorn rampant contourny argent. Dionisia of Canterbury (10/2000 Meri)

Vert, a dexter arm erased palewise embowed proper sustaining a needle bendwise argent. Black Taylor of Lochaber (10/2004 Caid)

Vert, a dexter human hand appaumy couped at the wrist and with its little finger broken, argent, on a chief Or a wolf passant between two raven's feathers bendwise sable. Wolfram Brokenfinger (8/1979)

Vert, a distaff between two flaunches Or. Gwennan nic Ailpein an Locha Seile (7/1992 Calo)

Vert, a doe couchant between three oak trees eradicated argent. Muirenn ingen uí Muirchertaig (5/2005 AEth)

Vert, a doe couchant contourny and on a chief argent six martlets gules. Ceridwen de Lindsay (11/1994 Outl)

Vert, a doe lodged regardant, on a chief engrailed argent, a thistle fesswise reversed slipped and leaved proper. Alastriona nic Choinnich o Ghlean Carron (3/1985 West)

Vert, a dolmen of three uprights capped by two lintels argent. Cadwalladyr Stone of Stonecroft (1/1974)

Vert, a dolphin between three fleurs-de-lys argent. Dorathia Mychell (10/2004 East)

Vert, a dolphin haurient and in chief a mullet of eight points argent. Ælfwynn of Chester (10/1993 East)

Vert, a dolphin haurient contourny and on a chief wavy argent, three crescents vert. Dorcas Whitecap (7/1993 Calo)

Vert, a dolphin naiant and on a chief invected argent, three mullets vert. Lassarina Kieren (1/1985 West)

Vert, a dolphin naiant contourny and on a base urdy argent a rose gules. Pierre de Montereau (10/2007 Midd)

Vert, a dolphin within a bordure Or charged with shamrocks vert. Carthann Mac Luinge of Inishmore (8/1993 Aten)

Vert, a domestic cat couchant argent and a bordure engrailed Or. Niobe Lais (9/1991 West)

Vert, a domestic cat rampant and on a chief Or two dragonflies vert. Clare Lightfote (9/2008 East)

Vert, a domestic cat salient and in canton a snowflake argent. Thelin von Kallenbach (3/1980 Caid)

Vert, a domestic cat sejant between three needles bendwise sinister argent. Daniela Schwartzhaupt (5/1998 Atla)

Vert, a domestic cat sejant guardant and on a chief argent three estoiles azure. Sybelle Madeleine MacKee (4/1996 Midd)

Vert, a domestic cat sejant Or between three roses argent all within an orle Or. Allasan Tamelyn (12/2001 Atla)

Vert, a domestic cat's head affronty collared and sustaining in his mouth a dagger fesswise argent hilted sable. Rebecca of Twywn, called the Demanding (2/2000 Meri)

Vert, a domino mask within a bordure Or. Christophe le Vite (1/1997 Midd)

Vert, a donkey's head erased to sinister Or, maintaining in its mouth a bezant. Pagan Mahon (4/1984 East)

Vert, a double-arched bridge throughout argent masoned sable between three mermaids in their modesty and a stag's head couped argent. Ronan mac Carthaich (2/2009 AnTi)

Vert, a double-bitted axe and on a chief embattled Or an arrow sable. Edward of Freeholt (2/2007 AEth)

Vert, a double-bitted axe argent, a Bourchier knot interlaced about the shaft Or. Matthew Law of Aberdeen (6/1999 East)

Vert, a double-bitted axe bendwise sinister between two roundels all within a bordure embattled Or. Jonathan Drake of Skye (9/2002 Caid)

Vert, a double-bitted axe Or between three standing balances argent, a bordure Or. Gavin the Gruesome (1/1993 West)

Vert, a double-bitted battleaxe and on a chief argent three foxes courant vert. Húnthjófr froskr (5/2002 Midd)

Vert, a double-headed eagle Or and a bordure embattled Or ermined vert. Donngal de Buchanan (1/2004 Aten)

Vert, a double-headed phoenix and in chief a laurel wreath argent. Sacred Stone, Barony of the (12/1982 Atla)

Vert, a double-headed phoenix displayed argent, between its wings a heart Or. Sacred Stone, Barony of the (4/1990 Atla)

Vert, a double-headed phoenix rising and in chief two swords crossed in saltire argent. Sacred Stone, Barony of the (10/1996 Atla)

Vert, a doubly-curved drinking horn argent, garnished, within a bordure Or. Anna Georgievna of Kiev (5/1987 East)

Vert, a dove displayed within a bordure dovetailed argent. Arielle de Chantre (12/1983 Meri)

Vert, a dove migrant, on a chief dovetailed argent an olive branch vert. Katerinka Stepanova Gostimira (6/1998 Aten)

Vert, a dragon and in base a quill pen fesswise reversed, a bordure Or. Anna Larie (8/2005 Caid)

Vert, a dragon displayed and on a chief argent three mullets of six points azure. Kalisfena Greenwood (3/2011 East)

Vert, a dragon involved to sinister argent, in chief a sword fesswise reversed Or quilloned argent, on a chief azure fimbriated three estoiles argent. Marc Arianddraig o mynydd du (3/1978 East)

Vert, a dragon Or and a bordure Or semy of closed books palewise vert garnished Or. Scholast Michel (11/2002 Outl)

Vert, a dragon passant and on a chief doubly-enarched argent three hearts azure. Catin de Mortain (1/2000 Anst)

Vert, a dragon passant contourny Or maintaining in each talon a grenade sable enflamed gules, all between two towers argent and a mountain of three peaks Or. Draco de Monte Cassino (2/2008 Caid)

Vert, a dragon passant coward and on a chief embattled Or three Latin crosses fleury sable. Lothair von Drachenstein (9/1990 East)

Vert, a dragon passant, on a chief Or three triskelions of spirals vert. Gwydion ap Lewelyn (5/2004 Outl)

Vert, a dragon passant Or, gorged of a county coronet gules, maintaining an hourglass proper, in chief three mullets in chevron argent. Rhiannon of the Isle (4/1998 Meri)

Vert, a dragon passant Or, incensed of flames proper, in chief on a chevron enhanced throughout argent a compass star azure between two mullets gules. Elandir the Quiet (9/1981 West)

Vert, a dragon passant reguardant argent, in sinister chief a mullet of four greater and twelve lesser points Or. Melissande Dragonstar of Clan Silverthorne (8/1979 Anst)

Vert, a dragon passant within a bordure fleury Or. Arabella de la Mer (8/1996 Caid)

Vert, a dragon rampant, tail sufflexed, grasping in its dexter forepaw a Latin cross between two flaunches argent, each charged with a thistle purpure, slipped and singly leaved vert. Caitlin di Berrona (2/1984 Meri)

Vert, a dragon segreant and on a chief argent three crosses formy gules. Antonio Giordano da Firenze (2/2002 West)

Vert, a dragon segreant and on a chief Or three leeks proper. Donal ap Gryffydd (1/1985 West)

Vert, a dragon segreant coward argent, flaming proper, between two mullets and a point pointed Or. Cori Wrightswife (10/1985 Aten)

Vert, a dragon segreant Or ermined vert. Erik Lang (12/1994 Atla)

Vert, a dragon segreant to sinister within a double tressure Or. Kira Leonovna Zemnodushina (2/1989 West)

Vert, a dragon sejant, wings elevated and addorsed, maintaining in dexter forepaw a crescent Or. Alethia Elphinstone of Dragonhold (10/1983 West)

Vert, a dragon statant erect affronty, wings displayed argent, pierced through the chest with a sword sable within a bordure engrailed argent. Achbar ibn Ali (7/1991 Atla)

Vert, a dragonfly and a chief triangular Or. Mariana Maria Pietrosanti (3/2008 AEth)

Vert, a dragonfly and in chief three mullets one and two Or. Nikolai Grigorevich Petrov (6/2002 Midd)

Vert, a dragonfly and on a chief Or three pomegranates gules slipped and leaved vert. Faoiltighearna ní Dhuinn (12/1999 Caid)

Vert, a dragonfly bendwise within a hexagon voided argent. Kataura Kagehira (1/2004 East)

Vert, a dragonfly within a laurel wreath Or all within a bordure compony sable and Or. Dragonfly Marsh, Shire of (3/1991 Meri)

Vert, a dragonfly within a mascle throughout argent. Anastasia inghean uí Shúileabháin (4/2005 Midd)

Vert, a dragon's head contourny erased and a bordure indented argent. Magy McTerlach (7/2004 Meri)

Vert, a dragon's head contourny issuant from base Or and on a chief argent two wings conjoined sable. Theodora Damaskena (4/2000 Meri)

Vert, a dragon's head couped affronty and on a base indented argent, a compass star sable. Mina Ginevra Moretti (10/2009 Meri)

Vert, a dragon-winged lion sejant, wings addorsed, armed in a breastplate argent, and grasping in his dexter paw a flamberge enflamed proper. Garryl Harper Flaming Sword (9/1973)

Vert, a drakkar in full sail argent, targeted gules, and in base a crescent Or. Aemelye Octavya (10/1976)

Vert, a drawn bow and arrow reversed within an orle of quatrefoils slipped argent. Brianna Ó Maoltuile (6/1992 Atla)

Vert, a drop spindle and in chief three quills of yarn Or. Sean of Sheephaven (5/2010 Caid)

Vert, a duck naiant within a bordure Or. Greid of the Wastes (7/1981 West)

Vert, a duck rampant argent, billed and membered Or, above a ford proper. Aelflaed of Duckford (11/1984 Aten)

Vert, a duck rampant argent, billed and membered Or, and on a ford proper on an escutcheon azure, in pale a sun and a key fesswise within a bordure Or. Aelflaed of Duckford (11/1984 Aten)

Vert, a dunghill cock atop a mount Or. Vigge Jonsson (6/2003 Anst)

Vert, a falchion inverted between in chief two cat's eyes argent. Mustafa Kamaal of Antioch (5/1992 West)

Vert, a falcon argent within a bordure argent semy of triquetras vert. Elena verch Gwalchmai (8/2003 Caid)

Vert, a falcon close contourny and a lion rampant Or maintaining between them a sword argent, on a chief Or a harp vert. Béibhinn Ní Dhonnamháin (1/1999 Meri)

Vert, a falcon displayed Or, charged upon the breast with a trefoil vert, within a bordure engrailed argent. Ceinwen Haele Cynwyth (11/1984 Caid)

Vert, a falcon's head erased within a bordure Or. Malcolm of Hibernia (3/1988 AnTi)

Vert, a fasces argent. Saint Galen, Canton of (7/2009 Laur)

Vert, a fawn lodged gardant within a bordure embattled Or. Outlands, Kingdom of the (5/1985 Aten)

Vert, a feather bendwise and in sinister chief an increscent Or. Emma Wen of Painscastle (12/2004 East)

Vert, a feather bendwise sinister between two massacres argent all within a bordure argent semy of increscents sable. Hugh Silverfeather (9/1990 East)

Vert, a feather between three domestic cats sejant argent. Bridgit Katherine Fitzgerald (3/2012 East)

Vert, a fer-a-loup argent enflamed on the upper edge proper. Grimwulf the Hairy (11/1992 Midd)

Vert, a ferret rampant and a bordure engrailed argent. Sorcha inghean ui Uidhir (5/1999 Caid)

Vert, a ferret sejant erect to sinister within an orle argent. Thorvaldr skalli (1/2006G)

Vert, a ferret statant argent a bordure embattled Or. Damian of Vest Yorvik (1/1998 Midd)

Vert, a ferret statant guardant contourny Or, in chief three crescents argent. Àine Aislingthech ingen Sorcha (4/1998 Atla)

Vert, a ferret statant guardant to sinister argent. Titus the Alchemist (9/1991 Aten)

Vert, a fess argent ermined vert between a hand fesswise couped at the wrist and a foot couped argent. Émann Ó Cathmoga (9/1995 Midd)

Vert, a fess azure, overall a sprig of three leaves bendwise sinister argent. Galán-Schol of Eirmeathe (10/1976)

Vert, a fess between four tankards Or. Bork Thorkelsson (11/2010 AnTi)

Vert, a fess between three acorns Or. Muirenn ingen Dara (2/2002 Atla)

Vert, a fess between three roundels one and two Or, a bordure invected erminois. Christobella of Tideswell (3/1995 Aten)

Vert, a fess between three roundels Or and a Cornish chough proper. Thomas von Langenfeld (11/2010 Midd)

Vert, a fess between two chevrons throughout argent. Columb Finn mac Diarmata (2/2011 Loch)

Vert, a fess bretessee counter-ermine, overall a cross of St. Anthony Or. Jacinth of the Lion's Gate (6/1979)

Vert, a fess checky sable and Or between a sun in splendor Or and a decrescent moon argent. Katerina Elizabeth de Clisson (7/1997 Aten)

Vert, a fess cotised Or between a dented great helm affronty and a tree eradicated and felled, argent. Deryk fan it Fryskwâld (9/1989 Midd)

Vert, a fess dancetty between three hearts and a laurel wreath argent. Cortlandtslot, Shire of (3/2002 AEth)

Vert, a fess dancetty ermine between three crosses flory argent and in chief a seahorse erect Or. Angharad of Chester (2/1988 West)

Vert, a fess embattled argent masoned sable between six mullets five and one argent. Chadwick Mangold (7/2009 Aten)

Vert, a fess embattled argent, masoned sable, between three hammers Or. Ancel FitzCharles (2/1987 Midd)

Vert, a fess embattled between three cups argent. Jamie MacLeod (10/1990 Caid)

Vert, a fess embattled between three Latin crosses fleury, all within a bordure argent. Katherine d'Anjou (8/2004 Atla)

Vert, a fess embattled counterembattled between a foi and a bull's head caboshed Or. Lothar Freund (7/1993 Trim)

Vert, a fess enarched between three roses and a bordure Or. Briana of Donegal Keep (4/1994 Anst)

Vert, a fess gules fimbriated argent between a male griffin couchant Or and an increscent argent, all within a bordure Or. Cigfa wniadyddes (5/1994 East)

Vert, a fess of three conjoined fusils Or. Elena Bertholmeu (5/2003 Atla)

Vert, a fess rayonny Or, in chief two batons in saltire argent. Jean Étienne of the Barony of the Flame (9/1989 Midd)

Vert, a fess sable fimbriated surmounted by a domed mosque of one minaret, in canton a decrescent Or. `Afra' bint Tamir al-Sahrahwayyiah (5/1998 Caid)

Vert, a fess vairy Or and sable between three dragons segreant guardant each maintaining a spear Or. Godfrey Baldwin Maul (11/1998 Caid)

Vert, a fess wavy argent between two mullets and a garb Or. Friðrekr Elfski Jonasson (8/1984 West)

Vert, a fess wavy between four leeks, three and one, argent. Ceridwen ferch Dafydd ap Cradog (1/1991 West)

Vert, a fess wavy in chief three griffins segreant argent a base wavy barry wavy argent and gules. Rhys ap Gwilym (8/1999 AnTi)

Vert, a fess wavy sable fimbriated argent, and in chief a lion couchant argent. Douglas Brownbeard of Hvitamyrr (9/1973)

Vert, a fess wreathed argent and sable between a mullet of nine points voided and interlaced and an open book argent. Abu'l-Qasida Ibrahim ibn Sa'id al-Jasur (9/1988 Caid)

Vert, a fess wreathed of Or and pean between two suns in splendour Or. Anthea Maecenas (8/1988 East)

Vert, a fir tree eradicated ermine. Marina MacChruiter (1/1997 Meri)

Vert, a fireball argent enflamed proper within a bordure rayonny Or. Ian Edwardson (8/2007 Caid)

Vert, a fireball Or, a bordure ermine. Christian Baier (8/1992 Caid)

Vert, a fish haurient embowed maintaining a sword bendwise sinister and a shield argent. James the Fisher (4/2011 West)

Vert, a fish haurient embowed Or within a bordure embattled Or hurty. Isabelle Lafara (11/2009 Atla)

Vert, a fish naiant Or a bordure indented Or semy of roundels azure. Isabelle Lafara (2/2004 Atla)

Vert, a fish naiant pierced by an arrow bendwise inverted Or. Joseph Peschur (12/1992 East)

Vert, a fish-tailed demi-dog maintaining in its mouth a fish argent on a chief indented Or an arrow reversed sable. Conall Riabhach (5/1998 AnTi)

Vert, a flame proper, on a chief enarched Or, a spear reversed, fracted in chevron, sable, hafted proper. Donn son of Fergus (2/1989 Caid)

Vert, a fleam between three trefoils Or. Deirdre of Cuailgne (9/1991 West)

Vert, a fleece and in base two drop spindles argent. Dubhchobhlaigh inghean Eoin uí Ealaighthe (6/2009 Aten)

Vert, a fleur-de-lis Or a chief ermine. Danr of Odense (9/1997 Atla)

Vert, a fleur-de-lis Or within a bordure engrailed argent charged with twelve shamrocks vert. Amoreena de Jarret (12/1980 Caid)

Vert, a fleur-de-lys and on a chief argent three butterflies sable. Aileua de Lissi (11/2007 Atla)

Vert, a fleur-de-lys argent and a bordure embattled Or. Gonter van Kortrike (5/2003 Outl)

Vert, a fleur-de-lys Or and on a chief argent three crosses bottony sable. Melisent la Ruse (3/2005 Atla)

Vert, a flute fesswise between in pale two semi-quavers, all within a bordure Or. Rioghbhardan MacInnes the Lame (11/1989 AnTi)

Vert, a foi bendwise couped Or. Brandric Slaywrock (2/2000 AEth)

Vert, a foot couped contourny argent within an orle of wheels Or. Eoin Eardstapa (8/1992 Caid)

Vert, a fountain between three bees proper. Beatrix Funteyn (1/2008 Calo)

Vert, a fountain between three fleurs-de-lys, a bordure embattled argent. Delphine de la Fontaine (11/2008n)

Vert, a four-leaved shamrock within a bordure embattled argent. Francis Canny (12/1991 Meri)

Vert, a fox passant argent and on a chief triangular Or a mullet of four points sable. Llewelyn ap Hywel (9/2002 Midd)

Vert, a fox passant contourny and in chief a compass star elongated to base argent. Nina Mirovna Korsakova (12/1995 Midd)

Vert, a fox rampant and on a chief trefly countertrefly argent, three roses sable, barbed and seeded vert. Elsbeth Laurence (4/1989 East)

Vert, a fox sejant argent, a trimount Or. Katarzina of Thescorre (1/2008 AEth)

Vert, a fox sejant guardant and on a chief Or three linden leaves bendwise sinister inverted vert. Euron Wen (2/2011 AEth)

Vert, a fox sejant guardant between flaunches argent, each flaunch charged with a thistle proper. Elizabeth Law Robertson (4/2000 AEth)

Vert, a fox statant erect contourny argent marked sable drawing a bow and arrow within a bordure argent semy of pheons vert. Elfwine of the Longbow (6/1995 Aten)

Vert, a fox's mask, and on a chief argent three pheons sable. Robert the Forgotten of Foxmoor (3/1999 Atla)

Vert, a fox's mask argent charged on the forehead with a goutte de sang, a bordure argent. Takai Ayame (2/2012 Atla)

Vert, a fox's mask between three crescents argent. Avelyn of Kennington (12/2007 Atla)

Vert, a fox's mask between three roses Or. Jeannette de Beauvoir (12/2002 AEth)

Vert, a fox's mask Or, a bordure wavy ermine. Reynardine de Clifford (4/1985 West)

Vert, a fox's mask within a bordure argent charged with fourteen torteaux. Pierre de Noves (5/1980 Aten)

Vert, a fret and in base a fishhook argent. Þora Sumarliðadóttir (9/2010 Drac)

Vert, a fret and on a chief embattled Or three mascles vert. Ælfreda æt Æthelwealda (9/1993 Midd)

Vert, a fret and on a chief indented argent three roses gules. Catylyn verch Ieuan (11/2006 Arte)

Vert, a fret and on a chief Or three pine trees vert. Lavina Knappe (4/2002 AEth)

Vert, a fret argent, overall a pewter tankard proper, within a bordure Or. Meghan Meddyglyn (1/1981 West)

Vert, a fret between three hounds courant and a stag's head cabossed argent. Kieran Hunter (4/2009 Atla)

Vert, a fret couped within an annulet argent. Eleanor d'Autun (9/1988 Calo)

Vert, a fret erminois. Cicilia of Falkeburn (3/2003 Trim)

Vert, a frog argent estencely vert. Robert Tristan (2/2009 East)

Vert, a frog salient Or and a ford proper. Dauid Mac an Ghoill (1/2011G)

Vert, a full drop-spindle argent. Helva of Saxony (11/1982 Midd)

Vert, a furison and a bordure urdy argent. Kathrine de Laine (2/1994 Anst)

Vert, a furison within a bordure urdy argent. Kathrine de Laine (9/1992 Anst)

Vert, a gamecock springing to sinister, wings addorsed, Or. George Silver Tongue (3/1978)

Vert, a garb and in base a laurel wreath, a bordure Or. Mædscir (5/2000 Outl)

Vert, a garb and on a chief Or three laurel wreaths vert. Castell Gwent, Shire of (4/2005 Midd)

Vert, a garb between three oak leaves embowed in annulo Or. Ingeborg í Þrándheimi (9/2003 Atla)

Vert, a garb Or, on a chief argent three roses purpure barbed and seeded proper. Begga Elisabeth Schexnayder (8/1997 Meri)

Vert, a garb within an orle of annulets argent. Christoffer Bolheimer (12/2000 Atla)

Vert, a garden rose palewise, slipped and leaved, and on a dexter gore Or, a garden rose gules, slipped and leaved vert. Micheila MacCallum (10/1989 West)

Vert, a gauntlet appaumé argent, palmed of leather proper, grasping a compass star, within a bordure Or. Eric Holdstar (4/1984 West)

Vert, a gauntlet aversant sable sustaining a rose slipped proper and an artist's brush sable crossed in saltire all fimbriated Or. Thomas for the Interim (3/2001 West)

Vert, a German panther rampant Or maintaining a fleur-de-lis argent and in chief two serpents nowed respectant Or. Bohémond de Nicée (9/1995 Outl)

Vert, a gillyflower and on a chief Or three bunches of grapes purpure. Elena di Salaparuta (11/2005 Atla)

Vert, a goat rampant to sinister argent. Leif Magnússon (7/1998 Loch)

Vert, a goat rampant within a bordure Or. Ruaidri Gabhar (2/2005 AEth)

Vert, a goblet argent a bordure argent, semy of shamrocks vert. Líadain ní Sheanacháin (11/1996 West)

Vert, a goblet Or between three escallops inverted argent all within a bordure Or. Elizabeta da Porta (3/2010 Atla)

Vert, a goose holding in its beak an open scroll argent, within a laurel wreath, in chief an annulet Or. Saint Cecilia, College of (9/1992 West)

Vert, a goose passant displayed, wings inverted, argent plumed vert, grasping a pen in its beak argent. Katherine of Kells (8/1979)

Vert, a gore sinister sable fimbriated, in pale two dragonflies volant bendwise, the lower reversed, argent. Margare of the Silver Dragonfly (4/1985 Caid)

Vert, a goshawk close sustained by the fist of a gloved hand couped fesswise reversed, a bordure embattled Or. Ciaran mac Meara (1/2000 East)

Vert, a Gothic capital letter M Or, a bordure indented argent pellety. Franchesca MacBeth (7/2006 Caid)

Vert, a Gothic capital letter "M" Or and a base embattled argent masoned sable. Franchesca MacBeth (7/2006 Caid)

Vert, a goutte and a bordure Or. Petronilla of London (12/2001 Drac)

Vert, a goutte d'eau and a chain in fess, sundered, Or. Dain the Grim Ranger (7/1974)

Vert, a grape leaf Or charged with a frog tergiant displayed vert. Thomas of Collonsay (6/1981 West)

Vert, a great helm affronté per pale sable and argent, ocularium counterchanged, plumed argent and sable, fimbriated Or. Aleta Ara of Helsgard, the Cruel (8/1982 Aten)

Vert, a great horned owl rising wings displayed proper maintaining in its dexter claw a quill argent and in its sinister claw a ladle Or, in base a tree bough fesswise proper. Sita of Oudh (4/2006 East)

Vert, a great horned owl's head erased affronty within a bordure embattled Or. Rhys of Harlech (3/1987 East)

Vert, a Great Pyrenees dog sejant guardant, dexter forepaw raised, argent within an orle of fleurs-de-lys Or. Mathilde des Pyrenees (5/1991 East)

Vert, a greyhound rampant to sinister regardant argent collared purpure and a chief erminois. Ginevra Visconti (8/2001 Trim)

Vert, a greyhound statant contourny and in chief three Thor's hammers Or. Þora Sumarliðadóttir (6/1994 Midd)

Vert, a greyhound's head erased contourny argent collared sable within a laurel wreath Or. Saint Guinefort, College of (2/2008 West)

Vert, a griffin and on a chief dovetailed Or three mullets vert. Nicola da Lipari (8/2003 Caid)

Vert, a griffin argent and a bordure counter-compony sable and argent. Miguel of St. Katherine (12/2003 West)

Vert, a griffin couchant between three roundels argent. Roana Robertson (8/2010 Outl)

Vert, a griffin couchant wings elevated and addorsed between six mullets one, two, two and one Or. Raynagh Griffyn (12/2004 Trim)

Vert, a griffin maintaining in its sinister claw a thistle argent, a chief ermine. Anne Gryffyth (3/2011 East)

Vert, a griffin Or, a chief indented argent. Cormac Ó Mannacháin (8/2006G)

Vert, a griffin passant argent charged on the shoulder with a fleur-de-lys vert a chief engrailed argent semy of quatrefoils vert. Griffin Ó Fáeláin (1/2002 AnTi)

Vert, a griffin passant argent maintaining a harp Or between three Celtic crosses argent. Kathleen Mahony of Cork (12/1999 Caid)

Vert, a griffin rampant to sinister argent, bearing in his sinister foreclaw three arrows inverted Or, all within an orle embattled on the outer edge argent. Michael O'Flynn (1/1991 Caid)

Vert, a griffin segreant contourny Or and for augmentation, maintaining in its forefeet a roundel azure charged with four crescents conjoined in saltire horns outward and a bordure argent. John ap Griffin (5/2007 Caid)

Vert, a griffin segreant contourny Or. John ap Griffin (5/2007 Caid)

Vert, a griffin segreant contourny Or, on a chief indented argent a dragon couchant gules. Gobbán Ó Maolaoidh (11/1992 Midd)

Vert, a griffin segreant Or between in fess two pairs of arrows crossed in saltire and inverted Or flighted sable, a chief embattled Or. Alric Azor (11/2000 Atla)

Vert, a griffin segreant Or maintaining a trefoil argent and on a chief Or three hearts sable. Padraig Gliadrach Ó Ceallaigh (9/1996 Drac)

Vert, a griffin segreant regardant between in pile two halberds addorsed argent. Sigrid Eiriksdottir (2/1986 Anst)

Vert, a griffin sejant argent within an orle of fleurs-de-lys Or. Konstantinos Akropolites (3/2004 AEth)

Vert, a griffin sejant barry gules and argent between three laurel wreaths argent. Greifenthal, Shire of (3/1998 Drac)

Vert, a griffin sejant erect maintaining in both talons a harp, and on a chief argent a rose sable, barbed vert, seeded argent. Elen o Ddynevwr (2/1984 Midd)

Vert, a griffin sejant Or within an orle of fleurs-de-lys argent. Zoe Akropolitina (3/2004 AEth)

Vert, a griffin sejant to sinister and a chief dovetailed argent. Dennis of Northsea (11/1983 West)

Vert, a griffin sejant to sinister, sinister foreleg raised, wings inverted and addorsed, issuant from a basket, all between three trees eradicated argent. Therese of the White Griffin (9/1989 Caid)

Vert, a grizzly bear counter-rampant [Ursus horribilis] proper. Bess the Obscure (1/1981 Midd)

Vert, a gryphon dormant within an orle Or. Ceara ni Sirona (8/1984 Midd)

Vert, a gurges and a bordure Or. Cassandra Matis (11/2008 East)

Vert, a hand argent and a bordure rayonny Or. Thorin of Bexhill (9/1990 Caid)

Vert, a hand argent sustaining to chief a comb Or. Matilda Hanscombe (10/2003 Midd)

Vert, a hand between two lizards statant in annulo argent. Daibhídh suaimhneach uí Néill (4/2004 Caid)

Vert, a hand in benediction Or, a chief Or semy of dragonflies vert. Ann Travers of Amberlye (7/1999 Caid)

Vert, a hand of Fatima fesswise between in pale a crescent inverted and a crescent within a bordure Or. Yusef Metin el Rumi (9/1971)

Vert, a hanging balance and a chief Or. Theodore Barrister (7/1989 East)

Vert, a harbor seal couchant to sinister reguardant proper, gorged with a chain, pendant therefrom a key reversed sable upon an orthoclase-granite rock proper, in chief three bezants mal-ordonnee. Kathryn Fitzroy of Bath (7/1974)

Vert, a hare couchant and on a chief argent three mullets azure. Cerdic Ball (7/1992 Midd)

Vert, a hare rampant maintaining a herring net and a chief wavy argent. Ailikn Olafsdottir (1/1992 Midd)

Vert, a hare sejant erect and a sinister tierce Or. Elspeth Macalpin (11/2002 Atla)

Vert, a hare sejant erect contourny and a dexter tierce argent. Eógan Mac Ailpein (11/2002 Atla)

Vert, a harp and in base five barrulets within a bordure Or. Siglinde Harfnerstochter (1/1991 Midd)

Vert, a harp and on a chief Or a flanged mace fesswise sable. Rhys Ian Glenowen (9/1983 Caid)

Vert, a harp argent surmounted by a rose, all within a bordure embattled Or. Outlands, Kingdom of the (4/1989 Outl)

Vert, a harp argent, the front post entwined of a brown asp reguardant proper, a chief embattled Or. [Vipera aspis] Genevieve McCullum de Caen (5/1983 Meri)

Vert, a harp Or surmounted by a trefoil slipped argent, all within a bordure embattled Or. Outlands, Kingdom of the (11/1989 Outl)

Vert, a harp reversed Or, in base two quill pens in saltire and a chief argent. Quintavia, Shire of (9/2006 East)

Vert, a harp reversed within a bordure argent charged with four fleurs-de-lys in cross sable. Claudia de Montpellier (2/1983 Midd)

Vert, a harpy displayed maintaining two swords argent, a bordure rayonny Or. Éadaoin inghean Chionaodha (5/2006 Calo)

Vert, a hart rampant to sinister Or and in chief two wagon wheels argent. Eilonwy ferch Morgant (2/1986 East)

Vert, a hawk close and on a chief Or three hands appaumy vert. Ségán ua Flaithfhiled (2/1999 Meri)

Vert, a hawk displayed facing sinister Or, charged with a lozenge vert, and in chief three lozenges all within a bordure Or. Jason Hawke (8/1991 Atla)

Vert, a hawk rising contourny argent and in chief a flame proper. Theobald Hauoc (6/2006 East)

Vert, a hawk rising wings displayed argent within a bordure checky vert and argent. Gavin MacIain (3/2009 Anst)

Vert, a hawk striking within a bordure embattled Or. Conall Ó Cearnaigh (1/2000 Caid)

Vert, a hawk's head argent issuant from a base embattled argent, masoned sable, and in chief two strawberry flowers argent. Gavin White of Westburgh (5/1988 Midd)

Vert, a hawk's lure argent, a bordure Or. William Wildblood (1/1997 Midd)

Vert, a hawk's lure on a chief argent three hawk's bells gules. Christian de Havik (6/1996 Midd)

Vert, a hawthorn leaf Or within an orle of gouttes d'eau. Christian de Holacombe (5/1996 West)

Vert, a hawthorne blossom argent within an annulet Or. Julia of Candleshoe (6/1990 West)

Vert, a heart Or between the attires of a stag's head cabossed argent, attired, within a bordure embattled Or. Outlands, Kingdom of the (11/1989 Outl)

Vert, a heart within an orle of fleurs-de-lys Or. Gabriel Lightfoot (1/1987 West)

Vert, a hedgehog and on a chief Or three oak leaves bendwise sinister vert. Barbeta Kyrkeland (4/2010 East)

Vert, a hedgehog rampant argent maintaining a sword Or hilted sable and a foaming beer stein Or headed argent. Theodora von Igelheim (3/2009 Midd)

Vert, a hedgehog rampant to sinister within a bordure argent. Gwyl ferch Teleri Celli Caregi (8/1987 Atla)

Vert, a hedgehog statant contourny Or its quills impaling grapes gules between three cinquefoils Or. Eleanor Spencer (9/2006 Meri)

Vert, a hedgehog statant Or. Xena Baxter Wynthorpe (3/1984 Caid)

Vert, a hedgehog statant to sinister argent. Orien Wenderson (1/1986 Midd)

Vert, a helm affronty argent within a laurel wreath and on a chief triangular Or a harp azure. Glyn Dwfn, Shire of (10/1983 AnTi)

Vert, a helm pierced by an arrow bendwise sinister argent, a chief checky argent and sable. Harold of Eastwood (6/1995 East)

Vert, a heron-headed torc argent. Rhonwen Angharad (5/1996 East)

Vert, a heron's head embowed, head raised, argent, in chief on a plate a triquetra vert. Micheal Cruithnechan Seasynggare (8/1989 West)

Vert, a hind salient argent, unguled and gorged with a Saxon crown Or, between three doves rising, wings elevated and addorsed argent, beaked and membered, within an orle embattled on the inner edge Or. Outlands, Crown Princess of (4/1998 Outl)

Vert, a hind salient argent, unguled and in chief a Saxon crown, all within a wreath of roses, lying as on a bordure, Or. Outlands, Queen of the (3/1989 Outl)

Vert, a hind statant contourny argent collared and chained Or, a bordure Or semy of trefoils vert. Edain inghean Raghalligh (6/2006 Meri)

Vert, a hind trippant reguardant, on a chief wavy argent, three Catherine wheels gules. Catrin ferch Gwilym o Gonway (3/1989 Anst)

Vert, a hind trippant to sinister argent, a bordure argent semy of hearts vert. Elvira Pedrosa (7/2004 Midd)

Vert, a hippopotamus rampant between in chief two roses argent, on a chief Or a stick shuttle sable. Sindra Gunhild Sigmundsdottir (9/1990 Anst)

Vert, a hoe bendwise inverted blade to sinister Or. Arianwen verch Kynwraidd ap Aeddan (4/2007 Caid)

Vert, a Holstein-Frisian cow [Bos taurus holstein-frisian] statant proper over a milking stool and a pail argent. Garrison of Borden (1/1974)

Vert, a hooded cloak argent lined sable, on a chief embattled argent, three increscents sable. Angharad Clog Llwyd ferch Madog ap Maredudd (6/1997 Trim)

Vert, a horned conical helm argent, banded and nasalled Or, within a bordure potenty argent. Kyle Gustov Kennson (6/1984 Caid)

Vert, a horned pegasus salient argent, armed and unguled purpure. Arianwen of Urquart (7/1980 East)

