Rock Formations

We just arrived at Borjomi. We left earlier than we originally
planned because today is a holiday so there would be a lot of
traffic and street closures during the day. We had a couple of
stops planned on the way to Borjomi. The first one was Uplistsikhe,
an ancient cave city that was the oldest settled town in Georgia
and later became an important trading city along the Silk Road. We
got there minutes before it opened because we left so early. We
almost had the site to ourselves expect for 4 other people who we
barely saw. It was a very interesting site with remnants of
marketplaces and wine cellars (the large round indents were probably
for holding up big jars of wine). There were also several churches
built soon after Georgia became Christian in the 4th century. The
city was abandoned when the Mongols invaded in the 1300's.


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