Welcome to Wilmington Nov. 2, 2022

It was a nice enough day for driving. We left about when we
had hoped to - between 9:30AM and 10AM. There was one
construction zone where we had to slow down but otherwise it
was a pleasant drive. We got to Wilmington in the early

One of our must-see sights is this steel bridge. It is is kind of
scenic and in a nice old neighborhood.We usually walk to the
bridge but we realized it's on the way into town so we drove
to it on the way in and stopped for a short walk and some

Then it was on to our inn on Front Street. We parked and took
a walk around town and took a late lunch. I took some pictures
from the river walk. The drawbridge is south of downtown
toward the ocean.

We went back to the riverwalk at sunset and ate at one of
the restaurants that looks over the river. The sunset photos
are from that walk and the last one is from our dinner table.
Some view, huh?

click images to enlarge in new tab

bridge .
on the cape fear
with a view!