Vert, a horned sea-pegasus Or, a chief invected argent. Ferelith MacDonald (3/1980 Aten)

Vert, a horse couchant and on a chief nebuly Or three plumes bendwise sinister sable. Cassandra Peverell (10/2005 Calo)

Vert, a horse couchant Or, a bordure Or semy of roses azure. Branwyn FitzRoberts (1/2006 West)

Vert, a horse courant and in base a crescent and on a chief argent three mullets sable. Diana Scott (4/2002 East)

Vert, a horse courant argent. Rohan (12/2007 Laur)

Vert, a horse courant contourny conjoined with an annulet argent. Scoithin mac Mhuireadhaigh (9/2004 East)

Vert, a horse paly of seven Or and gules within a bordure embattled compony Or and gules. Sovány Barcsi János (6/1982 East)

Vert, a horse passant and on a chief Or a hammer vert. Artur marechal (1/2008 Atla)

Vert, a horse passant argent, a bordure argent semy-de-lis vert. Anne von Talstadt (10/1999 Eald)

Vert, a horse passant contourny and a base Or. William Palfrey (9/1992 Anst)

Vert, a horse passant contourny and on a chief urdy argent two roses purpure. Alana Buchanan (3/2001 Caid)

Vert, a horse passant contourny argent, on a chief Or, three roses proper. Bläß von Bremen (4/1998 Midd)

Vert, a horse passant contourny between three crosses flory Or. Tomyris di Cavallino (11/2004 AnTi)

Vert, a horse passant Or and on a chief argent three acorns sable. Serena Kimbalwyke (4/1996 Midd)

Vert, a horse rampant and on a chief argent three ravens close sable. Diana Rhys of Carmarthen (10/1996 Atla)

Vert, a horse rampant and on a chief indented Or three hearts vert. Ciannait inghean Roibeaird (11/2005 Meri)

Vert, a horse rampant contourny argent, a bordure Or. Fáelán ua hEógain (8/2009 West)

Vert, a horse rampant, on a chief raguly Or three mullets vert pierced Or. Alaric Griswald de Toledo (5/1986 Anst)

Vert, a horse rampant Or, on a chief embattled argent three Maltese crosses gules. Gwendolyn of Gloucester (10/1992 Aten)

Vert, a horse salient argent within a bordure engrailed Or. Damon of Three Rivers (12/1987 Calo)

Vert, a horse salient to sinister argent, on a chief Or three trefoils vert. Padraig mac Nechtain (2/2006 Atla)

Vert, a horse statant and a label argent. Eibhlín an Eich Ghil (6/2004 Atla)

Vert, a horse's head couped argent charged on the neck with a shamrock purpure. Hedvig Kettuin (9/1996 Drac)

Vert, a horse's head couped argent crined and in chief two increscents Or. Fiona Finnech (10/2004 AnTi)

Vert, a horse's head couped between three acorns slipped and doubly-leaved argent. Anne Barton of Great Oaks (1/1984 West)

Vert, a horseshoe and on a chief Or, a demi-sun throughout issuant from the line of division gules. Robert Furness of Southwood (11/1990 West)

Vert, a horseshoe inverted and on a chief argent two arrows inverted in saltire sable. Lasairfhiona inghean Cheallaigh (3/2008 East)

Vert, a horseshoe within a sea-serpent in annulo head to chief and vorant of its own tail argent. Loch Soilleir, Barony of (1/2003 Anst)

Vert, a hound courant argent between three trefoils Or. Edward O'Bannon (11/2000 AEth)

Vert, a hunting horn and on a chief argent three talbot's heads couped sable. Robert Hunteman (11/2010 West)

Vert, a hunting horn argent and in chief an arrow fesswise Or. John Fair of Hawkwode (11/2009 Aten)

Vert, a hurst in chief four acorns argent, a bordure Or. Connor M'Eleam (9/1997 AEth)

Vert, a hurst of blasted birch trees argent. Wyndylyn Leanb na Doinneann (4/1997 Aten)

Vert, a hurst of fir trees within an orle of trefoils argent. Caiterina of Ballyhooly (7/2001 Aten)

Vert, a hurst of three trees blasted and eradicated, on a bordure argent a vine of ivy vert. Draga Drevo (1/2000 AnTi)

Vert, a hurst of two trees, in base a mullet all within a bordure argent. Gavin MacFhearhuis of Athallwood (3/1991 Meri)

Vert, a Jerusalem cross between three crescents argent. Robin of Devonshire (11/1996 Atla)

Vert, a Jerusalem cross Or, on a chief purpure, fimbriated Or, a lion couchant Or. Edward of Stockwood (10/1976)

Vert, a key bendwise sinister, wards to chief Or between two Welsh corgies passant Or marked argent. Rosalynde y Corgwyn (1/1993 West)

Vert, a key palewise wards to sinister base Or. Society for Creative Anachronism (8/2006 Laur)

Vert, a labyrinth and on a chief Or three clews of yarn vert. Chiara Calandra (1/2011 AnTi)

Vert, a Lacy knot and in chief two compass stars argent. Elspeth of Hawkesridge (7/1994 Midd)

Vert, a Lacy knot between three harps Or. Deirdre Ní Fhathartaigh (9/1992 Anst)

Vert, a lamb couchant argent and a ford proper. Hawise le Wollemongere (11/2010 AnTi)

Vert, a lamb rampant and in sinister chief a ragged staff argent. Agnes of Oslo (5/1989 AnTi)

Vert, a lantern argent enflamed Or. Thomas Ouswood (9/2000 AEth)

Vert, a Latin cross and on a chief potenty argent, three mullets of eight points pierced gules. Michael FitzGeoffrey (7/1992 West)

Vert, a Latin cross argent and a bordure embattled Or. Kieran le Dragoner (8/2005 Caid)

Vert, a Latin cross bottony a bordure argent. Dorinda Courtenay (1/1998 AEth)

Vert, a Latin cross of six annulets interlaced within an orle of decrescents Or. Gisela Redihalgh (12/2000 AnTi)

Vert, a Latin cross pointed between in base two lions' heads cabossed Or. Alexandria Chetwynd Montgomery (6/1998 Atla)

Vert, a Latin cross pointed between three trefoil knots Or. Elheran MacElheran (8/1979)

Vert, a laurel wreath between four horse's heads couped in cross Or. Border Downs, Shire of (1/1994 Midd)

Vert, a laurel wreath, on a chief embattled argent three ducks close vert. Fendrake Marsh, Shire of (8/1998 West)

Vert, a laurel wreath surmounted by a double-bitted fasces Or, in base two oak sprigs fructed argent, a bordure Or. Eichenwald, Canton of (6/1992 Caid)

Vert, a leaf within a bordure Or. Alanna ni Druhan (8/1982 East)

Vert, a leg reversed proper issuant from a cloud in chief argent. Merwenna Stepesoft (3/2006 Aten)

Vert, a leonine sagittary passant Or and a chief potenty Or semy-de-lys azure. Caemgen mac Garbith (1/2009 AnTi)

Vert, a lightning flash fesswise throughout Or between in pale a horse's head couped argent and in compass star a bezant between eight billets Or. Katherine Marie Yvonne Jetté (8/1980 Anst)

Vert, a lily argent slipped and leaved Or, a tierce ermine. Genevria di Betto di Adriano (7/2007 Anst)

Vert, a lily of the valley plant Or flowered argent and a tierce Or. Miroslawa z Gosprzydowy (2/2006 Caid)

Vert, a lion argent within a bordure argent semy of pretzels sable. Vassili Miroslavich (5/2004 East)

Vert, a lion between three chalices and a bordure embattled Or. Mika'il al-Rashid (8/2011G)

Vert, a lion dormant and on a chief wavy Or three suns sable. Misty of Madrone (8/2008 AnTi)

Vert, a lion dormant proper between in pale two fleurs-de-lys, within a bordure Or. Laura Leontyne (4/1982 West)

Vert, a lion dormant to sinister and a chief enarched argent. Aleit de la Thomme (4/2010 Atla)

Vert, a lion passant argent between three fleurs-de-lys Or. Richard Armistead (1/2000 AnTi)

Vert, a lion passant between three dragonflies, on a chief Or a rapier vert. Morin inghen Ruairc (9/2004 Meri)

Vert, a lion passant contourny argent within a bordure quarterly sable and argent. Caitlyn verch Llewellyn (3/1993 Midd)

Vert, a lion passant regardant maintaining an annulet, on a chief invected Or three annulets vert. Aoife ní Chiarán of Durrow (9/1994 Aten)

Vert, a lion rampant affrontee Or orbed and armored gules, grasping in its forepaws and devouring the sinister canton of an escutcheon sable, a bordure argent. Alwyne the Sinistral (8/1979 Aten)

Vert, a lion rampant and on a chief Or three crabs gules. Berta Mallory (9/2008 West)

Vert, a lion rampant contourny and a chief Or. Finn hua Cellaig (8/2001 Aten)

Vert, a lion rampant contourny sustaining a garb Or. Dominic Morland (6/2001 AEth)

Vert, a lion rampant dismembered Or, multiply vulned gules. Laszlo Oroszlanveri (7/1971)

Vert, a lion rampant, on a chief embattled Or, a sword gules. Edward of Denby Woods (2/1997 East)

Vert, a lion rampant Or, a bordure Or semy of shamrocks vert. Deirdre of Kerry (7/1997 Aten)

Vert, a lion rampant sable, fimbriated argent. Ann Elizabeth of Westmarch (3/1978)

Vert, a lion rampant to sinister and on a chief rayonny argent three hearts sable. Julyan Lyttleton (2/1992 East)

Vert, a lion salient maintaining in both forepaws a sword inverted between three mullets argent within an orle of fleurs-de-lis points outward Or. Sylvanus of Sutherland (1/1996 Aten)

Vert, a lion sejant erect contourny maintaining in its dexter forepaw a sword inverted, in chief a coronet Or. Simon MacLeod (7/2000 Meri)

Vert, a lion sejant Or holding in its dexter paw a rose argent, on a chief Or three ermine spots fesswise sable. Dianna of the Silver Shore (11/1995 AnTi)

Vert, a lion statant erect affronty, on a chief Or, issuant from the bottom edge a demi-sun gules. Anna Virago of Vest Yorvik (11/1997 Midd)

Vert, a lioness dormant guardant and on a chief doubly enarched Or three crosses fleury vert. Isabella del Bosque (12/1991 Anst)

Vert, a lioness rampant argent, estoilly of four points azure, within an orle Or. Briany Exeter de Baraine (3/1982 West)

Vert, a lion's head affronty Or, orbed vert. Jehanne de Lyonesse (7/1971)

Vert, a lion's head cabossed and on a chief Or three hearts vert. John Lionheart (1/2008 AEth)

Vert, a lion's head couped contourny within a bordure invected Or. Seamus O'Day (9/1990 Atla)

Vert, a lion's head erased affronty Or, gorged of a wreath of thistles purpure, slipped and leaved vert, within a bordure Or. Caitlin MacDonnell (3/1984 Meri)

Vert, a lion's head erased and on a chief Or, two paw-prints vert. Martha Rosewood (9/1992 Caid)

Vert, a lion's paw erased Or within a bordure argent. Oldenfeld, Barony of (7/2005 Trim)

Vert, a lit candle ensconced within an orle of ivy argent. Arianna di Pergula della Rosa (6/2010 Aten)

Vert, a lizard tergiant Or between in fess two shofars palewise argent. Yitzchak of Marinus (10/2011 Atla)

Vert, a log proper embedded therein an axe bendwise sinister Or. Galan de Renyard (12/1980 Midd)

Vert, a longbow fesswise inverted surmounted by three arrows conjoined in pile Or. Allan Bluehood of Wood's End (8/1982 Caid)

Vert, a lotus blossom in profile within a bordure Or. Marcus Claudius Cincinnatus (7/2009 AEth)

Vert, a lymphad sail furled Or within a bordure dovetailed argent. Gareth de Mountayne (10/1995 Trim)

Vert, a lymphad, sails furled, oars in action, Or, flying three pennants, overall a bear counter-passant argent. Vladimir ap Gwynne (11/1979 West)

Vert, a lynx statant erect Or pellety, a bordure per bend Or and sable. Jamis MacQuine of Mar (3/2010 Midd)

Vert, a lyre and in chief an increscent argent. Petra von Bremen (7/2009 Drac)

Vert, a magpie proper maintaining in its dexter talon a feather argent. Eleanor of Pica (5/2007 Midd)

Vert, a male griffin sejant coward to sinister argent, in chief three arrows bendwise sinister inverted Or. Caitlin ni Cáilean de Bri (7/1983 Atla)

Vert, a male griffin's head erased contourny and on a chief Or three fleurs-de-lys vert. Grifon the Stranger (10/2000 Midd)

Vert, a mandrake Or. Cairistiona nic Bheathain (2/2002 Loch)

Vert, a maple leaf between three increscents argent. Morgan Branwen (6/1993 Midd)

Vert, a mare statant Or semy of torteaux. Rudaba al-Nahdiya (11/2010 Caid)

Vert, a martlet migrant bendwise sinister Or, orbed gules, between the horns of a crescent per pale Or and argent. Sandra Sogan (9/1971)

Vert, a mascle argent within a bordure Or. Martelle von Charlottenburg (9/2005 Atla)

Vert, a massacre and in chief two bars dancetty argent. Galiena Berengaria von Lothringen (5/1987 AnTi)

Vert, a mastiff salient argent and a chief vair. Nikolaus der Ausländer (5/1988 East)

Vert, a mastiff sejant erect maintaining in its sinister forepaw a sword inverted Or, a bordure embattled erminois. Brilliana de la Hay (2/2008 East)

Vert, a maunche within a bordure argent. Fulk de Toron (12/2011 Eald)

Vert, a mermaid affronty, bearing a rapier and a buckler, within a bordure Or. Valeria Richila Navarro (12/1996 Anst)

Vert, a mermaid affronty hands raised and in chief a thistle, a bordure fleury Or. Ian McChattan (12/1996 Atla)

Vert, a mermaid affronty, head to sinister argent, maintaining in her dexter hand a sword inverted proper, all within a dragon dormant widdershins in annulo Or. Robert du Chateau du Dragon (9/1983 Caid)

Vert, a mermaid affronty, maintaining in her dexter hand a scimitar palewise, Or and a ford proper. Christiana Geneviève de Besançon (3/1990 East)

Vert, a mermaid and on a chief triangular argent, a crescent azure. Micaela Isabella Botticelli (11/1992 Midd)

Vert, a mermaid in her vanity argent, crined and scaled, and on a chief wavy Or three thistles, slipped and leaved, proper. Felicia Catriona Morgan (12/1986 Atla)

Vert, a mermaid in her vanity between three escallops inverted argent. Nichola inghean Domhnaill (4/2005 Caid)

Vert, a merman proper crined Or tailed and maintaining in the dexter hand a trident argent. Jason Seaborn (4/2005 West)

Vert, a merman proper crined Or tailed azure maintaining a horn in his dexter hand and a trident in his sinister hand all issuant from a base wavy Or. Christopher MacEveny (1/2004 AnTi)

Vert, a mill-rind between in bend sinister two estoiles Or. Garanhir of Ness (2/1984 East)

Vert, a monkey rampant winged and tailed of a dragon Or. Olivia Alexandria (7/2009G)

Vert, a monkey sejant erect affronty collared and chained and on a chief embattled argent an anvil reversed sable. Pierre Xavier de Lyon (1/2009 Atla)

Vert, a monster with a rabbit's body and two goat's heads springing argent, attired Or, beneath a chief invected argent. April Alys O'Dale (9/1973 West)

Vert, a moose head erased Or within a bordure argent. Forgal Kerstetter (10/1986 Atla)

Vert, a moose's attires between three hunting horns Or. James the Forrester of Malmesbury (2/1992 East)

Vert, a mortar and pestle Or and on a chief argent four lozenges purpure. Isabel Henry (1/2010 Atla)

Vert, a mount of six hillocks between two falcons' heads erased Or. Jan Rafiel Shkoder (2/1987 East)

Vert, a mountain goat's head erased at the shoulder within a bordure Or. Tinoran Skipborrinn (6/1981 Atla)

Vert, a mouse dormant contourny and a chief embattled Or. Damiana Juliana de Kyme (9/1992 Anst)

Vert, a mouse sejant erect affronty its tail argent embowed and threaded through a needle in chief fesswise reversed Or. Mary Catherine Burton (12/1993 Aten)

Vert, a mouse statant to sinister, in chief three crosses botonny argent. Alys Graye (12/1993 West)

Vert, a mule's head erased Or, on a chief embattled Or, three Celtic hounds statant coward proper. Beagle de la Souris Folle (6/1975)

Vert, a mullet between the horns of a crescent, both bendwise sinister, and a dexter tierce argent. Pakistan (9/1995 Laur)

Vert, a mullet of five greater and five lesser points argent within and conjoined at the greater points to five crescents in annulo, horns inward, Or. Maria Theresa Ipeñarrieta (6/1991 Caid)

Vert, a mullet of six points voided, in chief a roundel between a decrescent and an increscent argent. Elena Cordovera (8/2004 AnTi)

Vert, a mullet Or within a dolmen argent, a chief embattled Or. Morgaine FitzStephen (5/1986 Caid)

Vert, a mullet voided and interlaced within and conjoined to an annulet argent. Martin Monteyro do Monte (11/2009 Caid)

Vert, a mushroom and a chief Or. Gwendolyn Sylvania (10/1992 East)

Vert, a mushroom erased and on a base wavy Or a goblet vert. Bridget of Glenburo (3/1984 Aten)

Vert, a musimon's head erased argent, horns wreathed Or and sable. Carol Stewart of Horsehill (3/1986 AnTi)

Vert, a narwhal bendwise, tail nowed, within a bordure Or. Freana Geardson (6/1981 Anst)

Vert, a narwhal hauriant embowed argent. Gest Grimsson (1/2000 Anst)

Vert, a narwhal haurient and on a chief indented argent three ravens close sable. Ástríðr in hársvarta Þorvaldsdóttir (10/1999 Meri)

Vert, a natural demi-tiger couped contourny argent marked sable maintaining an arrow bendwise and in chief three crosses formy Or. Genevote Villeneuve de la Flèche (8/2002 Meri)

Vert, a natural dolphin naiant argent between three escallops Or. Rayna O'Donnell (9/2006 West)

Vert, a natural leopard couchant guardant and on a base Or two roses in fess slips intertwined to center and leaved vert. Skarpheðinn Irlandsfari (11/2003 Drac)

Vert, a natural leopard rampant, on a chief argent three roses gules. Alysandria of the Fosse Way (1/1999 Calo)

Vert, a natural leopard statant guardant Or spotted sable, on a chief argent three double roses gules. Caiterína inghean uí Chonaill (4/2001 Atla)

Vert, a natural rainbow proper, fimbriated and issuant from clouds Or, within a bordure dovetailed argent. Kendra Juliana of Kilborne (8/1983 Atla)

Vert, a natural salamander rampant within a bordure nebuly argent. Tigernach of Silvan Glen (2/2003 AEth)

Vert, a natural sea otter, couchant on its back, tail erect and head erect and guardant, argent within a bordure argent, seme of lozenges purpure. Caristiona Bhan (10/1987 West)

Vert, a natural sea-horse argent between two flaunches Or. Arlene the Soother (12/1984 Anst)

Vert, a natural sea-horse contourny Or, a bordure per saltire purpure and argent ermined purpure. Rebecca fitzRobert (7/1992 West)

Vert, a natural seahorse erect and on a chief wavy Or, three escallops purpure. Bridget McPhie (7/1997 East)

Vert, a natural tiger rampant contourny argent marked sable winged argent, within a bordure gyronny Or and sable. Sinéidin inghean an Bhiadhtaigh (11/2011 AnTi)

Vert, a natural tiger's head caboshed argent marked sable and on a chief argent three trees proper. Tomas del Valle de Bravo (10/2002 Loch)

Vert, a needle and an artist's brush in saltire within a sea-serpent in annulo, head to chief and vorant of its own tail argent. Loch Soilleir, Barony of (10/2007 Anst)

Vert, a nefr Or. Einar Lutemaker (3/1978)

Vert, a New World pineapple Or within an orle of pheons argent. Teresa de Cadiz (11/2009 Arte)

Vert, a pair of cat's eyes in chevron inverted Or slitted vert, a base indented Or. Charles Veitch (2/2006 Aten)

Vert, a pair of cubit arms issuant in chevron and crossed at the wrists argent. Sine NicChluarain (12/1982 Caid)

Vert, a pair of hands couped apaumy inverted argent, cuffed sable, within a bordure argent. School of the Zenith for Pages (11/1984 Midd)

Vert, a pair of scissors points to chief argent within a bordure vairy of one trait gules and argent. Emilie Penrose Blackwell (5/2000 Anst)

Vert, a pair of shears bendwise inverted Or surmounted by a needle bendwise sinister argent threaded, a bordure dovetailed Or. Henry Kersey of Devon (3/2006 Midd)

Vert, a pair of shears inverted Or. Angela Seustere (7/2003 Arte)

Vert, a pair of wings conjoined and in chief a Latin cross argent. Cristina Angelini (5/2007 West)

Vert, a pair of wings conjoined argent, in chief three estoiles Or. Daegan of Ravenswood (5/1984 West)

Vert, a pair of wings conjoined Or and in chief a swan naiant argent. Mela de Prion (11/1986 Caid)

Vert, a pale and a base Or, overall a brock statant affronty argent marked sable. Aelfric Bernson of Westbrook (7/1986 Aten)

Vert, a pale argent between two towers joined by a single-span bridge overall Or, on a chief indented argent a laurel wreath vert. Castle Keep, Shire of (9/2007 East)

Vert, a pale argent. Nigeria (9/1995 Laur)

Vert, a pale argent semy of oak leaves vert between a unicorn and a wyvern combattant argent. Marcus the Forester (9/1990 Caid)

Vert, a pale barry wavy argent and azure, overall an equal-armed Celtic cross Or. Dafydd ap Owain ap Cadell Caer yn Arfon (10/1994 Calo)

Vert, a pale between two compass-stars argent, overall an anchor counterchanged. Thomas Logan (2/1984 Caid)

Vert, a pale between two horses combattant, a chief argent. Jaufré of Dinas Emrys (5/1993 East)

Vert, a pale checky argent and sable between four horseshoes argent. Katerina das Vögelein (11/2004 East)

Vert, a pale checky gules and argent between a natural leopard rampant to sinister and a crane in its vigilance argent. Chen Yung Ho (1/1998 Midd)

Vert, a pale cotised argent, overall a wren close proper. [Troglodytes troglodytes] Pavel Iosefovich (8/1984 Calo)

Vert, a pale counter-compony sable and argent, on a chief argent three open ink-bottles sable. Morella of Glenalder (8/1992 Caid)

Vert, a pale engrailed ermine between two dragons combatant argent. Degen aus Nierstein (7/1996 East)

Vert, a pale gules, fimbriated, between two rabbits combattant Or. Peter Grimsby (6/1989 East)

Vert, a pale offset between a quill pen and a quill pen inverted argent. Thomas Schreiber (10/2010 Atla)

Vert, a pale Or, overall a domestic cat passant gardant sable, grasping in its dexter forepaw a nosegay of scarlet pimpernels slipped and leaved proper. [Anagallis arvensis] Rhonwen y Llysieuyddes (8/1979 Aten)

Vert, a pale pean between in chief two oak leaves Or. Thomas Alexander of Hastings (8/1988 East)

Vert, a pale sable, fimbriated argent, surmounted by a winged drop-spindle Or. Anne Barberry (6/1983 West)

Vert, a pale sable fimbriated argent, surmounted by a winged empty drop-spindle Or. Anne Barberry (11/2007 West)

Vert, a pale wavy argent between six roses Or. Maria Beatrice del Mare (2/1996 East)

Vert, a pale wavy argent, overall a stag springing proper. Narissa of Hart's Wood (10/1981 West)

Vert, a pale wavy azure fimbriated Or. Viviana of Huntington (6/1994 Midd)

Vert, a pale wavy between two domestic cats combatant argent. Osric the Pale (6/2007 Atla)

Vert, a pale wavy Or between two salamanders tergiant palewise sable enflamed Or. Aelred Verrier (1/1985 Midd)

Vert, a pall argent between a shamrock and two Celtic crosses Or. Benedict Finnian O'Bryan (12/1982 West)

Vert, a pall argent between three suns Or, each charged with an annulet sable. Yesunge Altan (9/2004 East)

Vert, a pall argent between two lions combatant Or. Isabeau de Kendale (5/2004 Midd)

Vert, a pall argent surmounted by an oak leaf Or, a bordure engrailed argent. Kendrick del Grenewode (1/2000 Atla)

Vert, a pall azure fimbriated between three crosses couped argent. Alarba Bronwen Caradoc (5/1984 Calo)

Vert, a pall between three rams' heads erased argent. Moira Ramsay (8/1993 West)

Vert, a pall cotised Or between three cinquefoils argent. Matthew of Paisley (8/1986 Caid)

Vert, a pall erminois between three hunting horns Or. Poul Rollant (3/1998 Anst)

Vert, a pall inverted argent and overall a boar's head couped close erminois. Collen ap Ifor (8/2010G)

Vert, a pall inverted argent between three acorns inverted slipped and leaved within a bordure Or. Philippa Montague (11/2008 Midd)

Vert, a pall inverted argent between two bees and a beehive Or. Connor MacFergus of Strachur (6/1991 East)

Vert, a pall inverted argent, overall a phoenix Or rising from flames proper. Wyll Brabyn (10/1990 Midd)

Vert, a pall inverted between three Latin crosses, a bordure argent. Genefe Kruse (12/2008 Anst)

Vert, a pall inverted between three mullets of four points argent. Eric von Charlottenburg (10/1984 Atla)

Vert, a pall inverted between two crosses of Cleves Or and a sword proper. Geoffrey d'Ayr of Montalban (1/1976)

Vert, a pall inverted between two sheaves of arrows inverted and a unicorn's head couped Or. Dealla Cohen (6/1991 Atla)

Vert, a pall inverted ermine between three boar's heads caboshed argent. Dillon Griffith a'Bheithir (12/1987 East)

Vert, a pall inverted raguly between two roses and a horse's head couped argent. Eleanor atte Knolle (5/1994 East)

Vert, a pall Or between a bird volant to sinister and two swords in pile argent. Riguallaun map Guoillauc (9/2003 Anst)

Vert, a pall Or semy of pommes, in chief an eye Or. Lester Westrodwin (8/1985 Aten)

Vert, a pall sable fimbriated between three crescents argent. Lescelyn of Kailzie (12/1996 AnTi)

Vert, a pall sable fimbriated Or and overall a sun argent. Elena María Alonso (8/2008 Trim)

Vert, a pall vair between a closed book and two swords Or. Stephen Bruce of Aberdeen (7/1986 Midd)

Vert, a palomino horse couchant reguardant proper, on a chief potenty Or, a sun pierced by an arrow fesswise, barb to sinister, sable. Gwenievere Perreal Smythe (1/1990 Meri)

Vert, a panpipe bendwise sinister Or. Hilary of Langeforde (3/1993 Midd)

Vert, a panther rampant ermine incensed proper and on a chief argent a scimitar sable. Fáelán Mer (1/2009 East)

Vert, a panther sejant head to dexter argent spotted sable within a bordure argent. Katerina McGilledoroughe (8/2003 AEth)

Vert, a Paschal lamb passant reguardant argent within a bordure argent, semy of roses gules, barbed vert. Kate of Norwich (3/1990 East)

Vert, a pavilion between in fess two goblets Or. Sigrid Sigurdsdottir (10/1996 AnTi)

Vert, a pavilion Or and in chief a foi argent. Isabeau Eaglestone of Glinwood (5/2004 Caid)

Vert, a paw print bendwise sinister Or, a bordure Or semy of lozenges sable. Morgan of Osprey (8/2000 Meri)

Vert, a peacock head erased argent. Caitlyn Emrys (10/1994 AnTi)

Vert, a peacock in his pride Or and a bordure ermine. Teresa d'Arezzo (3/2002 Caid)

Vert, a peacock in its pride and on a chief invected Or, three roses proper. Catherine Marie Elisabeth d'Evreux (3/1990 Anst)

Vert, a peacock Or within a bordure pean. Ariella Idarius (4/2007 Anst)

Vert, a pegasus rampant between in cross four harps argent, all within a bordure invected Or. Rachel Kathleen Cundiff (8/1984 Meri)

Vert, a pegasus rampant to sinister, wings addorsed, sable fimbriated argent. Rafael Blackriser (10/1976)

Vert, a pheon and a chief indented Or. Rowena of Falkirk (2/1998 Midd)

Vert, a pheon inverted argent between three crosses bottony within a bordure Or. Apollinaris Salvi de Pisa (6/2010 Atla)

Vert, a pheon inverted environed of a stag's attire, all within a bordure embattled Or. Outlands, Kingdom of the (4/1989 Outl)

Vert, a pheon inverted Or. Kirk of Wendarrow (7/1971)

Vert, a pheon within a bordure argent. Aelfric the Kestrell (8/1995 Midd)

Vert, a phoenix and on a chief embattled argent a lion couchant sable. Rafael Mercùrio (4/1992 Caid)

Vert, a phoenix argent between three crescents Or. Ceara Ruad (12/2000 Midd)

Vert, a phoenix displayed argent, flames proper, within a bordure invected Or. Anne Cameron Nisbet (8/1986 West)

Vert, a phoenix, on a chief argent three crescents azure. Fahlah al-Nasafiyyah (12/1998 Outl)

Vert, a phoenix Or and in base three gouttes in pile argent. Meryck O'Brien (7/2009 East)

Vert, a phoenix Or, in chief a crescent argent. Gwendoline Rosamond (1/1994 Midd)

Vert, a phoenix Or issuant from flames proper and in chief two fleurs-de-lys Or. Alise de Montmaidy (10/2004 East)

Vert, a phoenix Or, issuant from flames proper, within an orle of lilies argent. Vittoria del Fiore (11/1990 West)

Vert, a phoenix Or rising from flames gules issuant from a castle within a laurel wreath Or. Dun Braga, Shire of (9/1999 Arte)

Vert, a phoenix Or within a laurel wreath and on a chief argent three cattails slipped and leaved proper. Rokeclif, Shire of (2/1997 Midd)

Vert, a phoenix rising and on a chief embattled Or three towers vert. Richard Hode (5/2000 Midd)

Vert, a phoenix within an orle Or. Julienne Dubarry (8/1993 Aten)

Vert, a pigeon between flaunches argent. Beverly FitzAlan de Stirkelaunde (8/2010 Aten)

Vert, a pile argent, overall a crab inverted counterchanged. Curtis of Rum (8/1978)

Vert, a pile from sinister throughout argent, thereon a dagger fesswise sable. Anna McAyre of Gorabh (8/1977)

Vert, a pile inverted barry wavy argent and azure between two garbs Or and a chief indented argent. Eirik i Sandvik (8/1996 Outl)

Vert, a pile inverted per pale argent and sable and overall two spears in saltire Or. Torvald Thorodsson (9/1990 East)

Vert, a pile inverted vair. Ruiseart MacEth na Strathnaver (4/1975)

Vert, a pile Or overall an open book argent clasped Or. Kudrun Þe Pilgrim (1/2002 Midd)

Vert, a pine tree and on a chief urdy argent, three quatrefoils vert. Serena Verran (11/1989 Atla)

Vert, a pine tree couped and in canton a decrescent Or. Avelina of the Wood (1/2006 Atla)

Vert, a pitcher and in chief a flame within a bordure argent. Celestinus MacCriomhthainn (5/1995 Drac)

Vert, a pitcher bendwise distilling a goutte, all within a bordure argent. Elizabeth Creamer (6/1990 Calo)

Vert, a pithon erect, tail debruised to dexter, wings addorsed and inverted, Or and to dexter a mullet of eight points voided and interlaced argent. Yasemin Amberstar of Ironstone (8/1982 Caid)

Vert, a plate between three gouttes inverted argent. Jökull landi Haraldsson (8/2008 Atla)

Vert, a polypus argent orbed azure wearing a skull-cap gules, a chief invected argent. Alphonse d'Ayr (3/2012 East)

Vert, a pomegranate slipped and leaved argent seeded gules, a bordure Or. Rosalind atte Rylle (5/2007 East)

Vert, a portative organ between three Latin crosses Or. Emma of Abingdon (10/1999 Calo)

Vert, a portcullis and in chief three roundels argent. Isabella Dragomani (2/2003 Caid)

Vert, a portcullis argent within a dragon dormant widdershins in annulo Or, a chief argent. Andrew MacEth (9/1983 Caid)

Vert, a portcullis Or. Atenveldt, Kingdom of (1/1996 Aten)

Vert, a portcullis Or within a laurel wreath argent, all within a bordure embattled Or. Unser Hafen, Barony of (8/1989 Outl)

Vert, a praying mantis rampant to sinister argent. Joe of Westermark (9/1990 West)

Vert, a pretzel Or. Edmund Lambert of Tregelles (4/2001 AEth)

Vert, a quatrefoil slipped sable, pierced by a serpent bendwise wavy gules, all fimbriated argent. Dana the Irish Moor (3/1978)

Vert, a quill pen bendwise sinister within a bordure argent. Elinor Annora ferch Llewelyn (9/1986 East)

Vert, a quill pen bendwise sinister within a double tressure Or. Seamus O'Connell of Donegal (8/1993 East)

Vert, a rabbit rampant within a bordure argent. Maria Teresa de la Peña (7/1981 Aten)

Vert, a rabbit's head erased contourny argent. Artemas the Innkeeper (9/1991 Caid)

Vert, a ram rampant argent within a bordure rayonny Or. Aurora Ashland of Woolhaven (10/1995 Aten)

Vert, a ram's head affronty erased, on a chief argent three increscents sable. Nadezhda Volyn'skaia (11/2004 AnTi)

Vert, a ram's head cabossed and in base a laurel wreath argent, a bordure embattled Or. Rammes Keep, College of (9/2011 Outl)

Vert, a ram's head cabossed argent and in chief three suns Or, all within a bordure argent. Alwynne of Rivenstar (9/1993 Midd)

Vert, a ram's head cabossed holding in its mouth a sword fesswise reversed, an orle of hearts argent. Dervla Aisling Lambkyn (6/1992 Caid)

Vert, a ram's head couped contourny and on a chief argent three maltese crosses gules. James Allen of Concordia (9/1991 East)

Vert, a ram's head couped fesswise Or within a bordure embattled argent. Elyramere of Tymberlyne Heyghts (6/1984 Caid)

Vert, a ram's horn Or. Ellen of Two Lines (6/1984 Meri)

Vert, a rapier and on a chief Or a threaded needle reversed gules. Ilaria de Gandia (2/2011 Atla)

Vert, a rapier bendwise between two acorns Or. Drei Eichen, Barony of (3/1995 Drac)

Vert, a rapier bendwise sinister argent between two keys inverted, wards to sinister Or. John Gilson (4/2009 Arte)

Vert, a rapier bendwise sinister between two four-leafed shamrocks saltirewise slipped Or all within a bordure rayonny argent. Ryan Dollas (11/2003 Aten)

