The Caucasus Mountains

We left Borjomi this morning and are now in Stepantsminda, a town
in the north of the country. The drive was beautiful and we saw
some of the different landscapes of the country. The highway to
Stepantsminda is called the Georgian Military Highway and it
continues on to Russia. It's an important road for both the Georgian
military and for cargo passing through the country to Russia.

Normally there are tons of trucks on the road, it's only two lanes
and climbs up into the mountains on crazy switchbacks so I think
that would be nerve wracking! Due to the situation with sanctions,
instead we saw miles and miles of trucks stopped by the side of
the highway, there were even some close to Borjomi. The police and
military will wave through a small number of trucks at a time. Our
driver said sometimes they wait for days. 

We made a couple of stops.  We stopped by a reservoir where Tbilisi
gets its water. We also stopped where two different colored rivers
meet. We had lunch in Pasanauri, which is the town where khinkali
were invented. 

We stopped by a large monument overlooked a gorge in the Caucasus
mountains. It is called the Georgian Russian Friendship Monument
and was built several decades ago celebrating the friendship between
the two countries. Of course it's viewed differently by Georgia
now that two regions of the country are occupied by Russia. But it
still has a lovely view over the mountains. 

We are now in a lovely cottage overlooking Mount Kazbegi. It finally
rained and it's a little overcast. We are hoping for good weather
tomorrow when we hike up to a church that looks out over the


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