Breakfast in Tblisi

Again we woke up early, but not quite as early as yesterday. We
went to a big food market called the Dezerter Bazaar. It was
organized chaos with large vans navigating small alleys lined with
stands of fruit, vegetables, cheese, spices, and with some indoor
spaces that had meat and fish. With pointing and the Georgian
phrases Buster learned we picked out some cheese, strawberries,
dried fruit, Georgian homemade fruit leather, pickled tomatoes, a
Georgian candy made from a string of nuts dipped in thickened fruit
juice (we got pomegranate and hazelnut), and bread hot out of the
"tone" oven. The tone is a round oven with a fire in the bottom and
they stick the bread to the inside walls of the oven. The only
limitation to our pointing was indicating how many pickled tomatoes
we wanted (1 tomato) so we ended up with 1 kilo. So we've met our
pickled tomato quota for this trip. We hiked up to the botanical
garden and got lunch but I might have to send a separate email to
fit the pics in.


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