Vert, a rapier between in chief two bunches of grapes argent. Jean Fernel (9/2002 Drac)

Vert, a rat couchant, on a chief argent three roses proper. Damaris of Sikyon (3/1995 Aten)

Vert, a rat rampant ermine within a bordure dovetailed argent. Richard of Alder Tree (9/1988 West)

Vert, a rat rampant, tail sufflexed, Or. William Colquitt (6/1976)

Vert, a rat rampant to sinister and in canton a mullet of eight points argent. Caitrina inghean Mhurchadha (4/2009 Anst)

Vert, a raven close to sinister argent within an orle of cinquefoils Or. Rosamund von Ravenna (5/1984 West)

Vert, a raven contourny argent maintaining in its beak a serpent Or, a bordure argent. Anneke the Furious (2/2010 Eald)

Vert, a raven trussing a rabbit between three triquetras, one and two, Or. Lorccán na Túaithe (6/2009G)

Vert, a ray of the sun bendwise Or, in sinister chief a chalice argent. Pascal Brendan Merredy (2/1996 Atla)

Vert, a rebec in bend sinister pegheads in chief crossed by a bow fesswise Or. Rebecca de Ravenstein (6/1995 East)

Vert, a recorder between six quavers in fess Or. Penelope Dowell of Avonsford (2/1991 Aten)

Vert, a ring of three keys inverted and on a chief argent a coronet azure. Drusilla of Northumbria (3/1987 Anst)

Vert, a ring of three keys within a bordure Or. An Tir, Kingdom of (3/1986 AnTi)

Vert, a roofless stone well argent, a bordure Or. Gwenllian Brighid Hertewelle (10/1995 Anst)

Vert, a rooster argent within an annulet Or. Brandr hani (11/2007 Aten)

Vert, a rose and on a chief indented Or three hearts vert. Victoria Rose (1/2004 Meri)

Vert, a rose argent between three oak leaves bendwise sinister, all within a bordure embattled Or. Gretchen von Gernebach (12/1994 East)

Vert, a rose slipped and leaved a bordure Or. Charles Aythen (1/1996 Atla)

Vert, a rose slipped and leaved and a gore argent. William Silke (7/1996 Anst)

Vert, a rose slipped and leaved Or. Jehan de Lorraine (10/1998 Drac)

Vert, a round buckle Or. Brendan Mad (5/1999 Atla)

Vert, a roundel gules. Bangladesh (9/1995 Laur)

Vert, a roundel Or, a bordure argent. Aleksei Zateev (5/1998 AnTi)

Vert, a sagittary passant and on a chief argent three arrows inverted bendwise sinister sable. Lisa of Stromgard (2/2000 AnTi)

Vert, a sailfin sculpin naiant proper. [Nautichthys oculofasiatus] Cathal Sean O'Connlauin (6/1980 West)

Vert, a salamander argent enflamed proper sustaining in its mouth a candle argent lit proper. Gwendolyn Dunham (7/2010 Midd)

Vert, a salmon naiant bendwise sinister Or. Golden Rivers, Province of (8/1979)

Vert, a saltire and in chief a hare rampant argent. Brennan MacDuffie (12/1997 Outl)

Vert, a saltire argent and overall a natural ibex salient Or. Magnus mac Gregor Campbell (10/2006 Meri)

Vert, a saltire between four escutcheons Or. Kenric Bjarnarson (2/1996 Midd)

Vert, a saltire between four garbs argent. Owen Brewer (11/1998 AnTi)

Vert, a saltire between four oak leaves, all within a bordure argent. Shena MacTavish (1/1989 Calo)

Vert, a saltire between in fess two dogs sejant addorsed and in base a cross of Cleves argent. Morriss Greir (4/2011 Midd)

Vert, a saltire between in fess two suns Or; overall a sword proper. Jean Xavier Boullier (5/1994 East)

Vert, a saltire between three scorpions one and two Or. Alaxandar mac Gille-Míchél (8/2003 Midd)

Vert, a saltire checky sable and Or. Findlaech mac Gille Andreas (4/2002 AnTi)

Vert, a saltire couped Or between four bezants. Avram the Jew (4/1989 Outl)

Vert, a saltire double parted and fretted Or between in pale two falcons displayed argent, all within a bordure Or. Seamus of Coll (8/1989 West)

Vert, a saltire engrailed Or. Patrycke Smithson of Suffolk (3/2010G)

Vert, a saltire ermine surmounted by a hawk argent, a bordure ermine. Madeline of Hawkscrest (3/1993 West)

Vert, a saltire gules fimbriated, surmounted by an estoile of eight points pierced Or, all within a bordure Or pelletty. Aonarrach Faol MagUidhir (5/1985 Caid)

Vert, a saltire of five billets fesswise voided argent. Halfdan Högvandi Rodgeirsson of Hundatunir (5/1989 AnTi)

Vert, a saltire Or between a broadarrow inverted and three delfs argent. Seaan Sabhaois (5/2001 Atla)

Vert, a saltire Or between in pale two trees argent and in fess two trees Or. Marie Peregrin (11/2004 Arte)

Vert, a saltire Or, fretted of a mascle all within a bordure argent. Eirikr Ivarsson (7/2005 Caid)

Vert, a saltire Or surmounted by a sword proper and on a chief Or four goblets vert. Robert FitzHugh of Bannockburn (10/1983 Caid)

Vert, a saltire parted and fretted argent between a rose and three hearts Or all within an orle argent. Finna silfrseli (11/2002 Atla)

Vert, a saltire parted and fretted argent, between four pairs of spoons in saltire, bowls to chief, Or. Joram Goldspoons (4/1990 East)

Vert, a saltire parted and fretted between four sprigs of ivy Or. Eveline Leighton of Mayhall (12/1986 Anst)

Vert, a saltire parted and fretted within an orle argent. Finna silfrseli (11/2002 Atla)

Vert, a saltire raguly ermine between two horse's heads, couped and respectant, argent. Mara MacNaughton (12/1988 Anst)

Vert, a saltire sable, fimbriated argent, between a demi-sun issuant from chief and a chalice Or. Hannah of the Four Corners (9/1992 Anst)

Vert, a saltire triply parted and fretted argent between in fess a sun in splendour Or and a moon in its complement argent. Adam Girard (5/1989 West)

Vert, a saltire voided throughout argent, overall a compass star Or. Edythe of Mossy Rock (11/1982 West)

Vert, a sassafras leaf between three acorns Or. Ceolwulf the Hunter (4/1995 Caid)

Vert, a scarpe argent between an oak leaf and a castle of three stepped towers Or. Dail y Eiliwriad o Cwm Cwymp Dwr (6/1981 Anst)

Vert, a scarpe between three chevronels braced and a horse courant to sinister argent, gorged with a coronet Or. Yelisveta Katlin Savrasova (4/1987 Aten)

Vert, a scarpe Or, overall in bend sinister two foxes courrant and counter-courrant fesswise counterchanged. James Douglas Eastland (4/1980 Midd)

Vert, a scimitar and in chief three hawk's bells Or. Morgan Clubfot (3/2003 AnTi)

Vert, a scimitar bendwise sinister and in canton a sun argent. Santiago de Montoya (12/2004 East)

Vert, a scimitar inverted proper surmounted by a dove volant argent all between two pallets Or. Daifa A'isha al-Balansiyyahi (10/1991 Outl)

Vert, a sea horse contourny within an orle of crescents argent. Taliesin ap Owaine (9/1991 Atla)

Vert, a sea lion statant Or within the horns of a crescent argent and a chief embattled ermine. Cerridwen Maelwedd (1/1995 AnTi)

Vert, a sea-bear erect and on a base engrailed argent a skull gules. Richard the Gude (12/1983 Caid)

Vert, a sea-dog rampant argent within a bordure engrailed Or. Con O'Quyrke (7/2004 Atla)

Vert, a seagoat and on a chief wavy argent three escallops inverted vert. Isobel FitzGilbert (3/2000 AnTi)

Vert, a sea-goat erect Or between in chief two roses argent, seeded Or. Yseult de la Nogent (7/1984 Midd)

Vert, a sea-griffin and on a chief Or, three crosses crosslet fitchy vert. Rowan Brianna MacLellan (1/1990 Atla)

Vert, a sea-griffin passant within a bordure argent. Alaxandar an Chobhlaigh mac Lochloinn (7/2007 East)

Vert, a seahorse argent and on a chief Or three shamrocks vert. Onóra inghean Chonaill (5/2007 AEth)

Vert, a seahorse between three fleurs-de-lis Or. Marina Merritt (1/2006 Outl)

Vert, a sea-horse contourny between six mullets in annulo, a bordure argent. Laura Heredia de Castile (7/1992 Caid)

Vert, a seahorse erect argent and a chief invected Or. Karen of the Emerald Sea (1/1985 West)

Vert, a seahorse ermine. Phaedria d'Aurillac (4/1993 West)

Vert, a sealion and on a chief argent three stepcut gemstones vert. Rowena Jade of the Lion Isles (8/1994 Atla)

Vert, a sea-lion argent between flaunches argent each charged with four bars wavy azure. Rhiannon Wild Heart (1/1995 Outl)

Vert, a sea-lion between three hawk's bells argent. Keara Calder (2/1991 Midd)

Vert, a sea-lion erect Or, and on a chief engrailed azure, fimbriated argent, a sun Or. Rutker van Schiedam (11/1981 West)

Vert, a sea-lion erect regardant and on a chief invected Or three chalices vert. Erland Griswold (9/1984 Midd)

Vert, a sea-stag, erect and sinister facing, in chief three escallops Or. Maurin Lessault (3/1990 Caid)

Vert, a sea-unicorn erect argent, in chief a crown Or, and on a chief wavy argent two fleurs-de-lys vert. Alix d'Audincourt (5/1983 Meri)

Vert, a sea-unicorn erect, on a point pointed ploye argent, a gillyflower azure. Gillian Starke of Aberdeen (9/1996 Meri)

Vert, a sea-unicorn naiant, argent, armed gules, crined and finned Or, between three bezants. Shahira bint Abdul Samad (12/1993 East)

Vert, a sea-wolf and in chief three mullets Or. Branwen ferch Madoc (10/1992 Trim)

Vert, a sea-wolf erect maintaining a harp in its dexter paw and a bordure embattled argent. Celric of Marinus (6/1998 Atla)

Vert, a seawolf erect, on a chief Or three paw prints gules. Jesse ap Cedivor (10/1997 Midd)

Vert, a seawolf Or, a bordure Or semy of pommes. Akilah of Seareach (10/1997 Atla)

Vert, a seawolf Or within a bordure Or crescenty vert. Akilah of Seareach (12/2000 Atla)

Vert, a seax between two estoiles wavy argent. Phillip of Dalarna (1/1974)

Vert, a seeblat and on a chief double-arched argent three pomegranates gules. Meg ny Devlin (5/1998 Arte)

Vert, a seeblatt argent. Rebecca Marchand d'Alsace (2/1992 Caid)

Vert, a seeblatt Or a bordure ermine. Ebergardis von Zell (1/1998 Anst)

Vert, a semiminim between two pallets wavy argent. Aurelia of Maelienydd (3/1996 AnTi)

Vert, a serpent in annulo argent. Ragnachar Radagaist (4/1998 Atla)

Vert, a serpent nowed erect between three mullets argent. Astridr Thorgeirsdottir (6/1995 Aten)

Vert, a serpent nowed in a Heneage knot inverted within an orle of birch leaves argent. Sigrid Bríánsdotter (6/1998 Atla)

Vert, a serpent with a head at both ends nowed respectant, so as to form a figure 8 between in fess two drakkar figureheads couped respectant Or. Ormilda Freydis of Olmsfjord (8/1982 Aten)

Vert, a set of bagpipes argent. Geoffrey MacHugh of Mull (8/1984 Atla)

Vert, a sewing needle bendwise sinister, eye to base, argent, overall a quilted jerkin, Or, all within a bordure argent. Bébhinn le Cuilter (11/1989 Caid)

Vert, a shakefork argent, on a chief nebuly Or three pallets gules. Francis Owen Roderick Keith (11/1989 Outl)

Vert, a shakefork between two anchors Or. Dougall de Leslie (2/1992 East)

Vert, a shakefork Or between in base a pair of dragon's wings argent. Marina Wymarc (1/2008 Atla)

Vert, a shamrock and a bordure engrailed argent. Morin inghean ui Mhuirneachain (5/2005 AnTi)

Vert, a shamrock Or surmounted by a harp sable, in base a chevronel and a chief Or. Kyla Maire Reynolds of Galloway (8/1980 Anst)

Vert, a sheaf of arrows inverted between two scarpes Or. Ian Griffen the Archer (4/1999 Aten)

Vert, a sheaf of arrows inverted Or between flaunches ermine. Timothy of Edgewood (5/1994 East)

Vert, a sheaf of five arrows surmounted by a heart Or. Titus the Archer (12/1998 Outl)

Vert, a sheaf of five stalks of wheat and a bordure wavy Or. Óengus Minogue (12/2004 Outl)

Vert, a sheaf of forked arrows inverted surmounted by a three pronged vajhra fesswise Or. Kuji Ka Onimusashi (7/1996 Midd)

Vert, a sheaf of swords inverted proper surmounted by a rose all within an orle of oak leaves in orle Or. Outlands, Kingdom of the (7/2003 Outl)

Vert, a sheaf of three comets argent. Iva Sjóna (2/1997 Midd)

Vert, a sheaf of three spears argent within a bordure checky vert and Or. Conaire Anluan MacMurchadha (11/1990 East)

Vert, a sheaf of three swords inverted proper surmounted by a rose, all within a bordure embattled Or. Outlands, Kingdom of the (4/1989 Outl)

Vert, a sheep courant with in a bordure wavy argent. Kaylitha Rhiannon of Southhaven (2/1987 Anst)

Vert, a sheep passant argent maintaining with its forehoof a drop spindle Or, threaded argent, and a chief embattled Or. Helwynn Ivelchild (3/2007 Atla)

Vert, a sheep rampant and on a chief argent, three apples gules slipped and leaved vert. Daire of Storvik (12/1992 Atla)

Vert, a sheep rampant contourny and on a chief argent two thistles proper. Séamus Uilis (7/2000 Meri)

Vert, a sheep statant guardant argent, masked and limbed sable, within a bordure chequy azure and argent. Guenevere of Saint Kilda (10/1988 East)

Vert, a ship in full sail reversed between three roses Or. Alessandra Giovanna Visconti (9/1996 Drac)

Vert, a shoe reversed and on a chief Or an arrow vert. Damian Grafton of Yorkshire (8/1996 Midd)

Vert, a shofar reversed bendwise sinister and a chief argent. Avram Ibn Gabirol (12/2003 Outl)

Vert, a single bitted axe bendwise sinister reversed within a bordure argent. Olav Tyson (3/1992 Anst)

Vert, a single-span bridge throughout Or between two increscents argent. Gráinne inghean uí Uaithne (9/2007 Drac)

Vert, a sinister gauntlet appaumy within a bordure embattled Or. Hendrick von Sievershausen (5/1988 Calo)

Vert, a sinister gauntlet clenched Or and a chief embattled ermine. Jaimie of the East (1/1993 East)

Vert, a sinister hand between three mullets of six points, a bordure argent. Safiyya bint Da'ud al-Mubarrak (9/1993 Anst)

Vert, a sinister hawk's wing argent and in canton a laurel wreath Or. Cathanar, College of (3/1987 Atla)

Vert, a sinister wing palewise, on a chief argent three pheons sable. William FitzJohn (7/1996 Meri)

Vert, a skold affronty argent, horned Or, belled argent. Aquel of Darksted Wood (8/1988 East)

Vert, a skull between three shamrocks one and two argent. Connar O'Morris Greywolf (3/1995 West)

Vert, a slipper reversed between two ferrets sejant erect respectant argent. Sara O'Raghailligh (9/1992 Anst)

Vert, a smith's hammer Or between two piles in point throughout argent. Randal of Kings Hammer (5/1986 West)

Vert, a snail within a bordure rayonny Or. Emma Rose Cuffe of Summerwood (1/1989 Caid)

Vert, a snowflake between three Arctic terns volant to sinister argent. Tiphaine of Snowcroft (11/1983 Meri)

Vert, a snowy owl affronty argent marked sable and on a chief Or, three roses gules. Cara Marie of Carlisle (5/1986 Atla)

Vert, a snowy owl close contourny and on a chief argent a compass star, elongated to fess, azure. Edwina Dirks Sterne (6/1986 Anst)

Vert, a Southern Blue Flag blossom affronty proper. Yosef Alaric (7/2000 East)

Vert, a spaniel sejant erect affronty Or atop a mount argent. Therasa du Domremy (5/1983 Atla)

Vert, a spear within an orle argent. Halldórr Hjálmkljúfr (3/1993 Midd)

Vert, a spearhead Or and a chief dovetailed argent. Garrett of Kilborne (3/1983 Atla)

Vert, a spectacled spagen helm affronty Or, on a chief argent a dragonfly volant inverted azure, winged sable. Helm Egilsson of Birka (3/1985 East)

Vert, a spider and a bordure argent. Stefania Krakowska (1/2003 Aten)

Vert, a spiderweb and a sinister tierce argent. Phaedra of Vatavia (5/2006 Calo)

Vert, a spiderweb argent, overall a lightning bolt bendwise sinister Or. Bjorn Strongarm of Illiton (6/1991 Midd)

Vert, a spiderweb Or, overall in bend a mask of comedy and a mask of tragedy argent. Deirdre Wydeville (9/1999 Midd)

Vert, a spinning wheel reversed and on a chief Or a dragon passant breathing flames gules. Emengar la fileresse (4/2009 East)

Vert, a sprig of elder bendwise sinister argent. Alice of Kent (1/1997 Midd)

Vert, a sprig of three maple leaves slipped Or on a chief argent a cross gules. Ontario (1/1998 Laur)

Vert, a squirrel and on a chief embattled Or, three acorns inverted slipped and leaved vert. Iuliana Angelina (3/2008 East)

Vert, a squirrel argent maintaining an acorn proper within a bordure potenty Or. Yon de la Sèle (3/2007 East)

Vert, a squirrel sejant erect contourny Or maintaining a sword proper. Angharad Melys (6/1996 Atla)

Vert, a squirrel sejant erect, tail coward, between two flaunches Or. Rhiannon of Lindmyr (11/1988 Atla)

Vert, a stag argent, attired and unguled, salient from between the boughs of a laurel wreath, in chief a Saxon crown, all within a bordure embattled Or. Outlands, Kingdom of the (10/1988 Outl)

Vert, a stag at gaze and a mount Or. Gwenhwyvar of Abergavenny (11/1998 Loch)

Vert, a stag at gaze argent within a bordure argent semy of oak leaves vert. Aislinn of Ravenwood (2/1992 East)

Vert, a stag at gaze, between its attires a roundel argent. Ciar inghean ui Mhaoildeirg (7/2000 Caid)

Vert, a stag courant contourny and on a chief Or three fleurs-de-lys vert. Rhiell Wystaneston (3/1996 Atla)

Vert, a stag leaping between in bend sinister a harp and an olive branch bendwise, all argent. Outlands, Kingdom of the (1/1983 Aten)

Vert, a stag lodged and on a chief argent an arrow reversed sable. Meuryc Kynyd (8/2002 AnTi)

Vert, a stag passant argent sustaining over its shoulder a cross-headed staff bendwise sinister Or. Æðeluulf munuc (4/2010 Outl)

Vert, a stag rampant between three acorns Or. Merouda Tremayne (11/2002 AnTi)

Vert, a stag rampant contourny argent attired and unguled within a orle of Ormonde knots Or. Brynjulv Ericson (9/1995 Trim)

Vert, a stag rampant ermine collared, dependent from the collar a sun gules. Dietrich Kempenich von Eltz (1/1998 Anst)

Vert, a stag rampant to sinister within a bordure embattled argent. Alaric Luther (12/2010 Atla)

Vert, a stag rampant to sinister within a bordure indented argent. Alaric Luther (12/2010 Atla)

Vert, a stag rampant within an annulet argent. Æthelwulf Cynricson of Stonegrave (1/1998 Atla)

Vert, a stag salient argent, attired and unguled, within a bordure embattled Or. Outlands, Kingdom of the (10/1988 Outl)

Vert, a stag salient argent, attired, unguled and gorged with a Saxon crown, all within a bordure embattled Or, overall a label argent. Outlands, Crown Prince of the (10/1988 Outl)

Vert, a stag salient contourny argent and a bordure compony sable and argent. Noel Trueman (2/2009 Aten)

Vert, a stag springing contourny argent between three acorns leaved Or. Aillenn ingen Gilla Pádraic (1/2001 Caid)

Vert, a stag springing to sinister and on a chief argent, three drinking horns sable. Cieran mac Cumaill (6/1990 West)

Vert, a stag trippant argent and a chief argent fretty sable. Roberd mac Cormaic (2/2001 Midd)

Vert, a stag trippant argent, on a chief Or three pairs of arrows in saltire sable. Eamon Deimne James Hennessy (1/1985 West)

Vert, a stag trippant contourny argent between three oak leaves Or. Avine de Hert (3/2008 AnTi)

Vert, a stag trippant contourny, on a chief embattled argent two roses purpure. Arabella Moira of Heatherhill (9/1994 Aten)

Vert, a stag trippant contourny reguardant and in chief three lozenges, a bordure argent. Wylkyn ap Kenwrec of Colwyn Bay (9/1992 Caid)

Vert, a stag trippant Or and on a chief argent two swans naiant respectant azure. Aileen MacAlpin (7/1986 Midd)

Vert, a stag with straight antlers at gaze maintaining between its antlers a decrescent and in chief three water bougets all within a bordure invected argent. Solveig Gargan Skjaldvarardóttir (3/1995 Drac)

Vert, a stag's attire palewise argent, a bordure embattled Or. Outlands, Kingdom of the (2/1999 Outl)

Vert, a stag's attires Or, affixed to the scalp erased proper, within a bordure embattled Or. Outlands, Kingdom of the (3/1981 Aten)

Vert, a stag's head caboshed argent, attired Or, between three pheons one and two points outward argent, a bordure embattled Or. Outlands, Kingdom of the (1/1999 Outl)

Vert, a stag's head cabossed and on a chief argent, three Bowen crosses vert. Fáelchú an Stalcair (11/1997 Midd)

Vert, a stag's head cabossed and on a chief embattled Or three acorns inverted slipped and leaved vert. Conchobar mac Lochlainn (1/2005 Caid)

Vert, a stag's head cabossed argent, orbed and attired of flames proper, resting on its head a chalice Or. Aengus mac Coll (1/1981 Aten)

Vert, a stag's head cabossed, between its antlers two arrows inverted in saltire argent, a bordure embattled Or. Outlands, Kingdom of the (3/1995 Outl)

Vert, a stag's head cabossed, between the antlers a cross potent and a base invected argent. Aedan macAirt Scellic Michil (1/2000 Meri)

Vert, a stag's head cabossed within a double tressure Or. Robert Kinslayer (8/1979)

Vert, a stag's head cabossed within a mascle, all within a bordure argent. Martin Hart of Wells (3/1988 Anst)

Vert, a stag's head couped affronty argent, on a chief Or, three thistles, slipped and leaved, gules. William Fraser (1/1990 West)

Vert, a stag's head couped and on a chief argent three crosses flory gules. Richard Montbard (6/2010 Atla)

Vert, a stag's head couped and sinister facing, Or and a ford proper. Buckston-on-Eno, Canton (7/1989 Atla)

Vert, a stag's head erased affronty argent and on a point pointed Or an oak sprig fructed vert. Orum or Maen (5/2007 East)

Vert, a stag's head, erased and affronty, argent, collared and armed, within a bordure embattled Or. Outlands, Kingdom of the (4/1989 Outl)

Vert, a stag's head erased argent, a chief vairy sable and argent. Hugh de Rose (8/2005 Eald)

Vert, a stag's head erased Or and on a chief embattled argent three caltrops sable. Colin Oisin Donavan Uí Néill (12/1986 Anst)

Vert, a stalk of wheat inverted surmounted by two stalks of wheat in saltire Or. Antonio de Gregorio (10/1981 West)

Vert, a standing balance argent and a base ermine. Cecilia Warvic de Stradforde (6/1992 Midd)

Vert, a standing balance Or, a bordure compony argent and sable. Dufgall brestingr Vinaldason (1/2006G)

Vert, a standing balance Or, on a chief argent three closed books palewise vert. Talya Palaeologina (6/1993 Atla)

Vert, a stirrup argent within a bordure embattled Or. Outlands, Kingdom of the (10/1999 Outl)

Vert, a stone hammer within a bordure embattled Or. Ancel FitzCharles (11/1991 Midd)

Vert, a stork counterstatant closed, the dexter leg elevated, in chief three annnulets interlaced fesswise, the central enlarged, argent. Ayn Percival (8/1979 East)

Vert, a stork passant, wings elevated and addorsed, argent, grasping in its beak a fish Or, all within a bordure argent. Karl von Süssen (8/1987 East)

Vert, a stork statant, dexter foot raised, wings elevated and addorsed, maintaining in its sinister foot a gauntlet, on a chief enarched Or two gauntlets azure. Lukas Bontyne (8/1996 East)

Vert, a strung bow within a laurel wreath within on a bordure Or nine pommes. Bois d'Arc, Shire of (8/1983 Midd)

Vert, a stump eradicated proper within an annulet Or. Selva of the Treeless Plain (11/1981 Anst)

Vert, a sun between two flaunches Or, each charged with a mullet purpure. Brigit of Mercia (7/1993 Atla)

Vert, a sun in his splendour, on a chief embattled argent three fleurs-de-lys sable. Marguerite Louise de la Marche (10/1999 AEth)

Vert, a sun in its glory argent and a chief ermine. Derian le Breton (7/2005 AnTi)

Vert, a sun in splendor and on a chief Or a dragon passant to sinister regardant vert. Elen Aelfrige of Dragon's Ley (12/1981 Meri)

Vert, a sun Or between two trees blasted and eradicated and a laurel wreath argent. Kahlland, Shire of (4/1999 Outl)

Vert, a sun Or eclipsed vert and on a chief argent three gouttes-de-sang. Ciarmhac of Stormsport (7/2000 AEth)

Vert, a sun Or within a double tressure argent. Sina di Andrea Valori (10/2008 AnTi)

Vert, a sun within an orle Or. Constanza de Mendoza (1/1994 West)

Vert, a sunflower proper [Helianthus annus] within a bordure dovetailed Or. Margala of Dovedale (3/1981 Meri)

Vert, a swallow volant between three feathers Or all within a bordure invected argent. Sarra Moore (10/2002 AEth)

Vert, a swallowtail butterfly and on a chief argent two butterflies vert. Tiona du Papillion (7/1982 Aten)

Vert, a swan and on a chief urdy argent three trilliums sable. Catarina Caravello (10/2008 Atla)

Vert, a swan displayed argent, a chief enarched Or semy of maple leaves vert. Ælfstan le Cygne Gris (3/1993 Midd)

Vert, a swan naiant and on a chief argent, an open book between two quills palewise sable. Trystan Latimer of Swanswood (8/1985 West)

Vert, a swan naiant argent and on a chief Or, a Latin cross couped sable, enflamed gules, between two harps sable. Juliana Fairfax (11/1986 Midd)

Vert, a swan naiant argent and on a chief wavy Or three roses proper. Ana Ximenez de Hume (11/2011 East)

Vert, a swan naiant argent gorged with a coronet Or pearled argent, a bordure Or crusilly vert. Helena von Eltz (10/2011 Drac)

Vert, a swan naiant, in chief three fleurs-de-lys argent. Rachel Lamorran (4/2000 Midd)

Vert, a swan naiant proper within a bordure plumetty argent and sable. Victoria of Swansea (6/1990 Trim)

Vert, a swan naiant, wings addorsed Or, a bordure wavy Or semy-de-lys sable. Alesia de Trenwyth (10/1993 Atla)

Vert, a swan rousant and on a chief argent three roses proper. Olaf Sveinsson (2/1995 Anst)

Vert, a swan rousant argent charged on the breast with a feather bendwise vert. Mathildis Death (6/2005 Midd)

Vert, a swan rousant to sinister and in chief two valknuts argent. Svana in kyrra Haraldsdóttir (3/2007 Atla)

Vert, a swan volant bendwise sinister to chief, wings elevated and addorsed, between three ermine spots argent. Maria de la Flor (5/1989 East)

Vert, a sword and on flaunches Or a decrescent and an increscent gules. Cassandra of Altimar (7/1991 East)

Vert, a sword bendwise sinister argent between two keys inverted wards to dexter Or. John Gilson (4/2009 Arte)

Vert, a sword bendwise sinister argent beween two keys inverted wards to dexter Or. John Gilson (4/2009 Arte)

Vert, a sword bendwise sinister, point in base argent, gripped and pommeled azure, between a scroll argent, inscribed and rubicated and handled azure, and a breadloaf proper. Hubert de Recoing (1/1973)

Vert, a sword bendwise sinister surmounted by a bend wavy argent charged with a fox's head couped gules. Fiona Seonad Lachlan (8/1979 Aten)

Vert, a sword between in fess a decrescent and an increscent and in chief a crescent inverted argent. Torna MacConn (6/1983 Anst)

Vert, a sword between two flaunches embattled argent, each charged with a dragon passant gules. Arthfael o Frynmawr (5/1985 Anst)

Vert, a sword between two halves of a broken chain in fess throughout and on a chief embattled argent a flame sable. Wilhelm the Far Traveler (9/1984 AnTi)

Vert, a sword inverted and a quill pen crossed in saltire argent, a bordure embattled Or. Outlands, Kingdom of the (7/1997 Outl)

Vert, a sword inverted and in chief three fleurs-de-lys Or. Claude the Frank (5/1992 East)

Vert, a sword inverted and on a chief argent three mullets vert. Geoffry le Warde (3/2009 AEth)

Vert, a sword, inverted and wavy-bladed, argent between two hounds sejant affronty Or. Richard the Indefinite (8/1985 East)

Vert, a sword inverted argent between flaunches Or each flaunch charged with a drinking horn point to center sable. Halldórr hálfskeggr (1/2004 AnTi)

Vert, a sword inverted argent between three suns Or. Tasha of Falcon's Claw (1/1991 West)

Vert, a sword inverted argent, inflamed and issuant from an oak stock proper. Dubhghlas the Scavenger (8/1979 East)

Vert, a sword inverted bendwise between a wyvern erect, wings displayed and a rose slipped and leaved bendwise argent. Eilonwy Joyeuse (12/1981 Aten)

Vert, a sword inverted Or between in fess a mask of comedy and a mask of tragedy argent, a bordure argent semy of hawk's bells vert. Celeinion Annwyl Gwynfaen (6/1998 Caid)

Vert, a sword inverted Or, on a chief wavy argent three golpes. Tòmas Youngerson (8/1992 Caid)

Vert, a sword inverted, overall an American kestrel hovering affronty proper. [Falco sparverius sparverius] Kiriel of Windhover Cliff (5/1986 Aten)

Vert, a sword inverted proper between two flaunches argent, each charged with a peach slipped and leaved proper. [Amygdalus persica] Millicent Gregory (2/1983 Meri)

Vert, a sword inverted proper surmounted by a stag's skull argent. Roderic Leopold Schade (6/2006 Caid)

Vert, a sword inverted proper surmounted by a sun Or, all between two flaunches counter-ermine. Daniel ben Abraham (11/1989 Caid)

Vert, a sword inverted proper sustained by two dragons combattant argent, on a chief argent three trefoils purpure. Anna Christine Espen (11/1994 Caid)

Vert, a sword inverted sable, fimbriated Or, within a bordure sable, fimbriated Or. Robin McCarren (11/1981 West)

Vert, a sword Or, between in chief two roses argent. Micaela Annunziata (3/1999 East)

Vert, a sword Or hilted sable between two continental panthers combattant Or incensed gules. Andrew de Londres (10/2004 East)

Vert, a sword Or, the blade surmounted by a wolf's head erased argent. Rinaldo Francisco Castillo (1/1993 Caid)

Vert, a sword palewise proper, surmounted at the tip by a helm affronty argent. John of Gravesend (5/1983 East)

Vert, a sword palewise reversed proper, debruised by a chevron sable fimbriated and charged with six mullets of six points, elongated to chief, argent. Elenfëa of Starwood (11/1982 Aten)

Vert, a sword proper debruised in chief by a laurel wreath argent, the wreath maintained by two dragons combattant Or. Arx Draconis, Shire of (1/1991 West)

Vert, a talbot dormant Or and a chief embattled argent. Ieuan ab Einion (5/2008 Arte)

Vert, a talbot rampant and on a chief Or two broadarrows vert. Madog Tellier (6/1999 East)

Vert, a talbot sejant argent collared purpure and on a chief wavy argent a bow vert. Dearbháil ingean uí Dhonnchaidh (9/2006 AnTi)

Vert, a talbot's head erased within an orle of gillyflowers argent. Elianor la Bergiere (5/2004 AnTi)

Vert, a tankard bendwise Or, foamed argent, between in pale two billets palewise, all between two pallets Or. Christopher Edward Guilford (2/1990 Midd)

Vert, a tankard Or within an orle of crosses crosslet fitchy argent. William of Woodland (9/1973)

Vert, a tau cross conjoined at the juncture to a chevron couped Or. Reynardine de Clifford (1/1985 West)

Vert, a Tau cross ermine. Anthony de Périgord (5/1983 West)

Vert, a tau cross throughout and in chief a fox courant and a Maltese cross argent. Hans Steiner (5/2007 East)

Vert, a tau cross within a bordure embattled argent. Theron de Cameron (4/1996 West)

Vert, a thistle slipped flexed-reflexed, head to dexter, and in canton a mullet, all Or. Virginia Brightangel (1/1974)

Vert, a thistle within an orle embattled on the inner edge argent. Androu le Greyn (6/2007 Loch)

Vert, a thornbush couped between four arrows conjoined as a mascle Or. Gareth Thorne (1/1997 Midd)

Vert, a Thor's hammer inverted and in chief three mullets of six points Or. Sven Tyrvisson (8/2006 AEth)

Vert, a Thor's hammer inverted Or within a bordure argent. Grom meinfretr (2/2010 Eald)

Vert, a threaded needle bendwise sinister Or. West, Kingdom of the (7/1995 West)

Vert, a three-tiered natural fountain argent between three harps Or. Alexandria Wright (11/2000 Atla)

Vert, a thunderbolt within a bordure argent. Eadgar de Cockayne (1/1991 Midd)

Vert, a tilting helm with a feather Or and a point pointed paly Or and gules. Justin of Trebizond (9/2005 Drac)

Vert, a torc inverted Or between a pair of stag's attires argent. Ambrose Kilvintoun (2/2001 AnTi)

Vert, a torch argent enflamed at the tip proper between two natural panther's gambs palewise erased Or. Rowen O'Ceallachain of Muscraidhe (3/2007 AnTi)

Vert, a tower and in chief a mullet of four points argent, a bordure ermine. Wolfgang Starcke (2/2012 AEth)

