I was born on May 22, 1970 in New York City. My family shortly moved to Teaneck, New Jersey where I grew up. I went to Clark University in Worcester, Mass, where I majored in computer science. While I was there I joined my fraternity, Alpha Phi Omega. After college I moved to New York City, and I work at Wells Fargo.
In 1999, I married Karen Mack. Karen is a singer. Check out the story of how we met, our wedding album, and her web site. Also, her CD is available on the iTunes Music Store.
Some of my current interests include singing with New York Choral Society, playing poker, and Rollerblading. I am a founding member and former president of The Central Park Skate Patrol. I am also a Macintosh enthusiast. Every week I listen to Your Mac Life, and I have made many friends by participating in the online community of YML fans.
I am also a Podcast Junkie. Check out my Podcasts page to see some of my favorites.
OK. Not just a Podcast junkie. A TV addict too. In fact, I am a "Cutting edge couch potato" according to this AP article.
Past interests include Rocky Horror and Country Western Dancing. (I do try to be well rounded.)