TL;DR: My thoughts on numeration and semantic primitives. 1. If I were in charge of the universe, which obviously I am not, I would propose using the octal, base eight, number system. Granted, like others I use base ten in daily life, but base ten may be an accident of evolution, due to many (not all, of course), vertebrates, and especially mammals (again, not all) including humans, having five digits or rays on each of two forelimbs, for a total of ten. So using base ten may be something of an evolutionary accident. The simplest, most basic, number system is binary, base two. Zero one, off on, no yes, false true. Many computer specialists and many engineers deal with binary. However, for daily use, the numbers very quickly become unmanageable. So there are number systems based on grouping binary digits. Quartic, base four, groups binary digits in pairs. But again, numbers quickly become unmanageable for practical use. Grouping binary digits in threes gives octal, base eight. This becomes more realistic for real world use. Many years ago I did computer work in octal, base eight. In binary digits grouped in fours, we have hexadecimal, base sixteen. A lot of modern computer work uses this base, but my personal experience is that numbers become a little clumsy with this base. Hence, based on my own take on things, I suggest octal, base eight. Having four digits or rays on each of two forelimbs could have been workable by evolution. In my set of primitives, I specify seven digits, with a symbol for the primitive 'zero, lack, absence' being sufficient for numeration. 2. Here is my list of semantic primitives. Apart from the octal digits, there are fifty-three. There is nothing magic about this number. It is just what I came up with. I fully acknowledge that others may have other lists of primitives. Some may question the inclusion of individual primitives on my list, and some may assert that this or that other primitive(s) should have been included. This is my list, not Something Writ Large In The Nature Of The Universe. condition question relation quality quantity good, positive opposition number increase zero, lack, absence all, totality equality group, collection, set consciousness, mind space time spirit quiet, peace, stillness knowledge meaning life solid, hard substance, matter sound heat image light strong, strength line round point, dot flat shape thing, entity identity, selfhood name, indicator communication, language, exchange foreign word, concept above before, in front inside toward beside origin, begin together, join location, place cover, conceal attract, acquire action, do beginning, start movement existence, be utterance end 1 2 3 4 5 6 7