Vert, a tower and in chief a roundel between an increscent and a decrescent argent. Ælfthryth the Amiable (11/1998 AnTi)

Vert, a tower and on a bordure argent a tressure vert. Edmund Falconmere (1/1982 East)

Vert, a tower argent within a dragon dormant widdershins in annulo Or, a chief embattled argent. Robert du Chateau du Dragon (10/1982 Caid)

Vert, a tower between three roundels Or. Godwin Olafson (3/1998 Drac)

Vert, a tower Or and a ford proper. Eleazar ha Levi (4/1990 East)

Vert, a tower Or and in chief an Irish harp argent. Kaitlin Caslean an Bharraigh (2/1981 Aten)

Vert, a tower pean between two eagles close addorsed Or, on a chief ermine, a sword fesswise gules. Malcolm Angus Gunn (8/1986 Trim)

Vert, a toy top Or charged with a bar embowed to base purpure. Máire of Skye (10/2002 East)

Vert, a tree blasted and eradicated and on a chief argent a triquetra inverted between two triquetras azure. Catherine Grace Fitzlewis (8/2006 Atla)

Vert, a tree blasted and eradicated argent between in fess two mullets Or all within a bordure argent. Mirabel Wynne (7/2008 Calo)

Vert, a tree blasted and eradicated between three mullets of eight points argent. Miriel de Nedham (6/2007 Atla)

Vert, a tree blasted and in base an open book, a bordure argent. Muirenn na Tengad (1/2011 East)

Vert, a tree blasted argent and on a chief Or three fleurs-de-lys vert. Isabella de Soumont (11/2003 East)

Vert, a tree blasted argent, its branch tips enflamed proper, between a pair of flaunches Or, each charged with an oak leaf gules. Erik of Flamewood (10/1982 Anst)

Vert, a tree blasted issuant from base, on a bordure Or three increscents vert. Torcail Ó Maonaigh (5/1997 East)

Vert, a tree blasted throughout Or. Huette Aliza von und zu Ährens und Mechthildberg (8/1979 Caid)

Vert, a tree couped and on a chief triangular argent a pheon sable. Arthen ap Run (2/2010 Arte)

Vert, a tree eradicated and in chief a squirrel courant, a bordure embattled argent. Ysenda Macbeth of Islay (3/2008 East)

Vert, a tree eradicated argent. Ioseph of Locksley, the Rhymer (1/1973)

Vert, a tree eradicated argent, surmounted in chief by a label throughout gules. Jerimiah MhicRath of Locksley (4/1983 Aten)

Vert, a tree eradicated between flaunches argent each flaunch charged with a trefoil knot purpure. Donnan of Whispering Wude (4/2003 East)

Vert, a tree eradicated between three bees Or. Robert Abeille (8/1995 East)

Vert, a tree eradicated Or between flaunches Or ermined vert. Natal'ia Diekova vdova Rabynovicha (5/2004 Aten)

Vert, a tree eradicated Or within a laurel wreath and in chief a bar wavy argent. Coill Fhionnabhann, Shire of (12/2009G)

Vert, a tree stump eradicated argent and a bordure compony sable and argent. Guaire mac Guaire (6/2007 Meri)

Vert, a trefoil slipped argent within a bordure embattled Or. Outlands, Kingdom of the (4/1989 Outl)

Vert, a triangle within a bordure Or. Colene of Black Diamond (1/2008 Atla)

Vert, a tricorporate sea-lion and on a chief invected argent three towers vert. Wolfgang Ulrich von Danzk (4/1996 Midd)

Vert, a tricorporate sea-lion within a bordure Or. Guillaume de Rhodes (4/1992 Calo)

Vert, a tricorporate wyvern contourny within a bordure argent. Wyvernwoode, Barony of (3/2010 Trim)

Vert, a trident and a bordure Or. Conor de Carlton (2/2003 Caid)

Vert, a triple-headed unicorn passant to sinister Or. Una of Shannon (6/1976)

Vert, a triquetra and a chief embattled argent. Morwyn Edain (10/1986 East)

Vert, a triquetra and on a chief Or three shamrocks vert. Áine inghean Fhlaithimhin (7/2004 AEth)

Vert, a triquetra and on a chief wavy argent, two more vert. Fionn Mac Pháil (9/1994 West)

Vert, a triquetra argent between three acorns, stems to center Or. Danielle nic Chonn (6/1993 Midd)

Vert, a triquetra between six estoiles in annulo argent. Galle Amsel (2/2012 AEth)

Vert, a triquetra between three hearts argent. Jessica Buckley (10/2002 East)

Vert, a triquetra inverted and a chief engrailed Or. Seamus O'Donohue (12/1989 Anst)

Vert, a triquetra Or. Beornheard of Wearmouth (4/1994 Atla)

Vert, a triquetra within a bordure Or. Beornheard of Wearmouth (4/1994 Atla)

Vert, a triskelion of demi-birds argent. Colm the Defrocked (8/1988 Caid)

Vert, a triskelion of legs Or. Skapti Herjolfsson (2/1997 Midd)

Vert, a triskelion of spirals argent and a chief counter compony sable and argent. Cormac Ó Treassaigh (11/2010 Loch)

Vert, a triskelion of spirals argent between in cross four mullets pierced Or. Sorcha ar Menez (3/1985 East)

Vert, a tun argent between in fess two male gryphons combattant and in chief another statant guardant Or. Griffith ap Griffith ap Griffith (2/1982 Caid)

Vert, a Turkish shamshir fesswise reversed, edge to base, distilling from its point three gouttes Or. Omar Abdul ben Akbar (8/1984 Anst)

Vert, a turtle and on a chief argent three roses proper. Sorcha Bhuidhe (3/2007n)

Vert, a turtle displayed, in chief two axes in saltire, all within a bordure argent. Gwynhavyr of River Haven (11/1994 West)

Vert, a turtle plumetty argent and sable. Julian Ridley (9/2004 East)

Vert, a turtle rampant Or. Marcks von Fleckenstein (11/1997 East)

Vert, a turtle statant erect affronty sustaining in chief two double-bitted axes in saltire argent. Agro of River Haven (7/1995 West)

Vert, a tyger rampant contourny and on a chief argent three moons in their plenitude azure. Mora of Lincolnshire (9/1999 AnTi)

Vert, a tyger sejant argent within in annulo nine fleurs-de-lys Or. Melisant le Piryere (4/2011G)

Vert, a tyger sejant Or, on a chief argent three violets purpure. Gwyneth Catherine la Faire (6/1995 Calo)

Vert, a tyger's head erased Or. Laeghaire O Laverty (8/1993 Atla)

Vert, a unicorn and a domestic cat salient combattant argent. Bridei nic Gillechatten (1/1982 Midd)

Vert, a unicorn clymant to sinister and in chief three castles, all argent. Todd of the Golden Unicorn (9/1973)

Vert, a unicorn couchant and in chief three crescents argent. Alanna of Downpatrick (2/1987 Anst)

Vert, a unicorn couchant regardant argent, a bordure argent semy-de-lys sable. Katherine Elenora de Lacy (11/1997 Midd)

Vert, a unicorn couchant to sinister and in canton a snowflake argent. Rowena ni Dhonnchaidh (5/1987 East)

Vert, a unicorn dormant and on a chief argent, three arrows bendwise sable. Cian Ó Cathail (9/1992 AnTi)

Vert, a unicorn rampant between in cross four dumbeks Or. Gwenhevare Holleran (7/2000 Aten)

Vert, a unicorn rampant contourny argent within a bordure argent semy of roses proper. Mairi Lee of Silverbrooke (12/1993 East)

Vert, a unicorn rampant, on a chief argent two oak trees eradicated proper. Vincent of Wildwood (7/1999 East)

Vert, a unicorn rampant Or, charged upon the shoulder with a fleur-de-lys vert, and on a dexter tierce sable fimbriated, three fleurs-de-lys Or. Ann Marie du Moineau Chantant (5/1985 Caid)

Vert, a unicorn rampant to sinister argent gorged of a chaplet of roses gules, charged on the shoulder with a harp vert, a bordure counter-company vert and Or. Aria de Châtillon (2/1995 Atla)

Vert, a unicorn statant and on a chief argent three fraises vert. Derder ffrayser (6/2011 Aten)

Vert, a unicorn trippant to sinister within a bordure Or. Esmeralda of Kimaden (12/1982 Meri)

Vert, a unicornate pegasus passant to sinister, and on a gore sinister argent, a harp sable. Aoibheann Caoilfhionn Aine O'Ceallaigh (5/1985 West)

Vert, a unicorn's head couped close argent, armed and crined Or, and a sinister gore Or. Katarina Helene von Schönborn (10/1986 East)

Vert, a unicorn's head erased argent horned Or within a bordure argent semy of roses gules. Catlin of the Bow (8/1990 East)

Vert, a unicorn's head erased argent, on a chief argent a helmed death's head between two roses vert. Barbary de Folo (1/1974)

Vert, a unicorn's head erased between acorns slipped and leaved in annulo argent. Isabelle Françoise de Sancerre (8/2003 West)

Vert, a unicorn's horn bendwise couped argent, a label Or. Genievre fitz Garanhir (9/1997 AEth)

Vert, a unicorn's horn couped bendwise argent. Angelica de Boullounger (4/1982 East)

Vert, a unicorn's horn inverted purpure, fimbriated Or, on a chief argent three roundels vert. Fionn Creagh (10/1985 Aten)

Vert, a vair bell Or, overall a raven's quill bendwise sinister proper. Catherine of Greenfields (7/1981 East)

Vert, a valknut within a laurel wreath Or, and on a ford proper a crescent pendant Or. Bleuflattes, College of (5/2011G)

Vert, a Viking longship sable upon flames of fire argent. Michael Björnsson (2/1986 Calo)

Vert, a vol and a chief embattled Or. Rannald Mcintyre (11/1998 Trim)

Vert, a vol inverted argent within an orle Or, all within an orle of cinquefoils argent. Isabelle Lang (5/1994 Atla)

Vert, a vol within an orle of mullets of eight points Or. Jeene Johnston (6/2006 West)

Vert, a vulture close and a chief Or. Ruth of the Debatable Lands (12/1988 East)

Vert, a wagon within an annulet argent. Æsa the Fierce (7/2003 Midd)

Vert, a Wake knot within and conjoined to a bordure Or. Nottinghill Coill, Barony of (2/2003 Atla)

Vert, a wall argent between in chief two crossbows and in base two swords in saltire, all within a bordure Or. Zachariah of Westlake (12/1994 East)

Vert, a wall issuant from base argent masoned sable with a wooden door proper and on a chief argent three cups azure. Dafydd MacNab (2/2007 AEth)

Vert, a water bouget argent. Lauren Grey (2/1987 West)

Vert, a weasel passant contourny reguardant argent collared and chained Or, a bordure argent semy of goblets sable. Adina Vischer von Hersbruck (3/2000 West)

Vert, a wedge of Emmental cheese reversed Or. Michael Houlihan (9/1997 AEth)

Vert, a weeping willow tree eradicated and on a chief embattled argent three dragonflies azure. Ætta surt (1/2012 AnTi)

Vert, a weeping willow tree eradicated within a bordure Or. Lachlan MacLean (9/2005 Eald)

Vert, a wheel and on a chief Or two roses proper. Sion ap Llwyd (6/1992 AnTi)

Vert, a whelk within a bordure argent. Morwen ferch Owain ap Evan (9/1992 West)

Vert, a windmill bendwise sinister and on a chief dovetailed argent, three strawberries gules, capped vert. Briana Etain MacKorkhill (5/1989 Calo)

Vert, a windmill sails crosswise and a bordure engrailed Or. Anneke MacAiodh (3/1994 Atla)

Vert, a wine amphora and a chief rayonny Or. Bastiano di Iacopo (8/2003 AEth)

Vert, a winged boar courant Or, within an orle of escallops argent. Sancia de Galicia (7/2004 Midd)

Vert, a winged boar segreant argent within a bordure engrailed Or charged with three pairs of acorns vert. Nygell Tallis (9/1991 Atla)

Vert, a winged cat passant Or, a bordure argent. Tyock MacKay of Marwode (2/1997 Aten)

Vert, a winged cat salient contourny argent between three increscents Or. Myfanwy ferch Candelan (1/1995 West)

Vert, a winged cat sejant and in chief three quatrefoils Or. Catheryn Mulkeen (1/1993 West)

Vert, a winged coney salient regardant argent. Bartholomew Knowles (3/1984 East)

Vert, a winged dexter foot bendwise sinister, wings addorsed, a bordure embattled argent. Cormac Tobin (11/2000 Atla)

Vert, a winged enfield rampant maintaining a rapier Or, a chief erminois. Chernislava Alekseeva (6/2009 AEth)

Vert, a winged frog salient Or. Albreda Aylese (4/1994 East)

Vert, a winged greyhound salient to sinister, wings elevated and addorsed a chief indented Or. Gwalchmai ap Cynhaearn (11/1996 Meri)

Vert, a winged leonine sagittary segreant regardant argent, spotted sable, drawing a bow to sinister Or. Phillipos the Skeptic (6/2004 Aten)

Vert, a winged lion couchant reguardant Or, maintaining an open book argent, a chief enarched ermine. Michael Rhys Armitage (8/1989 Midd)

Vert, a winged lion passant to sinister and on a chief indented argent a compass star elongated to base sable. Dona of Flaming Gryphon (2/1987 Midd)

Vert, a winged lion rampant, a chief embattled Or. Anna Sabyn of Bordeaux (5/1998 Atla)

Vert, a winged lizard sejant erect argent and a chief counter-ermine. Arlette la Bretonne (5/1983 Meri)

Vert, a winged man displayed maintaining above his head a spear fesswise argent. Charlesbury Crossing, Canton of (11/1993 Atla)

Vert, a winged natural dolphin naiant to sinister and a chief invected argent. Antoine de Bayonne (8/1990 Outl)

Vert, a winged ounce passant and on a chief Or three compass stars vert. Cyra Wren (8/1994 Midd)

Vert, a winged ram rampant argent, on a chief argent three shamrocks vert. Caiterína inghean Chathail (8/1998 Outl)

Vert, a winged sea-lion rampant Or. Niall Kilkierny (8/1979)

Vert, a winged stag rampant contourny argent and a chief ermine. Genevieve MacPherson (2/1996 Midd)

Vert, a winged stag segreant, on a bordure raguly argent three lozenges vert. Conchobar MacFloinn (2/2000 AEth)

Vert, a winged stag segreant, on a chief embattled argent three pheons sable. Connor MacPhie (2/2001 Meri)

Vert, a winged stag segreant Or, on a chief argent three fleurs-de-lys azure. Anne Marie de Garmeaulx (2/1997 Midd)

Vert, a winged stag's head affronty erased at the shoulder wings displayed Or. Ricciardo da Nicolosi (11/2008 Anst)

Vert, a winged three-headed unicorn rampant affronté displayed, heads facing dexter, affronté and sinister, argent, armed and unguled Or. William the Cursed (8/1982 Aten)

Vert, a winged unicorn rampant Or armed and crined argent and a bordure compony Or and sable. Cairistiona Bhán inghean mhic Cárthaigh (4/2002 Meri)

Vert, a winged unicorn salient contourny argent and on a base enarched indented Or a triangle gules. Aubeline d'Alexandre (8/2011 Anst)

Vert, a winged unicorn volant to sinister argent, maned and tailed sable, armed and within a bordure embattled all Or. Francesco di Calabria (8/1978)

Vert, a winged wheel within an annulet Or between three mullets of five greater and five lesser points argent. Wayland of Durlach (9/2010 Anst)

Vert, a winged wolf passant ermine within a bordure rayonny argent. Faoiltiarna ní Dhobhailein (8/1993 East)

Vert, a winged wolf passant, wings inverted and addorsed, within a bordure embattled argent. Ulfr Byrnsmidr (7/1985 Aten)

Vert, a winged wolf rampant contourny argent sustaining a quill pen Or. Wolfger von Sibenbürgen (10/1998 Anst)

Vert, a winged wolf rampant Or, on a chief argent three fox's heads cabossed sable. Jennet Faolan (8/1995 East)

Vert, a winged wolf rampant Or, on a chief argent two bears passant sable. Arianna Faolan (10/1992 East)

Vert, a winged wolf sejant ululant between three crescents argent. Elizabeth Wold (1/2012 Aten)

Vert, a winged wolf sejant ululant within a wreath of thorns Or. Clare Dupré (8/2011 Atla)

Vert, a wivern passant argent, winged and bellied, within a laurel wreath Or. Wyvernwoode, Barony of (6/1973)

Vert, a wolf dormant argent, on a chief Or three mullets gules. Johann Grauenwolf (3/2004 Caid)

Vert, a wolf passant and on a chief argent two birds displayed sable. Wulf Gray Wind (9/2002 East)

Vert, a wolf passant argent within an orle Or. Elric Strangulf (8/1998 AnTi)

Vert, a wolf passant between in pale two fracted spears fesswise reversed argent. Richard Randolf (4/1985 Calo)

Vert, a wolf passant between three mullets of seven points Or. Sorcha ní Fhaolain (6/1992 Anst)

Vert, a wolf rampant and a chief raguly Or. Lughaidh Mac Sheóinín (11/2002 Anst)

Vert, a wolf rampant and on a chief argent two teazels vert. Regan Tuschech (1/1997 Midd)

Vert, a wolf rampant and on a chief embattled argent three crosses formy quadrate sable. Faolan MacNeill (8/1999 East)

Vert, a wolf rampant argent, a bordure argent semy of acorns vert. Anlón Greywolf (7/2001 Calo)

Vert, a wolf rampant argent maintaining in its dexter forepaw a sheaf of three arrows Or, barbed and flighted argent, and sustaining in its sinister forepaw in chief a bow fesswise gules. Robert Strongbow (10/2007 Aten)

Vert, a wolf rampant argent, on a chief Or a halberd sable. Ulrich von Landstuhl (2/2000 Midd)

Vert, a wolf rampant contourny and in base a fraise and on a chief embattled argent two fraises purpure. Bronwen Fraser (11/2002 Anst)

Vert, a wolf rampant contourny and on a chief invected argent three crosses of Santiago gules. Diego Ramos del Lobo (7/2003 Aten)

Vert, a wolf rampant contourny and on a chief Or three thistles proper. Iamys M'Thamais (3/2006 Midd)

Vert, a wolf rampant contourny brandishing a sword and a chief embattled argent. Padraic Ciotach (5/1992 Midd)

Vert, a wolf rampant contourny maintaining a halberd argent, in dexter chief a mullet Or. Beniamin Hackewode (1/2008 AEth)

Vert, a wolf rampant maintaining a cross crosslet fitchy and on a base argent a sheaf of arrows vert. Elena Constabl (5/2010 Anst)

Vert, a wolf rampant maintaining a sword and a shield argent, and on a chief raguly Or, three crescents vert. Seumas ap Gwalchmai (5/1994 East)

Vert, a wolf sejant argent within a bordure dovetailed Or. Asne Whitewolf (10/2008 Arte)

Vert, a wolf sejant ululant and on a chief argent three pairs of rapiers in saltire sable. Ekaterina Volkova (6/1998 AEth)

Vert, a wolf sejant ululant between four maple leaves in cross argent. Ketill Errickson (12/2004 East)

Vert, a wolf sejant ululant within a bordure argent. Aelfgifu Wolfsängerin (1/1994 AnTi)

Vert, a wolf statant contourny and on a chief indented argent three caltraps vert. Connor MacLean (12/1993 East)

Vert, a wolf statant guardant coward Or, in chief three mullets of four points argent all within a bordure erminois. Gullrond Berhtolf (7/1991 Calo)

Vert, a wolf statant to sinister argent and in chief a sun Or, an orle argent. Cerdic Wlfraven (10/2005 AnTi)

Vert, a wolf statant ululant and on a chief embattled argent three dolphins azure. Óláfr Þorvarðarson (3/2004 AEth)

Vert, a wolf's head caboshed an orle Or. Hely d'Isigny (8/1997 Midd)

Vert, a wolf's head caboshed maintaining in its mouth a broken sword blade, point to sinister, argent and in chevron inverted two broken swords inverted proper. Randwulf Raedwulfing (5/1984 Calo)

Vert, a wolf's head cabossed and in base three annulets interlaced in fess Or. Diamanda Richardes (7/2009 Aten)

Vert, a wolf's head cabossed and on a chief embattled argent, three fir trees couped sable. Jordon Wells of Darkwood (12/1989 West)

Vert, a wolf's head cabossed between in fess two daggers inverted, on a chief argent a five-tailed dragon couchant reguardant gules. Wolfhild of Glyndebourne (6/1992 Atla)

Vert, a wolf's head cabossed, on a chief argent a pair of arrows inverted in saltire interlaced with a bow azure. Morwenna Llywelyn (1/1998 Aten)

Vert, a wolf's head cabossed winged argent, on a chief Or three estoiles gules. Jayna of Gallavally (4/1996 Caid)

Vert, a wolf's head couped argent and in chief two escallops Or, a bordure erminois. Robyn O'Reilly de Aragon (6/1992 Aten)

Vert, a wolf's head couped contourny ululant within an orle of maple leaves Or. Bryn the Curious (2/1996 East)

Vert, a wolf's head erased and on a chief argent three lymphads sable. Segdae hua Morda (9/2006 Trim)

Vert, a wolf's head erased contourny Or and a chief checky vert and Or. Talbot of Galtris (5/2006 Calo)

Vert, a wolf's head erased within a bordure rayonny Or. Maelgwyn Dda (9/1984 Anst)

Vert, a wolf's pawprint argent between five acorns two, two and one, Or. Lance Armstrong (6/1999 Outl)

Vert, a wooden spoon proper. West, Kingdom of the (2/2007 West)

Vert, a wyvern displayed argent charged with a quatrefoil slipped vert a bordure argent. Shane Patrick (8/1997 Atla)

Vert, a wyvern erect argent within a bordure wavy erminois. Liduina de Kasteelen van Valkenburg (1/1993 West)

Vert, a wyvern erect Or, on a chief invected argent three crosses formy vert. Garnish of Merionyth (4/1993 Midd)

Vert, a wyvern erect regardant close, tail cowed and knotted about its neck, argent, in base a sprig of lilies-of-the-valley Or. Carol of Stargate (7/1986 Aten)

Vert, a wyvern passant argent and in base a thistle Or all within an orle argent. Manus MacLochlainn (7/1998 Meri)

Vert, a wyvern passant argent, winged and bellied within a laurel wreath Or and as an augmentation on a chief wavy argent three triskeles azure. Wyvernwoode, Barony of (4/1998 Trim)

Vert, a wyvern passant to sinister and on a chief argent three towers vert. Darerca Wilric (11/1990 East)

Vert, a wyvern passant wings displayed argent and on a chief rayonny Or an arrow reversed azure. Ragnarr bogsveigir (12/2003 Aten)

Vert, a wyvern sejant and in chief a demi-sun, a bordure argent. Philip Quartermaine (8/2010n)

Vert, a wyvern statant contourny and on a chief invected argent three thistles proper. Eilionora inghean Domhnaill (1/2010 Atla)

Vert, a wyvern's foot inverted couped contourny argent. Wyvernwoode, Barony of (9/2006 Trim)

Vert, a yale rampant argent, armed and in chief three cross crosslets fitchy Or. Richard de Stanford (10/1994 Trim)

Vert, a zule Or. Endless Hills, Barony of (8/1999 AEth)

Vert, an aardvark rampant to sinister argent, maintaining an axe bendwise sinister Or. Gar of Loch Carron (4/1991 Caid)

Vert, an abacus and on a chief enarched argent, two quill pens in saltire sable. Padraig O'Ceallachain (6/1990 Calo)

Vert, an acorn argent within an annulet rayonny counter-rayonny Or, a chief wavy barry wavy azure and argent. Silvija the Landlady (12/1990 Midd)

Vert, an acorn Or between three oak leaves argent fructed Or. Irene von Lassan (11/2003 East)

Vert, an acorn Or in chief three mullets argent. Gwyneth ferch Aeddan (6/2000 Loch)

Vert, an acorn within a bordure argent. Oldenfeld, Barony of (7/2005 Trim)

Vert, an acorn within a bordure Or charged with four oak leaves in cross vert. Aislinn inghean Mhaoilbhrighde (12/2010 Atla)

Vert, an acorn within a wreath of oak leaves Or and in chief three crescents argent. Caid, Kingdom of (5/1980 Caid)

Vert, an adze Or reversed within a bordure compony argent and azure. Sigridr Rognvaldsdottir (8/1995 Midd)

Vert, an African lion dormant Or, and on a chief argent three goblets gules. Arthur of Burgundy (8/1979)

Vert, an altar argent between three vols Or. Una MacRobert (11/1998 Calo)

Vert, an amanita muscaria mushroom couped proper. Johanna von Griffenhurst (10/1982 East)

Vert, an amphora Or, on a chief engrailed argent a holly vine vert fructed gules. Helena Jans Folkje (9/1995 Midd)

Vert, an anchor bendwise fouled of a pithon Or. William Dragonhelm (5/1992 West)

Vert, an anchor, on a chief argent three roses vert. Hillary Rose Greenslade (1/1994 Anst)

Vert, an angel armoured, hands folded in prayer, argent, winged and haloed, a chief rayonny Or. Morgan FitzGerald (11/1989 East)

Vert, an annulet argent enflamed on the outer edge proper and a chief engrailed argent. Julia da Brescia (2/2008 Calo)

Vert, an annulet Or surmounted by a crane statant in its vigilance to sinister, wings displayed, argent, in chief two laurel wreaths Or. Fenwood Knoll, College of (5/1991 Caid)

Vert, an annulet Or within a bordure counter-compony vert and Or. Altea di Firenze (12/1993 East)

Vert, an annulet rayonny on the outer edge argent and in chief a sword fesswise proper, and as an augmentation, on a chief Or a dragon passant coward sable ducally crowned gules. Elffin of Mona (1/1999 Drac)

Vert, an annulet rayonny on the outer edge argent and in chief a sword fesswise proper. Elffin of Mona (3/1988 West)

Vert, an antelope rampant contourny, in chief two round buckles Or. William FitzHugh de Cambria (11/1998 Meri)

Vert, an antelope rampant, on a chief Or, three pine trees couped vert. Keridwen Andersdottir (2/1997 Aten)

Vert, an anvil argent. Kelvin Alastair MacGowan (1/2012 Trim)

Vert, an apple and a chief dovetailed Or. Siobhan O'Riordain (5/1990 Atla)

Vert, an Arabian lamp Or issuing smoke and on a chief argent a serpent nowed contourny sable. Asiya al-Ifriqiyya (1/2006 Atla)

Vert, an arm embowed with hand to sinister argent, holding zils, with four armbands and entwined by a double-headed serpent, all Or. Stevanna of Houghton (2/1975 West)

Vert, an arm issuant from sinister argent sustaining a Celtic cross Or. Christina Armstrong (2/1997 Anst)

Vert, an armored cubit arm maintaining a sheaf of arrows fesswise, on a base Or three boar's heads erased vert. Pádraig ó hÁinle (9/1992 Atla)

Vert, an armorer's hammer and on a chief Or three cinquefoils purpure ermined Or. Jórunn steinnabrjótr (6/2001 AnTi)

Vert, an arrow and overall an anvil, a base argent. Phineas Thomas O'Neal (11/2003 Meri)

Vert, an arrow Or surmounted by a boar's head cabossed argent. Madyn Bach (10/2010 AnTi)

Vert, an aspen leaf between four arrows in cross, barbs outward, all argent. Leif Ivarson (9/1988 Outl)

Vert, an astrolabe Or between four compass stars two and two argent. Safiya bint Hakim al-Khwarizmi (1/2009 Atla)

Vert, an axe Or. Sean Ruabarua MacGillaphaidraic (7/1996 East)

Vert, an eagle and in chief a crescent all within a bordure argent. Honour du Bois (3/2010 Anst)

Vert, an eagle and on a chief argent, two oak leaves vert. Willehelm von Tannenberg (8/2004 Loch)

Vert, an eagle and on a chief indented argent three escarbuncles azure. Bronwyn of the Kings Field (3/2012 East)

Vert, an eagle displayed maintaining a longbow and a sheaf of arrows inverted argent within a bordure erminois. Cadolen ferch Angharad the Farwanderer (10/2002 East)

Vert, an eagle displayed, wings inverted and a base argent. Adlersruhe, Shire of (9/1988 Anst)

Vert, an eagle displayed, wings inverted, within a laurel wreath and a base, all argent. Adlersruhe, Shire of (9/1988 Anst)

Vert, an eagle Or and a bordure Or pellety. Egil Haraldsson (10/2003 Meri)

Vert, an eagle Or between three cushions one and two, that in chief delfwise and those in base lozengewise argent. Màiri M'Donnyle (4/2003 Anst)

Vert, an eagle rising and on a chief indented argent three bunches of grapes purpure, slipped, leaved, and tendriled vert. Rhiannon of Eaglesflight (8/1983 West)

Vert, an eagle rising, wings elevated and addorsed, within a laurel wreath between in pale two caltrops, all Or. Eagle, Shire of the (9/1980 Meri)

Vert, an eel-tailed mermaid erect affronty, head to sinister, between in fess two bottlenosed dolphins embowed palewise addorsed Or. Catriona MacEth (6/1982 Caid)

Vert, an egg argent and a chief embattled Or. Prudence the Curious (9/1990 East)

Vert, an Egyptian phoenix counter-statant proper between three ankhs Or. [Ardea purpurea] Yrjö Kirjawiisas (5/1980 West)

Vert, an elephant contourny maintaining on its back a tower argent and a chief per fess embattled sable and argent. Ciarán hua Cathassaig (11/2005 Midd)

Vert, an elephant passant contourny and on a chief nebuly argent three orange trees couped fructed proper. Jesca de Hunteleghe (10/2004 East)

Vert, an elephant statant between three suns in splendor Or. Catheryne of Settmour Swamp (11/2003 East)

Vert, an elephant's head cabossed argent and a bordure Or. Randal Guillaume (10/2007G)

Vert, an elephant's head cabossed ermine. Tarla the Twin of Dartford (9/2004 Caid)

Vert, an elm leaf in bend sinister environed of a cartouche voided argent. Eva van Oudeachterkol (10/1986 East)

Vert, an empty drop spindle Or between two sewing needles in pile argent. Clarice Alienor Neep (12/2010 Aten)

Vert, an enfield rampant guardant to sinister Or. Elayne Greybeard the Eclectic (5/1984 AnTi)

Vert, an enfield salient to sinister reguardant, biting its tail argent, a bordure nebuly Or. Briana ní Óda (6/1993 Atla)

Vert, an enfield statant and on a base argent, a thistle proper. Aoife inghean Ghiolla Bhrighde (1/2011n)

Vert, an enfield statant Or and a chief embattled ermine. Muirenn ingen Ui Fhlainn (2/2009 Meri)

Vert, an equal-armed Celtic cross formy and on a chief Or two lozenges vert. Fergus MacPherson (6/2005 Midd)

Vert, an equal-armed Celtic cross Or between three thistles argent. Rachael MacKinney (11/2004 Anst)

Vert, an equal-armed Celtic cross potent Or within a bordure embattled argent. Ceridwen Dafydd (4/1986 Caid)

Vert, an ermine tail, spotted of three compass stars argent. Jade of Starfall (1/1989 West)

Vert, an escallop and a chief argent. Louise Elizabeth Mindenhale (10/2006 Anst)

Vert, an escallop argent, on a chief Or three Maltese crosses sable. Rhys ap Cynan (1/1995 West)

Vert, an escallop inverted argent and in chief a chain of three links fesswise Or. Stephen Grandchamp (1/1996 East)

Vert, an escallop inverted within an orle argent. Stephen Grandchamp (2/1982 East)

Vert, an escarbuncle argent, a chief ermine. Katherine Fitzwalter (1/1973)

Vert, an escutcheon and on a chief Or a cross patonce between two feathers gules. Brian Goodheart (4/1994 Midd)

Vert, an estoile within a Bowen knot in cross Or. Margery Starseeker (8/1979)

Vert, an eye irradiated in base Or between in chief two swords in saltire argent and in base a horse statant Or. Martin Alorak d'Elcar (8/1979 East)

Vert, an hourglass and on a chief argent, three quills of yarn sable threaded vert. Constance Waite (12/1995 East)

Vert, an hourglass and on a chief embattled argent three roses vert. Benoît Théophile (2/2011 East)

Vert, an hourglass within an orle argent. Alfonso Greenleaf (2/1994 West)

Vert, an ibis passant argent, in base a sword fesswise Or. Richard des Tenebres (10/1976)

Vert, an increscent, a decrescent and a roundel Or. Erna máni (3/2005 East)

Vert, an increscent and a decrescent interlaced and a base argent. Anselm the Bald (6/2000 Caid)

Vert, an increscent between in fess two cinquefoils Or, on a chief argent a pine cone, stem to base vert. Gerlinda Agast (4/2006 Midd)

Vert, an increscent moon Or, on a chief argent three compass stars gules. Marjorie of Bethany (5/1992 West)

Vert, an inverted triangle of rope interlaced with three annulets argent. Richeldis de Haute Saone (5/1987 AnTi)

Vert, an Irish harp argent, stringed Or, within a serpent in annulo, head to chief and vorant of its own tail, argent. Loch Soilleir, Barony of (11/1988 Anst)

Vert, an Irish shortsword notched to dexter between in fess a dexter and a sinister hand couped appaumée, all within a bordure argent. Geof Weakarm (5/1980 Anst)

Vert, an Irish Wolfhound statant sable, fimbriated Or. Robert of Lahinch (6/1973)

Vert, an oak leaf argent and a mount per fess enarched argent and sable. Rhiannon the Weaver (10/1990 Meri)

Vert, an oak leaf bendwise sinister and on a chief argent three acorns vert. Tanni Egh (5/2010 Drac)

Vert, an oak leaf bendwise sinister inverted fructed and in base a bull statant within a bordure argent. Ralf of Oak Lawn the Oxhandler (6/2002 Anst)

Vert, an oak leaf bendwise sinister inverted fructed and in base a county coronet within a bordure argent. Elaina of Oaklawn (6/2002 Eald)

Vert, an oak leaf bendwise sinister inverted fructed within a bordure argent. Ralf of Oak Lawn the Oxhandler (6/2002 Anst)

Vert, an oak leaf fesswise argent. Anne of the Tall Trees (12/1985 Trim)

Vert, an oak leaf fructed and on a chief Or an acorn inverted between two acorns vert. Gwendolyn Kaye MacVeigh of Amber Oaks (6/1995 Trim)

Vert, an oak leaf within a stag's attires Or, a chief argent. Owen Alun (5/1988 Midd)

Vert, an oak tree blasted and erased, on a chief Or a stag's head caboshed between two roundels vert. Aurelius Forgan (8/1984 Midd)

Vert, an oak tree couped between three crosses couped, all within a bordure invected Or. Jonkyn the Carver (2/1994 Drac)

Vert, an oak tree couped fructed and on a chief dovetailed Or, five acorns inverted vert, capped proper. Estela du Frayse (10/2008 East)

