School Snacks


They say that it takes a whole village to raise a child.  Snack time at school is one prime example of how our village is not set up to encourage a healthy lifestyle. The teacher is doing the best that she can with her limited budget, often times using her own funds to subsidize the classroom. Can you blame her for wanting to provide the cheapest and most convenient snacks to those children whose families cannot provide their child with snacks? Short of health-minded parents subsiding or fundraising specifically for snack time, what can parent do to ensure their child eat the healthy snacks in their lunch bags?

Walk the walk

There is plenty a parent can do to instill healthy governing values in their child. To begin with, Ally does not take the time to eat healthy herself. She rarely eats fruits and vegetables. But she gives fruits and vegetables to her children all the time. Is it any wonder her children reject them for school snacks without her towering over them while they eat them at home?

Eat nutritious family meals at home

Eating together as a family is important. Teaching children about nutrition takes place during family meals. They get to see how the parents interact with food. What do you think Ally’s children feel when they are eating vegetables while their mother is not touching the stuff? Don’t all children learn by imitation in the early years? Make it a priority to let your children see you eat the healthy food that you are serving them. Here are some ideas on making family meals a regular occurrence in your household.