
Today we took a taxi ride to Juta, a small village deep in a narrow
gorge in the mountains. There is a small hotel even deeper and
higher in the gorge. It's only popular with backpackers since the
road ended at the bottom of the hill and the only way to access
the hotel is by foot!

There were some horses grazing near by so I assume that's how the
hotel gets deliveries. The trail we hiked starts at the hotel and
goes all the way to another building and takes 3 days to hike the
whole way. The drive up the gorge to the village was a narrow dirt
road with no shoulder and a very steep drop over the edge! It
started to pour on the way back but luckily after we had passed
the worst part of the road.

In Stepantsminda we got lunch and it was still drizzling. The rain
stopped long enough for us to walk back to the cabin and then it
began to pour again. We have been very lucky with the weather during
our whole time here! Unfortunately because of the storm the
electricity went out for the afternoon. We just stretched our legs
and enjoyed the view as the weather passed. We will probably have
a relaxing day tomorrow. According to my phone, we hiked the
equivalent of 55 flights of stairs today and 131 flights yesterday!

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