Quipu is a science fiction fanzine by Vicki Rosenzweig, 33 Indian Road, 6-R, New York, NY 10034, vr@interport.net. As such, it is available by whim or for the fannish usual (defined here as trade, letter of comment, or artwork; gifts of interesting feathers are a reliable way of influencing my whim). [Future issues probably will appear on this Web site, but I'd still love to hear from you.] This is the September 1998 issue, and is Tesseract Press/Snapshot publication #459. Copyright 1998 Vicki Rosenzweig; one-time rights only have been acquired from contributors, and all other rights are hereby returned to them. All uncredited/unsigned material is by the editor.
This fanzine supports Velma Bowen for TAFF and Lise Eisenberg for DUFF.