Grace Goes to Baltimore

      What a great Friday!

      We hit up the aquarium. We saw jelly fish, poisonous frogs, sharks and we 
      watched dolphins perform some tricks! 

      We learned about this fish that spits at bugs. A demonstrator was talking 
      to a group of people and we joined in. He told us that these fish...I don't 
      remember what they're called...they spit at insects to try and catch them. 
      He held a stick above the water and put a bug on it and the fish gathered 
      and tried to spit at the bug to try and catch it! 

      Then after that adventure we went to Jimmy's Famous Seafood restaurant for 
      lunch. Mason really wanted to take me there! We split a mussels appetizer 
      and we split a slice of this amazing carrot cake! 

      The game was delayed cause of some rain but we got rain ponchos! The game 
      had been scheduled to start around 7 but it ended up starting at 8:30! We 
      walked to the stadium and they were giving away floppy hats! We tried...crab 
      mac and cheese on a hot dog! And we had the BEST milkshakes from a vendor! 
      We got back to the hotel at practically midnight (it was walking distance 
      from the stadium!) 

      The Orioles lost :/ But it was more about the experience for me! 

      We're on our way to West Virginia now to hang out with Mason's family. 
      We're going bowling! 

Click photos to enlarge.

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