Vert, an oak tree couped fructed Or, a chief wavy barry wavy azure and argent. Lettice Webbe (5/2004 Midd)

Vert, an oak tree eradicated and in chief a mullet of four points Or. Robert de Cleftlands (1/2006G)

Vert, an oak tree eradicated Or, on a chief argent two griffins passant respectant vert. Serwyl ap Morgan (5/1993 Trim)

Vert, an oak tree eradicated, trunk winged, and in chief three mullets of four points argent. Elissent Silverleaf (8/2004 Outl)

Vert, an oak tree within a bordure engrailed argent, charged with four oak leaves in cross vert. Anne Chavelle of Silver Oak (6/1991 West)

Vert, an oar fesswise Or. Cato ap Brion (5/2007 Meri)

Vert, an octofoil argent. Sibylla Penrose of Netherhay (10/1992 AnTi)

Vert, an onager's head couped Or within six bezants in orle. Pagan Mahon (1/1985 East)

Vert, an open book and on a chief Or three crosses fleury vert. Diane the Scrivener (12/2000 AEth)

Vert, an open book argent sustained by a hand couped at the wrist proper, on a chief Or three frogs sejant to sinister vert. Dionisia de Vere (5/1998 Atla)

Vert, an open book between three geese, a base argent. Líadan ingen Chein (9/2011 Loch)

Vert, an open book between three roses argent. Jana Haviland (8/1996 East)

Vert, an open book Or and on a chief argent three escallops inverted azure. Deirdre Ui Mhaille (1/1987 East)

Vert, an open book Or in chief three roses argent. Marie Suzanne of Westphalia (9/2001 Calo)

Vert, an Oriental dragon tergiant embowed-counterembowed within a bordure argent. Yuan Yang (4/2002 Trim)

Vert, an orle of gouttes d'eau. Annora de Montfort of Shadowood (5/1987 West)

Vert, an orle of lotus blossoms in profile argent. Bessenyei Rossa (2/2004 Atla)

Vert, an orle of mushrooms argent. Cadhla Ua Cellacháin (9/2002 Anst)

Vert, an orle of oak leaves Or. Bengt Knutsson (9/2004 Drac)

Vert, an osprey volant proper. Tober Thorvald (3/1978)

Vert, an otter passant reguardant argent a chief ermine. Katharina van den Otter (11/1994 Atla)

Vert, an otter sejant erect guardant and on a chief doubly enarched argent three crosses of four ermine spots vert. Berke Unegen (10/2011 Anst)

Vert, an otter sejant erect Or. Lorimel the Gentle (1/1974)

Vert, an ounce rampant and in chief two crescents argent. Sabyn de Lisieux (9/2000 Midd)

Vert, an owl affronty Or, a bordure Or crusilly vert. Helena von Eltz (10/2011 Drac)

Vert, an owl and a chief indented argent. Eleanor Lyttellhayles (9/1987 West)

Vert, an owl and on a chief argent three decrescents sable. Kára Ortwins tohter (1/2002 Caid)

Vert, an owl argent, on a chief embattled Or two feathers fesswise inverted crossed at the tips gules. Kateryna Ty Isaf (7/2000 AEth)

Vert, an owl between three cinquefoils argent. Aleydis van Vilvoorden (10/2008 Drac)

Vert, an owl close guardant between in chief a crescent and in fess two more argent. Mariora Bullen (6/1998 Atla)

Vert, an owl contourny and on a chief embattled Or a standing balance azure. Alexander Johann Stilz (1/2003 Calo)

Vert, an owl contourny argent between five oak leaves palewise in annulo Or. Elizabeth Yvonne Owles (6/1995 AnTi)

Vert, an owl contourny ermine. Nicolai van der Kerke (1/2007 Atla)

Vert, an owl contourny Or within an orle argent. Marko Evanovich Panfilov (1/2005 Outl)

Vert, an owl contourny within a bordure argent. Jngridh Pædhersdotter (6/2010 Trim)

Vert, an owl displayed argent, in chief on a plate a tree proper. Brand Maillier (3/2010 Midd)

Vert, an owl displayed argent, on a chief embattled Or a massacre gules. Erich Forester (3/1995 East)

Vert, an owl displayed ermine and in base an annulet Or. Anders Botman (5/2003 East)

Vert, an owl erminois and in canton a broad arrow inverted argent. Sigriðr in irska (10/2011 Caid)

Vert, an owl reguardant argent maintaining in its dexter talon a rolled scroll Or, all within a bordure gyronny azure and argent. Margaret Richemont (11/1994 Outl)

Vert, an owl rising and sinister facing, wings displayed, maintaining a pen and scroll argent, a bordure Or. Aspasia Del Verrocchio (9/1992 Anst)

Vert, an owl striking to sinister argent within a bordure argent, semy of lozenges vert. Esmeralda la Sabia (1/1991 East)

Vert, an unstrung bugle horn reversed and a chief potenty argent. Aeschine ingen Lulaich (9/2010 Calo)

Vert, an urchin levee a pied Or, quills impaling divers manners of fruit proper, playing a krummhorn argent. Eugenie de Bruges (1/1974)

Vert, at the foot of a Celtic cross Or, a unicorn couchant reguardant, head bowed, argent, unguled and gorged of an ivy wreath Or. Jane of Woodhaven (9/1973)

Vert, between a chevron surmounted by a chevron inverted a bull passant contourny argent. John Roslyn the Ox (3/2010 Midd)

Vert, between the horns of a decrescent bendwise sinister four mullets bendwise sinister in bend sinister argent. Comoros (9/1995 Laur)

Vert, between the plates of a screw press a wedge of cheese reversed, on a chief Or in fess an acorn between and conjoined to an oak leaf fesswise and an oak leaf fesswise reversed vert. Lidia Allen (2/2011 AEth)

Vert, between two bars, a lion rampant to sinister Or, charged upon the shoulder with a star of David vert. Eyana bat David (4/1976)

Vert, between two bendlets gemel and two bendlets sinister gemel fretted argent, a gout Or. Willa of Westminster (7/1999 AEth)

Vert, bezanty, a goose statant to sinister argent. Eadgith of Sevenoaks (1/1990 Outl)

Vert, bezanty, a stag courant argent within a bordure wavy Or. Ascelyn Schirleah (3/1982 Caid)

Vert bezanty, in pale a fleam and a pavilion Or. Richard the Wevere (7/2005 Caid)

Vert, chapé Or, two pine boughs fructed and a unicorn passant counterchanged. Morgillian of Greenbough (9/1983 West)

Vert, chausse chequy argent and sable, a fox dormant argent. Finn Silverfox (2/1987 Midd)

Vert chausse erminois, a dexter gauntlet aversant inverted argent. Ian of Caer Anterth Mawr (1/1992 Midd)

Vert chausse raguly, three sledgehammers, each between a pair of wings displayed argent. Thorfinn Bjarnarbródir (9/1992 Caid)

Vert, crescenty Or, a domestic cat rampant to sinister argent. Rebecca Marie MacLeod (2/1991 Outl)

Vert crusilly argent. Griffin Crosthwait (11/1998 Caid)

Vert crusily argent, a sun throughout Or. Alicia de Landelle (7/1974)

Vert, crusily bottony, on a chief triangular Or a harp sable. Robert of Blackmoor (11/1993 West)

Vert crusily Latin Or, a hare sejant erect playing a straight trumpet argent. Christopher Hare (10/1997 Atla)

Vert, entwined about a chalice Or, a serpent head to sinister sable. Graffico de Drell (1/1973)

Vert ermined argent, on a lozenge argent a crab sable. Lothar le Coi (7/1998 Aten)

Vert ermined Or, a wolf's head erased argent a bordure Or. Philip Aleksandrovitch (2/1995 Atla)

Vert ermined, three roses Or seeded gules. Jeannette de Beauvoir (12/2002 AEth)

Vert estencelly argent, a Lacy knot, a bordure Or. Elspeth Glendonwyn of Kirkaldy (2/1998 Midd)

Vert estencely, a flame Or. François la Flamme (5/2000 Anst)

Vert estencely, a phoenix and on a chief argent three butterflies purpure. Fu Ching Lan (9/2002 Caid)

Vert estencely, a simurgh close and a chief nebuly argent. Pipa Sparkes (5/2006 Calo)

Vert estencely, an owl argent perched on and maintaining a sword fesswise reversed proper handled sable. Jade Redstone (8/2011 AnTi)

Vert estencely argent, a saltire Or surmounted by a lozenge ployé argent. Northshield, Kingdom of (1/1995 Midd)

Vert estencely Or. François la Flamme (5/2000 Anst)

Vert estoilly, a triquetra between two enfields rampant addorsed and a stag lodged argent. Galle Amsel (3/2010 AEth)

Vert, five cauldrons in saltire Or. Agnes Berengarii de Gerona (5/2005 AnTi)

Vert fleury argent, a bear passant Or holding a mug argent, a bordure Or. Stephen of Northfield (9/1985 West)

Vert, four arrows in cross points to center, on a chief indented argent a mountain couped gules between two laurel wreaths vert. Árdchreag, Canton of (10/1994 Midd)

Vert, four hearts in saltire points to center Or. Tatiana Todhunter (3/1993 West)

Vert, four mascles conjoined in cross, pommetty at all joints, Or. Clarissa Elana de Perrenoud (6/1981 Atla)

Vert, four oak leaves conjoined in cross and fructed within and conjoined to an annulet in chief three harps Or. Alill Mac Bard de Kermichel (4/1997 Calo)

Vert, four sexfoils in cross argent, seeded sable, within a bordure argent. Alienor Flannabhar (3/1989 West)

Vert, four wolf pawprints bendwise sinister in bend sinister between two wolves' heads erased argent. Olwen verch Heilyn Blaidd (4/1999 Aten)

Vert, four wood chisels bendwise sinister blades to chief two and two Or. Stiamna mac Martain (3/2011 Atla)

Vert fretty argent, a butterfly Or. Kiena Munro (3/1998 Outl)

Vert, fretty argent, a pale vert, fimbriated argent. Thomas Archer (5/1984 Caid)

Vert, fretty argent, on a pale between two butterflies Or, three fleurs-de-lys sable. Kiena Munro (3/1998 Outl)

Vert fretty, on a chief argent three cauldrons sable. Berelindis filia Cunowulfi (4/2006 East)

Vert fretty, on a chief embattled argent a domestic cat courant sable. Margat Catte (3/2010 Midd)

Vert, fretty Or, a domestic cat sejant guardant to sinister, tail sufflexed, sable. Alisoun MacCoul of Elphane (5/1981 East)

Vert fretty Or, a quatrefoil argent. Medwe Janos (8/1998 West)

Vert fretty Or, on a chief argent three roses azure. Uilliam MacAindriú (10/2001 Arte)

Vert fretty Or, on a fess embattled argent three cinquefoils azure seeded Or. Eyba Øndirsdatter Skram (5/2003 Drac)

Vert, fretty Or, on a pair of flaunches argent two fleurs-de-lis, the sinister inverted, vert. Evelyn Demond (8/1982 Meri)

Vert goutty, a squirrel sejant erect argent grasping an acorn proper. Richenda of Locksley (10/1992 AnTi)

Vert goutty d'eau, a pair of hands argent. Ian Goodhands (1/1992 Midd)

Vert, goutty d'eau, a tower triply towered, its base within a laurel wreath Or. Swampkeep, Canton of (3/1994 Trim)

Vert goutty d'eau, a turtle Or. Robert McRobbie (8/1997 Calo)

Vert goutty d'eau, a winged unicorn passant argent. Sterling de Seincler (10/1998 AnTi)

Vert goutty d'eau, flaunches argent each charged with a leaf vert. Galiena von Lüneberg (3/2002 Aten)

Vert, goutty d'Or, in saltire a goblet Or and a lily, slipped and leaved argent. Morguen na Locha Soluis (12/1988 Outl)

Vert goutty d'Or. Morgan of Osprey (8/2010G)

Vert goutty, on a saltire Or a cinquefoil gules. Isabelot de Forens (5/2005 Anst)

Vert honeycombed, two bees in fess and a chief indented Or. Gabhainn Luath MacDhomhnuill (12/1992 Calo)

Vert, in annulo six bees Or banded sable. Gisella Lisabetta Venier (10/2004 East)

Vert, in annulo six bees within a bordure Or. Gisella Lisabetta Venier (10/2004 East)

Vert, in bend a maple leaf and a lit candle in a sconce, a bordure argent. Juliana de Vitri (6/2010 Outl)

Vert, in bend a phoenix Or rising from flames gules and a natural tiger rampant tail nowed argent marked sable. Natalia Vasilkovna Riazanskaia (12/2003 Outl)

Vert, in bend a wooden staff bendwise sinister proper and a recurved Turkish bow palewise reversed, armed and drawn, argent. Edward Birnam (5/1980 Aten)

Vert, in bend sinister a double-sail-backed salamander statant bendwise embowed argent, orbed gules, and a bowl fesswise Or flammant proper. Ambros Celidonis (10/1981 Caid)

Vert, in bend sinister a goat's head couped and a patriarchal cross within a bordure embattled argent. David Friedrich von Einbeck (12/2003 Calo)

Vert, in bend sinister a mullet of four points bendwise sinister and an owl close affronty chased argent. Morna of Cenydd (3/1972)

Vert, in bend sinister, a sinister hand couped inverted grasping a sling proper, therein a mullet of four points Or. Rikk Starhurler (8/1979)

Vert, in bend sinister four wolf's heads contourny couped argent. Fáelán Caomhánach (5/1993 East)

Vert, in bend sinister three acorns inverted slipped and leaved Or. Conchobar mac Lochlainn (1/2005 Caid)

Vert, in bend sinister three mullets of six points within a bordure argent. Uilliam of Sundragon (10/2008 Aten)

Vert, in bend sinister three paw prints bendwise sinister and in dexter chief a cat sejant to sinister, forepaw raised, all within a bordure argent. Juliana Greyfern Kindlehurst of Clowderhome (3/1988 Caid)

Vert, in bend sinister two winged sheep statant contourny argent within a bordure argent semy of acorns proper. Colm Caimbeul (8/1993 Midd)

Vert, in bend three bears passant to sinister Or. Ursus Arkuda (4/1976)

Vert, in bend three escarbuncles of six arms bendwise between two wolves statant argent. Dietrich Schneewolf (2/2001 Arte)

Vert, in bend three hawk's lures argent. Katerine del Val (12/2003 Midd)

Vert, in bend three mascles bendwise Or. Katherine Wert (3/2008 AEth)

Vert, in bend three mullets of four points palewise Or within a square knot bendwise throughout argent. Doyel Mor-Ser (8/1979 Anst)

Vert, in bend three strawberries Or between two bendlets wavy argent. Ariane Baie d'Or (12/1989 East)

Vert, in bend three wands bendwise sinister Or, overall in bend sinister three fish bendwise argent. Padraig Cosfhota o hUlad (11/1989 Anst)

Vert, in bend three wyverns erect to sinister Or. Benedetta de Spenser (1/1991 West)

Vert, in bend two bezants, each charged with a pine tree proper. Lonna Animalia de los Pinos (8/1978)

Vert, in bend two inescutcheons argent, at the honor point an annulet Or. Siegfried das Wiltekind (10/1982 Meri)

Vert, in bend two plates, each charged with a raven contourny perched atop and supported by an arrow fesswise sable. Bronwen of Lakeland (2/2006 Meri)

Vert, in bend two swans naiant argent. Swannoc Foxton (3/2008 East)

Vert, in canton a mullet gules, fimbriated Or. Richard of Whitehill (8/1979)

Vert, in canton a winged eel hauriant embowed argent. Ismenia Wystan (10/1998 East)

Vert, in chevron five mullets of four points argent. Bran of Lochiel (8/2004 Loch)

Vert, in chevron inverted two swords conjoined at the pommels proper between two chevronels inverted and in chief a stag's head erased Or. Peredur Theron of Monmouth (4/1984 Midd)

Vert, in chevron three roundels between in base a goblet and on a chief Or a serpent nowed gules. Melissa of Greenbranch (1/1984 Aten)

Vert, in chief a cross fleury argent between flaunches argent semy-de-lys gules. Katherine Constancia da Feltre (11/1990 Anst)

Vert, in chief an eagle displayed, facing sinister, and in base a saltire, overall an orle of chain Or. Angus Ulrich (7/1993 Midd)

Vert, in chief two martlets volant respectant, and in base a rose all within a bordure argent. Annora Coffyn (7/1985 East)

Vert, in cross four branches, cut ends to center, Or. Rowan of Sherwood (8/1987 West)

Vert, in cross four cubit arms joined at the elbows, hands clenched, Or, thereon a quatrefoil gules, pierced Or. Maria Alysaundre de Rohese (3/1978 West)

Vert, in cross four fleurs-de-lys bases to center within a bordure Or. Gwen verch Cynwrig de Insula Mona (6/2007 Anst)

Vert, in cross four lutes affronty, necks to center, Or, between in chief two mullets pierced argent. Francis Goodfellow of Saxony (5/1985 West)

Vert, in cross four pomegranates bendwise Or, seeded gules. Julia des Grenades (7/1981 West)

Vert, in cross four square weaver's tablets bendwise argent. Astrid of Eisental (6/2001 East)

Vert, in cross three bees proper each maintaining a crown, and a beehive Or. Ebergardis von Zell (5/2011 Anst)

Vert, in dexter chief between the horns of a crescent bendwise five mullets two and three in bend argent, to dexter a pale gules marked as a Turkmen carpet Or, argent and azure. Turkmenistan (9/1995 West)

Vert, in dexter chief four hearts voided conjoined in cross, points outward argent. Ali abd ar-Rashid (1/1993 AnTi)

Vert, in fess a bear passant reguardant between two towers Or. Bjorn Jorsalfar of Bearhaven (6/1993 West)

Vert, in fess a castle between two wolves rampant addorsed each maintaining a sword argent. Tristam McFarland (7/2003 Aten)

Vert, in fess a fork and spoon argent, a bordure argent semy of mushrooms azure. Jalida bint al-Yasamin bint al-Susiya (8/2006 AnTi)

Vert, in fess a heart between and sustained by a pair of hands fesswise aversant Or. Sárnat ingen meic Caille (12/2004 Caid)

Vert, in fess a lion queue-forchée salient to sinister and a stag rampant argent, in chief a compass star Or. Faleena Camille (4/1983 Aten)

Vert, in fess a lotus flower affronty argent between two lions sejant respectant guardant each with a forepaw raised Or. Li Ming Fa (2/2001 Aten)

Vert, in fess a phoenix Or, issuant from flames proper, between two seax argent. Sigurd DragonHawk (4/1981 Midd)

Vert, in fess a plate between two double-axe heads palewise argent. Glenn Halfdan (3/1978)

Vert, in fess a rabbit's head erased contourny and a tankard argent. Artemas the Innkeeper (1/1992 Caid)

Vert, in fess a rapier between two foxes combatant and in chief a mullet of eight points Or. Orlando di Bene del Vinta (8/2011 AEth)

Vert, in fess a rose between two rats combattant argent. David Gladstone (4/2002 East)

Vert, in fess a sea-griffin contourny argent and a sword Or enflamed proper. Brandon Galloglass of Land's End (2/1992 Caid)

Vert, in fess a shooting star bendwise sinister Or and a winged lioness rampant argent. Kathleen de Tara (4/1981 West)

Vert, in fess a tree couped and a bear rampant and on a chief argent a bird volant to sinister gules. Mara Sparrow Lark (8/2011 Arte)

Vert, in fess an alembic flask, stem to sinister, and a beaker, both per fess argent and Or. Alan MacMillan (11/1983 Midd)

Vert, in fess an arrow between a drinking horn and a drinking horn reversed argent, a bordure Or semy of pheons sable. Eneas Mac Concarrigy (7/2004 Arte)

Vert, in fess three cinquefoils within a bordure embattled argent. Rowan Perigrynne (5/1983 West)

Vert, in fess three estoiles Or, a ford proper. Cerball na hInnsi mac Donndubáin (12/2010 Atla)

Vert, in fess three oak leaves Or and in base a rose argent barbed and seeded Or. Sarra del Oke (12/2001 Aten)

Vert, in fess three pine trees couped and in sinister chief a mullet of eight points argent. Robert of Northwood (8/1995 East)

Vert, in fess three spears, on a chief argent three birds migrant to chief sable. Sabyn Pestel (2/2009 Meri)

Vert, in fess two cranes in their vigilance and in base a bar wavy argent. Gabrielle Lucie de Noves (4/1982 AnTi)

Vert, in fess two poppies Or, between in pale two turtles tergiant argent. Pompeia of Flanders (12/1971)

Vert, in fess two stag's attires palewise tines outwards and a base wavy Or. Richart de Sunderbach (10/2001 Trim)

Vert, in fess two towers Or, each with an armored arm embowed issuant from the battlements argent, maintaining two swords inverted in saltire Or. Guillaume de Marris (10/1990 Aten)

Vert, in pale a boar statant and a crescent argent. Seán le Bastard (7/2003 Loch)

Vert, in pale a chevron enhanced Or, charged with two arrows in chevron sable, and two quivers of arrows in pile Or. Emeric of Darkdale (1/1990 Calo)

Vert, in pale a cloud conjoined to a demi-lightning bolt issuant to base argent, a bordure rayonny Or. Trifona Anastasiia Dodovicha (5/2007 Caid)

Vert, in pale a compass star and an Arabic lamp Or, enflamed at the tip proper. Gordon MacBlayr de Galowaye (6/2011 Anst)

Vert, in pale a compass star elongated to base argent and a hand Or. Rose Mary Vethig (12/2004 Outl)

Vert, in pale a county coronet argent sustained by a crab Or. Octavia Laodice (7/2011 AnTi)

Vert, in pale a crab Or and a sword bendwise ermine. Wilhelm Altmann (8/2004 Outl)

Vert, in pale a crescent azure fimbriated and a coney dormant to sinister argent. Kevin MacKinnon (1/1985 Aten)

Vert, in pale a crescent bendwise argent and a hound statant contourny Or. Brónach ua Mochonne (1/2001 Meri)

Vert, in pale a crescent inverted and a chalice between a chief and a base argent. 'Abd al-Malik Hilal ibn Saqr al-'Ibadi (1/1995 Calo)

Vert, in pale a crescent inverted and a Thor's hammer argent. Ulf Mjödtunga (8/1994 Drac)

Vert, in pale a crescent inverted and a Thor's hammer Or. Styrbjörn Halte (8/1994 Drac)

Vert, in pale a crescent inverted and on a hand of Fatima inverted argent a torteau. Ghazalah al-Badriyyah (11/1999 East)

Vert, in pale a crescent Or and a wolf passant reguardant to sinister argent. Alain du Val (10/1993 East)

Vert, in pale a crescent pendant and an increscent, a bordure Or. Carloman Macht (8/2008 Outl)

Vert, in pale a dagger inverted argent and a crescent Or, within an orle of gouts d'eau. Annest Walays (1/1993 Atla)

Vert, in pale a dolphin naiant to sinister and a dolphin naiant inverted argent. Marina Ariadne ni Chlurain (2/1982 Caid)

Vert, in pale a ferret statant contourny guardant and a mullet argent within a bordure embattled Or. Titus the Alchemist (6/1992 Aten)

Vert, in pale a fox passant argent between two crescents, a bordure dovetailed Or. Saikhan Saran (2/2008 East)

Vert, in pale a hippogriff rampant and a two-horned anvil argent. Alexander Caithnes of Wyk (7/1985 East)

Vert, in pale a horse passant to sinister argent and a fret, all within a bordure rayonny Or. Signy Jensdottir of Hedeby (11/1989 Aten)

Vert, in pale a lion couchant guardant and a laurel wreath Or, as an augmentation, within the laurel wreath a triskele argent. Oldenfeld, Barony of (6/2002 Trim)

Vert, in pale a lion couchant guardant and a laurel wreath Or. Oldenfeld, Barony of (10/1982 Meri)

Vert, in pale a lozenge and two bars wavy couped argent, a bordure indented Or. Paul Jameson of Sutton (4/1999 Outl)

Vert, in pale a lozenge argent conjoined to another Or. Elaine Wroth (4/1994 Midd)

Vert, in pale a moon in her complement argent and a lion dormant Or. Magdalena Sanguigni (2/1991 Atla)

Vert, in pale a mullet of eight points Or and a sword proper, within a bordure dovetailed Or. Morgan of Lorraine (7/1990 Caid)

Vert, in pale a natural dolphin embowed argent and a compass rose Or. Dragonet de La Rochelle (2/2012 Caid)

Vert, in pale a pickaxe and a double-bitted axe in saltire and a crane in its vigilance Or. Roland Ironbeard (1/1993 West)

Vert, in pale a portcullis and an annulet, within an orle of grain heads Or. Unser Hafen, Barony of (2/1997 Outl)

Vert, in pale a ram's head cabossed argent, armed Or, and three roses two and one, all within a bordure Or. Morgan Arthur ap Llewellyn (8/1986 Caid)

Vert, in pale a roundel and an eagle displayed within a bordure Or. Cathan MacCathail (1/1994 West)

Vert, in pale a seadragon naiant and a bar wavy argent. Eric Silverhart (6/1983 Aten)

Vert, in pale a slipper Or and a unicorn rampant argent. Avelina del Dolce (3/2010 AEth)

Vert, in pale a stag at gaze argent and a bow bendwise sinister, drawn and with arrow nocked Or. Rotheric Kynith (6/2003 Caid)

Vert, in pale a stag courant to sinister argent and a bezant. Aislynn Finesilver (4/1990 East)

Vert, in pale a stag's head cabossed Or and a roofless stone well argent. Gwenllian Brighid Hertewelle (5/2007 Anst)

Vert, in pale a stringless lyre argent fretted with an arrow fesswise reversed and a stag's head cabossed Or. Lazarus Artifex (6/1991 Aten)

Vert, in pale a sun Or between two crosses crosslet, between flaunches argent. Sorcha de Glys (3/1996 Atla)

Vert, in pale a trefoil Or between two fleurs-de-lys argent. Marie d'Andelis (1/2010 Atla)

Vert, in pale a trident issuant from a flame argent. Katherine Locha Dhuibh (4/2004 AEth)

Vert, in pale a triquetra and a triquetra inverted braced argent. Neala FitzNorman (6/1980 Aten)

Vert, in pale a turtle rampant contourny argent conjoined to a pumpkin Or. Meave Cunningham (11/2011 AnTi)

Vert, in pale a wolf passant, and seven thistles in chevron argent. Connor MacGregor (11/1996 East)

Vert, in pale an anchor Or and a cloud argent. Nymandus vom Weidehügel (4/2007 Calo)

Vert, in pale an escallop and an escallop inverted argent. Allegrancia Signorelli (5/1997 Anst)

Vert, in pale an increscent and a pinecone, stem to chief Or. Diana Kidder (4/2006 East)

Vert, in pale an otter passant and a mastless drakkar reversed argent. Bryndís Eiríksdóttir (2/2006 Aten)

Vert, in pale an owl affronty argent perched upon a branch fesswise reversed Or, a base dovetailed argent. Aelwin Sherlock (6/2010 East)

Vert, in pale an owl affronty perched atop a branch fesswise argent between three drop spindles inverted sable threaded argent. Siobhán NicDhuinnshléibhe (5/2007 Atla)

Vert, in pale between two dragons couchant a sword fesswise reversed argent. Kamrin of the Blackwater (12/1994 Meri)

Vert, in pale the letter W argent and another Or. Wyvernwoode, Barony of (8/1979)

Vert, in pale three annulets interlaced one and two Or and in chevron two double-pointed knitting needles argent. Johanna MacAnna (6/1999 AEth)

Vert, in pale three billets argent winged Or. Society for Creative Anachronism, Registry Office (1/1973)

Vert, in pale three boars passant contourny between flaunches Or. Sean Dalamara (10/1995 Atla)

Vert, in pale three broad arrows and on a chief Or a battleaxe gules. Howard of Brockenhurst (7/2002 Atla)

Vert, in pale three candles fesswise argent enflamed at both ends Or. Katherine O'Mally (7/1997 East)

Vert, in pale three dice argent between flaunches checky Or and sable. Deiniol filius Gwrgwst (2/2005 East)

Vert, in pale three escallops, a bordure argent. Antonius Tesel (11/1993 Caid)

Vert, in pale three fish naiant contourny argent. Robert Wallace of Craigie (6/2011 Aten)

Vert, in pale three garbs one and two and a stag's head cabossed proper maintaining and issuant from between the attires a Latin cross, a bordure Or. Xena Baxter Wynthorpe (11/2011 Caid)

Vert, in pale three martlets descending between two flaunches argent, each flaunch charged with a laurel wreath vert. Nant y Derwyddon, Shire of (7/1983 Meri)

Vert, in pale three rhinoceroses passant argent. Süleyman al-Hazar (11/1994 Outl)

Vert, in pale three sea-lions passant argent. Østgarðr, Crown Province of (1/2012 East)

Vert, in pale three stags courant argent within a bordure Or. Emma of Woodborough (7/2000 Meri)

Vert, in pale three stoats sejant guardant argent marked sable between two flaunches argent, each charged with a goblet sable. Sibylla Greystone of Stotesbury (7/1990 Caid)

Vert, in pale three swords fesswise Or and a bordure argent semy of anvils sable. Giles of Burleigh (10/2006 East)

Vert, in pale two boar's heads erased close Or. William Herman (9/2010 Anst)

Vert, in pale two broken snaffle-bits fesswise Or. Madoc ap Llewellyn (9/2010 Calo)

Vert, in pale two chevronels and a leaf Or. Elaria filia Robert (6/2006 Aten)

Vert, in pale two feathers, tips crossed in saltire, and an open book Or charged with the capital letters "C" and "M" sable. Cibella Monmouth (2/2007 Meri)

Vert, in pale two griffins couchant to sinister Or. Benedick von Greifswald (9/2001 Loch)

Vert, in pale two lozenges argent between a pair of flaunches erminois. Kelly the Incoherent (11/1989 AnTi)

Vert, in pale two spiral hunting horns inverted, bells to sinister, Or. Reginald of the Horns (10/1988 Midd)

Vert, in pale two spoons in saltire, bowls to base, and a cauldron Or. Lilias Cruithnechán of Eilean a' Cheo (1/1988 Caid)

Vert, in pale two stags passant counterpassant within a bordure rayonny argent. Andrew Selwyn (5/1997 Anst)

Vert, in pale two swords inverted in saltire and a wolf rampant all within a bordure argent. Kieran Wolfkin (11/1991 Midd)

Vert, in pall a pair of angles palewise braced argent between three Lacy knots Or. Dalla Ormarsdóttir (1/2007 Caid)

Vert, in pall inverted three crescents interlocked, horns outwards, between three mullets voided Or. Esmeralda of Kimaden (8/1982 Meri)

Vert, in pall three rabbits rampant conjoined by the ears Or, on a chief argent three increscents gules. Bricca di Ghelere (3/2010 Trim)

Vert, in saltire a hammer and a quill pen, and on a chief argent three mullets of six points gules. Francis Burnell of Selkirk (10/1998 Caid)

Vert, in saltire a quillonless sword and a single-bitted axe, both argent, surmounted at the cross by an annulet Or. Bjarni de Eorlingas (7/1974)

Vert, in saltire a rapier and a sewing needle inverted, on a chief argent three trees proper. Ada Cormack (12/1999 AnTi)

Vert, in saltire a sickle argent and a garb Or, on a bordure argent two grapevines intertwined in orle, fructed and leaved, proper. Sieglinde Syr (4/1981 Anst)

Vert, in saltire a sword inverted proper and an axe argent, hafted Or, surmounted by a stag's head cabossed argent, armed, within a bordure embattled, Or. Outlands, Kingdom of the (4/1989 Outl)

Vert, in saltire a warhammer and a sword, in base a tower atop a mount, all argent. Lorin sur la Roche (4/1976)

Vert, in saltire two lilies slipped and leaved between four quill pens in annulo Or. Catríona of Black Isle (9/1992 Caid)

Vert, in saltire two shepherd's crooks and in chief three roses Or. Juliana Grene (1/2007 Atla)

Vert, in saltire two spears between four annulets Or. Aedan ó Kincora (5/1982 Midd)

Vert, in saltire two trumpets Or surmounted by a dexter hand appaumy argent. Society for Creative Anachronism (10/1991 Laur)

Vert, in saltire two wooden spoons proper, on a chief embattled azure, fimbriated Or, a dinner plate Or. Siglinde aus Truso, called the Stupid Peasant (2/1980 Meri)

Vert, in saltire with bells in chief, two clarion trumpets Or above a tambour proper. Consortium Antiquum (2/1970)

Vert, in sinister canton an eagle rising regardant wings displayed tenné and a sinister base canton per pale gules and tenné, a pale sable. Zambia (9/1995 Laur)

Vert, in sinister chief a roundel ermine. Armand de Schlockenburg (8/1979 East)

Vert, in sinister chief a sun, rays extending throughout Or, overall a pole-axe bendwise argent, all within a bordure Or charged with six chalices gules. Allen of Weestone (7/1985 Caid)

Vert, in sinister issuant from sinister four piles fesswise counter-embowed and a chief indented argent. Wolk of Three Mountains (10/1981 West)

Vert, issuant from a can two wyrm's heads addorsed Or. Caerthan Heraldic Symposium (9/1981 Aten)

Vert, issuant from a castle argent a demi-griffin, in chief three mullets Or. Bennet Murray (5/1994 Outl)

Vert, issuant from a fess abased engrailed invected argent a dexter lion's jamb bendwise sinister maintaining a sword bendwise Or. Lyondemere, Barony of (8/1982 Caid)

Vert, issuant from a maunch reversed Or a hand holding two zils proper and in dexter chief a heart gules, fimbriated Or. Lyndia of Woodlyn (8/1979 Caid)

Vert, issuant from a straight tau cross throughout argent, a demi-sun throughout Or, and in base two shamrocks argent. Evan MacGowan (12/1986 West)

Vert, issuant from sinister a demi-unicorn salient argent, armed, crined, and unguled Or, in canton a sun Or, within a bordure potenty vert and argent. James Elvenwood (8/1979)

Vert, issuant to sinister from and enfiling widdershins a scarpe a slip, pendant therefrom a leaf argent. Gunther Ironwoode (5/1982 Atla)

Vert. Libya (9/1995 Laur)

Vert, masoned argent, a compass-star and a chief arched Or. Theodrik of Skane (11/1981 West)

Vert, masoned Or, three wolves rampant, each maintaining a sword bendwise sinister, argent. Faolán of Dundalk (11/1988 AnTi)

Vert, mulletty of eight Or, two aspen trees erased argent. Llywellyn ap Llwyd ap Iorwerth (6/1983 Aten)

Vert, mulletty pierced argent. Seitse (11/1973)

Vert mullety, a dance Or. Tore av Uddevala (9/1997 Outl)

Vert mullety, a tree eradicated argent and a bordure compony azure and argent. Mirabilla Starre (8/2010 Caid)

Vert, nine inescutcheons four, three, and two argent, on a chief indented Or a laurel wreath vert. Lydd, Province of (9/1971)

Vert, nine lozenges three, three, and three argent, a bordure Or semy of crescents inverted sable. Ximena María de Padilla (1/1997 Midd)

