Nature Photos July 27 2024

Click photos to enlarge.

The first three are from the Texas trip in July. There were lots of good sunsets 
so I'll post more photos of them. We saw the fawn peeking at us through the bushes 
on our walk. The reason we were on the walk was to see a road runner. Alas, we did 
not. We went out looking for them every day with no results. Then one day we were 
standing around in the yard and a road runner just came out of the brush into the 
yard. I'm sure there's a lesson in that. Let me know if you find it.

I went out to the pond a couple of nights ago and left the camera behind. It was 
cloudy, near dark, and I figured I wouldn't get good pictures of anything that did 
show up. (Don't get ahead of me...) When I got too the pond I saw that one of the 
beavers was out and all I could do was watch. 

Last night (Friday) I went out as it was getting dark, camera in hand, hoping the 
beavers would show up again. I was not disappointed. One came out and started 
snacking on the lily pads. It was joined by another and then another: three 
beavers! I never got all three in the same frame but I watched them for about an hour. 

Earlier this week I saw a shape on a tree limb. To my unaided eye it was a silhouette 
and I decided it must be an owl and took several photos. I was concerned because whatever 
it was, it remained motionless the whole time. So maybe it was something else? It was 
still there, still motionless, when I circled past it again half an hour later.
It was only after I got home and saw the photos that I realized, yes, it was an owl. 
Sitting there. I'm sure I've never seen an owl in the wild before. 

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