Ecco mormorar l’onde
e tremolar le fronde
a l’aura mattutina e gl’ arborselli
e sovra i rami i vagh’ augelli
cantar soavemente
e rider l’oriente
ecco già l’alb’ appare
e si specchia nel mare
e rasserena il cielo
e imperla il dolce gielo
e gl’ alti monti indora
o bella e vagh’ aurora
l’aura è tua messagiera
e tu de l’aura
ch’ ogn’ arso cor ristaura.

Here are the waves murmuring
and the foliage quivering
at the morning breeze; and the shrubs,
and on the tree branches the pretty birds
sing softly;
and the Orient smiles.
Here dawn looms up
and is reflected in the sea
and brightens up the sky
and beads the sweet ice
and gilds the tall mountains.
O beautiful dawn,
the breeze is your herald
and you are herald of the breeze
which refreshes every burnt heart.

Torquato Tasso, “Ecco mormarar l’onde”