Vert, nine roundels arranged as a lozenge, on a chief Or, six roundels in fess gules. Corinne of Grenvelt (7/1997 Aten)

Vert, on a bar between a horse salient and three decrescents argent five almonds proper. Charlene Chakaydia (8/1979)

Vert, on a bear statant erect affronty forepaws elevated argent a Thor's hammer gules. Jens inn draumspaki (4/2001 Caid)

Vert, on a bell Or a lion rampant guardant gules. Roger de Hinchelie (7/1996 East)

Vert, on a bend argent a battle-axe gules. Olaf the Maedi-Ogre (3/1975)

Vert, on a bend argent a caduceus palewise vert between a sprig of white willow [Salix alba] and a foxglove slipped and leaved [Digitalis purpurea] palewise proper. Annalind Airamid the Healer (1/1980 Caid)

Vert, on a bend argent a wolf salient gules, in sinister canton an estoile Or. George of Gilgaur (8/1979)

Vert, on a bend argent between a decrescent and three garbs Or four mullets bendwise sinister azure. Anastasia Ivanovna Rostislava (12/1997 Atla)

Vert, on a bend argent between a harp reversed Or and a wolf rampant reguardant argent three oak leaves palewise vert. Aelfwulf Skye Morgatha (1/1984 Calo)

Vert, on a bend argent between six cinquefoils Or, a snail fesswise vert. Gwalchmai Emrys (5/1984 Atla)

Vert, on a bend argent between three broadarrows inverted two and one Or and a wolf sejant argent, an arrow vert. Wulfleda of Berwic (11/2011 East)

Vert, on a bend argent between two apples Or, three arrows inverted vert. Cadlae Locha Erne (4/2007 Calo)

Vert, on a bend argent between two garbs Or three oak leaves inverted fructed proper. Olwen ferch Rhodri (2/1996 Trim)

Vert, on a bend argent between two plates three lions rampant palewise vert. Dearbhforgaill an Chomhaidh (11/2003 East)

Vert, on a bend argent between two stag's heads erased Or, a rose branch vert flowered gules. Mairghread inghean Uilleim (2/2010 Arte)

Vert, on a bend argent cotised Or three ravens palewise sable. Eoghan mac Branáin (10/2001 Midd)

Vert, on a bend argent three anvils bendwise sinister gules and a bordure argent. Gwilym Penteg de Caernarfon (2/2002 Calo)

Vert, on a bend argent three wolf's paw prints palewise vert and in sinister chief an increscent argent. Rachel Armstrong (5/2002 AEth)

Vert, on a bend argent two oak leaves inverted vert, overall an otter statant to sinister guardant proper. [Lutra canadensis] Alina of Breldwyn (2/1982 Caid)

Vert, on a bend azure fimbriated argent a flanged mace Or. Corbinus de Cuvis (12/2007 AEth)

Vert, on a bend between a goutte and a Latin cross bottony argent three roses gules. Aldred Bertand (8/2003 Aten)

Vert, on a bend between a mask of comedy and a mask of tragedy Or, a hummingbird rising contourny palewise sable. Cassia Mortivaux (12/2007 Aten)

Vert, on a bend between a tree and a roundel argent three crescents palewise gules. Illaria inghean mhic Giolla Mhaoil (4/2005 Anst)

Vert, on a bend between a winged unicorn salient, wings elevated and addorsed, and a unicorn salient reguardant argent, an arrow point in chief sable. Tuiren de Lisle (5/1986 Atla)

Vert, on a bend between four compass stars Or, three more vert. Nadira of the Lonely Tower (5/1994 East)

Vert, on a bend between six roses argent a cat's face palewise sable. Alisaundre Quinnye (4/1998 Atla)

Vert, on a bend between two bows bendwise argent, a bow vert. Alen Bendbow (10/1992 AnTi)

Vert, on a bend between two caducei argent a ferret statant vert. Faolan an Doire (4/2010 Drac)

Vert, on a bend between two coneys salient argent three trefoils slipped palewise vert. Dathi O'Cooney (1/1991 Anst)

Vert, on a bend between two dolmens Or a spade sable. Rhonwen of Watkins Hall (11/1995 Caid)

Vert, on a bend between two equal-armed Celtic crosses argent three harps palewise vert. Ceara inghean Mhic Chuarta (1/2011 East)

Vert, on a bend between two ferrets combatant argent a butterfly palewise azure. Amalie Walter (2/2009 Atla)

Vert, on a bend between two goblets argent, three clusters of grapes palewise vert. Corin Morgan (10/1993 Meri)

Vert, on a bend between two laurel wreaths argent, three griffins passant sable. Gryphon Wald, Canton of (10/1992 East)

Vert, on a bend between two lizards tergiant Or three axes palewise sable. Síle of Oldenfeld (4/1997 Trim)

Vert, on a bend between two rams heads erased argent four decrescents palewise sable. Isabel Moundoghter (5/1996 Midd)

Vert, on a bend between two roses Or three fleurs-de-lys palewise vert. Harriette of Dun Ard (4/1998 Calo)

Vert, on a bend between two Russian Orthodox crosses reversed Or two cartwheels conjoined by an axle sable. Anya Mstislavlyaya (3/2000 Drac)

Vert, on a bend between two sets of three roundels one and two Or, the Arabic transliteration of "Eva min Greenfield" gules. Eva of Greenfield (12/2010n)

Vert, on a bend between two stag's heads affronty erased Or, three quill pens palewise vert. Ernst von Nürnberg (11/1994 Meri)

Vert, on a bend between two straight-armed St. Brigid's crosses Or, a laurel wreath vert. St. Brigid, College of (4/1983 Aten)

Vert, on a bend between two swans rousant argent three crosses potent palewise vert. Jehanne de Cigne (10/1999 Calo)

Vert, on a bend between two trefoils Or, three celtic harps palewise vert. Brendan MacUilliam (7/1987 Midd)

Vert, on a bend between two unicorns combatant argent three trefoils palewise vert. Sáerlaith inghean Robeaird (10/2008 Outl)

Vert, on a bend between two vols Or three thistles palewise vert flowered gules. Serafina di Giovanni Carducci (9/2005 Loch)

Vert, on a bend bretessed argent between a mullet of eight points and a crescent bendwise sinister Or, a bend gules, all within a bordure embattled argent. Christine Ariadne of Gwynedd (6/1986 Caid)

Vert, on a bend cotised argent a dragonfly palewise purpure between two strawberries palewise proper. Magy Freyser (2/2004 Atla)

Vert, on a bend cotised between two Maltese crosses argent three shamrocks palewise vert. Ruppert Kuster (4/2010 Meri)

Vert, on a bend cotised between two pairs of scissors argent, three fleurs-de-lys palewise purpure. Genevieve Christiana Buchannon (8/1992 AnTi)

Vert, on a bend cotised Or, three roses proper. Lourdes d'Arlès (6/2005 West)

Vert, on a bend cotised Or three roundels purpure and in sinister chief a unicorn forcené Or. Dafydd o Llyn Cwellyn (5/1981 East)

Vert, on a bend cotised Or, three tulips palewise gules, slipped and leaved vert, a bordure Or. Bromwynne an Harlick (4/1973)

Vert, on a bend doubly cotised argent a violin sable. Karl Braden von Sobernheim (1/1999 Outl)

Vert, on a bend embattled counter-embattled between two golf clubs inverted in saltire and an Irish harp Or, a greatsword sable. Murdoc MacKinnon (12/1996 Anst)

Vert, on a bend embattled to base ermine a cinquefoil sable. Ysabeau Herbier de Vauvert (2/1996 Midd)

Vert, on a bend engrailed argent three oak leaves vert. Owen ap Morgan (11/2008 West)

Vert, on a bend engrailed between two annulets Or three cinquefoils azure. Mare Wischart (9/2002 East)

Vert, on a bend engrailed Or three hearts palewise gules. Judith zu Ahe (8/1999 Drac)

Vert, on a bend gules fimbriated between two cats sejant guardant a rebec argent. Gabrielle de Nevers (9/2001 AEth)

Vert, on a bend gules fimbriated three cinquefoils Or. Mór filia Scayth (3/2008 East)

Vert, on a bend invected between two squirrels sejant erect argent, five acorns palewise sable. Gwennlynn of Woodlyn (7/1985 East)

Vert, on a bend invected between two unstrung recurved bows bendwise Or, another vert. Elaine Ladd (10/1984 Midd)

Vert, on a bend Or a straight trumpet vert and in sinister chief an escutcheon Or. Petronilla Goodwin (4/1986 Calo)

Vert, on a bend Or between two wolf's heads erased argent three oak leaves vert. Caitríona of the Middle (2/2001 Midd)

Vert, on a bend Or three annulets vert, a chief Or. Ciana da Vizzi (3/2005 East)

Vert, on a bend Or three Moor's heads couped sable. David of Moorland (12/1971)

Vert, on a bend raguly cotised argent, three fir sprigs proper. Alcuin of Argyle (1/1988 Anst)

Vert, on a bend sable fimbriated and cotised three suns in their splendor palewise Or. Ursella of Rowantree (9/2002 Caid)

Vert, on a bend sable fimbriated, three martlets palewise argent. Adeliz de la Tour (8/2008n)

Vert, on a bend sinister argent a Hermit Thrush close proper. [Hylocichla guttata] Leslie the Brown (6/1986 Anst)

Vert, on a bend sinister argent between a white rose spray and another inverted both bendwise sinister proper, a frog springing to sinister vert. Katrina of Dresden (6/1986 West)

Vert, on a bend sinister argent between two Catherine wheels Or an ivy vine vert. Kathryne Elizabeth Gordon (10/1995 AnTi)

Vert, on a bend sinister argent between two mullets of eight points Or, three crosses crosslet palewise vert. Paul Wickenden of Thanet (9/1991 West)

Vert, on a bend sinister argent between two open books Or a rapier sable. Elisa of Thescorre (12/1995 East)

Vert, on a bend sinister argent three mushrooms palewise azure and in canton a coronet Or. Marguerite inghean Lachlainn (5/2011 East)

Vert, on a bend sinister azure fimbriated argent, between two roses Or seeded gules, seven estoiles argent. Gabriela Maria dei Clementini d'Orvieto (8/1979 West)

Vert, on a bend sinister between a dragon rampant contourny and another rampant, each maintaining a lyre Or, a rose vine vert flowered gules. Briana Morgan of the Valley (6/1999 Atla)

Vert, on a bend sinister between a G clef and a fleur-de-lys argent an ivy vine throughout vert. Ivory Genevieve la Rouge (9/1999 Aten)

Vert, on a bend sinister between a glove clenched and a chalice argent a rapier sable. Archibald of Stoke on Trent (1/2000 AEth)

Vert, on a bend sinister between a hand balance and a cinquefoil Or, a frog courant to sinister vert. Brigit de Montfort (1/2007 West)

Vert, on a bend sinister between a lion counter-rampant Or and a mouse rampant argent, a sword and an arrow in saltire sable. Andreas Hak (12/1980 East)

Vert, on a bend sinister between a tower and two herrings in pale that in base contourny argent, four cauldrons palewise sable. Magnus av Nordensköld (6/2006 Aten)

Vert, on a bend sinister between an arrow and an arrow inverted argent, five mullets palewise vert. Christian of the Faeroes (3/1991 West)

Vert, on a bend sinister between an open book and a leaved branch bendwise sinister argent, three leaves vert. Vivien de Archambault (1/1991 Aten)

Vert, on a bend sinister between six daggers inverted argent three crosses formy fitchy palewise sable. Brychan ap Dafydd (4/2000 Atla)

Vert, on a bend sinister between two arrows bendwise sinister argent, a sword vert. Aaron of Buckminster (12/1991 West)

Vert, on a bend sinister between two estoiles Or five decrescents palewise azure. Rhiannon of Seareach (1/1995 Atla)

Vert, on a bend sinister between two falcons rising respectant, wings elevated and addorsed argent, three crosses patonce vert. Elizabetta Malatesta (4/2006 Arte)

Vert, on a bend sinister between two horse's heads couped contourny argent, three thistles bendwise vert. Caitriona MacClane (12/2010 Atla)

Vert, on a bend sinister between two laurel wreaths argent a thistle and another inverted conjoined at the slips proper. Thistle, March of the (3/1992 Midd)

Vert, on a bend sinister between two lions rampant Or, a dragon's head palewise contourny erased sable. Efenwealt Wystle (12/1996 Atla)

Vert, on a bend sinister between two lions sejant argent three roses gules. Joia von Berengereshagen (1/2006 AnTi)

Vert, on a bend sinister between two pairs of stick shuttles crossed in saltire argent, two dolphins urinant azure. Maria Marina (9/1990 Aten)

Vert, on a bend sinister between two seahorses contourny Or three lotus blossoms in profile bendwise vert. Magge MacPherson (3/2010 Anst)

Vert, on a bend sinister between two sea-lions contourny argent two coronets palewise sable. Erika Francesca Pacchioni (3/2002 AnTi)

Vert, on a bend sinister between two spears bendwise sinister Or, a spider palewise azure. Daniello de Verde (11/2007 Anst)

Vert, on a bend sinister between two spired towers Or, three arrows palewise inverted sable. Teamhair Gleann Dá Loch (10/1992 Trim)

Vert, on a bend sinister between two stag's heads erased argent, three crosses couped palewise sable. Edmund Patterson (6/2006 East)

Vert, on a bend sinister between two stags rampant Or, three horses rampant palewise sable. Gotfridus von Schwaben (11/2001 Calo)

Vert, on a bend sinister between two swans naiant respectant argent four oak leaves fructed gules. Tana à l'Esprit Fort (7/1996 Anst)

Vert, on a bend sinister between two tygers passant to sinister Or, a length of chain throughout, fracted at the center, sable, all within a bordure Or. Deirdre the Celt (5/1990 Calo)

Vert, on a bend sinister between two wolves' heads erased argent three crosses formy palewise gules. Hilderich der Biterolf (1/1994 Midd)

Vert, on a bend sinister cotised argent between a sheaf of tulips slipped and a sheaf of arrows inverted Or, a demi-bear affronty palewise, paws outstretched, sable. Bjorn Krom Hakenberg (11/2006 Aten)

Vert, on a bend sinister cotised argent three lilies palewise sable. Julina de Beaumont (10/2001 AnTi)

Vert, on a bend sinister cotised between a bird volant to sinister wings addorsed and a heart argent a rapier sable. Kyne Wynn the Kind (8/2002 Arte)

Vert, on a bend sinister cotised between two maple leaves argent, a palmer's staff vert. Heinrich von Isenburg (3/1989 Calo)

Vert, on a bend sinister cotised between two sheaves of arrows Or a stag's head erased affronty vert. Cian mac Cellacháin hUí Dublaich (1/2010 Atla)

Vert, on a bend sinister cotised Or, a tower palewise sable, and in canton a broadarrow inverted Or. Nathan Blacktower (3/1998 Loch)

Vert, on a bend sinister cotissed Or, three goutes de sang palewise. Éadaoin Chuain na Greine (12/1991 Atla)

Vert, on a bend sinister doubly cotised argent three mullets vert. Euriol of Lothian (2/2010 AEth)

Vert, on a bend sinister embattled counter-embattled between two lozenges argent, three flanged maces palewise gules. Collwyn ap Artos (1/1991 East)

Vert, on a bend sinister engrailed argent three oak leaves vert. Owen ap Morgan (11/2008 West)

Vert, on a bend sinister engrailed Or three sinister hands palewise vert. Brocmael of Rhuddlan (1/1994 Atla)

Vert, on a bend sinister ermine between six bees volant en arriere Or, a weaver's shuttle gules. Mikhail Gregorievich of Kiev (10/1984 East)

Vert, on a bend sinister invected between two turtles Or, a turtle palewise vert. Cearnach of Stonemarche (5/1995 East)

Vert, on a bend sinister Or a bow gules, in chief an arrow bendwise sinister inverted and a base enarched and indented Or. William of Cathair Daibhidh (4/1998 Atla)

Vert, on a bend sinister Or a rose gules, barbed and seeded proper, slipped and leaved vert, overall a unicorn salient argent. Katrina the Carefree (10/1980 West)

Vert, on a bend sinister Or a star of David between two mullets of six points gules. Cruser the Ranger (3/1978)

Vert, on a bend sinister Or, another azure charged with three falcons, in chief an escallop Or. Vandrad of Bothldun (10/1991 Midd)

Vert, on a bend sinister Or between a fox's mask and a Celtic cross argent three quatrefoil knots palewise vert. Cú gan mháthair MacMuircheartaigh (9/1995 Midd)

Vert, on a bend sinister Or cotissed argent, two hedgehogs statant fesswise sable. Angus Gunn (3/1994 East)

Vert, on a bend sinister purpure fimbriated between a dragon couchant contourny and a harp, three roses argent. Mærwynn de More (8/2007 Atla)

Vert, on a bend sinister raguly between two fleurs-de-lys Or a battle axe, edge to sinister vert. Jacques de Fairmont (10/2004 Caid)

Vert, on a bend sinister sable fimbriated argent between two crosses formy, a cross formy palewise Or. Ceawlin Silvertongue (6/1998 West)

Vert, on a bend sinister sable fimbriated between a greyhound couchant and a rabbit rampant five crescents Or. Juliane Bechaumpe (3/2010 Midd)

Vert, on a bend sinister sable fimbriated Or an anchor palewise argent. Duncan Doyne (4/2000 AnTi)

Vert, on a bend sinister vert fimbriated Or three dogwood blossoms proper. [Cornus florida] Sylvana Dagfinsdottir (7/1980 East)

Vert, on a bend sinister wavy argent, a blackberry vine leaved and fructed proper. Una of Blackberry Hollow (10/1992 Trim)

Vert, on a bend sinister wavy between two crescents argent, a wolf statant ululant to sinister sable. Padruig Wulfstan (5/1986 East)

Vert, on a bend sinister wavy between two linnets contourny argent, three twinflowers palewise purpure slipped and leaved vert. Editha filia Rolandi (8/2011 Outl)

Vert, on a bend sinister wavy between two ox heads erased affronty argent a scarpe wavy azure. Henry William of Oxeneford (5/1985 West)

Vert, on a bend wavy argent three gouttes de poix. Katarina Scryvener (9/2002 East)

Vert, on a bend wavy between two fleurs-de-lys Or an arrow inverted vert. Bianca the Inquisitive (1/2006 Atla)

Vert, on a bend wavy Or a pawprint vert. Wulfhart Bieber (7/2001 Calo)

Vert, on a bezant a frog vert, an orle Or. Savina La Brune (11/2005 Outl)

Vert, on a bezant a Jerusalem cross sable a bordure Or semy-de-lys sable. Sebastian Blacke (10/1996 Trim)

Vert, on a bezant both issuant from base a wooden torch proper enflamed gules sustained by a cubit arm bendwise sable. Zaire (9/1995 Laur)

Vert, on a billet fesswise Or ermined azure a hare rampant vert. Sara bat Elam (2/2011 East)

Vert, on a Catherine wheel Or a mask of comedy argent. Cordelia Davies of Navan (2/1985 Caid)

Vert, on a Celtic cross argent a marguerite blossom azure seeded Or. Margaret Malise de Kyrkyntolaghe (2/1991 Midd)

Vert, on a chalice argent three mullets in chief vert, a bordure embattled argent. Dilan mac in tsaeir (5/2000 Midd)

Vert, on a chevron above an eagle's head erased argent, two feathers sable. Lochmere, Barony of (5/1990 Atla)

Vert, on a chevron argent between three fleams reversed Or three gouttes de sang. Seóan mac Ruaidhrí Uí Cheallacháin (4/2010 Outl)

Vert, on a chevron argent between three harps Or two harps palewise vert. John ap Wynne (12/1980 Midd)

Vert, on a chevron argent between three pine trees on mounts Or three English sparrows [Passer domesticus] close proper. Ignatius of Man (4/1980 West)

Vert, on a chevron argent between two sheaves of arrows inverted and a fox sejant Or, three musical notes sable. Geoffrey Winterbotham (12/2006 Aten)

Vert, on a chevron argent three castles fesswise sable and in chief a beaver statant, maintaining in its sinister forepaw a broken collar argent. Francis of Aaron Isles (12/1983 Meri)

Vert, on a chevron argent three hearts, the center heart inverted, gules, and a bordure argent. Rosalba Vespucci (2/1982 East)

Vert, on a chevron argent three swans naiant sable, in base on a cauldron argent a swan naiant sable. Sena of Swansea (9/1992 Anst)

Vert, on a chevron argent two swords sable, in base a goblet, all within a bordure embattled argent. Dædin MacKay na Aonaich (8/1987 AnTi)

Vert, on a chevron between in chevron three mullets of six points and a pine tree eradicated Or a fleur-de-lys vert. Robyn FitzGeoffrey (6/1983 Midd)

Vert, on a chevron between three annulets in chevron and a double-headed chess knight Or, two arrows in chevron sable. Carantoc of Darkdale (1/1990 Calo)

Vert, on a chevron between three bears rampant argent, seven Latin crosses vert. Thomas de Winterwade (12/1991 East)

Vert, on a chevron between three braziers Or, enflamed proper, a pair of open tongs sable. Alan of Bois d'Arc (1/1990 Calo)

Vert, on a chevron between three compass stars Or three musical notes vert. Finna Hálfdanardóttir (7/1998 Caid)

Vert, on a chevron between three conies couchant to sinister argent, three escallops azure. Veronica Bellini (11/2011 Loch)

Vert, on a chevron between three crosses formy Or, three harps purpure. Richenda de Saint Clair (8/1998 Arte)

Vert, on a chevron between three ferrets sejant erect Or five pawprints sable. Roana of Brigeford (5/2002 Midd)

Vert, on a chevron between three flasks argent, two salamanders combattant vert enflamed gules. Lorenzo Alhambra (7/1990 East)

Vert, on a chevron between three gauntlets each sustaining a bow fesswise string to chief argent two threaded needles in chevron vert. Isabella of Fyren-Ar (1/2003 Calo)

Vert, on a chevron between three griffins passant argent, three latin crosses bottony palewise sable. Eduard Vert (1/1991 Trim)

Vert, on a chevron between three hunting horns reversed Or three roses proper. Julian de Hunteley (12/1999 Atla)

Vert, on a chevron between three lozenges argent, a coronet sable. Daniel Fitzgerald (3/2010 Trim)

Vert, on a chevron between three Maltese crosses argent, two lions passant respectant maintaining between them a Maltese cross sable. Caradoc Llew Du ap Morgan (1/1985 Midd)

Vert, on a chevron between three roses Or three roses gules all within a bordure erminois. Damaris of Norland (6/2003 Trim)

Vert, on a chevron between three spearheads Or three crosses botonny gules. Jelyan de Coity (12/2005 Atla)

Vert, on a chevron between three tankards Or three lions passant guardant gules. Conor O'Bryan (2/2002 Meri)

Vert, on a chevron between three tygers sejant argent, three caltrops purpure. Thomas Wynne (5/1999 Caid)

Vert, on a chevron between three wolf's heads erased argent the words "Honor Chivalry Friendship Service" sable a bordure embattled Or. Quintin Joshua Gawain (5/2009 Midd)

Vert, on a chevron between three wolf's heads erased argent the words "Honor Chivalry Friendship Service" sable. Quintin Joshua Gawain (5/2009 Midd)

Vert, on a chevron between two broken arrows fesswise Or another chevronwise vert. Robert Thorne (1/1997 Midd)

Vert, on a chevron between two horses combattant and a griffin passant argent three lozenges sable. Rhieinwylydd Cyfeiliog (10/1999 Calo)

Vert, on a chevron cotised argent three fir trees palewise proper. Maelen of Kynges Lea (1/1980 West)

Vert, on a chevron cotised between three water bougets argent, three cinquefoils vert. Lauren Grey (1/1987 West)

Vert, on a chevron engrailed argent three rooks contourny sable. Ogmundr hrókr (3/2009 Arte)

Vert, on a chevron enhanced throughout Or, a decrescent sable and in base a weeping willow tree Or. Jenne McGill (7/2005 Outl)

Vert, on a chevron ermine three fir trees palewise couped vert, in base a laurel wreath argent. Lost Forest, Shire of (5/2006 Calo)

Vert, on a chevron inverted argent three hawk's bells sable and in chief a hawk argent. Gawin Hawkseye (11/2002 AEth)

Vert, on a chevron inverted between three decrescents Or three tassels vert. Islah bint Yuhannah (2/2002 Calo)

Vert, on a chevron inverted enhanced argent, a dexter arm reversed embowed, terminating at the wrist with a metal hook, proper. Lysbeth Poulsdottir (11/1980 Anst)

Vert, on a chevron inverted Or, a reremouse displayed sable. Michael the Eclectic (6/1992 Atla)

Vert, on a chevron inverted Or three ladybugs gules spotted sable and in base a domestic cat dormant argent. Johanna Merryngton (8/2011G)

Vert, on a chevron Or, an increscent purpure, and on a chief Or, three increscents purpure. Iliana Donatova (12/1997 West)

Vert, on a chevron Or between three double roses argent three Latin crosses fleury sable. Magge Rose (2/2003 Caid)

Vert, on a chevron Or between three suns in splendor argent a reremouse sable. Natal'ia Karaulova (6/2004 East)

Vert, on a chevron Or five golpes and in base a needle threaded all within a bordure Or. Svana in kyrra (10/2002 AEth)

Vert, on a chevron Or three brilliant cut emeralds seen from above proper. Theodore the Emerald (1/1973)

Vert, on a chevron Or three butterflies sable a chief erminois. Deirdre of Boolteens (2/1994 Atla)

Vert, on a chevron Or, three sprigs of mistletoe sable, on a chief embattled Or, a brown bear sejant erect proper. Tadhg ua hIcidhe An-Artuil (1/1986 East)

Vert, on a chevron Or two arrows inverted gules and a chief Or. Arthur of Ankeridge (3/1997 Caid)

Vert, on a chevron purpure fimbriated argent, a rose sable fimbriated argent barbed and seeded proper. Alatiel de Montfort of Reading-wood (8/1979 East)

Vert, on a chevron sable fimbriated three lozenges palewise argent. Alasdair MacEogan (10/1995 Anst)

Vert, on a chevron throughout argent three holly leaves vert. Klaus Winter (1/2001 AnTi)

Vert, on a chevron throughout argent three walnuts fesswise proper, in base a laurel wreath argent. Wealhhnutu, March of (9/1986 Aten)

Vert, on a chevron throughout between three ram's heads erased argent three casks palewise proper. Thomas Gernon (1/2011 East)

Vert, on a chief argent three oak leaves bendwise gules. Rhonwen Wynterbourne (5/2003 AnTi)

Vert, on a chief embattled argent three roundels azure. Margaret Wolseley (6/2009 Atla)

Vert, on a chief embattled Or six shamrocks vert. Finn Kelly O'Donnell (5/1981 Anst)

Vert, on a chief indented argent three compass-stars vert. Raymond the Quiet (10/1985 Aten)

Vert, on a chief triangular argent a lotus in profile azure. Catrijn vanden Westhende (5/2006 Calo)

Vert, on a chief urdy Or a lion passant sable. Camillo Lombardi (4/1993 Caid)

Vert, on a chief wavy argent two bees sable. Margareta Gijsberts (12/2007 Meri)

Vert, on a cinquefoil argent a pen fesswise sable. Rhys de Montfort (12/1983 Meri)

Vert, on a cowbell argent a shamrock vert and on a chief argent a glaive sable. Cáelán mac Domhnaill (10/2007G)

Vert, on a cross argent, a cross gules, overall a pegasus argent and in canton an increscent Or. Diana Listmaker (1/1973)

Vert, on a cross argent between in chief two lion's heads erased addorsed Or a cross potent purpure. Christopher Logan of Lockley (3/2009 AEth)

Vert, on a cross azure fimbriated a mullet of seven points argent. Alexandra of Foxvale (3/2011 Midd)

Vert, on a cross between in bend two masks of comedy and in bend sinister two masks of tragedy argent, in pale two arrows gules. Catriona de Wales (8/2010 Atla)

Vert, on a cross bottony issuant from base Or a hawk stooping sable. Gabriel Shadewehauke (2/1996 Caid)

Vert, on a cross, each arm nowy of a lozenge, argent, four quatrefoils slipped vert. Penelope O Súileabháin (10/1988 West)

Vert, on a cross formy quadrate argent a compass star gules. Marcello li Donnici (2/1999 Arte)

Vert, on a cross nowy between in chief two goblets Or a heart gules. Emma de Hasting (3/2005 Meri)

Vert, on a cross nowy Or a shamrock vert. Padraighcine Ó hUrthile (3/1981 Aten)

Vert, on a cross nowy quadrate argent a rabbit sejant proper maintaining a quill pen sable. Lettice Peyton of Ashdown (12/1995 East)

Vert, on a cross quadrate Or a thistle proper. Magdalena Bischoptre (10/1999 Calo)

Vert, on a cross quarterly Or and argent counterchanged per bend sinister a fillet cross sable and overall on a roundel gules a parrot proper between (ten) mullets in annulo argent. Dominica (9/1995 Laur)

Vert, on a cross sable fimbriated argent five plates. Fergus Ó Dubhshláine (11/2010 Caid)

Vert, on a cushion Or a frog sejant affronty vert, crowned Or. La Rana (1/1973)

Vert, on a daisy Or, seeded sable, between in cross four Latin crosses another argent. Catheryn d'Ivori of Kent (2/1984 Midd)

Vert, on a dance Or three martlets contourny vert. Meabh Donn (3/1994 Calo)

Vert, on a drinking horn Or a shamrock vert. Kristin Ailbe Anmclaid (6/2001 Atla)

Vert, on a fess argent two billets sable, a base rayonny argent. Míchél mac Donnchaid (11/2002 Anst)

Vert, on a fess argent two saltorels throughout, each surmounted with a Celtic cross, all sable. Johanna Dudley (8/1979 East)

Vert, on a fess argent two vols sable, in chief a compass star argent. Coenred æt Rauenesdale (9/2009 Anst)

Vert, on a fess between a shamshir fesswise reversed, blade to base, and a cup throughout argent charged with two more, an Arabic penbox vert. Da'ud ibn Auda (11/1993 Anst)

Vert, on a fess between a sunburst and a sunburst inverted argent, two hummingbirds rising to sinister wings addorsed azure. Sukayna bint Salim (1/2003 Calo)

Vert, on a fess between six compass stars three and three Or, a brown bear rampant proper. Támhus mac Aonghuis (10/1998 Atla)

Vert, on a fess between six mascles fesswise argent, three mullets sable. Máire inghean Dhúncháin mhic Oisdealbhaigh (6/1998 Atla)

Vert, on a fess between three broad arrowheads inverted argent a lion statant contourny sable. Taliesin of Archenfield (10/1991 Midd)

Vert, on a fess between three crescents Or, a lion passant guardant contourny azure. Luigsech ní Ifearnáin (10/1993 Calo)

Vert, on a fess between three eagle's heads erased contourny Or, three fleurs-de-lys sable. Cowan MacConaill (4/1994 Midd)

Vert, on a fess between three fleurs-de-lys Or, a fox courant gules marked argent. Gwendolen Isabella Stewart (3/2009 Meri)

Vert, on a fess between three lyres Or, a dragon passant vert, breathing flames gules. Dafydd Llantrisant (2/1997 West)

Vert, on a fess between three roses argent seeded Or and a needle bendwise argent threaded Or a domestic cat couchant sable. Caterucia Mountague (8/2011 Eald)

Vert, on a fess between three roundels argent, a turtle statant contourny azure. Bebhinn inghean Dhuibh (2/2000 Midd)

Vert, on a fess between three thistles Or, a griffin statant sable. Sedania de Corwyn (2/2011 West)

Vert, on a fess between three towers argent a laurel wreath vert. Castlemere, Shire of (2/1983 Meri)

Vert, on a fess between three trees argent, a fox passant gules. Alys of Foxdale (7/1992 Atla)

Vert, on a fess between three triquetrae Or three roses proper. Randwen de Motherwell (10/2010 East)

Vert, on a fess between two catamounts sejant erect gardant Or as many gules. Fritha of Caer Bannog (1/1980 West)

Vert, on a fess between two lyres argent, a lion of Saint Mark passant guardant gules. Marcello Antonio Cattarossi da San Marco (9/1998 Outl)

Vert, on a fess between two pairs of rapiers in saltire Or a domestic cat couchant sable. Caitrina Gordon (5/2003 East)

Vert, on a fess between two wolves statant Or a wolf statant to sinister sable. Ciaran MacDarragh (9/1990 Caid)

Vert, on a fess bretessed argent two talbots passant respectant sable. Ketill Olafsson (5/2010 Caid)

Vert, on a fess cotised argent a greyhound courant sable. John the Brittle (2/2003 Caid)

Vert, on a fess cotised argent three lion's heads erased gules. Catalina de Gata (1/2009 Loch)

Vert, on a fess cotised between two cats couchant Or a cat couchant sable. Moira Dickson (3/2004 Calo)

Vert, on a fess gules fimbriated argent a mullet Or. Suriname (9/1995 Laur)

Vert, on a fess of three fusils argent, three fleurs-de-lis sable. Jolitte Marie Catherine Tollmache (6/1995 Anst)

Vert, on a fess Or between an oak leaf fesswise and a round buckle argent, three acorns proper. Grace Childes (3/1998 Outl)

Vert, on a fess Or surmounted by a dexter tierce triangular gules two mullets sable. São Tomé and Príncipe (9/1995 Laur)

Vert, on a fess Or three lozenges above two hearts gules. Lynnor of the Bridge (1/1973)

Vert, on a fess sable fimbriated between a natural tiger passant guardant and a harp three mullets of six points irradiated Or. Brendan O'Moran (2/1996 East)

Vert, on a fess sable fimbriated between an Irish Wolfhound couchant and a Celtic cross, three mullets of six points irradiated Or. Seán Ó Móráin (11/1996 East)

Vert, on a fess wavy argent a bar gemel wavy azure, overall in saltire two pilgrim's staves Or and in chief a flame proper. Tarver the Pole (4/1984 Midd)

Vert, on a fess wavy between two dragons passant Or a dragon passant vert. Leopold von Babenhausen (11/1990 East)

Vert, on a fusil throughout gules fimbriated, a goblet Or. Myfanwy o'Mwyle ni Cambion (8/1981 Atla)

Vert, on a fusil throughout Or, a tree eradicated proper, a bordure argent. Galán-Schol of Eirmeathe (6/1973)

Vert, on a gonfannon ermine, fringed Or, a triple-barred gate, hinged to sinister, gules. Bernice of Red Gate (3/1980 Aten)

Vert, on a heart argent a tower sable. Connor Strongheart (12/1995 East)

Vert, on a hide Or a raven rising sable. Gustav Hastings (2/2003 Anst)

Vert, on a hide Or a Thor's hammer inverted sable. Gustav Hastings (12/1996 Anst)

Vert, on a lozenge argent a butterfly azure, a chief wavy argent. Sorcha inghean Airt (8/2006 AEth)

Vert, on a lozenge argent, a cat sejant guardant sable. Amber Lang (3/1994 Atla)

