Tuesday Countryside

After the cathedral, we took a taxi about 30 minutes north to
Mtskheta, which used to be the capital city. We went to Jvari
Monastery, which is on a hill overlooking the city and the
convergence of two rivers. On the way there we encountered some
rush hour traffic, see attached photo. The view from the
monastery was beautiful. Just like with the cathedral, it was
almost empty with only a few other people. On the way back down,
we passed many other cars on the way up so we came at the perfect
time to have it almost all to ourselves. After the monastery, we
went to the mall which has a large grocery store attached. The
grocery stores near the Airbnb are more convenience stores so it
was cool to see a big grocery store. We got a few odds and ends
at the grocery store like cheese, ham which is a specialty of a
western region in Georgia, and some cookies. After the mall we
got lunch, which was very good. Georgian food has mastered the
simple preparation of high quality ingredients. We had kebabs and
grilled beef along with some potatoes and a large salad. Back at
the Airbnb we stopped by a cafe that makes an old traditional
Georgian sweet that is hard to find these days. It's
walnut paste dipped in caramel.


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