A Day at the Lake 2023

	  They recreated the "dock" picture" from 1997 or so.
	  Claire still has the t-shirt! She trots it out on special
	  occasions.  She took it on her sailing trip and has a
	  photo of her and some of her shipmates. She pointed out
	  at the time "That shirt is older than some of the people
	  in the picture!"
	  All the pictures are from the island that belongs to our
	  friend, David Harris.  His mom passed away a couple of
	  years ago. It belonged to her family and she grew up
	  spending summers there. It's been in their family since
	  the late 1800's.  Picture 3 shows the neighboring island,
	  Ragged Island. It is (or was for a long time) a wildlife
	  education center. Kim was on staff there for a couple of
	  summers in the 80s and we always made a trip to the lake,
	  and Ragged Island, and the Harris' island a part of our