Vert, on a lozenge between in chief two trefoils slipped argent, a gryphon sejant sable. Aoibheann Caoilfhionn Muirinn O'Domhnaill (11/1989 Midd)

Vert, on a lozenge between three crosses crosslet fitchy Or an oak leaf vert. Robin of Twyford (4/2004 Loch)

Vert, on a lozenge Or a celestial sphere azure marked argent. Brazil (9/1995 Laur)

Vert, on a lozenge Or a wolf rampant sable maintaining in its sinister forepaw a sword argent all within a bordure Or. Alesone MacCormack (2/2004 Atla)

Vert, on a lute sable, fimbriated, a Catherine wheel Or. Katheryn Lansbury (1/1974)

Vert, on a Maltese cross argent four shamrocks stems to center vert. Ruppert Kuster (4/2010 Meri)

Vert, on a maunch argent a domestic cat dormant sable. Katherine Tapester (9/2001 Aten)

Vert, on a mirror argent glassed vert, an oak leaf argent. Ailís inghean Mhuirghein (5/2004 East)

Vert, on a Mongolian yurt argent an owl sable. Alfgeirr skytja (3/2003 Calo)

Vert, on a mountain of three peaks argent, three arrows inverted in pile gules, in chief three gouts argent. Tarquin the Red (11/1992 Midd)

Vert, on a mullet of eight points Or, a fox's mask proper, all within a bordure wavy Or. Reynard de Lyre (7/1988 East)

Vert, on a mullet of four points Or, a fer-a-loup gules. Adolphus von Brocken (2/1990 Caid)

Vert, on a mullet of nine points throughout Or a brown turkeycock's head erased proper. Kriemhild of Stonecroft (5/2010 West)

Vert, on a mullet of six points argent a falcon displayed, wings inverted, azure. Lind Rachael Fessel of the Falconshield (7/1981 East)

Vert, on a mullet of six points Or a cross humetty gules, a bordure counter-compony vert and Or. Gary Lee of Holywell (5/1984 Caid)

Vert, on a mullet of twelve points argent a roundel engrailed vert all within a bordure engrailed Or. Diomedes Sebastianus (12/2004 East)

Vert, on a nesselblatt argent a cluster of rowan berries gules slipped vert. Rowena Moore (9/2010 East)

Vert, on a pair of flaunches enhanced argent two crosses moline sable, in base a wolf's head erased argent. Manon de Sacrecoeur (3/1980 West)

Vert, on a pale argent a greenbriar slip vert. Melucine de Ronceverte (9/1980 Meri)

Vert, on a pale argent a hawk contourny perched atop a tower sable and a bordure argent semy of towers sable. Ricart Berenguer Falcón (10/2004 Meri)

Vert, on a pale argent between a dog and a horse combattant Or three morning glory flowers purpure. Eochaidh MacEochada (9/1995 Midd)

Vert, on a pale argent between in chief two bells Or, a laurel wreath sable. Bellewode, College of (7/1998 Calo)

Vert, on a pale argent between two acorns Or an oak sprig vert. Sonya Panek of Prague (1/1982 Midd)

Vert, on a pale argent endorsed Or a fire arrow sable fletched vert enflamed gules. Outlands, Kingdom of the (5/1998 Outl)

Vert, on a pale azure, fimbriated, an oak tree Or. Elspeth of the Wood (2/1984 East)

Vert, on a pale azure fimbriated between two bears combatant, three Viking ships argent. Magnús Finnbjarnarson (2/2011 AEth)

Vert, on a pale between in chief two ivy leaves argent a bee sable marked Or. Emelisse de Loupey (7/2002 West)

Vert, on a pale between six arrowheads inverted Or, three more sable. Thomas de la Cascade (8/1990 East)

Vert, on a pale between two cat's heads caboshed Or a quill azure between two cat's heads caboshed vert. Lyris Wordsmith (7/1984 Caid)

Vert, on a pale between two double-bitted battleaxes argent a pawprint azure. Iohn Hambledon (10/2007 Aten)

Vert, on a pale between two fleurs-de-lys Or a tower vert. Deborah Morrison (2/2005 Atla)

Vert, on a pale between two greyhounds rampant Or three fleurs-de-lys azure. Muriel Rose de Wessex (1/2004 AnTi)

Vert, on a pale between two Irish harps Or three shamrocks vert. Brigid ní Ghrádaigh (6/1996 Midd)

Vert, on a pale between two Latin crosses argent a Latin cross vert. Wulfric of Creigull (7/2001 West)

Vert, on a pale between two laurel wreaths argent, two pallets wavy azure. Glenn Linn, Shire of (10/1989 East)

Vert, on a pale between two lilies argent, a tower purpure. Lillian Aileve (7/1992 West)

Vert, on a pale between two lions combattant argent, three roses gules. Juliana di Modena (12/1987 West)

Vert, on a pale between two mullets of eight points argent, a peacock's plume vert, eyed and shafted azure. Astryda Borowska (5/1992 East)

Vert, on a pale between two mullets of seven points Or, a pithon bowed-embowed palewise, wings elevated and addorsed, and in base a roundel vert. Jarlene of Bendun (1/1984 Aten)

Vert, on a pale between two musical notes argent three gouttes vert. Siobhan inghean ui Dhonnabhain (1/2003 East)

Vert, on a pale between two pairs of arrows in saltire Or, a horse rampant azure. Jocelyn Christianna of Lincolnshire (12/1988 Midd)

Vert, on a pale between two shamrocks argent, a stag springing gules. Patrick Hugh de Moireis (11/1997 Meri)

Vert, on a pale between two sheaves of five wheat stalks Or two hop cones stems to base vert. Gormr Dómarsson (1/2007 Atla)

Vert, on a pale between two swans naiant respectant argent three arrows inverted sable. Jeneuer Neuille (11/2010 Caid)

Vert, on a pale between two talbots sejant respectant Or three bugle horns stringed gules. Peter Blackbeard (8/1981 West)

Vert, on a pale between two thistles Or a natural salamander rampant vert. Marcus of Bartale (6/2002 Eald)

Vert, on a pale bretessed Or three elm leaves vert. Christina O'Cleary (8/2011 Caid)

Vert, on a pale doubly endorsed argent three fir trees couped vert. Lína in danska (3/2010 AEth)

Vert, on a pale endorsed argent three roundels vert. Juturna di Parma (8/1994 West)

Vert, on a pale endorsed Or, a redwood tree proper. Morina Magrath (10/1987 Atla)

Vert, on a pale engrailed argent between two swords inverted proper, a tower vert. Áengus Mac Seáin (7/2004 Midd)

Vert, on a pale engrailed between two Latin Crosses argent, a Latin cross vert. Wulfric of Creigull (12/1989 West)

Vert, on a pale gules fimbriated a hand Or, a base barry argent and azure. Lonergan Fionn o'Flaherty (8/1991 AnTi)

Vert, on a pale indented argent five cinquefoils purpure. Miriel Verdy (2/2003 AEth)

Vert, on a pale indented between six triquetras Or a talbot passant sable. Brigid O'Hara (1/2007 Atla)

Vert, on a pale indented between two fleurs-de-lys argent, in pale a wyvern statant atop a tower sable. Constancia le Gode (8/2008 Aten)

Vert, on a pale offset Or two garden rosebuds gules slipped and leaved vert. Jesca des Deux Roses (9/1990 East)

Vert, on a pale Or a heron azure. Aelfthryth Healfdene (6/2000 Calo)

Vert, on a pale Or an adder erect, tail nowed sable, and on a chief Or three step-cut gemstones palewise vert. Esmeralda Blackadder (3/1998 Caid)

Vert, on a pale Or between in chief two crescents argent a scorpion inverted sable. Rodrigo Alfonso de Granada (3/2003 AnTi)

Vert, on a pale Or between two mullets argent, three rabbits couchant sable. Enrico d'Oria (6/1993 West)

Vert, on a pale Or three thistles purpure. Dughall Mach Eoghainn Mach Laomuinn Mach Fhearchair (2/2000 Aten)

Vert, on a pale raguly argent, three axes reversed sable. Ragnar of Ragnars Rock (9/1992 Anst)

Vert, on a pale rayonny argent three talbots passant sable. Maura McCrery (12/2002 Meri)

Vert, on a pale sable fimbriated argent a tree eradicated Or, a chief argent. Branwen ferch Gwythyr (2/2003 AEth)

Vert, on a pale sable fimbriated between two anchors bendwise sinister and fouled of their cables, three mullets Or. Gyles Courtenay (1/2008 Atla)

Vert, on a pale wavy Or between in chief two flames Or each charged with a torteau a sea-lion contourny gules. Mara O'Brien (6/1995 Aten)

Vert, on a pall argent three frogs heads to center vert. Lucius Hadrianus (9/2000 Anst)

Vert, on a pall azure, fimbriated, four birch leaves argent. Nara of Fernwell (6/1983 Anst)

Vert, on a pall barry wavy argent and azure a sun Or. Annabel Carnegie (11/1995 Midd)

Vert, on a pall between a dragon and two towers Or a compass star sable. Godric of Hamtun (4/2003 East)

Vert, on a pall between three crosses crosslet argent a lion gules. Lowrens of Ross (11/2003 Anst)

Vert, on a pall sable fimbriated between three ivy leaves, an ivy leaf argent. Theodora Delamore (11/1998 Atla)

Vert, on a pall wavy between three crosses clechy argent a laurel wreath vert. Knottyng Cross, College of (11/2009 East)

Vert, on a pellet a horse's head couped Or above a coronet showing three Latin crosses Or. Henrik of Havn (1/1973)

Vert, on a phoenix Or a compass star azure. Tuathal Mac Crimthainn (7/2005 Caid)

Vert, on a pile argent, a dragon rampant gules. Nicholos of the Hill Folk (7/1974)

Vert, on a pile argent a tomato worm rearing proper, on the lines of the pile two quills crossed at the nibs Or. Diane of Beechwood (7/1979)

Vert, on a pile azure, fimbriated, a triquetra inverted Or, all within a bordure Or. Marlise von Bernhardt (7/1987 Meri)

Vert, on a pile azure fimbriated argent an African leopard's face Or. Aodhagan O Caoimh (8/1984 Anst)

Vert, on a pile azure fimbriated argent between two African leopards rampant addorsed, a leopard's head caboshed Or. Aodhagan O Caoimh (5/1980 Anst)

Vert, on a pile bendwise inverted between two compass stars argent a compass star palewise sable. Vyncent atte Wodegate (1/2006 West)

Vert, on a pile between a pair of wings argent a triple-arched bridge sable. Wolf von der Mühle (3/2012 Outl)

Vert, on a pile between in pile seven cups Or, a mermaid erect affronty maintaining in her dexter hand a wine bottle and in her sinister hand a tray bearing three cups vert. Christianna MacGrain (6/1984 Meri)

Vert, on a pile between two arrows in pile Or a fox's mask sable. Geraint Morys (12/2002 AEth)

Vert, on a pile between two bows addorsed Or two fire arrows inverted in saltire sable enflamed gules. Stefan O'Reilly (1/1998 Atla)

Vert, on a pile between two dragons rampant contourny Or an oak tree couped proper fructed Or. Cedric Wayfarar (6/1994 AnTi)

Vert, on a pile between two increscents and two decrescents argent, a cross crosslet fitchy sable. Caius of Umber (2/1991 Caid)

Vert, on a pile between two shamrocks Or, a winged quatrefoil slipped wings displayed vert. Neacal Montgomery (7/1991 Atla)

Vert, on a pile between two unicorns rampant reguardant addorsed argent a sun azure. Megwyn O'Bardain of Caledon Wood (7/1991 Caid)

Vert, on a pile cotised argent a poppy affronty gules seeded sable slipped and leaved vert. Anne of Gyllingeham (10/2011 Loch)

Vert, on a pile dovetailed argent between two anchors Or, a two-headed dunghill cock displayed sable. Angus Sinclair (1/1993 Aten)

Vert, on a pile embattled Or a tree eradicated sable. Míchél MacDara (4/1997 Caid)

Vert, on a pile engrailed argent between two annulets Or, a quatrefoil slipped vert. Frank the Fortunate (1/1991 West)

Vert, on a pile engrailed Or a rose slipped and leaved proper. Fiona ingen Donnchada (3/2001 Trim)

Vert, on a pile engrailed throughout argent a natural leopard's face vert. Frank the Fortunate (8/1983 West)

Vert, on a pile indented argent a sword inverted gules. Cailean McArdle (4/1993 Atla)

Vert, on a pile inverted bendwise sinister throughout gules, fimbriated, a mullet of seven points argent. Geoffrey Allyn Dawnstar (12/1986 Trim)

Vert, on a pile inverted bendwise throughout argent a lymphad oars shipped sable, in chief a snaffle bit chevronwise argent. Deirdre Lasairíona ni Raghailligh (6/2005 Anst)

Vert, on a pile inverted ployé argent a corbie close sable and on a chief argent a rapier reversed sable. Robert Corwin Silverthorne (12/1998 Outl)

Vert, on a pile inverted throughout between two hounds combattant argent a trebuchet proper. Fergus mac Conal (12/2000 AnTi)

Vert, on a pile inverted throughout engrailed between two wolf's paw prints argent a dog's head couped sable. Marmeduk MacKay (11/2002 Anst)

Vert, on a pile inverted throughout Or three golpes one and two. Gracye of Lokwode (3/2004 Calo)

Vert, on a pile inverted wavy between two estoiles argent another vert. Cecily Nicole Keighley (10/1995 Caid)

Vert, on a pile issuant throughout from dexter Or fimbriated argent a dexter tierce triangular gules fimbriated sable. Guyana (9/1995 Laur)

Vert, on a pile Or, a heart vert, all within a bordure Or. Robert Greenheart (6/1990 Meri)

Vert, on a pile Or an arrow sable flighted vert. Ian MacHenrik (4/2001 AnTi)

Vert, on a pile raguly between in base two crosses potent argent, a brown bear rampant contourny proper. Patrick von Brandenburg (5/1998 Midd)

Vert, on a pile rayonny argent a crane in his vigilance azure. Leo Winthrop of the Torn Surcoat (1/1991 Caid)

Vert, on a pile sable fimbriated a sun, and on a chief Or a lion passant purpure. Michael DeLacy (10/1994 Drac)

Vert, on a pile sable fimbriated Or, an eagle displayed argent. William Cameron (8/1998 Atla)

Vert, on a pile throughout argent a boar rampant proper, on a chief argent three Thor's hammers gules. Oddmarr berserkr (1/2010 Calo)

Vert, on a pile throughout azure fimbriated, an angel statant to sinister maintaining a sword palewise argent and in dexter chief a laurel wreath Or. Rivenvale, Shire of (12/2004 Midd)

Vert, on a pile throughout between a pair of drinking horns Or, a sword inverted vert. OEringr Ketilsson (10/2010 Anst)

Vert, on a pile throughout between two escallops inverted argent, an otter statant proper. Caenell verch Ailwyn (5/2000 Midd)

Vert, on a pile throughout between two snowflakes argent, a rod sable entwined by a vine vert. Elysabet de Warren (5/1988 Midd)

Vert, on a pile throughout cotised Or, an ocotillo vert, flowered gules. Leonie de Civronnay (6/1985 Aten)

Vert, on a pile wavy issuant from dexter chief argent, a comet purpure, as an augmentation, on an escutcheon overall purpure, a cross of Calatrava within a bordure Or. Katrei Grünenberg (7/2007 Calo)

Vert, on a pile wavy issuant from dexter chief argent, a comet purpure. Katrei Grünenberg (10/1993 Calo)

Vert, on a pile wavy Or a natural rainbow proper, in base a fountain. Caroline of Mainwaring (5/1982 Meri)

Vert, on a pile wavy Or an oak leaf sable. Enda Mac Ward (1/1998 Drac)

Vert, on a plate a brown stag's head cabossed proper all within a bordure argent. Matsuura Suetsune (5/2002 Atla)

Vert, on a plate a cat couchant to sinister sable within a bordure rayonny argent. Elana Blakefenn (9/1991 Caid)

Vert, on a plate a cat passant sable all within a bordure Or charged with a tressure gules. Kathryn Grace Enright O'Neill (8/1980 Anst)

Vert, on a plate a mullet voided and interlaced within and conjoined to an annulet azure, a bordure wavy argent. Cáelán Weyfare (12/2010 Atla)

Vert, on a plate a stag's head cabossed sable, on a chief embattled argent a roundel between an increscent and decrescent sable. Ichijou Sukeaki (12/2009 Aten)

Vert, on a plate a swan naiant, couped on the fess line, sable. Anne of the Golden Mantle (7/1981 East)

Vert, on a plate a tree eradicated proper and on a chief argent three cat's heads erased azure. Rioghnach inghean Chonchobhair Atha Dhara (6/2003 Caid)

Vert, on a plate a tree eradicated sable, a base argent. Aldred Blackwood (11/1998 Atla)

Vert, on a plate between three compass stars argent, a wyvern erect sable. Randal mac Ruadháin (1/1991 Meri)

Vert, on a plate between two crescents argent and an estoile Or a horse's head couped to sinister gules, all within an orle Or. Athelyna Estrild Nimblefingers (11/1983 Caid)

Vert, on a plate within an annulet Or, an ermine spot gules. Naevehjem, Barony of (12/1992 Caid)

Vert, on a roundel argent a tree eradicated sable, on a base argent a wolf statant sable. Snæulf Hrolfsson (4/1998 Atla)

Vert, on a roundel argent within a laurel wreath Or a hart's head erased sable. Hartwood, Shire of (10/1995 AnTi)

Vert, on a roundel azure fimbriated an armoured horse's head erased, in base a triquetra argent. Sheela de Presle (1/2010 Arte)

Vert, on a roundel between five trillium flowers inverted argent a wyvern volant contourny sable. Màiri inghean mhic an Toisich (1/2003 East)

Vert, on a roundel between three equal-armed Celtic crosses argent a wolf sejant ululant sable. Sythe Blackwolfe (9/2006 Aten)

Vert, on a roundel Or, a unicorn salient sable. Brian Maolcaoin (1/1976 East)

Vert, on a roundel Or between in cross four crosses bottony fitchy argent a wolf rampant contourny sable. Katherine Mariana O'Malley (8/1999 Anst)

Vert, on a roundel per pale Or and azure, a fleur-de-lis counterchanged. Aíbinn ingen Artáin (5/2008 Trim)

Vert, on a saltire argent a goblet azure, overall a bordure counterchanged. Daighre mac Coileain o Cearbhaill (1/1985 Midd)

Vert, on a saltire argent five griffin's heads palewise erased contourny sable. Richard Johns of Griffinwood (12/1997 West)

Vert, on a saltire argent, four mullets of four points azure, a chief argent. Daniel of Winchelsea (3/1993 Midd)

Vert, on a saltire between four lions passant regardant Or five crosses fleury sable. Claire de Mont Saint Michel (4/2000 Arte)

Vert, on a saltire between two hunting horns in fess Or, a rose vert. Caillech ingen Tuathail (1/1997 Meri)

Vert, on a saltire cotised argent, four rose twigs interlaced vert. Cennydd Lambard (9/1985 Caid)

Vert, on a saltire engrailed argent between four shamrocks Or, two arrows inverted in saltire gules. Rolf Sampson (10/1992 Midd)

Vert, on a saltire gules fimbriated argent a garden rosebud bendwise sinister argent, slipped and leaved vert, all within a bordure argent. Katriona Gwen Fergus (8/1980 West)

Vert, on a saltire Or a tower gules, and on a chief Or three roses gules, barbed and seeded proper. Elspeth Trelawney MacNaughton of Lochawe (8/1986 Trim)

Vert, on a saltire Or an arrow and a full drop spindle in saltire vert and in chief a chamomile flower argent seeded Or. Ysmay of New Ros (3/2010 Midd)

Vert, on a saltire Or five quatrefoils slipped vert and for augmentation, in chief on an escutcheon azure four crescents conjoined in saltire, horns outward, within a bordure argent. Laertes McBride (6/2006 Caid)

Vert, on a saltire Or five quatrefoils slipped vert. Laertes McBride (8/1999 Caid)

Vert on a saltire sable fimbriated between four roses slipped and leaved, two swords inverted argent. Daniel O Raghailligh (8/1991 AnTi)

Vert, on a spaniel couchant argent a Celtic cross gules. Milisandia Owen (11/2007 East)

Vert, on a spider argent an empty drop spindle inverted sable. Siobhán NicDhuinnshléibhe (11/2007 Atla)

Vert, on a sun argent a thistle proper, on a chief argent a sword fesswise vert. Gwendolen Eve MacDonald (4/1999 Calo)

Vert, on a sun between three fleurs-de-lys Or, a wyvern maintaining a harp gules. Alianore Astralis (10/1992 Trim)

Vert, on a sun Or a dexter hand appaumy couped at the wrist vert. Patrick of Innisfree (6/1976)

Vert, on a sun Or a rabbit and a guinea pig combattant sable orbed Or. Sunny of Somerset (8/1979)

Vert, on a sun Or three roses in chevron gules, slipped and leaved vert. Angela of the Meadows (6/2006 Aten)

Vert, on a sun Or within an orle argent a fleur-de-lys sable. Carlo dalla Casa (1/2007 Midd)

Vert, on a sun within a serpent vorant of its own tail Or, a mullet of four points between the horns of an increscent azure. Fia Naheed (8/1988 Caid)

Vert, on a tankard Or a cross crosslet fitchy vert. William of Woodland (4/1986 AnTi)

Vert, on a tau cross between in base two harps reversed Or three quatrefoils two and one vert. Cian Ó Madadhain (10/2001 Meri)

Vert, on a tower between three mullets of four points argent a raven sable. Coenred æt Rauenesdale (9/2009 Anst)

Vert, on a tower Or, a heart in chief vert. Robert Greenheart (11/1990 Meri)

Vert, on a tree blasted and eradicated argent between in fess two trefoils Or a harp sable. Brigit of Quintavia (9/2006 East)

Vert, on a tree eradicated argent a cat herisonny guardant gules. Cherie Ruadh MhicRath of Locksley (3/1987 Aten)

Vert, on a tree eradicated argent a crescent gules. Phillip MhicRath of Locksley (4/1983 Aten)

Vert, on a triskelion of arms each brandishing an axe Or, a torteau. Fearghus Ó Siadhail (11/1993 Anst)

Vert, on a triskelion of three horse's heads argent an anvil sable. Cáel mac Dagáin (7/2002 Meri)

Vert, on a wheel argent a winged cat sejant affronty wings displayed Or. Catherine du Fay (9/1990 East)

Vert, on an annulet Or, seven torteaux and on a chief dovetailed Or, a slip of oak fesswise, leaved and fructed, proper. Rhydderch the Hunter (5/1987 Atla)

Vert, on an artist's palette Or a lion's head erased to sinister vert. David de Kunstenaar (4/1984 Midd)

Vert, on an escallop argent a double-bitted axe inverted gules. Yves de Byron (3/2002 Anst)

Vert, on an escallop inverted Or, a garden rose gules slipped and leaved vert. Margaret Rose O'Malley (5/1991 Meri)

Vert, on an estoile of five rays Or a triskele purpure. Angharad Albanes (11/2000 East)

Vert, on an estoile of four greater and four lesser rays argent a dagger inverted sable, all within a bordure argent. Ailonwy of Darkblade (2/1984 Aten)

Vert, on an open book argent, a heart gules. Erna Kreisel (11/1998 Atla)

Vert, on an open book argent a key fesswise reversed purpure, a tierce argent. Dominick Elphinstone (6/2002 Atla)

Vert, on an open book argent a necklace of beads in annulo vert, on a chief argent three wooden drop spindles bendwise sinister proper threaded vert. Elena Lytle (2/2010 East)

Vert, on an open book Or a brown bear passant proper, a bordure embattled Or. Uaithne inghean uí Mhathghamhna (5/2005 East)

Vert, on an open scroll argent a quill pen bendwise sinister gules, a bordure fleuretty Or. Kasimira Kantorowska (2/1991 East)

Vert, on an open scroll argent in saltire an artist's brush and a quill pen sable, a bordure embattled Or. Outlands, Kingdom of the (10/2007 Outl)

Vert, on plate a sagitarry passant sable, a chief argent. Cyrille Robert (6/2000 Meri)

Vert, on the palm of a sinister hand Or, a fret couped vert. Lyle FitzWilliam (6/1990 East)

Vert, on three bezants conjoined in pall a wyvern erect vert, jambed and winged gules, and in chief a raising-hammer proper. James Martel (4/1981 West)

Vert, on three lozenges in pall argent three roses gules, a bordure argent. Ismay Othe of Glendalough (4/1995 Caid)

Vert scaly argent, a bordure invected Or. Rhiannon verch Tegan Glascoed (6/2001 East)

Vert, scaly argent, a nautilus shell, opening to sinister chief, Or. Ia of the Sea (11/1990 Aten)

Vert scaly argent, four cat's eyes in cross Or. Alinor of Braeford (9/1993 Midd)

Vert, seme of [Amanita muscaria] mushrooms proper, a griffin passant argent, armed and langued gules. Johanna von Griffenhurst (12/1971 West)

Vert, semé of daisies proper, a longhorn bull dormant gardant Or. Russell Barborosa (5/1980 Aten)

Vert, seme of daisies proper, on a pile Or, a fox sejant erect gules playing bagpipes vert. Adrienne Fildyng de Faux (5/1992 West)

Vert, semé of estoiles Or, a female wolf rampant argent, collared and chained Or. Fuiltigherne ni Ruadh O'Finn (3/1983 Meri)

Vert, seme of fers-a-loup inverted argent, a panther incensed erminois. Grimwulf the Hairy (7/1987 Midd)

Vert, semé of thistles slipped and leaved, on a bend argent a peacock tail feather proper. Elizabeth Tremayne of Silverleaf (4/1982 Caid)

Vert, semé of tree stumps snagged eradicated proper, in saltire two axes Or. Selva of the Treeless Plain (8/1980 Anst)

Vert semy of acorns, an oak tree on a bordure Or six gouttes d'huile. Wealdsmere, Barony of (1/1998 AnTi)

Vert semy of acorns argent, a coney courant contourny Or. Tuathlaith ingen uí Lochlainn (9/2011 Midd)

Vert, semy of acorns inverted, slipped and leaved, Or, on a chevron argent, a raven close, head lowered, sable. Leonie de Grey (8/1989 West)

Vert semy of acorns Or. Brighid ni Chearnaigh (4/2000 Midd)

Vert, semy of arrowheads inverted, a sea-lion erect brandishing in dexter paw a bow and in sinister paw three arrows inverted Or. Ragnar of Southkeype (6/1991 Trim)

Vert semy of arrows bendwise, a boar's head erased argent. Godric FitzEdmond (3/2012 East)

Vert, semy of bears rampant argent. Mord Hrutson the Green (1/1996 East)

Vert semy of bees Or marked sable, on a pale argent in pale a coney rampant and a laurel wreath vert. Brokenbridge, Canton of (4/2007 East)

Vert, semy of bells Or, a panther sejant guardant argent spotted of various tinctures incensed proper. Caintigern of Ainsley (5/1994 Caid)

Vert, semy of buttercups Or, a griffin segreant, and on a chief argent, three mullets azure. James FitzGarth (5/1985 Midd)

Vert, semy of butterflies, a point pointed Or. Gwynevere of Riesling (9/1991 Caid)

Vert semy of caltrops argent. Toen Fitzwilliam (7/2001 Calo)

Vert semy of carrots argent, a rabbit rampant Or. Torrey Hasentanzer (9/1995 Midd)

Vert, semy of chess rooks argent, a sealion erect Or. Hywyn of Wyrmgeist (6/1990 Meri)

Vert, semy of cinquefoils, a lamb dormant argent within a bordure Or. Jeanne d'Aussay (2/1986 Caid)

Vert semy of cinquefoils, a pale engrailed argent. Siobhan Greenmeadow (9/1995 Midd)

Vert semy of comets, on a fess argent a closed book vert. Eva Goch (6/2001 AEth)

Vert semy of crescents pendant, on a pile between two owls respectant Or a tree proper. Zakalus Latizlo (3/2008 East)

Vert semy of daisies Or, a serpent glissant palewise argent. Margarita Alegria Gonzalvo (4/1997 East)

Vert semy of dragonflies argent. Marion Forester (4/2005 Midd)

Vert, semy of dragons segreant, wings displayed, Or. Éowyn Amberdrake (5/1986 Caid)

Vert, semy of escallops Or, a winged sea-unicorn argent within a bordure embattled Or. Cailléne Morgan (4/1989 East)

Vert semy of flowers, a mare salient to sinister Or orbed sable. Alisande de Rohan (1/1973)

Vert semy of frogs argent. Mea Cornario (6/2005 Anst)

Vert, semy of fusils Or, on a chief wavy azure a laurel wreath Or. Dumnonia, Barony of (12/1975 Midd)

Vert semy of hawk's bells, in bend three talbots dormant argent. Alianora Munro (10/1995 Atla)

Vert, semy of hearts argent, a chief checky sable and argent. Jesmaine of Volchevo Lesa (12/1991 Atla)

Vert semy of holly leaves, a bend Or. Elizabeth Braidwood (9/1999 AnTi)

Vert semy of increscents Or, a wolf sejant contourny ululant argent. Aurelia Iuliana (12/2004 Midd)

Vert semy of Latin crosses flory argent, a hare courant Or. Byrghitta of Abhainn Cíach Ghlais (5/2005 AEth)

Vert, semy of lucys haurient Or two natural tigers sejant respectant argent marked sable. Fujioka Tora (3/2000 Caid)

Vert semy of mice couchant to sinister argent, a tower Or. Maria von dem Mäuseturm (7/1999 Atla)

Vert, semy of mice rampant Or, a domestic cat rampant to sinister argent. Elizabeth Rebecca MacLeod (11/1989 Outl)

Vert, semy of oak leaves argent, on a tower argent a cross of Jerusalem vert. Joe of Rivenstar (4/1994 Midd)

Vert semy of oak leaves bendwise sinister, in pale a dagger inverted and a stag's head caboshed Or. Thorvald Ingvarsson (5/1995 Meri)

Vert, semy of owls affronty Or. Oliuir von Iulenstein (4/1993 Midd)

Vert semy of pears slipped and leaved, on a chief Or three pimpernels gules. Yseult the Gentle (4/2000 Midd)

Vert semy of roses, a unicorn couchant contourny argent. Tatiana Verlioni (3/2004 Drac)

Vert semy of roses, a wolf rampant argent maintaining a mullet of twelve points Or charged with a roundel gules. Amber of Litchfield (10/2007 Eald)

Vert, semy of roses argent, a horse salient and on a chief Or three mullets of six points vert. Olwen ferch Rhys of Aberdovey (1/1994 East)

Vert semy of roses Or, a polypus argent. Michael of the Loch (3/2012 Anst)

Vert, semy of roundels and a gore Or. Hróðgeirr Hróaldsson (12/2003 West)

Vert semy of sheep statant contourny argent. Christofre de Clyn (1/2009 Atla)

Vert semy of sinister wings argent, a bordure Or. Llewelynus Luctuosus (6/2002 Atla)

Vert, semy of snowflakes, a polar bear passant within a bordure engrailed argent. Ursula Aelswitha (8/1987 Atla)

Vert semy-de-lys, a Latin cross floretty Or. Constanza Raffaella dall'Oriente (3/1996 Meri)

Vert semy-de-lys, a sun and on a chief Or three roses gules. Mary Grace of Gatland (6/2002 Atla)

Vert, semy-de-lys argent, in pale a lion couchant Or and a lamb couchant to sinister argent within a bordure embattled Or. Kasimira Verena d'Arcy (1/1991 Calo)

Vert semy-de-lys argent, on flaunches Or two Skye terriers combattant sable. Nuala níc Ailín (2/2005 Caid)

Vert semy-de-lys, on a bend sinister argent three unicorns passant palewise gules. Cecilia of Brymstone (2/2005 Aten)

Vert semy-de-lys Or, a knight armed cap-à-pie mounted upon a horse passant within an annulet argent. Corinne Castilla (4/1995 Trim)

Vert semy-de-lys Or, a swan rousant argent collared and chained Or, a bordure compony gules and argent. Michael Rhys Armitage (4/1998 Midd)

Vert semy-de-lys Or, the Archangel Michael argent haloed Or. Rhys Gethin (1/2004 West)

Vert, seven mullets and on a chief Or three martlets vert. Edward Sevensterre (2/1996 Midd)

Vert, seven trees three three and one a bordure embattled argent. Ben the Steward (4/1997 East)

Vert, six billets in fess argent between a chevron inverted and a chevron Or. William of Vulcanfeldt (7/1990 AnTi)

Vert, six daisies argent, seeded and within a bordure Or. Elaine Brigham of Yorkshire (8/1992 Caid)

Vert, six escallops Or. Nuala inghean Murchadha (6/2005 Midd)

Vert, six lions passant Or. Edward of Hartwell (9/2002 Caid)

Vert, six peapods Or. Alice Gardener (6/1992 East)

Vert, six suns and a bordure Or. Jora in Irska (9/2000 West)

Vert, the letters X, L, C, two and one, Or. An Tir, Kingdom of (6/1976)

Vert, the phrase "There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the prophet of Allah" in Arabic script and in base a sword fesswise argent. Saudi Arabia (9/1995 Laur)

Vert, three annulets in bend Or. Astrid Esbjörnsdotter (12/1994 Calo)

Vert, three annulets interlaced in fess and on a chief Or three ivy leaves vert. Genevieve de Blois (12/1993 East)

Vert, three annulets interlaced one and two argent. Margie of Glen More (6/1996 West)

Vert, three annulets interlaced one and two between three roundels Or. Johanna of Gleann Dubh (2/1998 Trim)

Vert, three annulets interlaced, two and one, Or, on a chief argent three pellets. Catarina de Liguria (11/1989 Caid)

Vert, three apples Or and a chief ermine. Morvran ap Rhys (4/1994 West)

Vert, three arches in pale Or between two flaunches invected ermine. Jeane Chantal la Bouviere (7/1991 AnTi)

Vert, three armored arms in triskelion, each maintaining a spoon, argent, between three cooking pots Or. Steffan of the Close (2/1997 Aten)

Vert, three arrows in pall, points outward, between a cat sejant affronty and two cats combattant Or. Shaw Shadowdweller (11/1983 West)

Vert, three arrows inverted within a bordure Or. Daniel Moorsholm (12/1995 East)

Vert, three bars gemelles argent within a bordure ermine. Dublin O'Guinn Silverwolf (1/1987 AnTi)

Vert, three bars vair, overall a golden Dryas flower [Dryas octopetala] proper. Freyjarthe na Barra (1/1980 East)

Vert, three bears statant within a bordure indented argent. Snæbjorn sverdsbrjótr (9/2006 Eald)

Vert, three bees bendwise in bend Or. Eleanor du Pré (4/1996 Caid)

Vert, three bees in pall inverted, heads to center, and on a bordure argent a briar vine sable. James in le Breres (11/2007G)

Vert, three bees within an orle Or. Giovanna Beatrice di Grazia (7/2000 Aten)

