Gergeti Church


Note from Claire: I recommend playing this in the background when you look at these pictures!
The last week in Georgia is definitely the "dessert" of our trip.
The main attraction in this town is a church built in the 14th
century.  It's amazing to imagine the dedication it took to build
the church on this mountain before there was a road! 

We woke up early to a clear blue sky and set off on the hike soon
after it was light enough. Since the town is in a valley surrounded
by high peaks it takes longer to get fully light. We had the path
to ourselves, well we did have to share it with some locals. Because
of the elevation we had to stop and rest more often than we usually
do on a hike. We knew that luckily there is a cold mountain spring
next to the church to refill our water bottles!

When we reached the top there were only a few other people. As
always by the time we left there were many many vans pulling up and
it got pretty crowded. We were going to take a taxi down but they
were all in use since it was the time everyone else was getting up.
So we walked down! It's supposed to rain this afternoon so we will
rest our legs.


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