
After all the hiking we did we mostly relaxed at the cabin today.
It was supposed to rain but it was sunny all day! The view from
the porch is amazing so we read and tried some more Georgian wine.

Here are some pics of the foods we've tried in Stepantsminda. It's
many of the same dishes we've had at other places such as the
eggplant and walnut rolls and various barbecued meats (including
the most imposing shish kebab I've ever seen).

We tried some things we haven't had yet, like chicken in cream and
walnut sauce and a regional specialty that is bread stuffed with
cheese and nettles.The khachapuri we had in Stepantsminda is the
best one I've had so far!     

There are tons of cows and sheep everywhere here so the meat and 
dairy is extremely good. After dinner yesterday we were walking
back at the same time that all the livestock were returning home.
I will send a funny video of a cow demanding to be let into her 
barn in a separate email. Ed. note: I'll make the video available
as soon as I find the best way to do it. It is funny.

Click images to see full size.