Vert, three bendlets and a swallow volant bendwise argent. Caitilín inghean Chormaic (12/2009 AnTi)

Vert, three bendlets enhanced and in base a wolf statant erect Or, playing leather bagpipes proper. Wulfnoth macFinn O'Domhnaill (11/1984 Caid)

Vert, three bendlets enhanced Or, overall an otter statant argent. Megan O'Reilly (3/1986 Calo)

Vert, three bendlets sinister between a wolf's head erased contourny and an oak leaf bendwise sinister argent. Wölfel Wizsilberlin (12/2009 Caid)

Vert, three bezants in bend between two bendlets argent. Ingeborg på Ørby (10/2001 Drac)

Vert, three bezants in fess between a cross couped and a base embattled Or. Marco Massimi (5/1986 East)

Vert, three boar's heads erased argent. Bressal Macculloch (5/2002 AEth)

Vert, three boar's heads erased within an orle Or. Faolán McFerran (7/1995 Anst)

Vert, three broad arrowheads in pall, points outward, and on a chief dovetailed argent a lion passant guardant sable. Eoin Mac Eoghain (6/1984 East)

Vert, three bugle horns and on a chief argent, a rose gules. Frances Huntington (4/1987 West)

Vert, three bulls passant Or, each charged on the shoulder with a heart gules, within a bordure Or. Benahan of Lusitania (4/1982 West)

Vert, three candles conjoined at the bases in pall inverted Or, enflamed proper, between three crosses of ermine spots argent. Timothy Garraghan o Leitrim (8/1984 Midd)

Vert, three carracks and a bordure embattled argent. Royce Kensington (5/2004 Atla)

Vert, three cat's faces Or, a bordure argent. Solveig Ívarsdóttir (5/1999 West)

Vert, three cattails slipped and leaved conjoined at the base argent. Llywelyn Gruffydd of Elfsea (9/1994 Anst)

Vert, three Celtic crosses swallowtailed and a chief embattled Or. Charles von Strasburg (10/1995 Aten)

Vert, three chess rooks and a chief engrailed Or. Ranalt MacFirbis (9/1993 East)

Vert, three chevronels braced and in chief a hound couchant argent charged with a feather fesswise reversed sable. Eoin Ó Séaghdha (9/1995 Midd)

Vert, three chevronels braced and in chief a wyvern statant to sinister argent. Conan de Kirketun of Wyvernsreach (7/1991 Caid)

Vert, three chevronels braced and in chief three empty embroiderer's quills Or. Bricia de Neubold (7/2007 East)

Vert, three chevronels braced and on a chief argent a rapier reversed sable. Crispin an Tulaich (2/1992 Outl)

Vert, three chevronels braced argent within a bordure Or, semy of fir trees couped vert. Rabiah of the Misty Mountains (3/1989 Midd)

Vert, three chevronels braced ermine. Ginevra Bagnesi da Diacceto (1/1997 Meri)

Vert, three chevronels braced, in chief a dolphin naiant Or. Karna Persdotter (4/2001 Drac)

Vert, three chevronels braced, in chief a stag lodged Or, a bordure Or crusilly formy sable. John de Ellsworth (10/1999 Atla)

Vert, three chevronels braced inverted Or. Aidan Cocrinn (4/1986 Calo)

Vert, three chevronels braced Or and in chief a laurel wreath argent. Mont d'Or, Shire of (11/1986 West)

Vert, three chevronels braced Or, on a chief indented argent a salmon gules. Conall Óg mac Dabhídh (8/2010 Outl)

Vert, three chevronels interlaced, in chief between two compass-stars a fleur-de-lys voided argent. Joanna de Lisane (8/1977)

Vert, three chevronels Or, overall a castle sable, fimbriated Or. Marcus of the Locked Mountain (6/1981 Caid)

Vert, three church bells Or. Linnet Fayrchyld (5/2007 Aten)

Vert, three closed books palewise, spines to sinister Or. Angharad of the Coppery Shields (10/1987 West)

Vert, three closed books palewise within an orle argent. Christiana Silverton (1/2010n)

Vert, three compass stars, the greater points wavy, within a bordure invected argent. Morgan Morningstar (1/1987 Anst)

Vert, three coneys salient argent. Michel Le Marchant (4/2010 Midd)

Vert, three crequiers and on a chief embattled argent three roses purpure. Garran Ó Murchadha (2/2012 AEth)

Vert, three crescents in fess and on a mountain Or a mullet vert. Leonora of the Willows (10/2002 AEth)

Vert, three crossbows uncocked argent. Giano Balestriere (4/2007 Drac)

Vert, three crosses formy Or. Domnall na nAmus (7/2007 AEth)

Vert, three demi-yales conjoined in pall argent, spotted gules. Robert von Einsiedeln (7/1990 West)

Vert, three dolphins braced in triangle between three oak leaves inverted argent. Muirgen Aylwin (4/1996 Atla)

Vert, three dolphins naiant argent. Stefan von Baden (4/2000 AEth)

Vert, three domestic cats sejant argent. Margaret Elizabeth of Carlisle (8/1999 Caid)

Vert, three dragonflies in pall inverted tails to center argent. Hrafn Haraldsson (4/2007 AEth)

Vert, three elephants statant trumpeting Or. Dubhchobhlaigh inghean uí Dhiarmada (7/2004 Midd)

Vert, three ermine spots in pall inverted, tails outwards, Or. Cynon Yscolan ap Myrddin (11/1990 West)

Vert, three escallops, in chief a serpent glissant fesswise Or. Richard de Chalfont (4/1990 East)

Vert, three escallops inverted within a bordure Or. Martelle von Charlottenburg (5/1986 Atla)

Vert, three escutcheons Or. Brendan McNeill O'Neill (10/2002 West)

Vert, three flames argent each charged with a heart azure. Aidan Sacheverell Hyde (12/2006 East)

Vert, three fleurs-de-lys and on a chief Or, a dragon passant gules. Morgann ap Ffrancwr Morgannwg (9/1990 East)

Vert, three fleurs-de-lys in pall inverted bases to center within a bordure argent. Jehannine de Flandres (11/2003 East)

Vert, three flutes in triangle argent. Shauna of Carrick Point (3/1987 East)

Vert, three fox's masks and on a chief argent three increscents azure. Blausa Korsakova (4/2004 AEth)

Vert, three fraises Or, pierced vert, on a chief Or a rose gules barbed and seeded proper. Bevin Fraser of Sterling (1/1974)

Vert, three frogs Or. Edwin de Brus (3/2012 Anst)

Vert, three garbs argent. Medb ingen Muiredaich (9/2004 East)

Vert, three garbs in fess and on a chief Or a lion passant guardant gules. Saskatchewan (1/1998 Laur)

Vert, three geese sejant in pall, heads together and conjoined, proper, all within a bordure potenty argent [Anser anser]. Brynja of Byrrhyll (12/1989 Meri)

Vert, three goat's hoofprints inverted Or. Watt Kidman (10/1995 AnTi)

Vert, three goblets and a chief embattled Or. Cairell mac Cormaic (3/2004 Atla)

Vert, three goblets in pall bowls to center and on a bordure argent an ivy vine vert. Konrad von Krixen (5/2002 Arte)

Vert, three goutes of flame conjoined in pall, surmounted by an estoile, all argent. Jane Ascham (8/1989 West)

Vert, three hands in pale, a bordure embattled argent. Ardal of Stonegrave (4/1999 Midd)

Vert, three heads of St. Cybi proper aureoled Or. Owain of Holyhead (9/1973)

Vert, three hedgehogs statant argent. Gwenllian ferch Llywelyn ab Ieuan (2/1997 Aten)

Vert, three horned helmets argent. Olaf of Axar (4/1984 West)

Vert, three horse's heads conjoined in triskele Or. Kendra Sloane of Penmarch (1/1981 West)

Vert, three horses rampant argent within a bordure embattled Or. Agilina of Avon (4/1994 East)

Vert, three horseshoes inverted argent and a chief Or. Kendrick Ostler (9/1991 Caid)

Vert, three increscents in bend sinister between two scarpes argent. Lydia Brittanica (5/1992 West)

Vert, three ivy leaves conjoined in pall inverted within an annulet between three shamrocks and in chief a label dovetailed of five points Or. Daniel Ó Céileachair (10/2002 Anst)

Vert, three keystones argent. Lysken die Waeyer (11/2011 East)

Vert, three lamps and a chief double-arched Or. Cassandra Northcliffe (9/1991 Caid)

Vert, three lilies and a bordure Or. Leonora of Monadh (10/1995 Midd)

Vert, three lizards tergiant conjoined in annulo argent. Emma fille de Michele (7/2010 Caid)

Vert, three long conical caps Or turned up ermine. Valentine Christian Warner (1/1996 Midd)

Vert, three Maltese crosses, on a chief argent three compass roses sable. Caitlyn O'Duirnin (11/1998 Atla)

Vert, three mascles argent. Katherine de Whitacre (2/2003 Caid)

Vert, three mice couchant within a bordure Or. Isobella de Cordoba (10/1987 Calo)

Vert, three mice dormant argent within a bordure argent semy of caltrops vert. Gwenddolynn ni hAilleachaín (8/2001 Meri)

Vert, three mullets of eight points and on a chief Or, a comet fesswise sable. Yrcun of Anglesea (2/1990 West)

Vert, three mullets one and two and on a point pointed Or a tree sable, leaved atop a mount vert. Aethelwine of the Greentrees (4/1983 Midd)

Vert, three natural sea-turtles Or. William de Grey (9/2004 Caid)

Vert, three needles argent. Ingunn Halldorsdottir (2/2011 AEth)

Vert, three oak leaves and on a chief argent a quill pen vert. Douglas le Escriueyn (5/1992 Atla)

Vert, three oak leaves bendwise in bend argent between two bendlets Or. Hrongviðr hærulangr (11/2003 AnTi)

Vert, three oak leaves conjoined in pall and in chief three acorns Or. Faoileann Ruadh (11/1999 Anst)

Vert, three oak leaves conjoined in pall between three acorns in pall inverted caps to center argent. Aeneas Oakhammer (12/2002 Eald)

Vert, three oak trees eradicated within a bordure argent. Ceara inghean Dubháin uí Mháille (5/2002 AEth)

Vert, three open books and on a chief triangular argent, a sprig of rosemary vert. Ella Gajewi (3/1986 West)

Vert, three orchids [Phalaenopsis sp.] argent. Colleen Elizabeth du Cassis (2/1981 West)

Vert, three pairs of barnacles inverted argent. Issobell Robertsoun (5/2007 Anst)

Vert, three pairs of dulcimer hammers in saltire within a bordure embattled Or. Ivon of Darkforest (10/1988 Caid)

Vert, three pairs of swords in saltire Or. Donnabhán Ó Rothláin (6/1995 West)

Vert, three pallets argent, overall a chevron counter-ermine. Phillip the Pilgrim (9/1984 Midd)

Vert, three panpipes Or. Alys Chauntrey (8/2006 Caid)

Vert, three peacocks in their pride argent. Eleonora di Gerardo (1/2008 Caid)

Vert, three pears in pale Or and on a chief argent two holly leaves fesswise vert. Mylisant Perry (10/1996 Drac)

Vert, three pheons within a bordure engrailed Or. Sciath Caoiltiarn (8/1993 East)

Vert, three phoenixes, the two in chief with heads respectant, argent. Mary Cristin de Pembrok (9/2011 Drac)

Vert, three piles in point argent, overall a chevron embattled Or. Petra the Blythe (5/2001 West)

Vert, three piles inverted in point throughout argent between in chief two oak leaves Or. Muirghein Dhaire (4/1996 Caid)

Vert, three pine trees eradicated bendy argent and sable. Oswald von dem Grünwald (2/1985 East)

Vert, three pitchers flammant at the mouth argent. Celestinus MacCriomhthainn (12/1997 Drac)

Vert, three plates, each charged with the Roman numeral XXX gules. Colleen Elizabeth du Cassis (8/1979)

Vert, three quavers in bend sinister argent. Moire MacGraha (3/2012 East)

Vert, three rabbits courant in annulo conjoined by the ears argent. Eoin Cerd (8/1996 East)

Vert, three roses argent between two bendlets gemel Or. Eilis Brathnagh (9/1999 Atla)

Vert, three rowan flowers proper, a bordure ermine. [Sorbus aucuparia] Ewan Adyssyn op Cenbri o Glyn Criafol (8/1979 Anst)

Vert, three salamanders Or enflamed gules. Zofia Wis'niewska (7/1999 Meri)

Vert, three serpents involved in annulo and on a chief argent three Arabian lamps lit vert. Owain Penbras (9/2006 Atla)

Vert, three shears interlaced in pall Or. Margaret Swynford of Bristow (8/1992 AnTi)

Vert, three sheep statant argent. Ælfhelm se Reade (9/2000 Anst)

Vert, three snails Or. Alana O'Keeve (7/2006 East)

Vert, three sparrows and a chief engrailed argent. Amie Sparrow (10/2005 Atla)

Vert, three spearheads in pall points outwards, on a chief wavy argent three laurel wreaths vert. Torna, Canton of (6/2001 Drac)

Vert, three stag's heads cabossed argent, on a chief Or a wolf courant gules. Morgan Ni Mhaille (11/1992 Midd)

Vert, three stag's massacres each within an annulet of chain Or. Aethelred of Andredesleage (4/2001 AnTi)

Vert, three stalks of wheat bendwise sinister in fess and a chief wavy Or. Nerissa of the Golden Sea (10/1984 Atla)

Vert, three starflowers in pale proper. Elfrida of Greenwalls (1/1973)

Vert, three straight trumpets fesswise in pale Or. Madawc Seumus Caradawg (1/1997 Caid)

Vert, three suns Or. Alissende du Soleil (1/1997 Midd)

Vert, three swords in fess proper, on a chief argent three annulets sable. Norbert Fechter (12/1990 Calo)

Vert, three swords inverted in point, on a chief argent, three Latin crosses vert. Wilhelm Cameron von Holstein (9/1990 Midd)

Vert, three trees couped and on a chief argent, a pike naiant embowed gules. Aethelwyn von Wotanswald (8/1988 Midd)

Vert, three trees one and two within a bordure embattled argent. Ben the Steward (4/1997 East)

Vert, three tridents argent. Lennán mac Neill (1/2007 Anst)

Vert, three trilliums argent and a chief Or. Isabel Dancere (1/2003 AnTi)

Vert, three triquetras within an orle Or. Áine inghean Olibhéir uí Cheallaigh (3/1997 Caid)

Vert, three whelks argent. Muriel qui porte les chaperons (1/2008 AnTi)

Vert, three wolf's teeth issuant from sinister, in dexter chief a pheon Or. Asclin Thorne (11/1984 West)

Vert, three wolves passant and on a chief indented Or three cinquefoils vert. Brigid MacCana (5/2004 Anst)

Vert, three wolves rampant and a chief embattled argent. Arwen Gyles (9/1997 Caid)

Vert, three wyverns erect one and two argent. Frederick de Cathcart (3/2004 Drac)

Vert trefoily, a harp, the forepillar carved as a woman's body argent, a bordure counter-company argent and vert. Maihie, Heathen of Erin (5/1985 West)

Vert, two angles palewise braced and on a chief argent three ravens sable. Conmáel of Twin Moons (7/2009 Aten)

Vert, two annulets interlaced in fess Or between five cinquefoils in annulo argent seeded Or. Elisabeth de Montvert (12/2009 Anst)

Vert, two arms in armor embowed and interlaced argent, each maintaining a goblet Or, a bordure embattled argent. Alaric Gruenwolf (9/1992 Atla)

Vert, two arrows crossed in saltire surmounted by a double-bitted axe and on a chief indented Or two shamrocks sable. Conall mac Magnusa (2/2002 Aten)

Vert, two arrows in saltire between in fess two goblets, a bordure Or. Saint Artemas, College of (6/1996 Caid)

Vert, two arrows inverted in saltire within a sea-serpent in annulo head to chief and vorant of its own tail argent. Loch Soilleir, Barony of (1/2003 Anst)

Vert, two axes addorsed and on a chief argent three crosses potent vert. Friedrich Parcifal von Österreich (10/2007 East)

Vert, two axes in saltire addorsed surmounted by a double-bitted axe palewise, in chief three mullets, all within a bordure Or. Jotun-Eiríkr Bjarnason (9/1991 East)

Vert, two axes in saltire and a chief embattled Or. Biorn Vestarsson (11/2009 AEth)

Vert, two badgers combattant argent marked sable, in chief a roundel and a point pointed checky sable and argent. Eileen Dover of Calafia (12/2001 Caid)

Vert, two bars embattled counter-embattled argent each charged with three brown shrews statant proper. Meinhard Hammerschmidt (3/2010 Midd)

Vert, two bars gemel between a hen argent and a garb Or. Naomi Sharpe of Four Mile Farm (1/1985 Calo)

Vert, two bars gemels and in chief a lion passant argent. Fredeburg von Katzenellenbogen (7/2006 AEth)

Vert, two bars Or, overall on a canton gules a mullet argent. Togo (9/1995 Laur)

Vert, two bars wavy argent between three crosses of St. Brigid and a harp Or. Kathleen MacCarthy (4/1998 Outl)

Vert, two bars wavy argent, overall a seahorse Or, armed and finned on the tail gules, within an orle of Catherine wheels counterchanged. Katerina Razin (4/1988 Aten)

Vert, two bars wavy argent semy of holly leaves vert. Michael of Aquitaine (3/1997 Drac)

Vert, two bars wavy between a mullet of four points argent and three bezants. Adrian Neggerstein (5/2010 Loch)

Vert, two bears rampant reguardant addorsed argent on a chief rayonny Or a compass star azure. Ulf Johannas Peter von Greiffenburg (6/1995 Aten)

Vert, two bendlets argent between a lion rampant Or and three crosses crosslet fitchy argent. William of Wroxeter (2/1990 Meri)

Vert, two bendlets between two annulets, all within a bordure argent. Leofwine the Lost (2/1987 East)

Vert, two bendlets Or between a rose and a Catherine wheel argent. Marta Ladarna Faol-lonn (9/1984 Caid)

Vert, two bendlets sinister sable fimbriated argent. Harold of Kenneydell (10/1994 AnTi)

Vert, two bendlets sinister wavy and in base three dogwood flowers in bend sinister argent. Alienor Fitzhenry (7/2005 West)

Vert, two bendlets sinister wavy and in chief a cat sejant to sinister guardant, tail nowed, argent. Félice d'Avignon (11/1993 West)

Vert, two bendlets wavy between two suns Or. Anton the Fair (10/1988 West)

Vert, two Bengal sea-tigers addorsed with tail flukes conjoined Or. Vígúlfr inn norroeni (7/2009 Caid)

Vert, two birds contourny argent and on a chief triangular Or a bunch of grapes purpure slipped and leaved proper. Bjorn Johansen (6/2005 Arte)

Vert, two boars combattant argent, each maintaining a recorder Or. Eoforhild of Cantwarabyrig (8/1992 Caid)

Vert, two boar's heads couped close and a Catherine wheel within a bordure Or. Maud Milbourne of Toller Porcorum (2/1988 Atla)

Vert, two boat oars inverted in saltire argent and in base an escallop inverted Or. Gwilym ap Alun (12/1984 East)

Vert, two bunches of grapes in bend Or slipped and leaved argent. Therasia Agnetis (2/1997 Midd)

Vert, two calamaries inverted in pile Or. Glas de Carraig (3/2012 Calo)

Vert, two camelopards salient reguardant, necks crossed in saltire, Or, pelletty. Tiphaine de Montaigne (1/1990 East)

Vert, two cats sejant addorsed reguardant tails entwined erminois and in base a compass star sable fimbriated Or. Edith Gray (2/2003 Anst)

Vert, two chevronels and in base a greyhound sejant argent collared gules. Elspeth de Forbeys (4/1997 Anst)

Vert, two chevronels and in chief a cat's face Or, a bordure counter-compony Or and azure. Síle nic Chionaodha (10/1998 AnTi)

Vert, two chevronels argent between two hawks rising wings elevated and addorsed and a crescent Or. Frederick Blackmoore (10/1991 Caid)

Vert, two chevronels argent between two pike naiant Or. Ivan of Navarette (7/1971)

Vert, two chevronels between three compass stars and an angel facing sinister drawing a bow Or. Meraud de Dun Carraig (9/1991 Atla)

Vert, two chevronels between three crosses of ermine spots argent, overall a lion dormant Or. Timothy Garraghan o Leitrim (10/1983 Midd)

Vert, two chevronels between two cats sejant respectant reguardant and a crescent argent. Pycard Dunstable Major (4/1992 Meri)

Vert, two chevronels between two swans naiant respectant and a sun in splendor Or. Agripina Argyra (7/1993 Calo)

Vert, two chevronels braced, a bordure argent. Stephan MacTir (8/1998 Arte)

Vert, two chevronels braced argent between an escallop and a sun in splendor Or. Pieternelle van der Sande (1/2012 Loch)

Vert, two chevronels braced between in chief a crescent between two mullets of six points and in base a mullet of six points Or. Kale' Laskarina Sarantene (9/1999 Aten)

Vert, two chevronels inverted and braced, in chief a rose, slipped and leaved, argent. Gerard of Kilkenny (5/1990 East)

Vert, two chevronels inverted between an open scroll fesswise argent and three pears Or. Julian of Aldeford (7/1994 Outl)

Vert, two chevronels sable fimbriated argent. Odo Fitzhugh (10/1997 Trim)

Vert, two chevrons and in chief a wolf's head couped contourny Or. Wulfnoth Fourman (7/1993 Aten)

Vert, two claymores in saltire surmounted by a third inverted proper. Deaton Claymore (9/1994 Aten)

Vert, two claymores in saltire surmounted by a third inverted proper, enfiling a ducal coronet Or. Deaton Claymore (9/1994 Aten)

Vert, two columns argent and a peacock in his pride Or. Demetrio Biagi (6/2004 Aten)

Vert, two coneys combattant argent. Rainillt Leia de Bello Marisco (5/2011 East)

Vert, two crab apple leaves inverted, stems in saltire argent, within an annulet Or. Gytha Hakonardottir (5/1988 Midd)

Vert, two daggers in saltire Or, a base of flame proper. Aidan of Sicily (9/1991 West)

Vert, two dexter hands, couped and cuffed, clasped in fess, both maintaining a rose, slipped and leaved, argent, the rose blossom charged with another rose vert, all within a bordure argent. Ester du Bois (3/1984 Caid)

Vert, two dolphins counternaiant argent. Marina Ariadne ni Chlurain (2/1982 Caid)

Vert, two dolphins hauriant addorsed and on a chief wavy argent five decrescents vert. Briant Huntington (5/2002 AEth)

Vert, two doves rising respectant, wings elevated and addorsed, conjoined at the breast argent, in chief a harp reversed Or. Leandra of Atenveldt (7/1989 Aten)

Vert, two dragon's heads respectant couped and conjoined at the neck argent, on a chief sable fimbriated an arrow reversed argent. Michelle de Feraud (3/1981 Caid)

Vert, two dragons in annulo, biting each other's tails, the dexter one argent and the sinister Or. Adair Mac Dermid (1/1993 West)

Vert, two drinking horns in saltire on a chief argent two ravens close respectant sable. Marion FitzWilliam (1/1997 Midd)

Vert, two duck's legs addorsed Or. Una Duckfoot (3/1997 Midd)

Vert, two estoiles and a tyger dormant argent. Fiare Arvida of Ocurin (5/1985 West)

Vert, two ewes passant respectant and in chief four mullets in cross, all argent. Jane Trower (3/1986 East)

Vert, two feathers in saltire argent and issuant from base a demi-sun Or. Aurora Astore (12/1992 Atla)

Vert, two frogs sejant respectant argent. Baldric of Falkonmore (9/1996 Atla)

Vert, two geese volant and a swan naiant bendwise pierced by an arrow fesswise argent. Hreothbeorht the Fat (8/1984 East)

Vert, two goblets in fess between three mullets of eight points Or. Elizabeth Saint Clair (1/1990 West)

Vert, two golf clubs crossed in saltire, on a chief rayonny argent three pellets. Torquil MacTaggart the Steadfast (12/1995 Atla)

Vert, two gores and in chief an eagle's foot Or. Alaric de Navarre (3/1993 Midd)

Vert, two griffin's heads erased and a stag's head caboshed within a bordure embattled Or. Geoffrey of Griffinhold (7/1980 West)

Vert, two horses salient addorsed within an orle argent. Nuala inghean Diarmada (3/2007 Midd)

Vert, two hound's heads couped respectant Or. Anna Eisenkopf (8/1996 East)

Vert, two hounds rampant addorsed regardant coward and in base the Roman numeral XXIX argent, a bordure Or. Arnkell inn Eyverski Sigurdson (3/2011 Caid)

Vert, two increscents Or and a bear statant argent. Ingrid Thurmansdottir (8/1997 Meri)

Vert, two lances in saltire argent and in chief a cock's head erased reversed Or. Stefen Miluh (9/1973)

Vert, two laurel wreaths Or and a mountain argent. Mynydd Gwyn, Shire of (7/2001 Drac)

Vert, two lightning bolts in saltire argent, and in base a mole dormant Or. Snurri Pleieson (2/1985 Midd)

Vert, two lions rampant addorsed and a wolf passant argent. Tristam McFarland (9/1999 Arte)

Vert, two lions rampant addorsed and on a chief triangular Or, a harp vert. Patrick Thomas MacManus (5/1993 Atla)

Vert, two lions rampant reguardant addorsed, on a chief argent three fleurs-de-lys sable. Collette de Calais (8/1999 Atla)

Vert, two lozenges in bend within a bordure Or. Marcel d'Armand (9/1995 East)

Vert, two maces in saltire between three thistles argent. Malcolum de Bruis (9/2002 East)

Vert, two maidens holding hands argent and a chief ermine. Jayne Barber (3/2011 Outl)

Vert, two mallets in saltire argent hafted Or surmounted by a sword proper. Bruide mac Bruidi (9/2002 Outl)

Vert, two mascles interlaced in pale within a bordure embattled Or. Arnold Kuntz (8/1994 Midd)

Vert, two moose's heads, eradicated and respectant, horns locked, Or. Forgal Kerstetter (5/1989 Atla)

Vert, two natural dolphins haurient respectant within a orle of ivy Or. Rayhana al-Hamra' al-Gharnatiyya (10/2008 Caid)

Vert, two natural leopards statant guardant respectant Or spotted sable and in base a crescent inverted argent. Geoffrey Fitzodo de Montrouge (5/1994 East)

Vert, two natural seahorses addorsed argent. Adriana von Vogelsang (3/1997 Caid)

Vert, two natural seahorses respectant Or and in chief an escallop argent. Alix de Minerve (1/2003 East)

Vert, two needles in saltire, points to base, within a bordure nebuly argent, charged with three trefoils slipped vert. Elaina von Mannheim (1/1985 East)

Vert, two oak leaves, stems crossed in saltire, between in pale two acorns, a bordure Or. Sebastian of Deepwood (10/1991 Caid)

Vert, two otters salient addorsed, tails crossed in saltire, and a demi-sun issuant from chief, all Or. Rhiannon of Ottersdale (9/1989 Midd)

Vert, two pallets between two comets argent. Domnall the Grey (12/2003 Calo)

Vert, two pallets Or. Katherine of Glastonbury (8/2006 Drac)

Vert, two peacocks close pavonated to base addorsed reguardant tails crossed in saltire argent on a chief invected Or three elm leaves inverted vert. Muriel FitzLloyd (7/1997 Anst)

Vert, two pegasi segreant addorsed and in chief a hunting horn argent. Finn Einarsson (8/1991 Outl)

Vert, two pine trees and a double-bitted axe inverted Or. Tósti Leifsson (9/1992 Anst)

Vert, two pithons erect respectant, tails nowed in a Wake knot argent. Kemreth Danil (5/2007 Aten)

Vert, two poleaxes in saltire and on a chief argent three trefoils vert. Martan mac Alasdair (3/2011 Atla)

Vert, two quill pens in saltire argent, a chief indented ermine. Anneyse of Caernarvonshire (7/1998 Caid)

Vert, two quill pens in saltire argent between in fess two cups Or. Saint Artemas, College of (6/1992 Caid)

Vert, two quill pens in saltire argent within a laurel wreath, in chief three goblets Or. Saint Artemas, College of (4/1989 Caid)

Vert, two quills crossed in saltire within a orle argent. Elinor Annora ferch Llewelyn (8/1985 East)

Vert, two rabbits combatant and in base three cinquefoils argent. Ponar'ia Apolosova (12/2010 Aten)

Vert, two rapiers conjoined in chevron argent. Amannita Villarosa (7/2004 Midd)

Vert, two rapiers in saltire proper, on a chief argent a dragon passant vert. Alfred of Chester (1/1994 Midd)

Vert, two rapiers inverted in saltire proper, overall a heart, all within a bordure embattled Or. Outlands, Kingdom of the (12/1989 Outl)

Vert, two ravens addorsed argent and a crescent pendant Or, a chief embattled argent. Toirdhealbhach mac Léoid (2/2012 AEth)

Vert, two recorders in saltire proper, overall a goblet Or charged on the bowl with a laurel wreath vert. Rieslingshire (2/1975 West)

Vert, two salmon hauriant embowed addorsed and a bordure Or. Petrus filius Silvein (10/2002 East)

Vert, two scarpes and in bend three fleurs-de-lys Or. Thérèse du Donjon des Sentinelles (1/1991 Aten)

Vert, two scarpes argent between two quatrefoils Or. Kathryne Elizabeth Gordon (8/2011 Drac)

Vert, two scarpes between three gouttes and three garbs Or. Daniel the Wanderer (5/1984 West)

Vert, two scarpes Or between a mouse statant contourny and a Celtic cross argent. Éile ingen uí Riain (4/2000 Midd)

Vert, two scarpes Or, each charged with an arrow sable. Carl the Hopeful (7/1990 West)

Vert, two seahorses combattant argent, maintaining between them a staff topped by a harp Or. Caol of Bannockburn (6/1989 Anst)

Vert, two spoons inverted in saltire argent. Coille Stoirmeil, Canton of (8/1989 Midd)

Vert, two stags combatant argent sustaining between them a sexfoil, a bordure engrailed Or. Outlands, Kingdom of the (4/1999 Outl)

Vert, two stags combatant argent sustaining between them an axe argent hafted Or, a bordure engrailed Or. Outlands, Kingdom of the (4/1999 Outl)

Vert, two stags combatant sustaining between them a column argent, a bordure engrailed Or. Outlands, Kingdom of the (4/1999 Outl)

Vert, two stags combatant sustaining between them a tilting lance argent, a bordure engrailed Or. Outlands, Kingdom of the (2/2012 Outl)

Vert, two stags combattant argent. Magnus Tindal (5/2001 Atla)

Vert, two stags rampant addorsed argent and in chief a water bouget, on a chief Or a bar embattled to base sable. Nicolette d'Avignon (5/1992 Aten)

Vert, two straight trumpets in saltire, bells in chief, Or. Society for Creative Anachronism, Arms, College of (1/1973)

Vert, two swans rousant respectant argent. Michal of Michelstadt (7/1997 Aten)

Vert, two swords in saltire and on a chief wavy argent a bow purpure. Gavin Kyncade (9/2009 Trim)

Vert, two swords in saltire between in fess two goblets within a bordure Or. Saint Artemas, College of (8/2001 Caid)

Vert, two swords in saltire, on a chief triangular embattled argent, a boar's head couped gules. Gwilym ap Gwilym (1/1989 Calo)

Vert, two swords in saltire Or surmounted by a stone tower, the top enflamed, proper. Border Vale Keep, Shire of (4/1985 Meri)

Vert, two swords in saltire surmounted by an arrow inverted Or all within and conjoined to a bordure Or. Nottinghill Coill, Barony of (2/2003 Atla)

Vert, two swords in saltire within a sea-serpent in annulo head to chief and vorant of its own tail argent. Loch Soilleir, Barony of (1/2003 Anst)

Vert, two swords inverted in saltire argent between four hearts Or. John Jameson (2/1992 Caid)

Vert, two talbot's heads erased argent and on a point pointed embattled argent an open book vert. Elianor la Bergiere (1/2003 AnTi)

Vert, two tau crosses in pale, that in chief inverted, Or. Nicholas Bleumert (2/1975 East)

Vert, two tennis rackets in saltire a bordure embattled Or. Bertrand du Beaumanoir (11/2001 AEth)

Vert, two tusks, tips crossed in saltire, between in cross four cat's pawprints argent. Megan Kyle (10/1992 East)

Vert, two unicorn's heads couped respectant, horns crossed in saltire, in base a crescent, a chief argent. Gwenddydd Rhosyn o Gymru Newydd (10/1984 West)

Vert, two wake knots conjoined in pale Or. Nottinghill Coill, Barony of (4/1998 Atla)

Vert, two wings conjoined and inverted and in base an open book argent. Andrew MacGregor (2/1988 Atla)

Vert, two wings, conjoined and inverted, and on a chief dovetailed argent, three wyverns erect sable. Somerled MacEth MacDonal of Moray (10/1989 East)

Vert, two wings conjoined in lure tips downward gules, fimbriated argent. Juan More del Leon (10/1986 Aten)

Vert, two wolves couchant guardant and on a tun Or, a Thor's hammer inverted gules. Micheal Mor O'Faolain (10/1985 East)

Vert, two wolves sejant addorsed, in chief a wolf's head cabossed argent, a bordure dovetailed Or. Asne Whitewolf (10/2008 Arte)

Vert, two wolves teeth issuant from sinister paly Or and azure. Gisele l'Orpheline (8/1998 Atla)

Vert, two zebras combattant argent, striped sable. Mary Felix the Fool (12/1983 Meri)

Vert, upon a ball of flame Or a bull rampant to sinister, head lowered, sable. Kristen Ahearn (5/1981 East)

Vert, upon a chevronel inverted throughout wavy Or, two arrows sable. Golden Rivers, Province of (8/1978)

Vert, upon a pile raguly sable fimbriated, between in base three triquetras, a gryphon segreant Or. Fionna Ramsay of Bronwyn Vale (2/1982 Caid)

Vert, upon a plate, two urns azure, and a base indented Or. Richard of Havn (1/1976)

Vert, upon a sheaf of three arrows points upwards Or, a bezant charged with a dragon's head erased sable. Kirk of Wendarrow (7/1971)

Vert, upon an open book argent, bound and edged Or, a watchtower vert; on a chief Or, a cat couchant guardant sable, orbed vert. Jacqueline des Champs Verts (8/1979 East)

Vert, vetu, an elm leaf bendwise sinister between in cross four roses argent. Eva van Oudeachterkol (10/1986 East)

Vert vêtu ployé Or, a sheep couchant contourny argent. Agnes the Silent (1/1996 Anst)

Vert, within a cross voided between four eagle's heads erased a mullet argent. William MacLaren (11/2007 East)

Vert, within a fess nowy voided a garb of five stalks of wheat Or. Antonia Martín de Castilla (10/2007 Meri)

Vert, within a stag's massacre a crescent argent. Rúadhán Ó Fearáin (7/2008 AnTi)