Try, start here, try bringing a pot of coffee out into the sun in despite of the hot weather, and sit at your chair and table ready for all possible assimilations. Include with the coffee something slightly intensely sweet: not slightly sweet but slightly intensely, since all intensities only need to be slight at this point. Sit and drink the coffee and eat the chocolate, and here is the thing: stop making the mistake of trying to show other people that furthermost corner of yourself, it is good for one thing only, walk calmly over and ask them for it back. Remember, for instance, that telling people you are reading Tolkien late at night fatally alters the chemical composition of doing this. Also, stop celebrating. Or, qualifying that a little, remember that celebrating can also be very privately sitting drinking your coffee on a sunny morning, watching people go past in the street and reading a book you may not finish. Yes you have been blessed and baffled with success lately, and also god yes there is the ferocity of having a new lover, but what about behaving as if none of these things were relevant to your own strict project? Sometimes accuracy must take the place of expansiveness.
Rosalind Brown, “Discourse to Self”