Quipu 7

Welcome to the seventh issue of Quipu, an irregularly scheduled personalzine published by Vicki Rosenzweig, 33 Indian Road, 6-R, New York, NY 10034. This zine is Tesseract Press/Snapshot publication #429, published June 1997. All material copyright 1997 by Vicki Rosenzweig, except letters to the editor, which are copyright 1997 by the writers. Quipu is available for the fannish usual, or for interesting feathers. Since this is a science fiction fanzine, I rarely talk about science fiction, but may assume that you're familiar with a certain amount of the literature and with fandom. Member fwa.

The paper form of this zine is primary. I've made a few small changes in creating this Web page: other people's postal addresses have been removed, and a link or two has been added. You are of course welcome to read this page without sending your zine, a letter, or a feather, but I'd appreciate hearing from you if you like the zine.


Hong Kong

Reader Letters

An Odd Valentine


The previous issue is now online.

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